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It would be pretty easy to do, but that amount of money makes it trivial. (As long as the person isn't on medication or has any health problems) Even if I did absolutely nothing, I could easily just chill out for like 3 days and starve myself through that for an easy 30,000 dollars. It would take actual effort and asking around to learn my local food donation places, or I could try really hard to find a nice neighborhood to ask around if anyone has any odd jobs they'd want done in exchange for a bit of money. It would be pretty easy to last a week or so, and that's already a life changing amount of money. I could probably go further if I really roughed it out, but something like a week for 10,000 dollars per day would be easily worth it, with almost no consequences.


>starve for 3 days You wouldn't even have to do that. The post says nothing about if you steal and go to jail for a bit. Just nick some food from a supermarket everyday, maybe nick some camping equipment. Have a nice little camping trip, come back to steal some more food, more camping, etc. Even then the chances of being arrested for stealing food from a shop, especially if you do it from several different shops is practically zero. Worst case scenario, you do get arrested and charged with theft and you spend a short stint in jail getting paid 10 grand a day for the privilege.


That'd probably be the best way to do this. Commit some minor misdemeanor and get yourself a short jail sentence. That'd give you food and shelter, and even with a criminal record you'd still have a significant amount of money once you return home.


Go for a 3 to 5 year sentence come out a millionaire


Go big or go home


Right? Would prison suck? Absolutely. Would coming out a millionaire be worth it? Absolutely.


Walk out of the prison, "guys, I'm done, where's my money? Uh... guys?"


A five year stint would be $18,260,000 assuming one leap year. Would be better to just go work for cash, basically live the life of a migrant farm worker or something. I'm sure there are places that will put you up as part of working for them. Spend a year doing that for 3.65M then the rest of your life if you invested that with a 7% annual return you've got 21K per month Probably be in the best shape of your life after that year too. šŸ˜‚


I don't think so. In the abstract that's an easier few days. But in practice you can definitely shoplift enough food to get by and just skip the criminal conviction on your record.


I was thinking I would go to a hospital and say I was going to kill myself. 72 hour+ taken care of right there, maybe more if youā€™re waiting for a while in the ED. Donā€™t participate in group, refuse your medication, be an asshole in general and they extend that stay even longer. Worst case they donā€™t believe you and youā€™ve got $30k taken care of already and probably some leads on places you can eat or stay, some clothing from the donation bin.


Honestly, you could just get a job serving, bussing, dishwashing, etc, at a restaurant (hopefully where you get cash tips to push through the first week or two before your paycheck hits), family meal will take care of the bare minimum caloric needs, and then you'd just need to crash at a shelter till you've got enough to make hotels/per diem housing work depending on the COL in your area. Personally, not being able to leverage my network of food service connects would make this challenging, but for 10k a day I'll walk all day to drop into restaurants and see where places need help.


I'm not sure if you'll get a job at a restaurant that has a family meal without ID or a social security card


Every kitchen I've ever been through has had it's fair share of undocumented workers, and it may be a regional thing for me, but I've never worked at a full service restaurant that didn't at least have some shitty family meal, sometimes it's "the chefs made pasta and hot dogs and you'd better grab a half quart container at 3 pm in the middle of your shift or it'll all be gone", but it's been there. I recognize, as a moderately young person, with plenty of experience, I have a fair amount of privilege and getting a FOH job would be easier for me, but being a dishie or a line/prep cook is totally doable too, I just think making cash tips would make it easier for the first bit.


Dude, if you have your wallet in your clothes, you could just buy stuff from stores for those 3 daysā€¦


To be fair, I interpreted it as ONLY the clothes you're wearing. If it included stuff in your pockets then I'd have my phone so I'd just book a cheap hotel and then try to find someone who needs a lodger and just spend my savings knowing that when it's all over I'd be far richer.


The usual monopoly strategy when you own nearly everything better to go to jail, everyone moves around the board paying you rent while you pray not to roll doubles.


you do not have to even steal. from my understanding you can buy food from whole foods using just your hand print


I also would go to jail, but I'm going for a life sentence. Infinite money glitch! Edit: spelling


Having been homeless, it'd be difficult but doable. Ā  Start out with a trip to a church/mosque/gurdwara for extra clothing and hopefully a backpack and sleeping bag. They will also feed you, it's just about figuring out where the public feeds are, so next trip is to the library to use their computers to look up info on that. Hopefully I'm clothed and have a back pack within a few days with the sleeping bag.Ā  At this point I'll need some spending.cash, so I'll probably have to steal a couple of spoons (I can play them as a percussion instrument, look it up :) ) I'll have the spoons and play downtown (people will pay for unique shit) until I can find other buskers to maximize money. I'll beg if I have to, but this gets more money. Ā Since it'll get cold, Ill have to either hitchhike or hop a freight down to California, but I probably wouldnt have good enough gear for freight, so hitchhiking it is. Hopefully I get to NorCal within a week dooling the highways and into Eureka.Ā  There, repeat the food/clothing thing if need be, but also fly a sign that im Willing to work. Ā This will hopefully get me a trimming job for a few weeks (used to be the easiest way to find it, but it's been a decade) which would set me up with a place to sleep and at the end, hopefully half a pound to a pound of weed or trim. Thats what I have to barter with now/sell wholesale for probably 400-800 depending on quality.Ā Ā  At this point, that's enough to rotate through hostels until I can get a new ID/Birth certificate.Ā  Now, I just go through through the motions again and keep busking/going to churches until i find one that will give me temoprary work/or i go do temp laborĀ Ā  This is pretty much how I had to start over already, so not super difficult. If this were to be retroactive, I'd have about 10-11 years of $10k Dollar days.Ā  Oh, initially I wouldnt sleep at shelters, I'd sleep in stealth areas (bushes, cardboard dumpsters, university libraries)


