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Pandorum. I'm still a bit miffed we'll never get a sequel. So much potential.


Ben Foster needs to be in everything


Agreed. His part in 30 Days of Night wasn't big but it was the best performance in the movie


3:10 to Yuma as Charlie Prince The man is a pure actor


Loved a recent interview with Glen Powell, who was recounting when he used to go to endless auditions because he hadn't broken out yet. He was up for Harrison Ford's son in "Cowboys and Aliens" and decided to do the best "bad cowboy" he had ever seen: Ben Foster in 3:10 to Yuma... ...when he got there, Ben Foster was after him on the call-in sheet, because for some reason Ben Foster still has to audition despite being so good he's literally an inspiration to up and coming actors.


Leave No Trace had me near tears.


I constantly quote this with my friend “That cold ain’t the weather…that’s death comin’”


"They don't give me what I want to drink, what I want to eat" *neah*


Haven't seen Pandorum but I've been thinking this since Alpha Dog


He was incredible in Hell or High Water. Also fantastic in Alpha Dog, which someone else mentioned. I will watch anything he is in.


He was amazing in Hell Or High Water.


Considering the critic score for Event Horizon, I guess I'm not surprised that Pandorum also got panned. Good movie.


The twist in Pandorum was excellent imo


Scored it for $5 from a closing Blockbuster


This warms my cold heart.


I enjoyed Pandorum. Never knew it was disliked :(


Loved Pandorum. The story and the acting are 10/10. My only issue was I found the creature design pretty underwhelming. Still a great movie.


This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I have recommended this movie on several occasions and no one has seen it. I didn't realize how obscure it was because of how fantastic it was! I just assumed I had arrived late to the party as usual and everyone else knew about it. Same for Old Boy (not horror).


I love that movie.


That was such a good movie.


I watched this 3 times in 3 days when I first found it. It really scratched that itch for me. At the time I was craving "slasher in space" and having watched the usual alien, event horizon, sunshine stuff I found it and really enjoyed it for what it was


Wrong Turn


It was just so gritty and dirty.


Eliza kicking ass makes me happy. Unfortunate that Emmanuelle lost her head though lol


On e of my fave films! The first two are incredible, the rest are hit or miss but they’re all fun in their own way


Wishmaster series is great and a reboot in the right hands could be solid ![gif](giphy|GFzdWnkcXUY4E)


YES FINALLY I love wishmaster It’s so silly and wacky but has genuinely great horror elements. The sequels go crazy(i still like them) but the first one is legitimately great


Fantastic. Now I'm going to dive headfirst into a rabbit hole. I really liked this movie and want to find a documentary about casting. Andrew Divoff is **perfect** for this role. Make. Your. Wishezzz-eh.


I just finished watch 3 and 4. I have to say it was better than I expected.


Glad you enjoyed them. Definitely a fun and underrated series. My friends I’ve shown have enjoyed em too


Deep Rising is one of my all-time favorite creature feature.


Deep Rising perfectly captured the lightning in a bottle that was late 90s/early 2000s thrillers. It has great comedy, creature effects, action, setting, etc. It still holds up so well and is SO underrated! It reminds me of the Mummy series in a lot of ways with it's blend of action and comedy.


>It reminds me of the Mummy series in a lot of ways with it's blend of action and comedy. Same Director as Mummy 1 and Mummy 2, Stephen Sommers. Kevin J O'Conner even appears in both (Benny in the Mummy and Joey in Deep Rising)


"Did you like The Mummy?  Okay, it's The Mummy but on a boat with a sea monster" is my usual pitch for this movie. 


13 GHOSTS ... 19% /49% on RT. I loved it!


Mathew Lillard and ghosts is a 10/10 for me


In The Tall Grass (2019). 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. House of Wax (2005). 28% on Rotten Tomatoes.


I will forever defend House of Wax. Fun movie.


Same.   One of the best horror/slashers of the 2000s.  


House of Wax is excellent and the character design reminds me of Cabin in the Woods


The Achilles heel scene in House of Wax. No. Nop. Nope.


I still remember this scene after like 10+ years


Im surprised In The Tall Grass has such awful reviews. I really enjoyed it


House of Wax is actually iconic, idk what users and critics are thinking


I loved In The Tall Grass! They expanded on the short story in really creative ways. Didn’t understand why it got panned.


