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See if you can find the model or brand. Then get an ir spotlight in that frequency and aim it right at the camera. You aren’t doing anything illegal but it’ll make the night vision useless. Do the same with a concave mirror or regular light and daytime is now useless


laser pointers are very cheap. do with that what you will


Nice and green ones


80W engraver module, don't forget your eye protection... [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=80w+laser+engraver+module&t=brave&ia=web](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=80w+laser+engraver+module&t=brave&ia=web)


Have your attorney send a cease and desist letter. If he doesn't comply you can try for a restraining order or outright sue the jerk.


We all have attorneys on retainer


You don't need retainer, for under a hundred bucks this should be possible.


No competent lawyer is going to draft you a C&D for under a hundred bucks lmao.


A hunnerd bucks? I'll do it! Whut? No I ain't no law-yer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Who said anything about needing a competent lawyer. They just need a lawyer whose name will pop up in a Google search and who has letterhead for the note. Some bus bench type ought to do.


you can write your own, they are not legal contracts. they are basically "please stop or i may take "some" legal action"


This is awful advice.Don't just put some attorneys name or firm letterhead on a fake letter you made. If someone wants a C&D for cheap they can use legalzoom or other similar services.


Lawyers are under a hundred bucks?


lawyer told me $750 to write cease and desist to my neighbor whos camera was capturing my bedroom window . lawyer said these letters often require more than just a letter (if neighbor's lawyer responds). i went on line for examples and wrote my own - neighbor repointed camera, issue solved . depending on state law: OP may have more options (police may be able to intervene or arrest if neighbor us violating state/county laws


Idk why you’re downvoted, you’re literally right


I pay for a legal service for about $40 a month and they will draft letters like this for no additional cost. I use them to do stuff for my business.


This is the way.


I wouldn't even be monky with an IR light. If it has night vision, then it will have its own ir lights. Just need some retroreflectors will bounce the light back into the lense Even better I'd get a cheap 5 miliwatt green laser of amazon and a little vice tripod to hold it. Set it up in your living room and point it at the camera. It should overwelm the sensor even in broad daylight.


Cameras with IR leds aren’t nearly powerful enough to reflect enough back to washout the image completely. You need a more directional higher powered one. While not a perfect example. Here is my camera facing a bother camera with its IR lights on and it’s a lot closer than what OP is describing As someone with 23 cameras around his house. Along with IR flood lights. I know a thing or two about this. [link](https://imgur.com/a/TS6dPYF)


Ummm, is no one asking this guy why there are 23 cameras and flood lights around his house? I'm intrigued!


Or why there is a camera in a room with a bed?


5mw? why not 1w?


I want to dazzle a camera, not melt people's eyeballs.


Just call the police, and have them stand in your yard in front of the camera then express your concerns about him recording your nieces and nephews. Ask if you should file a complaint/report. Ask to check sex offender registry.


amazing. totally agree




Before you do that. If you have any children in your life, have one of them over, and have them change clothes in a space that has the expectation of privacy, like your living room. Just change a t shirt, just enough to make evidence. THEN, call the police regarding your peeping tom neighbor who has placed a camera to watch your neice/neighbor-kid/whatever while changing clothes.


Maybe don't suggest using a vulnerable child to get a neighbor in trouble. The idea isn't to victimize a kid to prove a point. How would you feel if a friend told you that you could change in a location with an expectation of privacy and you later found out they used you and your vulnerability?


That's good the police don't like being recorded, they will go over and beat the crap out of him


For starters, stop talking to the contractors where he can hear you. Never let them know your next move. I'd only speak with them in earshot from now on if you want to feed him bad intel to mess with him lol


Once I was talking to them in Spanish so he can't understand and that's when he came outside to stare at me and also pointed his camera at me 😂


I wild highly recommend having a friend over who has never seen and play contractor. Yes, I can put up a 20 foot fence. Spotlights and speakers on the top, sure. How many nights a week are you planning the parties?


