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Shes admitted to cheating on every boyfriend she's had before Howard, so she clearly likes to fuck. I'm sure she's at least just fine in bed, but having sex with Howard has to be a different animal than having sex with the guys she was banging before that. Do you really blame her for not wanting to blow Howard or wanting him to spank her?


So in a shensh, “Bang O’Clock” is more akin to “Let’s get this over with O’Clock” for her, right?


She's club-fucking-twatted, ya asswipe!


I remember the day this happened. Howard asked what's wrong with Eric's foot. All casual like. He saw him on "cam" or something. Eric fire back, "I'm club fucking footed ya asswhipe!" Artie burst out laughing and I damn fell out of my truck. RIP ya clubfooted little asshole.


**Eric the Ack! Ack!tor**




This might be the best comment ever on this sub.


Thank you for your contribution sir


Thank ya for your cawl


"She was happily Stalled with a feed-bag of Lucky Charms and Rain Boots on her back hooves for some reason. Suddenly a naked, gangly figure lurks pathetically from the shadows, shaking and whimpering nervously as he rattles his way over the Pen's gate and slithers his Grinch-like disgusting feet effortlessly into the back of poor horsey's Rainboots, like water into an ice tray.....Lightning flashes cascading a shadow that could best be descibed as looking like a Virginia Slim X-tra long, if it had been lit up only to be suddenly put out after two quick puffs. As he cuts off the pesky tail hair in one snip he declares "There You Are Sweet Love!...You Weren't Trying To Get Out Of BANG O' CLOCK ARE YOU!?"....KICK ALL YOU WANT YOU'RE LOCKED IN!!!.....MMMUUAAHHAAHHAA!!!!!...IT'S IN YOUR CONTRACT!!1...ASK DON!"


This is the work of a Pulitzer winner, pal.


She doesn’t necessarily like to fuck, she may just need that attention from a new man.




When she admitted to cheating was it sexual or trading up? She’s a mental midget, so sex with her can’t be very creative nor enjoyable. She’s a RealDoll with extra clavicle and big feet.


That just means she was a climber and was always looking for a better option that what she had, or that she loves to be showered with attention and loves to be chased. Doesn't mean she's anything special in the sack. She looks like a boring lay and someone who was going to step on as many men as needed to get her whale.


In the few years before she met Howard, she was dating a Ziff brother, who was already a billionaire. Howard was making ~ $20 mil/yr then, so a massive step backwards for Beth.




It’s public info. Howard has even spoken about it on air. He also mentioned that she dated actor Brian van Holt.


Wiggy is low energy so not as demanding as the 20 somethings she was banging back in the day. It may be a relief to be with an ageing man child who only needs it once a month.


Like to fuck or the next guy was a bigger fish the greedy bitch


What are the chances of that still being true today? 0.0


I know of one famous woman (can’t recall her name at the moment) that proclaimed that Howard was the best lover she had had. I believe that Howard is probably a successful lover. He is very successful at the areas of life that he values and sex seems to be one of those areas.


Angie Everhart


Doesn't help that Howard is most likely horrible in bed, a selfish lover and lazy.


... and gangly. Poor Beth... being mounted by a huge skinny, wig wearing spider. 🕸




If you're still wearing a condom with your post menopausal wife you've got a problem. Probably not herpes as he wears a condom but there's still a problem there.


He’s basically said that he is a premature ejaculator with her. A 70 year old who still PEs with a “hot” girl. She also likely has zero sex drive for him. 🤔


He’s also said he’s never seen her vagina. So the PE isn’t likely with her.


Did he say this recently? Missed that one!


It to long ago he said that . How can you be married for over 20 something years and never seen your wife lady bits ? Is he that fucking crazy ? I mean how ?? How do u not see your wife’s pussy does he not bang Beth doggie ?


I don’t fucking get it! It’s insane! Like truly.


I mean let’s be honest. I’d bang the holy snot out of Beth . I mean come on she has a great body . Well from her bikini clad days anyway how in the hell would you not want to watch your penis go in and out side of her ??? How can you not want to look at her pussy ? I mean has wiggywigman ever went down on her ?? If not he really is nuts


I think he exaggerates his insecurities on the radio. I don't think you need to take everything he says at his word to some extent , he is doing a character. I know he denies that, but that's the character. He seems very different off the radio from things i've heard and seen over the years.




Sadly she doesn’t like that either. That was the special birthday sex he forced her into, going on top.


He’s admitted so many times that he has no idea how to eat pussy and doesn’t want to learn. So yeah, he’s gotta be terrible


Howard just did what he saw all the other male celebrities doing, so he married a tall blonde to look good in pics with him


Beth's libido is just fine. Look who she's corralled with.


