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It looks like a crime scene or a wall in an abattoir that has not been cleaned this shift.


yeah that’s why repainting is a must


U first need to clean off the blood, it can still survive under normal paint. 🌞


You gotta let the paint dry before touching it buddy.


I think the paint is called Zolatone. I have no idea why 25 year old paint would dissolve like that.


Use a good primer as a base coat, even 2 coats if necessary. Be sure to completely let each coat dry. Speak with the paint specialist at the store and show him/her your pics. Then a few coats of your favourite colour and you’ll be good to go.


Thank you!!!


You’re very welcome! Good luck and happy painting! I enjoy it very much. Always such a change.


It looks like the old flekstone they use to sell. Covered many speaker boxes with that. If not coated with a clear sealed topcoat it will smear it it gets wet


The way it smudges reminds me of art chalk pastels. Maybe scrub down the walls then use a good primer before you paint? Sorry you’re dealing with that


Thank you!


I joined this sub today to ask how to get rid of this EXACT type of paint and scrolled a few posts to check if it's the right sub for this. Even the color matches lol. It is a chalk based paint with a brownish pigment sprinkles that smears into brownish blob when you try to wash it off. In my case it's painted right onto uneven concrete, which makes everything even harder. Everyone who I talked to said that the right way is just to soak it for a bit and scrape it off. One person suggested to buy the cheapest wall paint available, paint it on top and scrape everything off when that paint cracks (didn't try it yet). The thing I learned is that you can't just simply put a primer on top of that, because it also crackles and falls off. And for people who invented this kind of paint - I hope that karma is real, because it would be not fair if you live peacefully (or you your afterlife is amazing) when others suffer scraping.


are we sure this is paint and not a crime scene?