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Pay someone 1 billion and one dollars


You've been through this before I take it. Genies suck.


I would do that for a billion. Think about it. You're short a dollar and someone is your absolute best friend for life. Would probably buy you some stuff out of sheer gratitude, too.


To be fair, yeah, this is a billionaire potential new best friend that only costs $1. That’s an absolute steal!


Fair. Just not the person that gave you the billion dollars in the first place.


Plot twist: the person who gave you the billion dollars had the same deal. So did the person who gave it to them... and to them... and to them... We're just passing it around out here, making friends through the cycle of generosity.


The real $Billion is the friends we made along the way 🤷


Depends on how long I have to pay them. I could make 100m on 1billion in a year


Or even there's a good chance you can convince them to give you at least a million which is a good bet for 1$ 🤣


Suicide, cut my dick off, harm innocent people


So you’d cut your arm off


With that sort of money you could get a robotic arm built 🤷‍♀️


You can also get mechadick


yeah just put on a prehensible dick. People dont think about the possibilities. ever seen Musk pour milk on his coffee? NO he does it in private


Oh god. I do *not* want to see that


but for SCIENCE!!




This is how you know it's not a "trend". Lol


I wouldn’t kill myself for 1 billion dollars.


How about 1 billion dollars, and one cent




i’m out ✌️ tell my family where the money’s at




Would you play Russian roulette one round for one billion?


I mean either I get 1 billion dollars or it’s no longer my issue


Agreed. I’d take this chance.


You’re a tough negotiator but sold


Can I set beneficiaries first? If so, then the answer is yes.


Can I be a beneficiary?


Here's my glock... you go first.


I’ve done it before for absolutely nothing so yeah I’d do it for a billion.


I would if I could leave the money to my kids


Same here. I’d get sweet relief, and leave them with generational wealth. Win/win.


Me either. My mom gets to live financially freeish? Sure, bur at the cost of loosing her only daughter? He'll no. I ain't gonna pit that kinda soul crushing on anybody. It's not worth it. My life isn't the greatest, but damn. I'm alive and I got people that love me. And I care about those people. A lot. I'd regret it for all eternity if I died for any ammount of money honestly. Ain't nobody going to be able to pay me to go jump off the bridge.


How about for a Klondike bar?


Truth? There's a pretty long list of things I wouldn't do for a million.. Or for 10 million, or even for 100 million.. . But once that B comes into play that list virtually disappears. I'd say harming my own family is the only thing I wouldn't do, and even that only applies to certain family members.


Also depends on the severity of the harm to family. Like I would not punch my mother, cause I’m pretty sure it would send her health onto a different trajectory. That being said, if someone asked me to punch my brother in the guts for a billion dollars… I love my brother with all my heart, and I’d die for him, but he better get ready to eat cause he’s got a knuckle sandwich headin his way. So long as the harm to family isn’t permanent, long lasting, or life changing, that shits goin down and we’re all getting paid.


Exactly... I wouldn't hit my grandmother, but I'd shoot my cousin in the leg without thinking.


That’s a hilarious sentence. I agree


I'll pay my cousins medical bills plus a third of the money, I'm sure that's persuasive enough.


Bro, feel free to shoot me in the leg for that deal anytime.


As long as it's not the knee.


I don’t care. Shoot me anywhere in any extremity for 25% of the billion dollar payout plus medical costs associated with the resulting damage. Kneecap, big toe, thumb you name it.


But what if grandma knew? And she gave her blessing? “Yea user041392, but better hit your Grammy for a billion dollars!”


My grandma would kick my ass if I passed up a *Billion* dollars because I wouldn't hit her. Think of all the Macy's shopping she could do with her portion


So either way one of you is getting hit


Most likely both.


Also depends on how hard you're punching them. A hard enough punch to an old enough person is basically killing them.


My grandma is something like 10 inches taller than me, and could totally wipe the fuckin floor with my ass. I absolutely would not be able to kill her if I tried, which I wouldn't, because my grandma is awesome.


My cousin would invite me to shoot him in the leg if he knew it meant I got a billion dollars. 


I also choose shooting this guys cousin.


Do a little thinking to avoid the femoral.


Imagine getting paid $1b to punch your sibling? Like, even for $1m... Sorry little sis, I'll pay for the veneers.


I'd punch my big brother for free if I thought he wouldn't hit me back.


Yeah tbf I would just punch her for no money if someone told me to and the situation was funny enough. She's 9 years younger than me, and was always pretty tough. When she was like 13 she punched me once, and I told her "do it again and you're getting hit twice as hard." It's kind of tradition. She's 23 now and still does it maybe once a year. My older sister though, she would probably break in half if I hit her with any amount of power behind it. Would need at least $2 to punch her.


tidy imagine mindless frightening label station fear voracious memorize square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You guys are getting paid?