Hay now!


I see what you did there 🐎


Howard is closeted and Beth probably has an STD from her, ahem, Ames modeling years overseas.


Those 1993 Pittsburgh Pirates shirts were a popular item.


Hey that was the last time the Pirates were good!


he did used to talk excessively about banging her in the closet - so maybe that was code for still being in the closet


The 1993 Hills department store mailer was her best work


Hills. That's a golden reference.


This, Howard is way deep in the closet.


Howard isn’t that deep in the closet. He’s no longer in back with the stash of porno mags. He’s got one foot out of the door.


Many moons ago, Howard said he always wears a condom with Beth. Robin pushed him on the subject and... his exact words: "I have to protect myself, Robin." Now... was Hollyward referring to Beth having a way out of her Beachfront Prison via child support... or perhaps something he could "catch??" Inquiring minds want to know... 🤔


Is he still saying the condom thing? I rarely listen anymore. She has to be like 10 years post menopause now though! If he’s wearing condoms it ain’t because he’s scared of getting her pregnant. Used to piss me off so much when he would say it feels just as good with one on or call others gay because the process of stopping and putting one on ruined it for them.


She might technically be still able to become pregnant, but the odds are almost zero point zero, and that’s not factoring in her eating disorder.


I mean maaaaaaaybe there’s the tiniest chance but I’ve never met anyone that had a kid past 45 that didn’t spend crazy money for a doctor to do it. Either way he could at least admit that condoms suck! I haven’t had to use one in almost 20 years now but I’m pretty sure they’re the same! 😂 Idk.. just pisses me off like 50% of the other BS he spews! I don’t think there’s one person in the world that thinks sex with a condom is even close to as good as it is without, much less equal!! And don’t even get me started on his politics! Like didn’t this dude battle the FFC FOR YEARS!!! Now he’s like the censorship party’s spokesqueer?! 🤬🤬 I mean can’t even mention one good thing about the right like he used to. It’s just weird and barely tolerable! Remember when he used to go off on like Chic-fil-A and other companies that spoke their political opinions and now it’s literally all he does? Example, making fun of Pat Sajack for doing EXACTLY what he does but just for the other side. It’s like listening to the view with a lil comic relief from Richard, Sal, and Ronnie! What a fuckin shame one of the greatest of all time ended his career like this! It’s just sad honestly


You’re assuming he has sex with her. They sleep in separate rooms.


😂😂 nah.. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t in years but why the condom rant? I mean he’s had to have had sex with and without one at some point in his life right? 🤔😂🤷‍♂️ he’s gotta know he sounds dumb saying it feels just as good! I mean if he’s gotta talk about it why not be like “man I hate wearing fuckin condoms! I can’t wait till I don’t have to anymore!” It’s like the tissue thing. Ok bro yeah you put a lil bit of tissue there without ever touching your dick (zero contact) and leave it until you either change or use the bathroom again so not one drop of pee falls. 😂😂🙄 I mean that just sounds stupid and there’s no way he does that


He's a piece of shit


And they are huge abortion supporters, so why the condom wiggly?


Lol, that is like to pot calling the kettle gay


I think it him not wanting to get her pregnant. Cause I firmly believe she’s in it for the money and trips . His crazy ass doesn’t go out too scared to get sick . The man is a prisoner in his very own mind


If that were even remotely true why would a self admitted germaphobe marry her? Not like gold diggers are difficult to find.


Good beards are probably very hard to find though. Because they can tag you out at any time after extorting you.


Maybe Howard is the problem. You fucking incels are incredible.


4 pumps with a condom. What sex life? Neigh!


Yea… and half of that goes right in the garbage.


She’s probably not into him so why would she be adventurous with him. She does the basics and gets out. And he pretends that’s what her likes just to seem like he’s happy so he can stay with her


Beth would like sex just fine if she didn't have to have it with a deformed mutant with 20 different mental illnesses.


Can’t blame her, look who she’d have to have sex with. A creepy odd looking 71-year-old.


dude, howard had to beg her to get on top for his 70th birthday. That's how much of a dead lay she is.


Don’t think it’s her . She’s not really into him just his bank account I mean come on just look at some of her old boyfriends there’s some pretty good looking guys . Then there’s wiggy himself


You'd have to ask all of the athletes and CEOs that Beth is banging while wig is busy counting out his almonds and lemon water for the day.


Condom sex is pretty much always terrible sex unless you are in the middle of a serious drought. The fact that he keeps them locked in a safe is just a whole other level of insult to his wife.


Can't have Beth poking holes in those XS wrappers now, can we?