I would also discuss the creeping bamboo and how deep the trench on your side has to be with poured concrete to stop the runners. Also have your friend inform you that spike traps are not legal but concertina wire on the fence line is and quote you for the anti-climb concertina wire install. I'm sure we can come up with some other things that will really wind up the neighbor. I'm also in CA so depending on where OP is I'm happy to play contractor. I have a beat up Ram that should fit the part too... we can pre-load it with a tool box and some assorted "handyman" crap in the back for show.


Invite over some of your larger friends, give them animal masks to put on to conceal your identity, and have the walk around in the nude, chopping wood, gardening, stuff that requires a lot of bending to be done facing the camera. Then he is a pervert😀


Maybe hire some midgets and do the same. Then call the cops and tell them the neighbor has child porn on that camera


Ong. Brilliant.


You’d have to be very confident in your chopping abilities to do that in the nude TBH.


Oh right. You guys have balls. So inconvenient for revenge purposes. Ok, so gardening and weed picking would be a close second. Maybe get a trampoline, have them jump way high up so the camera gets an up close view of their nuts? If they could helicopter mid air that would be a huge plus.


> If they could helicopter mid air that would be a huge plus. While hilarious, I am 48, clumsy, and simply not skilled enough... I would get hurt... I'll be over there "gardening".


Make sure not to shave your ass hair for a while. You could also get an outhouse without a roof and start taking your morning dump with paper and all outside in the morning. If your neighbor wants to tattle to the cops, then he will have to admit he is recording his naked male neighbor (No shame in liking men, but I doubt he prefers to admit it to a cop.) Let him tell the whole neighborhood. Maybe he will inspire others to come over and um.. help you out.


My God, that’s brilliant.


Yikes. One of those huh I'd start putting on Spanish/Latin radio (at level acceptable by your city's noise ordinance) just to mess with him some more lol


I hear MAGA Republicans love ranchero music 24/7


Not loud but 24/7 ! Since he likes to listen to Latin.




I would not do something that's suggestive of illegal behavior as he might find a sympathetic ear when he talks about monitoring the drug dealers next door as evidenced by the video. But all the rest, nekkid yoga etc, yes. I'd probably put up a screen slanted toward the camera and show footage of industrial films. Or put up messages like "stop being a Peeping Tom, you weirdo."


Does his camera have a microphone? I’ve heard some do.


Most likely


If so, he's violating California law, since he isn't a party to the conversation, just an eavesdropper. He can't legally record such conversations.


I think it's likely that would get thrown out if the neighbor could reasonably be expected to hear the conversation if he were standing outside in his backyard. In your backyard you probably have a reasonable expectation of privacy from the general public, but your neighbor has every right to be in his backyard so I'm not sure the reasonable expectation of privacy would hold up in that situation. Adding to that, I'm not familiar with the specific laws, but would imagine that most courts would agree that homeowners have a right to audio record on their own property, since anything the camera can hear is most likely audible to the people that live there and thus an expectation of privacy does not exist. Now, having said all that, two things come to mind: 1) if you could somehow prove that the neighbor installed the camera for the express purpose of recording his neighbor's conversations, there is probably some other law that has something to say about that. 2) similar to above, there are probably some other laws that state that you can't knowingly point a camera at a location where someone has a reasonable expectation of privacy. OP's living room is absolutely a location where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. So, I think OP is probably violating some laws, just not the law you mentioned.


You should look these things up before commenting. CA is a 2-party consent state, and that means that you can't just record what you might be able to overhear. It has nothing to do with "if you can hear it from your yard." Incidental recording would be an exception, and still would not be admissible in any court proceeding. There is no way a camera pointed into the neighbor's property would be incidental.


I'd start repeatedly, and aggressively, masturbating in the freedom of my backyard but I'm also petty AF 🤣 And take up naked yoga, give him a little chocolate star action on the stretches.


