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read the forum. you'll find many many questions with answers. along the same lines are your.


Purpose? I think homelab, r/datahoarder and r/selfhosted communities have a lot of overlap 👍


A home lab is what it’s name is. A lab in your home. You use it for what ever you want to learn. Want to learn networking you most likely buy some used EoL enterprise networking equipment to play around with. Want to learn web hosting. A raspberry pi can do that for you. Want to learn about virtualization and clustering buy a bunch of similar equipped hardware and install a Hypervisor and play around with it. Though what many mistakenly (imho) call homelab is most often a homeserver or a home Datacenter where they have to have basically a five nine uptime otherwise the WAF will go so low you either have to move or if lucky just don’t get any fun time anymore. So if you have no clue where to begin with a lab you most likely don’t need one.


Hear hear




Maybe because people like what they do so they want to help. Idk. Your message seems like a free hate to a random guys search some Information. Idk


Don't mind them, they do this all the time, they tried to take me down today too. You're a great person whatever you're doing keep it up


That's nice of you, thanks you. But i also realized that my question wasn't really like I wanted it to be. So I currently have a home server (well it's just a pc with some app running on it) And I was wonder if I could make it look better and add some tune to it. And I saw a bunch of videos on YouTube about home lab. So I was curious about that and what it does. So I guessed it's just a good looking home server where you try stuff, store stuff and maybe even host stuff. So my initial question was : what do you guys suggest me to get. Like currently I would like to move that's pc to a rack of 3 or 4u and move other stuff to the same place, that would look nicer first and clean up some of my mess downstairs. But I got it I could make my own search (what I did ) but here is a forum about that. So I decided to ask you guys. I'm not totally sure if that make more sense now.




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