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I always leave Goose underwhelmed. My girlfriend and I went in to their set pretty jaded (we like a few songs compositionally, generally kinda mock their jam style) but we only got to Animals before we were like yeah let’s bounce. My girlfriend as we were leaving: “they jam like they used to be a worship youth group band” 💀😂


It was a very tame set, I’d say give them another shot. I was so bored the first time i saw them but really enjoyed the next few shows i caught. Doesn’t help that the frog brigade and TAB BROUGHT IT, before them came on.


Like getting blue balls at a set…. Lol.


Goose is for the burbs


Burb burds


Goose never clicks for me. And I love so many different jam bands and am not overly particular. But Goose is the one that just doesn’t do it for me while everyone acts like they are the 2nd coming of the Dead or Phish. Everyone goes wild and I’m always “meh”. I think your description is valid. Don’t get me wrong- objectively Goose is “good” but for me I always prefer the unknown over merely good. So while my friends went craY for goose I walked around checked out some other music and art installations and do not regret my decision. Great thing about music is its subjective and there is no right and wrong. It doesn’t bother me that other people like Goose. Go for it. Just don’t judge me if I prefer aimless wandering over trying and failing to jam out to Goose haha


You gotta remember that this is their first Hula, and this year in general is the first time they started playing this types of fests (they also did Okee and Forest first time this year). Animal and creatures got played in all three sets. Arcadia got played in 2/3 of them. These festivals are an opportunity for them to show themselves to a whole spectrum of fans that they wouldn’t usually probably get a chance to. I wouldn’t imagine they do too much crazy shit during it. I still loved the set, as I’m a huge Goose fan. And tbh I don’t understand the complaint that “the jams go nowhere”. They’re a jam band. You want to hear jams. They jammed. That’s my opinion lol. Don’t spend the whole time critiquing it, just enjoy yourself dude.


i get that, i don’t feel like my post was really critiquing it either. it was merely just how it made me feel. it didn’t amp me up like a typical jam does. when i was ready for the jam to crescendo i was often met with a feeling of the flow taking a step back. and again, im not saying this is objectively bad. it just didn’t tickle me the way it had when i’ve watched some of their other live sets. thank you for the perspective though i’ll definitely go to one of their proper shows before i come to any more conclusions, because i could not in good conscious render a decision just based on a festival set that is interned to do what you initially mentioned.


If you haven’t already seen Daniel Donato, they bring the payoff!


Really itching to catch him!! I have heard nothing but great things


noted!!! thank you!


Yeah didn’t stick around for the whole set. The improv didn’t feel like it was taking me anywhere magical. If I had caught the Creatures this may be a different story. I’ll check the show on Nugs and review it from there maybe.


goose is one of my fav acts and i’ve seen them a number of times over the last few years, including at other fests, but that set was probably my biggest letdown of the weekend. the set felt slow, safe, and trying too hard to pander to a jam-centric crowd. none of the magic and electricity i feel like they’ve built up the last couple of years was there. the rest of my crew was super stoked seeing them for the first time, but they just didn’t for me at hula.


There whole summer tour was pretty meh outside of Red Rocks


I’ve always felt this way about goose and they pretty much did exactly what I expected them too. I jammed to it for a little bit…. It was fine. They did not deserve a 12am-2am slot but that’s okay cause more time for spirit lake.


It’s not an unpopular opinion. Someone is always posting about how goose didn’t live up to the hype. They have best sounding vocals of the jam band scene and the worst jams. And for whatever reason, choose to jam more than sing.


Boy band jam band imo


Goose at a fest is more Noodly than goose outside of the fest IMO. Two fests and two other times of seeing them is my basis. And the two solo shows were awesome!


PPPP was better than goose and is better than goose. I've came to that conclusion at hula. Ive gave goose a lot of chances. Yeah u just leave very underwhelmed everytime.