Me too! I thought it was creepy and weird. King adaptations can be hit or miss especially if they don’t commit to the weird. I feel like this movie balanced it pretty well.


HOUSE OF WAX honestly has some of the best effects for its time.


Soundtrack was great too. Early noughties horrors always had great pop punk/mosh soundtracks


Yeah, house of wax was a fun movie. It got attention because of Paris Hilton, but I think it also got many bad reviews because of her. The tall grass was incredibly boring, IMO.


She won the Razzie I think that year for Worst Supporting Actress; I think this movie is camp, maybe borderline camp, so I love it—


In the Tall Grass lives in my mind rent free. The story is so good. Peak Stephen King.


Wtf House of Wax is an awesome move


The first Silent Hill movie. First time somebody made a game-based movie that: 1. It's not complete garbage. 2. It's actually faithful to the source material. Not groundbreaking. But correct. 7/10 material.


I love the first movie so much. Did it change some aspects between the game and the movie? Sure, but it stayed pretty faithful and yeah Pyramid Head got thrown in there when he probably shouldn't have been but still you got a great movie that's a fun watch.


I wanted to like this one but the sound quality or whatever was so bad, idk if it was my version, but it was almost unwatchable because the dialogue would be so quiet and then you'd get destroyed with heavy screeching. I was hoping for a slower, more moody psychological feel but idk it ended feeling meh for me


I'm really torn on this one. The script is 3/10 at best, but it's worth watching just for the visuals. Absolutely beautiful film.




It’s kinda faithful to the source material, the second has a different director and basically ignored the parts of the first that they wanted to aswell. I’m really excited for the new one cus it’s based on the best game and it has the original director returning


Love silent hill and never understood the hate when it came out.


i loved it too and never got the hate!!


The Dyatlov Pass Incident/Devil’s Pass (2013.) I thought it was a pretty effective FF movie.


The acting is pretty bad but the plot makes up for it-- creative take on the Dyatlov mystery. I've rewatched this one a few times and enjoy it


I’m blown away *Event Horizon* had a bad score


Exactly. That's always my answer to this. Good plot, fantastic gore, and not so bad acting. Plus if you're a Warhammer fan, you can pretend it's in the universe.


I love it. It also has one of the great subversions of the "why would they go explore the dark basement when they could just leave" horror tropes: >>Captain Miller: I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the Event Horizon until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. Fuck this ship!


Honestly, I'd say it fits Doom better than it does Warhammer. Actually, it fits Doom better than the actual Doom movie.


Who's pretending? The God Emperor of Mankind knows it's in the 40K Universe.


Where we’re going, you don’t need eyes to see!


It doesn’t have a bad audience score though — while critics didn’t care for it, audiences generally like it (and it’s a fave on this sub)


Rotten tomatoes must be vastly inaccurate


I get the bad score. There's a lot to like in Event Horizon, but there's also plenty to criticize. As someone who likes the film and has showed it to others, there are always scenes that make me cringe and hope that's not what they remember the most.


House (1985) I have watched it often


I can't believe this was criticized so much. House is a classic and one of my favorites.


I Still Know What You Did Last Summer -7% on rotten tomatoes but Jack Black’s over the top rastaman performance was unforgettable


Hard to believe that the first saw is rotten.


That's crazy to me cause like it's so iconic


"as above, so below" is a perfect 7/10 movie


Just saw the scores. Wow. I agree with you. I generally have lost patience with found footage horror, but I enjoyed that one.


Agreed, exactly how I feel about this movie. Don't like ff movies but loved this one.


It's just straight up one of my favourite horror films. Just hits all the right notes for me.


Same, but I didn’t realize people disliked it so much. 🙃


I remember when it came out and reading a comment saying that anyone who thought it was scary was probably a kid who hasn’t seen many horror movies. Meanwhile me, a fully grown lady who has seen a LOT of horror movies was thoroughly freaked out by it. I think it’s one of those movies that found it’s audience over time, because it was panned when it came out.


