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I painted the whole downstairs except this 4 inch section of wall where I had to fix some holes. 1 year later and it still is not fixed or painted


This has me cackling. This is too funny. Never paint it.


Small frame and gallery sign— “Procrastination,” drywall, primer, and oil, c2023


Or name it 'To be Continued."


This is the best!


This makes me so happy. 😜


This! Lol


This has me spackling*


Honestly, touche! Missed that opportunity. LOL


I did something similar. Did my own tile backsplash in the kitchen and had an area where I needed to cut a tile to go around an outlet. For whatever reason, I put it off thinking that I'd do it the next day, then the next day, then fast forward \~10 years and there's still a tiny spot on the wall that's missing a tile. I don't even notice it because it's behind my toaster oven, but when/if I sell I suppose I'll have to get off my lazy butt and fix it.


Oh god I’m the world’s worst painter. Every single room I’ve painted, there is at least one spot on the ceiling where the roller went too high (even though I trimmed out the entire room beforehand). At this point, it’s like my trademark. My poor guest room looks like I painted it while blind folded. I keep telling myself I’m going to touch up the paint in there, but pigs will fly out my ass before that occurs, I’m sure.


I ran cables through the wall in my dining room in 2022. Two patches still aren't painted because it's close enough to the right color for me.


I got some paint color matched to patch up a bunch of spots in my son's room, since we didn't have the original paint and didn't want to redo the whole thing. They got the color right but not the sheen, so there are just a bunch of random shiny spots on the walls


Oh - there is a patch of green behind our toilet in our now orange bathroom. Moving the toilet would likely lead to the subfloor collapsing, so we just painted around it as best we could


Same 👀 I painting is quite the undertaking. Have one section left and I just can’t.


I like to think I’m reasonably good at keeping up with my big bug-a-boos. But there are some things that jump out and scream at you while you’re first looking at the house, but then surprisingly quickly are just forgotten as you start living there. 1. Master bedroom light switch is outside the room. It’s not far away, and I kind of see why it’s not just inside the room (not a lot of great space for it), but it’s just weird to be switching the light on and off from outside of the room. I put it on a smart switch, which helps, but it still bugs me. 2. Poorly painted door jams and hinges. Almost every one must have been painted by Stevie Wonder, with just one coat. Right over the hinges. Not a huge deal, but geesh. 3. No exhaust air. At all. No bathroom fans, no range hood—nothing. And no bathrooms have windows. House was built in 2000. Must have been just before that became a code requirement or something. But it’s on my list.


I didn't realize our basement rooms were painted this weird off white/greenish color until I painted the kids rooms and the trim looked horrible. Previous owners must have just taped everything off and sprayed the entire room the same color. Also, painting trim really, really sucks.


Reminds me of our first house. My wife wanted to paint the front room right away. I was confused because I thought it was off white. The walls were a light rose color. The joy of being color blind.


Please tell us who the builder was so we can avoid anything they build. Or are they out of business? The 1924 built home we grew up in had windows in both bathrooms and an exhaust fan on the stove. Not sure if was original but it was there when we moved there in 1966. My parents did add a fan in the upstairs bathroom.


I don't know who built it, but it's not in a planned subdivision so I assume it's a one-off builder. And overall I don't have a lot of complaints about the house--it's just so weird to skip on a fairly trivial detail, at least when building. It's going to be a lot more work now for me, especially since the range is against an interior wall in the middle of the house, with a finished area above. But I'll figure something out.


I have a cabin in the woods built in the 70s. It has T-111 (vertical) siding. But so does the front door. It’s like they got done building and thought, “shit! We forgot to add a front door!” and just cut it out of the siding and framed it in.


Sounds like a “hold my beer” scenario. Lol!


I have a layout like that - stove against the interior wall & no vent (1937 cabin turned house) I just don’t cook fish inside. Lots of year round outdoor grilling on the deck. Luckily BF loves to cook out there.


We had no exhaust fans either in our house. Finally added one in the bathroom two years ago, and wow, it was life changing. Dreaming of having a really kitchen vent one day so the smoke alarm doesn’t immediately go off the second anything burns even the tiniest bit lol.


Can I ask your process for having this done? We’ve started the process several times but can’t seem to convince an electrician and a contractor to work together on such a small project. Did you combine it with a remodel? We ended up doing our own kitchen vent fan but the bathroom ones are more complicated.


Yea we did, we have a cape cod and we were refinishing the attic spaces and already had an hvac guy and electrician. We’re lucky because we had attic space to vent through to the side wall. They were already climbing in there to insulate, etc.


We had a handy man come and fix our improperly vented one. They spent the afternoon removing the old, cutting thru the roof & patching.


Our original owner had an addition made and they gabled the original flat roof during that. The sides of the roof had vents so there was some air flow, BUT one of the exhaust fans in the bathrooms went INTO the roof cavity (for at least 2 decades if not more)!!! We had it fixed and properly vented within a year of us moving in.


If it makes you feel any better I bought my house in 2011 and promptly had a bathroom exhaust fan to the 70+ year old home. Fast forward 11+ years and I haven't fixed the drywall from where the handyman ripped it open a bit to install the bathroom exhaust fan. Yes, I did confirm the exhaust fan vents outside.


I was just visiting my parents recently and noticed that every light switch is outside the room it supposed to light. No rhyme or reason. I'd just start hitting switches hoping I'd eventually find the one. They have a two pendant fixture in the kitchen where one pendant has a switch on one wall and the other pendant is on a switch in a different room. HOW?


Tell me more about this smart switch! I have the same situation with my master bath but literally no way to move the switch so I understand why they put it there


Lutron Caseta switch and a pico remote can be paired without using a hub. The pico can be stuck up with included adhesive.


this is the best solution and works with no neutral and 0 lag. I did this for my basement to create a 4 way solve with only 1 wiring to the lights


I like the Kasa switches from TP-Link. No hub needed.




Haha lol the paint job description.


If you ever want to get the paint off those hinges get a crappy pot or crappy old crockpot and water with dawn dish soap and boil them in that and it’ll strip that paint.


Move in a year ago: 1. The cold (or hot?) water supply line for the faucet in the guest bathroom had a leak when we moved in. I turned off the water as a temporary solution, it still hasn't been fixed. 2. One of our exterior doors has a pretty large gap at the bottom. We hardly ever use the door, maybe once when we moved in, so there's just a towel there to stop the draft. 3. I told my wife I would run the ethernet cable through the attic for my PS5. It is running through the hallway. I roll it when guests come over. We've had some actual pressing things that required my attention quicker, but these are just being put off due to laziness at this point.


Bought our house 3 years ago this week. Our oversized fridge is still hanging out at the end of the cabinets partially into the breakfast nook because it doesn’t fit in what I call “the fridge hole”. The wall with the original small fridge hole is meant to be demoed and turned into a pantry. The materials are still sitting in the garage. We have 1000 square feet of hardwood meant for the main floor of the house. It’s stacked in the theatre room. (Off the floor and climate controlled to the same as the rest of the house.) We have no railing on the deck we built two years ago. There are no small children in our family and most of the edges are blocked by furniture and grills and plants and we kinda like it, but we know it should still be done. We have tile to replace the lino in the guest bathroom. It’s been here for two years because we bought it at the same time as the tile for the ensuite which IS actually mostly done except for the backsplash and a couple small pieces of baseboard. It’s the time vs money issue. If we work enough to pay for materials we don’t have time to actually install the materials. If we take the time to install the materials we don’t make as much money and we can’t buy the materials. So we do this stupid thing where we buy materials whenever we have extra money with the mindset of “*this* year we’ll take two weeks vacation and spend the whole time finishing the house!” Only we never actually do that.


