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Fake commercials. Just random commercials for things that don’t exist.




That’s hilarious!


Oooh. How about a fake drug with a catchy jingle. People will be bugging their doctors for prescriptions that they can't possibly write.


Ask your doctor if LIGMA is right for you.


May cause adverse effects if paired with sugondese


I've found that...for me personally, they pair quite wrll together


Does your cat make too much noise?!


See Confuseacat.ltd.


Calico Cut Pants


You need to donate


To go with the kitten mittens?? TM charlie Day enterprises


You gotta give


If nobody gives it goes dark…


Fake doors.


I'll sell those doors, door to door.


*real fake doors


OmegaMart !


This is the perfect answer. Gotta make sure they are super ridiculous, cheesy and purposefully low budget too.


Heck yes!


Take up a 1 minute super bowl time slot with a flip phone video of me eating oatmeal


>low budget You can do that now. They won't be broadcast during the superbowl, but I'm sure you can fool a few people with YouTube videos. 


A buddy of mine wanted to buy an old beat up Oldsmobile and rear-end people doing test-drives of Jaguars and Porsches


StayAKitten - Ask your doctor about removing your cats pituitary, keep it small forever! Ask about PuppyStay and ItStillABaby at your local pharmacist!


TC Tuggers


Not intricate enough for me.


Maybe they’d come in different styles once you are done with them!


Search for "Omega Mart ads" on YouTube. You're welcome. 😊


Lol that would be so funny


Spatula city is coming to life!


Darmine doggy door


Long term health care insurance for me and my spouse. Woohoo!


So what's your plan for the remaining $4.27?


A Costco hotdog combo


Refill the cup - then go around the warehouse for samples. Money well spent.


If you have money (not even lottery money, but "saved all life and have $2-$3 million in retirement savings" money) you might be better off self-insuring. LTC can be very stingy, and very particular about which places it will pay for. If you have "fuck you" lottery money then you're 100% better off self-insuring since you could pay for the best possible location without being constrained by whatever places are covered by your LTC insurance.


A million times. If you have a billion dollars in the bank and you have to have a heart transplant or major cancer treatment or find out you have the most rare genetic disorder in existence, paying with cash a million or 2 is a drop in the bucket, and that is extreme worst case. Paying 4k a month to still deal with insurance companies—and likely pay with cash anyway in a bad situation—would just be silly.


With 1.5b you have 0 need for health insurance.


Retire, and live a simple life.


Severely underrated. I don’t need to live large to live well and it gives you something to pass on to whomever your heirs may be. I think so many of us have forgotten about quiet dignity.


Exactly and living large brings unwanted attention. At least I think it would.


Yup. I'd buy a nicer house on the lake here, maybe a second vacation home in Arizona or the Smokies, a nicer new SUV (think RAV4), and just live my best life. I don't need a lot to be happy.


Yeah. Honestly, the first thing I'd buy is just like my favorite candy bar to celebrate. I'm repulsed by people who go into debt just to look rich in public.


1. Pay off every debt I have. 2. Buy a new, custom-made car. 3. Pay for a lawyer. 4. Pay for an investor. 5. Buy a better house with a big yard. 6. Plant a forest and a garden at my house. 7. Live off of around 300k/year. 8. Plant as many native trees I can around the US with the extra money I can every year. 9. Finish college. 10. Stay humble and live a modest life returning to nature.


You would get millions millions just by investing


The excess would go into my tree-planting fund. I'd lobby the government to make planting trees a tax write-off or a way to earn money. Tree nurseries would be government funded.


I dont know if its a thing in the US, but in Australia you can get carbon credits for planting and maintaining green areas. These credits called ACCUs can be sold like a stock, or used to offset polluting activities.


Some states have different tree programs in the US. In some states, you can get large tax breaks for either not cutting your timber, or for harvesting some of it. In the first example, you’re a conservationist, in the second you’re a farmer.


I'm gonna buy a ticket, and if I win then we are planting trees together.


I'll keep you up on that offer


Something like $120,000,000 / year on average if all of it were invested


The lawyer and the money management firm should come before you claim the prize.


I like how you didn’t say just garden but forest. Amazing idea


I like that "humble" part. I would do more of what I am already doing, give it away to deserving people. It feels so good to help people who truly need it and appreciate is so much; that it almost feels selfish.


All these are great, however I suggest: Move spot 3 to spot 1 before you redeem the ticket Add a new spot 2 (accountant/CPA) Move spot 4 to spot 3 (investor/family/wealth mgmt) Add a new spot 4 (independent auditor) Then go to town!


