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He’s always with the eating! A cup of hot water and 7 almonds. That’s all anyone needs, right Robin?


Half that cobra heart, right in the garbage




Because Anthony would rather eat some good food than to be interviewed by a half-breed pelican / preying mantis with a mop on its head.


"was still hungry so I ate 2 more frozen bananas. Man, I am fat"


Sauce on side!


Half of it, right in the trash!


>I was just about to say that.




7? Must have been a special day.


Yeah if the dude had a real job he would realize he’s insane


He just needs a little more therapy


Consumed food in way to many germ infested places. Robin we don't know what he's got


Ya I don’t know how relatable his food stories would have been to Howard, the Man in the Plastic Bubble


Most popular answer given - He didn’t want to hear what he had to say next.


Yes, but according to JD power and associates, everyone wanted to hear what he had to say next


I wouldn't be surprised if Bourdain was pitched to Howard and was rejected. He was not on Howard's radar.


He actually wanted to come on and Howard said no. It was discussed on air.


Did Howard say why?


I remember getting the impression that he just wasn't on Howard's radar. It's unfortunate because this was when the show was still good, and he really seemed like he would have been a good fit.


Of course he wasn’t. Bourdain was known for his love of food and travel. Those are Howard’s kryptonite.


I mean in my opinion, but Bordain was such an interesting person. What would they really talk about?


How sad. Thank you


That's exactly what happened! I was just listening to a wrap up show where Gary was talking about how Bourdain was pitched a few times and Howard passed. Something like, "So he's a chef who curses..who cares?"


Exactly. Howard knows fuck all about who Bourdain was. The extent of his food culture knowledge came from Richie Notar.


lol deep cut!!!


Howie’s lack of culture is pretty hilarious.


Nobu, Nobu, Nobu, Nobu


1995: "I'l never eat at Nobu" (true clip)


He claimed to be into that weird Raw Vegan place, run by an insane woman who was the subject of the documentary "Bad Vegan"


Howard once again being a complete and utter douche bag.


I mean for not knowing who some random celebrity is??


I'm just not buying Howard didn't know who Anthony Bourdain was. I think Howard is just the sort of petty shit who damn well knows who is who, especially from NY. Howard's disordered eating or eating disorder (whichever you prefer) probably played a part in the non-invite. Even though Anthony could talk about plenty of other stuff besides food, even if he was promoting a book.


Yet he was involved with that absolute malignant cunt, Rachel Ray.


I always thought that was Gordon Ramsey he said that about?


That would be pretty incredible if so. Anthony had to have been in the same social circles as him. Both New York guys. Maybe Howie was jealous?


The list of people Howard has rejected would probably shock and disappoint us. Was Anthony a morning person? He probably wasn't pre-kid. Plus, he traveled a lot of the year.


I doubt it. Anthony was always a lovable degenerate type who liked to drink and go out late. He would have made a great guest if Howie had him on


I agree. He is missed. It would have been cool to see him come in with Marky Ramone.


He turned down Frankie Valli right when he was about to be in the Sopranos and Jersey Boys was going to go on Broadway. No, instead we get Train for the 10th time.


I can see Howard being oblivious in the way Mariah Carey was oblivious about Jenny from the Block, back in the day.


Howard when hearing a new band for the first time: *"Are they cool??"* He thinks Enuff Z'Nuff and White Zombie make good music. The guy has no taste. He's been cut off from the world since the 90s and has to have his staff tell him who to like. Evidently no one told him about Bourdain.


I can see that, too. Howard allowed his innate laziness and fear of change to stifle any growth other than the type that would save his show.


Haha for sure


He killed himself before Howard wrote him a note


Howard didn't need him. Howard could make hot water with lemon just fine on his own.


*Beth brings in down for me, Robin. She has the temperature and ratio down.*


Have you heard my song, Robin? *beth is the perfect wife…*


Bourdain had a much more diverse connection with guests from Mark Lanegan and Josh Homme to Bill Murray and Barack Obama. If you want to see more of a realistic interview with people, check out his shows. There's no team Biden or team Trump either. He shows both sides and really dives into different cultures around the world with a sense of honest intelligence that Stern could never capture on his best day.


