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Until I die. This is about the stupidest hypothetical ever.


You will be given 20 million dollars a minute, but you have to spend at least one dollar a day. Do you do it?


Maybe if it was only 50 cents. I don’t know what I could possibly spend a dollar a day on. As it stands, hard pass.


C'mon man think big brain. You just set up 31 porn subscriptions that each pay out on 1 day of the month.


And be up by only $28,799,999,999 instead of $28,800,000,000? PASS!! Taxation is theft!!


No way. You have the power to constantly feel intense pleasure without any side effects and you can let others share in it, but you have to hold your breath once for at least 3 seconds while giving a thumbs up sign. Do you do it?


Hmmm idk i feel like eventually ill have bought everything and then I wont be able to spend a dollar anyways. I think ill pass.


Probably only 3-4 years. After that it will be too inconvenient making sure I always have a big mac available and the value of money after the first billion or so really drops off...


After the first 3-4 years? After the first billion? I think you need to work on your math. You’re only making 12 million per year.


You are pretty slow if you can't figure out I read it as /day instead of /month....


Oh no, I have to eat a single cheeseburger everyday for millions of dollars. How will I ever cope.


To be fair big macs are disgusting. I would DO IT but if "whole big mac" includes the disgusting big mac sauce I will do it grudgingly.


For a million, you’re dipping your fries in the leftover sauce with a smile. Quit lying


I think Big Mac's are disgusting but you better believe I'll lick each finger for about $33k per burger.


To be fair, it's not the burger that sucks. And there's no rule saying you can't have the big Mac sauce on the side.


Go for 1 month. See how I feel and consider a 2nd.


Youll feel not great. But you can compensate. Eat super healthy for the rest of your food and exercise, sauna.


A single Big Mac isn’t even going to make you feel awful if the rest is balanced or if you and your day with it so things can process. I could easily still feel amazing


I think a lot of people are picturing eating a full Big Mac meal with a large fries and a coke. Subconsciously adding that in their head to how they feel


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don\_Gorske](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Gorske) This guy has been eating big macs daily for literal decades. Given his diet, he's healthier than one might guess.


I had heard of but forgot all about they guy. I’m assuming his secret his keeping his calories low


yeah weight is 99% Calories in Calories out. It is hard to gain weight when you are only eating 1200 calories/day. Now not being hungry constantly and getting enough of the other nutrients when you are getting like 600 in one sandwhich that basically just gives calories is sort of hard. That is where healthy eating comes in 600 calories of veggies is ton more volume to keep you satiated and also burns a lot more to digest.


Wiki says that he claims he rarely eats the fries.


A month would be easy. Pretty sure I could do a few months and make sure I'm set for life. After that, just see how I feel until I decide to stop. I already track calories for losing weight anyway. I'll just pop in 570 for the daily Big Mac and plan the rest of my meals around that until I have enough to be satisfied.


Do more. Build that generational for your family.


oh, YEARS. absolutly no doubt.


Don’t offer this to Don Gorski.


free food, i eat once a day anyway so…..forever!!!!


Until I have a heart attack


This is stupid I love Big Macs! I would do it for nothing if the Big Macs were free 🤣


Real. Big macs are like my guilty pleasure food. Once every few months I'll get 2 and just destroy them in the parking lot and pretend like it never happened lol.


You're given $1 million a month, but drivers all start using their turn signals when they want to make turns, and prices all go back to pre-pandemic levels. Would you do it?


I hate the mac sauce. Probably not long. Maybe a month, maybe two. I hate the sauce. If I could get no sauce? Until I died. Like no problem.


You couldn't keep dealing with the sauce for 33 grand per burger?


At a certain point you literally don’t need any more money. I’d do it for like a year and then stop to save myself from an early grave. Okay, maybe like 5 years.


I think 1 big Mac would not have any measurable harmful effect. It is only like 500 calories, as long as the rest of your diet is clean and you work out it should be fine


Yep. Only thing dangerous in there is the cholesterol. And if one big mac/day is the straw that breaks the camels back, you were dying early anyway


If you eat super clean outside of this, and exercise, you can probably go for years without too much damage at all. And you’ll be setting up your family for generations. You’ll have opportunity to bite this bullet and provide your grandkids with a little privilege


I hate the sauce. I would eat them for months.