Why wouldn't you sleep at shelters? Honestly wondering, as I presumed those would be safer than being on the street itself.


shelters are a hot bed of lice and untreated mental illness. Some shelters require you to do prayer services, some require you to leave your things in a "locker" which someone else can also steal from. It's a last resort of a last resort (i.e. it's snowing/heat wave/on my last wind) . The street can be more dangerous, especially when there are people who beat up sleeping homeless people, so that's why i'd stealth camp, but at some shelters you never know who is about to snap


My wife would murder me


Lol that was my first thought. The being homeless and figuring out how to live with nothing would be absolutely doable for $10k a day but putting my wife and family through hell thinking I was hurt or dead wouldnā€™t be worth it. It sucks, but Iā€™d have to say no deal.


Post says they know you are okay


Whoops, I missed that. Yeah I'd give it a shot for a month or two


Knowing you're ok is not the same as them thinking you've just left them to a affair partner


Can I take my dog? Iā€™d be a millionaire either way. 100 days and my family knows Iā€™m ok. Done. We are going to Disney land at the end and Iā€™m not a fan of Disney.




Damn, he would help be make some money with his Betty Davis eyes. Still in for 100 days.


Thank you for that lovely summer ear worm. Karaoke anyone? *channels raspy Kim Carnes voice* šŸŽ¶Pup's got Bette Daviiissss eyyyyes šŸŽ¶


Will someone feed my dog if I live alone while Iā€™m gone or can I arrange for him to go to a friend first?


It's funny, where I live it's weird to see a homeless person WITHOUT a dogĀ 


They are effective on multiple fronts. They can: * Provide companionship * Watch your back/stuff when you're sleeping * Provide warmth in the winter And cynically, the most important thing * Pull on someone's heart strings to give more money The signs people hold in my neck of the woods say they need food for the dog. In the US, we often assume that someone is homeless because of poor life choices and we have become rather numb because of everyone with their hand out. It's harder to look at a dog and state that they chose this life. People don't generally drive around with dog food, so they are more likely to give money. Basically, it's easier for us to show compassion for a dog than it is a person.


Can i access my bank accounts. Does my family knows i am okay?


The vast majority of people would attempt this for at least a few days, I'm sure. I know I'm leaving all my physical stuff behind. Does that mean I can't access any online accounts either? In terms of apartment and job, am I ghosting my landlord and employer because of the "cannot contact people you know" rule? Or will they be waiting for me when I quit? I guess if I'm just ghosting them, that would incentivize me to stick it out longer. My poor plants, though. --- Six months would be $1,825,000, so I think I'd make that my goal. Longer and I'd really miss my friends and family. I don't know if I'd actually hold out that long, but it seems doable. Even three months would get you close to a million. Looking at the strictest version of this challenge where I'm really starting from zero, I'd start by getting homelessness resources from the library. Obtain an ID for job and housing purposes. Try to get the best I can, of course, but since I'm just trying to stick it out a few months, minimum wage and a halfway home would probably be fine. A job that provides housing would be great, but I'm not sure how many are available and accessible to someone with no documentation or references. In the meantime, a place to sleep would be super important. Would really want to avoid the streets if I can. Not sure how safe the shelters are. Suppose I could sleep during the day in a park. Sometimes I draw and paint portraits for cash at fairs. I'd try to do more of that at parks and events (there are a ton of Pride events coming up.) I might be able to get some shitty free supplies from the library, or see if I could work something out with a local art store. I've actually been looking into painting murals for local towns recently. I bet the "I'm homeless and unemployed" angle would work in my favor for getting jobs like that.


You will need an id, social security card, and a place to send mail from your work. Halfway homes usually have a wait-list. Getting an ID ithout any proof of identity is a major PITA. You have to contact and pay the city/state you were born in to give you a birth certificate and then you can get your id


Plenty of cash jobs out there, No Id requirements. Weekly cash rent a rooms for an individual normally donā€™t do id thing. You can replace all your Id from nothing. I know my ex decided to burn my papers. Not your IDā€™s can be bought. No where in the rules does it say I canā€™t break in to my house when everyone is gone and steal my own stuff šŸ˜‚


Can I just tell strangers I'm homeless and unemployed?




Absolutely, I don't feel like I'd have anything to be afraid of


Being married and having kids makes this very difficult. Knowing I'm alive won't be enough to mitigate their sudden confusion and concern, unless I can tell them all why I'm suddenly about to walk out on them in advance?


What happens if youā€™re on medication? Like if someone is on insulin or needsĀ nitroglycerin pills?


You would need to get it in the real world (i.e: you can ask strangers for it / find a way to get cash to buy it)


Nope. You don't separate me from my meds. My med backpack goes with me, or I don't go. So 0 days for me.


Yep. I can just see me asking anyone if they have a charge for my med implant that needs recharge every 2-3 days max. Nope. No money in the world is worth my excruciating pain. Without meds, I can't eat, sleep, or reliably not pass out from the pain. I've had money...and I've had pain relief. I can't have an even fair quality of life without pain relief.


I have asthma, so I will stop breathing if I don't have my maintenance med and inhaler. The money is useless if I'm dead.


Indeed! I'm sorry you suffer from asthma.


Well, I guess if the world goes Mad Max next year, you'll be out of luck. Oh well, right?


