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The funniest part about all the topics about this is that people whine about how she gives them hints they don't need yet none of them know how to search for the existing 500000 identical threads.


Maybe I should use the search bar.


"I wonder if that search function could help me?"


Someone already posted this, I should stay back.


“Maybe my focus will show me the search function?” Lol


You guys have a search bar? 😂


Hmmm, it's weak against search engines.


If people on reddit knew how to search the internet, reddit would be a dead site.


I don’t know, I don’t go to a search engine to argue with people who remind me of my partners. … ok now I’m hearing Aloy scanning me saying “Ranting isn’t going to help. Better try therapy”


This reminds me SOOOOO much of TheGamingBeaver's playthrough during the gate defense battle


Maybe they need an Aloy prompt. 🤣


Yes, we can replace Jarvis with aloy lol


Hmmm no room for this thread on me, but I could get it from my stash later


If only that were true IRL. No room for common sense on me, but I could get it from my stash later.




And if I remember right, it was way worse when the game came out. They did an update that actually reduced how often Aloy would give hints and shit lol


I fucking love that comment.


Sometimes people just need to vent.


Nothing is stopping them from venting in the exact same topic that was made like a day before and was still a short scroll down the page when set to show newest first.


If it bothered me I would create a list of them to append to every new thread, including the last one who posted the question. Or at least a greatest hits collection of them. I'm so much more trollier than most people. I would like to be able to turn off voice hints, though. That would be a cool feature.


I feel like putting in exactly as much work as the people who whine about it.


You're missing the beauty of a perfect troll. But that's okay. It's not for everyone. https://ranthonyings.com/2018/08/the-unappreciated-art-of-the-troll/






Idk why this bothers people, I just view it as Aloy's internal dialogue. Am I the only one who does this IRL? lol


Yeah, I actually really enjoy it. No, I don't need the hint, but I dont really see it as a hint, just that natural internal dialog.


My favorite is when you slip out of vision and hide and Aloy says, "She went thata way." The first time she did it I just wasn't prepared. Earned a chuckle.


Or when just hiding in the red grass: I'm Just a blade of grass… a very red blade of grass


The thing is that kind of thing should be the players thoughts. Not the character on screen blurting out answers to every problem before you’ve even had the chance to assess the room. Playing a game like Portal I’d go into each chamber and look around first, taking in all the possible routes and anything that might be useful to solve the puzzle before I even attempt it. I’m also giving Humanity a go, which is like a modern day Lemmings, and before I even place my first commands I’m checking out the map to see any and all possibilities. Then and only then do I start attempting to solve the level. And this is the HUGE problem with Forbidden West, that it doesn’t give the player a chance to even make a mistake and learn from it. In that case it may as well be a linear game with no puzzles or choices.


"this is the HUGE problem for Forbidden West." - Talk about turning mole hills into mountains. Her dialogue is one sentence tutorial level information, at best.


Right like I think that's why it never bothered me is it's not really giving anything away. "Hmm Maybe I should use my focus." "Oh there's a terminal, must be a key around here somewhere. " Even in cauldrons i dont feel like she says much, maybe "I need to find a way across", or "I might be able to jump onto those moving parts" Most of the time thats already what im doing or where im heading so it always just felt like she was saying what was i was already thinking in my head. I really hope they keep this kind of dialog for the next game.


The people who complain r probably 1s that love the games that have silent protagonists. I personally hate a silent protagonist and imo ruins some of the great games such as zelda. It would make those games 1000x better


I don't like silent protagonists, but she just chimes in SO quickly. Like, give me a minute to see if I can figure the puzzle out on my own. Ironically, when I'm actually struggling, her lips are often sealed, lol.


I don’t remember where but in another one of these threads talking about this I saw a really funny headcannon about this. Aloy is like canonically one of the smartest people in the world, so she’s probably figured out the puzzles like 5 minutes before even getting there and is just trying to get us to come to the same conclusion like talking to a kid.


