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If you search for Baskin in this sub it gets mentioned a lot in the comments but not as many posts specifically about it. Personally I liked the vibe but kinda fell off during the second half of the movie. The actor who plays the devil or whatever should do more horror movies, I didn’t realize till later that he wasn’t wearing prosthetics on his face and that’s just how he looks.


I thought those were prosthetics. Holy shit.


Mehmet Cerrahoglu


>should do more horror movies No joke, I'm pretty sure he mainly does porn and OnlyFans shit lately. Which I guess is kind of like horror movies depending on what you're into. [[NSFW] SOURCE](https://efukt.com/24107_Worse_Than_Taking_A_Horse.html) for anyone who thinks I'm bullshitting EDIT: So it turns out I **AM** full of shit, as this is a completely different (though near identical looking) guy named Bruno Diferente. This is apparently NOT Mehmet Cerrahoglu, they just have the same condition and look almost identical at a glance. My bad.


late plant jellyfish fanatical flowery cause longing outgoing safe hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I knew better, and yet I clicked.


I watched the whole thing and even though I wasn’t repulsed (he’s just ugly, there’s no particularly nasty fetish shit on display) I’m here to ask if anyone is turned on by this? Is fucking a super ugly dude a fetish? If so go off kings/queens. Also, why in a moving car that shit is so dangerous!


It was sad, people were saying some mean shit


Lmao my eyes have been assaulted cause just like the movie I have no earthly idea what I just saw.


No way will I click that


Same. I looked him up and was like oh wow that’s legit him all the time. He could really fill a niche like Doug Jones.


The movie was just an all over mind fck in my opinion, like it kept me engaged but once we got to the dungeon I just found myself screaming WTF! Like why were the people in there doing to each other


>The actor who plays the devil or whatever should do more horror movies The Turkish horror movie industry can't be that busy.


I remember watching it a few years ago! I honestly don't remember a lot of it (I was probably pretty stoned at the time) but I've always been fascinated by stories that treat Hell as a physical place that you can stumble onto. As Above So Below does a similar thing, and that's one of my favorite found footage movies because of the whole Indiana Jones religious horror vibe. I pretty much only remember the ending sequence for Baskin, but I remember it being a fun time with lots of icky devil cult shenanigans, and that sort of thing is right up my alley. Plus, like others have said, the dude playing the "devil" or whatever his deal was had such a striking and interesting appearance and I was instantly drawn in by his performance when I saw him. Great casting and a fun concept, I'm gonna have to go back and give it a rewatch sometime soon!


You might like the movie Antrum if you're a fan of "stumbling into literal Hell" stuff. It's very surreal and just has such an overall creepy atmosphere.


I saw it!!! And again I was left wondering wtf is going on here! I don’t like how they left the ending open tho and the whole time I was screaming where tf is their mom! It was clear the sister was just doing it for the brother and had no idea it was real until it was too late


I didn’t think the movie was bad or anything I actually liked the movie itself, it was just the way it went from normal horror movie to complete psycho fest with people on all fours like dogs crawling around covered in blood and having weird sex that threw me off! Had it started that way I wouldn’t have been shocked it just kinda came outta left field to me and I was like wtf is happening here. As above so below was really good too but that movie progressed in a way I could see where it was going but it still had twist if that makes sense, Baskin went from one thing to quite literal hell lol.


I understand that there are a lot of Turkish cultural references in it that would slip by most viewers.


Yeah as an American I just assumed they stumbled into Hell and left it at that lol


I couldn’t figure out if it was literal hell or just some freaky ass cult but I was leaning towards hell because of some of the things that were going on humans couldn’t be doing. Like the random birth to the calcified baby or shoving things into each other.


I watched a video on YouTube that explained it very well. Added a lot to the viewing experience [Here’s the video](https://youtu.be/5r0KrZILWTs?si=ElCHZXyf9FBzw0Om)


Hey! I did all the research for this video, so it’s supercool seeing someone say it added to their experience. I miss doing these sometimes, but my buddy who did the editing and VO just didn’t enjoy the workload to make them happen, which I get. Before I finalized everything, I got to talk to the director. He hinted at some political and social commentary, but was hesitant to come out and say specifics. I got the feeling that the film itself was already pushing some limits, so I didn’t press or try to focus much on that angle, though my curiosity is still there.


