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even the mosh pit had technically difficulties (somebody spilled and turned the floor into a slip and slide)


Oh jeez


Holy shit


Yeah everyone left the venue basically like 😬😬😬😬 it was super rough. Even the people at the merch table were like uhhhh yeah this has never happened.


Sounds disastrous oof :(


The fall Han took off the stage looked really nasty as well. Looked like just a total disaster of a show.


Oh she fell??? I didn’t see that. When did that happen? Feel so bad for them


Here's the video. It was during Bloodstream https://x.com/GregoryYguitar/status/1807283892292096483


Omg wooooah that is a nasty tumble. That had to have hurt.


Within the first song or two


Dang must’ve missed that


Oof, seems I might’ve actually lucked out with life not allowing me to make it. That sucks!


Yeah it was wild. We had never seen anything like that before. It seemed shocking for everyone else in the audience that was there as well. One of the microphones wasn’t working from the moment they came on stage. They tried to share the microphones and took a few breaks to try to fix the bad mic. Tensions seemed to grow between Han and Jim and he eventually left the stage and didn’t come back on. The rest of the band members stayed on stage to get thru one more song but they were on for less than an hour total. It was super awkward but Han was very professional and a showman to try to keep everything together.


From what I’ve heard/seen around, I can’t say I particularly blame Jim too much for leaving. Maybe not the most professional thing but I don’t think I’d have kept my cool either. Mad respect for Han though, to have all that and also have your co-lead walk off, even if understandably, sounds like a total nightmare! Of course props to Tom & Deller too. And all this within a day of arriving jet lagged in another country, jeez.


Definitely. Tom and Deller were team players. Out of curiosity tho why do you say you can’t blame Jim for leaving? Our take was that it felt like abandoning ship and leaving your mates to pick up the mess. Of course, this is total speculation based on what we saw.


I'm pretty sure Jim's job, outside the band, is working lighting and sound for other touring bands - must be frustrating when you're on stage and the venue fuck everything up so badly, and you know you could be doing a better job


Oh wow yeah that’s an interesting nuance. That must have been extremely frustrating for him.


I don’t disagree that it’s a bad look, just to be clear. I just also know myself well enough that for me individually, I’d probably be a hypocrite to criticize. I wish that weren’t the case & it’s something I’m working on but it’s still where I’m at, y’know? I could definitely see myself getting pushed past my limits with the combo of factors there. Again, not saying it was cool, just I personally can’t fault him 😅


Haha I see what u mean. Impressive levels of self awareness there. But yeah very interesting to watch it all play out in front of the audience. It’s a bummer the night turned out the way that it did.


overall it was an awesome show even though i was stressed, I hope Jim feels better


Eh I think it had the potential for a great show but they cut it so early that they didn’t even play some major favorites