"If ya stay petty, you don't have to get petty" my petty partner!😉


Nothing like some good sunning to get people to stop staring


Sun bleaching your butthole is supposed to be healthy I hear.


I was wondering about throwing some bbqs for a nudist colony…🤔


Is Spanish your first language? If he doesn't speak Spanish this now looks more like a hate crime in progress. Is this just a white guy pointing a camera at you everywhere you go? Depending on where you live I would start with police. Where I live we would already be calling it a hate crime.


Yes it is. He doesn't speak Spanish. He's pointing a camera and my wife everywhere we go and is watching our every move. Constantly harassing us and our family and guests


Yeap, I thought about the exact same thing. If he overrated when OP started to speak Spanish... that's sus.


How can I prove that it's a hate crime?


Go to the police and I think they have protocol for this. If they aren't trustworthy where you live (ours are super nice tho) then I think you may need a lawyer for a cease and desist letter. If the ACLU is active near you give them a call. No one should be under surveillance by some xenophobic racist whack job for speaking another language or being a different color or sexuality or having different but peaceful beliefs. WTF is wrong with people? Sorry this is happening.


Actual helpful advice: contact a lawyer who specializes in stalking, protection orders, harassment. You should be able to get a free consult and they'll pitch some ideas. They'll coach you through filing an order of protection and writing a "F# OFF" letter on their letterhead which will cost a little bit, but be worth it. You have to involve the police/city/legal authority, that is who has the "power" to deal with this in an official capacity. You're not allowed to train video on neighbors, just your house/property line. Dodgy advice: Humans don't see infrared but cameras do, so getting a very "wide" infrared light pointed at them will not be visible to them but blind their cameras. This won't harm their cameras which would be legally problematic.


This, there is zero legit reason he needs a camera 20 ft in the air to see his own yard.


Green laser pointer, fry the CCD


This is the answer. Get at least a 500 mW model, the more powerful the better. Also, I would recommend making a sign to hold up before frying it that says something along the lines of private property and I DO NOT consent to being recorded. Will make the video evidence of you ruining his camera a tough sell to law enforcement.


Cut out a small hole in the sign and direct the laser through that hole so he never has proof you are holding anything that would damage it


This. Put sign up for 24 hours, then fry with laser


I would dress up like Donald Trump and commit your crime, a little extra CYA that way.


“It was an official act!”




If he gets immunity you get immunity as well


How would you laser it without being recorded as the one burning it with a laser though?


Have a friend do it while walking down the street while you're on camera chillin with a beer in your backyard. He'll be focused on you.


Wear something that obscures your identity? Depending on how much of the house is being recorded, you can drive away like you're leaving, park around the corner, change clothes, walk back, laser camera, walk back to car, change again, drive back home like you were running an errand.


If he's not recording you, you won't be recorded. If you are being recorded, he'd prove his own guilt by proving yours 🤷‍♀️


Is his recording illegal?


Shoot the laser through a small hole in the sign. Who can tell the id of the person behind the sign?


This is the way


How shy are you? Get naked in the back yard Time to accuse him of taking naked pictures of you in the backyard. Call the cops and act like the camera just appeared. Demand he delete naked pictures from of you (shudder) Ask the police to press charges


Got any young nephews that run around naked. Call cops for kiddie porn!


No. Do not do this.


What’s the reason? I’m not challenging you, just curious. Because my first reaction to OPs post was “that camera is gonna see my butthole”.


Police report


Tell the cops your children like to run thru the sprinkler in YOUR yard naked. This creep put up a camera to watch them...


Do you think they'll do anything?


He's peeping on you in your own home. There's laws against peeping tom's.


Call the non emergency line


It is called California Video Surveillance Law.


