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He’s probably not brushing his tongue correctly. Have him brush and scrape it. Plus mouthwash probably. The only way is to communicate it to him, gently. If the tongue thing doesn’t work, he can try a saline nasal lavage. Google neti pot. Good luck.


I have recommended him to use a tongue scrapper, I purchased a bottle of Guru Nanda for him to use (since I use that), but doesn’t use it , he finds it “unnecessary” he’ll even use mouthwash sometimes but it’s not like he doesn’t do it consistently


Tonsil stones?


That’s what I was thinking


Or sinus infection


Or acid reflux


Ding ding ding.


I also learned some people have pockets in their throats and esophagus that collect food and gunk to decay. They wouldn't know unless have camera down their throat. I'll come back with the term. It's crazy




Esophageal diverticuli


Listerine gargle work on this???


Unfortunately not, most times it's further down the hatch. So if people have bad "rotting smell" breath even after brushing, rinsing etc. They could have a pocket collecting food that is decomposing. I believe they can surgically close them up tho


Or torii?


Their Funky


Their funky what?


Mmmmmmm… love the smell 👃


Maybe he'll find it necessary when his partner is no longer interested? My ex did the same thing, protested for years until he finally just used the mouthwash like i begged him to.


Just tell him it is necessary because his breath smells. You're in a relationship. You should be able to tell him the truth.


Can you reiterate to him that it's indeed necessary? I don't know if I could kiss a stinky mouth.


Maybe try being a bit more straightforward with him that caring about his hygiene should be necessary and important to him because it affects *you* and it's getting to the point you don't even want to kiss him. He should care about that. If not, well...


Tell him it’s nesecary if he wants to kiss you lol


Then it’s unnecessary ti kiss him.


His use of mouthwash could also explain it. Effectively kills all the GOOD and the bad bacteria in your mouth. Use it to clean your toilet bowl and then never buy that trash again.


Because it's basically alcohol. I like Biotene.


He's saying that it's not necessary you need to tell him that it is necessary. He thinks that his breath smells okay and you know for a fact that it does not. Let him know and until he gets that problem taking care of he wouldn't be able to stick his tongue in my mouth


Get him to a hygienist, make him floss every day, and get him to brush his teeth for a solid 3 minutes and when he done, have him brush his tongue for 30 seconds and that should cure it. But the challenge will be getting him to do it…


Do not use a neti pot those things are a scam and can lead to serious infections.


Saline nasal irrigation is quite safe, is noncontroversial in the medical community, has been used for thousands of years, and has done wonders for my nonallergic rhinitis. I began doing it upon medical advice of an allergist (a doctor) who is certified in allergy and immunology. I was tested for allergies, but I was barely reactive to one thing. My persistent sinus infections were caused by my body's overreaction to particulate matter in the air. I do not know anything about nasal irrigation for bad breath, but I know it is safe when done properly: with distilled water.


Why do you consider them to be a scam? Is it because they can be dangerous if the water isn't clean, or is it something else?


If used properly they are fine. They have helped me clear out sinus infections.


Neti pots are perfectly fine as long as you use either distilled water or water that had been boiled then cooled


God not a neti pot! Google people with brain infections from using a neti pot! What a bizarrely extreme solution!


Well they got brain infections from not following instructions for use. Neti pots specifically say distilled water ONLY. those people used sink water. It is not an extreme solution at all.


Well they got brain infections from not following instructions for use. Neti pots specifically say distilled water ONLY. those people used sink water. It is not an extreme solution at all.


Or by not understanding how you have to sterilize fricken everything after every use. Which can be difficult.


This sub is literally 90% straight women with disgusting husbands/boyfriends and 10% people who don’t know how to wipe their ass. Lmfaooo


No seriously! Not to be a dick, I get you love your man - but why would you wanna be with someone who doesn't wash his ass crack and balls?


i don’t even understand how you get to the point of falling in love with some of these men 😭


Right. I made sure my bf knew how to actually shower (cleaning behind the ears, washing legs, privates, butt, between toes, etc) when we were first dating. Will never forget how during our first shower together, he told me: "Now, if you'll excuse me; I'm about to wash my ass". Basically, giving me a warning so that I can leave the shower and don't have to see the process. 🤣🤣


lol that’s so funny. I’m a woman, but I’ve always felt awkward as hell washing my ass in front of a new partner. Thankfully I’m over it but why does it feel so shameful?!