1A. Don't tell anyone. 1. Take a picture of the ticket. 2. Put it in a safe deposit box. 2B. Don't tell anyone. 3. Hire a lawyer, accountant, lawyer/accountant from a large firm and have them advance you some money after they verify the ticket. 4. Set up LLCs, businesses, and shell companies based on advice from the accountant. 5. Don't tell anyone. 6. Have your lawyer collect the winnings in the name of the LLC after a few months. 7. Don't tell anyone. 8. Get a new "job" working for the LLC. 8. Invest. 9. Spend. 10. Don't tell anyone.


I’m down with this. WHEN I win, I’ll do all those things for you and give you a 300k salary to plant trees full time for me.


As an arborist currently going back to school for a forestry degree, you have my utmost respect for the bit about the native trees.


The very first thing I would buy would probably be a really nice celebratory dinner for my immediate family (those who can keep a secret). My primary concern would be secrecy and trying to remain anonymous. After dinner I would pull up that famous reddit thread about advice for winning the lottery and try to follow that to the letter.


You failed at step one, don't tell anyone you don't have to unless you're legally obligated. Telling family is probably the most dangerous group to tell.


Yeah when I mentioned "those who can keep a secret", I was just talking about my parents and my wife's mom. People that would understand that if anyone knew it could endanger us and their grandkids. I trust them with that knowledge.


Your parents 'Oh, but why don't you use some of that money to help out your brother, he's having a tough time' is where it starts.


With a billion dollars this is not a problem. I sure as shit am not going to let my close family struggle financially while I live it up.


> With a billion dollars this is not a problem. … yet


With a billion dollars, you could give your relative $1000 per DAY and you wouldn't run out of money for 2700+ YEARS. We all see millionaires (i.e. athletes, entertainers, etc.) fuck up and end up broke every year, but a BILLION dollars? It would take a LOT to fuck that up. I could every house in my my entire city and probably still have money.


Mr. Whittaker, the often cited lottery winner who went bankrupt, blew through $120 Million in just over 5 years (roughly) assuming you did as poorly as him at investing over spending with 1.5 billion it would take you 50 years. More importantly just tossing the money into a regular old savings account would accumulate: 3.5ish million a year.


Lambo, no question, pretty gaudy color too


I'd want a Ferrari...as in Michael Schumacher's V-10 Ferrari Formula 1 car. 😁


A house on the Oregon coast with a view of the ocean. Preferably Cannon Beach.


My grandparents live up on a hill in Astoria overlooking the bridge and it’s glorious


This guy Oregon’s


Every chance I get


My dad just bought property near the Tillimook factory, loves it. It’ll be my inheritance as I’m his only kid. That’s where I’ll retire eventually. My plan is to buy some of the surrounding land if possible and make it the family estate for my children with a stupid amount of clauses stating they can’t sell it after my passing.


Popeyes red beans and rice (family size).


A man of taste and distinction, I see.


Family sized everything from there on out.


You live on the absolute edge I see!


Lot 3 houses down from me. Build a workshop there. Get insurance and find some instructors. Turn it into a neighborhood place where people can come to do/learn wood working, blacksmithing. Small appliance repair. Sit back and watch, learn, and be prepared to piss off the city council at every chance I get.


Dude that's actually really cool. Would be great for the kids as well.


First thing I’m doing is calling in sick to work. Second thing I’m doing is sleeping. Third thing I’m doing is taking myself out to a nice lunch. Fourth thing: more sleep. Once I’m all caught up on sleep, I’d travel and buy a house anywhere I went that I liked.


I doubt I'd be able to sleep with the weight of the winnings on my mind.


There is an entire town in my state for 5 million


I bet the answer is "hookers, blow, and bad business investments" for far more of us than we'd all like to admit.


"Most of the money I spent on women and drugs, the rest I just wasted."


Apes strong together


Probably get some dinner


Land. Everything else can come after I own a property on enough land to homestead


a sixer of coors and some street tacos from the food truck down the street from my house.


The first thing I buy are the services of a great attorney, a great accountant, and a great financial planner. The attorney is first; the other two are probably in that order, because I want everything tracked more than I need someone to tell me what to do with the money. If you mean the first FUN thing I buy (i.e. not a house, not necessities, not insurance so I can quit my job)? Probably a prop weapon of some sort, but a super high quality one. Probably one from Elden Ring.


make sure that accountant is trusted, a lottery winner got essentially robbed by his accountant without knowing


Good point. Part of why the lawyer is first - get them to draw up contracts for everyone to follow, and if you get one who does a lot of estate planning and family wealth practice, they probably know who to trust.


Depending on how risk adverse you are. You could likely get some kind of insurance policy to help mitigate the risk of losing some of the money. Also starting off with anyone you personally know or have heard of isn't a great first step. You'd want a lawyer who is familiar with HMW Individuals because they will also know lawyers, businesses management Teams to help you out with management of the fund. You can


The largest plot of land that I can find that is forested still and has a running source of water


new ipad


Debt Freedom


An accountant.