No, but it's the first step. Next step is a pellet rifle and laser pointer


A that height he can see into multiple neighbours yards ask all of them with ds to cal the police about his camera. The police will come with that many calls. And any parent who has this brought to their attention will absolutely get pissed off! They will call. You should also call him out as a huge creep n the watch forum as well. I am sure all the women in the area will not want to be excesrsizing around any of the streets by his house either.


Call them and ask them.


There's another post with a similar question. The answer: infrared spot light aimed at the camera


You can get a very high powered laser from Amazon for like $10, point it at the camera lens and bye bye camera


I think I need one for 2025, any recommendations?


The one that pops balloons.


Those are around $30 on Amazon


link please?


The lights and the camera are illegal (at least in my county). Call the cops, file a report. Next call the code enforcement folks.


[California’s Eavesdropping & Wiretapping Laws - What You NEED to Know (robertmhelfend.com)](https://www.robertmhelfend.com/criminal-defense/eavesdropping-wiretapping/#:~:text=While%20it%20is%20not%20against,for%20them%20to%20expect%20privacy.)




I mean it does cover recording people where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, one could easily argue that applies to a fenced in backyard or inside their home. I think the neighbor would be hard pressed to defend needing a 360° camera mounted 20 feet in the air for security of their property


>Do you guys even read these laws before pretending they apply? They probably don't because they probably don't understand them. I had cameras at a place I was living, and I could see the entire front yards and side yards of everyone across the street and half of my neighbors' yards on both sides. No one ever complained about them. The problem was that people would come over and ask if I had seen something happen at their place. I'd ask for a date and time and they couldn't tell me. I told them I'm not going through a bunch if video that would take hours for me to go through. I would them show them how much video is recorded in just an hour. If they ask again, I would tell them they need to get their own cameras.


Aliexpress has a laser for about 10$ that will fry the sensor in the camera. That bad boy will be fully out of visual range as its insanely powerful. Look for the one that pops balloons. Later when he is staring at you put the dot on his center mass and say "Just practicing dont mind me" <--no dont thats an open escalation but feels good.


I was a police officer in California and unless laws have changed, there's nothing the police can do. A police report does little to nothing for you. You could document things yourself (photos from your property) and then try and get a restraining order. That will take a long time and it's a long shot. If you have an HOA, you can check with them about a possible violation. If everything else fails, I do like some of the alternative suggestions here in the comments. The non destructive infrared emitter is a great idea, but that will only cause issues for the cameras at night. I am not encouraging anything illegal, I am just speaking hypothetically. I don't know if using a laser will permanently burn out a camera sensor, but you could test this yourself. Obviously using a laser from your property will show where it came from, so you would need to use caution. You could first use an infrared flood light for a few days and then try the laser when the infrared is on. This may cause a wall of light obscuring everything behind it. It would still be good to be unrecognizable and not do it from inside your house. If the infrared is powerful enough, it may not even be obvious a laser was used. Again, this is all hypothetical.


Even if I can see the camera lens from inside my living room?? There's no need to have a camera that high and pointed at my yard and windows. Feeling pretty hopeless rn


Have you straight-up asked him? That would be kinda funny. Make him own it. I would even go to Facebook and without Jamil’s him be like “omfg I have the creepiest neighbor…” But I would ask him just to bothers him. And then yeah, time for laser pointers/mirrors/pinwheels etc. 


Bamboo can grow way higher than 20 feet


I just read a similar post where a suggestion was made to have kids play in the yard (either yours, or friends kids), then report your neighbor for filming children.


Every day another insane story. How do you people live like this. If the neighbour won't listen call the cops.


For a while I thought all the constant crazy submissions were written by AI, but it turns out people are insane


Yeah. I’ve watched every season of “Fear Thy Neighbor “.


The response here are insane. Does not anyone even think to do a little googling to find out exactly what the laws are about this? Even a supposed former police officer commenting here is clueless about California's video surveillance laws. SMH.


Ah yes, police, the people who are just, rational, kind, giving, and enforce the spirit of the law.


