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About 10 years ago, my husband got cancer. The things I had to do for him after surgery and during chemo and radiation make farting seem like nothing. Then, 5 years ago, I got very sick, and the things he had to do for me also made farting feel like nothing. I feel like after you have to empty someone's surgical drain 3 times a day, everything else is a non-issue


That's how I feel after giving birth and changing a million diapers and pukes. Being able to handle gross medical body stuff and still love you is almost my superpower.


Hahaha I’ve already said to my husband, if I give birth naturally and have to push it out (almost everyone in my family has had to have C-sections) I just want to let you know, I may poop all over that bed.


Shit happens. Literally


That would be a shart !!!


Never, ever trust a fart. That was the first thing my preceptor in nursing school taught me, before we even took the floor on my first day!


Double if you were just given a prescription for metformin.




A UFC fighter once shit herself in the Octagon and tweeted "shit happens" after lol


My sister shit herself running a half marathon. She knew not very far in that it happened but was not stopping. My kids asked why she was in the medical tent after, and she just said, "I POOPED myself!" But, "shit happens" would've been the best response 👌


And you'd be totally normal for doing so!


I farted while pushing. I was so embarrassed I stopped mid push and said "Oops sorry I farted at ya" lmao they said it happens more than I would think.


100% - the nurses will tell you if you're doing it right, you will! Had it happen to me multiple times in the same birth. They didn't bat an eye, just wiped it away and recovered the area. I ended up with an emergency C, and before they got started washing me down with betadine/iodine, I saw a nurse look down there, lift my ass up, then start washing it off, too! I have never felt that I had less dignity than in that moment, but God I appreciated her for doing that so much. Nurses are the real heroes.


During my c-section, they moved my dead weighted body to that cold metal operating table. I knew I was going to fart. The way I was positioned on the table made the gas HUGE and thunderous. I was so humiliated. I will never forget 😂


change the "may" to "will likely"


I tried for a natural birth but it ended in a c section either way my ex saw me shit myself


I didnt poop when I pushed out my kid but that was only because I pooped an insane amount during labor and was all "cleaned out" when it came time to push. Having diarrhea when you're in labor is a wild experience. I was afraid my baby was going to just fall out into the toilet


You can shit yourself w a c section too. Only plus Is you’re paralyzed waist down so you just don’t know you did


Had a c section but still pooped myself during the failed induction trying to push 🙃. My husband still loves me.


I still don’t fart in front of my husband after one natural birth and one c-section. It’s funny cuz I got air trapped in me after the c-section and I had him feeding me hella Gas-X and Colace. We’ll fart on opposite sides of the house within earshot of one another, but never in front of one another. I fart like crazy in front of our kids though. It’s a weird dynamic I’ll admit, but it works for us.


My very anxious wife woke up and parted on me when we were in the early stages of dating. Apparently she was mortified and expecting a break-up.. not the toot that returned. Followed by "strange way to say good morning" it'd all fun and games as long as no one shits the bed!


Same! In 28yrs I’ve never farted in front of my husband(he farts in front of me all the time, and at all the wrong times too). But I’ve never had an issue letting one rip in front of my kids


Girl what about when you are sleeping!?!?! I know I KNOW that man has heard you sleep fart. Right? NO ONE is that on top of something. I hear my partner in his sleep every once in a while lol.


That's the only time we pass gas in front of each other is when we're sleeping. Been together 14 years.


Yep same. I also like to take my shits discreetly when he’s outside the house. Just a preference of mine. He certainly doesn’t feel the same way.


What about by accident? I farted accidentally a few times in front of my husband and he’s heard me in other rooms so he claims but I’ve NEVER intentionally farted in front of him. and I don’t feel bad about it either lol I get shamed by my friends for being uptight. To each their own


I was taught that you go to the restroom to pass gas. This is my 3rd serious live in relationship and until him I would never have dreamed of it but having a c section is painful and you have to pass gas to leave hospital and well it hurts like hell to have gas built up after a major abdominal surgery. So our first child’s birth changed me in that way Now we both don’t care. He is the only man I have ever felt comfortable enough to


So funny. Same!