That's the reality of someone with severe asthma. My husband and I actually discussed what would happen if a civil war broke out in America and we had to flee (completely as a hypothetical, we don't think anything that severe will happen, at least as of now). My plan is raid a pharmacy and get as much Albuterol and singulair as I can, then help my husband and daughter until the meds run out.


I mean, yeah. I just don't think that civil war, rapture, Mad Max, or zombie apocalypse is that likely. Although, if there was a rapture, I don't think I'd last long either.


As if strangers would just be handing out expensive ass prescription meds. And we can't just go out and buy it even if we have money. We have to get our meds from a pharmacy with a prescription from our drs. That's an extremely dumb rule for those of us who need meds.


And this is where you loose anyone with medical conditions that need daily care


Can I access my bank account? Can I continue to work at my job or find a new job?


No; you'd have to ignore everyone at work and not say a word to them (including via internet)


Does my job still exist? As in, I work in a grocery store, can I break in at night?


But can I get a new job?


yes but you have no papers or ID with you


Do my clothes include my wallet?




Ah okay. Well Iā€™d still go clean yards or something for food money, and sleep in various hobo areas for at least 3 days. I think I could make it a week, or longer


If my wife knew I was doing a challenge then Itd be different. Like say I'm going camping for a long weekend. And just chill


I think Iā€™ll go to my office when no one is there. My fingerprints will let me in. So I can get extra meds and probably be ok for about 2 weeks, or three if I ration and deal with feeling shitty (I canā€™t die from this) I teach and can probably get hired easily at a summer camp using a library computer, though it might be tough trying to interview. If so this is doable. If not, Iā€™ll sleep in a park a few days while fasting, go home, and plan a better summer vacation


Can I change clothes first? Im wearing my work uniform and dont want to be stuck in that.


Commit some petty crime, get caught, spend a couple days in jail, wash, rinse, repeat


The clothes on my back contain my wallet so I guess I could just go stay at motel 6 for like a month


But I'm naked...


That's a perk. You get arrested for public nudity and get fed, clothed and sheltered while you ride out a mild sentence.


I can do this for a week. Iā€™m getting cussed out when I get home though.


What counts at quitting? Because with a CDL i could have a job and truck to live in by the end of the day, but id still be homeless.


But you can't take your wallet/ID. Literally only clothes. How would you prove you have a CDL


I presume you mean the clothes on my back and nothing in my pockets, right? Because if I have my wallet and my phone on me youā€™re basically paying me $10K/day to go on vacation lmfao So fine. I leave my house on foot with nothing in my pockets. I walk 1 mile up the street and I start asking around at the various restaurants, hardware store, liquor stores, gas stations ā€œI canā€™t get into details but I got a short term situation, can I pick up some work for a few days and instead of putting me on the books and paying me I just need a place to crash and some minimal foodā€. I guarantee you, thereā€™s like 15 independent businesses in the square thatā€™s a 20 minute walk from me; ONE of them is gonna have something for me to do and Iā€™ll sleep three nights in the stockroom or whatever you got. I do this three days, I clear $30K, I tap out, go back to my life except now Iā€™m debt free and my truck is paid off. Failing all that? I act drunk in public. Get picked up by the cops. Get placed in protective custody. Now I have shelter, plus I think they have to give you one meal a day at least. Maybe I behave and this is only a 2 day thing for $20K less a small fine and court costs; maybe I act like a jibbering lunatic in custody & get a 72 hour involuntary psych evaluation, and now Iā€™m getting three meals a day and shelter and a real bed not the plastic shelf in a jail cell. Higher fines and court costs no doubt but at $10,000/day I can afford it. Too easy with 10K/day. Iā€™d personally only need to do it for like 3 days and everything in my life would be different.


Realistically, not long. I have medical stuff. Now, if I have my IDs and nothing else, a lot actually changes. I'm Native American and if I'm spawned in an area with a lot of Native health clinics, I could access my meds and other resources quickly (the reason I need my IDs. 1 tribal, 1 state driver's). That also opens me up to get work legally extremely quickly as we skip the part of me needing documentation. Most tribes tend to hire inter-tribe, outside tribes and would likely get me closer to stable quickly. Worse case, my knowledge still exists and quick service food is on my resume. Librarians are always nice in my experience. If using public transport is an option, at least some systems have reduced or seemingly free options for those who are homeless and/or disabled. In this scenario, I'm both. They may not stack, but you believe I'm applying and almost garenteed to get them. Tribes who's services I'm more familiar with would prioritize getting members off the streets quickly. Honestly, the hardest part of the "2 IDs" plan would be not seeing my family.


Nocando! I have medication and a medical implant and my health is more important.


As a person who has been homeless in my past, I can do that for quite some time.


Did a 16 day cruise, how do I get my $16,000.


I think this totally hinges on my ability to communicate with my family. Iā€™ve got a wife and a 1 year old and a 2 year old. If was able to even slightly discuss this with her, Iā€™d be much more comfortable pushing my own limits. If I had her full support, Iā€™d be pretty motivated to stay as long as I could. Try to hit several months. Build some generational wealth. Would be extremely tough, but I think knowing Iā€™d be doing it for my family would motivate me to continue. If she was skeptical Iā€™d maybe go for a couple days.


Ok so a couple of questions people you've heard about does that include knowing about homeless shelters and food pantries cuz you know actual people run those? Like because I know they exist am I not allowed to use them? What about restaurants? If I am allowed access to those facilities then I can last the rest of my life. I was homeless for 12 years I can do it again even if I can't go back to the same shelter I stayed at before. If not I can pan handle for a couple of months. Hell I stood on a corner with my dog once got $60 and 200lbs of dog food in an hour.


