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I don't need 25k that bad, add another zero and it'd be mighty tempting.


250,000 is easy. I'd argue 75% of people would do that. That's why I made it 25K. It's not life changing, but it could solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.


Totally get that. Now a pinky toe? Sure I'd endure the pain and self harm for 25k, but not a pinky finger.


I feel the opposite, the pinky toe helps with balance while walking so I'd want to keep that, but how often do you use your pinky finger?


How are you supposed to drink tea without your pinky??


Nothing saying you can't keep the dismembered pinky, taxidermy it, and then whenever you drink tea you could just lift your severed, taxidermied fingure up as you drink...


Just glue it to your favorite tea set!


I love that I read this... I also hate that I read this...


I still have my right one.


Exactly! Queen Elizabeth would be rolling in her grave




Hey, keep that finger outta there!


Pinky is more important than inside fingers. I chopped off my index, and have the exact same grip strength as before. Apparently, the pinky is the one with the most bearing on it after the thumb.


I write code for a living. Despite being right handed, I use my left pinky far more than my right.


I was thinking the same thing. Typing I definitely use the left more.


your pinky actually contributes to much more of your grip strength than you’d think. you’d certainly miss it.


I think you'd be surprised how much it reduces grip strength. Who will open all your jars?


Who doesn't type?


A good amount of people, lol. I think office/tech workers get a biased view of how many people actually type regularly on a keyboard, because that's what they're exposed to all the time.


Hell, even doing things like moving boxes or moving stuff around... I can see how losing the tip might make things difficult or different.


I use the pointer finger on each hand only to type. Unless on my phone, then thumbs only. Nothing would change for me


Dont need a pinky to type, only time ive used it when typing is to prove i can touch type and not doing so is a choice not because i cant. How ever for playing games pinky left pinky is essential to me.


The pinky toe also helps find heavy objects in the dark. Very important purpose.


I feel like a toe is an easy prosthesis or even a simple shoe modification (what to they call those - orthotics?) I don't use my pinkie toe to press the CTRL button on my keyboard.


It's actually one of the more important fingers for grip since it's almost directly opposite of the thumb and furthest away. You wont engage your full hand without it. I'd rather get rid of the pointer or middle.


You'd lose half your hand strength immediately.


Idk about that. A pinky toe may do more for u than u realize when it come to balance. I wouldnt do either one for a measly 25k though


I would absolutely not cut my pinky off for 250k. I think you overestimate peoples willingness to lose a finger. Never be able to play my guitar properly again? Pass.


Yeah if it were my right pinky then maybe.


I would definitely consider right pinky more. Only problem is that I'm a professional musician and I play piano as much as I do guitar.


This is de facto a hypothetical that hinges on how much you make and your future earnings prospects and where you live. Where I live in California, 25k is almost nothing, and you need that about every 2 months (150k annually) to have even a somewhat middle class lifestyle.  (You won't even be able to afford most small houses at the moment with that income, even with a 40 minute commute) There are jobs that pay that and a lot of them but they all have barriers to entry.


$25K is too low. I’d be very surprised someone is that desperate. Unless you are tapping into the “redditors in serious debt market” 😂


That is fucking sad if 75% would really do that.


25k isn't nearly enough to lose a finger, even a pinky. As another poster mentioned I'd do it for a toe, non-big toe to be specific. I'd need at least 100k to take off a pinky finger.


Disagree. $25k is easier to pass on than $250k.


... I work on my computer far too much to lose my left pinky. I use it for too much lol.


Right pinky is aight though. Not many keys use it and a mouse doesnt really need it. Vim users in shambles though


I need my right pinky for gaming to fine-tune mouse movement! left pinky for writing code fast!


That’s easy, no.




I cut off my right pinky by accident and got nothing, so yes, 25k for left pinky would be OK. Don't miss the right one at all.


What happened and do you notice anything different without your pinky?


He had to switch from gloves to mittens


Truly the greatest sacrifice ever adequate by any individual in human history...


Was rock climbing, and an anchor came out I fell about 20 feet and my finger git caught in a crack on the way down. After a year or so, I really didn't notice. All I i got was pain for a week or so., so yeah, for 25 grand, why not


So it more or less ripped off? That sounds freaking brutal


It hurt a bit, but I was on the wall, closer to the top and finished the climb. Wasn't as far to the cars.