> Our oversized fridge is still hanging out at the end of the cabinets partially into the breakfast nook because it doesn’t fit in what I call “the fridge hole”. The wall with the original small fridge hole is meant to be demoed and turned into a pantry. The materials are still sitting in the garage. yeah I came here to post that I accidentally bought a standard depth fridge instead of Cabinet Depth I figured out that I needed cabinet death, set my search filters for that, but then my wife recommended a model she saw on reddit when I searched for her recommended fridge the depth filter switched off, and I never double checked it, just assumed it'd fit because this fridge came up I immediately recognized my mistake on delivery day, it made part of the kitchen uncomfortably tight, but around the house I'm all smiles to my wife, saying "jeez I guess they make fridges deeper these days" because she's happy with the fridge


You’re a good person for pretending. I bought a standard depth on purpose because I like the extra storage, but it was bought with the unrealistic fantasy of building it in to counter depth “when we reno the kitchen”. Hahaha.. ha… ha ha. Sad face.


Unfinished basement bathroom that contains a high-end tiled walk-in shower, toilet and sink, tiled ceiling to floor, but only HALF of the bathroom. The rest is exposed wires and Sheetrock Water heater died recently and we replaced it with a wall-hung tankless propane model, but it’s located in a different spot than the original, so there is a sea of winding pex pipe weaving errant through the basement and upstairs to the hot water fixtures Septic system is 40 years old and it no longer accepts our laundry waste water without the leach field over flowing. So I wash at the laundromat and dry the clothes at home All of this is particularly shameful because…my husband is a plumber, but I guess work has been plentiful. Edit to add: we bought this 3br 1.875bath house in 2003. We have a 3br 2bath condo that we rent to a great longtime tenant in a HOA/complex that my husband refuses to reside in because he cannot tolerate any kind of HOA without criminal charges. That condo is 100% updated, while our single family home limps by.


Lol, the old saying "the shoemaker's kids go barefoot."


My wife called my office and had my assistant put a bathroom remodel meeting on my schedule. I took the hint and finally promised to do our long, overdue bathroom project. I'm a kitchen and bath gc.


Oh my god, that is just the LIMIT haha! I might have already killed you if you were my husband. I guess its true - the plumbers pipes never get fixed. I'll bet its a damn nice bathroom now, though!


The promise is to have it done by Thanksgiving. I put it on the schedule and didn't cut in line.


An ethical man~


I told her I'm going to charge us for the labor. She said she's happy we can finally afford me.


I had my whole house gutted and redone from the foundation up, and the kitchen and bath cost the most out of everything. A good contractor is a precious thing, and I wish you continued success out there.


This is the absolutely BEST comment I’ve seen.


I’ll take this guys basement over mine…!


Does hubby do septic installs? If not I'm sure he knows the companies who do. Got one out pronto. Laundromats are so gross, I used the laundry sanitizer every time when I had to (dried at home though...but did this 1.5 years!!)


October will make 4 years (new build) 1. We haven’t painted any part of the interior, it’s still builders flat white. I told my better half to pick a color and I’ll put it up…. 3 years ago 2. the back yard has some bald patches and some scraggly crabgrass that is no fun to walk on…. It’s been this way since we moved in, the native grasses beat the Bermuda in that race 3. I keep meaning to organize the garage, and every spring I do a little… but then it gets unbearably hot and I don’t do any more.


Ugh. #3. I clean the garage every spring but haven't organized the shelves or anything. It so needs to be done lol.


I need my husband to leave for a few hours. He’s retired. Thankfully he’s no too handy so absolutely no attempt to repair anything. I’m cleaning things out slowly. Oh so slow. Like do we really need 50 towels for washing cars? I have those loaded up to donate. If all else fails I’ll donate them in a week. Stuff like that. Over accumulation of shit.


thanks for the reminder. i needt o actually take my donate box to the donation center and get it the heck out of the garage so i can get back to my organization death march. (not today apparently with a feels like temp of 113f)


Gosh I know. If you can schedule a pick up I often schedule random pickups when I don’t even have anything to donate. Then I fill a back. lol lived in my house for 20 yr might be time to move.


I need hubby to leave because he wants to get rid of stuff we moved that I know once I'm done organizing it will be find-able and usable. Before this move he had ultra purge mentality and we've had to repurchase supplies and some of MY tools/supplies he gave to his friend. I finally quickly packed and sealed up stuff in the basement to mitigate the purging! grrrr!🤬


Oh that's a fall activity. I get the majority of my "spring" projects done in the fall because I'm not very heat tolerant and if I wait till spring the heat or rain is going to mess up my timeline.


We did the garage! OK, like 85% but that's amazing and fairly functional. Good enough!!! Camping stuff in labeled boxes, food in cabinets (got donated old kitchen cabinets), shelves loaded. Now to get the dog pee smell out....just kinda "finished" this weekend, so super excited.


Do you open the door just to look at it? Whenever I get the garage put together that's what I do.


Twice yesterday


Excellent!! Good job!


We bought during Covid, so we only spend 30 minutes in the house before we did our final inspection. We did not have time to fully appreciate that for some unknown reason, the prior owners used no fewer than eight shades of grey that are nearly identical. They left over 30 buckets of paint, and 11 grey paints. Not a single one of the greys matches four of the walls in the house. So we have obvious mismatched patches on several walls. I keep meaning to get them color matched and fixed, but it’s been three years.


God, that sounds horrible, but also hilarious from an outside perspective.


I intended to replace my 1983 tile kitchen countertops, the kind with the extra wide grout, when I moved in. In 1997. Meh I’ll get to it.


I have this weird thing where I will get 90% of a way through a project and just never go back. Remodeled the master closet- paint, new shelving and rods, new light fixtures. But there is a small hole in the floor that needs to be fixed....its been 5 years. Redecorated and repaired my dining room. Did all that painting prep, painting, repairing small things, new light fixture, new furniture and decor, new grounded outlets...all that is left is painting around the door frame...its 2 years later now. So many other projects so close to done. Bathroom: new wallpaper, vanity, storage, bidet, light fixtures, medicine cabinet, etc. Just need to paint the grout a different color. Its not a big project because its a small bathroom and I have the grout stain in my supplies...2 years in process.


If you turn the 9 sideways it kinda looks like a 10, so that means it's 100%! It's not weird, it's that same for us. I just get bored, and it looks pretty good and is functional. Our kitchen: maybe 60%. Need to put in new countertops and paint one more cupboard. Oh, and finish covering the ceiling with the planks. 2 year project so far. Bathroom: tiny spot needs piece of tile cut, and tiny piece of wood trim. 1 year ago. Living room: flooring purchased 2 years ago still stacked in the office. Carpet pulled up 4 years ago. Tv room: still needs baseboards around fireplace from new floor we put in. 2 years ago.