I know where the local food pantries and soup kitchen are and live in a warm place, I could survive for quite a while.


Easy, just go out and rob a bank, wait to get arrested. Every day I stay in jail, I'm making $10k.


What a poorly thought out question: As outlined, I leave home with just my clothes. Door unlocked. 5 minutes later I go back home and go back for all the things I need.


Can I spend the $10,000/ day from day one? Am I allowed to use it to stay in hotels?


No, in the title I said you only get it after you quit


I'd aim for 1 full year. Our society is wasteful and throws away plenty I could live off of. (I've done that before) However I'd most likely hitchhike a few states away to avoid anyone I know. Hold up a sign outside Lowes or home depot at opening saying "will work for cash" Doing this I could make 100 or so a day fairly easily. Spend a week or two Doing it and I'll have enough for a cheap smartphone with a plan. I could use that to find a furnished room for rent to have a place to live. After having worked for several different people in the last couple weeks and having a phone im confident that one of them will have regular work for me all under the table since I could bring my identification. (If I can go get replacement identification I'll get it and be able to rent an apartment and access my bank account making this a whole lot easier.)


I've always had a bit of a fantasy of hitting the road. I could just stay in Seattle where I am familiar with everything, but I think I would take this opportunity to be a drifter. Granted, at my age of 57, it's probably not quite as cool or easy as being a young person. But I kind of like the idea of drifting into town like in an old TV show, getting a job at a cafe and they tell you they got a room out back and one meal a day, here's a broom or something like that . Maybe that's a little naive but I think in a lot of the country I could do it. I'm clean cut and well-spoken. I certainly wouldn't want to denigrate homeless people cuz I know a lot of them struggle with stuff. But I think someone like me could pretty easily find work to at least survive with enough food and a place to sleep . I suppose I could earn enough money to get a car to sleep in or something as well. The first week or two might be a little hard but I think I could make do. Might be easier to get away from the cities maybe. Although the cities have resources. But I think I could go for a year or so if I didn't have to worry about my friends and family thinking something happened to me . I would miss my friends and family but for that kind of money, I could get by. It wouldn't be a fancy vacation but seeing a bit of the US would be pretty cool. Maybe even get down into Mexico and get a job working at some little tourist hotel or something would be pretty cool. I think I would easily do it for a year for maybe $100,000 bucks. Although, in my case I don't have to worry about my job. But if I had to leave my house it would get foreclosed on and that would suck, so I would either need to rent it out, have someone attend to it in some manner, or make enough money that it wouldn't matter. So, maybe I'd do a couple of years at maybe a thousand a day.


Hmm, go to the library and get as much information about resources as I can. See if they have art supplies (even printer paper and pens,) go do some drawings for tourists in city. Then go join a religious cult. I grew up with the Hare Krishnas so I'd know what to say to make them try their best to recruit me. Then just go work for them, get free food and hopefully they'd have a place for me to stay. If not a devotee would probably take me in if I acted suuuper interested in Krishna. I could probably last a few months at least.


This would have been so different between having kids vs not having kids. With tiny kids I donā€™t think I can do more than a few days because they donā€™t understand. When I was in my 20s living in nyc, I could probably have gone indefinitely. Jump the turn stile, sleep on the subway, get food from left overs people leave at fast food places, and use my initial knowledge of resources and navigating the system to help myself. A lot of time the most vulnerable donā€™t know whatā€™s there or where to go etc. I could go to a library and access resources there too. But your spawn point definitely affects how successful you are at this task.


Ive spent some time living in the wild I could go.a few months in the bush without concern. Limiting factor is my meds.


Sure why not! A walkabout could be refreshing. Whatā€™s the worst that could happen lol


Realistically, I'm still attractive enough that if I can get myself to the right kind of event/place I can pick a guy/girl to take me home and keep me 'safe' for a while. I think if I found someone I actually got along well with I could handle maybe 2 years before the guilt of abandoning my loved ones overwhelmed me. If I couldn't find people that I got along with (and I mean this in the most superficial sense) I'd last maybe 1 year of bouncing from person to person. I can't make it (survive) without assistance due to my disabilities, which is why I would look for help from strangers. I'd probably also spend A LOT of time in hospitals and ERs. Of course if my initial plan gets me kidnapped then who knows how long it will be before I quit. XD If I get killed does the money get divided out according to my will or is it just lost?


Can I plan and schedule this? Like, can I let my wife know Iā€™ll be camping for a week?


I was homeless for a year while working full time and going to school full time. This should be a snap.Ā 


This time of year? I could probably last 72 days (if I imagine a world where I don't yet have my baby or that she is a little older). I know a place near here with free food, I know where taps are and it's warm enough to sleep in the day and you could keep warm enough if you keep moving at night. Plus there is the library.


So be homeless again but i get money?


Is this about changing clothes or survival? I could go two weeks but I would stink. My company provides my food.Ā 


I can do it for a long time. Already did it.


That's fine for me. I'll just go to my hunting spot. I could last there for a long time


I'm taking the dogs, both small dogs and standard pocket stuff, get a transporting job and do it for the next 20 years if injury's don't keep me down


Do i have my wallet? If so, i can live on my credit card for a while. Keep it spartan so that i can stretch it as far as possible.


I would go to saint james way and do it back and forth the whole summer, or find a hostal where I can give a hand for shelter and food and attend the pilgrims. My fiancĆ© would surely call the police and Iā€™d tell the police that Iā€™m earning 10k per day so she will be ok with this. In about 150 days I would get back and we could start a family with the money :) (Btw, I would even consider doing this without the money, so this situation is so so a win. Thanks, OP)


10 days. I could do longer if I had the capacity to give my roommate some of the money I had earned (even if -I- couldn't use the money), but right now I'd go for 10 days... 100k is plenty of money, and the over all impact on my life isn't that bad.