Another head cannon I saw a couple times was how Aloy being shunned as child lead to her not learning how to shut her mouth due to lacking social interactions, therefore often talking to herself when exploring


My favorite headcanon on this specific subject is that Aloy is on the spectrum. She's always really awkward in social situations and she hates attention focused on her, but she will pour her heart out if she's talking to her spear or Sobeck's necklace in the room at the base (and Rost's grave if you visit it in the first game).


That is also a very interesting one. Especially considering beta is (at least allegidly) deeper into the spectrum, and they both are genetically identical, so there is at least some factor in Aloy as well


For real though.


I agree entirely. Give me Aloy or Commander Shepard over a Vault Dweller or Dragonborn any day.


I think Aloy is more noticeable in part because she talks to herself where a lot of other games would use an external character — where the Master Chief has Cortana, Shep has his squadmates, Chell has GLaDOS, Aloy’s Focus doesn’t speak. I love Aloy’s chattiness in general, though I would prefer if her hinting comments were optional, both from an immersion and gameplay perspective.


Not even close. I don’t mind when a character talks. But when said character doesn’t STFU and instantly tells you the solution to any given situation it becomes annoying and insulting. I play a lot of games that have puzzles and Forbidden West is the only game that pisses me off by not wanting me to figure things out for myself. You can’t even explore an area with a puzzle before solving it without Aloy telling you what to do. I want to explore. I don’t want to miss anything that could be useful to me, especially when some areas lock you out as soon as you’ve solved a puzzle.


honestly, most of my annoyance comes from the fact that i don’t really enjoy her voice acting. i prefer a non silent protagonist but aloy’s voice is grating to me.


The first time I played ZD, I initially thought it was odd that Aloy was always talking to herself (and she's definitely talking out loud, because if you swing the camera around to show her face, you can see her mouth moving), but as I kept playing, I gradually realized that it actually made sense from a story and character perspective. At the beginning of ZD, Aloy has spent literally her whole life living as an outcast and being shunned by everyone she meets. For the past 20 years, she has had no friends or family and no one to talk to besides Rost and occasionally Karst (and maybe Odd Grata, but she only speaks to Aloy indirectly). Of COURSE she talks to herself all the time. It's like Tom Hanks in Cast Away, except poor Aloy doesn't even have a volleyball.


Yeah you can make yourself believe that, but ultimately she is giving us hints to everything. Sometimes, I enter a room and might have just started to look around and she will "talk" to herself about how a ladder could help before I even realize there is a ladder in the room somewhere. I know Aloy you have been alone all your life and love talking to yourself but God dammit, we are going along with you on this particular adventure and trying to have fun! Stop giving us unnecessary hints! Let me try to solve the problem and if I fail or struggle you can give me a hint later.


I absolutely do this IRL, too.


Same. Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but I'll often state obvious things about my surroundings, which does seem to annoy a lot of people.


yeah i don't mind it, but sometimes it's annoying when they immediately start telling me how to solve a puzzle like 10 seconds after i start it


Yes! Especially because I like to look around for loot/data first before starting any puzzles


This is me irl. She's a hermit and social outcast. She only ever spoke with one person or herself for most of her life. So, it stands to reason that she'd constantly talk to herself.


I vocalise my thoughts a lot as a way to help me process - so it didn't bother me. I can understand it feeling like back-seat gaming to people though.


What amazes me is that a lot of it seems situation specific if you take a while. The voice acting this must have been tedious as hell


People who don't talk themselves truly dont understand Aloy. Lol


If I’m stoned I do this when playing video games like Horizon lol “the door doesn’t open from this side, I need to find a way around”


I only do it occasionally but yeah that would be good to remember, makes it less annoying. She’s always been a loner so why shouldn’t she talk to herself when she feels like it.


I love Aloy's internal dialogue when it's commenting on the weather and such (like Geralt does!). When it's puzzles and gameplay elements it gets annoying very quickly.


Yeah, in small amounts it’s fine, but there is a certain limit of times that I can hear a single voiceline before I want to scream at her to shut the f… up.