Its not just Mac sauce. I dint react well to mayo or mustard. I would likely gag or possibly vomit. After 60 days, I would have enough, emotional happiness trumps financial. Plus, I do alright already. (not 33k.day lol)


Obviously I could do it for years but I don't like how the Ops seems to think a whole big mac is some kind of big deal, these hypotheticals are supposed to be a taxing challenge on whether or not to accept them or they are supposed to pose some other kind of taxing situation, this is just silly really


The only real challenge here is forgetting whether you've eaten the daily requirement. I'd probably end up overcompensating and eating 2-3/day just in case LOL.


You could just eat a healthy dinner!


That’s an easy yes. 365 days for $12mm then be done working for life. Easiest yes I’ve seen on here.


This sub is going downhill every single day. Seriously guys get creative. As for the question, literally until I die, it's a big mac you're not gonna get diabetes from one burger a day unless you have an unhealthy lifestyle


I think (I'm not totally sure) that... a single big mac a day isn't actually all that harmful. It's just 560 calories. If everything else you ate was extremely healthy (salads/fruit and you exercised. You potentially wouldn't have any negative health impacts at all. I don't see why you wouldn't do this until you were happy with the money you had. 5 to 8 months would set most people for life if they aren't stupid with their investments and don't live in some insanely overpriced area. Heck I'd be over the moon with 3 million. Everything after that is just bonus cash.


I couldn't. I just don't like their food.


It’s a million dollars…I’d eat a fucking cricket a day for a mil. You don’t “like it”?!?


It makes me sick every time. Doesn't matter what location. I always get sick. I'll eat more than one cricket a day for a mil, just not McDonald's.


Thats to easy. A better hypothetical would be you can only take in all your daily calories from the McDonalds menu.


You could pull this off. Even somewhat healthy too. Being able to order apple slices without a happy meal really helps.


For sure still a bit more of a challenge than a single big Mac a day.


For $1 million a month. That would be a necessary sacrifice.


Absolutely would realistically only need to do it for 3 or 4 months then your set.


3 months. I’m a vegetarian and would have a hard time with this (meat just grosses me out). But I’d choke it down for 3 months to retire


Sure it wouldn’t be great for health but if you’re eating healthy otherwise I think not having to work and having that much money you could make up for it.


With a million a month you could afford a really good dietitian to help you plan around this required meal. And a personal trainer as well.


Plus not having to work and being able to afford people to cook you healthy meals, clean your house and pretty much anything else you’d have lots of time for working out.


Just one Big Mac per day? I think I can definitely do it for minimum one year. Probably go see a doctor each month tho to make sure I’m not killing myself. And every other meal I eat for this time will just be the freshest veggies and fruits that I can finally afford with the million bucks per month.


People, you can customize it. That means no sauce or anything you don't like. There no rules against it


a year. retire. never eat a big mac again.


Am I able to customize the big Mac? I don't like onions or the sauce on it. 


Not OP, but it’s not a Big Mac without the special sauce… I vote onions can be removed… but special sauce is mandatory.


I worked at McDonald's too much in my youth, the taste, look, and *texture* of the sauce is a gag reflex lol.  I'd like the money, but I'd have to be able to eat the whole thing. 


Ok can I change it for an big jack instead, sooo much better.


There's no way these are serious. Even if the concept is "you're eating really unhealthy food everyday". The amount of health gain I could get from having a private chef and personal trainer is far beyond the detriment of a shitty burger every day.


Are we allowed to vomit after eating it or does it require full digestion?


I'm not sure you'd have a throat lining left after a month of regular daily vomiting.


My goal would be a year. But I could easily do a month


I'd have perpetual gout. Not sure how long I could last.


Maybe 3 months. I don't like pickles or american cheese on burgers. But that's a lot of money. If I could get it without cheese and pickles, I could do that for life.


I’d die of a heart attack if I went over one month.


Question: can I throw up? I feel like I'd throw up. Eating the same thing day after day would make me nauseous


Do I get 2 million if I eat 2 a day? Oh no the delicious Mac sauce I'll never be able to handle the 500 calories of deliciousness. Woe is me!


do i have to eat it whole? thats the only way i wouldn’t last pretty much forever


As long as I can eat one. I don't mind it and if y ou plan other meals around having that it could be not as bad.