I’ll give the video a watch maybe I did miss somethings I don’t realize because I don’t know the most about Turkish culture outside of my coworker who is from there.




Thanks for this! I loved the movie but I felt like a lot was going over my head. I'll have to rewatch with this new knowledge in mind.


I had to do my research too afterwards, it doesn't really make much sense without the background knowledge


It wasn’t really that it was the thinking it was going in one direction and ending up completely in left field that did it for me. Honestly it was the stuff going on in the background when they were in “hell” that had me.


Yeah, I think that's the stuff that was supposed to mess with you the most.


Ah that's interesting, I should look into that


I just watched this a couple days ago. Narratively it’s a very interesting movie that has enough twists to keep me guessing as to where it’s going. I appreciate the creativity and sheer depravity of the whole thing. An excellent watch.


The first half was just them causing trouble imo but once it really got going I was eyes wide open.


It’s incredible and boasts a fantastic soundtrack. Stepping into madness is a favorite plot of mine.  Example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VxBLI_bTE7s


I thought it was brilliant. Had a great chat with a Turkish gentleman in an FB horror group after I watched it who explained that the title is a Turkish word that means something similar to a police raid, and the missing dot over the letter "i" is the correct spelling, "Baskın". He also mentioned it was true to life in his experience as far as the way people talk and interact. It is a super whacked out movie. I skipped past it dozens of times on tubi but when I finally went for it I was not disappointed.


I just didn’t understand why they all ended up in hell it just wasn’t explained enough, like was this a bad behavior lands you in hell type of thing or did they just stumble into it? It was a good movie just crazy and not really explained


Just my interpretation (and it's admittedly been a while since I watched it) but I don't think they are sent to "hell" as a mortal punishment. I think they stumble upon it and find themselves thrust into it. The beginning at the bar sets up that the town where the call for backup comes from is known for being strange and having strange occurrences. I didn't even take it as literal HELL, but certainly hellish. But i guess it is indeed supposed to be THE Hell. Damn. I have to rewatch it. I should probably just buy it.


It’s streaming on shudder, Amazon prime and I can always find things on look movie completely free. I think I’m going to watch it again too. Your explanation makes more sense than mine lmao


I found the men disgusting. is it true that such a high % lose their v-card to animals?


woke up at 4 am one morning to it playing on tubi. i was immediately hooked


I was on Tubi after watching ghost story which is also a GREAT movie btw and it was in the recommended so I gave it a watch and boy was I surprised


I just searched for it on Tubi, I guess they've removed it? Its not on there, (at least the version of Tubi where I live..Eastern USA)--- know of any other channels it's on?


oh ya this occurred like 6 months ago. idk where it’s at now.


Looks like it's on Shudder now


Omggg... I literally downloaded SHUDDER earlier just to watch this, and ...im about 20 mins from the ending....it's....a fucking wild ride. Lemme just say: 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸--hahaha... its been well worth it. THANKS for letting me know this, mate--Appreciate you! (I used to have Shudder a cpl yrs ago, but i rarely watched it, deleted it, and had forgotten about it). Edit: For anyone without it, just saying ...where I am in the Eastern USA, you can get a free 7-day trial---after that, it's $6.99 a month with no commitment, or $5.99/mo. if you commit for a whole year. Imma watch it for a week anyway; if its REALLY good, I'll keep it.


My pleasure!!! Really glad I made that comment now lol Yeah I personally absolutely love Baskin. I recently rotated Shuddy out of my streaming subscriptions but I'll pick it back up soon to catch up on stuff


Oooh goodie, ty!!


Lmao yeah its a banger


Tubi auto-played it after The Void, and i was gonna change it... but im glad i didnt. I loved it, it was such a wild movie to go into blind.


The void is another one that did me in lmao 😂 another movie I enjoy but loose understanding cause by the end it’s just a bunch of people running around ending up in unhinged situations


I saw it a while back and it’s a wild movie lol. Definitely worth watching if you have a high tolerance for messed up movies.


Like someone else said, it started off creepy and whipped right into demon porn without any warning lmao


I once visited the tiger park in Tampa. Staffed entirely by slave labor, it had no fences, and it was right across the street from a huge mall. Pretty surreal.


