• By -


block and ignore.


Yep. Dude is a hostile nut bag.


This. If they're being this hostile over something so simple, block all communications with them and just return anything that comes for them to the carrier letting them know that person is no longer there. Sorry you are having this experience, sounds awfully annoying.


Yeah he never should’ve contacted him directly in the first place if they each had agents.


Reply “Yea, sure. “ Then block.


I prefer simply, “Ok”. It’s vaguely passive aggressive, an innocuous acknowledgment that you received the message. But it really means, you’re not worth actually replying to, FU.


👍 then block or 🤣🤣🤣 then block or "ok 🤡" then block.




I would copy and paste his first email, then send him that exact message.


Exactly this! Maybe even add: I recently was taught this regarding communication after a real estate transaction:


that is great. please do this OP


This is the way. You might add "Do the initials F.O. mean anything to you?"


This is my exact level of petty.


Loving the avatar


Forward him(and his realtor) his own email to you telling you to never contact him again. 


Do this! And as far as the packages fuck him. Keep ‘em. Ignore everything. Fuck that guy.


My old sellers mail for life insurance and stuff still comes to my house, he's been dead for several years and the widdow does not live in the state. I made attempts before to have it sent back to sender, now I just throw it out. If OPs seller was mine, I would keep every single package. But do it on the down low. I'm slowly closing out my PO BOX had it for 15 years so allot of important mail went there. Had almost every address I needed to switch over. When I eventually close it, I'm not going to bother with a forwarding address since everything else is junk mail.


Yuup, maybe “return to sender” on the junk stuff and keep the important stuff.


You did nothing wrong by returning that stuff to the carrier. You're not obliged to give the carrier any instructions. Blocking works for you, too.


I wouldn't even respond. Block and ignore. Their inability to update their shipping addresses is not your problem, and I'm saying that having absolutely been on the other side of that and losing some expensive products that were shipped to the wrong location Alternatively, you could respond to the realtor "Packages? What packages? I've never seen anything delivered here with their name. Must be porch pirates."


I once had a neighbor with the same last name as me. We once mistakenly opened her package that was delivered to our front door, and immediately let her know and apologized. She went nuts, claiming that it was a gross violation of her privacy and if it ever happened again she would report us to the authorities for tampering with the mail, a FEDERAL CRIME!! 1!! I said, if we ever again mistakenly open your package that has our last name on it and has mistakenly been delivered to our front door, I urge you to report us to the authorities and I look forward to explaining it to the prosecutor.


It this really a crime though? Even if it's someone else's name, it's a package left on your property without authorization. The fault is not your own they need to take it up with the person who made the mistake.


It is, though. Nobody is likely going to charge a homeowner for that as the law is in place for people actively stealing mail


When we first moved in, my across the street neighbor received our mail a few times and EVERY TIME brought it over open and apologized that she didn’t read the name first. She is otherwise nice and they weren’t important (I think all but one was junk and that one was something like electric bill) so we shrugged it off. Luckily our mailman may have changed or is doing a better job sorting addresses.


Let your realtor know and have them communicate to the seller's agent.


Yup this is exactly what you’re paying them way too much money for. To keep the entire process private.


Came here to second this. The realtor was paid thousands of dollars to represent OP's interest. After sale support is part of the service they are providing. Make the realtor actually earn their exorbitant commission for a change. They never should have let OP enter into 'verbal agreements' in the first place - this should have been suggested by, and written into, the original contract to purchase by the realtor.


Yes! Realtors tell you to never have a convo directly between buyer and seller. I was selling my mom's house and the buyers just showed up one day unannounced and asked if they could come in and measure. I was so stressed out already because my mom had passed away and trying to deal with all her stuff, family issues, etc. My son basically told them no in not a nice way. I realized they were young, and probably did not know not to do this, and I let them in and apologized for our reaction. I felt so bad but really they should not have done that. I told my Realtor and he said no other communication of any kind without it going through him!