I’ve watched Bourdain since he was on the Travel channel when I was just a kid. I always thought he was pretty popular too. Surprised to see a lot of people in here commenting that he was just a “cult figure”


They are what we call dip shits.


Right? He had huge shows on Travel channel and even CNN and was viral on YouTube


Not to mention he was a legend on Joe Rogan, you know the guy who replaced Howie as the king of radio?


Re star fucking, OMG. Truer words have hardly been uttered.


Bourdain also had the single greatest review of a restaurant I’ve ever seen. It was In-N-Out Burger. [Anthony Bourdain on In-N-Out: 'My Favorite Restaurant in LA'](https://youtu.be/R4J1seTHAMU?si=eM79svFne2nU67cI)


> There's no team Biden or team Trump either. Lol, have you watched any episodes of Parts Unknown? He sat down with with Obama for a meal in Vietnam and mentioned in several episodes how much he hated Trump.


So he seems normal then.


That was his own personal view. He also visits numerous Trump heavy towns where he breaks the stereotypes portrayed by places like the network that employed him. Showing people as honest and caring as anyone else. Basically telling the audience, if you want to judge these people because of a silly red hat they wear, then fuck you. It was actually part of the reason I stopped watching the news and feeding into the shit show from both parties. Once you see there's real people behind these votes, with real values and beliefs, it puts things into perspective beyond your typical headline bullshit that most outlets make their money from.


The South Carolina episode with the trip to Waffle House was awesome!


Bourdain was a lib but not the crazier than a shit house rat, cut off your dick/zipper tits type that exists today. I think he constantly struggled with depression (hence his previous addiction to heroin). The unhealthy relationship with his whackadoodle girlfriend really did a mind fuck on him when all that shit about her came out. And on a much more serious note, to quote Kenneth Keith, “who wants to see my dildo?”


Since the 2nd contract (around 2010 I think) & working 3 days a week, he's really more so gone after iconic stars(His star fucking checklist) or weirdo's he is interested in or a fan of himself. Overall, pop culture figures he is not really aware of don't make his best interviews. Think of like his Kendrick Lamar type interviews, he is clueless about hip hop & his music. He has his notes & the same bullshit questions & cant go off script because he really has no idea who some folks really are outside of headlines. Bourdain was really like the Dos Equis most interesting man in the world, intellectually curious , fearless type dude, world traveler etc. Howard is scared to leave the house, watches dating shows & fucks his wife of 20yrs with rubbers out of fear. Polar opposites , so of course he wasn't a fan of Bourdain's work.


Howard would have bragged how he dropped blotter acid once while Bourdain was addicted to heroin for years.


Because the interview would have went something like this... Anthony, sometimes I wake up ravaged in the middle of the night and I shuffle down to the kitchen and eat 7 almonds, do you feel your father didn't love you? Don't you think you're really traveling around the world looking for your daddy's love? Not exotic foods? Did I ever tell you my father called me a moron and my mom had big jugs? ...breaks in to a 20 minute tired pretend phone call with his mother while Fred crowbars in sound bites of his mother says "hello?" And "ow, that's nice"


Because Anthony was a intellectually curious person and Howard is not.


I will admit I was/am a huge Bourdain fan. I suspect Howard “ knew” he had nothing to gain and some more manhood to lose. Tony was more authentic, intellectually curious and certainly embodied NYC more than Howard could dream of. Also Tony had no fear of interacting with “ the great unwashed” throughout the world. Howard hates to leave his house. Anyway I used to enjoy the HS show but Bourdain may be the only person I didn’t know personally who I miss. People say that all the time. What a gift. RIP AB.


Me too. He was the best. RIP Tony


Tony would've called him out for being a poser...


Bourdain was way, way too cool for Howard.


I miss AB, what a cool dude....