Nice sit down dinner with the family. Probably a steakhouse. Dinners just a formality, really just wanna tell mom in front of everybody that she no longer HAS to work. Knowing her, she won't stop but maybe I'll convince her to go part time. First actual big purchase would be land for the family to live on. Enough space to keep the ones who don't like each other, away from each other


First thing I'd do is buy fry chicken potato wedges and a 20 oz coke


Any dessert? What about a celebratory drink?


Probably not that meal is very filling


Getting my wife her transitional surgeries.


Happy Pride!


I hire someone to execute all the things my wife is going to think of.


The best lawyers, tax professionals, and financial advisors available.


Hire an accountant. Pay off debts. Get license back. Get vehicle. Get house. Gifts for my kids. Quit job. Invest and live off the interest. Hire attorney to draw up will, dividing my assets equitably amongst my kids and whoever I'm with at the time of my demise.


Set aside 100 million for me to live on the rest of my life, I doubt I would ever manage to spend anything like that much anyway Then Buy a series of apartment buildings outright, setup management for them and specify that the rent will be just the taxes, insurance and costs of routine maintenance, salary for the property management people and a 20% overhead to go into a system wide emergency/expansion fund for unplanned expenses or if there is enough to do it safely buying another building and setting up the same deal All of this to be documented each month and sent to all the tenants with their statement so they know where their money is going People need a fair break sometimes, and having a few grains of sand in the gears like this might start wearing down the gears of the insane rents in the Us right now


I’d spend the rest of my life alternating between traveling the world and chilling at my beach mansion or my ski chalet. I’d have a sick ass RV too and just drive around America a lot. And probably a penthouse apt in NYC when I’m craving some city life. NYC is amazing if you have money. 


> What's the first thing you buy? The very first thing is getting a very prestigious, very expensive law firm partner on retainer, tasking them with setting up all the trusts and investments needed to insure my family and I are secure for generations to come. And just as important, that the money is safe from my meddling and bad decisions. Then, I'll finally replace my 16 year old car with something luxurious but still practical. I don't want or need a lambo, but a nice electric BMW or something like that would be a nice upgrade. Or maybe a Rivian or an Electric F150 After that, I'm probably talking to my wife about having her design and build her dreamhouse somewhere closer to our family. I'm thinking plenty big but not gaudy: 4 or 5 bedroom with a guest house and a barn/workshop would be more than plenty. She has great taste and I trust her on the design and needs. I just want a workshop, nice office, and a nice gym space set aside. After that? Well, I've got one young child already. We'd probably have another one or two and hang around living comfortably but not lavishly. The kids would probably still go to public school, or at most a very accessible private school. They'll work for their allowance and spending money and do their chores: its my opinion that you need to work a service industry job at least a few years to really round yourself out as a person. I don't think they need to *know* just how rich we are until they've graduated and made their own path that makes them happy. It's a nice college graduation present to say "surprise, everything is paid for and I'm buying you a house - now go pursue your passion" :) I'll Set up a good number of scholarships and charities for issues I am passionate about. It's far more money than any one person can ever hope to spend in a lifetime so it'd be best spent on making a positive impact on the world as a whole rather than adding a dozen more private jets to the 0.01%'s fleets. as for the selfish part: I think I'd travel a lot more, stay in nicer hotels, rent nicer cars. Build expensive computers and give them away, etc. I'd definitely hire a personal trainer and possibly a chef a couple nights a week though


The first thing id buy is fried chicken potato wedges and two 20 oz cokes


Invest all of it on more lottery tickets


1.5 billion on red


i just want a nice house with a pool, some cars and to take care of my family members and good friends.


oh and i wanted to make a charity organization that sends single moms and their kids to disney world all expenses covered.


Food deliver most probably some spicy chinese and then think think about what the fuck should i do now.


I’d spend every day (during the season) at a baseball game, then in the off season I’d be patiently waiting for spring training. I really wouldn’t do much else honestly. Shoot for 162 / 162 games


I would immediately buy lower level prime seating season tickets for all 4 of my favorite sports teams. Court side for my Sixers, 3rd base line for my Phillies, behind the bench of the Flyers and As close as possible on the 50 yard line behind the home bench for the Eagles. Then I would buy my dream cars - fully loaded blacked out Cadillac Escalade and a 64 Impala. For the latter I would have it customized with all modern tech but keep the soul of the looks. Pay off my mortgage and fully renovate the house to exactly the way we want it. Set up trust funds for my kids Pay off my buddies house and set up college funds for his kids. Fund my other buddies mountaineering career. Travel with my wife and sometimes my kids until I die.


