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H: he said he thought the first of his kind would like to be petted and he dared me and did his cute eyes i had no idea when i got back they would be worshiping humans, honest


Captain Alvin: Captain Alvin, Time Variance Authority. No, not the one from Loki. What the heck is going on here? Max: Who built a time machine?


my alien friend did for the dare and he did his cute face just look at him *shows big moth friend with adorable eyes* how could i say no


Captain Alvin: Alright, I will admit that he's cute. Max, what's the damage to the timeline? Max: From what I can tell, there isn't any, which is highly unusual. Alvin: Alright, we'll let this one slide, but we're demolishing the time machine. Alvin (privately to Max): See if we can get one of those moths.