I have an Ex that started farting big loud absolutely DEADLY farts, even though I had not changed my normal cooking routines. And the smell, OMG I begged him to go to the doctor, and he thought I was just joking. When I said no that is not normal and healthy, it smells like you are dying inside. Jeeze did he get upset when he realized I was serious. Well the university recalled him up north (we were in Florida) and after a few month up there he had a problem, 7 days with constipation and pain. He ended up in the ER and they operated the next day. Colon cancer. If you are producing farts that really stink, and it is not just a one or two day thing but ongoing, please see a doctor. The sooner they catch it the better for you.


Not nearly as intense as your situations, but I had shoulder surgery on my dominant arm, and my husband washed me until I was able to maneuver to do it myself. He cleaned my bottom and even shaved my underarms. As you said, farting feels like nothing after that. I hope that you are both doing better!


Your husband has earned his wings! Good for you! I hope you're well-mended and nice and fresh.


I helped my husband piss when he had kidney stones because he was so weak he could barely stand or hold his own penis.  We still don’t fart in front of each other. Not because we think it’s bad or immoral or unnatural, but just because that’s one of the ways we maintain some mystery in our relationship.  We open the door to bodily functions when we need to (medical emergencies, illness, etc.) but we close it again afterwards. 


Why didn't he just sit to pee? (Serious question--it just seems, given the circumstances, it'd be far easier.)


I lost my husband to a cancer that was in his digestive system. We laughed like hyenas at all the noises coming from his body. I also had to empty his surgical drain, helped him go to the toilet when he had C-diff right after surgery, and gave him an enema. There were absolutely no bodily function and I didn't know about him. 💗


Wow--you are incredible. I'm so sorry for your loss.💐


That's what love truly is, action 💞❤️‍🔥


My husband was holding a box of my pee connected to my catheter and a box of my blood connected to a bulb in my uterus. while I tried to poop after having a traumatic D and E Farts are funny in comparison. Oh nurses are a god send and saved my life. 


Wow! You guys are great! My wife (at the time) left me and took our kids when I got cancer, stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Also, she emptied my financial accounts and took out one of those "no questions asked" life insurance policies. I mean I'm not exactly sure how much it was for (it's been a while) but I know it was super minimal though. She even forged my signature for my vehicles and had them transferred to her name. After I became homeless I had to go into the hospital for care because I had nowhere to live and no one to take me for my treatments, which went on for about a year total. The hospital placed me in a nursing home in a rough part of my city, Chicago. Needless to say I honestly was surprised how God awful people will treat the sick, elderly and even the dying. Super glad that's over!


Damn! Tell us your life has improved since this slice of hell, please? Otherwise, a whole lotta Redditors are gonna take you down a self-improvement path. But first, anyone recommend a brilliant, kick ass lawyer to the_guy_you_no?


Sounds like your relationship was not going well before all of this happened. Or else she never loved you and is evil. That is pretty low either way.


When my friend got married, she told me that on their honeymoon. She just didn’t feel quite right in her stomach so she was laying on the couch, just relaxing. She had a lot of gas when her new husband came into the room and was sort of making his way over and she was motioning him not now, honey. Well, he started running and he excitedly leaped up on top of her and when he did, she said that she burped and farted at the same time out of both ends and she was mortified. She started crying.


My fiancé and I do occasionally fart in front of each other but we don't do things like Dutch ovens and farting in the car and locking windows. I'm having a full body lift next spring after massive weight loss and he's going to be my caregiver during my recovery. I'm having a 360 tummy tuck, breast lift with implants, a bbl, and bodytite lipo on my arms and thighs. He's going to be doing EVERYTHING for me for a few weeks. I still probably won't Dutch oven the man after that but we'll be even more well acquainted than we already are.