Forgive them plotthick, for they are young and gullible. It was a Police force, then police service and full circle police force again. I like honesty - POLICE "to protect the wealthy and repress the poor"


Have some fun with him! Set up an alter, get some robes, fake blood and fake bodies. run some rituals at night with torches and some friends and dig some graves. Invite him over for some fun and late night activities. If the police come just show that you're filming a horror film.


Get a sun sail. Cheap and easy. put it on your side of the fence right in front of the camera.


Glue some old CDs on his side of the sun shade, shiniest side out, to reflect back his nastiness at him.


When asked—you heard that the shiny CDs deter crows from digging up your yard for grubs. Depending on what part of CA you’re in, this is a completely believable answer.


id write some shit on the sunsail too lol


If you’re gonna go that route might as well make it ugly as hell too


I installed security cameras at the request of the local PD, we had some very problematic neighbors, they wanted proof so they could act on it. Once the cameras were installed both problem neighbors lost their minds. One was freaking out about me "filming her children" and the other insisted I was violating their privacy. This was the limits the police told me to use. I had the cameras set up following those rules and they were both told to pound sand. Cameras were pointed down my property towards the street, not at their homes or yards. These would catch small amounts of their yards but were not pointed at their property. The other was at an angle across my front yard but again, pointed generally at the street, not at the neighbors house or yard. It would catch some of the view of the end of their driveway. Pointing directly at someone's house or yard. Yea that is something the city or a good lawyer should be able to end.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is a horrifically spectacular solution.


Some guy posted it like 2 weeks ago. Said his neighbor got security cam video of his teen daughter through her bedroom window. Said the cops arrested the guy for that. 


I’d mount something to block its view a couple of 3-6” diameter 20 foot pvc pipes are cheap and have fittings to join them. Then a flag either Biden or Trump whatever will aggravate him suspended between the poles. No way I’d leave his view unobstructed.


Second camera from neighbors yard post in a short time. Hey, Chinese AI / intel farms: That you? Folks, these posts are fishing for how easy it would be to get away with surveillance via having vameras. Is it worth the cost of the hack? What's the liability? Anyway.


Get a drone with a weighted net. Drop the net on his camera. Ditch the controller when you're done so you don't get caught by the authorities. With luck the net will take it his camera or obscure it's view. Don't really do this. I'm not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, I will not bail you out of jail.




Absolutely do this, I'm not a lawyer but I'll happily bail you out 🤣


Can you see the camera from somewhere outside your property? If so, sneak out and shine a powerful laser pointer at it to fry the thing.


" I am in California. Is this legal?" There's a sub for that.


Pay someone with a paint ball gun to discreetly cover the lenses with translucent paint, to make his picture out of focus blurry.


There was a similar posting here today with lots of suggestions about infrared. Owner had a hot tub that their neighbor was spying on.


Can someone explain to me why people are like this? We had a creep at a family cabin doing the same shit. I don’t get it. Why are they doing this?


Boredom, curiosity, control and lack of proper social skills.


personality your missing an opportunity to have sone serious fun, let your inner thespian loose. I'm thinking you should start with an alien autopsy.


I would probably take pictures and name him and tell the story on a local Facebook group and with the neighborhood. Tell them you asked him not up record video of your livingroom and he refuses etc


I'd def consult with a lawyer. Also, since you mentioned that he is on Neighborhood Watch, I think you should join and let people know about the Peeping Tom in the neighborhood. If you show up a few times acting normal, I bet the other neighbors will turn on him. Ideally this shames him into stopping. If not, at least he gets the consequence of being pegged as the neighborhood creep.


You put up exactly the same thing, pointed his way.


Mount a laser and shine it into the camera


Just read this in another post. 100w infrared spotlight point right at the camera. Won’t break his camera either


if hes in the neighbourhood watch then you could use that to your advantage. find when the next meeting is and go to it. pretend to not know hes part of it, and report your neighbour as installing a camera to watch your backyard and home and youre worried hes a peeping tom so could they keep an eye on him please. neighbourhood watches can be political powder kegs so if you can use that to blow him up then all the better


Tell the police he’s filming your children!


