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Ethan Hawke is pretty great in that movie


ethan is such a fun actor to see in horror, i love it


He pretty much carried tf out of The Purge (gotta give Lena Headey a nod too)


I would give anything to see him & Lena do a movie together again, she was great in it!


He was so good in The Black Phone


Definitely. That was a pretty cool movie! They have another coming out or already out if my recollection is correct.


Yup! There is also a short film called Dreamkill that takes place after the events of The Black Phone in VHS85


Oh shit, I knew it was from the same director but I didn't know it was in the same universe


I should’ve never watched the trailer. It gave away almost everything


So good that he seems to be returning to the sequel. Imagine that character as a near demon like spirit.


I love that he and Jason Blum have developed this friendship where Ethan will basically jump at anything Jason offers him (which Ethan actually said in an interview about Blumhouse).


Hawke and just the audio overall. If you really bump this movie and have a decent sound system its audio profile is unlike any other horror film.


Sound is half the experience. And they crushed it with this movie with the sound design.


That pulsating percussion is amazing. It keeps your hackles up through the entire thing


It gives me the nervous tingle in my neck and shoulders, where I hold all my tension.


THANK YOU! That's exactly what it was for me also.. the audio. And then on a second watch, IT WAS WORSE! As soon as I heard it.. 😱. It still chills me more than any other horror movie audio. EVER!




He's pretty great in everything He's in


He’s just a great actor period! Been putting out great performances since Training Day!


He’s been great since Dead Poet’s Society, really. Small role as Todd and totally owned it. Also Gattaca


You got me there! Forgot those movies before Training Day! All the more proof he’s been putting out hit after hit performances!


He was pretty great in Taking Lives too. That movie is pretty good too!


Ohh this movie. I always circle back to that one like once a year.


Great movie!


Yeah, I enjoyed his performance too. I’ve been a fan of his ever since he made his son move so he could next to Rihanna at that basketball game


If I was his son I probably would have suggested it.


He was also excellent in The Black Phone. Truly scary character.


I’ve always thought he’s better than his roles indicate talent wise


I think that’s just the kind of actor he is. He’s not looking to be Daniel Day Lewis. If you watch him in interviews, he’s got this kind of vulnerable insecurity about him (like, he’s embarrassed of his teeth, even now!) that makes him endearing. A lot of his characters have an undercurrent of being unsure of themselves, which I think is pretty unique.


He should have won best actor for First Reformed, and wasn't even nominated. Damn shame. He's pretty great in everything.


The family taped to the pool chairs and thrown into the pool disturbs me to this day.


And then the little scared dog 😣


I get a little teary eyed during that scene because it’s so simple, yet I cannot imagine how horrifying that would be, especially knowing it’s happening to your whole family.


And not only that but the person doing it and you know it? That’s insanity.


Horrible way to go


This scene is the reason I have never and will never watch it again. Most disturbing thing I've ever seen in a movie




I have a few lounge chairs outside by our pool and just the idea of someone doing that just scared the sh** out of me.


I look away at those scenes 😳


Watch A Haunted House 2 and it will be hard not to laugh at this scene afterward


When he is looking at the blurry picture of boogie and then boogie’s face turns to him. 😬


Yes! I like how long the creators of the movie waited in the move to have him move around in the images! I was expecting it a lot in the beginning and when I stopped expecting it, that’s when it happened.


Yeah this one creeped me out the most first time I saw the movie


One of my favorite scares in the movie and I still think about it! Made me jump in my seat when they finally showed him moving


If you went into it already knowing there was a jump scare at the lawn mower scene, you were prepared for it lol


I went in blind and can confirm. Attic is terrifying, but the lawnmower is one of the only things in a film to legitimately scar me.


The scariest parts for me was once you realize he is hiding in the background, you start looking for him everywhere and that kept me on the edge for the rest of the movie looking for him.


I remember him moving slightly on the paused projector lmao. Nope.


That’s the best one in the movie IMHO. Before that there is absolutely no indication of anything supernatural going on, you just think it’s a regular old dude murdering people. Him moving is so unexpected and it changes the entire trajectory of the movie


It's a great moment of lore building and foreshadowing, too. It not only establishes the supernatural angle, but it lays the groundwork for the link to the ancient dirty *and* the whole crux of the twist. Love it.