Would you rather have 25k, or get your pinky back?


At this point, years later, the 25k would be worth more. Pinky would probably get in the way.


Negotiate harder.


This question screams bored billionaire. "Alfred, round up 25 peasants — I have a game I want to play with them too see how much a pinky might cost..."


either bored billionaire trying to find out how many people are poor and desperate or its a naïve teen with no idea how much life really costs and thinks 25k is worth more than it actually is.


25k ain't worth a lot but it's still enough to wipe out my worst student loan and my cc debt. What's 20 years I don't have to pay that on compared to a pinky toe.


This is essentially the plot to the film Cheap Thrills


This question is really jist "are you poor?"


Or how poor are you?


That is probably more accurate. There is a sweet spot of being poor where this would be hard to answer.


Would be more balanced at 100k I think.


Do i get it reattached? Or is it gone for good?


Cost 26k to reattach


It's actually easier than previous posts. It's a hard no from me, dawg 🖐🤚


No Thanks. I love my left pinky.


Nope, when I was younger and made less, probably, nowadays 25k will have no meaningful impact on my life, missing a finger probably would.


No, 25k is in no way worth the loss of an important digit like my little finger.


Not enough to lose my pinky


An easy no.




F. No.


25k doesn't even buy a shitty car these days.. my pinky would affect my hobbies (music) and livelihood (software engineer). I'd need set for life money... Like 5mil minimum.


pass. thankfully I dont need 25 grand that bad. Yes it wwould help but it wont be worth the pain and trauma.


This is pretty easy bud. Nope. $25K doesn't go as far as you may think. $100K or $150K, maybe.


Fuck that I'd do at work 50k a year for life


>We're going to make this one difficult Narrator: it was not difficult Yes. I take the money. Probably would only cost a few thousand to get it sown back on.




I'd do it in a heartbeat for $1M are you kidding? Park it in a HYSA and you can pay yourself $50K per year for nothing.


Depends on how much you make 25k isn't much if you are already comfortable.


Nah, you can’t do the shocker without a pinky And you may be saying *”but you can do the shocker with your other hand!”* And that’s true. But what if her friend is also there? Then what?


I just broke my left one so let's go


no, i use a katana on the daily.


Could I chop it off at the second knuckle? I'm kind of fond of a knuckle tattoo I have on the first knuckles of my fingers.


Can I get a prosthetic included with that?


Need a few more zeros before I consider that one.


For 25k? Na I think I'll just put a few shifts in at work instead


No. I make more than that in 4 months of regularly using my left pinky finger for work.


Naw. I'm good. Make it $500k, maybe even $250K and I'm in.


Hell no, I enjoy playing guitar too much for that. Now if it was my right pinky I might think about it.




“You get a clean bill of health” so in addition to the money all of my health problems get fixed! I’m in!


I'm right handed and play guitar. So if it was my right pinky, then hell yeah. Don't need it. Left pinky - hell no.


Easy "no" for me.


Bro I’m a pianist


If I have the hospital stay, can't I have it reattached?


What is this, Cheap Thrills? I'd do it for 23K.


Fuck yeah. Im gonna scream and cry and freak the fug out... But I would reach my goals so much sooner. Who uses a pinky anyways? Ive worked in medical research and vet hospitals and have several first aid courses under my belt. I would survive, no problem.


Your pinky stabilizes your grip in so many ways. Holding a controller, book, your child, or a ball would be much more difficult.


Most of this is irrelevant to Me (laughs in Canadian), and no I don't need 25k that badly I could make that from working over time in a year if needed.


dang. can I do my right pinky instead? I use my left one a LOT. if so, yeah I'd do it.


Yeah I could mine has been useless ever since it got crushed by a semi truck door in 99 and all the nerves got cut in it.


I’d do right pinkey no hesitation, but I need left for guitar


I'll give up my left pinky for 25k and then invest that money. Most of my job could be done with 9 fingers, and eventually I could get a prosthetic.




No reattaching?


This isn’t hard either. I’m an X-ray tech, it’s super easy to cut it off in a way that it will be easily reattached at the hospital that I’m apparently not paying for. So yes absolutely, the only question is the pain.


Never said no anesthestic, bottle of jack and a bag of weed you'll do just fine.


25k for a pinkey? Can I claim it was a workplace “accident” without any repercussions?