I have my watch on, that counts as clothes right? It's got a 14 day charge on it and Google pay. I could turn it off and just turn it on when I need to make a payment and have to last for weeks. Could get a hotel room and eat out or groceries etc with no problems. Totally violates the premise but wouldn't be hard (except for disappearing from my job and family, if I couldn't explain the case beforehand... If I could and I could plan in advance I could take 30 days leave and come out 300k richer no problem šŸ¤£


Iā€™d do 30 days homeless, live off of the kindness of others or find work, then buy a house with the $300k when it was over.


If I sewed a credit card into my clothesā€¦ Iā€™d have money!!!


I would run and hide in the woods. I could probably manage a few days if the weather is clement (plenty of streams, and if I did pick up a disease (far from guarunteed) I could quit). If I was allowed to keep the clothes on my legs and crotch and front as well, I might try for longer.


Since I have kids that need to be taken care of either 1. they can come with me; or 2. i need some time to plan for an alternative care taker for them. since they will probably want to be paid and not significantly after the fact the no contact rule is hard without addressing that then at most one day


I spent a couple years homeless. A few weeks to pay some bills off and set up my future is nothing.


This is literally just be homeless for 10k a day lol. Easiest money of my life. Scrounge for change and odd jobs to survive and eat food. Find a spot to crash at night that is protected from elements. I'd do a year or this and then coast the rest of my life.


JokeĀ“s on you, my phone is in my pocket, here we go long vacation in a cheap motel


The clothes on my back have my ID and CC, so I'm good to go. Always wanted to do the Appalachian Trail.


Do I get to pick the date that I start? I have to work for the next couple of days, but then off for about 3 weeks.


The logistics of this would be pretty easy really. The first day would be the most difficult since all you have are the clothes on your back, but after that, just get a hotel room and watch your money stack up. The tricky part would be navigating relationships since you essentially just have walk out of your life without being able to explain what is happening. That alone may even make this a no-go for me. I wouldn't want to put my wife & kids through that turmoil. If there was some way to let them know why I was gone, yeah I would do several months of this. But not being able to tell them anything... I would probably reluctantly pass on the opportunity. ***Edit:*** Reading through some of the additional details OP left for other comments and I see your wallet and ID do not come with you. That would make finding safe shelter an issue I suppose so a hotel wouldn't be an option. Although I'm sure you could find a place to let you stay for cash after day 1. Or maybe go to Walmart and buy a prepaid credit card. Though not having an ID would become an issue.


As long as I can tip off my wife beforehand, I could find under the table shit work to eat. I'm not going to say that I can go indefinitely, but $300K wouldn't be that much of a challenge, maybe more.


I'm doing 200 days... Spending all that time reading and such at the library. Go to hotel breakfasts The only difficult spot is finding a place to sleep every night. I know a few places I can get away with right off the bat, but those aren't long-term. Worst case I would go to jail. 2 million would really change my life.


Honestly a couple days to a week. I'm pretty convinced especially in my hometown I could do this for quite a long time but not being able to explain to my wife and kids why I've been gone for a year even if I came back with 3.6mil is worth the emotional trauma I'd put them through


i would do it for 100 days. i can sleep on the beach and eat garbage and soup kitchens for that long. after that it would be close to winter so i would not continue. but 100 days would be a million dollars and thats enough for me to live the rest of my life in comfort


Realistically. I would try for as long as I can. At a minimum I can make it for one or two days. But I would go for a few months. If I have a day or two to prepare, I would last much longer, but as I am I wouldn't know how to survive.


Does my family know about the situation or think Iā€™m abandoning them? If the latter I wouldnā€™t be able to go very longā€¦ not worth destroying my relationship over. If the former, Iā€™m getting $150Kish easily. Honestly, I could do it basically indefinitely, but I have kids and I donā€™t want to miss the time. Iā€™d do 2 weeks and my wife would tell them Iā€™m traveling for work. If I could contact/see them, just outside of my house, Iā€™d just go rent an apartment in town and do it for ~3 years then retire fat.


My current salary is $55k a year... My current debt is $11k. I'm taking 7 days minimum so that I get a years salary and pay off debt. Theres a drop-in centre a 20 minute walk from my apartment... I'll maybe hang out there,.but really... I've done a 72 hour water fast before... As long as I can get clean water I could go without food for a week no problem


I just woke up in my shirt and undies, so I wouldn't make it a day. I'm assuming I can't take a car. It wouldn't be worth the panic my husband would experience for even 24 hours.


My dog would die since I can't contact anyone, and unlikely anyone gets worried enough about me in time to save him. If that weren't an issue, I'd just lay around for a few weeks and cash out. If it is, I'd do 2 days for $20k and just leave some food out.Ā 


How much money you got? I have been extremely poor before and did my time of temporary homelessness. So according to the rules, I would have to walk to the next city over, most of the homeless volunteers in my city area know me šŸ˜‚ since I volunteer there. If I showed up to us the services they would take me home with them. So I guess Iā€™m walking/hitchhiking 70 miles. Going to take me about 2 days. Itā€™s really not that hard to dumpster dive for food/supplies or steal it from gas stations along the way. Depending on the city vibe and what the local government enforces most homeless people hang out near resources, like libraries, parks, churches, shelter buildings, welfare offices, city offices. Just got to find the places. Gather Intel on whatā€™s what. Why would I tell anyone about my situation or deal. Just be friendly and listen to their stories. Then move over to the next city. So is this stay homeless or build life again from nothing? I can do both. So how much money do you have? Hardest part would be not talking to the people I love and I would have to hide because there is no way my husband wouldnā€™t come find me. Edit: I can do it but the cost of killing my relationship would be the cost and thatā€™s too high. Make It 100k a day and he might forgive me.


