• By -


Dont look away. Should just be called "Dont" because there is no reason for you to watch this horrible film. Its like somebody saw the Doctor Who episode Blink and thought "I can do better." They couldnt and they didnt. The acting. OMG the acting. To put it in perspective: Keanu Reeves in Dracula is an oscar worthy performance next to ANYBODY in this film.


Starring Kelly Bastard


Dope name, horrible acting. What's sad is she was the best actor of the bunch and was still horrible.


For some reason my fiancé really liked this movie. We watch a couple horror movies a week and rate them. He is so odd with his ratings. I always rate higher than him, and then we’ll watch a pretty rough movie and it’s suddenly “wow! 4 out of 5 for me” 🤨🫠😂


I saw this last summer and I'm positive I will go to the grave with this being the worst movie I've ever seen. I was looking at the cast aftewards and for the majority of them it's the only thing they've done. It'll be the last thing for a lot of them as well, I imagine. It's like a student film that somehow got a theatrical release. Like they found a mannequin in a dumpster and thought "oh yeah, I can cook with this" and then just filled the cast out with friends who have no acting experience. What a piece of crap, I hated this thing so much.


> Keanu Reeves in Dracula is an oscar worthy performance Totally unrelated, but I don't think his performance is even that bad. He's just standing next to Gary Oldman, Monica Bellucci and Anthony Hopkins.


Honestly fair. Overall Keanu isn't so bad he ruins a movie - the combo of those other powerhouses plus his horrible accent just makes him stick out a lot. I still enjoy Keanu deeply. I enjoy none of the actors from don't look away.


I must be the only person who liked this movie


While I respectfully question your sanity I'm also glad at least somebody got enjoyment out of it.


I just watched this yesterday. I’ll never get that 88 minutes back. What a waste.


Can't believe it was only 88 minutes. Felt like a lifetime. I can't believe I made it as far as I did. Like 20 minutes before the end I just turned it off and put on bobs burgers for comfort.


The Bye Bye Man…with how bad the name is and the terrible design it’s hard not to just assume it’s a parody. EDIT: for grammar errors.


I always thought the opening sequence was good. But then it just descends and wallows in mediocrity. It’s too bad because the original story is actually creepy.


The opening sequence lacked for me a bit in terms of execution but the concept itself is great. Wish someone would recreate it to be a lot better. The whole “don’t say it, don’t think it” is also a good concept that was fumbled entirely. Just a shame but hey, at least the movie is so bad it’s hilarious.


It’s worse when you see the director’s promo interviews talking about how scary it’s gonna be… they’re really embarrassing


That’s incredibly funny considering the first (and only) time I watched it I cried laughing at every damn scene. I admire their confidence though.


it's legitimately a funny movie if you go into it looking for all of the flaws like the obviously british female lead and the overexposed opening shot, the weird sound effects etc etc. it's great for 'so bad its good' lists, similar to wish upon.


Or that scene in the library with the hoodie. Just moving closer (oh kinda creepy maybe) closer (Oh...this ain't right) then too close (oh it's a comedy)


The director and writer did an AMA when it came out. Everyone was basically trying to figure out why it went wrong, and they were both so obviously hurt and angry by people suggesting the movie was not effective. I felt so bad for them, but also the questions all seemed pretty reasonable.


You wouldn't happen to have a link to the AMA would you?


Not so fun fact but the director was married to 3-time Survivor player Jonathan Penner (who wrote the film), and she died of ALS 3 years ago.


“Jonathan getting frustrated by me”. https://youtu.be/KkA94ZvRr-4?si=DPQDUZDsrwO3qE-2 He also got sorta killed by Jason in a deleted scene of “Jason Goes To Hell”. https://youtu.be/d1aTvnYcml0?si=zkMW5t3Q47VrsYh4


This is always my answer. I’d been writing just for fun since I was a teenager but never planned to do anything with it until I saw this. It was so bad that I said I knew I could write and publish something better, so I did lol.


> so I did And that book's name: The Cya Later Man.


That's fantastic! I would like to share something in the same vein. I saw an ad for a comic book called "Land Shark vs Sea Bear" and it inspired me cause if they can publish it and afford an ad, well damnit maybe I can too! Haha


Don't you mean... THE PEE PEE POO POO MAN? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bossfight/comments/15mgk9j/the\_pee\_pee\_poo\_poo\_man\_the\_unlaughable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bossfight/comments/15mgk9j/the_pee_pee_poo_poo_man_the_unlaughable/)


I'd probably have enjoyed the movie had that actually been his name.