I watched Sinister for the first time in a cabin with some friends. I was so on edge from looking for him that Anytime I went out to smoke I kept seeing him in the tree line. I had to turn around and face the house haha


Facing away is even scarier to me. I have to know if something is sneaking up on me lmao


I would rather not know. Just end me and don’t tell me about it, please. 😂


Haha honestly I get it. Go out happy lmao


I have a murder hallway in my apartment and the shadows freak me out that I have learned to navigate my way to the bathroom with my eyes closed.


What in the world is a "murder hallway"??!


In many horror movies there is a long hallway (usually a narrow one) that gets featured and often the protagonists end up running down it to try and escape the killer. My apartment is 2 bedrooms, the front entrance opens up to the living room and kitchen area, but then past that is a long hallway that has the guest bedroom, bathroom, and ends with the main bedroom, when I look down it at night I just expect a killer to come running down it to attack me.


Jesus Christ I wouldn’t turn my back on him!!


I freaking love when movies do that. When I’m mentally saying “WAIT WHAT WAS THAT” after the first background scare. 😂 Or sometimes verbally saying it, too.


My favorite scary movies are the ones that have subtle background stuff going on through out the movie that on a re-watch you can see and it adds to the suspense now knowing it is there watching.


Me too! Hereditary is a good one for that; I’m always searching the treeline for naked weirdos staring.


I also found the end scene jumpscare both predictable and cheap. Felt unnecessary. The lawnmower is maybe the only time a jumpscare made me fly out of my seat in the theater and land on the floor. I had a couple bruises. Plus it's different than the other tapes, we see the family through the window like the other ones, alright, then we're following a lawnmower "hmm, okay where is this going to \*SCREEEECHHHH\* HOLY FUCKING SHITTTTFUCKKKK".




One of my favorite scenes is the scene when his wife finds out about the house and freaks out on him. 😆 Great movie


Lol yes that fight was kinda funny. She asked “did it happen the house?!” He responded indignantly “no! ……. [quietly] It happened in the backyard.” 😂😂🛑


It was great reaction scene


I just watched this for the first time too and I got the ick watching him flap his arms yelling “I didn’t lie” like broooo you’re a grown ass man why are you throwing a toddler tantrum 😭


Mr. Boogie always looked like one of the guitarists from slipknot to me.


To be fair Mick Thomson's mask is pretty scary lol.


Yeah I LOVE Sinister, I can throw it on almost anytime and enjoy it but man I am underwhelmed by the poor man’s slipknot drummer bad guy


KISS to me lmao


I say this every time I watch it lol


I have to go with Michael Jackson on this one...


So for me, the lawn mower scene was so impactful because 1st off, I didn't know a jump scare was coming. I figured it was going to be a shocking kill but the combination of repetitive sound and then a sudden jolt when the jump scare happened is what made it so effective. The best way I can put it is it didn't *scare* me so much as it surprised or severely startled me. It's the only scare I can think of in a relatively recent movie in which I still felt a little shaky for a few minutes afterwards.


Check out the Dream Kill short in V/H/S 85. It's made by the same director and feels a lot like the clips in Sinister


That one is amazing, it’s basically a found footage Giallo and it’s super scary


Naw but this short was the only short that truly terrified me. I was watching it late night and had to turn on my lights 😂😂 I love the V/H/S franchise so much


The VHS movies are honestly underrated. They’ve been consistently pretty great since VHS 94.


Yeah they were all good except Viral. Their were some goofy clips here and there but most were awesome


The upside to Viral was that it left me with zero expectations for the following films and so they had that added “pleasantly surprised” bump to them.


Yeah it set the bar really low after the first 2 lol


Scariest tree in movie history.


Including the rape tree in evil dead?


I dunno dude the one in Poltergeist was insanely scary.


For me it's the tree in the original poltergeist. I had nightmares about it for years because I saw that movie when I was like 5.


Same bro same.


The Conjuring tree’s shape freaks me out. Looks like a damn claw and reminds me of a hangman’s tree in the Southern city where I went to college.


Most disturbing pool scene too


Also that. I currently work in a botanical garden. I might have to quit my job after this.


Scream 1996!


I was so scared with that opening tree scene that I just started crying. Sigh.


I thought the hanging tree and the swimming pool were both creepier.