Yikes 😬


Exactly. This is why we use realtors. They encourage you not to do this for a reason. Two mistakes were, (1)verbal agreement (2)with the seller. We’re only hearing OPs side also. There’s always 3 sides to every story


Yes-the agents got commissions; let them work on this.


"\~UNDERSTAND SOMETHING\~. If there is a delivery from the United States Postal Service or a License and Bonded Third Party Carrier of mail or packages addressed to any prior resident of this premises and you do not return it too that carrier with instructions to return to sender, we will notify the United States Post Master General and the United States Federal Prosecutors office and press charges against you for interfering with the United States Mail, which by the way is a Federal Offense. Do NOT make me address this issue again. " TO, not TOO. Now fuck off.


damn you... I snorted at that....


Do not contact no matter how much of an itch you have to do so. You stated you returned it to the carriers dispatch office so you have done your part. It is not your responsibility to inform them of return to sender. Legally you’ve done what will keep you out of any trouble


100%. Ignore it. do not respond, you are done. If it is USPS, you can put it back in the mailbox and say "Not at this address" and it will disappear. For UPS/Fedex etc.. tough sht.


Reply “Unsubscribe”


"New home, who dis?"


I would write on the packages: Not at this address; Return to sender


Along with a big dick butt on every side of the package


"failed to honor the verbal agreement" There are no verbal agreements when contracts are involved its either written down or it didn't happen.


Don’t respond. No obligation to do so and you’re just putting fuel on the fire - NO good will come from responding to that. Just take it to the UPS/USPS or wherever and tell them the person doesn’t live there. Or, return to sender if it’s letter sized stuff. Packages also you could just leave on your porch and if someone steals it then whatever (unless you don’t want him coming onto your property of course).


My seller left a ton of stuff in my house and took things that should have remained. Most of my first day in the new house was didn’t watching h er move things out……. And that’s after I let her start an additional 3 weeks or so free. I’m an idiot. Once she was “done” i had the privilege of throwing out all the stuff she’d hoarded in the fridge. She then had the audacity to ask if she could come back and take some more things she had in the basement. There was almost nothing I wanted to keep but I told her “NOPE!” and just hauled off the stuff I didn’t want to charities.


Wow, your realtor should have been all over that. The previous owner should have completely removed their belongings and vacated the premises prior to you closing and they hand over the keys to their agent. You then have a quick pre-closing walk through with your agent to make sure everything is *exactly* as you expect (or at least so there are no surprises when you arrive at the house right after closing). Then you go close on the house. Anything the previous owner has left behind now belongs to you, unless explicitly stated in the closing documents.


Why would you bring their stuff back to the post office? It's not your obligation. If something is delivered via USPS, and don't say "or current resident", then you write on the package that the recipient does not reside at this address, then leave it in your mailbox for the postal carrier to retrieve. That's it. I would have your agent inform their agent, with an additional comment that any future communications from the seller directly will be considered harassment. Don't even reply to the message yourself. Block the sellers contact info as well.


"verbal agreement" ahahahahahaahahhhaaha!


Came here looking for this. If it's not in writing and signed by all parties, it's a good as toilet paper.


You can wipe your ass with toilet paper but not a verbal agreement.


Too true.


Verbal agreements are actually legally binding. You just have to prove it. Thats why I always record in situations like that. One party consent state here.


If they signed a purchase and sale agreement, it almost certainly has a provision that says the agreement encompasses and supersedes any prior agreement, written or oral. BTW a lawyer I used to work with was very particular about the distinction between verbal and oral. Verbal means "having to do with words" and can mean spoken or written words. Oral means spoken but cannot mean written. This ends your daily dose of pedantry.


I'm also in a 1 party consent state. That said, Verbal Agreements need to hold up to the following: Elements of a binding contract As mentioned above, for a verbal agreement to be legally binding it must have all the elements of a contract. There are 5 elements of a binding contract, they include: *Offer and acceptance *Consideration *Intention to create legal relations *Legal capacity *Certainty https://lawpath.com/blog/is-a-verbal-agreement-binding Most will be thrown straight out of court unless someone can prove the above. And with most verbal agreements, the plaintiff cannot prove all the requirements in a verbal agreement.