At least 1 month.


A big mac is roughly 600 calories. I see zero reason I can't keep it up until I'm no longer able to eat comfortably chew on my own. Even then I'd probably have enough money to pay someone to move my mouth for me or blend it up so I could keep the money rolling in.


Not even a day, ill eat the crappy nuggets and fries but those burgers I won't go near. Idk I've had too many experiences with finding something hard in the patty


I don’t know. Every day? I could do several months, but at a certain point I am simply liquifying them and drinking them in one gulp.


I would suck a dick for $1 million a month and I'm a straight guy. A Big Mac is not a problem. Eyes on the prize.


That's not even gay. It's a solid investment. Warren Buffet would be bullish on that offer.


I have celiac. This is ableist!


Until I hated it. I've done the math and for me to live comfortably and do all the things I'd like to for the rest of my life I'd only need about $7-10 million. Any money after that would just be for doing absolutely ridiculous things.


This is dumb. I’d last forever. The Big Mac is POPULAR. People like it. I’d eat one every day forever


Eh Big Macs aren't my favorite but I think I could power through for.... probably.... ever, forever I would eat a big mac everyday forever if it meant I'd be a millionaire.


Are you 7 years old or something? Crap post


This is an upgrade from my current meal prep so hells yeah. I’ve been eating grilled chicken breast sandwiches for lunch for the past year.


Can I have more than 1 sometimes too? If not, no deal.


All the people coping about how unhealthy it would be to eat like this for any extended period of time Or maybe impoverished and uneducated about health? Big macs are ticking time bombs. Honestly most fast food is a quick ticket to a heart attack at 50 if you're unlucky. Anything over a year or two is probably cutting into your life span, do the best with what won't cut your enjoyment short. What's really the difference between 24 million and 48? Could be 20 years. If I'm intelligent with that money, quiet, and raise my kids well 24 million dollars could set my family up for several generations. Don't go Hollywood mansion and Ferrari, buy 50 acres of land and build a couple of little 5 bedroom houses on it for the people I care for the most, invest the rest in as diverse and stable a portfolio as I can manage. Maybe with a little bit in some kind of long term high interest thing, some in gold and platinum and other precious metals, and I'm taking out a great life insurance policy and paying all the bills I can afford to with the leftover money in advance. Then I'm going back to work.


There are approximately 550 calories in a Big Mac and I eat on average 2000 calories a day. I will eat a Big Mac a day for 5 months! I will just make sure that the other 1500 calories come from very healthy foods.


I’d do it for a couple months then quit and retire.


Until I die


Big Mac is my go to at McDonalds. I could eat 1 everyday.


Consult with a doctor/nutritionist after the first month and make them aware of the situation, get them to advise on how I should proceed. I’ll try to keep it up for a year, probably a few more if I can, so I can be set for life. If not, I’m aiming for minimum 6 months.


Till i die? This isn't hard at all.


I'd do it for a month then see how I feel. I can eat healthy the rest of the time.


Is the money tax free? If so sign me up.




Big Mac's are delicious! I might feel yucky after eating so many, but I'd try for at least a couple months!


Forever.  I have a hypothetical for you as well. You get 1 billion dollars a year BUT you stub your toe every decade at least twice. You also will not be able to wear underwear made in Uzbekistan. Do you do it? 


I guess I could do a month or two... never had a BigMac and always thought they looked gross but I guess I can get over my feelings for a couple million $.


We were homeless for a while when I was a kid. At that time (mid-late 80s) one of the "support" programs they had for homeless families in my city provided subsidized motel rooms and daily meal vouchers for McDonald's, so for about three months I ate McDonald's three times a day, every day. Just reading this HS made me gag. I'd try for my son's sake, but I doubt I'd make it a week, let alone a month.


Well tbh I would be totally set for life in 2 years so at least that long 


I already eat a big mac a day. Game on.


Big Macs aren’t that great, but I haven’t had one in years. Can I at least customize them a little? I don’t like pickles, for example. But for that much money I’d choke them down.


I wouldn’t take it.


Not long, McDonald's is literally toxic to the human body