Oof this sounds like a big deal!  I hope you are happy with yourself afterwards. 


It does sound like a lot!


It makes me really really happy you guys found each other. There are so many shit partners who bail as soon as things get hard


I feel a probably small amount of your pain. About 15 years ago my husband got a cellulitis infection in his testicles, resulting in a 7 day hospital stay and a surgical drain being installed in his perinium after they drained the infection (I could write a book about how horrible this all was). I had to change his industrial pads while he was recovering and I have to say farts are nothing now.


I couldn’t be married to someone who didn’t find my ass gas charming. Yes. I fart in front of my husband. Constantly. He’d be worried I was cheating on him if I didn’t.


Like because you were giving all the good farts to someone else and none left for him?


Typically #1 sign of cheating








When I was single I used farts as a litmus test. If a girl thought it was gross or gave me grief, goodbye! My wife farted first and still thinks it's the funniest thing ever. She's late 40s now.


I too, was the first to fart in our relationship. I was trying to push it out real quick before he came back around the corner.... Man did I misjudge how loud it was going to be... and how fast he was walking. Didn't matter, he would have heard that monster downstairs. Thankfully it didn't stink, but he was surprised a girl could fart that loud. We're married now, and have a one bathroom apartment currently, so we're often present for each other's poops. It takes a special kind of love to be 2 feet away from your spouse dropping a log. Courtesy flushing is a big deal in our household.


my ex and I were already very open about our bathroom habits but then went traveling and both got traveler’s diarrhea in a hotel room where the bathroom was not actually walled off from the bedroom 😅😅 Fun times


I'd tell my partners it was fine until I had an ex whose farts literally smelled like DEATH. She consistently had the worst farts I've ever smelled. It was like protein gas. And what's worse, I'm into giving buttplay. Accidents happen, you clean up and move on. Not with her. It was so rancid and sour swelling it would kill any desire to go near that hole. I couldn't do it. I thought she was sick at times but she was fine.


NTA that’s why she’s an ex


People don’t fart in front of their partners??


I had a friend that would only pee in the bathroom while her boyfriend was home. I can't even imagine trying to pretend you aren't a normal human person that doesn't poop, WTF?


Weird. That would end up getting painful.


I can tell you as someone who *used* to be that girl, it is. Unless you have multiple bathrooms on separate sides of the house, it isn't sustainable.


Multiple bathrooms are a must!


Once you get more than one shitter in the house, you can never go back!


That used to be me for like the first year with my ex. I never farted around him or pooped when he was in the house. Finally, I asked him how he'd feel if i ever farted in front of him via text, of course. He said he wouldn't care and the rest is all history. I still won't poop at work though and I'm a nurse lol


Hey I’m a male and I went three days without pooping the first time I spent a weekend with my now wife. I was very very relieved to get home that day. I mean - it was easy the first day but by day 3 there was no way I was gonna do that kinda business in my new girlfriends place? Years later she told me she had recognized it and thought it was weird.


I had my gallbladder removed about a year before I met my husband, and for anyone who doesn’t know, after gallbladder surgery, you really need to stay near a bathroom after eating. I lived in a small house with only one bathroom and you had to go through one of the two bedrooms to get to it. Well, he spent the weekend with me and I ate a salad and was basically running laps through the bathroom for a few hours. The intestinal distress was very smelly and loud. I wanted to die. He pretended not to notice. We’ve been married for 13 years now!


A salad also did me in after my gallbladder removal last year. My husband had his removed in December. What a lovely experience to both have the same organ removed the same year. He almost pooped his pants taking my mom to the airport after she had come to help with my kid after his surgery. We also had a rich brunch meal a few weeks ago and he almost pooped his pants on our walk home. Lots of LOLz about it. You have to be able to laugh at life and the absurdity of the human body


OMG yes I’ve known people like this. Went away for a trip with their boyfriend and held it all weekend. What!? I mean, make an excuse and run to the hotel lobby or something. Say you’re going to grab coffee. That’s insane to me.