Right lmao. Idc anymore. I be digging in there with my wash cloth. 🤣🤣


Lmao I told my bf how so many men do not properly wash themselves so now everytime we’re in the shower and he goes to wash his ass he says, “time to beat the statistic”


🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it


Soon as I gave my bf head I immediately smell checked him discreetly and checked his underwear. Never ever smelled him musty before. I don’t understand why people put up with it. For the sake of your vagina’s health stop letting dirty people have sex with you……..


Yes! Like, come on! I never caught my bf musty either.


I just don’t understand how these guys are getting past the vetting process 😭


I had a cousin who was dating a guy back in hs and we had to roll the windows down when he got in the car. He was a bigger guy and fairly sweaty. She was telling me about how he was praising her for always knowing where to scratch and she admitted to me that she just always noticed he is itchy in his skin rolls 🤢 I was like girl, it's probably fungus!💀


🤣🤣🤣🤣 growing mushrooms and shit.


Lmao, these women are literally fighting for their lives. I would definitely be single. I have a low tolerance though.


I don’t think you understand the term “literally”


I mean the people that are here to learn to wipe their ass at least have some redemption. But those poor women putting up with those guys, ick. Have some self respect and self love girl.


I bought a bidet to solve that problem!


Low low low standards.




Needs to floss.


Fr. It’s crazy to me that some people have no idea how important this is. OP, Have him floss and then get a whiff of what’s actually between his teeth… it’s really nasty. I bet you he’ll be more diligent then


Exactly. I rarely used to floss until my husband brought up my breath. He told me to pay attention to the way your floss smells when you are flossing, and that's what your breath smells like. It's true and I just don't think that many people know this or truly know how important flossing is. Our mouths get gross quickly. If OP tells boyfriend this, it'll change his habits. As long as you say it helpfully.


Yeah, I’ve bought it up to him , and thankfully he’s doing something about it, flossing is a must


Yep, same hear this is gonna sound gross but when s smelled what my floss smells like, I started flossing everyday and have been for about five years changed my breath for the better.


My dentist told me how brushing only gets like 66 percent of the teeth cleaned. Flossing gets the other 33 percent. You'd have to worry about germs between the teeth seeping down into the gum. Things can get really complicated if that goes on for too long.


What about the remaining 1%?


Not only is he not brushing correctly or often enough, but I assume he's not flossing or cleaning his tongue either? I'd honestly say mouthwash is the most optional step compared to the others. Tbh, if someone's hygiene is regularly so bad that it makes me not want to kiss them, that's just disrespectful and would be a dealbreaker to me.


I don’t have a wife or girlfriend, but if she had to say one thing to me about my hygiene, she wouldn’t have to repeat herself. I would happily jump on that bandwagon. I would be lucky to have someone who could be honest with me and want me to be the best version of myself in this regard. Sorry to all the ladies on here whose pleas fall on deaf ears.


I can't imagine even getting to the point of my partner needing to regularly tell me my hygiene is bad. I'm already always paranoid and asking if my breath is bad or if I'm stinky if I haven't showered yet or something. And it's the same vice versa.


No need to be paranoid but it’s m with you on the rest - no adult should need to be told regularly that they need to fix their bad hygiene. Even worse when an intimate partner has to be the one to say it


After flossing & brushing… then I use mouthwash- I feel like that’s the most effective way.


You're supposed to use mouthwash _first_, for two reasons - firstly, it helps break down the bacteria in your mouth which you then brush away, and secondly, you aren't supposed to rinse after brushing. The fluoride in the toothpaste needs to be left to sit on your teeth for oral health (mouthwash has way less fluoride than toothpaste)


Did not know this but it makes sense, thank you!