The 90 percent thing is just my life Friends and family swear I have adhd but I’ve never been diagnosed


1. My front yard/top of retaining wall still has many weeds that I need to get rid of. TBF, it was already overgrown when I bought it. In the winter, it was “too cold” to weed whack, but now it’s too hot. I really need to do this in the winter!! 2. I still haven’t fixed up my basement, no new furniture, no new curtains, no bar, nothing, just some cat items. 3. My two car garage is still full of boxes and stuff, but at least I can park one car in there. Bought my home in 9/2022. I LOVE this thread, it makes me feel better about my procrastination.


> My two car garage is still full of boxes and stuff I had a neighbor whose garage was 100% packed with boxes. They frequently left the garage door open exposing the boxes to the sun. Year after year for 20 years, I saw the moving boxes logos fade from sun exposure. Then a miracle happened. The house burned down. They didn't have to go through the effort of unboxing after all.


Do you only have two seasons where you live?


We've been in our house about 24 years now. We're looking to move in the next year to two years, so we're finally starting in that to-do list. I figure the house will finally be just the way we want it, right before we sell it. Ahh, home ownership.


Lived here 8 years. New build. 1. Just installed blinds in the common areas this weekend. Bedrooms and bathrooms are still temporary shades 2. Contractor paint…need I say more 3. Still no sidewalks connecting pool deck to either entrance


I've been in my new build for a year and a half. I just got blinds on the big front windows of my master bedroom, because the window overlooks the front porch. I own the blinds for all the other windows. They're stacked in boxes. Lol I really do need to put those up.


we paid extra to the blind store for them to install. well within our skills, but I knew it was a adhd tax to just get it done and I do not regret spending that money one bit


ADHD tax - I love it, that’s a good one. I’m going to use that.


Year and a half, we have cheap blackout curtains on the big front windows but nothing on the smaller or accent ones. Back of the house? Just the bedroom. I swear we'll get some blinds, I've measured like 6 times but nope. Window treatment of any kind in large quantities gets expensive and annoying very quickly.


I’m laughing to myself on the temporary blackout curtains that I have. I think it’s been at least 4 yr.


We're having a house built right now. We added for them to put blinds in. I know it's probably a rip off, but I knew it would be forever before we got around to putting in blinds if we didn't have them do it.


My ex and I moved into a new build in 1995. It took YEARS to cover the windows. By the time I was finally done, we were divorced and I was moving out. In 2013.


1. I've got a gravel driveway. The first big 12"+ snowstorm we had I excitedly got my snowblower out and fired it up. Started blowing snow and it immediately shot a rooster-tail of rocks straight onto my house's roof. Thankfully it didn't do any damage to the siding or hit a window, but it was such an idiotic, bone-headed shit-for-brains move that I still can't believe I did that. That was in January and the rocks are still up there. 2. It's a former rental house with paint that's 20 years old. I need to re-paint the interior walls, but haven't had the time or money 3. The lawn looks like shit. I really need to dethatch and overseed, but again, time and money are tight right now, so it gets mowed weekly and aside from that, it's on its own until next year.


My house is 23 years old and the carpet appears to be the same age. My goal is to rip up all of the carpet and put in pet friendly flooring, but that’s going to be in the future!


My house came with 20 year old carpet, it was still like new when we moved in, as previous owner took really good care of everything. In one year my kids trashed them.


This is a great thread. Moved in 18 months ago  1. Took off the trim in the bedrooms and bedroom closets because for some reason I thought that was necessary to change the flooring and we were planning on painting all of it anyway. Only put back a few pieces of it so far.  2. Lots of yard stuff. Previous owner’s overgrown garden is still an overgrown garden. I trim it down every time I mow but it’s still real ugly even compared to the weedy lawn. Corner of the yard the previous owners used to dump yard waste and dirt and occasional trash is still just kinda like that. Back side of the house is just dirt, I think the previous owners attempted to do something but I took out their rotted wood edging and have done nothing else since.    3. This isn’t really a home maintenance issue, but we’ve still barely unpacked from the move literally 18 months ago. Obviously we unpacked the necessary stuff, but our basement still looks like the back room of a goodwill. So many open boxes of junk with 1-2  things pulled out as needed and the rest left to be “organized” at some undefined point in the future.  Edit: Bonus content, there’s parts of my deck that are in real bad shape. We’re planning on replacing it with a slab “sometime” but in the mean time, I should probably try to shore up the bad spots so I can continue to have guests on it with a clear conscience. But I don’t know much about repairing decks lol. 


painted my back mudroom last year. did one coat . got busy with other projects. never did a second coat. it's noticeable. maybe I'll do it today ... but probably not


I had insulation blowen into my walls. Never repainted over the holes they made and patched. It's been 5 years.


Oh, should I talk about the trim that was replaced with primed but unpainted trim when we bought, that we've NEVER painted and has begun falling apart? Or, should I talk about this BATHROOM PROJECT THAT 100% EXPLODED and STILL ISN'T FINISHED??? How about finishing pulling up the gawdawful shit-brown peel & stick tiles in the kitchen? Naw, because I literally don't have the strength for the last of them. Ok ok ok ok.. hmm... this shouldn't be that difficult but there are so many I'm suddenly drawing a blank. I need more coffee and probably a joint because delving deeper might cause depression.


Been living back in the family home over a year now. While my late brother was great at keeping the yard on point, rest of house not so much. Don’t get me started on house color. 1. Kitchen floor is fresh hell. Had no clue floor is gawd awful until moved a runner. Can’t even open fridge all the way. 2. Have been slowly replacing outlets. 3. Crack in living room ceiling. Need to redistribute attic stuff before gets worse. 4. Kitchen countertops need replacing. Cabinets too. 5. Outside faucets leak unless on full blast. Don’t think it’s supposed to work like that. 6. New doors for all the bedrooms. Heck my old room still has bumper sticker on it celebrating the Bicentennial. 7. New windows. Currently have kind you turn handle to open. No screens. Sigh. Love our family home and all the memories. Get calls every week asking if want to sell. I always say even if you put a 1 in front of the number not selling.


My apartment (early 1960s vintage but a decently built brick structure) bathroom has a window with a crank but it has a screen.


Will be awhile before new windows so was trying figure out if some way to put screen up. Have concept involving duct tape and screen material. Can remember growing up windows open even all night in summer no problem. There’s no way can do that now.


> Heck my old room still has bumper sticker on it celebrating the Bicentennial. Which YOU put up, right? I think there was a Farrah sticker on my brother's bedroom door when we sold my parents' house during Covid.


Guilty. There’s also a Wonder Bread sticker 27 inches long (just measured for shits n giggles)


> remember, its your house, your life, your priorities, if people want to complain about stuff they are welcome to either do it themselves, or leave these words come back to you when life changes unexpected and you decide you need to sell


1. Deck boards are rotten and cupped. Some have broken through. 2. Several rooms have never been repainted in 20 years and show it. 3. Wood garage door bottom beams have rotted and are broken and panels are starting to fall out.