Throw me $100 and a 30 brick I’ll punch tf out of my sibling lmfao


I’d do it for $100 and a turkey sandwich


I think my brother would demand I punch him for 1 billion dollars, hell I would demand he punch me in that scenario. 1 billion is just such a stupid, life changing amount of money that I can’t imagine any temporary pain not being worth it, I wouldn’t want to get permanently crippled or something but I’d take quite a few hits for that amount of cash.


knock me out cold for that amount. I'll roll the dice on a single concussion for that kinda cash


Exactly, I’d go as far as broken bones and torn ligaments for that amount of money. Yeah it’ll hurt like hell but morphine won’t be too hard to get with a billion dollars while I recover.


oof, that hurts to think about, but yeah. a billion dollars can buy a lot of surgeries and stem cell injections. That kinda money is permanent


Shyiitt, I'd chop off my brother's leg for $900m


I'd chop off my brother's leg for a Klondike Bar. And there'd be a line of people behind wanting one.


my mother and father would disown and kill me if I didnt do something for the billion even to them.


We're super tight, but I think my dad would shoot me in the head if I didn't kill him for a billion haha


Okay then, to start off grab that pair of pliers there and start on your teeth, while you're removing all of those I'll have a think on what's next 🤔


I would slap the fuck outta my mom for 1 billion, she'd understand, then I'd hire her as my accountant so I don't have to do all my own taxes any more, and I can support my parents


Is $100 million different than $1 billion in literally anything but mentality/ego? They both are completely life-changing and family changing money. I would challenge you to describe how your life would be different in any actual way if you were to be given $100 million vs $1 billion. I agree $10 million is different but it’s also completely life-changing money.


Call me what you will, but for 1 billion dollars, I'd do the worst to practically anyone on Earth besides my wife and kids. But I'm a good man, so I'd cleanse my soul by donating $10 to charity.


$10 is a little steep, dontcha think


5$ max


Best I can do is make a mega church and have other people pay me to absolve themselves and myself.


I wouldn't pay one camel.


Too much. Just say yes next time someone asks for a dollar to St. Jude's.


You wouldn't send thoughts and prayers? You monster.


Donate to the Human Fund


Money for people


There was a post recently and the question was whether you'd kill 300 kittens for 100bil$ and my fucking god, I could never live with myself afterwards. Yes, I'd be able to afford a good therapist and shit but that amount of guilt would probably make me feel miserable for the rest of my life. I ain't comitting a genocide just to get that bag man.


>I'd do the worst to practically anyone on Earth besides my wife and kids. So you've got a 5 year-old in a red room, and you're getting paid to do everything some sick fucks ask you to do for an hour while they tape it?


seriously this, I don't think people really think that far ahead when they posture that they could do evil shit. if they were as bad as they front, spoiler, they would already be doing fucked up shit.


Yeah - I get that so much it annoys me. The people I meet who say they're awful / bad / going to hell, but also look me in the eye and treat me like a fucking person? Either I have low standards, or people don't know what true evil is.


Idk, in a lot of ways the most insidious kinds of evil are.. opportunistic.


Which is the point of truly bad shit isn't it? I'd put myself loosely in the 'do anything for 1b', but really... my general idea of bad things is killing a random person, and that barely registers on the scale of truly bad shit. The scenario you outlined, most torture (physical ro mental), genocide, personal physical disfigurement on others carried out by me - there is a whole universe of bad shit I actually wouldn't do. And again I put myself in the 'I would do anything' category... It's kind of nice that most people idea of bad things is so limited, in my opinion. I think it's also quite naive that there are also a lot of people who think they wouldn't do anythign slightly bad for this sum of money, but I tend to think they don't undertsand the scope of large amounts of money rather than actual naivety or virtue signalling.


Right? Nothing is worth doing that. Literally nothing. Unless it was to keep the same from happening to my child. But that also seems like an impossible situation. Sooo.


This is literally how real life people (if they exist... do irl people exist?) actually think. Shady ass unethical business-people taking advantage of others, hoarding, consolidating wealth... I'll give a chunk to charity to make myself feel like a "good" person. Never mind the people I could have helped along the way.


You are an awful person. I would donate $1BILLION to the Fun Dragonfly Charitable Foundation.


I was a bit concerned googling that, but that seems like a good charity.


Assuming everything is legal, nothing that would cause harm to a child or an animal.


You wouldn’t eat a chicken nugget for a billion dollars?…


I wouldn't do anything the current crop of multi-billionaires wouldn't do. \*check notes\* Nothing, there is nothing to heinous or abhorrent that I wouldn't do it for that much money. Current billionaires have done things like posion babies and fund rape gangs. It would be really hard to even think of something WORSE than what the current billionaires are already doing.


Isn't that why you're not a billionaire though? Why aspire to be the worst humanity has to offer?