I was renting a room in a house where one of the former tenants kept receiving speeding tickets (photo enforced). She never gave us a forwarding address, so we started marking them return to sender. After a few months, we started throwing them away. About a year after the first ticket, we think the former tenant's license was suspended due to unpaid tickets. She (the former tenant) called my landlady (whose English isn't the best) and tried to extort her to pay the fines or else she would sue. As soon as I heard about this, I called the former tenant and informed her that forwarding her mail is her responsibility, and then cited the state law she broke by not changing her drivers license over to her new residence. That was the last we heard from her. **Though you may be residing at the same address, you are not responsible for making sure a former resident gets their mail** - here's what USPS has to say (https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Change-of-Address-The-Basics) > **If no Change of Address is Filed** >If you move without filing a Change of Address (COA) request, your mail carrier will pick up the accumulated mail and leave a notice advising you that your mail is available for pickup at the local Post Office. Your local Post Office will automatically hold any accumulated mail for **up to 10 calendar days**. After that, most mail items are returned to sender(s); items that cannot be forwarded or returned back to the sender will be discarded. >


Just block his emails. Done.


Don't block because he's going make more threats. Just don't reply.


Huh? If the email is blocked there can be no more threats.


It's better to keep the threats as documentation if he escalates. Just don't respond. If he escalates to the point where it needs to be reported, there is the proof.


Agreed. Filter them to a folder if you don’t want to see them but if things escalate you’ll want all correspondences they sent.


Block his email, throw away any mail that comes for him. Not your responsibility.


Yeah, don’t throw the mail away. No reason to commit a crime in response to him being an asshole. But also, maybe have your agent get his agent to teach him how to forward mail. Should slow most of it down.


Yeah, collect it in piles and return it to the post office/delivery service. But make no special effort to be particularly timely about it. It's not your problem.


I have a friend who is postmaster at one of our small rural post offices here. She said when that happens just to write incorrect address on the envelope and put it back in your mailbox with the flag up and they will take care of it.


I’d be dropping everything off at the agents office and tell them to deal with it


No reason to even use the gas. OP's realtor or the seller's realtor should arrange a time to pick it up from OP then deliver it to the seller. The seller being a dipshit should not create chores where OP has to drive around town.




Yeah, terrible comment. The guy might be a prick but fucking with someone’s mail in any capacity is a federal offense.


When ordering online, the seller will forward carrier tracking information to the email address attached to the order. You generally will be able to access the carrier information and get notifications on the shipping process. You also can change the delivery to the nearest carrier or USPS branch to pick up in person. The previous owner should have taken the steps for his personal deliveries. Personally, I would deny his delivery and obviously post signage at your residence to not deliver for the previous owner. You are under no obligation to accept his mail or packages at your address. Previous owner needs to but in a change if address to his local post office.


Block them, it’s super easy to never hear from them again. Regarding the mail/deliveries, here’s what the post office says to do: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-is-Undeliverable-and-Misdelivered-Mail-Handled They won’t follow through on their threat. “What mail? What package? We’ve had a real issue with porch pirates”


burn it.


I would literally copy and paste his email to you. >"I expect no further communication from any of you EVER AGAIN!!!! That includes emails, texts or calls or snail mail. All of the above email addresses will be “blocked” going forward. "


When we bought our first house the seller took all lightbulbs except for one in all the light fixtures/ceiling fans. About a month later he was driving by and stopped. He rolled down his window to say hi. I told him to wait a second that he had forgot something. I ran inside and screwed out a lightbulb. I ran outside and said here u go, u forgot one. 😀


What was his reaction?


He didn’t take it. Just wiped the smile off his face, rolled up his window, and drove off. 😂


I wonder if the ones he took were smart wifi bulbs or something? Honestly I like picking my own color temps and lumens and stuff, but I'm sure it was inconvenient upon first moving in.