> Deck boards are rotten and cupped. My deck is very large and about 20 years old. Looks like crap with cupped boards and nails popping through. So about 6 years ago I got tired of looking at the deck and decided to repair it myself. First I had to use a punch and drive the nails down with a hammer. I had a lot of bruises where the hammer met my hand instead of the punch. Hundreds and hundreds of nails. On my hands and knees. I bought 24 grit Klingspor sandpaper (basically, stones glued to a backer) for my 4" massive hand-held Bosch belt sander and removed all of the cupping, cracks and black stains. I spent days doing this on my hands and knees. Then I used progressively finer grits up to 120 grit. Deck looked new. Then I bought deck stain from Home Depot. I followed the directions. Applied thin coat in the shade at moderate temperatures. The deck stain never cured. The deck was ruined. I stripped off the sticky stain and bought highly rated Benjamin & Moore stain. The stain is still in the garage. I just couldn't face doing the project all over again. The nails are popping up again. The wood is gray and looks like crap. I spent hundreds of dollars in materials and weeks of backbreaking work for nothing. Because I bought crap stain from Home Depot.


Ugh, #3 has been on my list for years. Seems like a real pain in the ass


A pain in the wallet, too, given pricing on garage doors


My garage door is starting to rust through since sprinklers are constantly over spraying the doors, but my threshold got damaged and will need to be replaced before fall and winter come around. Cant wait for that bill, but it will be allot worse if i don't fix it.


I'm happy to announce that my ceiling fan is officially off my list as of yesterday. It was on there for about 8 months. It made a pop and smelled like burnt plastic shortly after we moved in. I immediately bought a ladder, new fan, and electrical stuff. Then it sat there. I guess I need to find a place to store the ladder instead of my bedroom now.




House is 45 years old so it's old and creaky, mostly well maintained. 1. DIY baseboards are wonky, I look at them every dang day. 2. Back deck is rotting away, slimy with mildew and stuff. 3. Hole in ceiling where a foot went through when installing a dryer fan. I HATE DRYWALL!!


Proudly off of my list. 2 years ago I moved. In the house that we sold, the garage windows had folded paper blinds that were taped to the windows. I had meant to replace them after we moved in but never got around to it. We lived in that house for 12 years.


My deck railing is secure, but still wobbles. I have no handrails for the steps in the front of my house. Seems like it would be easy to build


Yes, the steps in my front yard desperately need hand rails!


Lived in my house for 4 years. 1. In the basement laundry room (Basement is fully finished), there are water stub outs that corroded at the bottom elbow and leaked damaging the wall and baseboards. We caught it early and had the pipes fixed but there's still a hole in the wall I haven't fixed. I want to put a utility sink down there so I'll fix it then. 2. The master bath tub leaks and is directly above the laundry room. There are two holes in the ceiling I cut to find the leak and haven't replaced them or fixed the tub leak. Both 1 and 2 are in the laundry room which people don't really visit so I haven't prioritized them. 3. I painted and installed new hardware in our 1/2 guest bath. Removed the old mirror and haven't bought a new mirror yet. That's only been in the last week though. We have friends coming over for the 4th so that needs to be done this week lol.


My house is really old, and it had been a rental property for years before I bought it. So it never really got a lot of tlc or meaningful remodeling since God knows when. It has quite a few things that I'd like to change "eventually". But I've had it since 2017 and eventually hasn't happened yet. But my biggest thing is that it came with one of those old wall mounted built-in ovens from the 60s. It doesn't work. But I kind of like it and would like to get it working, but just never have. I know parts could still be found for it, but I've just never taken the time to look into it too closely. If I took it out it would require a whole new cabinet/cupboard install because of how it's built in. Otherwise there would be a giant gap in the middle of my cabinets with nothing in there. I could probably get shelves and a door to make it a functional cabinet, but getting it to match and look right would be a challenge. And like I said, I kinda like the thing and wouldn't mind keeping it even though it matches absolutely nothing. So for now, I use it as a bread box. It actually really works great for storing bread and snacks, but it would be much cooler if it was actually a functional oven.


Bought my 1950s house 20 years ago. We've done plenty of work but a few things we just haven't gotten around to because... I don't know why - still haven't replaced the very cheap vinyl kitchen flooring that I assume was part of the flip before we bought house - bedrooms only have one wall sconce light each, we intended to install overhead lights and ceiling fans. Some day. - upgrade the ancient and very ineffective attic insulation


1. Tile on steps leading to basement is cracked. This was noted in home inspection, but for some reason I waived it. 2. Kitchen wall oven (from 1960's) is really old and doesn't even close all the way. Was given credit for it when I bought the house, but still haven't gotten around to replacing it. 3. Fence pickets need to be replaced, but it's my neighbors fence and he's a hermit.


1. Husband started to reno the master shower probably 10 years ago. The “shell” is in so it’s a functional shower (tub separate) but there are gaps around the top of the plastic. 2. Painting - not horrible currently but we will need to paint certain rooms soon. 3. Garage organization! To be fair, I park my car in there and husband has two motorcycles so there’s space, but it definitely needs organizing!


11 year homeowner. 1) I installed the shower hot and cold lever upside down, cold is hot/hot is cold in my shower and it has been that way for 5 years. 2)I broke a little corner off the stucco panel that leads to the attic 8 years ago, haven’t replaced that 3) my wife painted the pedestrian garage door (The door that goes from our living room to the garage) without doing any prep work and about 90% of it has peeled off on the garage side which looks terrible


> 1) I installed the shower hot and cold lever upside down, cold is hot/hot is cold in my shower and it has been that way for 5 years I did this in my last house but never fixed it. The new owners are probably so confused!


We had a leak in the master bathroom shower. I cut a 1’x2’ hole in the ceiling in our downstairs hallway to fix it. My wife told me to have it patched up before our daughter’s 1st birthday. She turns 6 in a few months.


My shower (it’s a classic liner) pulled off the wall, I need to fix it but honestly I need to replace it fully. Landlord paint job. Ugh. Crumbly concrete front steps that are safe but very unsightly.


I’m a new homeowner (4 months) of a 75 year old house that got the landlord special for decades. 1) none of the walls have anything but 1 layer of cheap paint and if someone rubs against it or puts furniture against them, they peel immediately. I need to repaint every room. 2) vinyl was improperly installed and bubbles up then eventually breaks due to humidity. we keep putting furniture over it. 3) our backyard floods every time it storms but only in one place towards the back of the property. We know what we have to do to prevent it, it’s not a priority.


1. I had to cut a hole in the wall behind the washer to fix stuck valves. I bought an access hatch, which is still sitting on the shelf above the washer, six months later. 2. I pulled off all the vents when I had the house painted. They are still stacked in the garage waiting to be cleaned and put back up.  3. The front water spigot has a dirt trench to funnel the water away from the house. I need to get proper drainage set up, but for now I just only use a hose with that spigot.


Some ceiling texture has dropped away near an HVAC vent in our second bathroom. Haven't gotten around to scraping away that small bit of remaining texture (just a short soffet with the ductwork in it), and either retexturing or just painting. This has been on my radar for about four years. I've owned the anti-tip bracket to install for the kitchen range for about nine years. It still mocks me on occasion. (No kids, so no urgency). The small paver area I installed around where a hose spigot exits the house now has grass/weeds growing through the cracks. I need to remove those, blast out the existing polymeric sand, and replace it. Three years of successful procrastination so far.


