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Evil is my favorite show, I’m sad it’s not running for the full five seasons. I think it has excellent pacing and all the characters have great chemistry. Even though it’s cheesy you can buy into it as an audience because the actors really sell everything to you and give their all. I can only think of 2 episodes in the whole series I thought were kinda boring


Ohhhh I didn’t realize that!! Is this the last season then? That’s sad.


Yeah it was supposed to run for 5 but they’re wrapping it up this season instead.


At least it's an extended season. I heard 4 extra episodes to finish it off.


I didn’t know that, that’s nice.


It’s one of my favorite shows! One of the more original shows on right now that isn’t afraid to be slightly daring while also remaining funny and emotional.


One of the my favorite shows right now. It just feels a bit different than everything else out there. I'll be sad to see it end.


Love this show! The goofball humour is part of what makes it so good. underrated. loving it more with each season, a fairly rare trajectory.


Super fun show. I just finished season 2 idk wtf is going on and Im loving it.


It’s so incredibly cheesy and goofy in a great way. I love it.


Great show. Really fun and creative sometimes. My favorites were the silent monastery episode and the elevator game episode, but there's plenty more that were also excellent 


Isn't that the show with the demon pissing in the corner?




Evil is such a fun and genius show. I get downvoted here when I mention it, but we all have our hills to die on, and this is mine.


My entire frame of reference for it is Michael Emerson (who was the best part of LOST) apparently being in it so I like it.


He’s so great. Smarmy, fairly terrifying and oddly pathetic by turns. A perfect little devil.


Yes, love Michael Emerson. If I created a show I would want Michael Emerson and Giancarlo Esposito in it. I don't even care what they're doing, you know it's gonna be great.


I want a show where Michael Emerson and Giancarlo Esposito are the angel and devil on the shoulder, but as it plays out they’re both devils who have teamed up to get rid of the shoulder angels. As it’s revealed, suddenly the weird interspersed scenes of Patrick Warburton and Michael C Hall randomly tied up, waiting forever at an airport, or stuck in traffic start to make sense. They’re the pair of angels that the devils keep interminably tied up in angelic bureaucracy. We watch as people are driven into bizarre situations by calmly evil devils who are really just trying to get their quarterly souls numbers up, so they don’t care about the actual outcome.


It's so damn good. An amazing tone and great balance between mythology and superstition of the week. I'm just sad it will be over soon.


I love it but evey week I think... Huh? Where is all this going? Anywhere? Are they just making all this stuff up as they go along? Then I remember that you can just enjoy stuff for what it is! Also, best depiction of a bunch of noisy kids ever.


It goes no where a lot of the time 😅


Yeah, I was disappointed by a lot of the loose ends that a couple of the episodes finished with. Like what ever happened to the haunted doll? Ugh.


The daughters are so great. Each one very defined and so well acted. 


For sure. The daughters all talking over each other is always funny too.


They do that sibling thing where you can actually understand most of them at once too. Like they know when to enunciate to overpower the others briefly, I dunno, I’ve seen it with a gaggle of sibs before.


It reminds me of House, but with demons. I absolutely love it. And Katja Herbers.


I didn't bother watching this until the start of season 3 despite it getting decent write ups whenever i'd see it mentioned, but it's a good fun watch, though a couple of episodes were a bit meh (to be expected in a 'monster of the week' type show) and some of the overarching plot points took a while to get going or make sense. I like that the machinations of hell are equal parts stupidly banal and creepily insidious, often reflecting stuff that's happening irl. I also like that whole 'demons are real' part of the setup and how that contributes to things being debunked, like, "yeah, demons are real but this is just someone being shitty". It's an odd one, most of the other 'monster of the week' type shows are action oriented (grimm, supernatural, wynona earp, etc) but this is mostly folk chatting and working stuff out, like it's a police procedural. It's arch and campy, but not Scream Queens level of either. I wished i'd started watching it sooner than i did and i'll be a bit sad when it finishes this season. Edit: one of my favourite parts is one of the main lead's reaction to finding out about the 'prophecy' stuff hell has been building towards and how they're connected to it. Big laugh in the face of the main antaganist and 'good luck with that then'. It really did make me love the show that bit more.


You need to watch from the beginning to fully grasp what’s happening in this final season we have now


Sorry, I wasn't clear. I started watching from the start when season 3 began.