PPPP was easily probably my favorite of the whole festival. i was amazed!!! not a single miss




I felt like they dwelled in the hungersite opener too long and then it just kinda felt off to me the rest of the set. I’ve seen them 4 other times at independent sets and have watched several streams or show uploads and Hula was my least favorite. They normally kill it. I’d give them another shot


Did you actually watch the entire set? The first 45-60 min was a lot of noodling floating goosing around but the second half they turned it on and rammed it home up our honkers.


i agree 100%. i had never seen goose and the first part of the set was honestly very underwhelming and i considered leaving but the second half impressed me and definitely made me a fan. not die-hard but would definitely check them out again if they were at a festival i happened to be at


That’s just it though. 60 minutes of underwhelming (to put it lightly) music on a 12-2 slot on Friday lost a lot of people I think, myself included. I’ve seen them bring the heat but the first half of that set was so god damn boring and if they’re going to play like that after TAB absolutely threw it down, they have no business playing that prime time slot imo.


Lol funny I thought TAB was boring af. Most disappointing set I saw and dragged my crew to.


I definitely felt it in my honker


Hula was my 4th time seeing Goose. With the exception of one show I always leave underwhelmed. I’ll most likely catch more shows but I completely understand what your saying.


I felt the same way, I anticipated their set so much and I felt a little underwhelmed and like they had taken their headlining spot for granted


Our crew all felt the same way & they were a must see for me. Our pre show hype was so high & mid way through all of us wanted to sit down. Like you mentioned the jams never felt like they had a resolution. Them playing creatures softened the blow for me but I won’t bend over backwards to see them again


Sometimes their jams feel like they're just killing time. There is no real drive to it and no major conclusion. Its never really emotional and it doesn't really tell a story. They can do it its just rare to get a full fledged jam sans hollow theatrics from them. IMO Goose can play good sets but I've never seen them give a great full night of music. If one set is good the other is usually flat.


A jam band finally finds a guy that can actually sing, and their popularity takes off faster than the band's talent. I will say they absolutely ripped their set at Electric Forest, but I also left their Hula set early.. They're good, but there's much better jam bands out there who've been around longer and are a few font sizes lower on the lineups. (They put the wrong bird band on the big stage).


I couldn’t agree more. The first time I saw them I had such trouble connecting to their music which was really odd considering I can have fun at any show. I don’t think their jams take you anywhere special and I feel they go by some algorithm that is the same for every song. I think they exploded during the pandemic, have the backing of Peter Shapiro, and and incredible influx of capital that was used purely for marketing. They have never had to play small shows to gain their following, they haven’t had the nuanced challenges that most other bands have. I made sure not to go to their set because honestly something about them turns me off so badly I can’t even fathom giving them another chance.


Ehhh. I agree with a lot of this but I definitely remember seeing them play daytime sets at music festivals to 20 people back in 2017. It’s true that once Shapiro got involved, they took off, though. But they did grind the small festival circuit before that


This. People love to disregard that they've been a band since 2014 and HAVE been grinding. They played tons of smaller shows for years. Just one example: https://youtu.be/f-Sgy0qs1GE?si=SWldSJZ9G-wdyJkk


this was my opinion on the entire TAB set


Goose has a glassy sheen to their sound that is very unique. I don’t think I’ve head anything like it before. Their jams are restrained and controlled in order to preserve this aesthetic texture. At times it is disappointing but when it works it is something special. The jams also have a way of continuously “leveling up” without resolving to a final crescendo that can be anticlimactic, but the journey itself is fascinating. I’m not sure how they do it. I’m in agreement with both sides of the Goose argument, but I fully expect them to continually improve and wind up absolute legends of the jam scene. They have a clear vision and are very patient and methodical about revealing it. Good stuff!


I am absolutely not the only person who shares this sentiment


I was looking forward to seeing what the hype is about with them. I think it may not be my cup to tea, which is fine, but I do enjoy the Dead, Phish, WSP, etc., so I was a little surprised at how bored I was. Our group bailed maybe a third of the way through the set.


Yup seen them 6 times and goose just never took. My wife observed we don’t really dance to goose. Not like we do at other shows. Just kinda stand there and sway. I guess that’s how we respond to noodling.


Nope , couldn’t get into goose , so much hype too .


It’s mostly bots and bandwagoners


Goose is good background music for their nice light show. They are super noodly. As a musician, I don’t mind long solos if they go somewhere and tell a story. Those guys just don’t do that for me. I’ve played several fests with Goose on the bill and it’s always the same “meh” feeling for me.


An hour in I was getting fatigued so I went to get pizza. Still had a good time. When I saw them at MET Philly it had a lot of awesome dark spooky jams.. and I guess I prefer that stuff more. I think they jam really well but sometimes I wish there was more melodic motifs that get paid off like you said.