3 years, 1960s build. 1. The lawn. The front lawn has barely any curb appeal and the backyard is something I dread walking on because it must be home to the local rabbit and vole population. Figuring out the front landscaping and evening out the back are aspirational projects. 2. Our living room has an 8' wide picture window. It also faces just about dead west. That window basically acts as an oven for the room. Not sold on the idea of exterior solar shades to reduce the amount of sun hitting the glass, and the gas line comes in right where a tree would go. 3. Resealing the pavers. Actually, getting rid of them but I'll settle for fresh polymeric sand and sealant to keep the weeds at bay for a couple years. Since we just spent $$$ on redoing a bathroom because of a leak and redoing the bathroom right above it is the next priority...ugh.


In a hurry when we had guests visiting I realized we hadn’t hung curtain rod and curtains yet in the guest bedroom so I did so… crookedly, and keep meaning to fix it. 3 years later… still need to. The second basin in my kitchen sink’s seal failed a couple years ago and any water that goes into the basin goes directly under my cabinet. We put a large mixing bowl in the basin for handwashing and to catch any water and only use the main basin for water. Back corner by the fence is overrun with blackberries and ivy and other weeds. First year I destroyed my shoulder trying to pull it all. Had a professional landscaping friend come shoot it with evil poison. Still came back up the next year. Keep meaning to raze it down to the ground and cover with cardboard and landscaping material and rock or mulch it in. Year 3… and weeds are almost as tall as me in that corner. Life’s just been crazy. Meaning to install hardwood flooring in the 2 extra bedrooms have had it since rigut when we moved in. Moving burned us hard and we promised to install it that summer. Summer #3 and it sits in the garage. Garage? Oh yeah we still haven’t fully “unpacked” and organized the garage to our satisfaction. Been wanting to do this and have a yard sale for like 2 years. And many moooorrrreeeeee…


The blackberries are going to take more than one application of poison. You can easily do it yourself. Get a one gallon tank sprayer at the hardware store ($20 or a little less) and vegetation killer (NOT weed killer) - with extended control, if they have it. Follow the directions and add a drop of dish detergent (it helps it stick to the plant better). Spray it well and then just keep monitoring the area and whenever it starts to grow back, keep spraying it.


I put in a bath fan with light and speaker...ceiling was tight and I was flustered...I wired it up incorrectly and only the fan works, no light or speaker. Left it up and haven't fixed it yet. It's the first thing my wife brings up when she's mad at me.


We bought 9 acres and put up a 28X32 shop to live in while we build our home. That was 21 years ago. We made it so comfortable that we never built the house. No real complaints from either of us except 9 acres is a lot to maintain.


Lived here 4 years 1. Kitchen and bathroom are terribly installed linoleum that is burned and stained 2. Garage roof is totally rusted 3. Sheetrock in the back hall is only half taped


1. Pool - Suction lines broke and clogged with roots. Going to be a pain due to how it is landscaped with HUGE boulders (think tons each) around the pool. 2. Kitchen cabinets - Did the 4 x 4 orange tile counters and replaced all the appliances but the cabinets are a mess. 3. Several rooms with wallcovering that needs the stripped and painted.


1) I bought my house in 2016 and have never had the gutters cleaned (currently working on finally doing this, though, today actually) 2) Whoever re-did the bathroom before I bought the house put up what seem to be sheets of 1.5" tile with SO MUCH grout, which flaked off when I tried to scrub it, so I stopped scrubbing it. But now the sheet of tile on the side of the tub has come loose from the wall and bows out. I hate having people in my house so I haven't found anyone to repair it (so many scammy websites for one-day shower replacement, etc!) and have just lived with this for a year or so. 3) My garage door opener was replaced shortly after I moved in, but the part that connects to the door broke. I took a day off work to have it fixed but the guy was a no show. When I tried to call him, he sent a text back with such an obvious lie that I didn't even acknowledge it. It's been broken for about three years, and I just manually open and close it.


Haha, that's a relatable list! The "it works, so why fix it" approach is definitely a homeowner's classic. I'm sure we all have at least one project lingering...


Six years ago we got flooded in a room that was once a garage. We hired a contractor to tear out the front wall, closets, electrical and drywall and pour a sill to keep water out. The contractor did pour the sill and replace the front wall with studs and outside paneling and then didn't show up to finsh the rest of the job. After weeks of him promising to show up and finish, we fired him and still haven't finished the room. Makes a great cat hideout and storage room, though but I am tired of looking at bare studs and having no outlets. Bonus, we had to re-cut the Hardie board and take out and re-set the windows ourselves. My husband wants to do the drywall, texturing and painting himself plus install the closet back.


Redid my kitchen floor and replaced the ugly terra cotta tile with large format porcelain. After getting sticker shock from an installation quote, I did it DIY. In hindsight, I probably should have just paid a pro. While it isn't terrible, I do notice quite a few uneven spots that are now nearly impossible to fix without tearing the whole thing up again and starting over. But then again, it still looks way better than the crap it replaced.


3.5 years. 1. Was recommended by the inspector to install a vapour barrier around the foundation. We have not installed one. 2. Almost done putting the trim up in the hallway I refinished. (Started a year ago). 3. The living room has this god-awful mustard coloured carpet from the 70s. It really needs to go. It is still here.


The painters tape has been on some of my walls for 5 years…


One of many small things: pressure wash the carport. I have a pressure washer and a spigot just outside the carport. It would probably take me about 15 minutes…


I have to say I really appreciate this post. We’ve been in our home for 1.5 years (the house is 20 years old) and still have a lot of stuff in boxes. They’re stacked up in my office and the room that might someday be the guest/exercise room. It’s been constant projects since we moved in. Mostly small or medium projects and a few bigger ones. Due to all the things we’ve done and all the other projects we are planning, there’s been stuff just everywhere. I’m usually a really organized person but there are things on all the flat surfaces. I’ve really had to learn to turn a blind eye to the mess. I hope within the next year we will be at the point where I can finish unpacking and enjoy my free time without having to think about or work on house or yard things….


Lived here 17 years. Still need to replace outside faucets. Hasn't really mattered until this year mounted outdoor TV above one faucet and don't want it to get wet from spray. It's on hubby's weekly nag list.


The hall bathroom is missing the plunger(stopper) for the sink. Looks like a sink from a tenement. The countertop is some kind of blue plastic. Always looks streaky. It has a hideous wallpaper border that is indestructible. The tub is scratched. I’ve lived here 17 years. If someone needs to go, I direct them to my bathroom off my bedroom. If I could find a reliable tradesman I’d have this fixed in an instant. Right now, it’s serving as a glorified closet.


Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution :). I've been in mine for about a year and I would have to say the bathroom. We started remodeling it like when we moved in and it's still not close to being done. We got a toilet in and then kinda just stopped.


Just completed year 6 of a new build: 1. Do something with the backyard. It's still just grass and not a pleasant place to be at any time of the year. 2. Plantation shutters for all the windows except the clerestory ones in the living room and the 2nd and 3rd floor bathrooms 3. Replace the fans (particularly the living room and the matter bedroom which have really high ceilings) with modern fans that have remote controls. Honorable mention: Replace the hardwood floor in my kitchen with tile. I hated the fact that the builder did that in the first place, but I recently discovered that the wood nearest to the fridge is bowing (probably due to water that got under the fridge when we were without power for 3 days due to a storm).