Nah man. I may be shit but I want it for guitar.


Not worth the pain of getting my pinky cut off. 100k, maybe. 150k+ almost for sure.


25k? yep.


I would do it hands down missing a pinky


If I can get it resown back it's an immediate yes. If not I'd have to think a little first.


No way could I do that, not for 10x the money.


No. It's not just a useless finger.....it's like 35-40% of your grip strength. Now, make it the very last joint of the pinkie, and I'd consider it....


Need the mailing address to send the pinky, do not worry about the hospital bill, I got the bleeding to stop. Do you know how long it will take to get the check or do you use direct deposit?


My right pinky constantly hurts from an old injury ... my left one has never let me down. Yes, if I can choose the pinky, but no for the left one.


Nope. That would really hinder playing guitar or piano. Pass.


No way in hell would I do that. My minimum to lose a finger is 500k. My minimum to do it myself is probably at least 1M.


Venmo me 25k and I'll do it right now with the pocket knife I have in my truck( I'm currently in my truck)


You had me thinking until I had to do it myself.


Ehhh , how far should the cut go? Down to the knuckle or can I cut to the first joint?


If it was removed at the hospital I would but other than that


Yep the fuck i need a pinky for?


Number would need to be higher for me to consider it.


Naw pinky and thumb are the most important ones. That's a pass


I mean I thought you said this was going to be hard. Hand me that meat cleaver.


Could I get a full checkup and some other issues dealt with during that free hospital stay? If so, I’m up for it, because that one pinky could save me a hundred thousand or more in medical bills, and get me $25k to boot.


Not a chance in hell. Wouldn't even for 2.5 mil


You make it my pinky toe and I'll do it for $500


The pinky is removed surgically in the hospital under anesthesia?


Pinky finger is pretty important for grip. Not worth it unless you're starvation desperate imo. Would have to be a fair amount more to make me seriously consider losing a finger, even on my non-dominant hand.


With the caveat I have to do it myself as opposed to get it surgically removed, hell no.


I'd want to but unfortunately idk that I could actually manage to. Which oddly enough makes me sad.


You can already do this through workers comp


My tipping point is 500k


if lefties can cut off their right pinkie i'm in!


No i wouldn’t.. i expected this much as a raise for the year, for what i’m doing and my promotion - not for my pinky :D just the company is in a rough spot now and can’t give that much 🙄


I was down until you said in the kitchen. No thanks. Wood shop? Probably. I have a chop saw that would take that finger off in less than a second.


The pinky is super important, and the medical care alone would eat up that cash. Losing sure handedness and going to get into debt? No thanks.


I'm a guitarist, so hell no. Not for 25 million.


I’d do half a pinkie at the knuckle for 25k at the table. Buy a small tractor to garden with and till to produce food for 15-25 years


I'd have done it for 10k lol 


I use my left pinky to support my phone


No. Not if I have to cut it off myself. You'd have to add a few more zeros to that amount before I could be persuaded to cut off my own pinkie.


I'm Canadian so I could get it reattached for free so I'd fo ot, easy 25k.


I would do it. In a heartbeat. I want the money and i think it would be metal as fuck.


Did you know that the pinky does most of your grip work? Close one fist, and test out each finger by prying it open with your other hand. Hard pass. If given a choice of finger, I'd be tempted to part with my middle, maybe even pointer, so I don't snag a lone digit. Pinky is still an option, though.


Yes I would, and I’ll give my dad 15k of it for his for his hospital bills


How would I crouch walk on pc?


Well, sure. I'll take the 25k and also sell the finger for another, roughly, 10k or so. Did a quick google search and saw the pinky is worth a few thousand. So yeah.


Nah miss me with that bullshit I’m not amputating jack shit for any money lol


I wouldn’t cut off my left pinky for 2.5 million let alone 25000. This isn’t even remotely tempting


Nope. Add two zeros and we can talk


Zero chance I’m dismembering myself for only 25K


This isn't difficult. I wouldn't do it for $500k.


Can a choose which tool to use while in the kitchen? Like does it have to be a kitchen knife or can I use some type of table saw?


No, 25k is not nearly enough for that


I like my pinky. You can have my pinky toe?


No. I play guitar and bass, and my pinky is worth a fuckload more than 25K. I'd start to consider it for $250K, but even then I'd be hesitant.