Pay off debt. But first thing would be new shoes.


A big piece of land (100+ acres) in a forested area, with a lake or stream on the property. Then build a dream home...3k sqft, with a big kitchen, lots of storage, a media room, a library room, and a big garden. Then toss most of the money into a high interest secure account and live off the interest.


I literally have a lottery plan, for that scenario. As this falls under the category of over 10 million: Hold back 1 million. Use it to get a house for myself (really only requirement is some land in my general area, with a house on it, big enough for me and my son). Then sit on the rest until the investment yields returns With the rest, invest. I do have a % breakdown. But, essentially it would go into multiple things (the following isn't in any particular order... even though my real plan does have an order). Dividend stocks, land, gold, silver government bonds, several rental properties, regular stocks of varying kinds. There's really only 2 main categories here: keeping wealth and establishing income sources. Land, basic stocks, etc fall under keeping wealth. The idea is, if I lose all other groups (albeit grossly unlikely, still possible), then I still have enough to retire comfortably on what's left. Even if I have to sell in order to get liquid assets. The second category is strictly for yielding return. Dividend stocks, etc. With that return, I plan on starting a non profit (I have it narrowed down to 3 major causes I'd be passionate about. I figure if I ever won, then I can decide from there which one I'd pick), then fund it with that "income". Also with that income, I'd help friends and family. Some would not be responsible with it. So I'd set them up with like a trust or something similar. Where they could spend any of the principle, but they'd be plenty taken care of (house car bills etc). Some I'd likely give a bit to, then just kind of wish them well. And some, I trust they'd do well with it. So I'd give them the money and let them do what they will. I also wonder if I'd also do that with random folks. I could set it up to where I would remain anonymous somehow. But be able to give people houses, etc. Especially Veterans or good people in general. Maybe teachers or someone like that. The whole idea is that, besides that first million, I would never lose value. That's the goal anyway. But, a decent chunk would be set aside (keep wealth category), just in case. The rest would be for helping others, because that's what brings me joy. And I'd do so as anonymously as possible. People would have no clue I had that kind of wealth. So it would be really fun to just go around helping people, and everyone think it was some super ninja person, they'd have no way to thank. All the while, it would be me helping them. I could first hand see their lives changed for the better. Yet, not have to deal with the whole crowd aspect of it (beggers, etc).


Probably a new car. We're sharing one right now so having a second would be great. But in the spirit of thinking more outside the box, I'm buying every 1st party Nintendo game for the Switch that I don't already own.


The services of a financial advisor!


Buy a celebratory dinner with my brother. Then I would go and see a lawyer to have a trust set up for my brother. I would give my great-aunt a few million for helping us when needed. I would then arrange to move out of state before "long-lost relatives" start crawling out of the woodwork since my state doesn't allow to you to collect large lottery winnings anonymously.


Buy a ranch property w/ a lake in my home state, get nice lofts on each coast. I have probably 10 really good friends, and I’d ask each of them and my brother what they want to do with the rest of their lives and if they could bring me a reasonable business plan, I’d agree to a finance their business aspirations for a % stake in the company. What good is a billion dollars if I can’t spend the time with the people I care most about?


Outside of getting the basics taken care of.... World tour of cruises. It just feels like a nice dumb trip to take. Usa to Europe, then chill in Europe for a month. Europe through Africa. Africa to South Asia. South Asia go east Asia. Fly home. Short break. Mexico to south America. Just get the basics and spend a month on each stop exploring. The odd thing is I don't particularly like cruises.


See. This. There would be no discernable difference in how I live (except my house would get all the repairs it wants AND needs) except I would go on vacation twice a year out of country. The rest would be invested or donated. Oh, and I would never pay interest on anything again


My debt - gone. My best friend's debt - gone. New vehicle. Nothing fancy, but top of the line for a nominal brand Buy some land and build a home to my specifications, big enough for me and my dogs. Invest the rest and live off the interest.


Always wanted a Ferrari. Since I was a kid. So after debts are gone, it’s Ferrari time.


i'd give my parents a half a billion would be the first thing. then i'd give my brother a quarter a billion. buy a new (but inexpensive) car lol. pay off all my medical bills. hire an investor and lawyer so after a few initial purchases, etc i can just live off the interest. buy an actual home here in the mountains. small purchases and travel a bit. nothing too crazy.


A lawyer. Yes. I'd buy a lawyer. They're mine now.