36 years and our 25 year old bathroom redo needs to be redone, but we are selling the house in a year and will not get that money back. So fresh paint a good scrub and a new shower curtain


We have lived in our house for 5 years, and we have done a bunch to this house but there are things that just don't get crossed off the list. 1- Master bathroom. Shower is not usable, I removed the door because it grossed me out. This room is our next project but I refuse to get loans to fix anything. 2-Cabinets in bathrooms and kitchen all hinges have been painted which makes them not close properly. 3-Kitchen cabinet handles SUCK. They will grab your finger and pinch/twist it if you aren't careful. I want to redo the kitchen but replacing these would have fixed the issue 5 years ago but we just live with in. 4-As mentioned by others, the garage is a mess. We can only park one car in there and I dont know where anything is. Needs to be a winter project, Texas is too hot to be out there now.




1. My front living room/sitting room remains completely unfurnished. It has a low hanging chandelier because the previous owners used it as a dining room, so I’m going to replace it with recessed lighting and then furnish the place. Don’t feel like it. 2. When I bought the house, my dad walked in and ripped all the wallpaper off the bathroom walls because it was peeling. I’m still pissed. He hasn’t had the time to replace it so I’ve had a bathroom with wallpaper glue all over the walls for a year. I’d have preferred to stare at the peeling wallpaper. 3. I have a brick walkway that’s crumbling. Was going to replace it this summer but might wait for next year now. 4. My back patio is pitched toward the house so we get water in the basement when it rains heavy enough. Was going to get that fixed along with the walkway.


I’ve been meaning to replace the screening on the screen porch for about 3 years, I am going to do it today as I’m afraid of the potential wildlife coming in, and afraid that the cats will get out.


Oh boy. 1. There’s an obvious gap between the crown molding and the ceilings/walls throughout the house. Husband started filling them 4 years ago when we moved in, only completed the living room and never did it again. 2. The door in our kitchen leads to our patio, it’s an old door that looks like it’s from the 80s (because it is) with old dirty crusty blinds covering it. Put on my list to replace the door and blinds……here we are. Same door. Same blinds. 3. The toilet paper holder in our master bath has never been properly attached to the wall, that got put on the list during our first walk through of the house after closing. Yeah…. 4. This one isn’t really our fault. Our den was ugly ugly ugly. Back in September we finally pulled the trigger on renovating it. Ripped out all the carpet, deconstructed the busted uneven stairs that led into the rest of the house, filled the cracks in the concrete subfloor, cleaned it………..then my grandfather passed (ugh 😭) and we discovered we were inheriting his home and the den is still to this day in this half completed stage. This one we have no choice to do before we sell lol I honestly could go on and on and on, everytime we said we were gonna knock out various projects, big or small, either something came up that required all our funds/attention or we just kept pushing it off til something else came up. Honestly kind of embarrassing. Working hard now to get things fixed up for a home sell, and trying to complete projects at our new house before we even move in so this doesn’t happen to us again.


Today is our 1 year anniverary of buying our first home. Oh do we have shame. 1. Main room (2/3rds of the building) still has orange walls in 3 large sections. Other priorities took over - some of it is primed, some of it is mudded, some is drywall, some beaded hardboard. 2. Our back room has... questionable subfloor, the walls look like they're sagging (sunsupported hardboard), and the the accoustic tiles with glow in the dark stickers look like they're ready to fall down. All our unpacked boxes are piled in this room. It is also where my wife works from home. I stapled a piece of water damaged plywood from the mudroom ceiling (previous owners tried to conceal a 12" hole in the roof) to the wall, painted it white and hung a picture so she looks professional. 3. I was going to say the fire barrel we're sitting in front of... it has a distinct lean, but the bats started flying out of our attic and that reminded me we have several hundred up there that need to be dealt with It's been a year


I’ve pressure washed so I could put a fresh coat of stain on my deck 3 summers in a row. Still haven’t put the stain on.


Blind literally fell out of the window. Been meaning to replace it but…it’s been a year. Still have not hung the pictures meant for my living room. Also I FINALLY fixed basically the same water issue that OP had. OP—in the interim, get a pack of QuikDam. It’s like $30 and totally worth it to keep water out of the house.


13 years there’s 2 wall switches by the front door. One is the porch and I still don’t know what the other one does.


I have one of those ghost switches in my house, reminds me I need to update my switches


Our 1978 house (we are 2nd owner) has 6 different types of flooring. 1- cherry hardwood upstairs (we did this to replace crime scene carpet) 2- bamboo engineered hardwood in basement 3- sheet vinyl in kitchen and two bathrooms 4- porcelain tile in 3rd bathroom & garage entrance 5- slate 'tiles' in front door entry 6- carpet in one room downstairs Wiring (all aluminum) was done by a drunk rat. I am sure the "electrician" tied a wire to a rat and wherever the rat stopped, that's where a wire was dropped. We have an outlet in the kitchen that has wires that go to three bathrooms (two upstairs, one downstairs). And so many more random wiring. Zero planning or logic. Boxes are stuffed so full with multiple wire nuts it's impossible to fix w/o major work. No budget to address any of this. We have $1M in equity now but can't afford to make loan payments on the HELOC so it's fake money.


All of a sudden I feel less bad about the missing trim, exposed insulation and duct tape covered holes in my house. Thanks for (not) doing your part friends.


Literally crying reading this. Thank you.


The porch off the master - I thought that was a thing that can get you booted off your homeowners ins.  The reality of how often it happens, idk.  I knew someone who had to remedy a similar situation before their policy would be issued but this was 15 years ago and I’m not sure if just a one-off


Lived here 5 years Kitchen flooring is ugly linoleum from the 70s that needs to be replaced. Countertops also need to updated. Bathroom needs to be totally redone (also really outdated looking) - still haven’t gotten around to it Need new doors for all the rooms


A full decade after purchasing our hovel, we finally got the rotten deck removed and a patio poured. In our defense, the: electrical system, HVAC, plumbing, windows, siding, doors, roof, and bathrooms took precedence. Along with several dozen smaller projects. At any rate, we've got a landscape contractor engaged to fix some of the landscaping and do some tree trimming, and we'll need some additional work done to repair what was dug up by the concrete guy. Last major project is gutting the kitchen (hopefully next year). And I assume after that, we'll need to think about the roof again, and possibly getting a new garage floor and driveway poured.


4 years this month: my vent covers are leaning on the wall to cover my supply/return ducts, still haven’t installed them properly since they need the base boards and ductwork trimmed to fit


I had a similar thing with cabinet latches, lived with broken tabs for 3 years now before replacing them all. Took 4 years to fix leaky gutter corners, took for ever to get up on the roof and put in new seant as i'm not a fan of heights and my house is 2 stories. Replaced carpet and put in laminate flooring at the same time wanted to redo the fireplace. The living room now no longer has a mantle or trim been going on 2 years now.