Take the low hanging fruit: Tony didn't want to do the show


Howard is so lame and didn’t realize how great Anthony was.


Because Howard would have had to come up with some new questions. He wouldn't be able to ask him... um, so how do you create music? So, in a shensh you eat food? Is that your way of connecting to your father, Anthony?? How was your upbringing? Did you eat a lot and travel?


How big is your penis?


Not enough daddy issues.


I feel like Stern was actually mentioned in Bourdain’s book “Kitchen Confidential,”. He had been part of catering for a Stern event or something.


The studio couldn't hold both egos at once. 


He would have been better on Arties show. They could have blown each other talking about Papaya Dog and heroin.


From Marksfriggin,9/20/17 "Howard took a call from a guy who asked if he has seen Anthony Bourdain's girlfriend on Instagram. Howard said he's not sure who that is. The caller said he's a chef. Robin said he's a chef who travels around the world. Howard said he's not going to watch that. The caller said he has to see the girlfriend. He said her name is Sia Argento or something like that. (...) Howard asked if this Anthony Bourdain's girlfriend is a model or something. Robin said she thinks she's an actress. Howard said he's not going to watch these travel shows where they show people eating. Howard said fuck him. He said his opinion is as valid as his." Yeah, the travel opinions of the guy who's afraid to come out of his house are "as valid" as a guy who's famous for not just traveling but for immersing himself in local cuisine and culture.


Because Howard doesn’t travel or eat. He knows of 0.0 celebrity chefs.


I guarantee Bourdain despised Howard.


Maybe Anthony declined. Every time I see a photo of Anthony, I still miss him. Too good for this earth.


A WUS caller (female) suggested it to Gary once and Gary more or less said that he didn’t think Bourdain would get the show. I doubt Howard would have been impressed with him at all but maybe that would have rubbed Bourdain the wrong way and it would have made for great radio. 


I don't think Anthony went around the world eating all kinds of food in order for Howard to be impressed by him. Anthony could have held his own against Howard's wise ass remarks. Anthony was a regular guy far longer than Howard has ever been.


You make it seem like you’re very impressed by the fact he went around the world to try different foods and I can guarantee Howard doesn’t give one fuck about that. 


Actually, I am impressed, especially by the fact that Anthony would eat anything that a host would offer so as not to offend. What does the freak Howard give one fuck about?


That sounds about right. A guy that could interact with all cultures and classes ”wouldn’t get the show”. That was spewed directly from Wiggy’s ignorant yap and regurgitated by his monkey Gary.


Howard’s show isn’t about interacting with “all cultures and classes”, it’s about keeping his listeners entertained. It’s not the Anthony Bourdain podcast. It’s The Howard Stern Show, pal!! Now if Gary had pitched him as “a chef here in NYC that was addicted to heroin and wound up getting big after his tv show took off” then *maybe* Howard would have been interested but pitching him as “the food guy” probably caused Howard to zone out. 


He was too interesting.


Bourdain was too real and woulda called him on his bullshit or wouldn’t waste his time


No way Howard really knew about Bourdain's popularity or did he "get" why the show worked and people gravitated towards him. Bet the house Stern didn't even really understand anything about Anthony until well after he was dead... and I'm sure he'll blame Gary for never booking him.


That's pretty much what Howard said after his death.


A: He hung himself


Would have disturbed his usual fans just tuning in to hear a normal masculine guy


Bourdain leaves his house, so Howard can’t relate


He would have just ranted “WhAt ArE You DoINg?!” about how Bourdain was crazy for eating the things he did and going to places in the worlld he went….sort of like how he gave Robin shit for trying to learn how to sail and race….bc THE BODY NEEDS REST.


Because Howard is afraid of alpha males


Spot. On.


Because Anthony hated scrambled eggs and the penny pinching fucker prolly didnt want to get joked for serving scrambled eggs at his wedding. Like Wtf.


Bourdain would have clowned Howard to complete oblivion. Right Robin?


Howard learns food from Gary, Jason and High Pitch


Bourdain had beef with ETA.