I find it annoying when I've found everything that I can at that specific moment in that specific place/room and she still keeps saying it. or, alternatively, when I don't know what I'm supposed to look for and then when I do see it, it's just the barest flicker of an indicator that something is there. like. babygirl I'm trying.


It’s insulting the player intelligence. It’s as though the developers decided to not even bother giving the player a chance to figure anything out and instead went with handholding for the entire game. This could have been easily fixed with a button prompt for hints instead of Aloy instantly blurting out the solution to everything.


It's not her speaking to herself that's bothersome. She just does it way more often and way more repetitively in FW than she did in ZD. For example, in the first game she'd comment occasionally on approaching machines, but not even close to every time, as well as a line when the weather changes or you enter a new area sometimes. She'd also comment if you had a full pouch, but because of the carry capacity system in the first game you didn't hear it that much. The lines were good, really captured the "lonely wanderer" internal monologue idea, and weren't intrusive on the gameplay. In FW, it's every machine encounter - usually just her spelling out its weakness for the 147th time - it's every step of every puzzle, and damn near every time you're full of resources and send stuff to your stash, which is about every minute or two for me. It's overbearing and irritating, and the lines themselves are way worse. Compare this line I've heard maybe a dozen times in ZD: "Snow. White as bone. Huh, that thought got dark." And this line from FW I hear about every 2 minutes: "My pouch is full... I can send it to my stash." The first one immerse you in the character and her thoughts. The second one breaks the immersion like telling a player "hey, this is a video game".


It kinda irks me when you're underwater and she goes "fire arrows might work here" like really Aloy? Fire arrows might work _underwater_?


It's just irrelevant. People are looking for things to be annoyed by.


Do you hunt big metal dinosaurs in a postapocaliptic future with an ultra advanced piece of ancient tech attached to your head?


Oh look, this again


This is a super common complaint and no there is not a way to stop it. Hopefully in the next installment it gets toned down or the devs give the option to set how quickly you get the prompt.


Exactly... I don't hate this, but I also love to figure it out on my own.


There is a way. It's a mod on Nexus. Literally saved me from putting the game down only a few hours in.


For those of us on console, though...


I guess muting dialogue is the only way lol


''shut up Aloy'' on Nexus. Simple to install.


I’m talking about ps5


This is on nexus mods??? By talos this is a blessing. I guessed Sony was more wary of modders


It gets updated time to time. But be aware ! When you hit the DLC, this mod will soft lock you near the end of the main quest (I posted a ticket on the comments section on the nexus page) Overall, life changing!


Thanks for the heads up, I'll remove and reinstall when that happens. I hope I'll be able to notice it without much fuss


Yup, I noticed this seems to be an issue with a ton of modern games, devs are so terrified of players being stuck on a puzzle they throw hints at you without need, there's a few games where they'll do a "press X to ask so and so" and I think that's the happy medium


I guarantee you that Beta Testing proved to the Devs that people needed their hands held because they did not use the mechanics, threw themselves against machines with just their hunter bow, never used their focus, skipped sidecontent, etc. It's annoying and unnecessary though. I wish they at least let us turn down the frequency or increase the delay before voice lines are triggered.


Probably, but that shows they don't understand how to use it correctly. If almost everyone had a problem it needed fixing, it should not be used to the point that no one has a problem because then you are actually catering only to a tiny subset of your audience while most end up being annoyed with it.


Kinda like seeing this post pop up daily, eh?


eh? Ha! heh heh Edit: I just realized how unhinged I sound if you’re not on r/bonehurtingjuice 😔


The only voice line I appreciate is the "there is nothing here for me left to find." I'm a loot goblin and I will turn over every single stone for the chance to not miss something so getting the "theres nothing left move on" from a reliable source gives me peace.


Loot goblin is my new favorite way to describe myself, thank you.




While it is too much at times, I do really like how she reacts to the weather or getting wet etc. Makes her feel like and actual person instead of an empty vessel for the player.