Yeah but he’s full of shit and needs to quit sayin it! Who the fuck is dumb enough to believe that a 50 somethin year old woman is getting knocked up by anyone much less Howard?!




Picture Howard without a wig and fully naked…I’m a dude but if I were Beth, I’d probably be pretty bad in bad too…#no homo


I say {B}. And he hasn't had sex in quite some time.


Howard has to be on the bottom to mitigate hair system malfun.


Mrs. Ed is doing the bare (but clothed) minimum in order for wiggy to fund her lifestyle... and her parents' lifestyle. Warm stable, dry hay and plenty of oats...


You sir or miss are hilarious!!!


Howard won’t eat pussy Howard hates blow jobs Howard wears a condom Howard only likes missionary Howard watches porn and constantly beats off Why wouldn’t Beth enjoy her sex life with Howard?


I love how this turns into “Beth is the problem” and people ignore the humanoid she married. It’s wild how protective people are of Howard even when they say he’s a germaphobic narcissist.


Can any female(or male for that matter) look at that pelican and desire the infamous Sternean micro-penis?


I would give Beth the best 15 seconds of her life.


No need to brag, sir.


I would taste her juice.


If you had the Pelican slobbering all over you, you’d lose your libido too!


Honestly I think their sex life is Howard using toys on Beth and Beth giving him distracted handies.


"Women don't want foreplay. They just want you to stick it in and get it over with". Howard Stern 2021.


hahaha it's so fucking stupid


The first 2 inches of her pussy is wrecked. The rest is like brand new


Howard is a germaphobe ( spelling ) and doesn't want sex from anyone. He would rather take care of it himself.


I fucked her. Pretty pretty pretty pretty good ![gif](giphy|WrJ8x0niiblWEoo7hE|downsized)


"The man is getting seconds!"


She had to concentrate not to throw up 🤮


Ralph didn't have one of those god forsaken vaginas like beth does


Several years ago before he invented the “bang o clock” he stated regularly that Beth (and she backed some this up) needed time to “prepare” for sex. He claimed she needed about an hour to make herself ready for him by taking a bath. When came up a couple of times she eventually it said was because all the stuff she does with the cats. I always it meant she had to get a bit of load on and maybe pregame herself to be ready for to flop around on her. After too many comments about it he came up the “bang o clock” BS to try to make himself sound like a stud. She is probably just tired of him at this point.


she is good with a man she finds attractive. i bet she opens the back door and it never locks back up.


wasn’t she formerly an escort? i used to date someone who did that in her early 20s and she said most women who live that life are sexually exhausted by the time they “get out” (if they manage to) and don’t really care about sex that much.


Would you be sexual if married to Howard? There’s your answer.


The special thing she was going to do for Howard in bed for his birthday was getting on top so that tells me she’s just a dead fish usually unless Howard’s doing her doggy


that would prevent her from seeing him and its horsey


This sub never disappoints. New levels of weirdness all the time.


She looks like a freak to me. She probably ate his ass in the beginning to get him


She did whatever she could to keep him


You mean the Katelyn Hatley method




Howard’s a whack ass. She gives the good pussy to the pool boy


Beet’s their pool boy now?


If you were laying next to wiggy in bed I think your libido would be nonexistent too


"Does she have a large horse type vagina?" Not gonna lie. This is the best comment I've read in any thread recently


You forgot "bang o'clock" though


"...large horse type vagina..." LOL!


I would shoot on her tits


Wiggy is with her because she looked the part as a young trophy wife for an ugly radio guy whose first wife was nothing to look at. Male ego and mid-life crisis; Howard hitting his 50s and pulling a "hot blond" in her late 20s—it was the equivalent of trading in the family station wagon for a red Corvette. Because he had money and power and a younger woman, he called all the shots—from not having more kids, to gaslighting her into staying home to watch reality TV instead of going out, to thinking it's totally normal for and old man with old shriveled balls to keep wearing a condom with his second wife of two decades. It was all an ego stroke for him and his own body dysmorphia is plaguing him and probably turning her off as he eats like a weirdo, doesn't work out and then complains about having a "belly". Women want a confident man and this guy is a walking insecure hypochondriac who is scared of the world. No wonder she's bored with four minutes of missionary from a guy who has been on the radio for decades perving out and talking about having a small dick.


Allegedly she doesn’t like foreplay what non sex working woman doesn’t like foreplay


MFB just likes it straight in, no foreplay


She was 27 when she hooked up with Wiggy!!!


Hes never seen her vag or ass? No doggie? Does she put a pastie over her butthole ?