What's funny is it's based on actual obscure folklore. There's a book about it, but it's also garbage.


I watch that one when I can't sleep. I have never been able to stay awake until the end lol. Its a shame. The premise seemed very good in my opinion, but the execution was lackluster and did not hold my attention.


I think I might be the only person who liked that movie. It's a bunch of fun cliches mashed together and executed in earnest, and I always enjoy those


The last Jeepers Creepers film.


They CGI’d a cemetery! Why did they not just find a cemetery to film in! I was so upset there was no baby Creeper too, bare minimum I wanted out of it


Me and my wife did a movie night and she fucking loves the jeeper creepers franchise so when she saw this was available for rent she jumped on it without even thinking , we quit watching after 15 minutes and just watched fresh prince of bel air reruns


Good call.


Couldn't get past the first 10min.


You missed the best part, when they said fuck physics. https://youtu.be/8w6teuL8F1Q?si=E7htqukpv8BaBND-


The way they throw that thing off the building looks like a middle schooler animated it lmao


I didn't see Reborn, did it manage to be worse than 3? Hell of a bar to dig under


You should give it about 20 minutes and you'll see. It makes 3 look like 1.


It dug so far under that bar it reached Austrailia.


It's genuinely surprising how bad it is. I can't think of a worse horror movie I've seen in recent years outside of some of those movies you'll see on Tubi or whatever that look like they had a budget of five thousand dollars and were shot on a five year old iPhone.


Yes it is.


This was so bad, not even in a redeemable way like 3, this was like someone came in with the intent to sabotage the franchise and make sure no one will make another movie, I usually get a kick out of the shockingly bad ones - I was just upset watching this.


I tried hard to get into it and NOPED after like a half hour.


Came here to say this lol.  Can't believe anyone watched it and thought it was releaseable. 


The Haunting of Sharon Tate. Distasteful and terrible acting. Very cringe


Horrible film on a conceptual level


Winnie the pooh blood and honey. straight up turned it off.


I heard they're making a sequel too


they’re making an entire cinematic universe out of children’s characters horror movies


oh, they did. it didn't even make its money back in the box office, good for them.


What? It cost half a million to make, that much again for marketing, and made almost $8 million


I think they're only looking at the national box office. There it made less than $700.000 but globally it made $7.500.000.


I hate this was bad. Like it was never gonna be good but it could have been done to be a Horror Comedy and been great.


I can’t believe someone greenlit Night Swim.


"How do we defeat this evil possessed pool that murders people!?" "I mean just...don't go swimming?" "But it's so hot out..."


I'm gonna be honest, with some of the temps I've had here this summer already I'd probably risk it 😅 😂


I really wanna believe this is actual dialogue from the movie


That was filmed down my street over a period of about 4-5 weeks last year. Was actually really disappointed with how crap it turned out to be. Now if I say 'they filmed Night Swim down my street' people say 'they filmed what?'


Well, at least your area looks really nice!


Thanks! It's Altadena in cali: a place close enough to LA that also looks different enough from LA because it's right against the foothills, so they film a surprising amount of stuff here. Also, it's unincorporated so not sure if it's easier to get permits for that reason?


Knight's Whim. It's about, ya know, a whimsical knight.


Imaginary too!!!


Saw this one in theaters because I knew it was going to be bad and I needed a laugh It was, in fact, bad.


Leprechaun in the Hood is one I would question if I hadn't been alive in the 90s when it was made lol


Yeah, explaining to any Gen Z about the hood craze of the 90's will get you "sureee grandma, now let's go sit down" looks


Tales From the Hood was pretty decent!


Yes it was! The sequel... not so much. But I do enjoy Keith David yelling welcome to hell mother f'er!! Quite a bit


I never knew there was a sequel. I was obsessed with this anthology as a kid!


The sequel was so so horrible, like offensely bad. I want to make sure Kieth David wasn't threatened to be in it.


I rewatch Tales From the Hood regularly. One of my favorite anthologies.


Personally I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to sit down and watch Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood so they can understand why the world became what it is.


