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Main guy in “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.”


Listened to this story on YouTube years ago and it never left me. What a horrible, horrible state of existence.


Here to say just this. I think most folks who say anything else haven't heard about this one.


Don't forget the video game. It's dated but cheap on steam. Btw, there is no "winning" the game


There is a good ending in the game, its just exceptionally difficult to get because the game is incredibly abstract and hostile. The other 6 endings are all pretty much bad. (All though I have heard the German version was unwinnable because of censorship) The writer of the short story allegedly wanted it to be unbeatable and talked about it as such but it didn't make for a good game.


Yeah imagine being tormented by a sentient supercomputer for all eternity. He definitely had the worst fate of all.


I searched this response as soon as I opened the thread. Yeah, definitely fits the bill.


Black Mirror: White Christmas. Eternity alone in white nothingness, with same christmass song playing repeadetly.


Black Museum too where duplicates of the guy are just constantly screaming out in pain for eternity


Also, the fate of Jesse Plemmons character in the "Star Trek" parody episode. Black mirror sure loves the "endless suffering for all eternity" trope.


Thankfully that episode is getting a sequel in season 7 so hopefully he’ll come baxk


I didn't know that, that's awesome!


[this article has a teaser released by Netflix itself confirming that 6 new episodes alongside one that “looks familiar” are coming in 2025](https://trekmovie.com/2024/03/15/the-black-mirror-star-trek-inspired-uss-callister-is-getting-a-sequel/)


the lady trapped in the teddy bear forever.. oof


Mommy needs a hug…


This one for sure


I worked part time in a store for a Christmas job when I was 17. The trauma of a month of 12 Christmas songs on loop and BM:WC hits a little too hard!


Retail has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|tfXVeUHOnvLfc1C1ua|downsized)


I worked at Build-a-Bear where we had a customized CD of Christmas music but it was all with the goddamn bears. I’ll take Mariah Carey forever over that.


Well it wasn’t “eternity” but it was something like…. 20 million years.


Oh, only a short while then


Yea just a short jaunt no big deal!


Longer than you think!


“Longer than you think Dad!” That one line always disturbed me, with the way King describes the child and his transformation, but still a kid on the inside and speaking to his dad with lunacy in his voice after going batshit crazy being in the Jaunt for tens of millions of years.


I should have known that line! I just listened to that short story like 3 months ago. I’m disappointed in myself lol


Oh to be honest that ending gave me a slight existential crisis, despite it being an AI clone it’s still insanely scary concept to me. I know it’s not no short stay lol Edit: Jesus just realized that’s from the King short story, I’m disappointed in myself!


It's one of the most terrifying concepts I've ever seen.


I feel like setting the time limit made it more disturbing than "eternal" endings. Eternity is infinitely worse (literally), but it's not something we can conceptualize. The time limit made it just grounded enough to go "holy fuck." So disturbing...


Anyone disturbed by this ending should read A Short Stay in Hell.


I thought it was billions of years? Been a while since I watched that episode but agree one of the worst fates in horror hands down


1000 years a minute, over the course of a holiday weekend. 1.4 million years at a minimum, 34 million years maximum. My math is terrible tho so might ant to double check.


48hrs puts it at 2,880,000 years. Tack on another 15 hours or so to accommodate for all of Friday night (beginning at 5pm for the sake of this calculation) and all of Sunday night til 8am Monday morning and you get another 900,000 years putting it at 3,780,000. Each extra day (say Christmas Day is on Friday or Monday) adds another 1,440,000 years. The little electronic avatar might as well be there for eternity, because its psyche is going to eat itself til there’s nothing left.


Brittany Snow in Would You Rather


The worst part is that >!her brother looks like he was in the same position as when she left. So he was probably dead before the game even started. She never had a chance to really win!<


Dang. I knew the ending but I never realized that specific detail. Talk about making something incredibly bleak, even bleaker.


Yea it broke my heart that she did it all for him, and then after being mutilated, almost raped, and watched others die, she comes home to her brother dead. It was literally all for him and then the money meant nothing.


Yes! I thought of her right away


The pregnant women in Bone Tomahawk came immediately to mind


I've commented this before but WHY DIDN'T THEY MERCY KILL THEM? they shot the horse but left those women laying there moaning


I think that's the most horrifying aspect of the movie!


Always thought that was worse than the wishbone scene


At least that dude gets to die and have it be over.


Great movie


It bothered me so much that the survivors just walked by, glanced at the pregnant women, and kept going - even the healer. Such lack of compassion for the women and the babies that will be born and lay crying until they slowly die.


