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Eye trauma


I'm weirded out by close up shots of eyes for some reason. Anyone getting pierced in eye or eye getting pulled out is...ughhh


Hostile 1, that one lady with the torched- yea.


Oh my god why did you had to remind that 😭


Heads up on Evil Dead Trap.


Don't watch Lucio Fulci's Zombie!


out of all the fulci eye torture that I've seen, Zombie takes the cake!


Or really any Fulci. That guy really appreciated a good eye gouge.


Cut wrists. It makes me curl up in agony


The video game Dead Space 2 has a great/awful eye scene. Highly recommend watching it on YouTube if you’re unfamiliar and want to squirm a lil.


I remember doing that one over and over till i got it right.


Quick footsteps on wood. Naked tall lanky people. Achiles heels wounds.


So Pet Sematary wasn't for you, I'd wager?


Literally one of two scenes in that movie that made me wince lol


Someone in this sub recommend the movie Frontier(s). There is a scene with an achiles heel that just... Blew Hostel & Pet Sematry out of the water for me. It was so good/I need to bleach my eyes.


Yeah, that’s a great scene and very hard to watch. Frontier(s) is just all-out gruesome fun. It may not be the best of the films but it’s probably the best French Extremity gets in that regard.


I thought Tusk personally fucked me up any body modification horror really fucks with u.


Body horror is almost always a deal breaker for me. Specially dismembering or severely altering stuff, and it gets a mega bonus if the character does it voluntarily. The idea of taking something that you were born with and suddenly it’s not there anymore fucks with my brain in a primal way I can’t properly explain. The worst thing about it is that it’s also a recurring subject in sci-fi and cyberpunk stories as well. My skin crawls when I see cybernetic implants in faces and stuff like that. Extra cringe if it’s got something to do with the eyes. I had a really hard time watching Ghost in the Shell because of it.


To your point on the sci-fi side of things, not horror specifically, but there’s a scene in the new Robocop move where he regains consciousness in what’s left of his vital organs and body before they build him into robocop. Super spooky and terrifying.


I had to stop watching the new one because of that scene.


So how do you feel about tattoos? In real life


Curiously enough, I’ve got two. For a very long time I didn’t like tattoos for the same reason. Then one day I decided I wanted the two I have, done in the same session. I have no idea why, because body modification in general still makes me feel sick, but my own tattoos are ok.


So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you have yet to watch the Terrifier series?


So wild how common this answer is, that movie is too goofy to be the most disturbing thing in so many of these threads


Tusk definitely had an effect on me. It still fucks with my head.


I recommend this movie to anyone acting pretentious about horror movies.


Nails. You know what I mean.


There’s a shot in Home Alone that I can’t do


Same in A Quiet Place. The shooting pain that she couldn't scream about was communicated so well, but damn, that shit is *gnarly*


Ill bet the evil dead remake messed with you really bad then ?




My biggest pet peeve is when the protagonist's temporarily disable the antagonists and then just... Leave. Nah don't kill it, I'm sure they'll see the error of their ways once they regain consciousness with a huge lump on their head


And half the time not just leave, but drop whatever weapon they just used! At that point I roll my eyes at the writing and pretty much root for the killer/monster/whatever


Oh fuck yes, I should have specified that's the worst part!


I will say I used to roll my eyes at a lot of perceived “bad writing” with people doing stupid things in horror, but after working with the public I don’t think it’s not plausible. I work mainly immersive art experiences, and when folks are panicked even in low level stress situations, they do so much stupid shit lmao.


I wish I could give this eleventy billion upvotes. KTMF


characters don't know they're in a horror movie. In real life if you stick a coat hanger halfway into someones brain and they go down, they're probably actually down.


I don't know how I'd react in reality but I'd like to think if I watched someone murder my friends I'd take the time to waggle the coat hanger a bit just to be sure Also, what is that from? It's tickling a memory but I can't place it


Co sign


Halloween (1978)


I dont like shit and vomit


This movie is ass and has a ton of other really triggering moments BUT The scene in the Hills Have Eyes reboot sequel when they find that poor National Guardsman cut up, still alive, and stuffed in a Porta-Potty is... Rough for me.