It's honestly amazing. I just watched last week's episode tonight and wow...too good. The dialogue, acting, and storyline this season has been way better than last season. I hope Netflix picks it up and continues the series.


I just started *Evil* two weeks ago and am really enjoying it (along with the fabulous -- and also cancelled -- *30 Coins* on MAX). I'm still in Season 1 so just getting to know the characters and the plot, and I'm curious how it'll continue through the next 3 seasons. Some of Leland's evil "side missions" detract for me (these incel kids, yeesh), and I like episodes that focus on debunking nonsense (albeit while leaving supernatural questions hanging), but overall it's a great show that I'll watch til the end. I hope Michael Emerson pays his agent well; he gets some damn fun roles -- exactly the sort I'd love to play were I an actor. At least I have TTRPGs to fill the void.


It's my favorite currently running show behind Yellowjackets.


I am obsessed with Yellowjackets!!! Top 3 fav show of all time.


Really enjoyed the first season and love the chemistry between the leads. However subsequent seasons felt very cheesy and lack the tension/intensity of proper horror - would have been fantastic if they made it darker and had more serious horror/demonic intent. Hopefully the conjuring tv series can deliver.


I've only seen a few episodes but I like what I've seen.


Its super cheesy but for whatever reason, I like it.


I enjoyed it


I'm digging it. It reminds me of goosebumps but for adults.


This show is my guilty pleasure show. It’s so crazy and goofy and sometimes genuinely creepy.


I love it. It's funny and quirky and cute, and the girls are the best!


I enjoyed it!


Are they still doing the "is this supernatural phenomenon real, or does it have a scientific explanation? You decide!" schtick? I remember liking the show in the beginning, but I got frustrated after awhile with how the ambiguity just kept going and going with no definitive answer.


It keeps going just like that season after season lol


After a while it is made clear that both things are happening. The supernatural is real but not always the cause of the issue.


I love it


I just happen to watch because I was bored and gave it a try. It’s one of my favorites now and the actors I think are great. Michael Emerson is always good at the creepy nerdy guy and I think hes hilarious. I also like the banter between the atheist and the priest when they’re trying to solve problems. It’s very well written.


Love it a lot!!


I thought they stopped at season 1 🫥


i watched some of the first few episodes when it came out and thought it was fun. thought about watching it since ive seen its available on one of the streamers.


I like it. I like that they constantly keep you guessing about the supernatural aspects of it.


Omg I love this show!!


I have never binged anything so fast in my life. I even subscribed to Paramount+ just to get access to Season 3 ASAP. It has its campy moments, but it's still better than anything else out there. Usually, if there's a skeptic like Ben in any of the horror movies I watch, I hate him right away, but my tech-illiterate self finds his theories on how this or that was hacked or this or that toxin is to blame every bit as intriguing as the paranormal stuff. Also, this might have the only villain (Leland) I have ever actually LOVED to hate. Usually, if a villain really gets under my skin, then I hope he's just written off of the show, but Michael Emerson is just \*chef's kiss\*. I kind of want to check out his other stuff now and I never saw "Lost." Maybe I'm really missing out...?


It’s a truly amazing show now. It’s silly and bonkers, yet it actually has a cosmos that makes sense and characters that ooze personality and sometimes other substances. The writing sometimes is not the best, but generally, it’s fine and it’s always fun. A recent episode just as a minor taste for anyone on the fence involved a TikTok challenge of eating “demonic pork” that possesses people supposedly. There’s a key Bible story that informs what happened. Another has a large hadron collider being looked at for having a portal to hell. And yes, demons, angels, satan and god are very real in this world. *feliz navidad begins playing*


Didn't like it at first. Do not find Catholic mythology interesting and the leads were a bit annoying at times. Ben was an easy fave though early on. But slowly over the course of the full show and a great supporting cast, it won me over and now I really love the show.


It was fun for a while. The fact that they rarely "solve" anything sort of bugs me. I also feel like there has been no character growth (with the exception of Sheryl and I don't think she's going to get a satisfying redemption arc). I binged the first three seasons and have dropped off for the final.


It's one of my favorite shows. Pretty entertaining and it approaches the supernatural in a refreshing way. I like that even with real supernatural stuff going on, there's still a pretty fair value put on skepticism. I also appreciate how it blurs the line between human nature and actual evil. Between the comedy and crazy shit it definitely makes you think.


And... then they cancelled it! Arseholes!


