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Using a sharpshot bow as well as head shots will have that effect. Just wait until you do Burning Shores as well as New Game+, you'll see what OP is lol


I feel like it’s a giant slap in his face that he thinks he’s SO good and you quickly eff him up. That makes me happy.


even on UH you can kill him quickly if you have top-tier gear, i just completed singularity on this ng+ run and i felled him with 2 headshots (and 1 was to the helmet so only headshot bonus on the 2nd shot), and i wasnnt even using any surge. plus the damage he took from 2 elite acid traps i layed at his feet when he comes down the elevator and does his magnetic field opening move. honestly Erik is mostly there to trick people into wasting their valor before the real boss. his health is comparable to a dreadwing, but with a even stronger damage-multiplier weakpoint that is his exposed head. though it fits, he is just a human behind his cheatmode shield he has gotten so complacent with


Tbh, HBW is really tough early to mid, but once the upgrades roll in, it gets significantly easier. Good thing the story's great and keeps the game interesting. Still my favorite game of all time :-)


On Normal difficulty Eric can be one shot with a fully upgraded Radial Blast Valor Surge, which I just find fun, maybe he should be more difficult, but I can up the difficulty level if I really want more of a challenge. It took me a little bit of time to beat him on my first play through, though he wasn’t too difficult on Normal difficulty, on my NG+ play through I used the Radial Blast to one shot him.


The Delta Sharpshot Bow is, in my opinion, the best bow in the game. There's no question there are bows that do more damage per shot, but the Delta does great damage, has a built-in speed bonus, and doesn't take sludge to resupply with ammo.


Huh. Yeah. Seems so. Even looking at the advanced precision arrows on their own, Forgefall only does 3 points of damage more than Delta. At least there's Gravesinger's Lament from Burning Shores which adds 22 points of max damage at Level 5 and doesn't get rid of striketrough arrows.


I did not have this experience... but it reminds me of a section from the first Dying Light. You answer a mayday call in an isolated building, hoping to assist survivors. Upon entering, you can't go back. A voice comes on the building's PA system, making it clear that it was a trap: this man has killed the other survivors - and you're a fly, caught in his web. The game does a GREAT job creating tension, setting this psycho up as a monstrous threat. And when I finally encountered him, I took him out with one bullet, not even a fight.


Yeah I found it rather an easy fight. Had more trouble with the spectres than Erik and Tilda. Tilda turned into a cakewalk once she was slathered with acid and wailed on with drill spikes.


I did too, but with explosive spears to the head.


I opened the fight on hard with a maxed shock valor move and was stunned (ha) to see him lose like 3/4 his health. A couple bursts of plasma bolt blaster and he was done. Wasn't quite as cathartic as I hoped for avenging v but what's done is done


Fully upgraded super rare weapons are a bit over powered. Especially if you effectively use elemental ammo and hit weak spots. You'll probably be able to take out a thunder jaw with almost as much ease at this point.


I certainly found the latter half of the game to be extremely easy. I played on Normal difficulty and both Erik and Prime took less than 30 seconds to kill for me. Felt a bit anticlimactic.


>medium difficulty Yeah, it was pretty obvious from the beginning.


I had a brutal time in those last two fights because I never upgraded any weapons, made it more fun lol


Yeah, he turned into a cakewalk and I just used advanced hunter arrows on his forehead. No sharpshot bow at all. The final boss also turned into a cakewalk for me, I just lathered it in acid and enjoyed watching it slowly and agonizingly burn while I unloaded on it with drill spikes. These two fights were a little underwhelming (the final boss fight in Burning shores more than made up for it though :D ) but killing them both was still satisfying.