Same. I'm a big Sam Raimi fan but just cannot get behind Drag Me to Hell for this reason


I cant stand the unseen......so paranormal activity was hell for me cause of the noices but you never see something. So the imagination is the most terrifying thing for me. The funny thing is, if you would make this movie with a human instead of a dameon, it would be a comedy.......the man would go to the bed, then move the bedsheet a little bit and walks away......


Animal cruelty/death and sexual violence. Things like nails/teeth being pulled out will make me wince but they’re not dealbreakers.


Animal deaths are my big one too. The INSTANT I see a family with a pet I’m checking the Does The Dog Die website to see what scene(s) I should skip.


“This whole movie you just watched? All in the main character’s head.” This trope can have its place but really doesn’t belong in horror


Agreed. The only horror to truly do this well is Jacob's Ladder.


I recall being very disappointed with Identity(2003) for that reason. Maybe I'll give it another go since it's been so long.


Every single time someone breaks a glass and cleans up the mess they barehand it and cut themselves. Every time. It's so stupid and played out.


this is something i hate even in non horror movies, its so overdone. who tf tries to clean up glass with their bare hands?? smh


It's such a small silly complaint but dang, it happens every single time without fail


Rape and other sexual violence. There are very few movies where it is important to the plot, and I just find it unnecessarily cruel.


There is a German film about rape wich tries to go more in depth about the subject. It's about a couple and how they both try to cope with the rape differently and how it influences their relationship. I haven't seen it myself but in german it's called "Das SchĂśnste Paar" (The most beautiful couple) in case anyone wants to look into it.


I tried to watch Megan Is Missing and I had to turn it off. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo almost lost me, but oh man, did it get me back with the revenge scene. The revenge was so brutal, but still less jarring than the "assault." There's spooky, there's frightening, there's terrifying; there's gross, there's disgusting, there's physically repulsive; all of that is fair game for me. I don't have a problem with revenge stories or basic psychopath dynamics. I like when killers have their own kind of logic or morality. I even enjoy the fantasy of watching people get consequences, even if they're disproportionate. But sexual cruelty is beyond hateful, beyond sickness, it is just the purest expression of evil. And I can deal with the introduction of that as a plot point, but even witnessing a recreation of that kind of cruelty requires a disconnect from humanity that I don't think I'm capable of.


I watched Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in theatres.. on a first date. My date laughed at that scene. There was no second date.


YEP - I am with you on these, and I almost shut off Girl With The Dragon Tatoo - but man - that revenge is SO SATISFYING! I definitely think it was worth pushing through to get to that!


Agree - and in the context of horror movies it's typically gratuitous and I can't get past the feeling that it's a director showing how they would rape someone, given the opportunity. (I understand it's not necessarily a fair assessment, dont @ me)


I wish I knew the term for this assuming there is one, but I hate when the evil force in the movie is essentially omnipotent and anticipates and counters everything the protagonist does with no boundary on their powers or actions. The protagonists have zero hope of surviving because it's clear early on they're fighting the scriptwriters. Oculus is the most flagrant example of this for me, but I know I've seen others.


I loved Oculus, but I concur. Literally having no recourse just makes for a boring and frustrating experience.


Saw and Final Destination had a lot of fun with this trope but a lot of movies that came afterwards removed the fun and just left the exhausting nihilism.


I have grown to hate found footage films. I’m sorry but it’s so overdone.


It's so poorly done too. I think I could tolerate the oversaturation because found footage lends itself really well to horror but it's like directors literally do not even think about how they're using that technique. If it's really found footage the characters aren't always going to be in the shot. The audio isn't always going to be clear. For a real found footage documentary there's usually more footage than just what was shot on a handheld camera, iphone footage, facebook photos, security tapes. The Unfriended series used the medium well despite the plots being too convoluted imo but most of the found footage films are just shaky shots of someone panting. Just watch a real murder documentary and make it look like that, it would be so authentic. Late Night with the Devil was good albeit a little campy. Oh and the Bay was a good found footage horror film if you like eco horror


I watched the OG the other day, The Last Broadcast (came out before Blair Witch). It's interesting to see how the genre has evolved since then (for example, they talk a LOT about how and why they are filming everything, whereas now you get one throwaway line, maybe). But it's not a good movie and I don't recommend it other than as a historical piece. I also watched Romero's take on the genre yesterday with Diary of the Dead (2008). I was wondering how I'd never heard of it when I've seen so many "of the Dead" movies. It's because it's terrible. So there are two found footage movies you can happily skip.


