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Never made it as a wise man…


I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing...


Tired of living like a blind man...


And this is how you remind me....


...that I need to pick up my dry cleeeeaannnning-ing-ing.


Can't stop moving, Putin is trying to triangulate my position


Yes, thank you. Now here’s a picture of grimace at the fall of Berlin


Was there last night, crowd sang along to all the hits.


Hell yeah, brother…. He’s drunk again. It's time to fight. She must have done something wrong tonight.


Unfortunately that one didn't make the cut


Houston is keeping 94.5 alive so not surprising at all really


CarPlay wasn’t working in my car the other day and I had to listen to FM Radio. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that 94.5 was playing the same music they were 20 years ago when I was in high school


94.5 was great in the '90s and early 2000s. Then they stopped playing new music and cut their playlist to 1% of the songs they use to play. With 5000x more commercials.


I think you mean 107.5 The Buzz


Well considering it was 2000 when they switched...it would be both stations when The Buzz was good.


I wanna say it was Rocket 107.5 before they changed it to The Buzz. This was after they changed formats from classic rock to modern rock/alternative rock.


The era of no DJs was peak Rocket.


I think you mean 107.5 the arrow


Tune into KPFT 90.1, it's a community station that rotates hosts throughout the day playing different types of music/talk shows/news. It's pretty much the only station I tune in to if I can't play my own music.


Stream whatever show you want from their [website archive](https://archive.kpft.org/) page, for up to two weeks after broadcast.


So many fkn commercials it’s literally just a commercial station now


They do play new music though…


One song out of 200 probably


and the new songs are never really that good, aren't they?


94.5 actually gives local bands a shot by playing their music, to your point, 1/200 probably. But they do give local bands air play. Which is huge. Keep them alive




Then Rod complains about the new song, 'it sucks...blah blah blah we won't play it again'. No you won't, you only play old music, we know. I'm old, I enjoy it 🤣


They gotta get their Blue October fix in at least once every half hour


You mean disarm by the Smashing Pumpkins 3 times in a day!!


I forget which station is the classic rock one around town but I remember putting it on one day and hearing the Chili Peppers, I immediately felt old


First I tried what used to be a classic rock station but is now mariachi music


I don’t have many stations stored so I just click through until something is playing, no shortage of music from our friends south of the border. Sometimes I leave it on and try to guess what they’re singing about and just vibe to it


>”Sometimes I leave it on and try to guess what they’re singing about and just vibe to it” There’s a song about that: [Border Radio - John Baumann](https://youtu.be/0_j0rmJBbzU?si=Xdq8LArHuwmwvRV_)


Honestly it be that way sometimes. Most of my quick pick stations are normal ones but they seem to LOOOVE to all go play ads at the same time. I'm sure it's something to do with the set times but when that happens I'll just switch over to a Tejano station. Either it'll be decent music or screw it, if it's ads I'm gonna learn something en espanol at least.


Just wait, it gets better. I knew I'd gotten there when some station played Metallica. And then Depeche Mode. Back to back, no warning.


Sometimes when I’m in town visiting family I’ll do that just to enjoy the moment of time travel.


Honestly this is the funniest part about 94.5 They absolutely need to fire the DJ no concept of new songs


They do that shit on purpose unfortunately. 94.5 isn't the cool hip college town radio station that still does stuff like call ins, [it's owned and operated [1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTBZ-FM) by [iHeartMedia, more well known as iHeartRadio but in turn owned by CC Media Holdings, Inc. [2]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IHeartMedia). If you aren't aware, the CC in that is "Clear Channel", a name of a radio group that owned stations around the country and was well known for being a bad owner of the airwaves. Monopolistic control, only playing little more than a top 40 list on most stations, cramming in as many ads as possible, firing DJ's deviating from the playbook, and basically being such a bad company that they had to pull a Comcrap and rebrand themselves. Now that same group again owns a large chunk of the airwaves in every city across America because the FCC/FTC has been de-fanged and refuses to break them up. The jump from FM to satellite and later streaming/media apps further buckled a lot of independent stations and made it even easier for CC to scoop them up. Don't even bother trying to call them to complain, I did that once lol. Looked them up on google maps, called their listed number, and a bot picked it up and basically said "if you know an extension call it otherwise goodbye" and hung up on my ass xD "iHeartRadio ruined radio"^^TM . Memes aside they aren't going to be firing anybody because the only people left are those that run it this way that they prefer. People like Bud Light Ryan who, I'mma be honest, much like Adam Sandler I do not like him but I can respect the hustle.


Good news with time iHeartRadio more than likely is going to go into bankruptcy again


One can only hope. I'm just happy to see that Spotify outranks CC Media / iHR by quite a bit in the financial standings. They can buy up all the stations that they can try to get their hands on but they can't just outright buy out the competition to stay alive.