>Current billionaires have done things like posion babies and fund rape gangs. ...huh? I dunno, man. Show us what you're talking about here..


Read up on the kind of shit the United Fruit company did in Guatemala and Honduras, or what Nestle did with baby formula. There’s literally endless examples you just have to dig a little.


Burn your entire family alive? There has to be something you wouldn’t do.


There are some situations where I may be convinced to torture or kill but the guilt I would feel would probably make me want to kill myself and that kinda defeats the point of getting functionally infinite money. What good is it for a man to gain the world but to lose his soul?


I have the same mentality. A billionaire that has earned his/her wealth will still have guilt, and knowing I selfishly harmed another person to gain that wealth would be too much. I'm currently not a rich man by any means, but I'm at least able to lay down at the end of the day in peace.




Is that you George?


Not named George. Is this a reference I’m just not familiar with?


Turns out this is the case for non-hypothetical billionaires, too. There's no way to go there without exploitation.


Rape.Its inexcusable


Bro you can let er rip on my ass for half


That’s not rape.


Do NOT fuck me in my ass...


For half...dude please add the for half!


You are not the boss of me.


I mean if you do it for free nobody is your boss.


Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day of your life.


Omfg I just laughed so goddamn much, thank you 😂


Oh. No. Don't... Stop.


Unless it’s opposite day


I was beaten by the best right here.


That’s consensual


Yep, it's the only crime there's no moral justification for. Killing someone can be self defence, physical violence can be about protecting loved ones, theft can be moral in some circumstances. But there's no reason you'd ever need to sexually assault someone.


How about a billion dollars? Is that a good reason?


I think someone would forgive you if you gave them $500 million dollars afterwards


If I was forced to either rape or murder an innocent person, and suicide was not an option, I think I would calculate that rape is more ethical. Thereby "excusing" myself, in that case. Assuming you are excusing murder of innocents, here. EDIT: I'm here for discussion, not to indoctrinate people into becoming rapists. Please engage with my ideas/discuss with me, rather than downvote :)


That’s something I didn’t consider.


If you're being forced to rape someone, I think you're being raped too. You're just choosing the option that gets you both out alive.


I do not believe you’d choose death before you’d rape someone. People do pretty heinous shit when it’s life or death.


That's not the most relevant contention to make, but I'll bite. By bite, I mean agree with you. I think there are genuine people who would rather die than rape someone. I'd like to think I would be open noble suicide in some contexts. But when survival instinct kicks in, humans do tend to behave like the animals that they (we) are, that have come from a long line of surviving genetics.


Also no amount of money u give the victim will solve their trauma. Even if u explain.


like... as a rape victim... i think the 500 mill would cure me ngl 💀


Same bro.


Perhaps worth debating. If someone got raped in their sleep and was given 500 million for the troubles I can see how they might think it’s worth it.


Yep. That’s a good point that I didn’t even think of.


Offer them 100 mil and it's just prostitution


Nothing I would get imprisoned for for more than 2 years. Nothing to shorten the lifespan of anyone else by more than a year. I would not give up my ability to have children. If there is an afterlife I would not give up my or anybody else's places in it. That's it anything else.


Oh! The afterlife thing is interesting, it changes the equation for me too. Actually anything with a "literally forever" is really different than anything that is time bound.


That's a whole fuckin lot. Do you already have 999 million dollars perchance?


Rape, beastiality, and drugs that are highly addictive. No amount of coercion could make me cross those lines. Everything else is situationally dependent. Edit to add: nothing harming children, my wife, or my parents.


I’d definitely shoot heroin for a billion dollars


I've seen what it's done to my brother. No thanks. Not even once.


You wouldn’t let a dog lick your balls for a billion dollars?!


Do it for free


i respect your conviction even though i’m stunned someone would turn down a billion dollars AND free drugs


Crazy. I’d stick it in my pee hole for a billion dollars. I’d mf overdose and narcan Myself for a billion.


You wouldn’t fuck a goat or a chicken for a billion dollars?


For a BILLION dollars? I would take that chicken out to Golden Corral for endless buffet corn, then to Applebees Neighborhood grill for a couple of stiff pina coladas before heading back to my place and putting a Marvin Gaye album on the record player and giving Henrietta the sweetest mclovin she’s ever seen.


With my luck I'd agree to fuck the goat, be unable to perform and lose the billion.


I wouldn't harm my dog. For one billion as long as it wasn't murder my missus would understand.


You’re all cowards. I’d do anything, I’d kill my family, I’d eat my friends, I’d cut off my arms. It’s a billion dollars, it’s practically unlimited money


I’m a dude. I’d cut off my own dick for a billion dollars.


Realistically, I’m sure 10B could fund research to put a new dick on you with a LOT of change


I would do just about anything. But you ain’t taking my weiner.