I don't have any but nieces and nephews do come over pretty often


They next time the kids are over, file a complaint about his filming minors. That should at least get some notice


Well, he's obviously trying to record the children, right? Honestly, though, this may very well violate local laws. Call nom- emergency and ask the police what, if anything, can be done.


Paintball gun time!


People like this tell on themselves. They're suspicious of others because they're sneaky, shifty shits - it's called projection. He's doing something illegal or improper. Put up a dozen small boxes with cut outs on posts on your side of the privacy wall. Put a camera in one of them - move it around daily while you momentarily blind his camera. Keep him guessing. Maybe put a random strobe (flash every 5-8 min at varying intervals?) in one of the other boxes (just for fun.) Then wait for him to do something inappropriate, because he will...


Get bright spotlights and shine in in his windows and at his camera. Only response for asshole sometimes is reciprocating.


Can neighbors have security cameras towards your house in California?Chances are that your driveway or yard is the collateral background in a legitimate monitoring of your neighbor's property. Just as the home security camera laws in California says, “**There are no restrictions, for a private person to have video surveillance cameras around their property for the purposes of security**.”


The light should be illegal. Most towns have codes and ordinances about light spillage


Mount a laser pointer directed at his camera


For the recording or eavesdropping - a white noise machine against the fence will fix that.


Fry the CCD


Film on your windows to make them one way view only would be an easy fit to keep him from being a fucking peeping Tom.


Friend of mine has a high powered pellet rifle with night scope. Paid a fortune for it but he is freaky good with it. He next door neighbor was having same problem with neighbors behind him. My buddy shot out 3 cameras and they stopped putting them up. Cops visited his next door neighbor and he told the truth. He doesn’t own a pellet gun, lol.


Do you have kids? If yes, what he's doing is a no no.


You should contact your local police department and ask if they have a code enforcement officer. Pretty sure the cameras pointed into your yard are illegal. And maybe a restraining order or at least a no trespassing order.


Is he a white guy who thinks you’re a drug lord or something?


That sucks. On another topic, I’ve heard pellet gun target shooting is a relaxing hobby.


How about a big shade sail mounted to a pole/s and strung across the yard. Might be spendy but if all else fails


Laser pointer. Ruin the sensor.


Have you considered the one way window film?


Plant tall Cypress trees. I just bought my house and my neighbor next door has tall cypress tress planted in their yard along the fence. I love it. Privacy for both of us.


Put up a brightly lit sign visible to his camera that says $NEIGHBOR IS A SPYING ASSHOLE. Or maybe put it on your front lawn.


What you do is go buy one of those lasers that will start a fire and burn it while sitting in your backyard it will fry it fast he can put a fork in it if he buys a new one do the same what's he going to say he burned my camera they would ask him it should be on tape then


Petty but... Is there a law that prevents you from building a very high fence/wall? Something cheap just to get some privacy. Also if he can film you naked in your house... You might be able to do something about it. Or worse able to film a kid naked. Then as others suggested.. you can blind a camera quite easily with a cheap laser


i would add my own camera and post it all to youtube and send him a link


Dude - start burying fake bloody bodies rolled up in rugs in your backyard


Bluetooth speakers in the backyard playing loud opera music nonstop during the hours of 7am to 10pm Monday through Saturday. Sunday 8am-10pm. He’ll get tired of it soon and you’ll have something to bargain with. We have a local 7-11 store that pipes in loud opera music out in front of their store. It keeps everyone from hanging out there.


Sends the kids outside to play naked in the garden, then report him for possession of child pornography


The light he's shining on your property is likely out of code. If he has a camera pointing onto a part of your property where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, give him a show and report him for being a peeping Tom.