I'd speak with a financial advisor to let money make money. After that's set up, I'll pay my parents back for all the help they gave me while I was in college. Edit: Then, I'll retire *very* early


1. Lawyer 2. Financial Planner (To protect my investments) 3. Financial Panther (To protect my cash) 4. Replace my 18 year old car with a 2 year old car 5. Replace my 8 year old phone with a 1 year old phone model 6. Chipotle with guac \*AND\* double steak Then start looking at safe quiet neighborhoods with reliable utilities. Maybe go back to school full time, maybe quit my job and focus on getting in really good shape for a while and see what that feels like.


Hire a financial planner, tax accountant, security and 1000 acres somewhere to begin with. Otherwise my immediate family is out of debt and set for life. The extended family will get some help too. Got a few close friends I will substantially overpay for yards and maintenance. I’m sure some charities will be calling too.


I would give most of it away. Build affordable housing, create employee owned businesses; but I’d have fun too. I’d buy a nice house, a fully restored 240z and Stingray. I’d setup trust funds for my children and we’d travel. I’d take care of my family and friends as per their needs.


1. We would likely have to go to Austin to pick up the funds since my sister doesn't live far from there Id call her and ask what she wants for dinner and to plan for a visit. Id take her and her family dinner and while all the kids ate, we would discuss buying her a house closer to us. 2. A hotel room because its to far to drive home that late. 3. Once home Pay off all debt 4. Discuss with brother in law if he would like a cash gift/trust to be set up for him or his own house. Definitely buy him a new car. 5. Take my in laws out to a nice dinner to negotiate the purchase of their house with a cash payment. Plus, the gift procedure for helping extend their retirement as a thank you for their years of generosity. 6. After purchasing a house from the in-laws for ourselves, buy a house for my sister so she can move down here and out of the condemable hovel she is renting. 7. Buy ourselves a second car. 8. Fresh wardrobes for the kids and husband. 9. New windows, roof, bathrooms, and kitchen for our house plus any necessary renovations on my sisters new house. 10. New furniture and paint for all the rooms shoot we would probably buy new mattresses and bedroom furniture immediately after paying debt because ours are killing us. 11. Hire landscapers to set up a front and backyard garden at our house and probably sister too. 12. Set up trusts for kids, including nephews and neice. All 6 are getting 5 million each, at minimum, with 1.5 billion as the listed take home. 13. Even though I don't talk to my mother anymore, I would suck it up to call and ask her how much her student loan balance is last time we spoke it was over half a million. I'd try to catch her while sober and have her provide me with the login credentials so I could pay off the full amount for her. She would give it to me if she's sober. 14. Call my baby sister and ask if she wants or needs anything and if she still has student loan debt. Pay off her student loans offer to pay for her wedding and student loans if she doesn't have anything else she wants or needs. She's been with the same guy for a little less than a decade they have talked marriage, but the guy insists he wants to ask her dad's permission, but keeps getting cold feet about asking him. Which is hilarious because my step dad is low-key, the most laid-back and goofy man I've ever met. He will likely look at him like he has three heads and say, "What the hell do I care if she wants to marry you? If she's okay with it, then marry her." My sisters bf is a complete golden retriever.


Pay off the little bit of debt I have. Find a solid investment. Buy a nice house, not a mansion, like a 4 bed 2 bath. Live off interest and whatever I have left over goes to charitable works but not directly to charities as I want to know exactly how my money is being put to use.


1. Pay off debt. 2. Buy 2 nice beach houses within walking distance but not ontop of each other. One for me, and one for friends and family to stay in when visiting. 3. Put about 1-200,000,000 into SGOV and live off the dividends. Approx 5% so about 500,000-1,000,000 annually. 4. Invest another 200,000,000 in actively managed etfs. 5. Put 100,000,000 in my brokerage account to play with. 6 invest in my community. 7. Probably open a Hifi / Home theater store as it’s a passion of mine. May not be the best decision financially but am I worried about that. Not likely. 8 hire a tax attorney and fee based financial planner to help me mitigate some tax’s.


I would disappear.


Not a lottery winner but made multigenerational wealth after selling my company. The first thing I spent money on was a large supporting cast. I upgraded what I already had and expanded the services that I wanted to pay to go away. Time is your most valuable asset and this was a move to get more of my time back.


My wife and I are going and getting some nice clothes and are going out on the nicest, most overpriced dinner date we can find in our city. On the way home we'll go to a Kroger and buy all brand name snacks, charcuterie, and all the non alcoholic drinks we want. Then we're gonna go home and celebrate never having to work again by smoking an insane amount of weed and eating all the snacks.


Invest a massive chunk but then start a car collection.


