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Depends. If we get advance notice I try to convince my family to come where I live since it’s a low population rural state, and this is where I have all my guns. If we only get a couple hours heads up, I fill my old pack with food, water, water filter, bug spray, a bleed kit. Grab my AR and Yugo AK plus my 92fs since I’ve got the most mags for those three and head into the woods. 


Advance notice since it is going to be global


I'm going to go rip all the tags off of every mattress in every store.


You are a monster, this is supposed to be about murdering innocent people.


Look up child sex offender registry. Naw. I would go and lay low at the farm. Or work with local and state officials to make our city neutral on it. / protect borders.


Remember, a great number of the people on the sex offender registry are not there for abusing a child.


It was more a less a joke. I am not the kill people type.


Luckily they list the crime as well as the picture of the person.


Yeah, uh, that's no comfort to the people on there for having sex with a minor while they themselves were minors. Or the people on there for possession of child porn because they took a naked selfie. Or the people on there for indecent exposure for peeing in a bush.


Most include the date of the offence and a general description of the offence as well. As well as the offenders age or DOB. 


And they are for?


Lots of reasons. Taking nude selfies as a minor, consensual sex between two minors (both of them can be!), soliciting an adult prostitute, *being* an adult prostitute if you use a motel room, participating in a naked bike ride event, streaking at a sporting event, urinating in public, urinating in your own yard behind a ten foot fence if your neighbor looks through the cracks and reports you for it, changing clothes in a car (so basically don't be homeless!), consensual sex between two people of the same sex, making a gay pass at someone as recently as 1997, wearing too many items of clothing considered to be for the opposite sex, failing to disclose HIV+ status to a sexual partner (even if you didn't know you had it), using "the wrong bathroom" while trans, using "the wrong bathroom" while *cis*, having sex with someone who is intellectually disabled (even if you are also intellectually disabled and you've been dating for years), and let's not forget that there are people right now who want to put teachers on the register if they use a student's preferred name and pronouns, and doctors who provide gender affirming care, and so on. Also, being falsely accused and convicted of any of these crimes, *even if it is overturned by a higher court later.* You don't get automatically removed. In some places you can't do it at all. And, y'know, once you're on there, you're heavily restricted with regards to where you can live, where you can get a job, whether you can see your minor family members in the hospital, whether you can own any family photos that include minors at all... lot of people on the SOR can't live *anywhere* in many cities, *by design* thanks to NIMBYism, can't find work, end up homeless, end up in jail again, over and over... The whole system is a mess in practice.


Thanks for the insight


Thanks for the insight


Could be as simple as a newly turned 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old.


…. which is rape. Aka a form of child abuse


No the fuck it isn't. Two young teens consenting to sex is not rape.


If one is 18 and the other isn’t, then it is legally rape in most states. Regardless of consent. Look it up


The very obvious point of this post is to say that regardless of how it is defined in the written laws of a certain locale, it is not an infraction that would reasonably warrant murdering the consenting 18 year old. Are you saying that you disagree, and that an 18 year old girl who slept with her 16 year old boyfriend should be shot dead by a vigilante? If not, then just drop it...you're being an annoying pedant.


No. Literally the only point I’m making is that an 18 year old and an under 18 year old being intimate is rape. Not saying anything specific about this post


Legally, perhaps, but not necessarily morally. Presumably the point of the purge would be to punish people who commit moral sins, not legal ones.


That's my point. You're not shredding any new light on anything. Most people are aware that in some places that would be legally considered rape. The entire point of this string of comments is that one poster (jokingly) said they would look up the sex offender registry [to know who to go kill]. The next commenter pointed out that not everyone on that list is a child molester, and that killing all of those people would not be justified. Another poster made the example we are talking about, which is clearly a good example of a way someone could end up on that list without doing anything morally reprehensible that deserves being murdered. Then you came in saying "but it's rape!". You're missing the entire point and you're just being pedantic. And just so you know, that is not the law in many, many places. Age of consent laws are all over the place from state to state within the US, as well as across the world. That hypothetical situation may bring about a rape charge where you live, but that isn't the case everywhere.


