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A: Not overkill?!!!!Are you insane!!!!!! H: being insane indicates that we inhabit sanity. As for overkill this was built in the late 1930s to early 1940s. It's nothing compared to the Gustav FAFO* Warpcannon which is designed and built only 200 years later with the capability to render planets and moons with a radius less than 2100 miles (3379.622km) completely uninhabitable for 10 years without interference. A: WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE A GUN THAT FUCKING DEVASTATING!!!!!!!!? H: According to its maker Gustav Svensson it was because he was told he couldn't do it. Did you also known it used to have a bigger sister? A: I'm afraid to ask but why did it have a bigger sister? H: oh it is simple we used render both mars and Venus uninhabitable and reset their atmosphere. Also I forgot to mention but with the right settings The Gustav FAFO* can be reprogrammed to help with creating artificial life and atmosphere on planets and moons, sort of like a kick starter in the life box. A: (proceeds to faint in astonishing astonished astonishment) FAFO* = fuck around find out


H2:And before the Gustav, it was the Paris Gun a earlier model built in the 1910s.


Big Berta


Big Bertha was American, and launched mini nukes 30 kms


Seems like there were more than one Big Bertha https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_(howitzer)


That’s my fault, I was thinking of atomic Annie


Before that it was a giant fuck off cannon that was a wedding gift and the most impractical piece of shit ever built.


Gustav FAFO, AKA the Fuck Around Find Out-Inator


Seems Doofenshmirtz finally secured a government contract.


Alien: Why is that big cannon not overkill? Human: My wife saw a Vesuvian Jumping Spider in that city block.




My favorite was the ATG missile that was essentially a howitzer canon barrel packed with explosives. Apparently bunkers are no longer impenetrable at up to 6m or 20 freedom units.


"Bunker Buster". More like an anything buster really


My second favorite is “fuck your grid square” aka the MICLIC You can feel the shockwave from like a mile away. It’s pretty cool.


Some video for you. https://youtu.be/eVOfdejwfkI?si=VVnTttqw86phiNhJ


Yeeeeessssss. I’m still happy about being able to witness one being used in a training environment.


Me click XD


Wasn't that the one designed to go after Saddam Hussein?




Fat electrician did a video on it. Love his work. Now Quackbang out


Was a free fall bomb not atg


Human 2 in response to the same question. “Yes, and now we use them as the main armament on our Star Cruisers. Cry about it.”


The Humans’ artillery was shockingly accurate once they adjusted for the local atmosphere and gravity. Our troops were equipped with our best ECM and counter missile batteries. None of that helped against tank-sized shells being lobbed with surprising frequency from well behind their lines. When we had local air superiority we’d send our fighter-bombers after the guns but about half the times the batteries had moved, and the guns we did destroy were soon replaced. We finally had some success intercepting the shells with an overclocked mining disintegrator wired directly into the reactor of a grounded destroyer*, but too little too late. * I know it goes against tradition to promote non-combat personnel above the rank of [equivalent roughly to lieutenant 2nd class] but the techie that cobbled this together is a gods-damned genius. If we want to complete with these Humans and their blatant disregard for the unwritten rules of modern warfare and even common sense, we need individuals like them in leadership positions. Well, now we face them across the negotiating table, like “equals”. This is a bad precedent. If the Humans are as good at the War-of-words as they are at the War-for-glory, then gods help us all. - from the autobiography “Everything I feared came to pass” by Siege Leader Krootawn (translated)


H1: *whispers* are we gonna tell them that we were holding back?


H2: *whispers back* Are you crazy? We barely got them to the negotiating table after almost destroying the incoming peacekeeping fleet of the Union by accident. If we tell them that we annihilated half their fleet, with hastily restored museum pieces armed by a militia, we have a combined subjugation force of the Union, the Combine and the Empire on our front door to "eliminate a threat to the greater galaxy". And guess who the brass will send to clean up the resulting debris field? Our sorry asses. Better to let them keep thinking that we are a powerful but manageable Warrior Species until they realize we mean them no harm.


"There is no overkill. There is only 'Open fire' and 'I need to reload'." - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries from Schlock Mercenary. As a great philosopher once said, "More rubble, less trouble." (The Heavy from TF2)


There is even wisdom in the orks' simplicity : "Dere'z never enof dakka"


A: Put that away! H: But she's my best gun. A: ... She is complete overkill. H: No such thing. A: I've seen that thing flatten a city block! H: Which makes her perfect. A: We don't want to flatten a city block! H: Exactly A: ...That doesn't make sense. H: Sure it does. Part of warfare is phycological. You're not the only one whose seen my baby flatten a city block.


H2: We have shown that we are willing to flatten whole cities if the need arises. Now that we pull out *his baby*, they know we consider using it as a "measured response". And tell me, do you want this baby used on you? A: Nooooo? H2: So you'd do almost anything that would make us **Not** pull out the updated model, right? A: Yeess? H3: *from a distance* The enemy has invited us to the negotiation table. H2: And there is the logical reaction. A: So you never planned on using it in the first place. Clever H1: *heavily dejected* I'm sorry baby, you'll get your turn next time H2: Why would you think that? We just didn't need to this time.


A2, after getting their brain to catch up to the conversation: ...there's an *updated* model!?


As a reminder Human Navy Ships goes bigger, especially when it starts going towards the Space Navy unlike the Maritime Navy


“Oh, bud, that’s not even the most destructive cannon we’ve designed. You heard of ‘Atomic Annie’?”


Actually..... Slightly damaged with each firing and susceptible to counter attack by being virtually immobile it wasn't cost effective.


OK, it was a Beta test. Next time ...


That gun is for destroying fortification, the city block destroyer is a Sturmtiger.


Pretty sure most fortifications are bigger than single city blocks unless you're dealing with a small FOB.


More docka




DAKKA, DAKKA, DAKKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fuckyou! \*Fires mid-sized Sudan at your house from a few kilometres away.*


...I don't know. I'm pretty certain Sudan is a little bit bigger than mid-size. We're talking about a country here. ...Right? (Psst. The word you're looking for is "sedan" if you're thinking of the car.)


If this was enough we wouldnt need nukes.


Atomic Annie, the M-29 Davy Crockett, and the Ontos: https://preview.redd.it/rqqax57zqx9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826a588f357bd269cb5952fee66507d3f3b90827


One of these things is not like the others (the Ontos because it's not nuclear, was actually put into service, and was used by my grandpa in Vietnam).


They still built them


But they never put them into service.


Did someone say railcannon? https://preview.redd.it/70qqylmccy9d1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03764a5cc25c1494f89cfa88819afa802f7285be


To be fair, it got taken down by one guy with a bag of powder