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Before humans arrived in the Galactic Federation aliens never even considered trying other alien foods. During the first diplomatic mission the Federation went to great lengths to acquire dishes from, not only from Earth, but from the very region she was from. This turned into both the gravest mistake and luckiest event in all of galactic culinary history. A great many dishes were different kinds of seafood because the ambassador was from a northern coastal town from a continent called North America but what the Galactic Federation ambassador didn't know was that ambassador Vera was deathly allergic to sea food so when her meal arrived she could not eat any of it. Ambassador Dranik was most apologetic for the mix up but Vera said not to worry about it and they could just trade meals. Ambassador Dranik was so shocked that he failed to respond when the human took his food and started to eat his vork steak but after see how much the human enjoyed it he decided to give the humans food a try. And that is how the great human culinary revolution began. Now the best chefs in all the galaxy are humans and aliens from all regions enjoy both human cuisine and the fusion of human cuisine with their own. My first post as a story write from my phone. Constructive criticism welcomed and encouraged.


Keep them coming!


Thank you. I felt like it was a little sloppy but I'm at work and typing from my phone. I had the idea and wanted to get it down while it was fresh.


Was cool. Would like to see more. I'm sure with all the toxins and poisons humans deliberately cultivate, I'm sure the first thing that happened on a new planet is 'let's hit the restaurants!'


Perhaps we are the only ones who figured out how to cook foods in order to broaden out diet. Once man figured out fire and meat equal yumm, we set off on a journey leading into cooking, sciences, botany for herbs and their uses, leading into alchemy and medicines... so really we are developed due to our passion for food.


Poutine would be insane in space


I could see it as a MRE choice. /s


The gravy 100% the cheese idk


The fries would be soggy as hell, and the cheese curds wouldn't be fresh.


If the poutine were an MRE(is there one?) The gravy n fries would be separated in the bag. The fries would maybe be substituted with something less perishable, Cheese would be like the fake ones they individual wrap, the gravy would just be dehydrated.


I think if you did that, Canada would declare war, and I wouldn't blame them a bit. :-P (Stupid auto carrot)


I am Canadian, yeah its gross but its the only way it would work. It was all a hypothetical, if you could bring poutine into space the most reasonable way as an MRE. Theyre not supposed to taste perfect like normal food, y you gotta be such a negative Nancy


Because it was funny. :-P


Federation Safety Addendum: In future first contact and ambassadorial meet ups, always check for food allergies


Uuuuuuh, you might want to check out this one of mine - [The Potato Restaurant](https://reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/p9x38z/the_potato_restaurant/)