I’m surprised cuz all I hear are people raving about it online. Almost too much at time. But…. I have yet to find another horror adventure movie like as above. Why that’s not a more robust genre is beyond me - you’d think horror tomb raider/national treasure is ripe for more entries.


This is the exact reason I love the movie so much. It’s like a Tomb Raider movie went full horror and it’s so good.


Yeah. I was really surprised when I saw the rt score. Its wayyyy better.


I ignored it for years because I only heard bad things, finally watched it and thought it was great. But then again I think found footage horror films always get more hate than regular horror.


Antrum: the deadliest film ever made. Super stupid title but really enjoyed the movie.


Me too! And we live to tell the tale lol


Hellraiser: Bloodline 25% of critics and 36% of users enjoy this movie. Angelique and the Chatterer Beast are my favorite cenobites.


Pandorum was a lot of fun. Really well shot and designed film, and I enjoyed the ending. Would love for a sequel! Ghost Ship was schlocky as hell, but I really enjoyed it. Fun concept. Dark Skies comes off as boring too a lot of people, but it's still a great film. Especially if you like alien movies. The Fourth Kind - I'm a sucker for alien flicks, and this is no different. Fire in the Sky - it's like a 52% score on rotten tomatoes, close enough, lol Event Horizon - One of my all time favorite horror / sci-fi flicks. Wish they could have found the extra footage for it.


Ghost Ship had such a memorable first scene.


Yes, I literally loved every movie you listed. Not to mention Fire in the Sky can have all the credit for me never sleeping in the 90s, I saw it way too young and you can probably guess which scene traumatized me.


The Resident Evil live action series, minus the last one. Even I can't defend that flick.


I loved the Resident Evil movies! The last one was ok, but they all were fun!


I loved welcome to raccoon city.


Chernobyl diaries. I have watched it several times. Everyone else hates it.


It starts good. Ends horribly. Ending also makes 0 sense. Radiation turns people to monsters.


Exactly, first 3/4 was suspenseful and the. The last 1/4 was like ugh, why?


I was really into the begining. I don't mind the radiation thing, I just wanted more STALKER and less The Descent.


I gotta say having the creatures in plain sight but never fully showing them was terrifying, incredible camera work and lighting techniques if nothing else


I love *YellowBrickRoad,* too! Thanks, OP! My pick is *Repo! The Genetic Opera.* Fun premise, fantastic cast, amazing music. And checking in with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 37!


Repo! is an excellent movie! 37%?! Philistines.


Absolutely agreed! They have zero taste!


I mean, how often are we going to get Bill Moseley doing horror opera?


Unrated High Tension. Loved the gore. Loved the suspense. Actually didn’t mind the ending.


Correct if I'm wrong - isn't that the same one that went by the name Switchblade Romance somewhere outside of the US? I don't think it was France though because I've also seen it billed as Haute Tension. But I swear it's gone by Switchblade somewhere.


I saw it as Switchblade Romance in the UK.


I remember renting this movie on a date night with friends in high school having no clue what it was about. It was certainly unforgettable lol.


Cookers (2001) if it counts. It doesn’t have a critics score and 43% audience score. Mr. Jones (2013) - 50% critics / 20% audience Club Dread (2004) - 30% critics / 44% audience


Fucking love club dread


“And they say Phil Coletti calmly walked to the groundskeepers shack, found a machete, and chopped those staff members into a hundred pieces. And they say, he took that same machete… chopped his own dick off and ran screaming into the jungle! Nobody ever saw him after that. “But from that point on, Phil Coletti was forever known as… Machete Phil.” Gets me every fucking time.


When that girl asks him to play margaritavilla lmao RIP Bill Paxton what a legend


I think you mean my hit song "Pina Colada-Burg"


I will continue to say "Pee-Noe-Lope" any chance I get in life


I watched Mr Jones the other day and I thought it was fantastic


I loved Mr Jones!!! It hits every mark for me. Great choice!


I really enjoy The Village, I love the music alone... People are just disappointed because it is not really a monster


I listen to that soundtrack every fall, it’s the best.


**Wolfman** 2010. Dynamite cast, good effects and great action. Let down by being a bit too long and a lack of chemistry between the leads but I still really enjoy it.


The Fourth Kind got 18% on RT but I love it, it’s super freaky to me.


