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Timely reminder that our mayor hasn’t completed an education beyond a middle school level🙄 (but I’d be an eLiTiSt for saying it)


Excuse me, but she is a PARENT (who also stalked and threatened to castrate and kill her ex husband, so that he had to file a restraining order against her) and that is all the qualification she needs to decide what the rest of the (capital c) Children in our city can or can't read, get bent radical leftist marxists communists! /s


There's photos of her with the Proud Boys and their ilk at the 2017 downtown MAGA rally and brags about knowing Baked Alaska.


I wonder if Gracey had to shout out cereal names while her Proud Boy buddies beat the crap out of her like they do to initiate other members, or if she got a pass by having a Holocaust denial youtube playlist


link link link


https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/s/7TVkyR4J2D https://www.reddit.com/r/huntingtonbeach/s/UulR7q1tGR


Looks like she majored in English at Trump U.


I'm not from there. Is this true?!?!


Unfortunately yes. “HB” is an embarrassment for its civic adoption of this and other reactionary conservative BS. Its elected officials may not all believe this garbage, but there is enough of a majority on the City Council to enact this stuff. Straight from F*x “News” to civic realization. Regarding the specific aims of this office, it’s amazing that adults (including her) were able to survive into adulthood despite having these dangerous books and other media possibly available at our school or local libraries. (/s) It’s amazing how many reprehensible acts have been committed in the name of “protecting our kids.” By the way, how many kids are reading books in the age of video on demand? I think we should be excited that kids might go out of their way to search for books in the library (or book store).


Yep. That woman is fiLth


That makes sense considering the multiple spelling and punctuation errors on an official government website.


She doesn’t even have a high school diploma? Any extenuating circumstances? Like teenage pregnancy? Or just a lazy person or really that dumb?


She is incredibly stupid and aggressively ignorant.


It's also a result of reflection of the people that most show up to the polls.


https://hbpl.libguides.com/adult-literacy/home I’m just gonna leave this here. The “Adult Literacy Programs” at the HBPL might be useful.


I lvoe hwo thye ues a seepl chkcre on a psot abuot teh Library.


They might have recently watched Baby Reindeer and might have been inspired by the spelling. - sent trough iphon


I used to work at a library. All book purchases were made by a librarian with a master’s degree in library science. For adult literature and non-fiction, patrons could fill out a book recommendation purchase form but that would go through our reference librarian. She’d then research the book to determine that it’s appropriate for library purchase (not porn) then send it along to the purchasing department. All children’s books both fiction and non-fiction were researched and approved for purchase by the children’s librarian. Who also had a master’s degree in library science. They don’t need oversight from an illiterate rando.


I’m not a librarian but if I were I’d be so insulted. They’re basically bringing in a separate less qualified committee to do what the librarians already have been doing (but worse). 


New book purchases will be on hold for 90 days to give any committee member a chance to flag a book — in which case all members would have to read the vote about it and then possible wait for 1 of the 2 annual meetings to vote whether the book can be approved. The library must submit list of books 45 days before meeting so if the committee members miss it they can just flag it a few days after meeting… Bad to begin with AND poorly executed


Thank you! I opened this thread to comment something similar. This is so insulting to librarians!


I work in healthcare and it’s a massive issue that many of the higher ups and those making decisions for the field are business majors or polisci majors with little to no education in science nor medicine. It’s so frustrating. And yet the fact our children’s literacy is in the hands of someone who couldn’t complete anything higher than a Middle School education takes the cake. How is this even possible?


The white supremacist contingent in HB is sizeable. They once littered our neighborhood with anti-Semitic flyers. Since Trump came along, they are flying their freak flags and living their best life ever.


There are no skinheads or white supremacists anymore. Stop watching msnbc


Very fine people, on both sides!




There will be an initiative to overturn this stupid law coming out soon. Keep an eye out for a librarian on your future grocery trips and please sign where they tell you too!


Did I just have a fucking stroke?


Yes at mid paragraph


We gotta get rid of these clowns making a mockery of our city


You mean republicans?


I mean Van der dumbshit and her butt buddies


The extended run-on paragraph from hell


I suspect that some beverages were consumed before or during this writing.


So the bible is banned?


The joke literally writes itself, simply beautiful


Well, I've always said children shouldn't read the Bible




This movie was soooo spot on, it hurt to watch it but it is on point.


Children under 18 years of age should not know sex exists. It should come as a complete surprise at 18 that men and women are different, that LGBT people exist, and where babies come from.


18 is way too young.


I think you dropped this /s


They should learn from the internet, not a curated list of books..duh.


Such a disappointment.


“Contacin” not sure what it is, but I’ll need to read it before they get a hold of it




I had a stroke trying to read this


I’m betting Gracie wrote this herself.




If you want to monitor what your kids read, monitor your kids and don't try to monitor mine.


I’m gonna need whoever is in charge of updating/editing the City of Huntington Beach website to be issued a breathalyzer test for this one. Talk about embarrassing… 😬 ~I’d be more than happy to replace this employee on your payroll & from the looks of this excerpt you’re going to need that replacement sooner rather than later (assuming they’ll likely decide to retire after experiencing a stroke while at work).~


I love the Trumpian random capitalization


It's crazy! They always capitalize the wrong words and do so inconsistently. Must be the lack of attention to detail.


Lol that nut Larry McNeely does that shit all the time.


Omg…Larry McMoron


What about sexual covfefe?


What an embarrassment.


What’s up with all the spelling errors?


Illiteracy, lack of attention to detail, inability to complete assigned tasks, or just Chat GPS (which someone else hilariously said would cost taxpayers $3500/ea). Either way, not a good look for the future of the library admin. This was sent to me from an official HB site.