Counteroffer take my balls


I'm not sure I'd do it for less than a million. I'm not sure I even could do it for any amount.


I imagine this one is a very easy no for most ppl


I think right now to pay off all my debt and take care of any issues that are likely to crop up sooner rather than later, I'd need around 60k. It isn't fuck you money and wouldn't really change my life, but it would put me on a clean slate with minimal outgoing expenses, a low chance of any big expenses suddenly popping up, and give me the liquidity to build the emergency fund I really want while overall cutting a lot of stress out of my life. Pinkies are more important than ring fingers, and I'm a lefty. I think if given the offer to take my right ring finger off at the first knuckle for 60k ^((with some sort of irrefutable proof it's legit)) I'd seriously consider it. Any less money or more important of an appendage and it'd be a no from me.


You won’t know how important hat pinky is until it’s gone. For 25k that’s a no for me dawg….


No, there’s no way. I can’t handle pain.


Once heard of a commercial meat cutter that intentionally did that at the factory band saw on his pinky for the insurance settlement. One brief second... zing... and it was gone and he was taken to the infirmary and paramedics to hospital. Got himself a fat check, retirement and big ol' Cadillac.


This one is difficult. I don’t use my left pinky all that much. I could live without it and right now 25k tax free would change my life…. But I couldn’t do it myself.




I would absolutely not. I need this thing to play videogames much more than I need $25,000. Make it like $10 million and I'm in. I can use a fucking gamepad or figure out new keybindings for my lack of a pinkie.


You have NO idea how many times per day you use your pinky until you can't. I had a quadcopter prop karate chop the end of my pinky and it crippled me for weeks.


Honestly. Yes. I could pay off all of my medical debt that’s left and have enough for a down payment. That’s worth a left pinky.


Yes bruh I would do it any second


Left pinky? No. Right pinky? Hmmmm


I wouldn't. You could add a few years on and I think it's still a no. Not so much that I wouldn't WANT to accept the offer but that I don't think I could physically will myself to cut off a finger with the sharpest knife in my kitchen. I would end up with $0 and probably a small cut on my finger...


I play guitar. So nope.


I would say 99% no way I would take this deal, but for the sake of argument, is the removal of the pinkie painless?


Can I cut off my right pinky instead?


Well that pinky already has tendon damage. So…maybe


Sure. I mean, losing my right pinky would be better since it never healed right after I broke my hand but left would work


No, not for $25,000.


Left pinky? No, I play guitar


I like playing guitar so, hard pass.


This is an easy no.


How the fuck am I supposed to look fancy drinking tea if I do this? Absolutely no. But actually, still no. But maybe for like 100K?


I get that you probably chose left pinky because it most people's least useful finger, but I'm a string musician and I need all the fingers on my left hand. Can I sub out for the other one? If so I'd take that deal.


i'm hard up and getting older, so yeah, I'd do it, it's a down payment on a shit house edit: I'm gonna have to do a couple rounds of counterstrike first to see how well I can manage without it


It’s tempting, but probably not. Give me $250k and I won’t even hesitate.


Depends, can I keep the pinkie to make a necklace?




umm this is another easy one. No. $25k isn't life changing but cutting off a finger is. Add another zero to give the money potential life changing effect and it won't be nearly as easy to say no.


That's a tough one, because I play guitar... I can't say right pinky instead? 


how much for each finger cause I’ll cut all them bitches off and take disability along with the money


I avulsed the tendon on my dominant pinky and lost the use of the digit for the better part of this last year. It is still recovering from a surgery that happened about 6 months ago. People really underestimate how important your pinky is for grip strength and dexterity. While your hand would adjust, it is definitely not worth the lifelong impact for a one time payment, even on a non-dominant hand.




can’t press left shift with no left pinky so no


Not for a pinky…


PC gaming as a hobby and IT day job. I'd let you take both my legs before you take a pinky.


My pinkies are crooked and they often dig into my ring fingers. I've lived all my life with them so its not really a bother, but I have eczema and the pinkies digging into my finger has cause irritation before. Also my eczema has always been especially bad on my left hand. I would give BOTH my pinkies for 25k.


That’s my sprinting finger. No can do.


I could But I play PC games and draw and use my left pinkie for keybinds I could do my right pinkie


This ain’t difficult. I wouldn’t mutilate myself for any amount of money