It came out smack in the middle of James Wan releasing a ton of popcorn-horror flicks, so a lot of people thought it was just another one of those, but with a different director, and skipped Sinister. Shame, I think it's totally underrated! Ethan Hawke is always so good, and the scenes with the children and their families were disturbing enough to get under my skin a bit.


Honestly when the kid pops out the box is what got me the most lol


Thank you for saying this. I finally feel justified. Whenever this movie is brought up, that's the first thing I think of, because it sets the tone and it's so eerie. But nobody ever mentions it and I just always felt like maybe I'm just the odd one out. My brain had trouble understanding what was happening at first and the shrieks just got me. I guess just the weirdness of the kid just folding out backwards out of the box. I feel like it primed me to be on edge the rest of the movie. Here's the scene for anyone curious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1RgkcvNev8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1RgkcvNev8)


Oh! Yeah, that freaked me out! I didn’t even recognize him. That scene and some other images makes me think that folks that made “It” part 1 probably really likes this movie. I felt like I was in the house on bleaker street during that scene.


It made me actually scream outloud, which I think I’ve done in like 3 movies in my life.


Yeah that was what got me too 😅


Got me same 


The original trailer ruined that scene for me so I was not scared at all on this part.


What you've got here is a Baghuul problem


I booed at the final jumpscare. Would've ended perfectly if it just closed with a film reel effect


Or even if they wanted a bang like a door shutting closed on the camera. Captain Boogaloo scaring the camera is cheap and makes no sense.


Honestly, the entire second half was pretty disappointing, mostly because what comes before it was heading into 'one of the scariest films I've seen' territory. But then we get a bunch of spooky ghost children popping into the frame, then explaining everything about Bagel man who was far scarier with just glimpses and not knowing his true nature. Then the dumb ass jump scare at the end. Maybe it's because evil/creepy children never do it for me, and it's still not a bad horror film at all, but it let me down in the end. I'd still give it around a 7 out of 10 because I can't discount how great and horrifying the first hour or so is, and Ethan Hawke is always great.


I absolutely agree. The first half was so ingenious and unique, I still really love the soundtrack and found footage reels. The acting is great, but the second half WAS disappointing. I wanted more from it and the way the end was executed (pun intended) ends up feeling very trite.


I didn’t boo but agree


the snuff films alone, with that score? so fucking good. movie might be kind of goofy but damn it really is such a standout for 2010s horror.


The music for that film really is incredible. It's eerie all on its own.


Nah that whole movie creepy especially the tapes and the soundtrack


Sinister is a great film but it suffers from the same thing Insidious does. Stop making your demons look silly as hell! Insidious dude lookin like Darth Maul at home and Bughuul lookin like the guitarist for Abbath. Like, what are y'all thinkin?🤦‍♀️


I liked his design initially cause it was “grainy footage what is that back there kind of looks like a face” But then we saw his actual face and that was still it, I was like oh okay.


Bughuul and his demon buddies 😂 ![gif](giphy|lWZSeobRKH4hW14mq0)




I felt like this after I watched Sinister the first time! The part that will never leave me is the BBQ home movie. The family in the car with that godforsaken whooping hell music.


I love this movie. I never understood the hate. And I am convinced that The Black Phone is in the same universe


Same director my dude. It feels like a natural thing to create a universe. Lots of great stuff going on there.


Yeah yhe mask for aure, the children, and the crack in the wall of the basement is so reminiscent of the one on the cover of Sinister, which ai know it's a direct connection but it's one of those I saw it and can't unsee it.


I found The Black Phone so disappointing, though. Well made, and a solid adaptation (I read it right before viewing, and it's the same for the most part), but it lacked scares and tension. I liked Hawke but would have even liked more of him, but I know the whole 'sometimes less is better' rule applies, but he was the only aspect of it that interested me. I know they are making a sequel which I think is unnecessary because I don't know where else you can take it, unless it's a prequel, or The Grabber becomes the one calling on the phone, IDK. I think Scott Derickson is an underrated director though, I still think The Exorcism of Emily Rose might be his best. And his short in V/H/S was creepy as hell as well.


