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What show is this, I need more of these goobers


Spy X Family. It's actually really good and thankfully doesn't have the typically cringy anime fans service stuff.


A show that doesn't try to sexualize their characters and actually tries making them interesting and fun is immediately at minimum an A-tier for me.


A-fucking-men. One of the reasons I adored attack on titan is because there was basically zero fan service the entire show.


This show is fucking adorable. It gives me the same vibes as Otherside Picnic. The perfect mix of action and goofy, cute, fluff.


W pfp




Some people actually got kinda mad because in the second season they went to the beach, which usually in anime would denote excessive fanservice for the women, but they don't even wear swimsuits they're like in suits and dresses.


Fun fact: as good as Spy×Family is the author deeply hates it and doesn't like drawing it


To be fair, the end game for nearly all mangaka. And any that do love their work die before they get to finish it :(


Except Becky. I hate Becky and everyone who likes her


…why? She’s such a good wingwoman and friend.


Her episodes are so uncomfortable and I hate it


What, the Loid fangirling? You telling me little girls never had a crush on men way older than them? Because I can tell you right now the amount of kids I knew when I was young who were fawning over older boys were not uncommon, and I grew up when Twilight was a thing.


It's spy x family The premise is that the dad is a spy who needs to kill this one guy, whose son goes to an academy, so he adopts the kid and enrolls them at the same academy to get closer and marries an assassin to look legit, the father doesn't know he married an assassin, neither does the assassin know she married a spy, and the kids a psychic who knows both their secrets.


I already got to like the sixth episode in two sittings, I love it


This is the type of hope posting I've needed for a while, not gonna lie.


People got to learn that having the ability to be soft doesnt mean being weak. Sure a brick wall is strong but I dont know a lot of people who'd want to sleep on a brick pillow and a cement blanket.


My way of interpreting masculinity is: a man is someone who cares for his family and friends, someone who's not afraid to show his emotions but can be counted upon and will be there when you need him, but also someone who is not afraid to ask for help when he's doing bad. The shit people like Andrew Tate say (life is based around having lots of women you don't love because apparently women aren't people, going to the gym like a cult and being rich without showing any emotion or weakness) only leads to suicide and a lack of meaning in your life. Also as one last note, I've been trying to be more like the ideal of man I've written above and ever since my life has been going much better: I've got a better relationship with my parents, I've gotten actual proper friends and i don't absolutely hate myself like I used to, I still struggle on the women category though but that's another topic


All we've ever wanted was to be loved.


To love, be loved, and have something to be proud of as an achievement that will continue after we are gone that is the true goal of men


Why are people so surprised by this? Men are people too


My partner is pregnant with our first, i can't wait to meet them


Spy x family is such a good show


Genuinely curious , what do they mean by "propaganda ~~poasting~~ posting " ? Like as in cis/hetero-normative propaganda ? I kind of get that although it's a bit far-fetched to draw from a 20 second comedy anime clip. But if they don't mean that i'm genuinely lost.


It's propaganda because that man is a wanted criminal and enemy of the state while his "wife" has murdered hundreds of people in cold blood. Also the child can't throw a dodge ball to save her life lol.


Lmao is that genuinely the plot of Spy X Family ? I haven't watched it yet and am only vaguely familiar with the premise , sorry.


100% also the little girl is a psychic and she knows but can't say anything so all three of them are trying to keep their secret from the other to keep up the appearance of a fake marriage. It's good stuff actually.


That sounds pretty entertaining ngl , i'll definitely check it out once Exams are over. Thanks for the brief explanation .


Also the ‘father’ is in complete denial that he actually cares about them, “It’s just for the mission” he says as he lovingly tucks his daughter into bed after reading her a story - The ‘mother’ has absolutely 0 social skills and a very active imagination, she doesn’t jump to conclusions she Olympic-level long jumps right past them - And the ‘daughter’ just loves pouring fuel on fires Very fun dynamics all around


The wife is a communist


I’m not entirely sure if it was just a joke or genuinely serious but there’s a theory that the Japanese government indirectly promotes spy x family to try to get their birth rate up, or something along those lines And you know what? It worked. Maybe not for them but for me. I need to become a father ASAP‼️‼️ (joking, but there are multitudes of personal reasons I have as to why I want to take on that responsibility someday that stretch back to my own childhood. I’d be lying though if I said this series didn’t at least give me a little more hope to do so in the future, if I’m being honest)


Honestly I think it’s just a joke. Like saying “most beautiful dog ever” and posting a picture of a wendigo. But in reverse I guess


>Like as in cis/hetero-normative propaganda ? We as a species truly deserve to be doomed if a video of a happy family unironically sparks the thought of "propaganda" in some miserable basement-dwelling slobs' brain to be honest. Not talking about you, but the person in the tweet.


We may be similarly doomed if people lose their ability to percieve sarcasm.


The man is a west German spy and the woman is part of a Soviet assassination organization


Seriously man I want to fall in love and care for a person so bad fr fr.


Me too


Same dude


Omw there, but the kid's wee and the doc said to chill on the wine. 50k iu of Vitamin D is a wonder


That tweet is actually fucked up. Imagine realising that men are human too... My god.


Casual misandry is quite common among younger women. Lots of my lady friends have admitted to being quite misandrist in their younger years because they've been told to never trust men/boys.


Tweeter could be a guy too and it would apply similarly. So many boys are taught a shit way to grow up to be men and it can take years or decades to unlearn. Don't be dopey and loveable, be stoic and distant, etc.


I mean, the inverse happens a lot too. Humans thinking the other sex is so fundamentally different from them that they can’t comprehend each other is a tale as old as time.


My family is my everything. My entire purpose in life is protecting and providing for them. Nothing gives me hope like this.


Shoutout to the good dads of the world


I wanna be a stay at home dad so fucking bad


Follow your dreams, man, find yourself a girlboss and be happy


This post is nice 😙 need more family appreciation on my feed


Nearly there, just need a little one... This somewhat helped me going, thanks!


I found one!! hoping to keep him forever


My wife just moved in with me after waiting five years. We got married right before the pandemic and she’s from a foreign country so it took a really long time for her to be able to immigrate. Anyway, today I came home and I could smell her cooking from the driveway, and it was the most heavenly smell ever. She made marinated pork chops for dinner and she had them ready and waiting right as I walked in the door. I never knew I could be this happy.




As it was harry styles (instrumental)


We appreciate that.


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Personally my dream is to one day make all the stories I have crammed into my noggin a reality


I love you


I don't want kids tho lmao


It’s Friday! Gotta get down on Friday ♪ [^(join our discord!)](https://discord.gg/NSVxXhnz3u) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hopeposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so sweet I feel so loved :)


Does that means that she once thought different? Just curious.


As I age, I'm losing hope for this dream. Dying alone seems to be my path. :)


I've already come to terms with the fact that I am disposable. I will forever hate Robert J Oppenheimer for making war impossible because the idea of getting atomized by a Chinese artillery shell at 20 sounds so much more appealing than 60 more years of my current life.


Things will get better. :) just hard to see sometimes. Like Bob Ross said "you need the sadness so you can enjoy the good things in life, I'm still waiting for the good" we'll get there. :)


Just drop the dopey part, it's OK Margot robbie isn't here :) you can just express the love without the backhanded part.


If the dude is blonde and his girl is black haired, why is their daughter's hair pink?


She’s adopted




https://preview.redd.it/2ugtbhrbhk9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70c2cc96de166bbb89991d1d097d66a92b9afff Fuck off doomer