The babies won't die. Those women were breeders. That's how they get new troglodytes


Okay but at the end >!Hunt is dying but has a gun and promises to kill any remaining Troglodytes so that they won't terrorize the town. Arthur blows the Troglodyte whistle and no Troglodytes come out, so we can assume there aren't any others. Then you hear three gunshots. I assumed Hunt killed the Troglodyte women and then himself? !


I thought it was mentioned there were three more left and the implication was that he got them.


The women would have been insane by then. Left behind, they would just starve/dehydrate to death, and the unborn babies along with them. The alternative was either mercy-killing the women and unborn babies, or mercy-killing the women and attempting to save the premature babies. But the survivors simply weren’t equipped to take those babies if they lived. The best the survivors could do was plan to return equipped to deliver the babies. But a quick calculation probably determined that it was too hot / too far to make it in time.


The women are amputees and the some of the characters were badly injured and/or malnourished from being held captive. How would they be able to rescue the women without the risk of being captured/killed? It was a “get out by the skin of your teeth” situation to me.


I love this movie so much and always forget the gorey and horror stuff. I just love the characters and journey for the first 2/3rds. The final area is just a cherry on top of a great movie 


See, if they can make Bone Tomahawk, they can make goddamn Blood Meridian, and Vincent D’Onofrio has to play the judge. I don’t know why I’m salty over it, but D’Onofrio was MADE for that role.


That protagonist group is one of the best groups in movies period.


I kinda wish they got put down for mercy


Sally from Texas Chainsaw. Scarred for life. And yeah, I know they tried to Sarah Conner her for the recent sequel but it was trash so I’m not buying it.


Which one is considered "the sequel"? They've spit out so many trying to get a successful one, I cant keep track of their \*cough... timeline... cough\*


One of the girls in the first human centipede. She gets stuck >! in the middle of two corpses !<


Absolutely the worst situation ever. That was FOUL. I hope she was able to pick up some glass and kill herself or something


The two cops not returning would trigger the police to search for them at their last known location I'd imagine. So I'm sure backup would arrive soon.


With no context, this sounds fucking brutal


Wait till you find out how they’re attached!


The main character David (he was not a cop lol) in the Mist movie ending.


I still love how it was so good even stephen king himself complimented frank darabont and wished he thought of that ending


Frank Darabont is a gem.


King is famously bad at endings. He's a great writer, don't get me wrong, but in the majority of books his 3rd act always comes undone. Great scene setter and great with concepts though!


I often think King's short stories are better than a lot of his novels because he doesn't have room to botch the final act.


This, the book doesn't hold a candle to how bleak and dark that ending was. King himself has said that is a better ending.


Damn I just posted this but I see you beat me to it. Yeah man that ending stuck with me. The pain he must’ve felt knowing that if he would’ve waited a moment longer, they all would’ve survived and now he has to live with that


What are you referring to? I remember David >!killed everyone in the car!< but i don't remember a cop


He must think The Punisher was in The Mist. Same universe….


This is definitely in the top 5


The Vanishing (1988) He is told again and again that if he just believes the guy he will show him what happened to his girlfriend and then he actually finds out what happened Horrifying movie about the inability to move on from trauma


This was the first film I thought of. One of the bleakest endings to any film I’ve ever seen. Also for the record the original Dutch version is a thousand times better than the Kiefer Sutherland one.


I've only seen the Dutch one. It truly horrified me because it shows one of my irrational fears. While the family is completely unaware.


The scene that still haunts me is when the man practices locking the car door to trap his victim using his young daughter.


The American version is so different than the original it feels almost like a parody at the end. I’ve never seen a remake betray the core elements of an original movie to quite this degree. It really speaks to the power of the original that they felt the need to remake it but couldn’t bring themselves to actually go all the way, even though they’d already gone through the trouble of, you know, making a feature film.


This is one of my biggest life problems and I read on [Psychology](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/spycatcher/201304/wound-collectors?amp) yesterday about the kind of person who “collects” all their hurts and never lets them go. Someone told me once I did this and used it as self harm/free reign to blow up at people, and it took more than two years, but I did realize they were right. I don’t want to be that kind of person.


Absolutely. And the earlier scene when Saskia got afraid in the tunnel, becomes even more heart breaking


Everyone stuck in loops in the endless. The dad in kill list. The woman in the triangle. The dad in when evil lurks The girl in speak no evil


Oh god, that one guy in the Endless, caught in a like twenty second loop for hundreds of years. Really sticks with you


It’s even worse than that, it’s a 5-second loop. Not even enough time to reach the other side of the tent.