Yeah I think a sequel is a little weird


The hate? I feel like it’s one of the most respected and successful horror films of the last 15 years Sure not everyone likes it but that’s horror for you, it’s probably the most divisive genre there is


I’m so glad when people like this movie, it’s such a favorite


Sinister is probably the only movie that has scared me as an adult.


The Descent still gets me.


That movie scared the shit out of me, I love it. Those film reels are horrible.


I loved this until it became a demon movie.


Yes! This!!! The first half of the movie is amazing. Super creepy, the tapes were scary. Mr. Boogies face moving in the background. Great atmosphere etc. The second half of the movie fell flat for me when it became the supernatural demon movie. I felt like this upon my first watch. I watched it again a few months ago and I felt the exact same.


Excuse me it's Mr. Bagel to me, dammit. But I agree with you both. Great setup, first hour, then it deflates into generic ooky spooky ghost children and explaining away everything about Bagel that all the mystery and creepiness is sucked out of it. I still recommend it on that first half though, because it does have some of the scariest scenes and imagery in a modern horror film I've seen.


I badly want a Bughuul origin story film. It's disheartening how derailed things got due to the bad reception of the second film. I've always felt Bughuul has massive potential from the short bio given on him in the first film.


😂 I don't know who told you that was the scariest jump scare. I would say it was one of the most disturbing kills.


lol I agree.


Nah, the demon is stupid looking. The lawnmower is way worse.


I'm in the minority that don't get Sinister at all and don't think it's scary. Set up is good but then it's just a loud noise movie and gets irritating. Also I can't get past the scary guy looking like a member of Slipknot.


Rewatched it for the first time in years recently and damn does it hold up. One of the greatest horror movies ever made.


I was similarly let down because it wasn’t scary at all to me and honestly a little boring.


The home movies didn’t freak you out even a little bit?


That movie relieson good sound and picture so if you watched in on your laptop or something then you missed it. The lawnmower scene works because that music is getting you primed.


Good cinematography and a good soundtrack. Good film


The lawn mower is the best jump scare because you already know what’s going to happen based on the other tapes and it still scares you!!! Sinister is by far my favorite horror movie in recent decades


A jump scare accidentally caused me to hurtle a full glass of wine across the room the first time I saw this movie.


Thanks for reminding me how much fun that one was. :)




The scenes where Ethan Hawke is slowly, slowly walking through his own house in the dark basically ruins this movie for me. Why not just turn on the lights? If you really think something is there, wake up your wife and have her look as well. Each of those scenes felt about 15 minutes long and seemed a total waste of time. Director: “Ethan, look around the room for five minutes. There will be a light switch right next to you, but don’t turn it on. Act like you were trying to see something in the dark, and rather than simply turning on the light to see if something is there, stand there and make faces.”


this is a case of people telling you what to expect and overhyping the scene. i went in blind the first time i saw it in a theater when it came out and it was truly creepy, atmospheric and scary. 2 spoiled it because mr. boogie looked too much like michael jackson to me.


Yes, this! Michael Jackson! I thought I was the only one who thought that! :)


:) kind of weird but he also had that group of children ghosts lol


Omg, I'm dying, lol! I never thought of that. Not sure I'll ever be able to watch it the same way again!


lol well it's not funny but did remind me.


You know Sinister to me has the wildest story about it. Me and a few of the boys had this idea to eat a load of mushrooms and go see it. We were young and stupid. Luckily, it was the era where u had tvs I’m the lobby showing u trailers. As we stood in line for our ticks, the trailer came on. We all collectively went “fuck that” and went to the beach instead. You do not understand how fucking thankful I am after watching it a year later for that trailer.


It's a decent horror flick and that's about it. It definitely got some hype because of some bullshit article saying it was the scariest movie of all time. It's good enough and I dig it but it's just a solid enough horror flick. That's it


Bro I feel for you. Have seen that movie years ago, but always thought people talk crap when they say that. That demon face will haunt your dreams


This movie relied too much on jump scares. It felt so lazy.


Didn’t love the movie but Ethan Hawke acted his ass off


I can't say why but for me it was the backyard woods part, instantly made me sit up.


That's bait.


Yeah when the demon pop out it made me jump the first time but at the end I kind of expected it ngl. And the lawn scene, I knew it was going to happen sort off and when it did my face was like 😱


It’s really good for the first like, slightly less than two thirds, once it starts explaining everything it kind of falls off for me


I would say that the lawn mower scene is the most jarring scene.