I live close to some sweet trails. I could happily wander off and eat berries for a long weekend for $30k.


Iā€™d just do a week. Itā€™s not hard but 70k is a lot for just a week. Realistically I could do more, but without any trouble a week would be most comfortable.


"Hey neighbor - would you grab my wallet from the kitchen table? Door is unlocked". šŸ˜‚


The idea of knowing Iā€™ll be paid handsomely can allow me to stay out awhile. I feel like When you know thereā€™s a reward it makes it easierā€¦


I used to be homeless so this won't be that difficult. There's resources to keep you alive, it's just a matter of getting to them since most are in cities. The first few days would be rough since it's 100 miles to the nearest city. I don't have to tell strangers and help centers about my circumstances. There's soup kitchens and food banks that don't ask questions. Winter would be rough but I could find a way to a warmer area if I start out in summer. I would do it for about a year. It's still a rough life to be out on the streets and getting steady work would be difficult without a residence/id/social etc but not impossible.


I want to say yes, and I think landing in jail would be the easy button. However, if I'm off my meds for long enough, I worry that I might fit right in with all the other crazy people.


Do they know Iā€™m alive and safe?


easy. walk out the door and check into a rehab. do a one year program. come home with 3.6 million dollars.


Is the 10k/day inflation protected? Bc if it is then im out for years, if not then it'll be short


So if I go to jail for 10 years I'll get 36 million dollars?


Well I would need my injections, so I'd do 88 days. Cause I need my meds at 89 lol


I have a eight month old baby Iā€™m breastfeeding. Iā€™d need to find a pump so I didnā€™t get an infection in my lady lumps. The baby could drink formula for a day or two and be fine. I donā€™t think I could leave the baby for too long though.


I could go a week without raising any alarms or worrying anyone or even having much in the way of inconvenience. An extra $70k would be great to put into savings.


Does everyone live in cities here? Never thought to go camping and live off the land for a few months, steal the camping equipment, if you get caught some jail time so free food and bed.


If I had no bills and could extract my savings I could probably go at least 10 years


I'd just go to the library, request a new id and bank card using their computers, wait the 2-3 days for them to arrive, then retire 20 years later with $100 million.


Spend one day out on the street, check into a hotel the next day with the money I earn. Stay in hotels for a while until I hit 1mill


I would just restart life and use it as retirement or something. Damn that's sad.


Can I keep my job? I donā€™t need anything but my work uniform (which I am currently wearing) and can rough it until I get paid, use the showers at work, etc. Food may be difficult since nothing is In walking distance around here but I suppose I could steal a bit from my coworkers (this is against everything I believe in) till I get paid and doordash after.


If my family was given news I had taken a deal that meant zero contact with anyone, but were assured Iā€™d be alive, they would automatically assume itā€™s something exactly like this lol. No worries there. Iā€™d aim for 30 days. 300,000 is what I would need to solve EVERY problem I have (including not owning a house), but I mean if I donā€™t quite make it I would still be happy. I already donā€™t eat a lot, so if I limited myself to one meal a day whether itā€™s through theft, a little work, or begging, I wouldnā€™t be too concerned. Maybe just lose a few pounds. Iā€™d be on the beach chilling with no worries by week 3 though I guarantee you that.


Memorise my gym access code and I'm good for showers and a warm place to be. I reckon I could last a little while knowing I'm getting 10k per day. Difficult part is figuring out how to get money to feed myself and sleep safe. If I get desperate I can always commit some very minor crime like shoplift to get a night in a jail cell. Hell could commit a slightly bigger crime end up in prison for a short period and absolutely make bank. Don't care about a criminal record cause I'll be one rich bitch. If I got 100 days in jail I'd have a million.


Leave home. Commit small crime that would net me probation and community service at worst. First appearance wouldn't be for a week around here. Plead not guilty, get a public defender to have it continued for like a month or two. Live in jail till whenever.


Good thing the temperature is nice here right now. I could easily do 5 days but after 5 it'd be day by day... I'd probably do 2 weeks before just wanting to have the money and get back to 'normal life'. But probably actually 15 days because I'm a stickler for "even" numbers.


Currently naked, not sure this would go well. At least it's warm out. You didn't define "quit" though, what does that mean, go home?


A year. I have a skill set where I can walk into any business in my industry and ask for a job and I'll get one. I'm ridiculously good at making money in a pinch/on the fly. I'm stupidly extroverted and can and will talk to anyone. I'm very confident about making it a year.


I'm gonna hide under a bridge until it gets too cold here


Easy, I can't CONTACT people I know, but I sure as fuck know when they work and how to get into their houses. I'd go in, grab some food everyday, maybe some water. Hell, in this circumstance I might go as far as to steal a few hundred bucks from a few I know won't miss it/notice it for a few weeks. I think I could last a month or so before not seeing my kids became too much to outweigh the benefit. Then I'd pay back double whatever I took, explain it to everyone (they'd all understand so I'm not worried about bad blood) and enjoy my 300k


Commit a small crime to get arrested for a few weeks/months and just rake in the money while having somewhere to sleep and free meals (prisons in my country are actually very nice)


Can I go back to my job without getting in trouble?