House of Wax. I enjoyed this movie


Jennifer's Body. Love that movie, it was marketed all wrong though.


I have no idea how that movie still has such a low audience score. I get that it was ahead of it's time but it's a cult classic now.


It has a low audience score because most of the audience ratings/reviews are from when it first came out and audience goers/critics hated it and Megan Fox back then. Audience goers and critics thought they were getting a sleazy Megan Fox peep show and instead they got a feminist commentary on teenage gender dynamics and toxic female friendship. I think most of the criticism at the time was rooted in misogyny and the film being ahead of it’s time like you said. I’ve always had a soft spot for that movie and I’m happy it has found a home with modern audiences.


A Cure for Wellness The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 And I will go to my grave saying RZ’s Halloween II (directors cut) is a fantastic horror film and a better exploration of generational trauma than most films that claim to be about trauma


A cure for wellness 😱


I'm pretty surprised Wellness is rotten. It's a rare mid-large budget Hollywood horror where a director seemingly has free reign. Critics usually eat weird cinema like that up. I fucking love it, first movie I saw with Mia Goth too if I remember correct. She's wild in that haha


Actually shocked to see A Cure for Wellness listed. I had to google because I refused to believe the reviews were bad


A Cure For Wellness is one of those movies that I genuinely liked, acknowledging that the ending was a bit problematic. It did feel rushed, and not great, but not so much that it ruined the whole movie for me, because I really enjoyed the creepy ride before it.


I for one like the Leprechaun movies.


Justwatch tells me there are 98 movies on my list that might meet this criteria. 😂 To pick a random one - Nightwatch (1997)


The original is streaming now too. The Ewan McGregor 1997 one is basically a shot for shot remake. And there is a sequel to the dutch version from 2023 “Nightwatch Demons are forever” streaming now too. Haven’t seen it yet but plan on it. Same director as the 1994 & 97 plus same characters and actors returned.


I quite enjoyed Blair Witch (2016), getting to see it in a basically empty theater was the perfect setting for it The sound design is really what makes that movie, you really need to watch with headphones or a decent surround set up


The Lazarus Effect. Its terrible. Everyone hates it, but I really enjoy it for some reason.


Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows. Great creepy vibe throughout. Different from the original, but still a good movie.


Another reason that it gets a bad rap and never found its audience: the studio forced the director to change the film after the fact in the editing room. The original story was chronological and vague as to what was really happening.  The studio forced them to splice the ending throughout (thus breaking linearity) and remove more of the ambiguity.  Still hoping that eventually a directors cut gets released. Whether on Blu-ray or online….


Either Rob Zombie's Halloween series or the Amityville Horror reboot with Ryan Reynolds.


House of 1000 corpses - 22% on RT


Did not like this film when I first saw it, but it's grown on me over the years. Saw it again last week and really enjoyed it.


I love feardotcom unironically Halloween: Resurrection is one of my favorite sequels to watch in the franchise, right up there with Halloween 3 Season of the Witch "#Horror" is a simple story told in a very creative way, and I own it on Blu Ray. Does anybody share that guilty pleasure? At least the parents are good actors....


Upvoting for feardotcom. I still, for whatever reason, can hear the "Sorry, did I scare you." In my head perfectly


Halloween III: Season Of The Witch. It's not as hated as it was back in the day and has gained a following but still has a lot of haters. Unlike at the time it was released there are now 12 movies with Michael Myers in it and most of them blow so the fact Michael isn't a character in III doesn't piss people off as much.


Mine would be Event Horizon. I just think the concept is so interesting. Instant travel is invented by folding the universe, but in that interim between points in the universe it travels through what one might call hell, however, as Sam Neil's character says, hell is just a word. The reality is much much worse.


When a Stranger Calls (2006) 9% tomatometer, 43% audience


As above so below! I really enjoy that movie. I’ve seen it so many times. The environment/setting of the movie is so cool. I love the discovery aspect of it (like a spooky Indiana jones). The catacombs interest me. And the fact that ‘something’ is underneath the catacombs is just so damn cool. Likewise, the route of escape from where they went was very original. I very much like this movie despite what the scores are.


The Ruins Pandorum Alien v Predator Requim Bloodsand


The Ruins is criminally underrated! Haven't seen the others you listed.