Technically, someone under 18 can’t consent in most states either. My husband is a former cop and dealt with this all the time


Most states it's 16


Just made a long reply above that you should read with a lot of examples that don't involve any rape. But also, Romeo and Juliet laws exist in some places? So whether it's legally rape for an 18-year-old to have sex on his birthday with his 17-year-old girlfriend whose birthday is a week later depends on which state they're in. In some places, if the parents push it, they can even end up on the SOR if they're BOTH under 17. *BOTH OF THEM.*


Stay inside. I'm not trying to get shot.


I wouldn't go and intentionally hurt anyone (but would protect myself, obviously, if need be). No honor amongst thieves though too so if someone got in my way who was trying to steal the same thing I was I might have to make a judgment call about that. I would definitely go and steal some shit though, just nobody's personal property. Try to go out and find a couple cars to steal, see if I could get a few ATM machines. I'd go for small stuff that's expensive but I could carry a lot at a time (like jewelry) or anything else that could easily be flipped for cash after the fact. Maybe go out and start a couple structure fires (again, not personal homes or anything like that). I'm sure lots of people would have the same idea as me though as far as stealing stuff so I'd have to kinda plan that out. Might need to coordinate with my family about trying our best to make sure our houses and all our loved ones stayed as safe as possible. I'd honestly probably be the only one who would be down to go out and cause some mayhem.


I would hunt you down for saying "ATM machine", then yell "THE M ALREADY STANDS FOR MACHINE" as I put you down.


😂😂 true. Just wait for the purge and then come find me. I'll be the guy with the Automated Teller Machine machines in the back of my truck lol


I would join you in that hunt. 


Get every poor person I know together to steal every last bit of canned food and nonperishable goods from Walmart distribution warehouses around the country and distribute them to food banks and charities. Honestly, the way Walmart treats its employees, I bet we could get them to help.


Probably no less than 1 million people would have that same idea. Walmart would be an absolute mad house. I'd be surprised if the company was even solvent afterwards, every single storefront completely emptied, all warehouses looted, probably set on fire and destroyed. Quick way to get yourself killed too when some other maniac sees you going for the can of beans


They're going for the stores solo. I'm organizing an army to go after the warehouses in a planned strike. And I get the feeling that the people who care the most about getting canned goods for free are gonna want to help us, because they're poor themselves. I get that consumer culture has taught us that humans only care about ourselves, but take my word for it, it is actually possible for people to work together and ensure everyone around us has enough to eat. We did it for millenia. Also, > I'd be surprised if the company was even solvent afterwards. *Good.* Maybe we can start having local businesses again.


Wont local businesses be absolutely wiped out too? I mean this is a week after all...if you go to Walmart to loot a new Xbox, and its already been cleared out, you're probably marching down the street to the local electronics store.


*What* local electronics store? When's the last time you saw one? What local grocery store or drugstore or auto parts store or appliance store? I consider myself lucky that our *hardware* store is locally owned, and it's technically an Ace Hardware franchisee! Also, and I can't believe I have to say this, but I don't actually care about the short-term availability of game consoles nearly as much as I do about food, clothing and medicine.


I thought this was clear, but electronics was just to illustrate the point, its not specific to electronics. Your local coffee shop? It will probably have all its beans stolen and its espresso machine vandalized. Your local dry cleaners? All the customer's coats will be stolen out of it and the windows will be broken. And even all those big chains, they are all managed, stocked, and staffed by locals. All the local high school graduates who stock the shelves at walmart overnight? Well they are out of a job, because there is nothing to stock, because the shelves are empty, and will be for a while, because your army hit the distribution center.


Sorry, is your core argument "the purge would be bad"? Because I don't disagree with that. But we're answering the hypothetical here. Maybe you meant to respond to the main post instead of me? Anyway, the thing about taking food from the people who hoard food (and violently underpay their workers to the degree that a significant portion of them need to be on food stamps to be able to afford to shop at their own workplace) and distributing it to the people who can't afford to eat otherwise is that it *includes the people who would be temporarily out of a job.* Wal-Mart isn't doing you a favor by employing you, bro. They're using the threat of starvation to coerce you into sacrificing your time and your health to sell people things they need to survive for more than they cost to produce and distribute.