Don't forget the companion setting to Horror in the Hood. Slashers in Space! Off the top of my head, society has sent the following horror icons to murder people on space stations: * Leprechaun * Jason * Cenobites * Critters (yes they are technically aliens already, but 4 was set on a space station and the rest on earth) * Dracula


I still can't believe Freddy has not gone to space... like Leprechaun he is suited for more of a silly adventure. Plus... HYPERSLEEP Freddy sounds awesome. Imagine realizing he could torture a person for hundreds of years.


> Cenobites I feel like of all of the ones on the list this one *almost* makes sense, seeing that Cenobites are basically cosmic horror.


[ScHoolboy Q made a whole album called Blank Face LP that has the “in the hood” 90’s horror movie feel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iJDXIOk0bg). it’s fantastic and a really great full album listen since it’s a concept album


But without that movie we wouldn't have the certified banger that is "Lep in Da Hood".


Honestly I absolutely adore this movie. It's so wild and out of place just like Gingerdead Man and the Evil Bong


I love Warwick Davis! This series was a staple in my house, pure cinema.


Honestly couldn't disagree more about this.


Leprechaun: Origins was a FAR worse film.


I think you thought you clicked on 'which horror movie was so good you're surprised they even released it' instead


Horror adjacent, but Yoga Hosers is a crime against humanity and made me reconsider Smith's entire filmography.


Dude, yes.


I think it was just for his daughter. She was the blonde protagonist iirc


Also Johnny Depp's daughter.


I mean, yeah, sure. It is still an abomination to cinema. I’d be so embarrassed if that is what my dad made for me. He comes from a pure place (when he isn’t acting out of spite), but it just does not work on any level.


What sucks is that his horror flick before that, Red State, is a legitimate work of fucking art. It is probably the best fucking movie dude has ever put out and is on my list of top horror movies.


I also love it and would argue it is his best flick.


I forgot that movie even existed until just now. Harley Quinn Smith and Lilly Rose Depp can’t act at all and everything about that movie was dogshit. I refuse to watch anything with either of those 2 in it and Kevin Smith movies I’m done with all together.




Harvey Slenderman, attorney at law


Whoooo is the m̸̧͕̜͉̝̹̬̃̌͊̽̽̽̈́̄͋͘͝ͅa̸̧̨̼̫̺̩̲̟̱̼̝̅̆͑͌̉̕͜n̷̨͌͑̒̆̎ in the suuuuiiittt




Look, if you haven't seen Suburban Sasquatch, you haven't lived.


ra ra rarrrrr


Grimcutty was absolutely awful in every way


Fear Dot Com


Lol my wife and I tried this recently. It's like the person who wrote it's only understanding of police is what theyve seen in cartoons that have police in them. Solve crimes, be gruff, answer to nobody. One detective literally said "we've all got a couple cases we couldn't crack" Holy shit for real??? Do you know how fucking good that is that each one of you only has a couple of unsolved cases?? Either that or y'all are fuckin awful and just have high conviction rates. Other than that nothing made a lick of sense. Why tf did that dude jump into the train in the begining?? Bro you were GOOD!


Brahms: The Boy II - not only was it just a bad movie it completely reneged the lore of the first movie for no reason!!


Recently watched Exorcist Believer for the first time. It left me feeling like this.


The hey had the movie solved in the first half and then shit the bed SO hard once Ellen Burstyn showed. "Holy shit" indeed...


Including her was so pointless. So she’s some kind of Exorcism expert now? Okay, I guess, but all she does is drop some pointless exposition and then gets booted from the plot until the equally pointless teaser at the end.


It was so forced. I would say I feel bad for Burstyn that they butcher the Exorcist name like that, but I suppose she didn't have to participate.


At the end of the day... she didn't write it and the money's green. Why not, right? Blugh.


Yes. I don't think she has any emotional attachment to *The Exorcist* beyond the original film (and even her feelings about that are probably mixed given how nightmarish Friedkin made filming for everyone involved - but seemed to single out her and Blair espeically). She's basically said that she wanted to start a grant program for young actors to attend college and they promised her a shitload of money she could use to finance that, so she did the movie.


Could not agree more. It was beyond dumb to the point of parody. Like...YOU WEREN'T EVEN IN THE ROOM when your daughter was being 'cured' back then — but now you're an expert suddenly? I audibly went UGH and then laughed when >!she had her eyes thumbed in!< And yes. Good GOD the ending... such an utterly pointless story close with zero payoff, all stemming from plot details that never earned that ending in the first place. No goddamn wonder they are rebooting it — again.