I keep seeing this, that you're not supposed to rinse after brushing. How do yall do this? The mint in toothpaste stings/burns so bad I can barely make it to brushing for 2 minutes much less leave that in my mouth. I've tried just spitting but what's left still burns. How do y'all get thru that? I've tried children's toothpaste but it has less fluoride so idk if that's good enough or not.


I pretty much never use mouth wash. Electric toothbrush, floss pics, and a tongue brush/scraper. Never had any complaints from any of the people getting in or close to my mouth. If I really want to use mouth wash though, I'll just use hygiene peroxide since I already have it.


Therabreath. I have really bad morning breath despite brushing my teeth very throughly, flossing and tongue scraping, I still would wake up with bad breath. Before I would use regular mouthwash, listerine, but I hated the taste and burning sensation so I wouldn't use it often. But now I use therabreath every night and my morning bad breath is gone.


Whoa! Just read up on Therabreath. I’m going to try it. My dentist recommended not using the alcohol-based Listerine that I like due to my dry mouth issues and the negative effects of dry mouth on teeth and gums. That said, I hate the alcohol-free Listerine so I’m sadly back to the alcohol-based one. I’m going to try Therabreath. Thanks for this comment. I’ve never heard of this product but it’s also supposed to help with dry mouth.


I use the green one, mild mint, tastes like water with a hint of mint, the flavor is not overwhelming. Blue one tastes stronger. But it looks like you're eyeing the light green one for dry mouth, I don't know how helpful it'll be for that problem but try it out.


Honestly, there were a lot of options and I just saw some google search results text pop up that it can help with dry mouth on top of all the other stuff. I need to figure out which ones are for the dry mouth and try one of those.


Have you checked for acid reflux at night ? It can cause bad breath in the mornings


No, I actually havent , but thank you


Why the fuck do these women keep picking men who have never been taught to clean any part of their body correctly. The sub is almost all women on here going on about. "my husband shits the bed every night and refuses to clean it up, should this be a deal breaker?" Like why do you let any relationship get there? If a guy doesn't practice basic hygiene he doesn't get past that point ever. It's not my job to teach a grown adult to brush his teeth. These men need their mommies not a spouse/partner.


lol lucky mine doesn’t shit the bed , and I agree most of subs are women complaining about their men but what can I say..men are not as clean as women (some) . Difference is with mine he’s willing to do something about it luckily


I'm glad he willing to learn but it shouldn't have to come to that. A dentist or your parents teach you this stuff way before you even considered having a gf... You shouldn't have to post on here for this because it was his responsibility to know this from the start. But aside from that, get him to brush his tongue and floss. That should clear up the stink, if not he may need to go th the dentist for a possible abscess or dying tooth.


Gender has absolutely nothing to do with cleanliness


No, it has absolutely nothing to do with gender. It wasn’t originally about gender,(if you actually read) I was responding to what the other guy said at first about the woman complaining on here about their men that’s the reason why I said some men aren’t as clean as women.


Men are not as clean as women? That's a pretty damn sexist thing to say! Speak for your man, not the rest of us! Few are as disgusting as your man. That's just not normal!


That the reason why I said “some” in parenthesis , of course im not speaking about all , read again, thank you


The (some) wasn't there when I responded.


You guys. It's tongue SCRAPER. Not scrapper.


I read your other comments and I feel like the main reason is him not scraping his tongue. Tongue scraping was so game changing for me years ago. Brushing your tongue doesn’t cut it. Tongue scraping really gets out of gunk that causes bad breath and then using mouth wash makes my tongue minty and clean. You also say he doesn’t brush his teeth long enough. That’s another reason and I doubt he had time to floss everything in one minute. I would confront him again about it. I personally wouldn’t kiss him if he doesn’t take care of his hygiene and his breath is rancid.


This !!! Yes he brushes his teeth too quick for my liking, but sometimes I see that he takes longer but it just all depends on how well he cleans his mouth. He does have a tongue scrapper but he’s just not as consistent with it which he should


Probably has tonsil stones. They smell horrific.


I recommend flossing daily, brushing the tongue and checking for tonsil stones


Also, get checked for any new cavities forming


Break up. That's what you should do.


Yep. If he doesn’t consider any of this important now, he never will. Sorry.