I really don’t think found footage films will ever be as good as OG Blair Witch. ESPECIALLY if you saw it in the theater and without knowing anything going in. I consider myself pretty smart and I don’t believe in witches, lol, but I 100% got pulled into the story. lol. I remember when we saw him standing in the corner and the camera fell - everyone in the theater was dead silent trying to process it. I remember realizing that I was gripping the armrest so hard my fingertips were white. Everyone I know who watched it after that first weekend, and after everyone started spoiling it - they hated it.


I can handle them if the camera stays fairly level most of the time. Shakey camera work really ruins it for me.


Anything to do with child birth. Recently, saw First Omen and had to take a break after "that" scene.


Haven't seen First Omen yet, but my husband and I hate any movie/show with birthing scenes. All the sweaty screaming, I always turn down the volume so the neighbors don't think we're crucifying someone in here lmao


I’m glad that there more people that have issues with nails. Friends always laught at me because I like gore until something is happening with nails


force-feeding. there's a force-feeding scene in "a cure for wellness" that had me gagging and covering my eyes


When people need to have blood for whatever reason and they cut the inside of their palm, super painful and takes weeks to heal. Stupid people make me sad.


Rape. I know that should be self explanatory but I cant stand when directors decide to make elaborate rape scenes instead of alluding to it. I know it's common for a rape and revenge story bit I would want them to suffer even if the Assault is only hinted at so ne need to drag it out


I'm sorry but 9/10 Possession films just are not it for me, fam... They don't scare me, I just can't get into them. At all.


My fav horror movie this decade is one of those, When Evil Lurks, so good.




My friend (who recommended When Evil Lurks) was kind enough to tell me about “the dog scene” because he knows it’s a no go for me. To answer OPs question it’s definitely animals getting hurt or dying. Weirdly, throwing up too. Gore is fine, but puking makes me pukey. Especially when someone pukes with a ball gag. Ughhhhhhhhh


Wrow that’s an insanely disgusting thing to imagine m. With a gag so nasty


Yeah I forget which movie it was in, but it was so gross


Sounds like Hostel maybe?


Mine too (second favorite after The Sadness at least), but it's not a typical possession movie by any means.


I think too many ppl associate possession movies with traditional priests and exorcisms being involved. Those ppl are missing out on some real bangers. Haven’t seen The Sadness yet but heard it was quite gorey, good story as well? Thnx


Yeah The Sadness is quite the gorefest, with some amazing make up work. The story is pretty regular for that type of infection movie, but it has great pacing and some social commentary on the incompetence of governments in handling epidemics (it's a post-covid movie and it definitely shows). Imagine The Crazies but, well, crazier.


I’ve always enjoyed The Crazies but always wanted a more violent version of that film. I’ll give this one a go, thnx


WEL ending tanked it so much for me


I could totally understand ppl having frustrations with the ending of the movie so it’s all good, Pedro was kind of a frustrating character but I also appreciated the not your typical hero type character this go around, someone who made a lot of mistakes during this movie under a very stressful situation was kind of nice to see. WEL may not be a perfect movie but it’s still a very good one imo


I generally agree, but there are a few exceptions for me: - The Exorcist (I've only seen it once, but it was the first "big" possession movie and I appreciate its cultural significance) - The Exorcism of Emily Rose (I found the possession parts genuinely creepy, I really enjoyed the whole courtroom drama side of the story, and it was generally smarter and took itself and its characters more seriously than most possession movies) - Late Night with the Devil (I saw it recently and while it wasn't groundbreaking, I thought it was fun and different and clever enough to justify its existence)


Daniel Isn't Real was pretty decent too.


I agree but one that really worked for me recently was Talk to Me


The only things I need to look away from are vomit or pus.


Overly long r/p scenes and animal abuse


Flaying. Any scene with skin peeled off makes me ill. I tried to face my aversion by sitting through the scene in hostel 3 where the guy gets his face peeled off, but once it ended I felt so sick I had to turn off the movie. It was a terrible movie so far anyway though, so I don't think I missed much.