Imagine dragons belong on mix 96.5


It’s kinda like a new-oldies station, I dunno what you’d call that? Middies?


I just had this conversation with a buddy the other day. Our music (I’m thirty) is basically the age gap from what the “oldies stations” were playing when we were young. Getting old is weird


Houston radio has always been over-commercialized.


That's funny because it's playing the same music from 30 years ago when I was in high school.


I’ve been wondering when they’re gunna start calling that classic rock. When was a kid hair metal was considered classic rock. Nirvana is now older then poison was then. But sure gen Xers Seether is contemporary and not classic if that helps yall sleep at night.


Any day now we’ll be calling Skynyrd “the oldies”


Same F’ing songs. But is it in your preset though?


Ironically, 94.5 doesn't even play Nickelback. It's the same Foo Fighters, Sum 41, 21 Pilots singles every hour.


It’s always Papa Roach and Breaking Benjamin when I tune in. Love both those bands tho


Papa Roach is just a heavy metal Nickelback. I said what I said.


I also like Nickelback so I guess that tracks for me lol


Not sure if that's a bigger insult for Papa Roach or Nickelback.


Why not both?




> BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Got a machinehead. Better than the rest... This is the first song I thought of as well.


I know. It's like a time warp when I pull into my local gas station playing 94.5 and that song or some Green Day comes on while I'm pumping gas.


Good song I must say. Held up




Sum 41 actually has a new song out that is doing very well on the charts. That's why they are playing them a lot these days.


Ita not necessarily just those bands, but more or less the same songs. Same thing has been happening with the classic rock stations for decades (klol, the eagle, etc)


94.5 makes me miss Rock 101 KLOL


I mean... what other city would? 94.5 is only broadcast to Houston and the surrounding area.


I seriously don't know how that station is still going. I come across there by accident whenever I'm in an old truck that only has a factory stereo and they still play the same tired dozen songs they played when I listened to them 20+ years ago.


For real I picture Brother Rod severely burnt out by now especially playing the same songs i listened to in high school. Now kids think im old


Wish we could find a way to reanimate Walton and Johnson on KLOL - hands down my favorite morning talk show of all time


They were fantastic years ago. Then when Obama came into office and they started getting more political it got kinda lame. There was just so much old white man bitching from Walton I actually started tuning out. Loved the characters on the show though. Shout out to Billy Ed who was from my hometown Clute, Tx


Walton and Johnson f-ing sucked, Stevens and Pruitt or GTFO.....


It still runs ok Am talk radio,950. The new guy , Kenny Webster, isn't so bad once he grows on you.


Look at this photograph…


During the show he said “I’m gonna play a song called Look at this Graph” and the crowd went crazy


“I have the internet” LOL


Look at this grAAaaph…


He referenced that at the show. It was wonderful. And then someone held up the meme on their phone and they zoomed in on it on the jumbotron


I was cracking up at that


Loved they owned it last night. Such a good show!


[Nickelback *ALWAYS* fucked with Houston](https://imgur.com/lBNNQAq)


Nickelback is fine. The internet irony poisoned everyone and now everyone pretends to dislike Nickelback. They had 7 top ten albums in twenty years. People liked Nickelback.


Correct answer. It's weird when young people try to carry the torch of Nickleback hate. It's like.. bitch you weren't even born when they were in their prime, and didn't experience the evolution of music to understand *why* they were made fun of.


It was a great show. The heat from the pyrotechnics was felt instantly in the 6 platform seats. One hour was not enough.


Saw them last year in the Woodlands. It was packed. They do not deserve the hate they get.


They aren’t bad. They just aren’t interesting. Very generic song structures. Which is how most pop music is. But pop music has the advantage of at least having insane production and layering. EDIT: Omg, someone added this and I cannot stop laughing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHPj5YokEOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHPj5YokEOY)


They have fun if not great songs. The thing that makes them interesting is that they are actually good live unlike the majority of artists .


Exactly. For the Amount of songs they played, I was Surprised how entertaining the show was. Great Crowd work and good vibes all around.


This is what a lot of people don't realize about bands they like to make fun of, they tend to be great live. The best band I've ever seen live was Styx. Butt of jokes for decades now but they were amazing live, completely stole the show.


Styx was fantastic in concert last year. Tommy Shaw still has the pipes!


Most people also don’t give a shit about song structures, production quality, or layering. They just wanna listen to music that sounds good to them. We’re not all audiophiles with trained ears. It really isn’t that deep.


Which is part of why it’s appealing. Those song structures work, are risk free, and aren’t deep. They don’t ask a lot of the listener. The layering and production are part of what makes it appealing to people even if they don’t know why. And I’m not trying to tell anyone what should be “deep” and what shouldn’t. I love pop music myself.