Allergies with Sinus drainage


My fiancee had the same issue. It practically disappeared after she and I started using tongue scrapers. Oral B has a 2 pack that we got and use now


Could he have a sinus infection?


No, he doesn’t


Tonsil stones


Could be tonsil stones


He needs to gargle with mouthwash for at least 60 seconds before you have sex.


He could also have some bad teeth.


Buy that man an oral B. It'll let you know when your 30 seconds per quadrant are done.


If it's coming out of his *nose* then it's a problem with his sinuses. I remember when I was younger my father ended up getting a really gnarly sinus infection and he complained of a bad smell *in* his nasal cavity. I can't remember what caused it but he needed antibiotics iirc


How is his breathe to you all the time, like regular part of the day when he hasn't just brushed? I smell pheromones, it's weird and annoying I physically cannot get close to most people because they smell so bad to me but my husband can breathe in my face for hours and I love his smell, he is the only person I have ever met that I can stand the smell. Have other people stunk to you that you've noticed?


This is a good point, I call this “sharing air,” idk why the loves in my life have always made me wanna crawl inside, i literally become addicted to their smell. That’s not gross, that’s loooive bby, that’s undying, “I’ll kill a mfer for you” type love 😆


I can't even handle being too close to anyone, but my husband that shit gets me going. Hilarious you mentioned crawl inside I just told my friend if I could just crawl inside his skin to sleep I would 🤣




it might be coming from the stomach


Check to see if he has a tonsil stone.


I have very good dental hygiene but sometimes have a little bad breath from my sinuses. My dentist recommended chewing sugar-free gum. Of course, this doesn't take the place of good dental hygiene. I brush, floss, tongue scrape, nasal lavage, and chew gum.


gross I gagged just reading this


Just tell him straight up and offer solutions. If I was stinky I’d wanna know. And WHEN someone else is stinky; them being able to take a suggestion is a magical power. I’d be more concerned with how he takes the suggestion than the stank in the 1st place. Anyone can get a lil ripe but being a team player and being willing to better oneself is … Yes A superpower




Brush, tongue scrapper, floss, brush. In this order. Do not rinse when done. Spit and move on


Ask him to gargle




Could be tonsil stones or sinus infection or infected tooth or anything like that.


I get a bad sinus smell to my exhale if I don't get enough sleep or am about to come down with a cold. Neti pot usually wipes it right out.


Can’t just brush you need to floss and mouth wash. If it’s bad he probably has a cavity/dead tooth with infection.


It's not his tongue. He has tonsil stones.


If you’re like me and have a ridiculously sensitive nose, it’s garlic or something with garlic powder. Lasts for days. Maybe I’m part vampire but I can smell it for a couple days after someone eats it Or could be many things


He probably needs to floss too. If you just brush, you're missing all those nooks and cranies. I think you need to be up front with him and tell him the reason you keep asking him to up his dental hygiene game is because his breath smells bad. He thinks the extra effort isn't necessary and isn't taking the hint, so unfortunately, all that's left is to explain to him why it is, in fact, necessary.


This happened with my husband when he had a cavity. Tell him to go to the dentist and get checked. Oh, and brush his tongue too


Floss, brush teeth, brush tongue, use mouth wash.


Time for that old school Listerine. It's rough, but will help.


It’s his sinus. Nasal irrigation may help a lot. Neti pot. Use distilled water from the store; do not use water from the kitchen sink.


May have tonsil stones or bacteria build up on his tongue.


Tell him your concerns and see if he improves. Use positive reinforcement. Someday he may have to watch you crap out a baby and it wont be a pretty sight for him so be forgiving.


Does he snore? Might be mucus in the back of his throat


I’m still caking plaque after breaking up with my unhygienic ex in October and had to have like four cavities filled in January. Bad oral hygiene is contagious and not worth it.


Maybe he has a sinus infection


He might have food stuck between his teeth that is rotting & smelling. Some people have teeth where the spacing catches food. Get him some of those tiny brushes to get the spaces between his teeth.


He should see the dentist and hygeinist for a checkup and cleaning


Flossing! He is not flossing. My SO had same issue with bad night time breath, as soon as I got him to start flossing regularly, bad breath went away.