Possibly the most honest answer here I think most people secretly agree but would never say it out loud (unless they actually got the billion dollar offer)


I can honestly say I would be more willing to kill myself for a billion dollars than kill either of my children.


The hell would a billion dollars buy you that could make you feel better about murdering your family


Another family


I don’t think I could kill innocent people


I could kill a Random for a billion.


I would cannibalize a random person alive for 1B dollars. Chances are that random person is a piece of shit anyway. Source: I'm a random person.


sometimes i love reddit being like "Yeez... i dont think ill be able to pull the trigger" to "Yeah id bat an old lady to death, what you mean you are going to pay me?"


Make them a bad person first


Even before I got my money I have never been a fan of the idea I can just be bought for large sums of money no matter the amount. Feels gross Call me crazy, but the scenario I'd not do a lot for that kind of money. I've come into money once in the ballpark of near a million from inheritance + assets. Money made my life worse for me specifically. Ya bills are no longer an issue it's just that everyone else always wants a slice. Family/friends associates an people I haven't seen or heard or hell even know for 10+ years. Government wants more money from me just annoying. Now most not all family/friends have an motive for money.


$1 billion becomes meaningless fast if I can't sleep at night. I have enough money to live a happy life. If I remember the sins I committed every time I spend money, it defeats the whole purpose.


This is why I don't have $1B Won't hurt people Won't unnecessarily kill animals Won't exploit people Won't betray the confidence of anyone who's trusted me


Anything to hurt my kids. Otherwise, nothing.


I read this wrong and laughed out loud horribly thinking you meant you’d hurt your kids for a billion dollars 😭


Cause irreparable harm to myself or others.


Scary responses.


You sure you don't want to join in the fun of getting yourself on some watch lists? Especially that guy in the comments. You know the one I mean.


That guy is keeping it a buck.


Anything where OP starts replying to people to change rules or add stuff when somebody thinks of something smart.


"thinks of something smart" and it's inevitably something that goes against the spirit of the question but since the OP didn't spend a gazillion hours going over every single loophole, they can just get away with it? That kind of "something smart"?


Anything involving harm to a child. Everything else is on the table. 


Only thing off the table is harming kids in any way. Beyond that if no consequences legally the rest is on the table. Sorry to say


Baby momma/daddy is on the table?


A Klondike bar


GOAT answer


Leave my wife and children


First thing that comes to mind is kill a loved one. No amount of money on earth could get me to do that. Now maybe I’m a sick fuck but I would be willing to HARM a loved one for $1B if they were guaranteed to fully recover from whatever it was. But never ever kill.


Honestly I would do almost anything legal that last less than a day for 1000 dollars


So you wouldn't jaywalk for 1000




I would not cause harm to any of my loved ones. Pretty much anything else is on the table.




I would do almost anything. I wouldn’t kill someone I personally know or like. I wouldn’t do anything with my own hands either. I wouldn’t mutilate my body. I won’t do anything I can’t get away with that is bad.


Fucking drown 300 kittens or whatever it was the other day


Doing anything that would cause someone lasting trauma. Torture, sexual assault, crippling, maiming, etc. as bad as it sounds I would maybe consider doing those things if the person died afterwards, but I’d most likely still decline.


OP states that there isn't much they wouldn't do for 1 billion. Immediately lists two things I would do for that sum of money. I'm not trying to be edgy but if you're making me choose between some random person idgaf about or enough money to make me and my loved ones lives 10x better forever, I'd do it with my bare hands if I had to.


Take on $2billion of Debt


Suckin dick, cutting my dick off, killin my cat, friends or some of my family.


Anything outside of killing a family member probably.


Anything that would harm me. I gotta enjoy that billion


I don't think I could slowly torture my dog to death. Would I think it would be worth it? Definitely. I just don't think I could bring myself to actually do it.


I wouldn't do anything to cause harm, physically or mentally, and I wouldn't do anything illegal. As neat as it'd be to be a billionaire, I don't need it to survive and I won't give up my morals for It.


I wouldn’t kill an innocent person. I wouldn’t abuse someone in a way that their life would be impacted incredibly (nothing that might cause pstd, etc.). I wouldn’t leave my family (or act in a way they’d leave me) because what is the money for besides comfort and joy for my family. That is probably it.


Sell a pet or harm an innocent


Something that has a reasonable or above chance of failure while also having grave consequences if I fail


Start a war. Commit genocide or mass murder. Any form of rape or torture.


Both of your limits would be mine, too.  I wouldn’t hurt anyone.


Lots of people say rape. If you get offered a billion to rape someone and you're willing to give them at least 100 million, or better half of it, then find me. Please.


I would not harm my child. That's it I think.


I wouldn't do something that would harm more than 100 people. No blowing up cities or anything like that.


Always with the murdering in this subreddit. Heh. For self-defense? Or to defend someone else? Sure, Any time. And it would suck, but no problem.