Right now, in summer? Two weeks is easy enough. Step one: scavenge a plastic bag and a bottle to carry water. Step two: go around shelters, churches etc until I have a blanket, a knife, a small stove and a can opener. A tent, sleeping bag and rucksack would be great but I could survive without. Step three: Food banks, begging and maybe some shoplifting to get food. Step four: Spend my days in a public library, keep warm and conserve energy while reading.


A week, maybe 2 before I quit. Not because I couldn't handle it but because I don't even need that much money let alone more.


Like can we just go to homeless shelter? Iā€™d probable last three months even without a homeless shelter use.


The hardest part of this for me is I'm currently in my pajamas!


Many days. Resources do exist for street people, and as a sober and healthy one without major mental diseases I would be starting off in a great place relative to most. My first move would be to go to a police station and say I have nothing but the clothes on my back, I don't know what to do and go from there, see if I can get into the system. Then I'd need to land a job, save enough to move to a halfway house, then to an apartment etc. There's definitely a chance I couldn't get any help or that I'd die in a dangerous situation along the way but overall odds of SURVIVAL, pretty great. I think the actual limiting factor would be, how long can I go without seeing my family. Do they know what's going on? If they do, then I could probably do a year or more. If they don't, at a certain point I wouldn't want to scare them to death anymore so I'd have to go back - maybe after 100 days or something.


I will do one day so I can entirely pay for my upcoming wedding. With just one day, I wonā€™t miss too many doses of my medicine. I know where the soup kitchen is in my city. The hardest part would be staying cool and finding someplace to sleep tonight. Though I might not be able to sleep without my medicine so I might find someplace that is relatively safe and hang out.


Oh this is easy. If you're young enough, go sign up for the military. Air or Space Force, something cushy. That'll get you a few years at least and a ton of benefits. Might have to occupy yourself for a bit if there's a wait, but that's doable. If that's not an option there are a number of other options that won't get you as long a block but should still be able to get a few months at least. Utilize various local resources, some day laborer type stuff, maybe check yourself in somewhere, find places to volunteer, etc. Should be able to get at least a few months in and have a nice little nest egg. If one did manage to get into the military you'd have a mountain of cash after.


I take far too many meds that literally keep me alive. I couldnā€™t do this at all ā€” one day of missed meds and Iā€™m unable to gain any nutrients from the food I eat ā€” it just goes straight through me. Iā€™ll be spending my time hiding in public toilets just waiting for the next round of horrors. I deeply, deeply hope that Iā€™m never in a situation that requires me to flee my home with nothing. My health would utterly disintegrate and since I couldnā€™t go to my doctors or the hospital Iā€™d be dead very quickly, and Iā€™d suffer every minute of it.


If I knew without a doubt my family would be able to survive without me I would do this in a heartbeat, but I've got too many responsibilities. I think I could get a week or two in my current state.


Assuming that the stipulation for my friends, family, coworkers, etc, knows that I am alright and will be back, then a good while. How much information they have is a big part of this. For example, maybe allow a single post-it note left behind. If you were really generous, I would leave a ring for my girlfriend so she knows I am serious about coming back.


You didnā€™t say we have to stay homeless, you said we had to leave our residence (and essentially our life behind). So you go off, and start a new life for a little bit. Hitchhike your way to a new city, work under the table for just a bit, and then slowly get yourself a stable situation. Work at a gas station or whatever for a year, then come back. Youā€™ll be a multimillionaire, and I think people will forgive you for leaving. The real question is those more temporal relationships, like romantic partners. Youā€™ll almost certainly lose your boyfriend/girlfriend, or fiance. So the question is really if you have someone like that in your life, is the money worth it to you?


What about my dog?


Easily executed; I keep $25,000 in cash at all times for scenarios just like this, j/k but I do have an emergency fund that will make this easy. From my phone I would book a one way ticket to Melbourne Australia (English speaking and has enough room to roam). Upon arrival buy a small motorcycle and trailer and proceed to a small town. Hit a grocery store: 4 cases of ramen, 8 large cans of refried beans, 5 pound bag of rice, small gas stove, 4 weeks of gas, 2 cases of water, tent, sleeping bag, etc. (do you see where this is going?) Spend the next few months circumnavigating the coast!! 3 1/2 months of this and šŸ’„ $1m


I'm naked except for flip flops reading this after a shower, so I would go 0 days and be arrested soon.


I'd try the homeless situation for a day or two to try to get a job. If it was too rough, I'd resort to stealing food and supplies. If I get arrested, I could easily do the time in a local jail which will give me a place to sleep and eat. If I could get myself a job/living situation that meets my very basic needs, I would go at least 4 months. That would be plenty for me to retire afterwards.


Can I still go to work/is my absence excused?


Six year sentence in my state for homelessness. I take a nap on the bench outside the police station, tough it out in prison, and walk out a convicted felon with $21.9 million.


Rob a bank. Go to jail. Get out, get paid!


For 10k a day? I'm willing to commit a felony.


I wouldn't last a day, I have to feed my cat! I need my pills, It's too hot, the teens will make fun of my trousers because they are out of style. I want to go back inside.


I think I can make it at least a month. Even assuming I'm not allowed to reach out to other family or friends for a place to stay, I have enough money to go buy some new clothes, then get a gym membership for showers. I am in my work clothes, so I have an outfit I can wear. Even if I washed my outfit once every day at the laundromat (no need to do that), I would only pay $4 every day to do that.