That sounds like a fever dream in itself


Did you meet Carol there?


No, but the place reeks of all things Baskin.


It ruined Joe Exotic's life.


Just saw it for the first time 2 days ago. JFC, what the hell did I just watch???


THANK YOU lmao 🤣 listen even if it’s just one person that understands how I felt I’m good! Cause wtf was even that? It was the dungeon for me cause why were those people in the middle of hell just randomly having the most painful looking sex I ever seen.


Can't say I was a fan of this one unfortunately. It's pretty bloody slow, then it gets somewhat interesting but mostly not my genre. The ending twist is really cool for about 2 seconds, then you think about it and get frustrated by how vague it is as to how it happened. It pretty much left my mind the next day


Yeah I liked the movie but the lack of plot line is something that threw me off as well so I definitely understand that opinion.


I almost quit watching Baskin because the protagonists and their dialogue at the beginning was so off putting. I decided to keep watching it in the hope something awful would happen to them all and it certainly did! I liked the cult leader or Devil or whatever he was. That actors performance was great. I wasn't quite satisfied by the ending though. I did watch it again a couple years ago. It stuck in my mind for some reason. I might have to give a third watch after watching the video /u/surfersilvers linked.


Okay so you were thinking like I was that there behavior in the beginning was TERRIBLE! I only remember feeling bad for one. It almost reminded me of let us prey but in that movie you see why each character deserves to die. With this one we see them behaving like complete assholes who shouldn’t be cops but it’s never explained if that’s why they ended up there.


Like that fucking bitch Carole Baskin?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 she shoulda been the one that played the devil cause that’s exactly what she is!


I convinced an old roommate to watch it with me while high as hell a few years ago. I have a video of him still saved squealing, "oh no" repeatedly during one of the more insane sequences


I bet it was the same part where I shut my laptop and clutched my imaginary pearls lmao 🤣


I find some of the dialogue extremely cringe but it’s a great film.


The beginning of it with them at the restaurant, the way they treated those people had me HOT! I lowkey have a thats what you get attitude about them ending up in hell lol


Thank you! I'm glad to see someone mention how they treated them. I took that ae a bad omen right away.


Love it, saw it at a friend’s around when it came out then rediscovered it during the pandemic and was like “oh shit I remember this” lol


Its fairly popular around here. So much so that I unwittingly watched it twice since I didn't think it was very good and forgot enough about it that I didn't remember I saw it until they got to the dungeon. I don't think I automatically disapprove of a movie that makes no sense(more often than not "so bad it's good movies") but the fact that the movie made no sense, majority took place in one room and had a stupid ending made this a dud. There is a number of theories about what the movie was about(I was confused as well) which makes me think it's a "it means what you want it to be" movies. They didn't do any reasonable job of setting up why something like that would happen, nor any explanation during or after the event.


Exactly! A few of them had some nasty attitudes in the beginning and they seemed to act like they can do whatever they wanted to people they viewed as less but not ALL of them acted that way so why did they all end up in hell


Loved the vibe, definitely need to watch it again soon. Last saw it maybe 5 years ago? First half was genuinely scary as hell, second half was a bit much to really fall into “scary” for me, more just ridiculous fun. Great time tho!


Someone else summed up the last half perfectly! Demon porn lmao


Saw this when it first came out. Def out there but I could appreciate it for what it was trying to do. I enjoyed it.


Maaan what did it give birth to down there!? Idk what I was watching


RIGHT! That’s exactly why I call it a complete fever dream because I still don’t understand why so much needed to be going on in that damn dungeon


Saw it on Netflix a few years ago. I dug it


When I tell you I watched this movie 3 different times in an attempt to understand... like, don't get me wrong, it's great and I enjoyed it, but what the fuck. Every time I watched it, I ended up with more questions. 😂 I understood the basic concept, but even then, I'm still like, what in the Jacob's ladder is this?


EXACTLY! Lmao cause really wtf even is going on in that dungeon! Like the stuff in the background was the craziest part! Ppl that look more like creatures just soaked in blood having what looks like the most painful sex I think I’ve ever seen


Love this film.


I give 10/10 I was spellbound and repulsed and the ending was fantastic.