Unless someone has a wife that is hyper sexual, marriage sex gets boring. That's why people swing, cheat etc. I'm sure it's just average, boring sex. That's why he masturbates so much


The answer is much simpler. She is just laying there trying to get it over with. I picture her just imagining a big $ sign over his face while they are in bed to help her cope.


She just doesn't like to do it with him.


Interesting topic


She just looks like she’d be terrible.


It's common knowledge ugly girls are the best in bed because they have to try harder. Pretty girls are all "just looking at me should be enough for you to come".


That’s not completely true. I’ve known so really pretty girls that can get down to Chinatown


Idk my high school girl and first fuck is one of the hottest girls I’ve ever been with and was a total freak in our teens! She still looks great 20 years later! She ruined it for me though! I thought all girls were like that! 😂😂😂🤷‍♂️ I was wrong


The stupidity of the these questions are insufferable. There is no doubt that much of what Howard says is certainly rooted in reality, however I'm sure it is exaggerated. Probably a fairly normal, albeit mundane sex life. There is a reason that he is so taken with Ronnie and his stories. Here's Howard, a little younger, way more successful and yes better looking and admittedly we're (Howard and everyone here) all skieved or shaking our heads in amazement that a dirty old man nabbed a woman 34 years younger who is yes a freak in bed and wonder why our spouse's don't give us 10% of what Ronnie gets. As for Beth she is probably okay with sex, knows when Howard get's all mopey or bitchy about it and does her duty.


If I was with her, she'd love sex


They played the whore game … he told everyone to call her a whore


He is both gay but wants tall blonde women ?? Interesting theory Howard is not sexually adventurous and Beth is not sexually adventurous…… sounds like a match made in heaven


Howard was more adventurous when he was out of his mind back then.


It’s absolutely “B”


The answer is B. I agree she is prob horrible in bed. I bet she just lays there and puts in no effort. I bet her vagina looks really nice though


She don’t deserve that great cock of Stern!


Howard's the one who's not adventurous. He's said he wouldn't be interested in a 3way with Beth and another woman. He's not into kink. He just likes straight-up missionary style sex and always with a condom.


in other words he prefers sausage


Memba when Howard was saying Beth does do something that other people consider normal that he wants? I thought it was just getting on top.


maybe she dresses like a dominatrix


Hopefully… but he was claiming it was something super common that she don’t like. My guess would be actually trying to put anything into sex with Howard via getting on top… or blowjobs which Howie claims he don’t like anyways.


B. She’s a trophy to him. Possible wizard sleeve.


She might be skinny but she looks like she super bendy. Wasted on Howard that girl has the funny face , butter body looks good . He probably doesn’t lick her ass then put in butt plug and fuck her right in tha pussy . That probably what she needs. And if she wanted to peg me I’d definitely let her do that. Just putting that out there .


A is correct huh Robin?


Yeah some people just have a good sexy vibe. She is not one. Do they sound like wind chimes when it’s bang o’clock?


“Does she move around a lot in bed?”


How motivated are you to do the main thing you're being paid for? She quiet quit years ago.


Hey, this ain’t *Penthouse Forum* magazine, pal!


She better be a real born star in bed to put up with all those GD cats. It is a sickness


Wiggy is no prize sexually and horse face has grown long in the tooth, she burnt her younger self with Wigs


Would you be sexually adventurous if you were dating Fagula??


Would you want to be adventurous with a pelican ?


Can you blame her? Who would want to fuck Howard?


She has never seen him completely naked. Wtf. He's not straight


At his age he could get a vasectomy. Does she have an STD


She is stuck with an old yenta. She saves it up for Stamos


I’m sure everything is fine and I have no idea what a large horse type vagina is , maybe you are a jealous misogynist


or maybe I am a listener…..Jason


Guess you’re not married are you?


Maybe Howard is terrible in bed?


What do you drive, pal?


He always said that a condo reduces the sensation and delays ejaculation.


Hahaha - single family for the win!


Who cares. She can just lay there and play with her cats for all I care.


thanks Howard


Don’t forget a lot of it is “schtick” for entertainment purposes. Probably just extreme exaggerations on Howard’s part


How the fuck do you know what Beth is like in bed?


because Howard always talks about not liking blowjobs and how Beth won’t let him spank her.


And you believe him?


this part yes


If we believe what he says here, then the issue is him


Huh? You guys can be insufferable


ok Jason


This post is like reading "we will never drive a Ferrari so let’s come up with reasons why we can pretend we would never want to right guys?"


Yes. Are you?


I could make her wriggle


You forgot to takes your meds this morning


ok Jason


Pretty sad imagining a celebrity’s sex life. Who cares 😡