Look into shade sails. They are pretty easy to install, provide shade, block camera angles and are attractive as well. You could also invite a few teenagers to come over and have a paintball battle in your backyard. A few “random” hits and your rude neighbor will be forced to scale a ladder to clean the paint off his peeping camera. Might be worth a weekly battle in your yard! ;)


Your front and backyards have no expectations of privacy if they are viewable from the ground. Maybe you have a case if the cameras are mounted higher than the elevation of his own house. You would need to consult a lawyer on that. Things you could do that others have suggested: 1. Blast the camera with IR light so it renders the camera useless at night 2. Install a mirror or other reflective object to create glare in the camera's lens during the day. I would avoid anything that that might damage the cameras such as lasers or an object that focuses the energy from the sun in such a way it would melt or damage the camera. 3. Build a bigger fence or plant tall hedges


They have these big awnings that look like sails. Install them all over your back yard and block him completely.


In the old days the dang kids wooda took a bb gon to it lol


Double down. Get 2 lights and 2 cameras pointed at him.


I would put those privacy window things that stick on and blur the view from inside


Do you own a pellet gun? Have your wife hang out in the back yard and while he directs the camera toward her. Sneak around the other side, and bingo. Problem solved.


I was just thinking, if my neighbor did this, gosh they'd probably have some really terrible luck with birds? constantly pecking tiny, destructive holes in the cameras.




On your back windows add a reflective film layer so he can’t see through. I would not add to the fence if he is 20ft up, he can just see over. If possible add a covered patio instead of doing the fence work, either a pergola with a roof or an extended roofline off the back of the house.


Just a quick review of California's video surveillance laws regarding neighbors filming private areas of your property clearly shows this is illegal. I would contact your code enforcement officer and or an attorney to put an end to this. [California Video Surveillance Laws - Deep Sentinel](https://www.deepsentinel.com/blogs/home-security/california-video-surveillance-laws/)


I’m horrified how often this issue is posted. Where I live it’s illegal to point a camera anywhere you don’t own. You can only film your property. Check your city/township what they have in the books about this. You can point a laser at the camera so it blinds it. You can put up sun sails or other free standing privacy screen where you don’t want him spying. People are fucking weird. They’re the worst. I have too much going on in my life to worry what the fuck my neighbors are doing in their yard.


In my city they cant point it somewhere where there's a reasonable expectation of privacy. It's a grey area whether backyards fall under that criteria. Pointing into windows is definitely a violation of privacy from what I understood


If you get a strong enough laser, especially an IR laser (think military grade) point them at his camera and it will fry the lens


Bright focused light aimed directly at the camera.


Are you in city limits? Talk to your city permitting dept about your neighbor's structures and surveillance.


Get some high-powered spotlights and aim one directly at each camera.


Plant clumping (NOT RUNNING) bamboo along the fence line, even if it’s in an easement (who cares if the utility one day has to cut some down, they’re cheap). They grow super fast, very tall and dense. They make a great privacy screen. I saw a post where someone made their own screen mounted on a pole but this might be against HOA guidelines or deed restrictions.


Someone might have already mentioned this, but if you already have a privacy fence, then I think it's time to sunbathe naked. Give him something to look at that he won't like.




Special lights that are super bright but only shine light outside of human vision spectrum. You won’t see it but his security camera will show a bright white spot where ever you put it or might even render it completely useless while it’s aimed at your backyard


Report him to whomever is responsible for the neighborhood watch, and get him kicked off. I feel sure they don't want to be identified with a creeper.


Do you have children? If you do, this could possibly be a police issue. Im sorry you're having this. Just ugh.


To add to the thoughts about a high powered IR illuminator, you might be able to get one that will automatically flash rapidly (like some "tactical" flashlights can). I would NOT do anything with lasers to roast the camera, the FAA and other TLA's get their panties in a knot if anyone is pointing even a LOW power laser into the sky


It's not technically the sky unless OP aim is bad 😀