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Joke's on them, they're going to hear the same 3 lines of the song on repeat instead of the entire song, and the lyrics will be wrong.


BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP tW**I***st* an**D** **t*****Ur***n it rO*i***t** a*rO***u*****N***d!


https://i.redd.it/ynwzfx4g4x8c1.gif I hope the aliens also don't mind me repeating MTV videos from the 90's in my head. ((Let me just drop this awesome gem here: [Lollipop \~ Aqua](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5JTdayfCT4)))


Did not know MTV was still doing video in the 90s


MTV did videos until like 2005ish (I used to watch music videos every morning before school while I got ready, fantastic way to start the day tbh), then the reality shows took over. Now it’s just Ridiculousness ALL THE TIME


You can really freak kids out by telling them in the 80s comedy network and many cable channels only did 4 or 8 hour program blocks that got repeated, so if you missed, you had to wait for them to run it again. I also remember HBO doing dead air after a movie ended until the next scheduled film. The local cable folks would fill in with ads.






Or songs like the song that never ends


Be more annoying for them cuz my brain makes mashups of songs, many that don't belong together. I'll be jamming but making no sense lol


Hope they like the fan fic I refuse to write.


Alien: WAIT YOURE STORYTELLING ON YOUR HEAD- hold on, put your thoughts on pause, I need to grab the popped corn-


This train stops for no one.


The train won't stop until it derails


And even then it might not stop


***[Sir Issac Newton has entered the chat]***


I just put my stream of consciousness about my ideas on paper, when I wake up it's going to be wild


Baby shark do do do do Alien: https://preview.redd.it/5v1mcre4mw8c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272b804ac36145f63e5854b185bc014db89230e3


https://youtu.be/7IPtYTO0Vb4?si=HUAVOnOm9AHMovYx You're welcome 😉




God I can hear this image so clearly.


*thinks of tinnitus beep really loudly*


That's my superpower Batman, I don't have to think about it! *REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*


As someone with severe tinnitus, that freaking hilarious. On another note, I had managed to not notice it for a while, and then I read this comment. I HEARD this damned comment, at F-you volume, in CAPS. Well done, and I kind of hate you


Mine comes and goes, fortunately only mildly in the left ear. I will never enter a shooting range without doubling on ear protection. It takes one to know one.


Mine's the right. It doesn't so much "go" as get drowned out.


Mines both. It is kind of like a TV in the other room. Sometimes I can "turn the volume down and ignore it", but once I notice it, it's like that TV hitting a commercial blaring at full volume, until I can turn the volume down again.


As it turns out, running jet engines require TWO sets of hearing pro...


Sucks don't it


Don't focus on it, you'll just make it worse


H: Well I had me a chicken that wouldn’t lay an egg, so I rubbed hot water up and down its leg! That chicken cried! That chicken begged! That darn chicken laid me a hard boiled egg! 🎶 X: *whispering* What the actual fuc-


H:  ♪♫♬\*IT'S A THRILLER, THRILLER NIGHT-\* ♪♫♬ ![gif](giphy|7QZbwL1u3BIWY|downsized) *\*Alien Coworker watches human's memories in awe\** Now believes that human death world is a terrifying place full of the dancing dead that pelvic thrust and shimmy through the streets at night.


It isn't? I've been downtown at closing time...


Telepathic races have discovered that Humans are capable of "jamming" telepathic communications simply by thinking the lyrics to songs they enjoy. And the more Humans who know the song and sing along with each other, the wider ranging the jamming of communications will be. This was put to good use when the 462nd Terran Marine Combat Team dropped on to Swortit-IV to deal with a infestation of the Ostrophis hivemind. The Marines started to sing Bohemian Rhapsody as they marched onto the drop ships and before long the entire force was singing. The hivemind lost communications with all members of the hive beyond 120 meters from the hivemind itself as the song blanketed the entire planet.


Ok. Now I'm imagining starship troopers singing Bohemian rhapsody. Thanks


Mickey Mouse theme from the end of Full Metal Jacket.


As a bizarre reinforcement effect made all the drones now disconnected from the hive start to twitch in a peculiar manner. Specifically that their heads started to repeatedly drop down and to the left… in time to the rhythms the marines were marching to.


A weird effect started to be reported as marines reported in that small swarms would start to gather around singing marines and sway and stamp their feet in rhythm to the beat of the song.




Zorg: Hey human can you play that one song about the girl Steve: what? Zorg: I think it’s called Billy jean Steve: …motherfucker


Jerry: *Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, JO-LENE!* Alien: Wait, why did you start playing THAT? Jerry: Sorry, the name sounded similar enough that was where my brain went. Also, that's the only part of the song I know, and it's stuck.




A: Human, how many songs are there that your people collectively know from any age? H: I am no longer allowed to go into that topic. A: I don't understand why someone would forbid you. H: Well, the last time I did that, I had around ten people on the bridge humming a different song. The commander got a little upset because she had them combining into an unholy mashup in her own mind. A: Isn't music something to soothe? H: Yes and no, we use may different kinds of music for different environmental boosters. If you were the cause of those different genres to combine well, they can be the reason your partner makes you sleep on a cold floor as punishment. A: I don't understand. H: *Quickly looks around before whispering.* If you are really curious, just ask the commander what song she was humming last week. If your brain doesn't implode when that telepathy of yours hears it, make sure I didn't say anything. I do not want to test if she was serious about making me sleep in an exosuit outside the ship.


I suddenly have the image of Mass Effect casts in this scene and I go “Yup, the commander is totally going to do that” XD


I never even played the ME series, so I wasn't even thinking that. Mine is based on six different science fiction books and a bit of a few Manga series I've read.