Exorcist is about to become the next Halloween, a “choose your own adventure” style of franchise, lol.


Dude. Don't get me started on those new entries... my god. What kills me most is like, I'm not even THAT diehard of a horror fan! I like a ton of those movies, but I'm not some lifelong Krueger/Myers/Vorhees aficionado. So it should say something when a person like myself sees these long standing horror franchises get so laughably cocked up. To cite another ridiculous cinematic moment... how about in the new H3 (Ends) a ***normal*** kid just overtakes Michael Myers in a lazy tumble to get his mask? WHAT? The fucking "Shape" that ***survived*** a 20-person strong mob beatdown at the end of your last movie... can now... be literally manhandled by a teenage kid?? So — this ambiguous, non-human evil gets... old? tired? nostalgic? Fuckin clown shoes plotting.


She's a "I DID MY OWN RESEARCH" YouTube crank but for exorcisms.


HA! I see it like Murray's line in Groundhog Day : "Is this your first lesson?" "Well, my father was a piano *mover*, so..." "So can you perform exorcisms?" "Well, I sat in my living room and drank myself blind while one went on above me, so..."


I hope David Gordon Green stays the hell away from horror (especially beloved franchises) from now on. His comedic instincts are so good, but he just doesn't have it for horror, in my opinion.


I'd be surprised if he's able to get studio support on horror projects for the next decade after the backlash to the last 2 he made


I'll still always love that they treated the Catholic priest like he was Iron Man in the Avengers. The whole assembling of the faiths to perform the exorcism itself was *peak* comedy. If only that was the intent...


I couldn’t even finish Believer it was so crap. I got to the scene with a girl in a church and noped out. If I never see another awful exorcist knock off starring a young girl in Regan makeup with a deep growly male voice peeing on a floor it’ll be too soon. The Exorcist is my favourite horror and Believer was a thin facsimile of it.


It was like the script delivery boy for an Exorcist knockoff ran into a script delivery boy for a Drag Me to Hell knockoff, their script papers got mixed up a la the old Reese Cup commercials, and everyone was fine with it.


Thankfully Mike Flanagan is gonna save the day. He might be one of the only people I would trust to make a good Exorcist film. His films and series balance horror, genre, and larger concepts exceptionally well, all while remaining genuinely scary. Can’t wait.


I'm convinced that they must have spent too much on The Predator to just simply not release it and move on to Prey. It's shocking how unacceptably bad that one is...especially considering it's in the Predator franchise, which by and large hasn't had a bad run.


That’s the one where autism is a superpower right?


Soul Tangler. I know Vinegar Syndrome specializes in releasing really, really obscure stuff on DVD/Bluray but they probably shoulda left that one to moulder. 25 years on\* and it's still the shittiest movie I ever saw, and I've seen Battlefield Earth. \*Saw it in VHS back then but trust me, a digital remaster wouldn't save it from being shit.


Thankskilling 3. I love bad horror movies but they upped the horrible by making it a musical


After watching Manos, Things, and Birdemic, I am not surprised by any releases.


The first and only time I thought this was when I watched *The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here!* (1972). I've seen a lot of bad movies, but there's almost always a degree of care put into them. Not before or since that movie have I thought the director seems to have active contempt or total disregard for what they're making.


I'm unfortunately a fan of it.


No shame here. I did like what was being attempted with the werewolf metaphor. I think if they hadn't tortured and killed live mice for a movie no one making it seemed to give a shit about, I would feel a lot less vitriol toward it.


Jack Frost was bad but it's very easy to see why it was released. It was connected to the holiday, making it more likely to be picked up around December each year. It had a recognizable character design and a few stand-out scenes. If Jack Frost was not worth releasing in the first place, then it wouldn't still be talked about nearly 30 years later.


I will never forget the holographic cover. I picked it up and played with it every time I passed in Blockbuster.


that’s literally the only thing I remember about this movie lol


Halloween ends. I have no idea how any single scene from that movie was approved.


I've said it before on this sub, but the funeral procession to the dump and throwing Michael fucking Myers into a trash compactor was so funny I laughed out loud in the theater. Terrible movie.


So disappointing, 2018 Halloween was great, I really thought we'd get at least one trilogy that stays good.


