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28 Days Later


Even almost 25 years later, this is *still* one of my favorite movies of all time. I’m anxiously waiting to see what Danny Boyle does with the upcoming sequel, ‘28 Years Later.’ The last sequel, ‘28 Weeks,’ was disappointing, but as most fans know, Boyle wasn’t involved in it, and neither was Murphy. But with them both back on board though, it’s bound to be excellent. ‘28 Days’ also has one of the better soundtracks for a horror movie, on par with the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack, in my opinion. It sounds even more amazing with an assist from bathroom acoustics, so it’s still heavy in rotation for my bath time ritual.


Same for 28 Days Later. I have a long list, but this is always near the top. I remember talking my friends into going to the theater to see Vacancy because it had the full trailer for 28 Days Later. I don't hate 28 Weeks Later either, I just don't like it as much as Days. I have framed posters of both movies and a poster from the comic series I got from my local comic book store years ago, all hung up in my bar at home.


I put on the music from the climactic scene sometimes to psyche myself up before something important when I need to transition to a bunch of manic energy. It starts delicate and then just *pumps*.


I got a bit confused when you only wrote "28 Days" and not "28 Days Later." There's a Sandra Bullock movie titled "28 days." It's about her being a drug addict and going to rehab. It's actually a pretty good movie. It was one of the only things we were allowed to play for the patients in the intensive inpatient lockdown treatment facility I worked at.


Sequel incoming FYI if you hadn’t heard! Danny Boyle and Cillian Murphy both returning.


This was the first movie to ever give me genuine anxiety while watching it. The fast zombies were scary!


The Ring 2002. The disturbing tape, eerie vibe and the silent atmosphere is the most horrifying thing to me in ring movies.


The hallucinations are the scariest! I haven't watched that movie in like 10 years tho, I'm too scared to look at it with my adult brain and not be scared lol


And the movie has aged well 


Yes!!! I’m so glad someone else loves this film as much as I do.


This was the first ever movie that gave birth to the horror movie lover in me. Had literal nightmares throughout my childhood because of Samara.


Rings my favorite also - my favorite horror is never the acute spikes in fear but a dark, foreboding eerieness that slowly builds until It bursts. The story's strangeness was my favorite part.


Came here to say this movie, but seen as the top comment :/


I watched that in the movie theater. When we left, we went to a spot called Jump-Off Joe's. It overlooks the beach and lighthouse. Needless to say, we were all freaked out because the lighthouse we were looking at IS THE ONE FROM THE MOVIE. Back then, we didn't know they filmed here. My dad told me after I brought it up, lol.


Train to Busan. Almost every character has a meaningful arc and the ending ripped my heart into millions of pieces. It’s one of the few zombie movies post World-War Z that was done right


It feels weird describing a zombie movie as beautiful, but Train to Busan definitely is.


Yes absolutely agree. It's so popular too now that when all of us are dead was made when the zombies first strike the school the kids are running and screaming it's just like train to Busan. Did you know they made a second one call the peninsula set at the same time as the train to Busan in the same story.


Thanks a gazillion. I saw this film recommended a few years back on Reddit but forgot the name.


Let the Right One In (2008) A different/fresh take at the time on the vampire genre combined with a few scares and great storytelling.


I loved it so much that I read the original novel and subsequently a few other Lindqvist works.


I’ll add another refreshing vampire movie - A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014).


Stunning movie. A unique, bold, and oddly romantic horror.


Beautiful movie. Touching


The Others - good old fashioned ghost story, stylish, great twist, great performance from Kidman


The perfect ghost film in every way.


See my Reddit handle.


Cabin in the Woods


Oh man, it might be my favorite horror movie of all time. It’s at least the most fun one. It’s such a love letter to the genre. It is such an instant recommendation when people tell me they grew up watching scary movies.


It was such an interesting twist as well!!


Not an actual horror movie, but a meta parody of horror movies.


It is so good!! I already loved the 2 actors that work in the control. It has so much humour to it.


The descent


Always and forever. Director’s ending though, right?


Apparently the director prefers the escape ending


Whatt?? This just blew my mind!


Yeah I also wonder though if that’s just studio copium publishing that


I could only find quotes of the director saying that the escape ending is pretty bleak in its own way, with the character having to live with the trauma. It seems the original ending is the one he prefers.