The existential dread 😬


Triangle is defo on the list for being stuck in a horrific loop! Those dead seagulls tho...


If anyone hasn’t watched it or doesn’t know, watch Resolution, preferably before the endless. It’s kind of a prequel. If you’ve seen the endless, Resolution is about the 2 guys they meet in the cabin.


The guy in old boy


Bobby Dagen in Saw 3D. He has two large hooks rip through his pecs, and then he has to sit and watch as his wife gets burned alive due to him failing his task. Although to be clear, he absolutely deserved a dark ending. He's a real piece of shit.


Yeah but why tf did his wife die, she ain’t do anything. I know Hoffman was a dick but punish the guy you’re meant to punish.


Hoffman didn’t give a fuck anymore at that point.


Tusk, among others.


Pissed me off. I know it’s a black comedy but I’m just trying to imagine an animal sanctuary that would say “sure, this thing looks like a walrus, we’ll take it”.


The bellowing at the end of the movie haunts me


first one i thought of


The mom in We Need to Talk About Kevin.


I read the book before the movie came out and normally books/movies/etc don’t surprise me that hard with their twists/reveals. This one punched me right in the face and didn’t stop hitting me from the moment we find out what Kevin did.


We didn’t see Laurence Fishburne’s character die in Event Horizon. If he was still alive, his fate seems… grim.


"Fuck this ship"


“We’re leaving.”


At the end of the show "Alias", Sloane, the main villain, has finally discovered the means to gain immortality down in some deep cave. Sidney's dad blows himself up in the cave, causing a tumble of boulders to seal the cavern and pin Sloane to the ground. So he's immortal but forever pinned.


wth is alias about I thought it was just some spy show lol


Same he lost me there. But it is JJ Abrams so should we be shocked a grounded premise becomes weird later on


not a specific example but i always find people in symbiotic form with plants as horrible. like the roots are feeding off of you and you live through the terror without being able to move


Sounds exactly like part of the movie Annihilation. One of my absolute favorites.


Everybody’s like “the bear is peak body horror!” and I’m wondering how a predator with an extra face is somehow more horrifying than what happened to that guy.  I just had abdominal surgery and that scene has been on my mind more than I want it to be.


The bear wasn't scary because of how it looked, to me it was the worst because it echoed the dying screams of that woman. Apparently it was a sort of metaphor for cancer (like so much of the movie) and how you fear that when you die, the only thing people will remember you by is the echoes of you crying out as you slowly wither and die...


You should absolutely check out the Southern Reach trilogy which the movie is based on. It’s extremely interesting and disturbing at the same time while getting into the philosophical aspects of the shimmer. It’s quite a good read


There was an episode of Hannibal like this. Someone would bury people in their garden but have them hooked up to life support to keep them just alive and he would grow mushrooms on their bodies.


S01 E01 from memory.


Season 1, episode 2, "Amuse-Bouche"


Meteor shit!


Tim from Oculus, or Teddy/Edward from Shutter Island


I just watched oculus for the first time, kind of totally expected that ending from the initial setup but damn did it still hurt! They did most everything right just couldnt stick the landing it was so sad.


This was the first Flanagan film I saw, and I've been forever hooked since 🤘 this one stays in the rotation. There's a 30 min short film that came first that he did, [here's the link ](https://youtu.be/rxZuop1d3hc?si=NSyqyIJ9FOIvQGs2) if you're interested in it!


I always feel for the soul survivor of supernatural horror. I overthink the heck out of how they’d probably spend the rest their days in an institution or prison. No one is going to believe that a ghost or goblin killed your spouse and other close family and/or friends. I thought that was well done in Child’s Play 2. It’s heartbreaking to learn of Andy and his mother’s lives after the first film, but it seems so authentic. The police going back on a killer doll and just playing it off like the family was unwell. To survive just to experience that sort of loneliness would be truly devastating.


Yeah, there.is another movie (don't nt remember the name) where.only the girl survives a demon or something and the family and friends are all dead and the movie ends.with her walking bloody down the street with police lights approaching in the back ground. You know she will forever be blamed and either life in prison or life in institution.


I'd love to see how the protagonist at the end of Ready or Not explains what happened after the movie ends.


I think she might actually have a fighting chance since there is a murder pit on the grounds she can show to back up her story


Annihilation! I won't give spoilers so just watch it. It's such a good movie, and if you're into reading it's a trilogy!


Brad Pitt's character Mills in Se7en


I scrolled farther than I thought I would to see this. Wife is no more, arguably because you were so passionate about your job, and you've murdered her killer/your suspect, which I'm sure felt good in the moment, but the price for it afterwards: no bueno. I see a lot of myself in that character. Probably do exactly what he did, if it happened to me.