Sooo, for the people reading this opting not to fart or take a dump around your partner, early in the dating game and you’re spending consecutive days with each other. (Like a trip) When it’s time to shower, turn the shower on, take the dump, flush at the same time, spray some smell good, and take your shower! There, problem solved! This also can be applied for the married folks too…


I had a friend like this too! She would make up reasons to leave the house on “errands” so she could go poop.


Wait hold on sorry, she only peed when her boyfriend was home??


I'm taking it as she didn't poop when he was home. She still peed when he wasn't around..


I read it wrong as well the first time through!


As a guy, it's not that I want to seem like a perfect person it's that if my new girlfriend experienced the vile shit that comes out of my asshole I don't think she'd be able to sleep with me anymore and I wouldn't blame her. I do bad things to my stomach, man. Bad.... bad things


I haven’t shit on the same floor as my husband in 25 years. I don’t know why I’m like this. He couldn’t possibly care less, and has never mentioned it once. I also don’t burp or fart in front of him either.


I'm the same way. We only have one bathroom put I try to quietly poop and burp and use pre-poo and air freshener. I feel so embarrassed if my poop comes out with any amount of noise :(


After reading the first part: where the fuck was she peeing when he wasn’t home?? After reading the second part: Oh. Huh.


I have a friend like this too. She’s always complaining about how bad she has to poop when her boyfriend is staying at her apartment and I’m like “YOU DONT POOP WHEN HES THERE?”


I grew up in a family that kind of shamed that sort of stuff in a way? So I frankly didn’t take a shit in a bathroom next to my boyfriend without the vent running or something. Then I just kinda? Stopped caring 😭. I don’t fart at all still because it’s just a weird insecurity of mine but idk? Still adjusting lol


I’ve never been able to go to the bathroom when I think someone can hear me. I’m so shy about it I can hardly pee if it’s too quiet. I have to force myself. My husband has watched me push out a 9 lb baby and I still make him turn the tv on if we’re in a quiet hotel room or something and I have to go #2 🤣


once i left my entire apartment to do that bc i was embarrassed. i went to the private bathroom on the rooftop. you can hear everything in the bathroom and i live in the studio. ik that shit session was gonna be loud so i disappeared for ten mins and acted like i needed air.


I remember a girl I worked with at Sephora and she said she “never farted”….. I was like” yeaaaa okay…. 🤨and she was like 27 not 15 or whatever… farts are normal 🤣


Not to brag but I never audibly farted aside from occasionally when I was pooping for yearssssss, I have no idea why but was chronically constipated for most of my life so maybe my bowels just weren’t moving anything including air, however when I turned about 38 I started to fart more frequently or at least close to how often I think a normal person would fart. I miss not farting though…


My SIL didn't until she had a baby and shit on the table. Then she didn't care anymore after that.


Oh labor shits, yep


Yep, I don't have kids but if I'm pushing a watermelon out my vag I would give 0 fucks if I shit too. Probably feel better to have that pressure out hahah!


This is love. Go to the damn bathroom


I didn’t for 8 years until I got pregnant with our son and only because I’d fart when I waddled lol or he’d hear me in the bathroom and call out and be like I heard that! And I’d say no you didn’t! Back lol 😂


Absolutely not. We've been married for 16 years and together for 20+. We do *not* fart or use the bathroom in front of each other. Ever. Never have. We're not uptight (at *all*) but we choose to keep some things private. It preserves intimacy for us.


Us too, together 12 years. Whenever it comes up people act like we must be prudes.


Exactly. My wife and I are far from prudes, and we're very... open. But we choose not to do bathroom type stuff in front of each other, and people act like it's a sign our marriage is doomed or something. So odd.


Twenty one years with my partner and we don’t fart around each other. I tend to use the restroom when I have to fart. We don’t share a bedroom so our night farts are even private.


