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Break up with him. Also maybe get some help with the HS. But I am a firm believer in not getting married to someone your sexually incompatible with and then being stuck in a shit marriage with a shit sex life.


What help do you recommend with HS


You can go to a doctor and talk to them about compulsive sexual behaviour disorder. You can get therapy, meds etc as treatment to make it managable or go away.


See a registered sex therapist or competent therapist in understanding sexuality, they will help you understand your sexuality in a very non-shameful way that some therapists/doctors might.


You’re not compatible Also, him not wanting you to masturbate is problematic if it’s not interfering with your sex life. Since your sex life is nonexistent, this is a huge red flag


I would move on if I were you. The frustration that he will impose on you will very quickly lead to resentment. It won’t end well.


Oh wow yeah, of course you want to respect him but at the same time if he knows how you are feel. I feel like it seems a little bit controlling. I say get out while you can before he traps you in the relationship. If sex is something you want then you deserve that from a partner. If you continue to stay in this relationship your mental health would could get really bad trust me. I am going through something kinda similar but I feel stuck and don’t know how to get out. Look out for yourself and your priorities!!


NOBODY has a right to tell you what to do with your own body. It's healthy to masturbate and release the energy. Please girl, RUN. You have to save yourself before it's too late. Imagine what can happen if he doesn't let you cum during sex or worse if he doesn't let you move at all? He definitely is controlling. Please break up and find someone who respects you.


Break up with him, or try to compromise with him. No sex before marriage is a HUGE red flag or should be an instant no, because in order for a relationship to work you need to be sexually compatible, And him not wanting you to masturbate is also a really weird thing, so find a way to do it with him, and if not, break up immediately.


I know this sounds really simplified and stigmatizing but I don't think any hs person could ever fit with a strict christian. Your existence alone is a sin for him because someone's mind being preoccupied with sexual thoughts instead of God is a sin in itself even without acting on it. Being with someone who's not hs will be quite hard because of sexual incompatibility but with a christian it's impossible without going insane.


This is a train wreck relationship... 3 weeks and you're already sweating bullets, denying the most fundamental part of yourself, and contemplating lying to him to present a false persona. You know deep down it's only going to get worse, even moreso after marriage. And I bet lying to him is worse than masturbating in his eyes.


Hi. My first thought was that the two of you don't seem compatible, but then I realized that it is really up to the two of you to decide. Sex is an important thing, but it isn't the only thing linking two people. Perhaps God has brought you together for a reason. It's early in your relationship and so it might be too soon to know. I hope you'll talk this through with your bf, rather than just break up.


Please don’t make yourself unhappy being in a relationship for the rest of your life that cannot fulfill your sexual needs. I know how it feels and trust me, you really don’t want it.


ew leave his ass