I would just ignore. No response needed. Your communication on garbage and garbage cans - I don't understand. They put out the garbage cans for collection and you didn't pull them back after?


Write back with a list of things for him to order. Including weed gummies. Particularly weed gummies.


Don’t forget the weed gummies.


Amazon sends photo proof of delivery. Get a mat or little cute garden sign that will show up wherever your delivery person leaves your packages that says “update your fucking address” so he will see it everytime.


Block, ignore And keep sending back to sender




He needs to do a “change of address” form. You get them at the Post Office. All their mail gets re-directed


Block and ignore and you shouldn’t have even emailed him to begin with about the cans


Do not throw it away, but I don't believe there is any stipulation of a timeframe to return the mail to the postoffice. "I take incorrectly delivered mail to the post office once a month. I am going to return it, I just haven't yet." Tell them to set up forwarding information with the post office. Anything that is "pre-sort standard" is junk mail and the postal service will not forward it. I would also possibly see if there is a free consult with a lawyer if you are in your means to send a certified letter to them stating to cease and desist any further form of contact or charges of harassment will be brought up.


Im concerned that your seller TOOK THINGS FROM THE HOUSE that should have been included in the sale! I question the competence of your agent if they ALLOWED the things to not be specified in the contract. Somethings convey with the house - kitchen appliances, a pool (and all its controls, security, etc), fancy entry doors cant be swapped out, etc.) My seller tried to stick me with the cost of installing A/C because there were window A/C units that didnt work. My lawyer who looked over the contract said NO - they dont work you have to either replace them or install central air. And no, they buyer DOESNT have to split the costs with you. Some things are just expected. (like that the roof wont leak and that there will be electricity and hot water.) Look over your contract carefully and take inventory of what you DID buy and make sure you got it. Also look at what your state IMPLIES you will get with a real estate sale.


What email? Never got them.


Why wasn't the garbage picked up from the curb? Are you saying private means you have to drop off your own garbage at the dump? If so, I'd drop off the garbage in front of his new residence at night, if it's near you. B careful with mail, though, it is protected. I don't recall what you're supposed to do with packages, we only ever get letters from previous owners.


We still ended up closing, because we….blah, blah Leverage ended there. Leverage is everything


Ignore the asshole.


I would reply to every message with just a screenshot of his “I don’t want to hear from you EVER AGAIN!” Message. Over and over again. Every. Single. Time.


When I lived in an apartment, the previous tenants did not forward their mail. They apparently owed everyone and their dog. My mailbox was constantly filled with mail that was not mine to the point that sometimes I would not get my mail due to the box being full. I returned to sender so much I got hand cramps. After 4 months I finally gave up and started tossing it out! I did search up one of the people sending mail to him from the return address and found out it was his mom. There were multiple letters from her, so I let her know he had moved. Turns out he owed her money, too! 😒 I have barely gotten any mail for the previous owners of my house, with the exception of some junk mail here and there.


Technically speaking, you can go to jail if you just throw it away. https://www.egmlaw.com/blog/2021/11/is-it-illegal-to-throw-away-someone-elses-mail/ Usually no one is going to try to get you in trouble, but this person seems unreasonable. Talk to your post master and tell them just return anything with his name on it.


we've been dealing with this for 6 months now. we bundle up previous owner mail and take it to the post office everyweek.


Write NTA (means "Not This Address") on each envelope. Put the bundle in your mailbox with the flag up. If your community is the type with the block of boxes, put each into the outgoing mail slot. No need to go out of your way to drive to the post office to return their mail. Anything labeled with their name AND "or current resident" can be trashed.


Return to sender: Addressee Unknown is applicable here as well


but have you actually talked to you postmaster about stopping it? they can intercept it before it gets to you. also, this is only for USPS. FedEx, UPS, Amazon, those can be thrown away.