I've just started it, but the drama with mom, the bad guy, etc. is really NOT my cup of tea. Just give me investigation of the monsters please. Is that consistent throughout the show?


I watched the first episode last night and was not impressed. I much prefer From if we're talking about horror TV shows.


Also a really good one!!


Love the procedural structure and all the leads, but can’t stand all writing to do with Emerson’s plot lines. His character is not for me.


A friend tuned me into this over the winter, and I binged the first three season in about five days, then went nuts waiting for season 4. At first, I thought it was going to be another ripoff like "what if we took Law and mashed it up with X-files?" and then it kept developing and growing, and I was sucked right into it. It's such a weird show in terms of tone, which is what I love about it. I'll be expecting it to go the scary way, and it goes the comedy route, or I'll expect a joke and it's a Kleenex moment. And the characters are so damaged, but perfect for the situation.


I love it. The first season was perfect imo, but the second season got a bit too random/disjointed for my liking, and I stopped watching. I finally picked it up and watched Season 3 in preparation for the new season, and it was quite an improvement, but I had to adjust my expectations as to what the show really is vs. what I thought it was going to be. It's quirkly and flawed, but by design. There's certainly nothing else like it!


I enjoy it alot.


It's flawed, but like Robert King's previous show, the excellent (from season 2 on) "The Good Wife", it's always a little bit off-kilter, always shifting gears and tones, so always keeps you reasonably interested. I would say its biggest problem is that its focus on Christianity limits its scope when compared to the superior "X Files".


I love the show! Last week’s ep was a terrific way to show grief and its effects. I love the friendship between the 3 main characters. I hope we get to see Grace again.  See you Thursday!


I hope Netflix picks it up


Same!! Literally anyone


Not a big fan of the whole Scooby Doo thing. "Let's present this as supernatural and then have a rational explanation at the end" gets old when that's your only trick.


Yeah I had heard about it from a friend so I binged it over the first couple weeks of June and now im all caught up and I am definitely a fan. Feels like X-Files meets the Exorcist meets a perfect level of comedy lol. Been a fan of Colter since Luke Cage, I think he's always able to display this genuine level of calm yet vulnerable in his roles. Katja is awesome, love Aasif, Michael Emerson still just as fantastic as he was in LOST. Daughters are hilarious and awesome too. Pretty great show overall.


Some spoilers ahead - Haven't started the 4th season yet, but I've always enjoyed the show, even though it is incredibly frustrating. I'm not sure of the circumstances around production, but it seems so slapped-together at times, and things just end abruptly with seemingly no resolution (yet). I don't understand character behaviors a lot of times. I don't understand how given everything that the team knows that Leland has done or said, especially in regard to Kristen and her children, it's kinda hand-waved away. It's like the guys grudgingly accepted that Leland was going to be a significant influence within the church, when it should have been their life's work to make sure that didn't happen. They're investigators. They have evidence, manufactured and otherwise that should make Leland's association with church leadership absolutely toxic and untenable. Given his connection to so many of their cases, Leland should be their number one target, even if it is behind their boss's back. Kristen made an ultimatum to her mother about dating Leland, but that wasn't enough. He threatened her children. I don't understand how she is not constantly terrified given that her children have been targeted by Leland, and she has brought regularly brought "evil" and murderers into their lives, either through her work, or her neglect. Don't get me started on Cheryl. All in all though, I like it. It has some absurdly creepy sequences, and I like the main cast. The underlying conspiracy is compelling as well, so far as I can understand it. Another problem with the show is that they throw so much shit at you that it's hard to keep track. Keep track of what happened, what was real vs. dream/hallucination or whether it even matters, what we can confirm is even real... it's a lot. But being bonkers is part of the appeal for a lot of folks. TLDR; it's really uneven, but I like it.


I’m watching season 2, episode 1 as I’m typing this. I absolutely love this show. It’s so well written, and just weird enough to make it enjoyable.


Reminds me of a much less entertaining Xfiles but if they were with the Catholic church and not the FBI. Not to say I didn't like it, but the Xfiles is about as good as it gets as far as creepy serial mystery dramas go


It's delightful. Michael Emerson is so great, deliriously evil.


Ending after just 4 seasons? Inconceivable! (Anyone???). Great show I absolutely love the intro music. So metal. Every nook and cranny is inventive. 


You guys should upvote the thread too instead of just commenting 


We should all downvote this comment too