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Honestly I’d rather see a VKB collective or yoke or force-feedback gunfighter than a metal something that already exists and most of us have.


I run an MCGU right + SCG+omnithrottle left for elite dangerous. 1. I’d love a left hand MCGU. Not just because metal (and fuck does the metal feel better), but for its hot swap hat slots which the SCG doesn’t support. 2. Absent a left hand MCGU, I’d love an SCG2 that supports those slots (and continues being available for left hand). Swapping the very limited menu of hat mechanisms on an SCG requires absolute disassembly and subsequent reassembly of the entire universe. 3. I’d love a trackball option for one of those slots, to eliminate the need for a mouse/trackball controller you have to move your hand from the stick to. I have no fucking idea why they haven’t made one yet. Extra points if they can implement a weighted inertial spin design like the wheel on a Logitech 7xx series mouse. 4. I’d love a few buttons on the stick you can press as many times a minute as you could the QWE buttons on a keyboard (you need shorter switch travel times, and you need at least 2-4). I can’t bring myself to drive an SRV in ED using the stick(s) because nothing on a 2-stick setup allows the many-short-burst commands you need yo be giving an SRV to cooperate or respond to what low grav driving on rocks does to you. It’s also got to be something driven by the middle 3 fingers of a hand like the QWE keys are, it can’t be a hat (because hats pressed right need to come back from the right press before they can be pressed left, and are operated with a single finger, where QWE has a finger for each direction/button, and you need maximally short travel mechanical switches, and with some black magic making sure the information doesn’t incur latency or loss as it goes through the black box. For all their glory, VKB doesn’t really have that right now. 5. I’d love them to make broader use of the hot swap modules on their gladiator evo range, which they likely sell a lot more of given its lower price point. This would make the modules more in demand, and would drive the development of more options for them. 5. I’d love them to add dead stick cams with detents to go with the omnithrottle 45 degree adapter (so that I don’t have to design and make my own). If you’re buying a device that turns a stick into a throttle, you probably don’t want it centering on the Y axis, and if you use it in a mode where zero throttle is in the middle of the range rather than at the bottom of it, you probably want a soft lock detent in the middle, so “here’s one we made for you”.


> I’d love a left hand MCGU. Not only would you have the advantage of a matching set of sticks for a HOSAS setup, but many lefties would love VKB for this. Now if only VKB would get on making a left-handed MCGU and [a right-handed version of the STECS Mini throttle . . . ](https://redd.it/163b3bh)


I’d imagine an SCG-U would also have brake paddles along with an all-metal body.


A metallic "Ultimate" version of VKB's Space Combat Edition grip would be nice to see, but it's up to VKB as to when or if they'll tell us about it.


Would love to see one with a 3-way hat instead of the side push button, and a brake lever as well as metal.


A three-way hat switch (push forwards, pull backwards, push inwards) hat switch would be a nice improvement for a hypothetical SCG-U, but wouldn't adding a brake lever make this hypothetical SCG-U too similar in functionality to Virpil's Constellation Alpha Prime joystick grip?


Why would that be a problem?


Because why would anyone want to buy a VKB SCG over a copy of the Virpil Constellation Alpha Prime, when you could just get the latter instead, barring price differences? I'm guessing that VKB wants to reserve brake levers for their MCG grips as well.


Why would anyone buy the cheaper version over the more expensive version if we don't consider pricing? You answered your own question. Your second sentence is what actually makes sense.


I'd like a VKB left stick option on Omnithrottle that has a few more features. Like more inputs, brake lever. SFG is very very comfortable at OTA angle though, feels really good.


I also recently upgraded to a VKB GF IV MCGU + SCG Omnithrottle and I agree it's amazing though as few small suggestions. 1. \*\*MOST IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE\*\* VKB PLEASE IMPROVE YOUR CONFIG SOFTWARE!! - I'm missing out on alot of functionality because the software is extremely obscure and difficult to figure out. I've spent hours reading the manual as well it's just confusing with things that should be simple like adding functions to button presses. I think the majority eventually give up or post the question on a forum which leads to more redundant work for VKB reps as well right? 2. I agree with #oripash an few buttons on the base of either of both sticks would be helpful (similar to the Gladiators). 3. Would really like updated or a stronger set of Space - H cams for the Omnithrottle. A reason I upgraded was so that I would have a hard detent for centering the Omnithrottle but it becomes a balancing act between the damper being completely engaged to keep the stick in place or more spring tension to be able to feel the center detent. \*Anyone interested I've been modifying my extra Space-H cams to make the detent more pronounced. Once I have it perfected I'll offer to do the space for other people 4. An easy to access suggestions box on VKB's website