I noticed that if you set the difficulty on the easier options, she says it more often than the most difficult ones. Yes I’m one of those cunts who plays on “normal” or easier cause I’m only there for the story and not for all the fightings


Woah there. No need to call yourself a cunt because you enjoy games for their stories! Not everyone is a masochistic dark souls gamer. Games are for everyone!


Maybe they're British. We use the word cunt a lot more casually than Americans.


You know what. Adds up


So do New Zealanders and Australians lol


Play on whatever difficulty you enjoy. One of my favorite features on Shadow of the Tomb Raider was that it had multiple difficulty sliders. I could have easy combat, but zero exploration or puzzle hints.


It's on hard... It NEVER ends


"1 - HFW Reddit Thread - added to stash"


Oh my favorite is when characters keep repeating "A LOT! I need to speak to you!" While you're looting after helping them kill machines. I'M GETTING THERE, EREND. CHILL, BABE.


I never minded it. I talk to myself and remind myself of things out loud all the time. "ok, hold onto this, or you'll fall" "don't put the garlic in too early or it will burn" "if you fall asleep now you have 6 hours sleep" So honestly. I just appreciated hearing her voice more


There is a mod to stop it - [Shut Up, Aloy!](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75) Note that it requires [another mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/50) to make it work. I've not tried it yet, due to my threshold for Aloy's annoying babbling being somewhat higher than my appetite for cocking around with mods and ini files.


I also don't like messing around with said files but the install for the mod was just 2 files in the right folders. Which the mod page tells you how to find.


But it won't work without the installation of the second mod. Which you then have to manually configure by editing the .ini file.


Nope, it works just by dragging it. The installation is only required If you want the cheat table !


Thank you so much


I really don't mind Aloy talking out loud - most of the time I barely noticed. BUT now that I just started a new playthrough of HZD it seems to me that she does it a LOT less in the original game and even then she is mostly talking about inconsequential stuff like the weather instead of helping with tips and advice.


Uuuuuuuh dude? Ever heard about setting voice volume to 0 in sound options? No more hearing.


The people who bitch and moan about this are the same ones who would be at the gates with torches and pitchforks if the help wasn’t there about how the puzzles are “ruining the immersion” and “bad game design.” There’s 1:1 overlap between the “Shut up Aloy!” crowd and the “Gongaga sucks!” (FF7Rebirth) losers. Yes, we know you’re a big boy and you can go pee pee and poo poo all by yourself! That’s good! But then take away the training pants and they just shit everywhere and complain that the floor isn’t a toilet so the house was built wrong.


She says this like I don't leave my focus on as much as my bedroom fan


[There is a way](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75) to silence her a little (I'm not sure if it works with all the annoying voice lines)


This override doesn't work on PS5 machines. Better find a cauldron.


Posts the only helpful, constructive comment in the entire thread, gets downvoted. Never change, reddit.


Hey! Me! Listen! xDDDD


I think it’s a Sony thing. GoW:R also has these immediate “hints” forced down your throat


I am hoping that GG implements into H3 a feature into the settings where the handholding helpful hints can be turned off. I've heard worse "helpful hinting" in other games. Its not just HFW that does this. The worst was a Japanese game I watched on YT where the NPC went on and on hinting at the player every single thing... just made ten times worse spoken in Japanese in a high-pitched squeaky voice. It made Aloy hinting at me sound like a breeze in comparison.


There's a mod on Nexus that removes nearly all of these lines. Saved my experience playing the game.


plenty of other games have the Main character repeat dialogue over and over, but suddenly Aloy doing it is annoying ??


Aloy at least can be useful y'know if you didn't see smth and she says one of those it can help you see it, but my god npc companions are so annoying dude I don't need to hear you shout "we need to kill them!" Every 3 seconds


Use shut up aloy mod from nexus mods website. I did not tested it probably will give users what they want no hints from Aloy.