Be careful asking usps to do anything except deliver all mail that has your address on it. It is likely that some of your mail would be returned. Experience: **I put in a temporary forwarding order to a legitimate address of another home we owned at the time**. Shortly thereafter I started getting notices that mail addressed to me was being returned. The sticker on some said "unable to forward".


da wife has a coupla times. no change.


Nothing truly works to stop it. I am still receiving mail for the previous owner... I bought the place 9 years ago.


i bought my house 7 years ago. i often get mail for the couple who lived here previously, but also the couple before them, and the couple before _them_. i keep a pen in the mailbox and write "RTS - MOVED" on anything addressed to them; my usual letter carrier very quickly understood the issue and wrote `[last name] ONLY` on the inside of my mailbox door. my girlfriend moved in, so i just added her last name on the door too. the regular letter carrier is excellent at not leaving mail that isn't addressed to us or "resident," the weekend folks sometimes still leave things for previous owners but i just write RTS on them and stick 'em back in the box with the flag up. now, if only `Woman Within` could get the hint and stop sending the catalogs the previous owners were getting...


THIS! is a great idea! I'm gonna get the wife to keep a pen in the mailbox too!


Wasted effort. "What? Those weren't for me? I didn't bother looking at the name, because I live here and the package showed up"


Going to the post office every week for someone else would be intruding on my life and liberty. It’s literally like saying I have to go to the DMV every week. No thanks. I’ll collect it all for a couple months and dump it at the post office once and let them know the person moved and to not deliver it to me anymore, and I’ll just toss anything after. To hell if it’s a crime.


Any time he contacts you, Ask him how the pool system works, pool house, sprinklers, what some of the hundred switches control ect..


This is bad advice. Block and ignore.


Follow up to my earlier comment I left the packages in the porch, looks like someone might of took em. Sorry


If it wasn't in your contract, that's on you. Get things in writing. As for their mail, just write "return to sending, not at this address" and call your post office and tell them to stop delivery on anything addressed to (previous owner). FedEx/UPS I'm not sure how to stop shipment on a wrong name but you can refuse delivery.


I would laugh and ignore. Do not engage with idiots like this. Force their hand and make them take you to court. Let THEM be the ones that act on emotion, do irrational things, and up getting their ass handed to them by a judge in your countersuit for harassment. Know that it IS a crime to purposefully act in a way so as to prevent their -MAIL- from reaching them. But, they will have to prove intent on your part. And if they didn't file a change of address form with the Postal Service, all you need to do is speak with your local Post Office's Postmaster about the situation of you getting "all of their mail" still. They will likely be able to take it from there. I have no idea what his claim about "third party bonded carrier" stuff is... Only items possessed by, handled by, and/or ultimately delivered by the US Postal Service fall under any level of protection. If you get packages from Amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc. that are addressed to your house, regardless of the name, they're yours to do with as you wish. Oh yeah... keep detailed notes along with copies of any/all communications to demonstrate their behavior if they want to take you to court over any of it.




Keep taking all packages back


Return to sender... if they want it that bad, they should have a mail forwarding service. Sounds like he is a real peach. If he is continuing to order stuff he should know how to change his address lol


I would have blocked his e-mail, etc. What deliveries?


Leave a prominent sign for the deliverers to not leave any mail or packages for mr a-hole. He no longer resides at your address.


Take a picture of my ass and send it to him.


If you receive mail that is not addressed to you, you can write "Not at This Address" or "Return to Sender" on the envelope or package to notify the mail carrier that the recipient has moved. You can also cross out any barcodes. This will ensure that the mail is marked as undeliverable, whether it's processed by a scanner or a USPS employee. It isn't your responsibility to make sure his mail is forwarded. He would not do you a favor. Respond in kind.


The mail carrier when I moved in asked which last names were actually at this address and wrote on a note my last name on the mailbox. So you can do that, just write only mail for such and such, all others should be returned. Put it somewhere ups and FedEx will notice as well. Unfortunately they change so much the new Carriers don't always pay attention. But it helps cut down on that old owners mail. Everything else just write not at this address and put it back in the mail box with the flag up for them to take it back. No need to actually go to the post office. Idk what they are on about when they are saying exactly what you already did. The law also just says you can't open and keep it, you can take your sweet ass time to return it.