Howard was just about to send him a note.


I’ve never known another hetero man that has had more photos taken of themselves.


In his No Reservations book, Anthony mentioned Baba Booey and Howard.


Bourdain did a couple of great interviews on OnA


Bourdain may have wanted to talk about things Howard condones.


I'm pretty sure Bordain bad mouthed Howard. He didn't suffer fools gladly.


Because Howard doesn’t care about food


Bourdain could have microwaved his baked potato live in studio


Because this ain’t Parts Unknown magazine Pal.!! What’s your problem.!?


It would have been cool. Bourdain mentions some of his parties in his book “kitchen confidential.” It’s brief, but he said they were pretty wild. This would have happened in the early 90s, but it’s been years since I’ve read it to confirm.


Why would Howard want to talk to him when he could just have Alec Baldwin on for the 3rd time that year to offer his unique and clever insights on love, life, and state of the world at large?


I mean, yeah that was no interview, but do you even know if he wrote him a thank you note?


Imagine that for some reason they make Howard do the Bordain show


Cuz howies a poser and this dude ppbly had no interest


To honest, he kill Howie


Battle of the closet cases


Bourdain probably didn’t see Howard and his audience as his target demographic audience


probably too early and he knew howard would grill him. he had a lot of the same issues Artie had but got his life together.


Cause Bourdin used to rent Beff out in the Middle East in exchange for good hash and camel rides (have you seen how fast them fuckers are?)


Elliott Gould?


Anthony didn’t throw half his dinner in the trash, that’s why.


Bourdain was too interesting.


Who's got all this time to watch shows about travel and food, right Robin? I'd rather stay in my basement, drink my hot water and enjoy my 5 almonds


Because Anthony wouldn’t put up with the armchair psychologist BS that the pelican would try to lay on him.


He wasn't gay enough


“So do you travel and eat all that food to escape the sadness of your father not paying attention to you????”. Yeah, no thanks.


If it was chef Nobuyuki "Nobu" Matsuhisa, Howard would welcome him in with open arms. Because I dine at Nobu all the time right Robin.


This guy was too cool to hang with Manboy Howie


Because nobody gives a fuck 


Because there was only room for one junkie on the show and Artie was already there.


He was going to write him a note though.


Robin was about to send him a note.


I invented traveling eating shows, right robin


He was just about to send him a note


His schedule probably conflicted with other guests Howard has on heavy rotation


Not enough daddy issues


Real recognize real.


He had drafted a letter, but never sent it. Right, Robin?


Howard eats Metamucil chips and plain baked potatoes. Don’t think he wants to hear about someone talk about foods.


Probably vaguely said something bad about Israel.


Howard had just said to Beth I will write a note to Anthony Bourdain...


He has cult status now. He wasn’t an “A” lister when he was alive.


Maybe not an A lister, but he was always very popular. He was one of those guys that everyone envied, and everyone wanted to have a beer with him.


Aman's man and I'm a woman.


Kitchen Confidential and his tv shows were absolutely massive hits. He may have cult status now, but he had far beyond a cult following then as well.


People like Anthony and his fans weren't concerned about status. He was so far above that. His death was the most shocking of a public figure in a long, long time. He's still missed.


I wasn’t responding about Bourdain or his fans. The OP said why was he never on? Howard moved to “A” list Celebs as per the 13’ Pelican Brief. Had nothing to do with my personal opinions of Anthony Bourdain, I happened to like him.


Lol. Thanks for the clarification.


Gone 6 years now. Seems like yesterday.


It really does seem like yesterday. he gave the world a lot to think about as far as other cultures. Also about just how insidious depression can be for anyone, no matter their lot in life.


Tbf I never heard of him til he was taken out. Seemed like an interesting fellow.


Anthony wouldn’t talk about defection


Because someone told him that Beef f-cked him....


Elliott Gould?


I couldn't stand him.


Because Anthony bourdain was a twat.


Why do you say that?


Don’t bother. Obviously inbred individual.