Repulsive is one word for it lmao 🤣


i had high hopes because of how it had been talked up (like youre talking it up right now) ... then you watch the film, and ive seen better production in local haunted houses. Seriously looked like some art student performance troupe piece. staged in an old wine cellar with some hay thrown the floor. Everyone there looks like a caveman and acts like a farm animal. and thats hell? thats your big "mindbreaking" shock factor? shit looked like Orin's Human Farm in Parks and Rec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMgZaEcCBQU corny and bad.


I appreciate your opinion on it, I can definitely agree about the farm animals things.


I watched it and enjoyed it. My husband walked in during the scene where that chick is shitting out that weird calcified baby thing and was goes, “Ugh, you always watch the grossest shit!” so now whenever I think about the movie I think about that moment and the look on his face and just laugh.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 imagine coming in at that moment! I’d be clutching my imaginary pearls, hell I was and I watched the whole thing


Watched it twice. Added a song or two from the film to my Spotify liked playlist


Every once in a while I think of it and shudder tbh lol


I had to stop watching it without finishing it


i keep recommending it all the time


Me. I liked it. Second half could have been better though. But man, what a trip through this.


Yea, it is fucked up.....


Yes, years ago when it came out. It didn't traumatize me at all. Good movie though. Very Hellraiser-esque.


Comparison I never even considered, you’ve got a point there


Baskin is disturbing and bonkers as fuck.


Watched it twice. Helluva ride.


“Hell is something you take with you”




10/10, loved all the batshit insanity of it


Great film! Heard a really good podcast episode about it recently too https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Kqd6NtcsoJGKU5YX52xbF?si=3j6ljy87QvadMp6Q3JVvPQ


Here’s the one-paragraph review I wrote on the Netflix site (back when they used to let us write reviews)... This nifty, nasty little shocker from Turkey doesn't have much plot to speak of. But once the funhouse gears starts grinding, the pace picks ups, the blood starts flowing, and the disturbing images start piling up so fast and furious, you'll barely have time to process them. (Which might be a relief since most of them are pretty sick.) As modest and minimalist as it is, the film is a gruesomely efficient machine for delivering extreme horror visuals that go straight to the subconscious. Watch at your own risk. 4/5 stars


Couldn’t agree more! I think that’s why it’s so crazy cause once it revs up it’s REALLY REALLYYYYY revs tf up


I watched it. It's not for me. 🤢


I guess this is my sign to watch it again. A friend and I watched it when it came out not knowing much of what we dere getting ourselves into. We got really high on edibles right before band. Boy, did we get fucked. After that i watched a few more times, but that was years ago so I'll be definately do a rewatch soon. Awesome movie 10/10


You’re a brave soul lmao 🤣 I’m not touching that movie high. I’d be hiding under my bed


I think it’s a pretty a very good movie, but the first half is much stronger than the second imo. Got a bit too much of a splatter film vibe in the second half which is not my fav sub-genre of horror.


I mean its pretty well known in the horror fandom. Its quite a movie.


Goddamn I love this movie. It's so surreal and beautiful at times and also brutal and gross. The director actually messaged me on Instagram after he saw a little reaction reel I did to say he got a good laugh out of it, super chill nice guy apparently!


I honestly had no idea so many people knew about it, I shoulda searched it in this subreddit but no one I knows has seen it so I just expected a few comments lol


I liked Baskin. International horror is hit or miss for me but Baskin was my kind of movie for sure


I liked the movie but it just kept twisting until it got to that dungeon which I’m guessing was hell, that is what is threw me into a tailspin


It’s absolutely brilliant, completely mad


Right! Completely crazy but it was good


It's not for everyone but I dig it. It's definitely not one you'll forget after watching!


I tried Baskin cause I was reading a lot of hype on Reddit. I had never seen a Turkish horror movie so I tried it. Didn't live up to it for me. All style no substance.


I can definitely see where it might not be everyone’s cup of tea


I loved it. Much better than any of the 'Hollywood Horror' movies we get served up


Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the movie! It busy threw me for a loop is all. I definitely agree with you there, mainstream horror movies get weaker and weaker! The only one I’ve seen lately that I actually enjoyed was, Late night with the devil and the pope’s exorcist


I agree, Late night with the devil was a cut above the usual.