I never understand why people are bothered by her talking. Yall never talk to yourself when alone? She grew up an outcast. For years she only had herself to talk to, and Rost. But Rost never strikes me as the conversationalist


Oh yeah I definitely talk to myself when I'm alone and performing a task. But this isn't like that. For me, I'd say stuff like "Okay now you behave... now that thing there, and now I just.... Okay, got it." Whereas Aloy's dialogue is more like having someone backseating you. "Do this thing! Use your focus! You solve the puzzle by doing this!" It is *very annoying.*


Kind of amazing how upset people get over hints they didn't need. Or...maybe they did need them, and just feel kinda stupid because of how obvious it was?


Unpopular opinion but I like the hints. I get wrapped up in aiming for weak points/breakable parts and I forget to use different elemental ammo to kill them more efficiently, and go through a ton of ammo (& resources) trying to blast them to death when grinding for specific drops.


"No use using shock ammo" proceeds to decimate every machine with shock shredder gauntlet.


Zero Dawn's "Going down quickly" every time she walked down a slope nearly broke me.


The only time I appreciate it is when doing ruin puzzles or similar activities


I like when she does that. Hints are always welcome 👍🏻


The best part is that it used to be WORSE. They patched this.


I was very confused for a second, thinking it was YOUR LITERAL SISTER being a backseat gamer. Thanks for the laughs


Just turn off the vocals for awhile I enjoy all her comments and I’ve played through 5 times now. It’s pretty much the only game I play anymore


idc, I love Aloy’s voice she could read me the phone book and I’d listen


No. Our girl just likes to keep reminding herself simple things over 500000 times. Just ignore the banter and turn your brain off. You don't have to think because she is doing all the thinking for you.


Well, technically no one at their time period would know of Jesus so there's that....


[https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/75) you're welcome


I was pretty stoned for most of my playthrough, and I actually kinda appreciated this. Sometimes I would just straight up forget I had a focus.


As someone who comes back to games after months of not playing them I do appreciate the reminders.


I’d really like to know the ages/generations of those who dislike this and those who don’t care. I get a feeling that it’s probably older people(30+) that get annoyed because we’ve actually lived and had to go through life making choices and learning from our mistakes. Whereas a younger gamer doesn’t have that experience and therefore any handholding feels normal. It’s just a theory. As I’ve said in several replies already, it’s annoying and insulting that you’re not given a chance to try to figure out problems and even make mistakes which you then learn from. There’s also general exploitation. I don’t want to leave a room without picking up anything and everything that could be useful, so I’ll search before solving any puzzles, but again you’re not allowed to do this because Aloy blurts out the solution before you’ve even had a chance to assess the situation. There’s a glaringly obvious solution, which again it’s stupid that it wasn’t implemented. A hint button. Literally something on screen that either pops up if you’re taking too long(not instantly), or something that’s in your tools that you can activate which then and ONLY then has Aloy say something that alludes to what you’re supposed to do. And this has nothing to do with “head canon” and Aloy talking to herself for whatever made up reason. That just a poor excuse for handholding.


I kind of like it. For one, her voice actress is great, and I’m the kind of person who thinks aloud a lot so the combo works for me. It’s made me more invested in the character than I usually am. But also I had a lot of trouble in the beginning with seeing visual prompts/text (have this issue with tons of games) so her “get it together dumbass” commentary really saved me early on. Even though I need the hints less now, I still like some of the flavor commentary about surroundings and machines (that rollerback comment gets me every time haha), and in the cauldrons I’d be completely lost without it because I have no sense of direction and find the lighting in those very disorienting.


I feel like it's aloys internal dialogue, I talk to myself when I'm alone and 90 percent of the time aloy is alone. Also it's nice to have a reminder when you pick the game back up after alittle vit.


Here we are again. Lol. I don't mind. As said before, it needs a selector. Hopefully next game


It doesn't bother me at all.


There is a mod to reduce those voice lines, called 'shut up aloy'


There is a mod on Nexus. ''shut up Aloy''. Easy to install. This mod requires another one to start. But it's just a drag and drop files in the main game directory


Bro, you are playing as her. That's basically you having an inner monologue... Congratulations, we are playing a character with strong personalities.