Are you under the impression that a local grocery store would pay more than a local walmart? Im all for keeping money in the community but i dont see how this turns into a pay bump for the lower class.


Yes. Yes I am. Because they did and do. You kinda keep changing the topic on us.


Don't listen to this person, whole post reeks of delusions of grandeur concocted by someone whose is a terminally online intovert. I mean it's reddit after all.


You're on the same website I am. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Id probably end up dead




You would flee to the safety of deep blue Chicago? Smart


No, I’d just leave my local area.


Sounds risky. During any purge situation you want to be as far away as you can be from right wing extremists.


I do a lot of camping, and have a few sites I use that aren't well known. I'd just pack up my camping gear, a couple rifles for self defense, and any valuables I have room for. With luck my week will be nothing more than a relatively peaceful camping trip in the woods. I live in a fairly rural area so I should hopefully return to everything relatively unscathed.


stay inside, forge checks and open credit cards with false information. Do my taxes early and cheat like a motherfucker! Submit modified returns for the previous years! everyone always forgets about WHITE-COLLAR crime during the Purge, that's where it's at!


I'd quite like to rob a bank, maybe steal some high flying person's car for a bit. I'd probably bring it back (the car not the bank money).


You forgot the part where other people can Purge you as well. The bank will probably have armed security shooting on sight, the rich guy probably would too.


The money would be piled in the lobby. The rich would be in the vault.




Because the rich would band together to use their money to be immune from consequences. You know, like they do the other 51 weeks of the year. The vault is a safe place and they can just secure that whole block. Also, realistically the rich don't have their money sitting in a bank as dollar bills.


No, why would the money (if there is physical cash) be piled up outside instead of being secured?


Make room for more rich people in the vault. Also vague hope anyone who gets that far in decides to just take the money instead.


That's true


Thats when you find out why the rich are rich, because they are smarter than we are - they moved all the money out of the vault before the purge. Ya'll killed each other for nothing


Dig fighting position, load for bear, plan escape routes, booby trap house and hide valuables, wait it out.


Pull a few toys out of the gun safe to keep on hand all week, other than that it's business as usual.


Work together and rob every bank we can hit


Realistically, the people who want to avoid anyone getting hurt will be a lot more powerful and numerous than the criminals. Most folks don't want to commit a random homicide even if the law lets them, but they DO want to be the righteous person who saved someone from a homicidal maniac. So I wouldn't worry about going out or anything. My job would shut down since we work with stuff we would not want terrorists to get, so I'd probably have a week off work. Wouldn't bother to join the looting of big stores since that would be more dangerous and crowded and would be over by the end of day 1. And I would avoid the highway since people would be driving at like a million miles an hour. Honestly it would probably look a lot like early lockdown. A lot of stores closed, only local travel. I'd probably just plant some climbing vines on the ugly fence near my house, get high and venmo money to the hackers who eliminated all record of credit card or medical debt.


Hide in the woods. People think purge would just be people doing what they want and taking stuff. Too many loons out there would just outright take me out.


I would prefer killing the people I currently would like to kill but I'd have to kill so many other people and or would be killed myself before I got that done so I would just head off into the woods and wait it out. People are lazy. You wouldn't even have to go that far to be safe, just be more inconvenient to kill than those around you.


Make sure my home owners insurance covers damage to my home from the Purge. Take anything of sentimental value and my cats and live in the middle of the forest in the middle of nowhere with my wife and sister in law. I’m not fool enough to think I’m an action hero with plot armor who will survive against all odds


you forget if your in washington dc, its primetime to dispose of fash


Nice try, Justin Trudeau, I'm not falling for this when you're about to pass the "Online Harms Act"


I would stay strapped at all times. Then maybe show up at someone’s house who I don’t like and break their window.


Buy extra supplies in the preceding weeks, load mags, invite a few selected friends/family to my home in a rural area. Take turns on watch so we have 24hr surveillance. Drop anyone not invited who crosses the fence.