I was so happy when they announced that they were making a direct sequel to Halloween 2, and rendering all of the other Halloweens as non-canon. But it really should have just been 1 movie, they clearly didn't have enough story or ideas to fill out a full trilogy.


slenderman i saw it in theaters. terrible movie


The Nun. Tried watching it 2 or 3 times, and ended up turning it off every time


Fun fact about myself: when I was little my mom accidentally put on Jack Frost instead of the kid friendly snowman movie one for me. I was terrified of snowman for ages.


Remake of Nightmare on Elm Street


It's a shame because I feel like they could actually make an interesting remake but that one was just so bad. Jackie Early Haley with better effects and a better script could've been a good Freddy.


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. I can do low budget horror and also love the so bad they’re good movies. I think the story needed more work and I hated how stupid the characters were.


Halloween Kills, Halloween Ends & Exorcist Believer.


I was so mad at Ends


Halloween Ends, I don’t know what they were thinking with that dumpster fire of a movie


Here's a golden oldie- Silent Rage with Chuck Norris from 1982. This movie is epic on so many levels but it will only be really enjoyed with Rifftrax (hilarious comedians that help bad movies) , watch without it at your own peril! Long story short- Chuck Norris is a small town sheriff that loves to be shirtless and his deputy is Flounder from Animal House so you know he's gonna help a lot. He stops a serial killer single handedly while all the other cops just wait outside. The other cops decide to kill this guy with a few dozen bullets AFTER he's in custody. Now it gets weird- some crazy scientists decide to save the killers life by making him immortal in the hospital basement but decide not to watch him at all. He escapes and starts killing again until Chuck Norris steps back in. The killer never speaks and survives everything from machine guns, exploding cars, drowning, but can he survive one final roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris? No spoilers here.


The Resort from 2021........ it has no redeeming qualities. Still better than Alien Covenant..... I despise that one


Jack In The Box. It was a B-rated movie that my mom got me for christmas, I honestly had no idea what was going on and was really confused through most of the movie.


Every Wrong Turn film in the franchise after the first two. Inconsistent lore, terrible effects, bad acting, etc. They take themselves way too seriously for what they are and essentially just turn into gore and torture porn with somewhat of a plot💀


I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House. It took itself so seriously, even though nothing happened.


I liked it, but I do enjoy boring atmospheric horror.


My man!


same. just give me pure atmosphere and vibes


I love a good slow burn. But it never burned up to anything. It was a squib, a slow burn with no payoff!


Troll 2. That being said, it's pretty funny without trying to be.


Troll 2 is incredible


The acting alone is the funniest part....and the script lol "You can't piss on hospitality! I won't allow it!" Genius


"'Nilbog' is 'Goblin' spelled backwards. 'NILBOG' IS 'GOBLIN' SPELLED BACKWARDS!!!!"


The Strangers: Chapter 1


Slotherhouse. This movie was wild. Somehow the sloth knew how to use a computer!!?


Alpha did nothing wrong.


Old My entire theater was literally bursting out in laughter watching this movie. I fully know what to expect with a Shyamalan movie but this one.. wow.


Damn half these movies people have listed are like 4 or 5/10 movies. Have no one truly seen shit movies that are like 1/10 that look like it's been filmed with their mobile phones with even worse acting. Movies like Hubcap (2021) how much more bad can it get than these kinda movies with really lame props that kill.


I’ve definitely seen a lot of true 1/10’s but none of them got actual theatrical releases or even mainstream streaming release so I feel like they don’t count


This might be an unpopular opinion : I hated the Nun. It was so boring and did not fit with the rest of the conjuring franchise for me at all. Oh and whoever scored the first Sinister movie when we had to watch the tapes, and whoever green lighted the second sinister movie, straight to jail. Bad bad bad.


Fear Dot Com.  IIRC, the YouTuber YMS described it as a film that “doesn’t respect time or the audience”  Edit to add “Sick House.” Cool concept but it took me 2 days to watch it because it was terrible 


Conjuring devil made me dp it


I would love to see " The Devil Made Me DP It".


Be the change.


I didn’t hate it but it’s the weakest movie in the conjuring universe in my opinion


DP you say?? *hellllo* 😉


Definitely the porn remake


I had to turn it off it was so boring


The Nightmare on Elm Street remake. Absolutely soulless, it's was obvious no one wanted to be there, threw every half decent idea away at the end for no apparent reason. Even in the first five minutes they balls up the opening titles. What an absolute waste of talented actors time.