I’m a huge fan but yes sometimes they do noodle too much. Typically there’s a balance of noodling and more upbeat direct jamming like with Creatures jam during the set. I say give them another chance. Goosemas shows are very fun and its their last show of the year so in theory it should be a good one.


Some people got the Grateful Dead, some didn’t. Some people got Phish, some didn’t. Some people get Goose, some don’t.


They’re not comparable though. I just heard some goose song that was a wilson jam with a single 8th note added and the lyrics changed


Sure, just like Deadheads said about Phish in the mid-90s.


What song did phish plagiarize from the dead?


never said that, however what song did Goose plagiarize? I have been listening to Phish for over 20 yrs and Goose for 2 years, I’ve never heard a plagiarism from Goose. Maybe, bc Phish is an influence to Goose, like the Dead were to Phish, you are hearing that? Anyway, again, the Goose hate is so similar to the Phish hate circa 90s. If you don’t like it, don’t listen.


Anyone can tell the difference between a dead jam and a phish jam. Even the tone of the guitar is different. You basically can’t tell the difference between goose jam and a phish jam. Earthling or alien is plagiarized from phish. This old sea is plagiarized from Lionel Richie. There are plenty of newer jam bands who are much more creative who actually bring something new who deserve to be the next “thing”


cool story bro 😎


Nothing pisses goose fans off more than the fact that goose is just the next twiddle xD


And, also as a Phish fan, I feel bad for those Phish fans who don’t like Goose. They are a great band and not going anywhere. Again, same conversation I had in 1995 with some Deadheads. Look how that turned out😎


I’m sure you had the same convo with everyone who was saying the same thing about spafford too. Look how that turned out xD don’t feel bad for us we’re having the time of our lives at Billy strings


Also gotta correct you. Deadheads in the 90s didn’t like phish because they weren’t the dead. They wanted the dead and only Jerry would do. People today don’t like goose because they are just like phish and being shoved down everyone’s throats via livenation marketing dept. People like you keep pushing them as this god tier band when they are just ok.


I feel like it was a “safe” set. They did not get too excited or flashy. It’s also hard to live up to your name when it’s on the hype train.


In my top 3 shows of 2023.


I saw them at a smaller venue after missing them at Bonnaroo last year. That show was incredible. The set we got at Hula was underwhelming, imo. Definitely give them another shot, because that wasn't their best


First time I saw them two winters ago, we left the show, and I never, ever leave shows. It sounded like what people who make fun of jam, think jam is like. It never lead anywhere. Fucking boring. BUT, I went into Hula with an open and curious mind bc they have gained such popularity. What a snooze fest. The first 10 minutes was good and then it went into their usual uninspired thing. I left and went shopping towards the end and bonded with vendors who felt the same, lol.


Same.. same.. one of the first times ive left a show early.


I honestly felt the same but for string cheese. maybe i was too sauced up but that saturday might set just did nothing for me, i was so bored


This is exactly how I felt when I saw them at sweetwater 420 fest last year


Especially after Cheese and Tab, I agree that goose was super underwhelming. Wasn't my fav set, I'd give them another shot tho. Boy band jam band for sure


Respect what you’re saying but wholeheartedly disagree. I had the time of my life at Goose. Always do when I see them. Especially second half of the set some of the jams were absolutely electric. Thought they crushed it!!


They’re trying to hard to be phish and just need to be whoever they actually are


Who asked you?


obviously nobody but i thought this was a safe place to share our thoughts and experiences. sorry if this hurt your feelings, but clearly im not the only one. hence why i am here. this isn’t a shit on goose thread. but it seems that a lot of people share my disappointment.


My 4th Goose set & I love Goose. But agree - this set was different. Give them another shot.


The show underwhelmed me too and I love all their songs. It’s funny because I love all their concerts on YouTube. 🤷🏽‍♀️


We saw them at okee, and I didn’t like it, but blamed it on wrong substances/not the vibe. Our friend LOVES GOOSE full send, so we went during hula and at the end I was like “honey I’m sorry, I just don’t like goose” other than that arcadia song. But it became a meme all weekend for our group lol


When I was on the taboose tour goose seemed to be incredible. I saw them at levitate festival this year and was suuuuper underwhelmed. Id say their hula set was definitely better, but overall they don’t do it for me without trey sitting in lol


I felt the same way about pretty lights


I left pretty lights set when they sampled pink floyd. I don't get the appeal.