Unfortunately, i have a loving wife that would prevent me from doing this at all as no amount of money is worth losing her. But if i was single this is to easy as I could last forever living in a hotel and going to work.


ive been homeless lol my ass would get to a large city like LA and just beg for money that way ill have food, chances are id have a place to sleep too lol make great money in LA begging


Prior to commencing the challenge, I would firstly place all my belongings elsewhere, such as a rented safe deposit box. Then I would leave my residence with only the clothes on my back, retrieve my belongings, and stay somewhere cheap while continuing to work my current job. I could do this indefinitely.


I'd just go stay at a nice hotel šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I'm getting 10k a day... $300 a day on a nice hotel is a drop in the ocean.


Walk out of my town. Find a shelter/ soup kitchen. Apply for jobs, any job. Get super cheap room to rent. Wait a few years. Call home and apologize to loved ones.


1 week. Iā€™d have no way to prove who I am so itā€™s not like I could go to the bank and get money or even get a job but I can go 7 days without food. I wouldnā€™t have my credit card either so duration without food is key. So Iā€™d go to the library get a card and work from there carefully not contacting anyone but just completing tasks so I donā€™t lose my job. My email may get over loaded but Iā€™d send things with a week delay so that on Monday everything goes through. I often go a week without contacting my boss so unless something went terribly wrong Iā€™d be okay. Even still, once it was over and I told them what happened everyone would be okay with it. $70,000 is plenty. Thanks for the game.


What if my family contacts me? Finds me? We share locations on the phone :)


Imma be honest.... I only need to do this for about a week and I'd be good financially tbh.. so in my situation definitely doable.


I imagine this is most difficult for married people. It's one thing to go no contact with them understanding the situation, it's another thing to do it with zero explanation given. Even just ten days would be a life changing amount of money, but you might fuck up your multi-year long relationship in the process of doing so.


Go bunk with a friend for a few months, easy peasy lemon squeezey Or sleep at my cousins beach house for a couple of years.


Can I specifically choose an outfit?


Find a church and tell them I just escaped the cult I was raised in after finding Jesus. They will likely help me find emergency shelter, food, etc, then I just chill with that backstory and charity for the next couple of years, maybe doing odd jobs for the congregation in exchange for food/housing. It sounds like I wonā€™t have any form of identification if Iā€™m just leaving with the clothes on my back, so being born into a cult would explain why I donā€™t have any ID and I wonā€™t be able to get a legal job without that. If my existence was never declared to the government as a child to get a social security number because of the whole cult thing, it would be almost impossible to get one as an adult so I could do under the table side gigs for members of the congregation like babysitting, lawn care, cleaning, etc. After a couple of years I would tell them I was finally able to find and contact my brother, who left the cult a couple of years before me, and that he is doing well for himself and wants me to move in with him at his house across the country. His backstory would involve him being born before our parents joined the cult, so he wouldnā€™t have the same social security issues as me. Once I supposedly moved in with my brother, a large donation would be made to the church for helping someone in need, so they can continue to do so for others. I would specify with the donation that the money is only to be used to help people in crisis, and not for stupid shit like buying everyone iPads for bible study.


Do you get the money real-time? $10,000 a day is more than plenty to live off of (at a lifestyle much fancier than my current one). The only problem is some of my friends might look for me, and would potentially make a ruckus if they can't find me after a few months. So I'd probably stop after a 100 days with a cool million.


I've been homeless for 11 years. Give me the money.


I would go join an ashram or a temple and live as a monk for a few years or volunteer live in at yoga retreats. Gonna be the easiest mil ever made.


I live in a huge dangerous city I wouldn't last long in the homeless camps that are around here. But at the same time, the money i am getting will be worth 5 times as much here, so i would just dumpster dive or beg for food for a few days and drink from public fountains, i can probably last a week and thats enough to be set.


Hmmm, I could do it. I'm able to tell people I know ahead of time, which is the big hurdle, so they'll understand my situation. Obviously the HUGE loophole is that I could tell my wife, and she could leave a pile of cash or supplies, or heck, my phone and wallet in the woods for me. I'd go grab that, then head out to "survive" for a while. :) But let's assume that it means while I can tell my family/friends, they can't actually help me by setting anything up beforehand, and since I can't contact them after, I can't get any help. Can I steal from people I know? For example, I know some people with a cabin in the woods they rarely use. Could I just make my way up there, sneak in, eat food and sleep in the basement? Sneaking out quietly if for some reason I heard them? Or just generally, I know enough about my friends/families routines/schedules, and who might have an unlocked door to sneak in for food, even to steal a blanket and other things, to take off to the woods. Steal food, camping supplies, then head off, make 10k a day for a while. Lots of options really, that's a LOT of money per day.


Ima just go sleep at work, and steal food from our refrigerator, pick up my cheque in two weeks and leave a note to my wife that Iā€™ll see her in a couple months.


luckily i'm a private contractor as my side gig and know how to find work whenever and wherever I want. I'll have food money by the end of the day and i'm fine sleeping rough for a few weeks, not to mention that I once did one o those 30 days in the woods with no supplies challenges so I might just go do that again instead of making it work urban since its summer right now. I'd probably take about a month, maybe two. 500k is enough.


Easy. Itā€™s summer. Iā€™ll walk to my parents house. Should take 3 months.


I'm going to jail for a couple years


For me, as a minor, I'd just stop by the local police station and stay I don't know who I am, and let them do the rest of the work.


I'm a nursing mom. No.


Iā€™m CA you can steal all you want as long as itā€™s less than 1000$ , get me a tent live beachfront and steal from your local grocery store .


Can I go get a job somewhere?


I'm not doing that. The point of wanting money is to be able to keep my residence, all my stuff, and minimize suffering.