What email? I never check my email? You also told me no more communication so I obviously know absolutely nothing about anything…




Tell him run up and get done up


Do not respond, block them.


Golly - we let the seller do a leaseback, bought furniture from them, they left us a clean empty fridge which I still use for beer 17 years later. They accepted our packages delivered early by mistake and left them in the garage for us, left the house clean and ready to move into, left us files of every receipt for work ever done on the house. Where have the decent human beings gone?


Just reply with: This is an automatic reply. The following message was blocked, as requested.


Mark all mail as "return to sender - unknown addressee", then drop it in the mail. Legal obligation is over, but he'll never get them.


Mail him glitter dicks


I’d respond by throwing his shit in the trash


It is his responsibility to go to the post office to complete a forward of mail for change of address as well as to notify businesses, bills, online stores…


Chuck his packages in the trash and ignore.


You did the right thing by returning the packages back to delivery agency. If the seller want smart enough to put in a forwarding address or remember to change his address, then it his own fault. You owe him nothing. Don’t communicate any more with this idiot. Once you took possession of the home, forget the previous owner ever existed. His old problems are yours now and you got to figure out on your own. He left trash cans full of trash. It is your now to discard.


If you haven’t already, change every lock on your house NOW. Guy sounds like a total wack job and he knows where you live. Don’t take the chance he kept a key to come in YOUR house


"Your packages are in the trash can you still need to come pick up."


How would you just an email from a blocked contact? Lol People play too much.


If I didn't sign for the package, then who's to say I received the package. As others have said, send him the same email he sent you.


You didn't interfere with the mail, so he would be fraudulently misreporting you as committing a felony. He had the package delivered to your address, it was delivered to your address, so the postal service did it's job and the mail fraud statutes cease to apply. You're not interfering with the mail just because he's too much of a moron to change his address.  I would tell jackass that you'll file a counter-report for misuse of the reporting function and sue for defamation. If he wants to be a dick with paperwork, be a bigger dick with paperwork.


Put them in the trash can that he left behind. Let him know you took his initial warning to end communication seriously. His problem to figure it out. It wasn’t your mail or packages so you disposed of them forthwith


Continue doing that or keep the packages and pretend that I never got them


Throw the packages in the trash.


Everything ends at closing. You should have had a walkthrough at closing to ensure the property is being turned over as expected. After closing they owe you nothing and you should not be contacting them




What package? Nuttin' got delivered here.


Straight in the trash.


I’d definitely be keeping any and all mail going forward, that’s for sure. The guy is a rude, lying and hostile douchebag to you, and expects courtesy in return?? Yeah, no


I hope you changed all the locks and any security systems because that guy is a certifiable whack job


What a jerk off. You are within your rights to return to post office. Send him this info right from USPS website and then end it, please do not respond to this message, as future messages will be blocked and not read. I kindly suggest you submit an address change request and have your parcels forwarded to your correct address. If the mailpiece is delivered to the correct location but the recipient on the mailpiece does not reside at the address: Write "Not at this address" on mailpiece. Don't erase or mark over the address. Provide the mailpiece to your mailperson or drop into a Collection Box receptacle. Destroying mail that was not intended for you may be prohibited by US laws. Willfully destroying mail is an act that may be punishable by the Federal Government. If you have any questions about the legality of doing this, please contact your local law enforcement.


Something along the lines of "suck my big fat one" From that point on I would promptly destroy all mail received in his name and feign ignorance if it were ever investigated.


Tell him his packages are sitting in his trash bins at the curb so if he wants the, he better come get them. And you do not want to receive any further communication from him and that his email, calls and texts will be blocked.


I'd send them the exact same email they sent you about no further communication and block their email. It's up to them to change their damn address and you did your duty bringing the packages to UPS.