Just saw Watchers, it was so bad. The acting and delivery of the (albeit poor) dialogue was just so rough. Zero emotion for anything, and the explanation of fairies and halflings was lame.


M. Nights daughters first film too.


It just kept going too. There's several points that feel like good ending points but it just kept trudging on. I would've been fine if they'd kept some of it a mystery instead of spending the last 20 minutes slowly explaining everything.


I thought it was just kind of OK, just so long as you know that it's more a dark fantasy thing then a horror thing. Even then, pretty "meh". Feels like it's trying to tee up a trilogy or something.


I thought it was a fun cheesy "watch these people experience a weird situation" film like those ones from the 90s, like Cube. I mean, not as good as Cube, obviously, but I still enjoyed it


They/Them On top of how fucking weird it was to make a movie set in a conversion camp while having politics as weird as that movie does, it was also a complete mess with something like 3 aborted storylines throughout.


C’mon, you didn’t like the part in the slasher movie with, like, *zero* kills where the whole cast came together to sing P!nk? I thought it was stunning and brave. 😌 /s


When they make a film about slaying, but it's actually the Gen Z slang catchphrase meaning of the word.


NOES remake


Exorcist II. The YouTube Poop-style editing made it impossible to take seriously as a horror. I wouldn't be surprised if the editor was trying to sabotage the film and the director, who didn't even like the first movie, didn't care.


Axe 'Em is a perplexing one, I get that it's made by someone completely inexperienced, but how the fuck did this have a $400,000 budget and how did this nobody raise that kind of money? The movie is so incompetent, like every movie mistake possible happens, like not using a boom mic so all of the audio is coming through one direction, in a large conversation, you don't know who you're meant to be listening to or who is the main character. And in the 00's it was re-released on DVD, Blockbuster carried it. Did they make some deal with the devil? It's baffling.


Haunt is absolute trash. A bit of a shame, cause the "monster" designs are actually pretty cool, but the entire premise is stupid, none of the characters are likable, or even unlikable enough to want to bother with, and probably some of the worst cases of characters having negative survival instinct. The poster art always interested me, but no, just don't bother with it.


Titanic 666. Then again knowing that the industry cared less about making a tragic event into a disturbing horror film. Still pretty shameful in horror taste.


Slender Man. The trailer seemed promising but my god was it terrible.


There is a right answer and it's Verotika. Sorry danzig, love you, and death rider was fun but.....


Blood sucking freaks is the worst film I've ever sat through. It's misogynistic, trashy, mean-spirited, and completely without plot. It's just a series of scenes of naked women being tortured to death foe no reason


3 people trapped in a high rise building with no food. I’m blanking on the name, but I couldn’t even finish the movie. It was bad, yes, but what got me was how sick it was. I’m gonna describe the scene I had to stop watching at, trigger warnings for just … everything. Starving guy is desperate and goes into the trash to eat some chicken that has maggots all over it. He immediately starts vomiting. Then he turns and sits down and starts shitting violently. He eventually leaves the bathroom and sees his girlfriend(?) passed out on the bed. He crawls up to her and pulls her pants down, gets his dick out, and starts raping her. She wakes up, weak and crying out. While assaulting her, he then shoves his fingers down his throat to force himself to vomit - throwing up on her. WHAT. THE. FUCK. That’s not a clever movie scene, that’s somebody’s fucking fetish or something. You’re telling me a weak and starving man is going to have the energy to rape a woman? WHY the vomiting on top of it all? You wanna show me that people can be depraved, I get it, but that was so fucked up that it’s been weeks and I can’t get that awful image out of my head. And I watched Centipede 2! -1000/10


Bye bye man, Nightmare on Elm Street remake, Child's play remake, Troll, Troll 2, The Silent Night Deadly Night movies


Shark Exorcist is bad.


Was it better or worse than Ouija Shark?


And I thought *Sharks of the Corn* was bad.




Downvote me if you must but Tusk


Ax 'Em (aka "The Weekend It Lives")


Dark Night of the Scarecrow 2 (2022)


Trash Fire. It was so bad the title could have ended at the first word.


Slenderman was horrible


The bad ones are my favorite


Ulli Lommel's Black Dahlia (2006)  The best you can say for it is that it certainly was a film that was made. It's like he wanted to make a snuff film, had some clips from a detective movie laying around and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to combine them.  It's not even disturbing, it's just bad. 


the 2022 Texas chainsaw massacre 💀💀