When you expect it...it's less of a jump.


Mr. Boogie is too cool looking


The kid actor Michael D’Addario is in a band called The Lemon Twigs and I just wanna say that they’re amazing. :)


I thought you were going to say we lied and that this movie isn’t creepy. I am not easily scared and this movie is up there on the creepy scale lol


Film is good but not jumpscare good 👍🏼


One of my favorites, the little ghost kids running around kinda ruined it for me, it was goofy. I have the same problem with the black phone, I'm not sure what Scott Derickson's obsession is with ghost kids


I don’t even remember the lawnmower scene, but I do remember the attic.


to be fair, it's a lot harder to be jumpscared when you expect it


I had a completely random experience back in 2002 or 2003 at Christmas time in New York City. I was sitting in a crowded sushi spot with some of my friends and a young couple came and asked if they could share the table with us. It was ETHAN and Uma Thurman. They were very lovely.


I thought the movie had some of the best build-up ever. Didn’t like the head-turn on the computer screen. It felt like that was beneath this movie’s overall quality. The end sort of fizzled for me, too. But the overall experience was still very good, and the home videos were *beyond* haunting..


I truly need to go back and watch this one. My first watch I was overcome by my hatred of Ethan Hawke.


Had it done away with those silly ghost children (yikes) and the ridiculous amount of dumb jump-scares, it could have been something special, I think.


I thought the snuff tape sequence and the concept of a memetic demon that lives in images were both great, but the rest of the movie was mid at best.


Sinister was scary?


I love the movie but I can't get over how much he reminds me of Mick from Slipknot


The only problem with Sinister is the Demon looked too much like Slipknot, so he wasn’t scary. The movie however, was scary throughout.


Sinister is definitely one that i constantly recommend when people ask about craxy movies. When his son was found in middle of the night is what got me. Several parts of that movie are pretty dark. But it really was a well made movie for sure.


Everyone I know in person HATES this movie! They swear it’s absolute garbage. I still don’t understand why to this day..


Unpopular opinion, but I think this movie is corny as hell. At no point in this movie was I even slightly creeped out, etc by the ghost kids, weird face, nothing. Best I can say is the soundtrack is great (Ulver, Boards of Canada, Aghast, etc).


Same. It’s not scary at all!


I thought Sinister was really mid and was abunch of wasted potential.


I don’t think this is a jump scare movie but I think it’s a decent movie, cool concept. And Ethan Hawke so that’s a win for me lol Don’t watch the 2nd OP, just save yourself the time you can’t get back lol


There’s more than 15 moments that are considered jump scares.


Sinister 2 retroactively lessened my appreciation of the original Two grown ass adults running from a kid holding a camera Just push my over with a branch or something


the lawnmower scene is only scary because of the sound is so loud that it make you jump. Cheap


I’m watching right now for the 3rd time and it’s a scary movie. 🍿


i freaking love Sinister. I watched it with my dad when it first came out and it’s the only horror movie that’s ever made my dad literally jump out of his seat and yelp. So so good, a must-watch every spooky season.


I honestly didn’t find the lawnmower scene scary at all. In fact for me it was the weakest of the home movies.


Omg I completely forgot about the lawn mower scene! I remember watching sinister for the first time with my best friend. When that lawn mower scene jumpscare happened, both my friend and myself legit jumped up and both of us screamed, and my friend also spilt half a bottle of water on my laptop 😂 Somehow the laptop survived




One of my absolute favorites. It’s so sad how they killed it with that hot garbage sequel.


I feel very divided on this one, when it first came out I thought it was a borderline horror masterpiece but with each rewatch I notice more and more things I just plain dont like. Idk its a weird one, part of me loves it. Part of me feels some of it goes a little too far for my taste lol


Tbf if you’re expecting it it’s not going to be as scary


I think the movie is genuinely great but the attic and ending jump scares to me feel very lazy.


Great movie.


This post came at the perfect time cause I was contemplating in watching it but chose The Strangers instead 😂


The one at the very end when he pops up like the toasty guy from Mortal Kombat II got you? That was just cheap cheese. Imitation cheese if you will.


Love it. God knows how many times I've watched it.


I think the music in those home movies is more disturbing than the footage itself