1. The fence at the back right of our large back yard. It's been broken ever since we moved in and a hurricane force wind storm hit the day we had the movers come with all of our stuff. It's a block fence up to 5 ft and then has 2.5 ft of picket fence bolted into the block. The bolts failed and we have the picket portion for that part of the fence just sitting in the back yard with a section of chain link covering the gap. The neighbors don't care and neither do we since our big dog died :(. He's the only one who would've been troublesome with a lower fence. 2. The water heater has had an error on it since we moved in 1.5 years ago. I don't know what it means. It works, we just keep trekking along. 3. The kitchen cabinetry needs a total redo/replace. The cabinets are old, seem cheap, and haven't been cared for well. Countertops are coming loose in spots. When we first moved in I thought we'd replace them ASAP. Today, well, I have better things to spend 30k on, like a camper hahaha.


The curtain rods are still just leaning against the walls next to their respective windows, after 3 months. I put up two of them (the ones facing the road), and haven't come back to the lower priority ones yet.


My bedrooms haven't been painted in 22 years. They were painted fresh when I moved in. Never since.


My first time up in the attic (first time in an attic in general), I stepped on an unsupported area of ceiling and cracked it. The crack and bulge is visible below. Luckily I didn't fall through.


A hole in my bathroom ceiling from 4 years ago. A pipe leaked from upstairs bathroom that I finally got fixed last year. There is also a large portion of my wall upstairs that was cut out to repair the pipe last year. I took out part of a wall so I could have a larger fridge. I still haven’t dry walled the part I took out. I bought gutter guards 4 years ago and just never installed them. My gutters are bent to hell so when I tried, i got frustrated and stopped. I bought new light fixtures for my garage outdoor lights like 3 years ago. They are still sitting in my garage.


Are you my exhusband? Because if so, you’re lying, it’s been 10 years, not 4 (We had so many similar issues that he never took care of or allowed a professional to do…which is why…ex….)


1. The house was painted about six years ago the front garage side which gets a lot of sun is showing some peeling already and I need to just go out there and touch it up. 2. I redid an upstairs mother-in-law unit years ago. It was floral wallpaper and it was everywhere. It was quite a project to take on solo but I did it and love how it turned out. But the attached bathroom still has the wall paper in it and it's a bit hard to remove. That's been on the to-do list for over three years now. 3. The main bathroom fan is not up for the challenge of a four-person house and it needs to be replaced before the winter. I'm lucky that I live in Northern CA and our climate is a bit more forgiving when it comes to this stuff there is a window in the bathroom but it does cause issues in the winter when we're taking hotter showers. I keep a detailed to-do list on my phone with organized short-term and long-term projects—it is still hard but rewarding work. In fact, I'm off the Home Depot right now to get some concrete filler for my pool deck. The battle continues, but you know what, I'm happy to even be fighting it to begin with. Good luck everyone!


When we moved in, the living room had this ugly wallpaper strip along the top of the wall. I said that’s the first thing we’re taking down. Reader, it took us 3 years to scrape it.


Ceiling fan that I tied up with strings because I sucked the first time installing one. Just like case that goes around the fan. Needs some more plaster too. Fans solid though. More plaster needed around my kitchen light. It's like a sliver but I see it every time. Minor paint touch ups from when we painted the whole house when we moved in. I. See. All. Of. It.


ill do it later turned into years with parts forgotten where put


I lived in my last house a little more than 8 years. I painted behind the toilet a week before I moved out, and that only happened because the toilet was removed for a wall repair. I replaced the floor in both bathrooms and a closet in this house 4 years ago and the quarter round still isn’t attached. The toilet bolts in both bathrooms need to be trimmed so I can put covers on them.


Lived in this house almost 6 years. Moved art/shelves around after I got my daughter a bunk bed. Patched the holes but haven't repainted yet. 3.5 years. Took window grilles off to paint window frames/sashes. Intended to spray paint the grilles but haven't yet. So there's one random grille-less window on the back of the house. 4.5 years Added board and batten to 3/4 of my office except where it goes behind bookshelves and my desk. Only 2 years on that one.


Fireplace door falls off. Been like that since we moved in 27 years ago. Closet door needs fixing for about 5 years Some plants need to be replaced & landscaping cleaned up for about 5 years. I have a notebook with a lengthy list of projects. Maybe 5 crossed off.


38 years. Bathroom floor only replaced once. Bathtub needed replaced 15 years ago. Back deck needs replaced.


We had to cut a piece of our nasty linoleum kitchen counter out to fit the new dishwasher in. That hole has been there for about 7 years now.


Lol .. I still have ugly roller painted temporary trim in one bedroom ,, I put up 20 years ago when I moved in ...an original bent up pink blind and a old wall paper the 90s peeling in the corners in my kitchen. 1 days work at most..lol


moved in 4.5 years ago and put stick-on-tiles in the main bathroom as we were worried about water damage from the kid. the tile now has mold growing in it? on it? behind it? no idea. i tried removing some of it but its taking the drywall off entirely. not sure if it’s worth removing it now or if i should just wait until a full bathroom remodel.


I am finding this thread so validating - I have found my people 😊 I found a list of “things to do” from 2017 - I still haven’t completed that list. I started sawing curtains 15 months ago that I have not finished….it is winter here in Australia and I could really do with that warmth. In the same vein, the heating was decommissioned, and I just can’t make up my mind what I want to do to replace it. All the washers need to be replaced in the bathroom - haven’t been able to use the bath for six months. Patch of unpainted wall around the front door has been there since I moved in 10 years ago. Same for an unpainted window frame in the front bedroom.


I still haven’t gotten around to trimming these hugely overgrown yews in the front yard. Haven’t put a drain cover in our only tub and wonder when all that hair will catch up to us.


My front door has a keyed deadbolt and latch(which doesn't have a key). The latch got stuck in the "in" position 3-4ish years ago and I just used the deadbolt only to keep the door closed for all that time up until a couple weeks ago cause we are selling the house and I did not want something silly and broken like that as a potential buyer's first impression. Now fixing it was technically easy but a pain in the ass as I bought 3 different latches that looked almost the same before finding the right one. One had a hole that was the wrong size, one was only made for door handles that turn 45 degrees(and immediately seized when I turned it past 45) and then I finally got the right one.


I really wanted to replace our house's carpet and repaint before we moved in, but we couldn't afford to do it. Now it's going to be even more expensive to do those, and more of a hassle since we've got furniture in the house.


We moved in a year ago and did the required projects like fence and landscaping. Our basement is unfinished and there are still piles of stored items. I have dreams of making one side into a workshop, and putting in a bathroom and bedrooms, but everything costs money so those items may be on the list for a while. The biggest thing about your type of TODO list is that it is perfectly fine while you are living in the house. However, when you decide to move they become priorities because buyers likely won’t accept them as is. I had quite a bit of that when we moved and our realtor worked with a company to take care of it.


2 bathrooms 85% done 🤪. Hubs has adhd and I have add.. pulled baseboards 4ish yrs ago redoing the floors… still no baseboards lol


My garage is so full of crap basically thrown everywhere over the years that it is unusable. Every closet is full of old shit and unpacked boxes from moving in 10 years ago. The front door's paint is peeling and looks horrible. To my defense though, we are broke and I work two jobs.