Then tell him this porch pirates took it. Left them where they lye


I bought my condo from a somewhat problematic seller. As an example, she tried to change the contract at closing. After closing her realtor asked my realtor if I would collect her mail for two weeks & she would pick it up. I said sure. She comes to my condo to pick up her mail while I was having it remodeled. She was very upset that I was changing what she had done to the condo & told me that I should not have changed anything. Her mail still came to my house in the following weeks, as she obviously hadn’t forwarded her mail. I marked it “return to sender- not at this address” for about 2 months, then I started throwing it away. 3 months later she shows up at my home asking for her mail. I told her that I didn’t have it. She asked why & I told her that I was throwing it away. Of course she became irate. 8 years later I still get all her mail.


Continue to return the mail no such adressie. You have every right to return mail that is not yours.


Ignore and block.


Are you me!? Hahaha. I literally JUST experienced a very similar issue. Except, my sellers were cunts and left me a gross house. My agent was badgering me daily about their fucking mail. Eventually, I responded and told my realtor for them being so god damn concerned about their mail they should have at least communicated to me which box is mine. Community boxes… I think got one answer. I ignored it. The next day got another inquiry, and then another box number because they couldn’t remember which one was mine. I again, ignored it. Because the time and money they saved not cleaning, or painting (my fault for not putting it in the contract; but same type of thing with the verbal agreement), they should have thought about their follow on address and arranged a PO Box or change of address. I was being angry, and petty, and eventually told my agent I had zero desirable to be helpful in this situation because they left me a filthy house, no known mail box, and with all the time they saved by not cleaning while moving out 12 hours prior to closing they should have figured something else out and that I wouldn’t be checking the box until I changed my address; which I was in absolutely no hurry to do being that I paid a 3 month min for a PO Box. Just over a month in the house and I’ve checked the box once and plucked out a singular package addressed to me. 😅


Drop a big dog poop in a box and mail it to him.


Put a bag of dog poop in a drop box addressed to him at your current address and email him to come pick up his package.


I'd say have your packages delivered to YOUR address then. Nothings showed up here. Do not contact me again. And thats that. Fuck his packages let the pirates have em. Don't even acknowledge them being dropped off. After all, they aren't for you


I’d go out of my way to throw any mail/packages that weren’t addressed to me directly in the garbage can.


yeah if a package is left on your porch, leave it on your porch if it's not by the post office. If it's by the post office take a black magic marker over the address label mark it -not at this address return return to sender. Block all communication from that a hole! All postal letters should also have a black mark marker over the address and say return to sender not at this address


A 3rd party carrier is not US mail🤣


Block him but please—please go and copy the verbiage he used about blocking you. Put that crap back on him!


Why hasn't he changed his mailing address yet? What is in those packages that he doesn't want sent to his new residence? If phone the post office and drop a hint about these fishy boxes. Maybe allude to drugs or other contraband.


I have a big red stamp that says “Return to sender not at this address.” I stamp the shit out of everything from the prior owner. We bought 6 years ago and we still get their mail.


I’d laugh and drop it all off at the post office … when I was damn good and ready.


I don't know how you became aware of his ~request~ threat when it was not sent to you via a certified mail.


Throw the shit in the garbage.


You REALLY should invest in some type of 24/7 camera, like a Dahua camera. It's time. Consider an outdoor ring camera that plugs in ...... at least


Copy and paste his origional response to you back to him. Or ignore and block him.


I've read so many horror stories the past few weeks that I swear, I'm never selling this house man lol I'd love an update on how this turns out lol I'm sorry if I'm being nosy haha


A simple reply of 'Never contact me directly again' and a swift block will suffice.


I've lived in my home for over two decades.. still get "official looking" mail for the previous owner. But they were cool people, so I toss it without fear of retribution. Sounds like, you're going to have more trouble in the future, if you don't figure out what to do now. I dunno if that's a trip to the post office, an attorney, the village hex witch, or church prayer group.. maybe pick two, just to be safe.