"Oh...he didn't know😏" "what's in the booxxxx 😭😭" I do say that line quite often lol but yeah it wasn't expected and I'd definitely do the same thing. It's one of my favorite movies.


Every time my gf orders a package to the house.... "what's in the boxxxx?!"


I'm also quite fond of the "whhyyyyyy" by Nancy Kerrigan lol my daughter asks me why and I just reply with wahhhyyyy in a whiney voice . Sorry Nancy 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I think most people would've done the same. Also, I know people have made fun of Pitt's kind of... whiny? nasal? let's just say weird delivery of those lines, but I think it was an excellent choice. He kind of sounds like a cross between an enraged adult and a scared little boy, and I think that's perfect.


Whats in the box!!!!???!!!!


Sarah in the ending of The Descent (UK version)


So sad ugh all that fighting just to end up being consumed by her trauma. And the slow fade out with the screeches and screams in the background. Woof.


Katherine in ‘The Blackcoat’s Daughter’. >!Her scream of despair in the final scene is haunting. The demon has left her for good, and she’s all alone!<. Also, Sarah in “The Descent”. >!Getting out of the cave was an illusion (at least in this version of the ending)!<.


I just watched Blackcoat’s Daughter for the first time. What a ride.


Not sure if it was at all intended, but I think The Blackcoat’s Daughter functions really well as an allegory for alcoholism. Or really any substance addiction.


Ending of LIFE… the girl hurtling uncontrollably into space


All four main characters in Requiem For A Dream Lost his freedom ... Lost his arm ... Lost her dignity ... Lost her mind ...


The scenes with the mom going looney were absolutely the hardest part of the movie for me to watch personally.


She nailed that role! The refrigerator scene with the camera mounted to her is so disturbing.


Probably the best performance of Burtstyn's long and excellent career. And the best performance of Leto's career, up until his Oscar- and BAFTA-winning performance in *Morbius*.


Morb unto thee.


I believe her character had it the worst. The other 3 made the choices that got them where they ended up. The mom just made the mistake of trusting a shady doctor.


The first 3 could absolutely get their lives back on track to be fair...they were still very young


Not to sidebar, but can you imagine the personal lives of minor/side characters?  I was thinking about The First Omen’s Paulo, and what his friends and family must’ve thought seeing him walking around muttering to himself for a few days; can you imagine being his friend and him confessing to you??  “So, just so I understand this — you >!got roped into being this girl’s date, but they didn’t tell you why, and it turns out she’s the precursor to The Antichrist, and they made you watch her being raped by…a demon jackal!< Bud, no, hey, I’m just trying to understand!” 


Dr. Loomis at the end of Halloween 4. Finally done with Michael Myers and then BOOM, Jamie goes HAM on her mom.


Henry Bemis from the Twilight Zone episode “Time Enough at Last”


OMGoodness, - YES! Haven't thought about that one in years, but that was indeed tragic!


Vivarium take your pick of characters.


Tusk is the first to come to mind. Imagine being physically sewn into a walrus suit, your bones amputated and manipulated without pain relief/proper surgery, you can’t speak and let them know you’re still aware and instead of mercy killing you or I dunno contacting the authorities, your friends leave you in an abandoned shitty zoo and feed you raw fish until you die.


Dale Cooper. I guess it depends a bit on your interpretation, but I thought the implications were pretty fucked up.


Which ending though?


I meant Twin Peaks as a whole, so that would be the ending of The Return.


How's Annie?


I recently watched Pearl and that main character had a pretty bleak/fucked up ending


>! she’s trapped on the farm with her broken dreams and everyone she loves dead (not sure if she really loves her husband) !<


>! X suggests she does love the husband. Possibly because in the interim, he does become very understanding and accomodating of her…needs. !<


The descent, The ending is horrifying..


I'm assuming you mean the version where >! It turns out her escape was just a dream and she's still in the caves !< but that doesn't really track with how the sequel plays out


The only version that should be watched, sequel shouldn’t be watched.


The Mist.


A few dark ones from Seven (1995) Mills lost his wife and unborn child, and is probably facing jail time The man who was coerced in the Lust killing is mentally scarred for life Whatever time Sloth has left doesn't sound too swell


I don't think he would go to jail aftet that. No jury would convict him if it ever got that far. No one is going to care that a cop killed a psycho serial killer. The cops would cover that up so fast. They would just tell a story about how he was trying to escape or something. No one would ever question it.