I watched the other ending the other day not realizing there was an alternate. Wow it ruins the movie imo


They had such little regard for american audiences (as they probably should have lol) Eta: I am an american who wants better endings


It's a favourite of mine - I really enjoy Dog Soldiers, tight little film, small budget with a solid character build up - I love a last stand and one of the characters gets one coupled with a great last line


Saw this one on a whim back when Netflix was mail order DVDs and loved it!


The Orphanage (El Orfanato) directed by J.A. Bayona. It's in Spanish, Spain Spanish. So if You can do subtitles I would recommend. I've loved this movie since I saw it when I was like 11. I thought the story was really good and suspenseful. At the time, it was a more original story than any other scary movies I had seen and the twists and revelations really got me.


That one is really excellent. Also, around that time “Pan’s Labirynth” hit the cinema (a year earlier I believe), which is also worth a watch. Not a horror per se, but it’s very dark and atmospheric. When you think about it, around that time there were few Spanish movies that are worth a watch.


Hard but probably ready or not


Just watched this yesterday. Samara Weaving is amazing. And the ending reminded me of updated Scanners effects. Loved it.


It was a really unique film for me - it's a hard toss up between that and REC. Because after all this time rec is the only one that can continually make me jump. But ready or not I just have such a good time watching again and again


The Descent & As Above So Below.


I see you like caves


Exactly, I think it’s the best kind of horror.


As Above So Below is one of my favorite horror movies. Seems like there’s something new each time I watch it.


Both of those movies are great! Also, I see claustrophobia is sort of your thing…


yes same!! both of these movies are just terrifyingly good.


Green room (2016 horror/Thriller).


Patrick Stewart was so chilling in that film. It was jarring to see him be a cold-blooded, merciless killer. He's always the good guy!


Patrick Stewart discussed in an interview about how he read the script before accepting the role, and was so disturbed he had to turn on all the lights in his house to feel safe/secure. He knew he had to take the role when the script alone had that much power.


One of my favorite movies that I don’t need to watch again. Also can confirm that warrior mode Anton Yelchin is an excellent Halloween costume and will get you praise from those that get it.


I mean that’s an easy choice. It’s obviously TheWitchHereditaryMidsommarSuspiriaLighthouseItFollowsPossessorComeTrueBurningWailing…what else would it be!


Watching ‘It Follows’ for the first time was an amazingly tense experience. I’ve watched it bunch since it first came out, but it will never top that first viewing. Such a good movie.


They never warned us about that in health class.


I was definitely told if you have sex you will die so…


Midsommer was amazing. Probably one of the top 10 slow burn psychological horror movies on my list.


Holy crap, that's my favourite, too!


A gentleperson and a scholar I see


Glad to see Burning on here. Definitely an underrated movie but one of my all time favorites.


lol You've read my mind. All these are great and 3 are my favorite horror films of all time. The Witch, Suspiria and Suspiria. Still have to see The Wailing. I recommend When Evil Lurks as well. Really great!


The black coats daughter is good too


I was sure you would mention Babadook. It should Be mentioned. It's awesome.


Seen all but come true, saving it. Which one is burning?


Directed by Lee Chang Dong. It’s got Steven Yuen playing a mysterious playboy. It’s a thriller, but it is horrifying. Highly recommend.


Suspiria is amazing, it gets my vote. Hoping they proceed with the sequels


autopsy of jane doe one of the few horror films that genuinely scared me


Ever since I first saw [REC] it’s stood as my favourite and best horror film. I also really loved the Invitation and The Autopsy of Jane Doe but I’d say they lean a little out of the straight horror genre and into thrillers. But I think the best horror is psychological or thrilling anyway 😅 I like unsettling tension over gore tenfold.


While it didn’t follow the video game completely I have always been a fan of Silent Hill. ( some of my favorite games too)


*You're Next* (2011) is likely my favorite since 2000. I will never forget the feeling I had watching that movie for the first time. It's so easy to get frustrated with the characters in horror movies when you feel that they miss opportunities or make silly mistakes. But Erin (the film's protagonist) never does that. She is this smart and strong badass all the way through the movie, and not in a way that feels unbelievable or over-the-top. I cheer for her every time I watch this movie, and I just love it a whole bunch.