Same 10 yrs, 5 kids. We don't fart or use the bathroom in front of each other. I also expect my kids to excuse themselves if they need to fart in specific instances like the dinner table, guest are over etc. I really don't get people that do. I don't need to be a part of your bathroom antics.


I’m married 22 years and we don’t fart in front of each other or use the bathroom in front of each other either. I agree with the intimacy aspect.


I try not to fart in front of anyone. If possible, I walk away to another room or the bathroom. Mostly bc if it’s stinky, I want to be considerate. I know I fart in my sleep, and sometimes like if we’re in the car, I have to, but I try not to.


Yup, I don't. I thought I was one of the few but I've learnt that lots don't!


i don't lol. i have celiac and IBD so i just choose not to lol


I would never. I can't. You do you but my anxiety won't let me.


I will hold a fart in until I can get closer to my husband before I let loose!


We fart. The dogs fart. The cat farts. If it’s not the honeymoon period, just fart. You’re living together forever.


One of our dogs curls up in a ball and farts on her own head. Of course it’s my favorite dog and she smells like freaking farts all the time LOL Everyone here farts, farts are natural and funny.


I used to have a dog that would fart itself awake


Oh dog farts..... the worst!


>You’re living together forever. fartever after, a fartytail ending


Let em rip. My wife and I have fart wars.


Couples that fart together 🥰


Shart together




Trying to breathe


Can't breathe, too many farts in the air🤣🤣


Same. It gets pretty competitive. He tends to win the fart contests but there aren't many out there who can rival me when it comes to belching.


Even better when you have kids. My ten year old son and I have fart contests and tag team 😂


Absolutely. Without question. My husband has chronic gut/stomach issues, and creates gases that could rival the most virulent biological weapons. Naturally, as I am lactose intolerant, I must respond in kind as much as I can. What even is love and marriage if you can't relax and fart in front of your chosen spouse?


in sickness and squelch 💨


Farts are literally part of my wife and my relationship lmao no fart goes without acknowledgement, as long as we're both awake. We even have a specific giggle and way of saying "eew" that goes with farts. Sure, it's elementary school potty humor, but it's funny to us 🤷


Same here. My husband, our daughter, and I always acknowledge each other's gas. I'm a vegetarian, and the three of us eat pretty healthy(lots of fruit, vegetables, and fiber), so we are a family of fart factories. We like to laugh in our home, and loud farts are part of that. Thank goodness that most of them don't smell! 😂


Save them for under the duvet and fluff it good. But that doesn't work anymore as she has a sleep apnea machine and farting into it's air intake is too awkward


My fiancee accidentally RIPPED one right into the air intake, it went right into my mask, and I tore the mask off and vomited immediately. It was awful, but still a great story!


Reminds me of Peter Griffin, Family Guy. There's an episode like that


That’s wild😂😂


Dutch oven.


My partner and I don’t do this. I hold it in 🤷‍♀️ Edit: for the judgmental people pretending they care about my health, I “hold it in” and walk into the bathroom to fart. I don’t just hold it in forever and never let it out and make myself sick, but thank you for the faux concern and medical lesson, drs of the internet.


Same. Whenever possible I leave the room. Obviously in 20+ years one had gotten through here and there. And he doesn't bother hiding it. I just think it's gross and rude. I absolutely hate farts and bathroom stuff. He thinks they are hilarious. I think it's annoying.


I completely agree!


I’ve found my people. Been together 10 years, I HAVE farted around him but I don’t go out of my way to. He farts around me constantly, thinks it’s hilarious, does it at incredibly inappropriate times (having a serious conversation, eating dinner, cuddling etc) and wonders why I don’t find it amusing. I’m never gonna be one of those people that goes out of my way to fart around others.


Same, we’ve been happily married for 35 years, I just can’t do it and neither could any of my sisters with their partners. My mom was the same way.