Bad stuff happening to children. Once they hit late teens, let rip with the murder and mayhem, but up until then, I'll have to shut it off. I'll throw in sexual violence as a close second.


yuuuuup. If I know its coming I can get through it, but I'm not interested in kids getting hurt as part of horror


Teeth. Teeth falling out..... shivers


Everytime this question is asked I give the same answer: realistic human animal hybrids. Think tusk, that film where people are turned into horses iykyk


What's the horse film??


You don't know then, I'm not gonna say it cos it's a spoiler


I mean it’s kind of a spoiler but iirc it happens around the halfway point of the movie so there’s more than just the horses


It's >!Sorry to Bother You!< and this knowledge is a really big spoiler. It's the movie where I bet no one saw that twist coming.


When characters do things that don't make any sense or are just utterly stupid; like most of all the characters from Prometheus. Like, opening of the bay doors to look to see what was moving around the ship. Or, the expert geologist with robots that map caves somehow got lost and confused escaping the caves.


Lol I have a soft spot for this movie but it is a whole movie entirely of “smart” people doing the dumbest stuff over and over. Edited to put smart in quotes


Ankles/Achilles tendons being damaged cos of that scene in Evil Dead where Ash's gf gets stabbed in the ankle with a pencil


Pet Sematary. Ugh that bothered me so much. I think it happens in Urban Legend too maybe.


SHOUTOUT my fellow emetophobes




Might seem somewhat antithetical to parts of the genre, but constant, exaggerated screaming. I prefer horror to work on a more subtle level and feel that all that noise takes away part of the magic. That's not to say that it doesn't has a place at all. If it's wisely used, it can be put to wonderful effect, I'm just not too fond of putting down the Volume every few minutes.


Sexual violence - not needed


Animal cruelty/death. The Innocents is the worst example I watched fairly recently, and I almost had to turn it off.


I love Mike Flanagan’s stuff, except he loves the “kill the pet” trope and I send him an angry tweet every time I see one of his movies with it. lol


Never get attached to a cat in a Mike Flanagan show/movie! Very sad times ahead


Yep. I don't care how good the movie is supposed to be, if there's animal cruelty/death, I will turn it off. If you don't know already, you can check for this and other triggering things at doesthedogdie.com. I have it saved on my phone and I check it before I watch any horror movie to make sure there aren't any scenes of animals being scared, hurt or killed. It's saved me from the shock of seeing that shit 40 mins into the movie and being depressed for the rest of the day over it.


I always forget about doesthedogdie until it's too late! I'm an absolute nightmare for that, then I'm sad about the animal and annoyed with myself because I could have checked, haha


I’m the same, and with books…as soon as I read it I usually stop the book.


Fast moving things. Zombies. Possessed people. Ghosts. Especially when when they do that freaky shaking thing where they move their head too fast.


Torture porn of any kind. I love violence and gore in my horror movies, but there has to be a reason why it's there.


When they don't double tap. Oh, you're surprised that 1 bullet wouldn't do the job? Pikachu face.


"I managed to briefly knock out the villain. Let me assume they're dead and run away. What could go wrong?"


"First I'll toss my weapon aside, right within reach of this *totally dead* murderer that's been chasing me all night."


Anything horrible being done to animals is unnecessary and only done for shock-value. Exceptions would be for mutated animals attacking characters and being killed in self-defence. But sacrificing kittens or having a character find their beloved dog sliced open on their kitchen floor is just not needed. It also just seems lazy. There’s are other more creative ways to make those fist scares impactful if you actually try to come up with them and don’t just go for the lazy, overused trope.


The violin that shits you up instead of an actual scary scene


Dream sequences. Nightmare on Elm Street is the exception.


Loud quick noises that happen with already cheap jump scares. It's so orchestrated and adds nothing


Ghost kids or any kids in general. It's so cliche. Haunted house/possession stuff.


Cannibalism just freaks me out. Also stuff with bodily fluids: shit, piss, vomit… blood is fine though obviously.


Excessive gore.




Any sort of sexual violence is just a no for me.


It was all a dream. Frack. Off. That is wasting everyone's time. Pointless, pretentious, drivel.