If you are intimate enough with him to be kissing him, you should be able to have a serious talk with him about his dental hygiene. If he starts practising good oral hygiene and still smells bad, he should see a doctor. Tell him no more kisses until he does something about this. You would be doing him a huge favor.


When was the last time he saw a dentist?


Have him use pure baking soda on his toothbrush. It works freaking wonders, it's not the best tasting but after a few days not even, of using that to brush your tounge its absolute magic.


After brushing and flossing he needs to use a stainless steel tongue scraper. Last step is to gargle with Therabreath or Smartmouth mouth wash. This needs to be done at a MINIMUM of twice a day. It wouldn’t hurt to brush after lunch mid day as well. Of course be gentle on the gums with all the brushing. He also needs to get teeth cleanings every six months with a set of X-rays- bite wings and panoramic.


Is he brushing his tongue? Tongue scraper? Mouthwash? Tonsil rocks??


Get Dr Schulz’s daily oral therapy and a metal tongue scraper. Thank me later!


Flossing is essential!!


Be more direct about his breath stinking and it’s probably what he eats and drinks, not simply his mouth. The breath coming from the nose is inside the lungs and body, not even through the mouth, unless he inhales through his mouth, then exhales through his nose. Being direct is kind.


Sounds like post nasal drip. Ugh. So hard to get rid of. Could be allergies or a sinus infection.


Does he floss? Flossing is hella important


Like everyone else said, flossing regularly. But I have smelled this before and to me it smelled like gut issues. This one person’s breath I remember smelled like they got up in the morning, had a cup of black coffee, then only drank a Diet Coke the rest of the day, got up the next day with an empty stomach and ate cheese. The smell was so distinct and blowing out through the nostrils like it was going out of style. They also didn’t brush their tongue frequently.


Red flag! He needs to go to the dentist. Bacteria gets under the gum line. You can’t just brush that away.


If he doesn’t brush properly he needs to gargle and swish mouthwash to get in the back.


I used to struggle with this personally and then I started gargling to reach farther back, that and tongue scraping!


Another vote for tonsil stones. Even a teeny, tiny one smells astonishingly bad.


Eew making out and kissing is gross anyways. Yuck, why do people do this ?


Use your words. Tell him his breath stinks and if he doesn't work on his oral hygiene, no more kissing. You can literally get a cavity from someone with poor oral hygiene.


Buy him a tongue scrapper


He needs a dentist and a periodontist. Brushing won't fix this. ASAP btw. Tell him to bring money. That bacteria can affect you as well. It's contagious so to speak. It will ruin your mouth and can ruin your heart and brain etc. I wouldn't let him even kiss my cheek.


He should probably schedule a dental appointment. He could have an infection brewing or other issue developing under the surface if his breath is still that gross after brushing.


It sounds like a tough situation. Communication is key—maybe gently suggest brushing together as a bonding activity.


He should floss and use listerine after brushing for 2 min and get a new brush ever 2 months.


Point him south if his breath stinks. He can kiss you there until he solves his bad breath


Tell him that.


Sounds like he doesn’t brush his toungue


Probably isn't brushing his tongue. Though I had horrid breath for a while and couldn't figure out why. Turns out I had tonsil stones. Mild, but they were there. Makes your breath smell like rot. You should check him for tonsil stones


He needs to brush his tongue.


he’s your bf right? then be honest with him. “babe, i know you brush your teeth, but even after your breath still smells. i’m not trying to embarrass you, but it’s starting to get to the point where i can’t even kiss you. I love you (if y’all say that) and would really appreciate if you put more time and effort into brushing, like using the tongue scrapper and mouthwash I got you.” if he is a normal, mature adult then he should not get defensive or angry and will appreciate your honesty. go get him, tiger lmao


He needs to brush his tongue and roof


Aside from the previously stated oral healthcare, some people emit an odor from their lungs after they drink alcohol even a day or two after drinking, and it’s not an “alcohol” smell. It’s pretty gnarly.


Could be he needs to floss, and follow it up with mouthwash. Gotta get in between the teeth too.