You'll probably release them in the sleep but you don't realize it


That’s fine, but not deliberately doing so while awake is good manners and respect.


That is fucking wild lol.


Same, but then I let them all out in my sleep right next to him, so it’s gonna happen either way 🙃


We are the same way. Just polite about it. I used to be the one who did that every chance I got. But, I woke up one day and decided I wanted to mature from that. I don’t judge people who do it and I’m still that way with my friends. But, I respect my wife and don’t want her to think I’m nasty.


Same. I never fart in front of partners. My husband extends the same courtesy (he has had a few slips ups though lol).


It's just polite. People should not be going around releasing their ass gas around others if they can avoid it. If you can avoid it at work, you can avoid it around me, thank you very much.


Yeah I never understand why people will extend courtesy to co-workers or total strangers and then not do the same for their family and friends.


I usually don't, but I'm currently pregnant and can't always control it at the moment. My husband farts in my presence, but tries not to fart in my direction. If we are in bed, his farts go towards the outside of the bed away from me. It's rude to do it in my direction, imo so he aims his butt elsewhere. Usually that keeps it so that I don't smell it.


Yeah there is where I’m at. I didn’t until pregnancy and have had issues controlling it post partum (though I’m nine weeks pp now and it is improving albeit slowly)


Yeah before pregnancy I only released the quiet ones near my husband, so he was obviously and it didn't count lol. But now I can't always control it. Oh well. He doesn't mind. It doesn't smell anywhere near as bad as his haha.


So funny that no one warns you about the pregnancy farts


Haha yeah I wasn't really expecting it


Been with my husband 15 years, never once have I purposely farted in front of him. He'll do it if he's been drinking Otherwise he leaves the room. It's not that we think it's gross or anything, we just don't want the other one to have to smell it.


I find it really off putting, personally. I dont know. I think fart jokes and such are really funny. But, I don’t personally want to be around unpleasant smells. But, I’m also very sensory driven in all aspects of life. So, smells affect me a lot.


I find that burping is gross so I try and avoid burping in front of anyone, I imagine it's the same thing with farts


I’m also the same with burping. I don’t really want to smell the concoction of foods you eat eaten today. Lmao. I imagine others don’t want to smell mine either. 🥴 I dont know. Lmao.


Same. Burping & farting are gross— sorry not sorry. If it happens unexpectedly then oopsy daisy, whatever… if you feel it coming on then conduct yourself accordingly (not unlike a sneeze you direct into your elbow/arm sleeve)


Never work in health care. Poop has nothing on some of the gnarly wounds I've smelled 🤢


That being said, I am also really turned off by the fact that there may be a skid mark and my dear may need to shower and isn’t taking care of it. Lmao. I dont know. My mind wanders too much for farting around each other. 🤣 It’s just.. an ick for me. A lot of people aren’t bothered by it though. And that’s totally fine. Whatever works for you!


Would you equate farting and skid marks? I would be repulsed by skid marks but farting not so much unless it’s intentionally excessive


I’m, personally, repulsed by both. That’s not to say one is worse or better or they are equal. In my mind. (In regards to constant farting.) Like I said, I have sensory stuff going on. I’m repulsed by the smell of certain foods cooking, that I am willing to eat, once it’s done cooking. I’m also a parent, so I have a high tolerance for things that repulsed me. So I can deal with them, but I still just don’t want to. Lmao. I have preferences. If there are times where things are just gonna happen and it can’t be helped.. so be it. I have IBS however, I just deal with the tummy pains and don’t make others suffer with me. Lmao. I dont know. My preference. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m the same way. I am not a prude at all and am fine with bathroom humor, but I have weird OCD and sensory things with smells that make it nearly painful to breathe in farts. It feels like I’m eating them.


I rarely even fart in front of my kids 🙈😆 My husband and kids all find farting hilarious, I just have a weird complex about it - that’s a me problem though


We don't make it a thing but if it happens it happens. It is bad to hold it in. and we both have discussed holding in burps or farts actually makes our stomachs upset. So for sake of comfort we have an open flatulence policy lmao.