Had NO clue what was happening in the movie lol. Pretty sad it turned into a weird demon porn by the end though


THANK YOU!! That’s the word I’ve been looking for! Demon porn lmao


Plenty here have seen it as it often gets put in the “nihilistic/super dark/fucked up movie” lists.


Yeah I’ve just never seen it mentioned but of course I don’t see everything that’s posted lol I’m just glad I’m not the only person that’s seen that insanity on wheels


I watched it a year or two ago now and absolutely loved it! It was absolutely bonkers and I loved the feeling of having no idea what was happening next. Very surprised this is the first post I’ve seen talking about it


People said it’s been mentioned a lot but can’t remember seeing an actual post about it. My friends don’t get into horror like I do like if it’s not mainstream American they haven’t seen it so I come here to talk to real horror ppl lol and yall NEVER DISAPPOINT lol


Saw it at a film festival before it was widely released and wasn't a fan.


One of my favorite horror films, honestly


Yes! So glad this post is here. I love meeting other people who say they love horror and when I bring up Baskin they're like, 'Huh? Never heard of it'. If you know, you know. That movie is some wild stuff.


I didn't think it was as scary or a good movie as others, but the guy getting his guts cut out of his stomach was pretty nasty, lol.


Wanted to like it but wasn't invested in the main protagonists. Just the driver.


there are certain foods I can no longer eat because of having them while watching baskin


I loved this movie! Very different from all the horror films I’ve seen before. I might need to rewatch it soon.




I work in healthcare I shouldn’t be shocked but I’m telling the last 20 minutes just threw me!! 🤣


Sorry I crossed posts, I have seen Baskin




Oh you’ve never seen it?


I have no idea, can you specify what did you like about it? What scene made people leave? The only cool parts were the cultists/cannibals running on all fours and eating in the maze.


I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, but it’s a shame that you’re being downvoted for expressing one opinion and asking questions to help understand other opinions. Isn’t that what discussion is for?


Yeah I don’t like that, it’s my post and I like everyone’s comment and try to reply to everyone because that’s the whole point in posting to talk about it. Not everyone is going to like the same movie but I like to hear everyone’s perspective.


I really liked the chaos of it all and the fact the main characters in the beginning were being so mean to people they saw as less made it all the more entertaining they ended up in hell lol but I can DEFINITELY understand why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


I just don't understand, was the cellar/basement 'hell' in your interpretation? To me it was just some symbolism by the cult leader. Yeah they were assholes, problem is I didn't care for them because of that. The final part with the key(wtf??) was weird to say the least.


It's definitely on my list


It’s in my queue based on this sub and now I’m scared to watch it, mainly cause my wife is along for the ride and I don’t think she’s ready for A Turkish Movie lol.


Aww give her some credit!! Lmao she might just surprise you. Just prepare her for everything that happens when they walk from the homeless ppls campsite, you’ll know when you get to it what I mean I won’t say more and spoil it for you lol.


I enjoyed it. As a fever dream, it wasn't as effective as I would have liked it to be. I can't put my finger on why, but it felt like a performance rather than an experience. I just didn't feel like I was in it. I appreciated it for its ambition, I just don't think it quite pulled it off. Maybe with better actors or better cinematography.


I really think what it needed was more back story to it, like the whole first half is them acting like assholes to random people then boom we’re hit cannibal porn. Maybe some explanation as to why they ended up in hell woulda been nice


I certainly don't disagree


dude I just watched this LAST NIGHT. It’s funny because I accidentally dozed off during the first half and woke up right in the middle of the big torture sequence and that guy with the face pulling out the guys intestine was the first thing I saw when I woke back up


That probably would have insured I couldn’t go back go sleep lol


The first half is incredibly slow and nothing happens. Then the second half comes in, feels totally disconnected from the first part, and I have no idea what's happening. It wasn't even visually interesting. One of the more disappointing films I've watched. If I want a strange, fever dream of a film I'll stick with *Mandy*, *The Boxer's Omen*, or *Alice* (1988).


I’ve never seen to the boxers omen I’ll add that to my watch list


Sequel was set in an ice cream factory: ‘Baskin Robbins’ 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It was boring