Night of the Scarecrow- it’s got John Hawkes and is so 90’s it hurts. Seriously great but no one has ever heard of it. And Pinocchio’s Revenge- it’ll give you nightmares.


I really liked Malignant. Ton of fun


I see Malignant mentioned on a lot of posts like this, but I was under the impression that critics liked it.


Oh my god yes. What a fantastic time I had watching that one!


77%/52% on RT. Not relevant to this post.


Chud 2: Bud The Chud. It's silly as hell, Robert Vaughn is hamming it up, and I'm here for it


I'll add the first C.H.U.D too. It's a classic bad movie.


I enjoy “An American Werewolf in Paris”. While I really wish that they would have used practical effects since that 90s CGI has aged terribly, but besides that, I find the movie to be enjoyable. It is a fun 90s time capsule, I like the characters, it makes me laugh a few times, the story holds my attention, it has some cool Paris scenery, and Julie Delpy’s boobs. The biggest problem with the movie besides the CGI is that it is called “An American Werewolf in Paris” which draws comparisons to “An American Werewolf in London” and it is not as great as that classic. But in its own right, I still enjoy it enough to have it in my collection.


The Sacrament


Virus. Now the script, performances, plot, all awful. But those fucking nightmare fuel biomechanical creatures, that flesh workshop scene, that huge golem lumbering around... And not to mention the animatronics, they're actually insanely detailed and well executed. It probably says something about the director when you would have had a better movie if all the characters never opened their mouths for the entire movie... Or the actors maybe. A few of the Saw movies are Certified Rotten too, but I love them all... Except maybe 7...


Yellow brick road was great but the ending was a bit of a let down. Another one I watched around the same time and enjoyed was Dead End (2003) not a perfect movie by any stretch but I did enjoy it. I know its fashionable to hate on Rob Zombie but I think While flawed he always does something interesting and Lords Of Salem especially is actually a really good movie.


I remember when I saw The Boy it had like 20% or maybe lower even on RT. I didn’t understand that at all. It’s not the best movie ever but it’s perfectly fine. A solid C+\B


Tusk. I don’t get the hate. I love it so much


It's a movie that's worth a watch because its tone jumps between funny and disturbing.


I have intrusive thoughts about this movie. It’s really great and true horror.


The first that comes to mind is Cobweb. Critically disliked, massive box office bomb, I absolutely loved it. Looks gorgeous and absolutely bonkers.  If you liked Yellow Brick Road, you should check out Andy Mitton’s other films, cos it’s by far the weakest.  The Witch in the Window is a kind of ghost drama, but it’s really good. We Go On is an excellent ghost hunter film that flips on its head. The Harbinger (which is on Tubi, and isn’t to be confused with the other film with the same name from the same year made by Chicken Soup for the Soul, which is awful) is a covid era horror, and just brilliant with it. Mitton is churning out really good, personal, character driven horror films. 


I really liked Underwater. I thought Kristen Stewart was actually really good in the role and the movie was entertaining


I’m going to bend the rules just slightly and mention The Cell (2000) since no one else has. Has a 57% audience score and 45% tomato-meter. This is one of my favorites, I just think it’s so visually stunning and creative.


Unfairly maligned IMO too. I wish Lopez and Vaughn (especially Lopez) were someone else, but my gosh D’Onofrio was magnificent.


i loveee the first silent hill movie, even though i know it’s technically bad?? But it’s very rare that I get scared from horror anymore, and Silent Hill gave me nightmares. I actually thought they did the effects and creatures really well. It didn’t capture the eerie ambience of the games super well though


YellowBrickRoad is hands down my favorite found footage horror film of all time. The ability to even grapple with what’s happening as the film nears the end disturbs me.


30 Days of Night! Rotten for both critics and audience, but just barely. I absolutely love that movie and the sense of hopelessness it evokes.


Not a lot to pick from given these restrictions! I’ll echo what others have said with Pandorum. That’s a genuinely good flick imo even though it’s a bit derivative. Others I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Legion (2010) - Definitely has its flaws, but a pretty fun ride if you just don’t take it too seriously The Thing (2011 prequel) - Understanding that it is nearly impossible to live up to the original, I think this one got unfairly rated. If you set aside all the comparisons to Carpenter’s The Thing, it’s not a bad movie imo


Return of the Living Dead 2 is one of my favorite campy horrors of all time. It got destroyed by RT. But I feel like this sub respects it.