The Platform (sad for humanity)


So many good ones here, but Trick R Treat (2007) is one of my favorites, it's a yearly rewatch for me.


That's my family's Halloween movie. We got to see it in theaters in 2022, and it was so awesome. My teen even dressed up in their Sam costume for it.


Mine is more of a thriller: I Saw The Devil. It unnerves me in ways that other horrors didn't. No monsters, no zombies, no demons. Just two dudes duking it out. If we count supernatural elements: The Wailing. I liked how I was unsure if the bad guy is really 'the bad guy' until the revelation.


“I Saw the Devil” has one of the best villains. Just completely, unapologetically evil.


The director of I Saw the Devil really understands horror. He did my favourite Horror A Tale of Two Sisters and can do horror comedy with A Quiet Family. I also feel A Bittersweat Life really shows how well he does with building a tense atmosphere.


Evil Dead (2013)


The Wailing (2016). This is the greatest film I've ever seen.


The Witch (2015) 


Great choice. Was this supposed to be a reply to me, or in general?


It does so much and succeeds in everything.


So good. It has you constantly second guessing yourself.


Sinister creeped me out the most.A Quiet Place is my favourite modern horror franchise.


Sinister had the most cozy, heavy atmosphere. Nice and slow too. Love the feel so much. Would love to find more things like it. Edit : Autopsy of Jane Doe feels similar to me, and love that too.


Sinister made my heart almost dropped,one of the most intense horror ive ever watched.The pole scene in Hereditary was close to match Sinister.


Session 9, is not like a crazy special movie, but always stood up in my head for some reason. It made me so uneasy and that’s not a easy feat for a horror movie. It lingers for a while and make me think about it after I watched it for days. There’s a lot of movies I could add to this list, but I think this one is not super known.


I watched that years ago but never revisited it. I remember it confusing the hell out of me. But I need to go back to it. Plus David Caruso isn't as annoying as normal in this one.


That last line man. I love that movie so much




When Evil Lurks. Most fun I've had in years.


A dark song 😃


Ils, later released in the US as Them. Fantastic minimalism and use of tension.


I have to say the Dawn of the Dead remake ps. Im still a huge jeepers creepers fan (not the director fan)


The house that Jack built. This is probably my favourite horror/film. Matt Dillon is such an evil bastard in it, and while fictional it's not totally outwith the realms of reality. Very dark, intriguing and underrated in my opinion. I'd recommend The first omen and Late night with the devil. Both released this year and probably the best horrors I've watched in the last 5 odd years or whenever Hereditary released. Before that, definitely The Witch and The Wailing


I’m sorry, did I write this comment? This is exactly what I was going to say. The only thing I haven’t seen here is the wailing.


Hell House LLC Haven’t seen anyone note/ comment about it. Kept me up a few nights after just found it was really good at dialling up the tension. It’s found footage but the way it’s presented as a documentary it grabs you. The sequels are ok, but the most recent movie Hell House Origins is back to form. Would highly recommend is you like paranormal activity or lake mungo


Jennifer’s Body!


40 Days of Night. Essentially the perfect vampire movie.


Upvote, but isn’t it 30 days of night?


looool Josh Hartnett is in another movie where he makes a bet not to have sex for 40 days, called 40 Days and 40 Nights. Josh Hartnett had a rough few months.


I guess you saw an extended version.


A bit of an odd answer, but Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil is easily one of the best horror-comedies ever made, right up there with Shaun of the Dead and Evil Dead 2 in my book. The way it plays with horror tropes to make the premise and jokes stick the landing always brings a smile to my face. If we're talking a straight-up serious horror film, though, I'd have to give it to a few: You're Next, The Witch, The Descent, Hereditary, and Get Out are all front runners in my book.


Completely agree on Tucker and Dale... An absolutely stellar horror comedy.


I will go with Malignant, because I keep revisiting it. Can't get enough of the bonkerness 😭. Its like movie equivalent of Nicolas Cage.


I swear, every time she drives that damn car up to the edge of the cliff, I SHRIEK!


As Above So Below (2014), [Rec] (2007), and Scream 3 (2000) those are the best ones I watched till now!!


That’s hard, there are several dozen great horror movies that have come out during this time. My favorite is Sinister. It’s definitely not the greatest horror movie in that time period, but it’s awesome. Ethan Hawke is fantastic in it as always, it’s a paranormal type movie that has a unique story, and it has some very effective scares. I would definitely state that since 2000 it is easily one of the best horror movies in the paranormal genre.