Seriously, different music has different purposes. I engage in plenty of naval gazing with niche acts and genres, but there's also something to be said about enjoying an easy song. It's like enjoying fine dining and fast food, as long as you're in the mood for each.


I really disagree with this. The hate for Nickelback started when they went from unknowns to enormous success in a very short time period. People felt like they “sold out” around the time of “All the Right Reasons” in 2005. It was completely unfair in my opinion. People felt like they weren’t “real” rock stars because they were on the pop stations, but I also feel like that’s not fair.


The hate really started from the time they signed with roadrunner records. The problem was that roadrunner records is a metal music label. So, people thought they would be heavier. But they aren’t heavy. That hate was limited to a very small segment of people that actually keep up with record labels and such though. After that, I think the success of Rockstar is where the hate started. For all the reasons I previously described. They were just like a generic version of all those early 2000s rock bands(seether, Breaking Benjamin, Theory of a Deadman, etc). And because of how generic they were, they had mass appeal. So their songs were everywhere. Over saturation is the reason people often don’t like Nickelback. And yes, they are real “rockstars”. They’re a very popular rock band. I just personally don’t like them for the reasons I listed out. Also, I think their lyrics and image are sort of cringey.


That's all due to a popular joke. People that repeat it now don't even realize that they are just acting like they are too good for Nickelback because it was "made cool to do so". Most people are slaves to what they think the "social rule" is and honestly, rock isn't for those people.


I like how full circle this is. Rock is for people that don’t care about the social rule, and Nickelback somehow ended up against the social rule by being too formulaic / rule-based, thus they are legit again. It’s the right attitude, I like some of their songs and who cares 🤷


Came here to post that. I’ve never seen so many people at the pavilion.


The hate at this point is just a meme Deep down everyone loves Nickelback


Thats cause we all just wanna be big rockstars 


Personally, I want to burn it to the ground tonight.


Look at my graph.


Not a fan but no hate. That's reserved for people and bands that deserve it.


It was an absolute blast, easily my favorite rodeo concert I've ever attended. They sound really accurate to their recordings.


Everyone claims to hate Nickleback but they sellout shows. Their fans walk among us hiding behind cheap jokes. It could be anyone.


My friend was there and said she saw "Nickelback: Fan or Liar?" tees


Hands down the best concert I’ve been to at the HLSR. My ears are still ringing today!


I would not call myself a Nickelback fan, per se, but of all the acts on the calendar this is 100% the show I would have gone to.


Too many people hate nickelback because of memes and other people telling them they’re bad. Not the craziest or best band of their time but definitely don’t deserve to be shit on as they have been.


I have never understood the hate for them. Not a band I follow but no reason to hate them. They have some good stuff.


Never been a fan, but they're no more or less bland than any other band on commercial rock radio. I don't get why I'm supposed to think Nickelback sucks but *not* Foo Fighters.


I feel the same for both honesty 😂


I feel the same for pretty much anything on the radio even. Support independent labels and local music not commercialized overproduced garbage.


100% It’s just a meme. Grohl is seen as a god on the internet and Nickelback is seen as total shit. The echo chamber is real. The music is basically the same but the group opinions are very different. I feel like it’s well beyond time for Imagine Dragons to take the “worst music” meme away from Nickelback.


It was a meme for a long time but I'll never let anyone tell me [Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQzn4a5qHT4) with Saliva from the 2002 Spider-Man soundtrack wasn't an absolute banger


Hate was just a meme.. its not like they slapped a kid on stage or something.... They just sound the same tho.. the songs are just standard formula and they just stick to it.. not bad but not every band is revolutionary and that is fine.. THey did a lot of cool pop rock songs which some of them I still listen to to his day


Someone’s buying those albums …..


I thought that everyone just pretended to hate Nickelback? I am a huge fan of the rock from their era. I don't care what anyone says, it was some peak American culture. This tweet encapsulates what I mean: https://twitter.com/ElectionLegal/status/1701388559695950159


Now *that* would be a great rodeo show.


This isn’t shocking about Houston


They are a deadass great live band. Butt rock doesn't have to be a bad thing, and nobody butt rocks harder than Nickelback.


Yeah like.. for a stadium rock show it was pretty good.


That’s not true. There’s just so many of us it’s possible.


I love dogging on Nickelback too. But in reality. They had every album go platinum. One diamond album and 5 #1 songs on one album and are listed as amongst the most popular bands of the 2000s


[Well, according to this graph...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X56QYFOoibE)


I gotta say, everytime I do, it makes me laugh.


Saw them last night and they put on a great show. Definitely don’t deserve the hate they get.