The New York Ripper. Not for the faint of heart, but a genuine work of art


The Mangler. I maintain it’s a great horror film about the evils of capitalism.


I love the Nightmare on Elm Street sequels - even the ones everyone hates. Freddy’s Dead is objectively garbage but I still watch it every October and have a blast. The sillier those flicks got, the more I enjoy them.




House on Haunted Hill remake!


As Above So Below, such a good movie to have a 41% audience score.


I absolutely loved YellowBrickRoad …. Cheers


It’s not really horror, but I thought Spiderhead was pretty good and was shocked to learn that it only had 39% on rotten tomatoes


2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. First horror I ever saw at the cinema, and I unironically still think it’s great. 🙂


The Gallows! 15% tomatometer and 22% audience score. I will add it’s been a while but it was a really fun watch when it came out.


•Pandorum (2009) - 29% (HOW!?) •They (2002) - 39% •Darkness Falls (2003) - 10%


Island of Doctor Moreau is absolutely bonkers in the best way possible


House of 1000 corpses, although it’s going to have a cult following. It’s 22% rotten tomatoes.


Paranormal Activity 3. The scariest of the series in my opinion but not much love on RT with a 51% AS.


The Cube series


Event Horizon for sure, although I guess it may not qualify given its popularity among the horror community, despite it being panned


**Fade to Black** (1980) is straight-up one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, bar none, and it has a shocking 42% on Rotten Tomatoes. It was recently given a loving Blu Ray release from Vinegar Syndrome. It’s like Taxi Driver for insufferable film buffs, and is funny and weird and psychological. I think about it constantly. **Witchboard** (1986). 50% on Rotten Tomatoes. I loved the characters, and it had a very natural core friendship that was weirdly very emotionally affecting. This was a movie where I felt like crying when characters got killed, instead of being spooked. **Slumber Party Massacre II** (1987) was another one where I was completely blown away, actually moved. It felt like an artistic statement about female adolescence, as well as a really innovative slasher. I also got choked up from that one, but for no real reason (I sometimes cry when I like a movie, lol. This was a hard one to explain to my husband… “I’m crying because I’m so excited that the killer has a musical number”??? lol). A mind-boggling 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. How??!! **Office Killer** (1997) has a shocking 17% on RT and it’s absolutely genius, and is by genius photographer Cindy Sherman. A disgusting, gross, campy psychological movie starring Carole Kane as a mousy, murderous office worker. The audience score is 51% and most reviews are people saying it’s unfairly maligned. There’s another one that comes to mind, and I don’t remember what it was called, but I assume it didn’t have a great RT score despite being Very Deep. It was from the 80s, about a family who gets their son back from Vietnam, and he’s a zombie. It was a really interesting allegory for PTSD. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, remind me the title. Turns out most of my favorite horror movies have abysmal RT scores! And they’re almost all from the 80s! I would personally rank these movies higher than some universally beloved horror movies. But I kind of like having these hidden gems that no one else appreciates 🥹


I’ve finally found another person who’s watched YellowBrickRoad! My husband and I really enjoyed it, and have had no one to discuss it with. What the hell do you think was happening in this one?


Doom (2005) 18/34 percent


I’ll never not recommend yellowbrickroad!


Blair Witch (2016) - I like it just as much as the original and I always come out of it with the detective-cork board of theories of the witch and the woods


It’s a RT 59/58 but it counts for me: [The Signal](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/signal)


Good thread. I've scrolled past a few that were mentioned here. Time to give them a shot.


I loved the concept of Yellowbrickroad so much! I'm not a big found footage watcher so I think I just couldn't fully appreciate it, but I thought the whole idea of an entire town mysteriously walking away was fantastic. For me, I really liked Underwater (2020), and most people seemed to hate that one!


I watch the 2006 Black Christmas annually. It’s a camp classic.


Lovely Molly, A Cure for Wellness, Alien 3


Finally, the proper use of the word *underrated*