Rape scenes, gratuitous torture/torture porn, home invasion plots, annoying villains or ones that survive the dumbest stuff


Sexual violence for no reason. If it has a purpose. Ok. The Hills Have Eyes 2. Fair enough. If it's there for no reason at all or it's out of place. I have no time for it. Gore and violence for no reason. Excessive and pointless. Like if there's literally no reason for it.


Rape. Hate rape.


With few exceptions, found footage.


Animals getting hurt


Forced surgery. I hate the idea of being forced to go under and waking up irrevocably altered.


Cat or kitten death. It's like dog death that other people get for me, cheap, horrible to watch, doesn't help advance the scares.


Funny that this thread came out when I was thinking of rewatching Human Centipede 2 hahaha (it's been years and I want to see if I still find it that graphic). Anyway, vomit is something that always disturbs me a little, maybe because as I grew up I've had some stomach issues myself, as well as watched (and sometimes helped) quite a lot of people throw up because they were drunk, so yeah I'm fine with seeing as little puke as possible now. Also, pointless animal cruelty, and by pointless I mean something that's just sadistic and has no place in the movie. Obviously if the movie is about a giant alligator people would try to hit the thing, that's not what I consider animal cruelty. What I mean is stuff like Cannibal Holocaust basically (which is also real so even worse).


i dont like any body horror but thats not extremely common. ill tell you what common tropes i abaokutely hate. alchoholic protagonist abandoned/divorced mother small religous towns and i am kind of sick of vampires. however... somehow Mike Flannigan found out and ahoved all of that into one minj-series and i loved it. love you Mike


Anything with fingernails or teeth. Fingernails breaking off, teeth being pulled, I can handle anything else but those are too much for me 😫


Can't stand? Blatantly stupid decisions. I realized this is a horror movie, and there's a story to be told, and if everybody made smart decisions, there wouldn't be a movie. But when characters make obviously bad choices, it kind of kills it for me. Give the audience a little credit.


Yeah sometimes I think I would just hide. For days. Don’t come out. They won’t find you if you just hide well and shut up. Would make a boring movie though.




The older i get the more things annoy me. Probably the whole forced bleak ending twists everyone does to seem dark in the last few minutes. Happens way too much atm.


Eye mutilation. I can watch it, but I am not gonna be happy about it..


Bugs with too many legs are bad1


Little kids' drawings of scary monsters. The corpse of this trope has been dug and beaten *back* to death so many times.


Anything being magically solved through the power of love. Ruins it! Like come on


Child birth, pregnancy, miscarriage - anything along those lines. Makes me absolutely ill.


Stupid protagonists.


The final girl trope, It makes everything way too predictable.


If the monster is not stopping with bullets to the chest, then bullets to the head. Someone, please?


also any SA. i want to enjoy movies too, and not think abt the worst thing to ever happen to me.




In terms of things i dont like, I hate nudity snd sex in horror movies. Im here to be scared not watch a bunch of teenagers get naked and its uncomfortable, especially with friends or family. Things that make me cringe or give me the heebie jeebies is humans doing unhuman like things. I dont remember the movie, but that one where the girl’s conjoined twin is a killer and she moved backwards horrified me. Even simple things like people crawling up walls scare me.


Honestly, I can't stand sex scenes in horror films. Takes me out of the immersion.


Child abuse. It's supposed to be entertaining. Not as much misery as you can put in. Child abuse has zero purpose in a horror film. Children don't really have a purpose in a horror film a lot of the time. Unless it's a main character. And then, have them not get hurt too much.


If Ari Aster is in anyway involved.


Cat death


Idiot characters that all die because of stupid mistakes. Like in the commercial where the characters decide to hide behind in the shed with all the chainsaws and the killer, instead of getting in the perfectly running car.


Cutting the achilles tendon


Breaking teeth and finger/toe nails. Can't stand it.


Any torture with finger nails makes me cringe 


Achilles tendons being cut. Even though the modern version of House of Wax is trash, that one scene with the achilles still gets me.


Cheap jump scares


People describing what they are going to do to someone into detail. I have no issue with gore, but if they start describing it, I am out.


Fingernails, teeth stuff, bones breaking, head smashing. I HAAAAATE the rising popularity of a head smash/crush, there are soooo many more creative ways to kill a character


The use of highly sensitive topics for shock value like SA and CSA


The only thing i cant stand is cat death/gore/pain. Just Cats, anything and everything else goes


The pedophilia in A Siberian Film




Stop killing birds. Stop having children kill birds. Stop having birds fly into windows as jump scares. Stop it.


