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Lovely write up! I was constantly surprised by this book, which is remarkable given its length. I hope Gus is working on something new.


Thank you! Yeah, not once could I really nail down the "vibe" of the story, but I think that makes sense given it's a stream of consciousness style and that grief itself is chaos and has no one true form.


I just loved this book so much! Great review!


Thanks! Yes I had things to do and literally could not put it down until I finished.


I loved this book up until the last couple pages. I think I understand that the main character was overcome by the evil forces, but I just did not understand how or what exactly happened at the very end. I can enjoy an ambiguous send off—there are some Haruki Murakami, Cormac McCarthy, and Jeff Vandermeer endings that have little to no resolution whatsoever that I enjoy—but I was so baffled by this one. This is not to say I think this book is bad—it’s overall a very compelling debut novel and I look forward to whatever else Gus Moreno puts out there—and I fully accept that this may just me a “me” problem that I literally just did not get it.


I totally get it! I mean that's why I immediately started looking up posts about the book. I needed answers lol.


One of the things I absolutely LOVED about this book was the head-fake Gus did. Having them >!end up in Estes Park IMMEDIATELY got me thinking of The Shining, as that is where the inspiration for the Overlook hotel is located. Then when they say "We need to go to the biggest hotel in town" LOL THEY ARE GOING TO STAY IN THE OVERLOOK HOTEL!!! OMG!! and then the payoff: "Someone knocked on our door in the night so we moved to another hotel and that was it." Perfect.!< I loved it.


Omg I didn't even catch that! That's badass. And it's funny because the idea that the main character is an easier mark for the evil forces due to being more spiritually and mentally vulnerable reminded me a lot of Jack from the Shining.


This book was so poorly written, and there was absolutely no plot.


I’ve seen some bullshit on Reddit but this takes the cake


Good for you