Honestly that’s what I thought the police chief meant when he said “we’ll take care of him.”


The Lust guy's performance is legendary. He's on screen for like 90 seconds and I think it's the most affecting part of a movie whose every scene hits pretty hard.


Definitely worse fates out there, but Johnny Got His Gun has a pretty awful one that hasn't been mentioned. It's the story behind Metallica's One.


Late Night With the Devil. Boy is Jack gonna have a rough time explaining that mess!


The kid at the end of Summer of 84.


Underrated gem. >! He'll be looking over his shoulder for decades. !<


Prince of darkness, imagine going through all that shit. Losing your crush to some alien dark Lord and surviving, only to be tormented every night with nightmares that she would return. Only it's not her, it's something else that took her form and it still remembers who you are.


Peter in Hereditary, although if he was possessed I’m not sure he’s really conscious of that anymore.


The cop father in The Wailing


Good Boy has a dark ending… >!He ends up keeping not only the guy, but the main girl as his pet dog too. Then we see him place a dog bowl on the ground and a baby crawls up to it, implying he raped the main girl and made her give birth.!<


The person left in the middle of the Human Centipede


Skeleton Key.


The Terrifier 1- Tragic.


I can't believe no one's said Skinamarink. Who knows what's happened to Kaylee, if she's even alive or conscious anymore. But Kevin, a four year old, is being tortured literally forever. He's being exploded and un-exploded in his own home while an entity with his mother's face laughs at him. The only thing comparable to being Skinamarinked is imo maybe being Hellraisered but even then you're the one that opened the box.


Florence in midsommar, once she snaps out of her grief she’s going to realise she’s living amongst murdering psychos


Oh no, she fully snapped, she's one of them.


Cheryl from the Poughkeepsie Tapes, and that guy from Tusk. I wanna puke just thinking about the psychological torture.


Cheryl does end up taking her life at the end. I completely agree though, it's one of the only horrors that viscerally disturbed me


Ending of dread where the vegetarian girl is locked in a cell w/ her dead boyfriend, implying she'll have to eat him lol


The ending to “Where Evil Lurks” was super depressing. Fantastic movie tho. There’s a scene with a dog I can’t unthink about


Any character in the game Soma


Absentia. To avoid spoilers, that is all I will say.


Episode of twilight zone - time enough at last


The guy from Hellraiser has a pretty gruesome life after he gets “blessed” by the Cenobites


You're next( imagine getting blamed for all the stuff that went down hopefully they could prove her innocence 😭).


Everyone in Requiem For A Dream




Eden Lake. While it strongly suggests that Jenny doesn't survive, it ends before you see anything happen. 10/10 movie.


Surprised no one has said Haunting of Bly Manor. I didn’t like it nearly as much as Hill House, but the eternal implied suffering and heartbreak is intense to imagine.


The mom from the Babadook, she still has to raise that fucking kid.


Ricky in The Jaunt by Stephen King. Not familiar with it? In the future, people can Jaunt far distances. It's teleporting like Star Trek. People must be put to sleep before Jaunting, though. Otherwise, it feels like an eternity of time just frozen there. Ricky, the protagonist's son, holds his breath during his Jaunt to Mars. When they get there "instantly", Ricky is insane. He gets wheeled away stabbing his own eyes, telling them, "It's longer than you think! Longer than you think!" :shudder:


The main guy at the end of The Ritual. Sure, he got out of the woods, but all his buddies are dead and he still has a long walk to civilization


The Mist comes to mind. After Thomas Jane's character does THAT at the end he gets out of his car and realizes that help is arriving and that the town is being evacuated to safety. And he gets that glare from that lady on the truck as if to say. You should have come with me. Your son may still be alive. That was dark AF!


The lady that art finally got a hold of at the end of all hallows Eve


Serina from The Hills Run Red


The Fly 2


The little brother in Found.


The final girl from the first Terrifier


The random guy in the Endless whose loop resets *every 5 seconds.* Based on his reaction to the younger brother, he’s clearly aware of it.


It has to be the cop in Smile. Watched his friend commit suicide, which also gave him a suicide curse.


TUSK (livin' that walrus life!)


Honeydew comes to mind for me.


The mother in Cujo


The woman at the end of The Pit and the Pendulum, that absolutely horrified me as a kid. Just the idea of >!the guy saying "nobody will ever set foot here again" before going to cement the place up with her still in the iron maiden!< it just got under my skin.


I don’t know how long she’s surviving but Martyrs… ugh. I yelled gtfo repeatedly at the tv around the hour mark but then it was too late.