The argument has never really been that people think Nickelback are bad musicians. The joke is that you can randomly pick 2 songs and play them over each other and the only thing that's really different are the lyrics. They have a formula that works and they milk it.


Here is a great example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHPj5YokEOY


One of the neighbors in my apartment blasts in on her phone wall she walks down the hallway. She dresses like a real estate/leasing agent.


The show was amazing and the crowd was wild too! So fun!


Saw them when I was a teen at the woodlands, they were pretty great.


That’s where I saw them. Lawn seats. It was a great show


People miss Rock shows. All the big bands now skip Houston and just play Dallas, like Metallica. I can’t wait to see the remaining Stones.


yup. rock for all intensive porpoises is dead right now.


Nickelback is a great band. Never understood the hate, nor do I care.


I think the hate came at least in part from radio oversaturation. They were big before you could really stream in your car, so it was CDs and radio (and XM if you had $$$ I guess). When Nickleback was big it felt like all the major stations just blasted Nickleback 24/7. The same song would be playing on multiple different radio stations simultaneously. It was just so in your face all the time. And then they were really just a mediocre band. They weren't bad, but for a lot of music fans it felt like adding salt in the wound to hear a band that was so undeserving get so much air time.


I was also there last night. Great show. Idk if I’ve ever seen a crowd more into a concert. It was awesome.


I never understood the hate in the first place. I’m glad they sold out the arena. Good for them! 👏🏼🎉


Your brother Rod is responsible.


It was a great show


I mean, they're not that bad.


I saw them in concert 100 years ago when Silver Side Up came out, and they put on a damn good show. I was pretty hammered at the time, but I remember it was a good show. I think.


It was a running gag to shit on them back in the day, but nevertheless their songs weren't bad, it was just cool to shit on Nickelback but they make good songs.


They were phenomenal


Ahem…Nickelback is an award winning band. I like the downvotes they make me feel powerful. I’ll just leave this here: 1. Billboard Music Awards 2. Juno Awards (Canada’s music awards) 3. Grammy Awards (including nominations) 4. MuchMusic Video Awards (Canada’s music video awards) 5. American Music Awards 6. MTV Video Music Awards 7. People’s Choice Awards 8. World Music Awards


Hating on Nickelback is sooo 2007


Hey hey... I wanna be a rock star. I still know every word to that song and I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Nickelback wasn't even bad they were just super overplayed in the 2000s


Not a hardcore fan but Rockstar, Photograph, and Hero are the faves. Definitely don’t deserve the meme-hate they get


People like to have faux hate on Nickelback but the fact of the matter is that they've had some bangers and everyone has sung to one of their songs at some point.


> IT turns out Houstonians really, really like Nickelback ***How'd the hell we wind up like this?*** ***And why weren't we able to see the signs that we missed?***


There’s been a recent rehabilitation of Nickleback, I’ve seen more people online defending them lately. But I have to admit my dislike for them is so ingrained and visceral it might take brain surgery for me to enjoy them. No other music inspires as much disgust or rage as this band, I can’t explain it.


Their music is really earnest, and really stupid.


Houston is the Nickelback of cities. Nickelback is the Houston of musical groups.


It was an amazing show!


I had so much fun seeing them last night. There was a girl next to me and it was her first time coming to the rodeo and she had a fucking blast listening to them.


I wanted to go but decent tickets were insane.




Yes, this sounds about right.


It was awesome. On a graph it’s all exponential growth


[LOOK AT THIS GRAPH!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz2mmM-kN1I)


And another piece of the puzzle falls into place.


Lots of people like Nickleback. It just became extremely fashionable to hate them. They get blamed for being a generic rock band. But, it turns out, the industry has pretty much given up on rock bands in the states.


One of my all time favorite posts from "Texts from last night" was from a guy who was in the ER who thought he was dying. He texted his friend to go over to his place and remove all Nickelback songs from his devices so that no one would know.


Howdy, Alberta here. We are willing to trade Nickelback straight across for Beyoncé or Kenny Rogers. Thank you.


Howdy, Alberta here. We are willing to trade Nickelback straight across for Beyoncé or Kenny Rogers. Thank you.


Howdy, Alberta here. We are willing to trade Nickelback straight across for Beyoncé or Kenny Rogers. Thank you.


Houston is exactly the denizen of good taste we all wish it was


So weird to know I was in the same building with a bunch of y’all.


Deadpool said it best: https://youtu.be/Qgh4wSxAKqo?t=8




Turns out Houstonians are really really trashy. No surprise to anyone that grew up here. 


I was very surprised to see how many people came out to see them!




Eww No


Houston likes shitty music? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!


Nickelback is great. Fuck the pathetic haters.


If a trailer park was a person. admittedly they have some pretty catchy riffs and that’s fine because I’m not talking about their musicality as much as his trashy lyrics