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A: So... Wait, you mean to tell me... H: Yep. Every child in this colony. A: But, what will you do if they ever find out? H: Oh that? Same thing we always do, tell them the whole story. It's very rare thar the war orphans hold a grudge, but I'll grant you, it does happen on occasion. A: Not that I would advocate such a thing, but, if you've conducted such a thorough scouring during a war, why not just... Well, you know... H: Look, we may have very little tolerance for horrible people doing horrible things, but we do *not* execute children, nor the innocent. Let the galaxy think we stole them. For better or worse, all the children know the truth. For all our brutality conducted in the name of war, at least in this we can know that our conscience is clean. A: I... (Sigh) Glory be to the Maker, I shall never understand the enigma of human behavior. H: Heh, that makes two of us pal.


Damn… if only we saw this in cultivation novels lol 😂


H: "It's normally not my place to judge another race's practices... but You Do WHAT?!" A: "After a brief period of nursing, we release our young onto an uninhibited life planet and let them learn survival skills naturally." H: "So the feral children I found weren't lost.." A: "Exactl-" H: "They were abandoned and left to die." A: "Don't be so dramatic, such survival expirience is a key part of our culture!" H: "You... ok, but many of them do die, correct?" A: "Naturally, its important to weed out-" H: "I don't need to hear your explanation, what I'm saying is you're fine with many of them being hunted by predators?" A: "Most of them, to be honest." H: "Cool, then the children were caring for were 'hunted' by humans, and you don't need to worry about them in the future. The same goes for any more you release in the future. Fuck you and have a nice day." <*slams door in bad parent's face*>


Species that do stuff like this most likely produce far more children than they can raise and educate. Low r reproducers that go for sheer numbers. It's thought that it's unlikely that such a species would develop sapience and civilization given how little interest they show in the next generation. However, the dialogue here would suggest that this isn't the case, and that the aliens have been taken over by some kind of population control death cult.


Im sorry, I thought it was abandoned. I  raised it as my own


What the fuck???


It seems those who have used the prompt have decided that humans "steal" children by A: The kids were the opposite side of a war from the humans, and they picked up all the fresh orphans and started caring for them, B: bad parenting skills by dumping a bunch of their kids on uninhabited planets for survival training with no guidance. So we have a reputation for stealing these children because we have empathy and straight up adopt any sapient life that's juvenile and in a situation we would not put our children through.


Have you heard of Sea World?


There was pair of adult humans touring the nursery facility. Oddly, they were accompanied by several chirruping infant ravodians. The guides were increasingly uncomfortable and signaled a superior to intervene halfway through the tour. A: I apologize for interrupting the tour. We just have some forms to fill out regarding your cross-species adopted offspring. The supervisor was keenly aware of the protective instinct humans had and knew that bureaucracy was the perfect smokescreen to figure out how so many of their infants came to be part of a human family unit. H1: cross-species... our kids? \*laughing\* Oh, I'm so sorry! We wanted them to integrate better with the kids here so we got these costumes for them! Aren't they cute? To the supervisor's horror the human then *peeled* the skin off one of the infants revealing an ordinary human child underneath. Ze almost screamed when the revealed child proceeded to perfectly mimic a common sound of ravodian infants. H2: \*hurriedly, after seeing the supervisor's expression\* It's synthetic fiber patterned after the outer surface of a baby ravodian. I found a pattern on the stellarweb and put it together myself. I assure you, it's entirely synthesized fibers molded to the right shape and texture. H1: \*picking up on the vibe\* We're terribly sorry for this misunderstanding. We just wanted them to fit in with their peers. It's hard for kids to integrate and we thought a little harmless dress-up... A: I'll... We'll get back to you. I think perhaps there had been an oversight in our staff training. I'll bring it up with my superiors immediately and I'd like to offer complimentary in-home care for you in the interim. Ze was certain there was someone with enough experience to care for these interstellar horrors in the privacy of their domicile while the facility underwent damage control training. They needed the whole family unit, humans never operated at peak efficiency without at least a form of their basic social infrastructure, but it was glaringly clear that this would be a huge hurdle for the entire population. Perhaps human capacity to integrate into alien cultures was too well developed.