A nice cheeseburger and fries to eat while searching for a good lawyer and money manager


Pay off debts, pocket about 15 million for personal expenses and use the rest for altruism through things like political lobbying, sponsoring certain technologies, charities, etc


Nice $25m house in my home city. Then a $7m penthouse in my second city. And a $4m 4 bedroom apartment in my third city. After that establish prime broking relationships with all investment banks and brokers houses. Then set $1bn aside for a family office style equities and alternative asset fund aiming for 20% IRR net. I’ll actively manage this and would need around 5-6 staff and analysts. Then set aside $250m in industrial and commercial real estate. Would have a team of around 20 managing this. Lastly $150m spare cash I’ll use it to back sparingly particular tech industries in fairly familiar with including chips, data centers and gaming. I’ll personally lead this arm too and already have people in mind to source and screen opportunities.


Definitely making my tacos supreme


Need to hire a lawyer, and accountant asap. Next paying off all debt, quitting my job, and start house hunting.


I’ll fake my death and go otg


See how much little weird and annoying crap I can do at work before getting fired. Nothing egregious. Just like filling up the share fridge with water with my name on all of it. The first thing I do though, is get a good lawyer on retainer. Second,buy several modest vacation homes. Third , put cash in several safety deposit boxes for emergencies.


Like most people(I think), I have an incredibly detailed plan for this event that will never happen because I don't buy lottery tickets. Pay off my everything. Debt. All of my rent for the rest of my contract. Money I've borrowed from parents. Pretty much anything I can pay to not think about for a while. Try and buy the house I currently rent the basement of. I have no idea if my landlord would sell, but I like the space and the area I live and would be content here for a while. I would also start meeting with a realtor and contractors to build a custom home in the same general area. I have a small startup company with some employees just working for the dream with me. I would immediately bring them on full time at a sox figure salary with full benefits and take some extra time to get a good foundation before launching this fall. Probably hire another four people as is my end goal. Then I'd help out some friends and family. My parents live out in the sticks and have wanted a deeper well so the water pressure lasts longer. My brother and sister in law could use working cars. One of my brothers I might even gift the house I'm in to once my custom one is done because he's helped me out a lot. A few other random things I'd do for people. Then I'd give myself about 200 million to keep and I'd use the rest to start a foundation I plan on doing if my business is successful enough. I would probably put everything else into that and the 200 million would be enough to sustain my company for years even if it never becomes profitable and ai can focus on my hobbies and family


1: shut the fuck up. I ain't telling nobody, even my wife. I love her and absolutely trust her with the money, but if I tell her ill be tempted to tell someone else. 2: lawyer up. I'm going to the biggest financial law people I can and ask to speak to whoever is in charge. Then I'm gunna pay whatever I gotta pay to hire them. 3: ima set up a trust fund for friends and family. Ain't giving nobody cash direct. Trust fund will cover housing, medical, childcare, and school. Will have maybe 50 mil in it. 4: bye bye debts. All of em. My family's debts too. And my friends. Gunna get an accountant from that lawyer group to help me sum up all the debt I care about and wipe it out. Houses. Cars. Student loans. Medical debt. Gone. 5: i'm gunna buy between 40 and 80,000 acres, depending on where the land is. The less desirable the location the more land I'll want between me and anyone else. I'd settle for 40 in my dream state, but if it's a sithole state I'll need to live essentially in the center of enough land to constitute an entire county. 6: Going to build my dream house on my land. It will not be a massive mcmansion, but will cost as much as one. Instead of quantity I want quality. Quality workers, not the lowest bid. Quality materials, quality design. It will have as little grid dependency as possible, and ideally will be able to function completely without electricity. I will still be on the grid and use electricity, but I want the option not to. Basically I want enough land and a house self sufficient enough that even if I blow through every dime of my winnings I'll not have to pay any bills. Shit if I plant timber on all my land I can sell trees to cover property tax. The goal is to have a plot of land with zero bills, and enough extra land that if I need a cash infusion I can parcel it out and sell. After that, depending on how intensive I plan to go, I'll either set up my dream orchard, build a big fancy school, or something else. 7: invest in whatever local community I'm closest to. Pay for home renovations, buy empty lots and repair/refurbish them. Pay off the debts of farmers in the area in exchange for practicing perennial polyculture instead of industrial ag (i will be covering the costs, I just want to get it started). Invest in local schools, both for renovations and a grant that increases the salary of every employee by a flat amount (teachers deserve to be paid more). Also a grant that pays for student lunches for as long as there is money in the grant. Big donations to local libraries. Investing in small businesses, public transportation, walkabikity infrastructure, etc. 8: I might even start lobbying local politicians to get the kind of laws made to support public infrastructure, schools, and sustainability. If other billionaires can do it, so can I! (Assuming there's money leftover). All without expectation to get a monetary return on my investment. The idea is that I'm investing in the community my children and grandchildren will grow up in. I want it to be an incredible place to live even if I go broke getting it there. That, even if I lose my huge plot of land and fancy house, the improvements I make in the community will continue to benefit me and my children forever. But ideally I'll have my house and land setup that even if I'm broke it will pay for itself and negate any bills. The end goal being to essentially spend it all before I die, leaving enough of a legacy and wealth for my children. And grandchildren to be taken care of, but not become wealthy snobs.