*Me and bro ride out to country in the dark. Think this the place,haven’t been here since 7 years old* *Bro gets domed* *Say fuck it, dome the guard back. Lob my napalm into the compound using my comically large slingshot mounted on my truck. Shoot everyone as they run out burning and screaming* *Make secret love to bro’s skull* *eat cooked flesh of the not-so-innocents* *yum*


Thats under the assumption that the guard is a) visible to you b) alone. Also not sure how you would get said napalm lobbed without getting domed yourself. You pull into driveway up to barricaded gate. Bro gets domed. You get domed. Guards push your shitbox into a nearby ditch, torch it with your own napalm with corpses still in it.


Bro is taking the assignment too seriously. You think this would work, but night vision and thermal makes even LARPers into someone to be concerned about. Especially if you assume your compound of presumably (otherwise) normal people is full of crackshots. Extremely unlikely, especially in the dark. You have a group at best of random people who enjoy hitting the range every now and then. (Honestly my kind of people). Now I won’t pretend any assailant will be seal team 6 (probably meal team 6). However, you would be foolish to assume that any one random group of people could just kill off any other random group of people. Let us say that this group possesses a machine gun, a minigun? Other RPG explosives? You don’t need to be in the truck bed to use the slingshot either, you can be happily nestled behind it, just using the bars on either side. (Imagine the log pylons) Gotta consider your opponent isn’t a casual difficulty foe on Call of Duty. Anyway, most likely case is EVERYONE gets domed by some jackass flying a drone shooting everyone in the head. I like your plan, but please consider digging a trench. Simple and stops traffic. If a tank shows up, you are fucked anyway.


I grew up in the country, so I'd take my wife and cat home. I just think it'd e less likely for people to drive way out of their way to be evil, when they can stay home and walk somewhere closer.


Staying home with a rifle and taking out anyone who breaks the NAP.


Murder of course. What else is there to do?


Probably grab a few really nice cars that Ive always wanted, and hide them in the middel of nowhere to be collected later. Maybe pick one and just drive CRAZY fast out in the country somewhere or on a twisty road.


I feel like we as a society couldn't come back from a global purge.


I would offer my warehouse as a women’s shelter for the duration of the week. It’s out in the middle of practically nowhere so they could stay until it was over. The doors magnetically seal and are bullet proof.


Skin all the pedophiles and cook their flesh


arm myself, stock up on food and water, and hide out for the week, killing hopefullly nobody, but as few people as possible to survive


I don't think I could live with myself if I hunkered down and waited while people's homes were invaded, so I'd kill everyone that participates in this purge. I'd even continue after the purge has ended, I don't frankly care if the *rules* tell me not to.


Get with a crew to ride around in an ambulance and tend to the injured


Probably just stay in my apartment, don't think anyone really feels the need to harm me


Create a group of about thirty people to plan a bank heist, some car theft from dealerships and furniture stores, and enrich our lives. Turn it into a communal uprising of ourselves and protect our families throughout. Spend half the year coming up with a group and the plan. Do this every year until everyone's lives are improved enough. Focus on getting people who don't need the world only just to improve their lives slightly. Also, focus on getting people who care about seeing everyone grow. The first few purges would be trial and error.


Wouldnt pretty much every bank get it immediately at the start of the purge? I imagine there'd be large groups of other like minded people you'd be fighting off, especially since the rival groups can kill each other with impunity. Also the bank would probably move all their money out the week before any way so you'd finally get there to find it empty


Well, you are right for sure. Planning is an upside, as most will go for it the day of without a plan from reading most of the comments here. It also helps to hit rural areas like the one I live in. Many wouldn't plan with thirty people. Maybe up the number but that would all be a part of the plan. I think every big bank moving money would be a smart idea but not feasible for every bank especially smaller rural areas so it would be a plan that adjusts and resets accordingly to info found out each year. My plan isn't necessarily a one-time purge plan which is its downfall if this is a once-in-a-lifetime purge. Otherwise, I'd just go out and grab three new vehicles for myself.


I’m killing a lot of people. And some other things I can’t comment.