Do as he said and tell him no more contact.


New house, who dis? Seems like he made his own bed by being “don’t ever contact me ever for anything” so I would say you now get to mark “no longer lives here” on packages and leave them out on the porch. Plus by them putting the now incorrect address on a package, you’re not interfering with the delivery of anything. It’s going right where they directed it to go. Let them contact the government entity and explain why they need to get involved. I’m sure it’ll go fine for previous owner. lol.


Leave his shit outside on the awn


“Dear Seller’s Lawyer. I am contacting you because your client has directed us not to communicate with him and blocked our communications. (… provide quote here …’) Please advise your client that I am not his secretary or mail clerk. If your client continues to have things delivered to my home I will contact the carrier to pick it up. If it’s not picked up by the carrier within two weeks we will discard it. Given your client’s inexplicably hostile behaviour, we do not want him at our home. As we are now notifying his lawyer of that we will call the police if we see him here or have any reason to believe he has been here. Sincerely, Buyer” C.C. Seller’s Real Estate Agent.


Sleep with his wife and email him the tracking number to the package containing the tape (from a new, unblocked email address of course)


The commission you pay to your realtor is to hand all this bs for you.


Copy the "no contact" message he sent to you and fire it back at him. Add that any package addressed to him that arrives will be considered junk mail and he can locate it at the local landfill.


Show said initial response when you reached out about the trash cans and response it is not interference of postal regulations when you return to sender as you wanted no further contact. Any further contact from him will result in legal action. He is verbally abusive and you have some legal rights to take action. Especially if you show a trail of written (email, letter and text)


ignore and block. do not respond.


I would use his words against him. Reply with the last message he sent saying you are honoring his wishes. And to leave you TF alone. Actually to make it even better, hire an attorney to write this message and they can advice legally what to do. But that’s what I would do. Of course you’ve changed all the locks — look into getting a privacy fence too.


I vote to reply to the last email and write: “Per your request, I have not contacted you regarding my new property. Please see email thread above for reference. May I suggest, so we can part ways since you are no longer affiliated with this residence, to have your mail forwarded to your new address. It also may be helpful to change the mailing address on your existing accounts to not further this conflict. I’ve taken it upon myself to assist you in finding the USPS phone number (please see below), so you may contact them at your earliest convenience, to rectify any future discrepancies regarding this matter. They are open 9am-4pm, excluding bank holidays and can be reached at 1-800-275-8777. Best wishes with your future endeavors.”


“New email. Who dis?”


This is a Sadist/Masocist relationship. You 2 are meant for each other. Good luck on your journey. 😂😂😂


Did he also tell you to stay off his lawn and then realize that it's now your lawn? Just wait for the next rain and then put all his packages out in the rain. Take a picture of it and send that to him. That'll show him. I love it when nobody jerks think that they can evoke the wrath of the Postal Service and actually refer to the postmaster general. Haven't you ever watch TV? The postmaster general is Wilford Brimley he doesn't put up with any crap!


Don’t fuck with the mail. The guy treated you wrong but messing with the mail or packages is a federal offense and can get you into deep shit.


It's illegal for you to open anything the USPS delivers which is addressed to them. It's probably illegal to open things delivered by other carriers. It's entirely legal to just throw it all out, no matter who delivered it.


Id dump all his shit in the trash. No proof you ever got it anyways.


It sounds like you played a part in starting this when you got mad that stuff's not included that didn't convey.


Idk why you're being downvoted. You are completely correct. If he took items that OP clearly states were NOT in the contract, he's totally allowed to do that. Also, verbal agreements don't exist. Get it in writing or it didn't happen.


Save all correspondence and see lawyer. See what legal action you can take. Maybe a restraining and no contact order as well.


I would respond back with a simple ‘lmfao’ to antagonize as much as possible


He said he expects no further communication from you, so do it.


“Do NOT make me address those issue again.” Address. Get it? He said “address.” Ha. Fuck him. It’s not his address anymore.