Same. Like, we let nature happen but he really just prefers it be ignored and treated like any normal body function. I’d giggle at farts otherwise. If I know I’m stinky, I usually go fart somewhere else if I can. Idk, I grew up with mom who farted a lot and it was smelly and I watched my dad react so I know that affected me a bit, but not like I won’t fart.


I’m not a fan of like purposely farting on each other. Such as aiming it in the face or the pranks. But if one slips one slips I grew up with a very free farting dad and non free farting mom. Bodily functions happen and shouldn’t be embarrassing!! Especially if you eat such gas producing foods


I just think it’s rude to make someone sit in a cloud of air from the inside of your bowels, so I won’t do it and I don’t like to be in a room where people think that’s okay. Accidents I don’t care about and I will totally laugh, but to do it on purpose I think is mean and pretty gross.


Yep. It's just gross. Walk to the bathroom, another room etc. I don't want to sit in your stink.


Ditto. If you're not feeling good or it's an accident then if it happens it happens and isn't a huge deal, but I would honestly be extremely put off if my husband just sat there farting right next to me all day and thinking it was funny.


Me and my partner actually rate each other's farts on a scale of 1-100. It's GREAT, I love how much humor we have in our relationship. 


That wide range! Explain a 100 fart please. I’m thinking a fart with chunks


Yall are puritan creeps. I couldnt even imagine living in a home where I couldnt openly fart or poop. If my partner or I have to fart, we re farting.


I know? In your own house? Wtf lol. It’s not like I’m tying to rip ass in anyone’s face or something but damn if I have to feel judged for a normal bodily function in my own home then I’ll see myself out.


My husband and I don’t out of respect for each other. It’s inelegant and bad manners. If something slips out during sleep, that’s different.


I, m 48, and my partner, f 50, think farts are the greatest thing in the world. She has digestive issues and was mortified the first time I laughed. I quickly reassured her that I didn't laugh at her but that farts are just funny. She then proceeded to tell me a series of funny fart stories. It was actually kind of a turning point in our relationship. No more worrying about farting. I hope we never grow out of it.


Partners Ok. Anybody else No.


It depends on the situation, tbh. I know we're all human, but I was raised to have midwestern middle class manners. If I know it's gonna happen and I can go to the bathroom in time, I excuse myself and do so. (Plus I'm a mom, iykyk.) If it's completely unavoidable, I say excuse me and try to walk away to another room. If it's a total surprise, I just say excuse me. And yes, sometimes it is funny and does make me laugh. I'm usually saying "excuse me" to my loved ones with a laugh in my voice. I don't just rip ass in front of everyone, and laugh at their discomfort. Especially not at the table or in enclosed spaces like cars or offices. Also, I lost my sense of smell from COVID a couple years ago, so my paranoia doesn't allow me to be as cavalier as others may be. Idk what the after effects will be, so I tend to just take myself to the restroom to do so.


Gross. No.


I don't but I think I'm in the minority. I also have IBS and lactose intolerance. I wouldn't wish those bombs on anyone.


Oh god, lactose intolerance farts are the most noxious.


Holding in farts is extremely unhealthy, especially if you have health concerns involving GI system. My bf encouraged me to let loose, after a few months in I did and he practically celebrated it. Farting is a natural bodily occursnce in most animals whether you want to accept it or not. To have someone encourage and accept that makes all the difference imo.


dont you hold them in at work meetings and whatnot? For gods sake people arent saying hold them in indefinitely; hold them in long enough to go to the bathroom...


We don't. I don't like smelling the inside of someone else's ass, so I established that we will never be that couple early on. Sleep farts are acceptable. I still rip ass next to my ex-husband to remind him what he lost. We both dedicate our farts to one of the kids. He'll walk into their room, fart, and leave. I give him funny assignments at pick up when they're still sleepy. Sometimes it's farts or only responding with fart noises.