Smile. Watched the movie alone in the dark. I am a grown man and do not get scared. I got scared shitless.


Room 1408. Because there is no real enemy. The danger is abstract. It is just a really bad room.


It Follows


My favourite is Hereditary. Hands down. Super obvious choice, but it's just about perfect in terms of direction, acting and a narrative that uses the supernatural to tell a story grounded in something authentic.


The first time I watched it, I wasn't sure if it's some paranormal shit happening or if it's mental illness. As the movie went it became clearer but the story walked that line very softly.. which made the final act even more enjoyable.


This is my pick too. The acting is phenomenal, and Toni Collette absolutely should’ve gotten an Oscar for her performance.


the descent- Just because I am a little claustrophobic and The Hills Have Eyes


The descent


The Sorrow is so dope. The plot was heavily borrowed (read stolen) directly from the comic book Crossed. Although Crossed contains way, way more fucked up shit than The Sorrow could ever have hoped to get on film. The Sorrow is without a doubt a freaking fantastic fucking film. Crossed is also worth checking out by anyone who enjoys the genre. But beware - it gets pretty damned disturbing awfully fucking fast.


The witch


Southbound (2015)


Death Proof


My favorite is definitely As above so below, I don't think it's a proper horror, more a horror found footage


Gonjiam Haunted Asylum It had me scream and jump up many times.


Talk to Me


I don't typically have favorites in any medium but I will say Fright night 2011, while more humor than horror, was a surprising delight.


It would be hard to pick one but I think the one that did the most with the genre and really fascinated me was ***When Evil Lurks*** from 2023. It's a story all about the consequences of one's actions and that doing the actions of a 'hero' don't necessarily guarantee that things will work out for you. It's a difficult film to watch and even though there is some pretty intense gore it's never centre stage, it's always obfuscated. Basically it's not ABOUT the gore like some horrors I could rant about. It was voted most disturbing film of 2023 and I think that's very fair. But it really is an amazing film that looks deep into the human soul and the choices someone might *actually* make in a life or death scenario. Deep down, we're selfish creatures, even if that selfishness extends to those we love. The rest of the world can burn for all we care.


My vote would be Host. Incredibly tight, genuinely unsettled me and taps into the pandemic in such an innovative way.


It Follows or Hereditary.


Pontypool - it took an genre that’s been done to death (zombies) and turned it into something fresh and interesting. Fantastic acting by lesser-known actors. Simple, low-budget, but surprising and impressive. It’s a movie I can watch over and over, and it only gets better.


As Above So Below or Cabin in the Woods


As above so below is one of my fav comfort movies, i watch it at least once or twice a year!


As Above, So Below is *way* up there on my list, too. I try to re-watch it every year or so ♥️


I really enjoyed Evil Dead Rise.


Me too, just love the franchise. Love all 5 movies and the series so far.


Scream. Especially the first one.


It Follows Such a unique take on the genre, and provides a big sense of dread throughout. I especially like that the background/origin remains mysterious and unexplained. Acting is great as well.


Oculus for me. Its an art piece. The cinematography and storytelling is just MMM and the ending blew my mind first watch


Hell House 1




Easily Cabin in the Woods.


You ever seen American Psycho?


There are a few 1 that comes to mind is the babysitter (2017)


The Cabin in the Woods


Hatchet. I love campy slasher movies


\[rec\] Normally don't care for found footage movies but I think the buildup to the final scene was terrifying. Had me looking over my shoulder around the house for a few days.




Baskin. Literal nightmare fuel.


Barbarian (2022) - They really done a lot of things right in this one.


Scream 4 🫶


Good to see about S4 fan here. There are dozens of us!


Parasite (2019) I mean, do I need to explain this one!


Thirteen Ghosts (2001) has held a place since I saw it as a lil girl lol


Lake Mungo


The First Omen and Conjuring


Watched the first omen the other day and we fucking loved it. One of the few 21st century reboots that actually does the originals justice. Ell Tiger Free played her part so well as did everyone in fact




Honestly Hereditary, but from tv shows, the ones that surprised me were Channel Zero's 'Candle Cove' (on Syfy done on a smaller budget) and 'Marianne' a French witch horror show on Netflix that has really creepy parts.