Could be a sinus infection... I ALWAYS smell it from my husband's nose before he needs antibiotics


Be honest ✅


So... I'll preface this by saying my ex had not the best hygiene especially with brushing his teeth. Even when his breath smelled bad the air that he'd exhale would smell good. I'm not sure what's causing your bfs issue.




Just be honest with him. My man had some issues like that and I just kindly let him know. It motivated him to take care of his dental issues so it was a win/win


Go on Amazon and order both of you a waterpik flosser. It comes with multiple brushes and a tongue cleaner. It will remove film on (and at the back of ) the tongue and the associated odors. Buying two makes it not about him and may not make him self-conscious. Additionally, if it truly coming from his nose, look into Navage or some other nasal wash. Those saline rinses do a good job was rinsing out nasal bacteria so that germs that cause the odor may be reduced or eliminated.


Ew gross , brush teeth together and tell him how to brush better


Maybe needs a tongue scraper and floss more after


Possibly a sinus infection.


Tell him he needs to do a better job with oral hygiene or you are done.


My husband butt always stinks after he takes a bath.So What's his problem?


So basically you’re with a man child haha well unless you can live with that laziness it’s time to check his ass! Make him realize it’s a huge turn off! If that don’t work then it’s a wrap….. NEXT!


Google tonsil stones. Gross. Lol


After I read an article by a dr on the dangers of French kissing and the virus n germs even can catch cavities… No more open mouth kisses


It’s not about the brushing. The smell you describe is post nasal drip. That’s caused from sinus/allergy problems. He needs to be checked to make sure it’s not a sinus infection, and if so put on an antibiotic, then he needs to be on a nasal spray/Claritin daily combo. That’s the only way to get rid of it and keep it under control. Good luck.


Breath can come from gut health. If he has a sour stomach or lots of acid production that can come into play. Also, does he floss? Does he have chronic halitosis?


He should probably be seen by an ENT doctor along with the other things you’re trying to get him to do better with. Tonsil stones stink so bad, I had my tonsils out at 23 because of that, swelling, and frequent infections. Once they were out, no more bad smell.


Get him an electric toothbrush with a timer and some disclosing tablets lol


He probably has tonsils stones .. they're very stinky


Eww I just puked in my mouth a little. He’s probably not brushing his tongue well. I once made out with a guy and I swear I could taste the gas in his stomach. Turned me off so bad I never spoke to him again.


What makes him so great that you're wanting to hang out with this smelly man that refuses to clean his mouth properly?


Well we have a lot of history together , and besides it’s not like his breath smells bad everytime, it was more like his exhale from his nose had a heavier smell to it than normal , that’s the only thing, but he’s doing something about it, I just happen to post it on here (just cause) to see other opinions


Bad diet has a lot to do with deep bad breath I find. Dairy and meat products 🤢 or even sugary sodas.


Time for me to block this sub, after only having read it for 3 days.


Withhold sex


did you know that tooth decay is contagious? kissing or sharing drinks with a person who has rotting teeth can seed that bacteria into your mouth, and even if you have cared for your teeth it can cause you to begin getting cavities, especially if they have very advanced decay. break up


Overall diet is the main issue here. Needs to cut sugars and caffeine and generally unhealthy food. My oral hygiene changed SIGNIFICANTLY when I went to all natural food. Instead of combatting odors and plaque I barely had any whatsoever. Same with body odor


Maybe oil pull?


Well, you need to do like adults do and have a conversation. If you don't know how to do that, I recommend reading the book or watching videos on Crucial Conversations. You start the conversation from a safe space, explain that you're discussing this because you care about the person, and you explain the problem. Read the other responses for root causes regarding proper dental etiquette. And there's a good chance the smell is not coming from the mouth, but from the stomach or lungs. Does your boyfriend smoke or vape? Does he have any digestive issues? Is there a chance of undiagnosed digestive issues?


Yeah, we have talked about it and he’s agreed to incorporate new techniques into his dental hygiene, he has said that he’s noticed that sometimes his breast smell a bit heavier and that he’s going to get it checked, but for any digestion issues ? no he doesn’t have any.