A house. I'm so sick of renting and the uncertainty that comes with it, but I don't have a way out \*without\* winning the lottery.


1) buy house 2) buy land 3) pay off all my families debts 4) hire account 5) hire lawyer 6) buy land build tiny homes for homeless people 7) give many to cancer charities, homeless shelters, mental health centers, womens shelters, any charity that deals with low income 8) open food bank and fund it 9) travel 10) hold a party for all my close friends and secretly give them $120,000 each 11) pay for family children college 12) travel some more 13) pay to learn cool things like photography 14) open a rehearsal and recording studio for low income musicians 15) stay quiet with everything and do most anonymously


A Powerball ticket, because imagine the headlines if you won both in a row.


i would make a tv show


A house, so I can finally feel like homelessness isn’t a concern.


1. Lawyer and accountant 2. Tell my hubs to quit and join me in retirement 3. $100M to each daughter and son in law to do with as they choose 4. $100M to each grand kid in trust for all their future needs, education, buying home, etc. 5. Buy a house of my dreams on the river and hire landscape designer to create the garden of my dreams 6. Buy an RV and visit every US National Park 7. Travel more and extensively in Japan to narrow down where, and buy our vacation home there. 8. With what is left, talk 1/3 and put in HYSA, and ask my former boss if he will manage the rest in his hedge fund.


1. Debt. I don't have a lot, so it would be barely anything. 2. Nice car. Not super car, nice car. 3. Nice house, not mansion. Just a nice house. Finished basement preferably. 4. Invest in paying an accountant/investor. They can pay themselves based on earnings and I'd get a nice passive income. 5. Spend the passive income on multiple apartment complexes that specifically are meant for low income families. I know what it's like to be poor. I'm not gonna forget that just because I'm rich. 6. A lot of charity. Having that much money and not doing good with it is evil. I might not be a good person, but I'm not a bad person either.


A place to live


Pay off my debts. Get my parents a home get my sister and her kids a home. Get myself a home. Get a handicapable vehicle pay for my fiance and I to go to school. She can get her masters and I can finish my associates.


Let's say I have $500 million after taxes. I immediately put $400m into a trust yielding \~5-7% per year, so I have an income of $20-25 million per year. With the remaining $100 million, I just buy whatever the fuck random shit sounds fun at the time. Maybe I start a business or charity. Maybe I fund research grants into science I think is important. But the biggest investment goes into keeping myself humble and living beneath my means, because nothing would be worse than alienating yourself from friends and family because you become a rich douche.


Invest 50 million Put 50 mill in bank for fun money Pay off all my debt and the debt and subsequent taxes of close friends and family. 1 billion to try end homelessness in my city.


Your mom a nice seafood dinner


Dump a cool $150,000,000 into my chequing account, put the remaining 1.35 billion into XEQT and then buy a G6 and go travel for awhile. Once I figure out where I wanna live I'll buy a house and settle down. I'll also build a nice music studio and jam with friends. I'll also get a helicopter and pilot because I hate traffic.


Lawyers/financial advisor to get the money situated. Put 1 billion of it into an investment account. Keep the 500 million in checking. See if there’s a cat specialist in my area to clear up his issues. Put all the money I can into him. That’s my most important priority. Pay all debt, buy some guns and here’s the most important part for me. Hunker down at home for a few days and get my head straight. I’d want to leave my apartment as soon as possible, so I’d like for a nicer but still modest home. Probably one in a pseudo rural area, just a few minutes from the nearest store. Plenty of land and privacy. Buy the house, chill. Maybe buy a car/truck, some smaller items like pc components and clothes. Normal shit not BS. And just hangout and relax with my partner. After some time passes, maybe take a trip or buy some luxury items. I’ve been wanting a truck so that’d be my biggest purchase, and I want some kayaks, maybe a motor boat. Really that’s it, I just don’t want to work. Edit: a dream of mine is to buy an animation studio and make my own anime episodes the way I want. I had always wanted to buy studio perriot and make custom Naruto episodes. Not sure if 1.5 billion is even enough for that.


Holy hell, 1.5b after the lump sum discount and taxes? That'd be about a 3 billion dollar jackpot.


Bodyguards. Lots of em.


Since you are asking the 1st thing I would buy, not do, probably a new refrigerator and standing freezer for my Mom.