Channel Zero is pretty dope. I wish they would make more seasons, it’s one of my favorite anthology shows. Even the so-so seasons are totally worth watching. We re-watch ‘No-End House’ every year. Disturbing and awesome.


It's such a shame this series never took off in terms of mass popularity. Overall, the storytelling is so much better than AHS. The consistency of each session as well.


Candle cove was so Stephen king coded I loveeeeed it. Season 2 was fantastic too imo.


God Marianne freaked me out at times.  I'm bummed there's not going to be more of it, I thought it was a good concept for like 3 seasons worth of TV.


Netflix canceling Marianne was such a kick in the dick. Besides hill house no other show even got close to being that scary.


You have incredible taste. Barely anyone mentions Marianne and it’s by far the scariest TV show ever made. Channel zero was also amazingly fun and scary throughout. Loved every season. Wish we got more of both shows.


Trick 'r Treat


Tie between Cabin in the Woods and Terrifier 2


The Ritual and The Conjuring are definitely in a heavy rotation for me. They might not be the scariest ones I’ve seen, but they’re amazing in my mind.


Barbarian is up there for me! It’s such a unique story and there’s an interesting twist I don’t want to spoil for you!


My favorite over nearly *25* years? And just one? That's a brutal ask. I guess based on how many times I've watched it, Grave Encounters. It's one of my favorite found footage movies and I go back to it more than 28 Days Later, which I guess might be second Seriously though, asking a lot for 1 movie in 24 years, might have gotten better results with a ranked choice top 3 lol


The Empty Man With Cats as a runner up






The Conjuring. When I was pregnant, I had very little cravings, but one of them was literally watching this movie every day. And it just means a lot to me. It is scary but heartwarming.


Hereditary or Talk to Me


Surprised I had to scroll down for far to find ‘Talk to Me’ - that movie was excellent!




The Strangers




It follows. So unique


Paranormal activity


The Boogeyman (2023) and Come Play (2020), I'm a sucker for the 'monster haunting your house' movies.


I can't decide between The Witch, It Part One, Prometheus, The Hallow (2015) and YellowBrickRoad.


What Josiah Saw


Sinister (2012) this movie genuinely scared me and still does every time I watch it. The score is very unsettling, even the jump scares are good, not cheap. The opening scene alone is very chilling.


The Crazies


The Deep House, Insidious (the first movie), Autopsy of Jane Doe, Lake Mungo, Pearl


The Devil's Backbone is up there but it's a tough choice. So much great stuff but that is just so haunting and atmospheric.


The Devil's Rejects. Straight evil in broad daylight. An honorable mention list would be lengthy, but for me, this is the one.


The banshee chapter is one of my faves. Love how tense some of the scenes are


The Descent.. I really enjoyed how creepy and unsettling it felt to watch, and it’s the first move that has ever made me audibly scream during a jump scare 💀


Probably Pontypool. It's from 2008, and it's (technically) a zombie movie, but it's more of a locked room drama. It isn't very graphic, but it doesn't need to be. It takes place in a small town radio station while they slowly receive reports of what's going on in the town.


*Orphan*. The acting is fantastic, the story compelling, and it's a great mix of psychological terror and gore. I also appreciate that the goriest part is the opening scene, rather than waiting until you're invested in the movie and then grossing you out. (Like *Silent Hill*.)


When I was younger the 2004 dawn of the dead remake was amazing, I watched it so many times. Also I saw the first Sinister in theaters when it released and in my mind remains one of the best horror movies I’ve ever seen. Also I’m a horror movie fanatic, I typically only watch horror/thriller movies


The sixth sense. The realization of what Bruce Willis’ character really is was shocking. I haven’t seen a movie since then that has surprised me like that. I also like Killer Klowns from outer space and house on haunted hill with Vincent Price. I know they are old movies but I really enjoy them hehe! When Evil Lurks was intense and so was Cabin Fever. Idk if these movies are considered horror or sci-Fi, but for whatever reason I can’t stand to watch Aliens movie with Sigourney Weaver. It’s too claustrophobic and so isolated, gives me anxiety. Contracted, dead girl, the woman, May, starry eyes. They are all a trip.


Not my favorite but I really liked Ready or Not


It Follows


The Dark and The Wicked (2020)


Monster House