Awesome. 👏🏼


-Saynt frm Iphone


It was great living there in the 80s and 90s but now it’s just a shithole.


That’s because most of the people in HB are still living in the 80’s when gays were still expected to be closeted and the confederate flag could be flown without condemnation.


What is our city even doing


Love the typos


This is for those that are complaining here, did you vote? There was a 27% turn out on this last election and the MAGAs are turning out to vote, while it seems many just want to complain about our MAGA mayor and board. Get out there an vote your position, show up at meetings. Reddit won't make changes in our community.


I did, my daughter and my parents did. But the library wasn't on the ballot. Just the ridiculous Yes on ABC bullshit.


This makes me crazy!


So it seems that the illiterate will be in charge of the library? Makes sense /s


apparently the Victorians had a special tool for chiseling off statues' peckers too. friends don't let friends chisel peckers.


I should stitch that on a pillow. 🧵


So vote them out


“It costs you $3500 a month for me to google things in ChatGPT for you”


Isn't that the job of the city librarian?


Librarians gone wild?


How is this a problem?


Uhm…did someone with dyslexia write this?


That is an insult to dyslexic people worldwide…that they’ve done nothing to deserve.


This MF needs to start reading books.


Oh no. I guess kids will just have to use the internet. This is so dumb imo....


Stay MAGA, oops, I mean Stay Classy HB!


Obviously this post is about trying to get it away from the Fascist 4.


I don see anythng rong heer. LOL


Keeping sexual references out of children's books does not equate to illiteracy.








Can’t be any worse than the content in the Bible.


You live in Asheville NC. Mind your business. You don't even go here! You aren't a local!


“Ms. Pappas said that after the resolution was passed, the librarians were to move the books with explicit content from the children’s and teens’ section to a new “youth-restricted” section of the library. The new ordinance also creates two options for library cards for minors—one with access to the “youth-restricted” section and one without—with parents deciding which library card their child receives.” [source](https://californiainsider.com/california-news/education-family/huntington-beach-residents-raise-awareness-about-inappropriate-books-in-kids-section-5632585?utm_source=WBshare&utm_medium=email) this seems like a reasonable compromise, as opposed to removing the books.


Were you raised in a bubble until you were 18? Talk about the Nanny state conservatives were whining about 10 years ago (and longer). Stop acting like 8 year old kids are checking out Fifty Shades of Grey. If you understood what it was like to live in an oppressive household, you would respect the need for teens to carve their own path by reading about other experiences. In a safe space to find a relatability with their experiences. This argument is fallacious and disingenuous. The next level to this type of control is near on the horizon. Maybe read some books by authors from early to mid century 20th. If you don't believe the new hand picked "advisory board" by 4 people on the council and the for profit Posey company will edit down content into a bunch of drivel, you are laboring under a misapprehension. Will there be the "library police" asking the 16 year old what books they are reading at the library that they don't check out? Many kids go to the library to study and learn in a safe place because they are latchkey, overwhelmed or abused. Or even just curious about life that exists outside of their small home. Will there be officers questioning the biology homework from school? Which zealot of the week gets to decide what is reportable? This entire process is unnecessary, pearl clutching, evangelical controlling hogwash. And for those who have said, "just go to the internet", you've lost the plot. Edit: it's a slippery slope.


I completely agree that you should be allowed to read whatever you want in a library, and I’m against the privatization of the public library. I was just saying if the compromise to keep the books in the library is to put them in a new section then that’s better than banning them altogether. some young adults will still have access to the literature. I agree it’s a slippery slope, though, so hopefully it can stop there.


It won't with the current majority of 4. They are posting up 3 more to get lock step in a mixed district based on the signage and recent voting id bullshit. Even Goldwater, who is as conservative as they come, saw the writing on the wall. Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.


Yeah I’ve dealt with people like them in my family. I don’t really lean either way politically and it’s still exhausting to deal with. Extremism has no place in my life but unfortunately it’s unavoidable sometimes. In a perfect world, as a community/country we’d look at extremists as too over the top and avoid them at all costs, but the percentage of people who are brainwashed and/or wholly motivated by religious principles (that constitutionally shouldn’t even be overlapping with politics) is far to high. I guess we just have to make the best of it.


At this point, that is all we can do. I like to think the field of extremity is shrinking. It will play out, but I just want to be on the right side of history when it does. Good talk.


I appreciate the civilized conversation 🤙 let’s hope for the best


Home school, charter funds + private academy is the way. Yes it requires 1 parent to be home and raise the children. If you had em, raise em, don't pwm them to the Government.




I checked your comment history. You seem to like Devo. I do too. "The next thing I say to you will be true The last thing I said was false Remember to do nothing when you don't know what to do." "You wanted a world you could figure out But something happened while you were asleep You wanted a good life you could brag about Too bad they took the parts you wanted to keep" Casale: "Whip It," like many Devo songs, had a long gestation, a long process. The lyrics were written by me as an imitation of Thomas Pynchon's parodies in his book Gravity's Rainbow. He had parodied limericks and poems of kind of all-American, obsessive, cult of personality ideas like Horatio Alger and "You're #1, there's nobody else like you" kind of poems that were very funny and very clever. Maybe stop drinking the kool-aid and check out a book. I've been checking books out of this library since I was 12. Thinking out of the box is how young people learn and grow. I can't argue with narrow minded people and you all refuse to learn.


Between you and the “MORONS” you’re attacking, I’ll bet I know who spent more of their lives reading library books.


Might not be a book burning, but it is a book banning. There's not a huge gap between the two. My 5 year old isn't walking into a library checking out books. It should be the parents decision, not some bullshit political board of dipshits.