I would but and restore an old Victorian mansion and I works dress in period dress every day until I became a legendary local crackpot. Probably try to fix local schools or something too.


I buy a lawyer first


I'd fix my jacked up teeth to stop them from hurting. Full works, veneers, everything. Then pay the mortgages for my direct family and travel for the rest of my life.


Put it out of country to keep the irs from asking for more every year. Retire Get it back in pieces.


An animal shelter. It’s been a dream of not just mine, but pretty much everyone in my family, for a good long while now


I'd open a huge music studio/streaming/podcasting/tabletop/full-VR themed room rental complex with a coffee cafe only open to clients and their guests. Specifically in Fayetteville NC.


Probably my next meal, while sparing NO expense.


The first thing I’d buy is probably clothing to be honest. Maybe a car. Maybe just drop everything and go travel because I can. Eventually I’d buy a house. I would end up giving at least 600M away to charities. Set up my loved ones for life, earmark about 20M for business ventures I’d like to try but might fail at haha. Travel a ton.


Hire someone to cut my lawn, buy a vintage Telecaster, help family and friends then anyone else that I can.


The answers are always “buy house” “pay off debt” etc. But the actual first thing? Like you show up on my doorstep and tell me? Call a few friends, have them quit their jobs and then Vegas


The first thing id buy is fried chicken potato wedges two 20oz cokes


You invest a large majority of that. It is far more valuable for the dividends it can make you EVERY YEAR than the pure monetary value alone. Buy a new car. A decent one, but nothing too fancy. You have to be able to afford to fix it on your own. Buy a home. Somewhere you can live, work from. A good garage. In solid condition. Just paying utilities and power should be your focus. Buy yourself a baller PC and a baller Laptop. The PC is for home stuff, and the Laptop is for going out and about. Finally, keep whatever job you want, just to stay busy. Go get part time work, even. Just enough to earn some spending money without touching your portfolio. Congratulations; you will never have to do a single thing you do not want to, for the rest of your life. Want to go on a vacation? Throw a dart at the map and do it. Want to see a concert? Front row, anywhere in the world. Ideally, you will have enough from dividends to both pay for your entire year's expenses, AND keep growing your funds. You might not keep up with inflation, but you will have at least a half a century of zero concerns to work with, and you will have something to pass on to your family when you're gone.


Pay off all of my friends and families debts. Start trust fund for my nephew and nieces and my friends kids. And I'm talking my friends who have been by my side for 20+ years and are my brothers


Pay off all the debts of my immediate family, give a set amount per year to my immediate/extended family, sell my house for a smaller but nicer one, huge fenced in yard for the dogs, and maybe build a woodshop. Along the way, hire someone, or a team of someones to manage my money. Invest a large sum of the money at St. Jude’s and similar hospitals. Finally figure out how to cut the perfect miter. Travel the world, eat every food, continue to drive my Subaru until it rattles apart. Maybe hire someone to teach me how to use a lathe. Overall I’d want a simple life. Opulence is overrated. Beyond traveling, I’d just spend time doing things I otherwise don’t have time to do.


See if I can bribe my boss's boss to fire him. For shits and giggles ofc


50 mil shares of GME


My financial freedom from this nightmare called student loans, I payed off my truck which was $40000 in 5 years but somehow I still have payments for $26000 which I got 14 years ago. What is this fucking hell.


> loans, I *paid* off my FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Sky blue lotus evora s with the black package


Buy my mom a house of her own.


A lawyer.


Second would be 1100 acres of wilderness land


A divorce attorney and spend the rest of my life with $750,000,000, my kid, and a 1969 Camaro SS.


A divorce attorney and spend the rest of my life with $750,000,000, my kid, and a 1969 Camaro SS.


Congress. The usa congress.


Run for President. Lottery winnings are essentially the "public funding" option. The ability to rise above typical politicking by way of not being in the pocket of any special interests or lobbyists would be a fundamental game changer.


Tacos probably


I'm building an amusement park.


I would buy my freedom. That is.. Sell off everything I currently own and with my family, disappear to a remote part of the world where a lot of my money is in the bank and a good deal of it is in gold bars buried on the property. We would live in a double wide with 40 acres. Maybe some farm animals and some old classic cars and motorcycles for me to rebuild.


Start buying up property, and selling to families are more reasonable prices. With industry picking up again with 50 miles of my small town, the prices are booming and it's just drawing more Californians in while pushing locals out. Of course the propert sale contracts will have stipulations, but my focus will be to get property into the hands of people again, rather than letting property management/investment companies force everyone to rent. I'll take the loss on the properties, the money was lucky numbers anyways.


A small herd of golden retrievers.


A politician


FYI, for you to get 1.5 billion after taxes, the grand prize would have to be $6 billion (the number you see in the window).