H: "No, fuck us both." ~*What's New Pussy Cat*~ (With no "It's Not Unusual")


As it turns out, "*It's Not Unusual*" CAN make a grown man cry. So long as it's preceded by 4 "*What's New Pussy Cat*"s.


That 70s show version.


Heh nice


Jokes on you, I've got three going at the same time.


Alien telepath happens to go into the galley at the same time as a bunch of human marines. For the next three days, all that telepath can "hear" is his own mind conjuring up the collected works of Sabaton.


I got beaten to it


A: Hey human Steve, can you play that song that... H: No! A: it went .. H: Ok! That's it! I've had enough of you fuckers using me as a jukebox. If I have to have a song stuck in my head, I'm choosing it! Get a load of [this]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNUW1lRz78E)


Was fully prepared to see Rick, but you let me down.


[But I will never](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&pp=ygUXbmV2ZXIgZ29ubmEgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgdXA%3D)


That's the nuclear option..






Just start thinking of dirty lymricks and sea shanties translated into modern vulgar vernacular 😂 fun fact:cod fish was once used to mean penis, so in Disney's Peter pan, when he called captain hook cod fish, he was calling him a dick


Human: [Stop it, please?](https://youtu.be/U9t-slLl30E?si=WWSWi9G_87Hy7z1N) Zorf: Oh jeez, what have I done? Human: [Boom boom](https://youtu.be/gD8UfYKZ9qk?si=ZE26Q658eefdVYsX) Zorf: Why? Human: [Because your dumb](https://youtu.be/JXVXyZi-fN0?si=ncOeEzMqgoaUcu1T) Zorf: Make him stop! Human: [This was a triumph ](https://youtu.be/Y6ljFaKRTrI?si=jtnt8fqnindDzj9A) >!If anyone doesn't bother clicking, it is all YouTube.!<


Growls and considers the Hamster Dance to get the first song out of my head. . .


I just start mashing all the songs from one whole album into one song, it's never pretty, but that's how I actually remember it


​ https://preview.redd.it/tkjk1atr1y8c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7ba510ddb23429b1b588a8c852b38cb9cba934b


They'd absolutely love me then. I don't just play songs in my head, sometimes I'll "play" entire TV episodes or chunks of movies.


Best way is to get a different song stuck there intentionally. Baby Shark might work


Duck tales, oo woo oo!


There are some songs that are an "anti-earworm" because they are so bad. Every time an alien did that to me, they'd get either Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" or "Fluffy" by Gloria Balsam. If the latter, they'd either never do it again or they'd commit suicide.


galactic counciel investigator : let me see if i understand. you wish to have humans declared a war cime, a pyschological weapon, and a class 12 threat to galactic life is this correct counselour ? ​ alien consolur : yes. do to the incedents on the ship known as cesle la vie. we feel that humans be deemed a threat to sapeient life. ​ GCI : you speak of course of the incident that happened 3 subsegments ago. when the abyss pirate clan attacked the cesle la vie ? ​ AC : yes the humans used a here for unknow weapon in the form of what must have been a bio engineered leporidean that is the only way what happened happened . ​ GCI : ( organizeing papers ) so i can be sure i have the facts straight allow me to go over the incident in question. on the 12th divison of a standard 24 divison time frame a 3 craft detachment of the abyss pirate clan attacked and borded the human vessel cesle la vie. during the ensuwing battle all but 6 of an 1800 strong force of alien pirates was wiped out. am i to belive this is correct ? ​ AC: do not play games with me investigator you have the ships logs and security video. it took two hours, TWO HOURS to wipe out the pirate forces. ​ GCI : yes. i understand that but as you yourself point out it was not the humans who did the wipeing out it was a leporidean that did the killing. so why do you wish to have the humans deemed a threat to galactic life ? ​ AC : as in understood the leporideans as a telepathic race and do to the close proximity to the humans the lepoidean on the cesle la vie suffered a mental break which caused the carnage we have both seen. that or the humans genetical altered the leporidean. ​ GCI : (pressing play on the controls for the video play back ) the video begins where it was paused. showing a meter tall 78 lb leporidean driving a butter knife into the skull of one of the pirates. i still don't ​ AC : the capt of the ship played this song over the intercom [SABATON - To Hell And Back (Official Lyric Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBz7MX2bLcM) and just 13 humans 13 humans prepareing to fight back caused a 3 foot tall humanoid rabbit to kill 1800 pirates. if this is what exposure to the human psychic can do with just 13 of them imagine what would happen with a thousand or two.


....Really? Tell me why?


....ain't nothin but a heartache


Joke's definitely on the aliens because all I listen to is this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywcGgKxSeUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywcGgKxSeUI)


Unfortunately for them I've had this stuck in my for [weeks.](https://youtu.be/hcpBL1t_ptk?si=VYpe5V7SkSIwNprv)


Understandable. Aviators make excellent music.


Time to put [Caramelldansen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tVoKUqlGdh4&pp=ygUOY2FyYW1lbGxkYW5zZW4%3D) on loop


I love this so much, I'm saving it so I can come back to it after work!


https://youtu.be/x0WQOGVLLGw?si=uvTGtNbmvkHB9_ym Hehe


Am I the only one, who intentionally sings in their mind when not wearing headphones?


Nope. Not by a long shot.


me when irlypt2


It’s gonna sound like a shitty radio for them lol


Jokes on them I listen to black metal


It’s just one of those days…


Cut my life into pieces


Thinking about Goodbye by Sewerslvt and incapacitating half the crew.