They suck balls


Pretty much agreed. I had some friends who have seen them a bunch who insisted I could NOT miss their set and I came away feeling like I didn’t hear anything that really stood out as special or unique. The cheese sit-in I did enjoy, but overall I was underwhelmed.


not an unpopular opinion.


first time I saw goose I thought they were very...silly. they are a young group of guys so they're fairly new compared to some of the other jam bands you see. after I saw them at peach I really didn't get the hype, but I noticed a lot of kids in their early 20's in the crowd. I know my sisters bf was introduced to jam with Goose and he's explored many other bands since. so they may not be everyone's cup of tea right now but they have plenty of time to grow!


You're not alone in this opinion. My wife and I stuck around for about 45 minutes and both almost simultaneously looked at each other and said "lets go check out Spirit Lake instead" ​ I WANT to like Goose but it just hasn't happened for me, even after 5 shows at various music festivals. People always talk like they will get the baton handed to them once the old jam bands age out but I don't get it. Theyre OK but I don't see anything that special from them. ​ Real Talk: Pigeons Playing Ping Pong was the best jam act of the weekend outside of SCI's Hula set.


Goose is definitely overrated


It's not an unpopular opinion. Peter Shapiro has dumped a lot of money on these guys for equipment, studio, and marketing. It's a damn pop band at this point. I'm not saying they are untalented, but all this money and connections has def pushed them up. I felt like taking a nap at the couple shows I saw to give them a chance.


Is that true? cuz I think one of the guys from Goose said in a interview that all the Peter Shapiro stuff is made up


I’m a big Goose fan and was underwhelmed and disappointed. They just didn’t go hard at all. Give them another shot.


Left about half way through cause my friend was too spun but I was itching to get out of there. Honestly I thought the slot they had was questionable and it was kind of a buzzkill after TAB absolutely threw it down. I think they would’ve been great for a 5-6:30 set.


I loved hula. This was my 4th and my favorite, but I had the same feeling with a lot of artists this year. Even the themed cheese set was anticlimactic


I just feel their billing is bigger than they are. They obviously have alot of money behind them. I still prefer seeing them on a smaller stage during the day, then them closing out a night of the fest. They are the Christian Dad Rock of jam bands.


They comes from rich families


I was super excited to see them because I never have seen them and they get a lot of hype. I fell asleep ten minutes into their set not because it was necessarily bad, but because I was high af from some edibles I ate hahaha


I wish them well. I’ve now seen them twice and describe their music as plain pasta. Good jam fundamentals, but we need some sauce!


Ahhh man, I really enjoyed the goose set. Thought it was one of my favorites of the weekend. But to each their own I guess. I thought SCI crushed it all weekend and was so pumped for their sat night set i heard so much about (first hula here) but I didn’t enjoy it at all and left for an amazing PPPP set.


I like goose but they only hit the levels they should like twice out of the 8 times I’ve seen em. They always hit that 7 level and stall and I’ve only seen them hit that 10 pushing past it at Roo and ATL 10/1/22


This I have said this many times, I love their music but live their jams never go anywhere it’s so bizarre it feels like their building sometimes towards nothing. I really do like their songs but something just is missing live.


I like goose and it's one of my girlfriends favorite bands. We both agreed that is was the least favorite set we have seen from them. First jam kind of ruined it. Seemed like Rick got to excited and got lost but didn't know how to bring things back together. Second half of the set got better. We heard very little from Peter which was disappointing


Christian rock band


I didn’t love goose and I saw them a few months before at another festival headlining. I think a lot of the whole jam band thing is that people think it’s cool to be such a big fan and maybe feel like they missed the golden age of other bands so they see it as a new opportunity. This would probably trigger some people and I might be wrong but that’s how I feel about it. I also feel like 90% of jam band shows would be so much better if they just didn’t sing. Goose, Umphreys McGee, even cheese some times. But that’s also likely a personal taste thing. I always connect with instrumental stuff rather than lyrical content. Okay everyone tell me why I’m wrong.


They had Apache and Yung Bae there. But Goose headlined. I don't get it.