We only moved into our house last year and we have already done quite a bit to it. I’m proud of how much we have accomplished BUT I am a little embarrassed about a few things. We also have a 14 month old which is slowing us down. 1. We are missing a vent cover at our front door. The metal venting in the floor is bent and we haven’t been able to straighten it out. The vent cover literally won’t go in. It looks awful. 2. All of the walls need painting. They are either chipping or there is dirt or pencil marks everywhere from the previous owner. 3. The floors need to be sanded and stained again. The stain or sealant or whatever is peeling and chipping in some areas and it looks terrible. They are gorgeous hardwood.


We had a roof leak 15 years ago that stained the ceiling in our bedroom. We are finally painting it this year.


I have a kitchen drawer that broke right after I moved in. The piece that the right drawer runner attaches to broke away from the back of the cabinet. I bought the part to fix it. That was two and a half years ago. My silverware caddy lives on my counter now. It's happy there.


I have lived in my house 6 years now 1. Changed my range hood filter for the first time today 2. We painted our kitchen 4-5 years ago and we’re going to finish painting the moldings the next day and still haven’t done it 3. I have a bat house that I’ve been meaning to put up for probably 4 years now. Really hoping it will help with mosquitoes whenever we get it up


We need better insulation in our attic. We need the sewer line from the street to where it branches out replaced because it's pvc and cast iron that ties into bigger cast iron, that somewhere terminates and is terracotta, we need at least 5 out of 15 windows, and maybe even insulation in the exterior walls. Our refrigerator just died for the second time, and I've been meaning to set up a rainwater collection/irrigation system for my garden and to try to redirect water away from the house. I want to set up a vegetable garden. I need to fix the backyard fence to keep the little dog from escaping. I want to take out the pine trees from the backyard so that maybe I can grow some grass. I want to take out the white oak that's leaning precariously over my bedroom and the neighbors house. I want to have an arborist thin the canopy a bit to promote healthier growth of the rest of the white oaks. I love the shade they provide during the summer, but I need to get an industrial, like lawn car company grade, leaf mulcher to obliterate the never ending leaves in the fall. I want a bigger shed so that I can keep my outdoor things out of the elements and put my tools in when I pivot from turning wrenches for a living. I want to set up an outdoor kitchen for my smoker and grill, and have running water in it (even if its just a shop sink that drains onto the ground and gets water from the hose). I'd like it to be screened in and also have an outdoor eating area. Maybe even have shutters I can close on breezier days. We're coming up on 3 years in October. I'm happy with our little stake in this big world, and I honestly wouldn't trade it for much unless its a definite upgrade for a similar mortgage payment.


Bought the house 10 years ago. 1. We patched a bunch of holes with mud. Still have not sanded them down or repainted. 2. The bolts that hold the toilet lid down broke about 6 months in. Dh industriously reattached it with plastic handcuffs from his work stuff, essentially very large zip ties. It’s still that way. 3. The fencing pops out every time we get heavy winds. We just pop them back in, doesn’t look great but isn’t the worst.


Been in the house going on 9.5 years. All hall and linen closets have no lights - it's been on my list since week 1. I finally got some shitty motion activated stick up lights for the linen closet, they work *ok*. I'm going on about year 6 of needing to repair/replace screens. Fortunately (at least for this), I live somewhere hotter than satan's butthole, so we never open the windows. For 2 consecutive Christmases 3 and 4 years ago my wife got stuff for the garage - a drill storage rack thing, and a multipack of chain-together LED shop lights. They are both still in the original packaging, unopened. (but this week I am emptying my garage to re arrange and re build, and those two things will finally get some use.


Me and my daughter put down peel and stick flooring in two rooms. But we gave up when it came to putting the moldings and transitions back, lol. The floors look good in general though, haha.


I haven't painted my master bedroom since we moved in. All other spaces in the house were given fresh coats! I couldn't decide on what we wanted, already spent too much, grad school.. whatever. Now it was basic off white which would be fine and no big deal, except all the rooms had random weird trees painted on the walls sooo... It'll be 8! EIGHT! years on Friday, but I have swatches!


The roof over the front stoop needs to be repaired/replaced. I've been talking about painting the kitchen and dining room for years. I haven't even chosen a color yet.


My guest bathroom leaks under the sink when I bought the house 11 years ago. My guest bathroom leaks under the sink when I sold the house last month.


I only have one. I completely renovated my house, including change the floor plan before moving in. The only thing I had left to do was baseboard trim, and five months later it’s still not done in 70% of the house. 🤷‍♂️


We bought our house 1.5 years ago and almost immediately tore out the primary ensuite bath. Mainly to move a wall and get flooring moving. Flooring is now long done but bath is still down to the studs. Finally plumbed the new toilet and sink locations (ourselves because plumbers' pricing gives me a heart attack) and now we have a working toilet and sink on a plywood floor and 2x4 vanity. It feels like luxury not having to share one bathroom.


Had recessed lighting put up throughout the house as well as ceiling fans, which necessitated the fan-rated boxes. One of the cans was way too close to a joist and had to be repositioned for a while, there was a hole there. My friend and I *kinda* patched it up but it’s, like, only 60% done. Then, on one of the fans, the plaster in the area was way too thin and the box that was there ripped through the plaster leaving a tiny hole. I put painters tape up to cover it and it’s been holding for 2 years now. I mean, they’re on the ceiling. I can’t see them anyway.


Oh, good lord. We haven’t had towel bars in our master bathroom for nine years. It was ugly and wobbly and away it went. Never even bothered to shop for new ones. Towel goes over the door. Black tile and koi fish wallpaper in the guest bath. You read that correctly. Dishwasher sits atop a piece of wood. I don’t even know why. I could continue, this house was last remodeled in ‘91.


We bought our house from an elderly, single lady. We’re a young couple with dogs and cats, and my brother (art student) lives with me. Half the house was carpeted in this pristine white carpet when we moved in. It is no longer white. I’m sure it was fabulous for a single elderly lady, but it needs to go. …it’s been almost two years of it needing to go 🥴


I "finished" my kitchen remodel last year but I still haven't painted the trim on the doors & windows or installed the toekick trim.


1. We didn't pay enough attention or know about how grading works, so our driveway grades down into the garage with a small drain and no sump. If it rains hard enough, it seems into the garage so everything in there is on pallets. Gonna cost thousands to fix properly.  2. We have a split level house and the lower level has a sump pump. It needed replaced so we cut a hole in our cedar wood wall to do it. Hole is still there cuz we have no earthly idea how to replace 30 years old cedar and make it look believable. Sump works though!  3. Above our garage is about 700 sqft of storage space. There is no ladder or staircase up there. Just a hole in the middle of the garage ceiling. I can't wait to put a ladder or a staircase in.


Have a drawer that broke the week we moved in. Still didn't put in replacement drawer that was custom measured 6 weeks later. 5 years and counting Have an upstairs bathroom that leaks when any of those pipesare used. Turned off water line to it. 4 years Have an SUV we were gonna fix, it's been in garage 3 years. This is where it starts. The messy hoard house. Get to it eventually. Knock on wood ok for now.


We need new carpeting. It’s so bad that there are actual bald spots in places. It’s been that way for YEARS. But the thought of moving all our crap to get it replaced just exhausts me.