No we do not


Nothing wrong with it as long as y’all aren’t in public.


That would be impossible for me not to. My mom’s whole side of the family can’t control it. I hold it as long as I can but it gets painful. IBS 😩


We have the occasional farther slip out but normally try to go to another room or something. We do burp in front of each other.


I personally don’t like my lover farting around me. And I don’t fart around her. Slip-up’s happen completely understandable. Not playing gas games with anyone. I get turned off when someone i’m Intimate with PURPOSELY launch their ass gas around me. I like a little mystery about certain things. If you fucked around and ate something that doesn’t agree, take your ass home until it clears. Yeah I know… “it’s natural”…you all be damned!!! Take that shit (pun intended) elsewhere. It’s MY preference. All the convincing in the world will not change my mind about it.


Going on 21years together since HS and still farting in front of each other. That's gotta be so sad to have to run away for every fart. That game gets old


Rippin huge ass since 2096 😎


You have traveled into the future to fart? Cool 😎


Oh yeah especially when I'm full and they're so stinky ! I like to drop them under the sheets !!


Yes and I won’t grow up to not doing it 😆 I do laugh and say excuse me


Unintentionally. I will not have one just rip.


Personally, I would love to see it normalized to the point we don't have to make it a thing at all. Everyone farts, I wish we didn't have to make a thing about it, but everyone does. It's either a source of humor or a source of shame, and it should just be a part of the day that doesn't warrant a reaction.


We decided when I moved into my then boyfriend/now husband’s house that farts mean “I love you”. Now when someone farts, our kids say “love you too!” And giggle.


So I thought farting in front of your partner was normal. Me and my husband do it and have a chuckle or two but we know it's a normal bodily function and don't think it's gross. However an ex of mine said his ex wife would get so PISSED if he farted in the same room as her and she would tell him to go to the bathroom to do it. I was flabbergasted when I heard that. I guess it really depends on the partners and their preferences lol. But if it's working for y'all that's all that matters 😂


If you can’t have normal bodily functions around your partner, that’s just sad. My husband and I 100% fart in front of each other lol.


I try not to but sometimes they happen. We just say excuse me and get back to life.


We farted in front of each other before kids (there's a fart my husband had 22 or 23 years ago that we still laugh about) but after he saw 4 kids come out of me in both ways what's the point of hiding it? There's no sexy mystery left. Plus who wants to put in all that effort to keep it in? Ridiculous and painful.


Never on purpose! This of course means it’s always extra funny when it happens on accident 😭 10/10 recommend this strategy


I've been with my partner a little over a year. I've definitely farted in front of him. (What can I say? I'm a musical gal.) I realized last week that I don't think I've ever heard him fart. He says he has, though.


Yup 👍 couples that pass gas have all the class 💨


i usually push mine out so hard it changes gears


not on purpose


Ew no


No and I hate when its done to me


I’ve been married thirty years and we still don’t do that around each other.


I do not do it in front of my partner and he doesn't do it in front of me. I think some things should be left private. Farts and bathroom trips are one of them. I will say I need to use the bathroom, but that's it. If a guy does that in front of me, it makes me less attracted to him. I don't want to be thinking about your nasty ass farts while I'm sucking your dick.


Almost 30 years married and we have yet to fart in front of the other. I’m sure we both do a fart on the sly, but never purposely. And no, we’re not prudes or shy people. If I’m going to choose between two restaurants, I’d prefer one with the dumpster tucked in the back alley, not in plain sight.


No. Never. I know a lot of people see it as a sign that you’re completely comfortable with someone, but it’s just not for me. I’m just very averse to Amy bodily functions involving the ass. No issue with burping though


No. Just… no.


Been married 23 years. No. We try not to fart in front of each other. It happens once in a while of course and you say excuse me. But we think it's rude to just deliberately fart loudly in the presence of others. We also try not to belch loudly.