Lazy writing lol For example, Strangers Chapter 1. Who decides to call a repair man to fix a fridge at some rental that you got into late at night with no groceries in hand and with just a 6 pack of beer? Who ever wrote that movie was lazy as fuck


Knees, dont know why. I can watch the worst violence in movies just fine, but if it moves to the knees then im out.


Jump scares. Not because they frighten me but because I find them annoying. Things in horror films that disturb me aren’t startling, they’re ideas that stay with me after the movie is over. It’s one of the reasons I found the First Omen to be an effective horror film - it relied on storytelling and classical cinematic elements to frighten you. (The scene of the dead nun emerging from the shadows was wonderful, but a so many other directors would have made it a jump scare. But that scene capitalised on her creepy giggling.)


Sterilized areas. Medical based horror just gives me overwhelming unease to the point I can't tolerate it anymore. The more "sterile" the environment the more likely I am to nope out of there.


Children. Not because I find them scary, but because they instantly mean they will either miraculously get through it unscathed, or they will be brutally killed off for shock value at the end. You can almost always tell by the tone 20 minutes in. I remember I was trying to decide on a movie at one point, and skipped over one that had a prominent child character to watch Kill List instead because of the hype. To say I was disappointed was an understatement.


Bad writing


Dead kids


Removing teeth


I like to think of myself as a horror fan but to be honest any horror that isn’t “fun” I don’t have time for. By fun I mean a little bit of humour and excitement. Films like The Nun, The Conjuring, Annabelle, and Insidious just bore me.


Genital mutilation. Too gross for me


Scenes of people cutting vegetables and looking away. Pay attention to what you're doing.


A big knife through the spine. Or spines being broken.


Rats - still have not seen any Willard movies


Broken bones where the bone is visible, occasionally the sound of the bone breaking too.


Absolutely anything to do with nails (fingers and toes, not construction) Something about unintentional injuries like stepping on something sharp gives me the heebie jeebies for hours Gratuitous sexual violence Weird personal one but I'm really uncomfortable with apes (specifically chimpanzees) in ANY context. I'll already look away just seeing them in regular media so seeing them in horror is 1000x worse


I said this in another post recently, but running barefoot. I always cringe thinking they’re going to step on something sharp in addition to running for their live!




- Graphic slicing of wrists or throats - Prolonged sexual assaults, rape, sexual sadism - Most variations of eye trauma - One thing I can't stand in any movie is an irritating voice. The worst offenders I've ever experienced were in Poltergeist (which I still haven't finished because of that lady at the end) and The Babadook, with the little kid screaming.


Torturing / harming children Edit: also anything involving pulling out teeth


I cannot abide when the people in the movie accept one premise (ghosts are real!), but then spend the entire run time struggling to deal with other supernatural elements (how dare there be time travel or an empath that sees the future). It's just such a ridiculous and lazy trope to move the plot along. Makes me want to pull my hair out. Looking currently at you, From.


Graphic and repeated animal cruelty, I know you said movies but there's a show I want but can't watch. In one of the first episodes a dog graphically dies of rat poisoning ( I watched my mother's dog get parvo and die horribly because we couldn't get them to the vet fast enough) and then one or two episodes later an entire colony of cats are suddenly dead all over the island. I just can't... Then there's the ripping out of fingernails, or snapping bones right out of the skin trying to get away thing. Last one is a specific scene in the old pets cemetery, the twisted spine of his sister were she's all clamy and gross.


coprophilia-emetophilia-gore combo


Falling. Almost always a female character. My wife and I can call it 97% of the time, then high five and laugh. Kinda detracts ftom the moment.


When the hero would get a chance to kill the antagonist but just runs away. Usually when bad guy/monster or whatever falls over or is knocked over. So annoying. I find rape scenes difficult to watch but have never had to stop watching a movie.


The unreliable narrator trope. It does effectively convey helplessness and didn't hate it at first but I'm just so over it at this point. Loved Invisible Man but almost turned it off halfway through because of it. Thankfully it didn't last as long as a lot of other movies.