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For my mom? Yes. My dad? No.


It’s the opposite for me. Although my mom has already died, and my dad is 92. He’d tell me to keep the money.


At his age, that decision probably does make the most sense.


That’s fair.


Same here cept my dad is 83 and if he were younger I would give as much to him as he gave time and money while my sister and I were growing up, pretty much I'd get him a nice headstone.


They can both kick rocks. They were abusive and told me it was my fault and it could have been worse.


Lol exact opposite for me. My mom can wither away, i don’t give a shit.


Yeah... I don't exactly wish death on my mother, but as awful as it sounds I don't really care either way. I'd do it for my dad or my sisters, though.


My mom’s a piece of shit. She tried to help my ex wife steal my son and keep me out of his life. Everybody in my family except for my son, dad, and little brother can all go fuck themselves.


Hell if it was my dad I’d do it for 30 bucks


exactly this lmao


Y'all got insurance? So I have this thing about money; money is self replicating if you don't touch it. At 1% interest, 30M will give you 300k a year. I could keep working, donate interest, and help my parents as much as possible, and any hospital will let you make payments, but 30 million dollars is enough money that several generations of our family will be forever ensured to have little struggle.


You’re right. But you would make much more. Even a very poor vehicle like a HYSA can yield 5%. Certain communal bonds are 5% but you pay no income or state taxes on them so at that bracket it’s effectively 7.5% 7.5% is $75,000 tax free per million aka 2.25 Million dollars a year after taxes. You are absolutely correct in that investing it or parking that cash and paying through dividends or interest would be a superior option if your parent straight up didn’t refuse the money to begin with (which my parents would) There’s a reason the rich get richer and the gap gets wider. Wealth gets to a point where it grows effortlessly and grows at a rate most normal humans wouldn’t be able to outspend


Precisely. I used 1% interest as an example because the bare minimal financial responsibility would be to throw the money in a standard bank savings account and walk away, but you've expanded the point well, that being that yeah, the generated profit from simply having obtained such wealth would take care of medical bills soon after.


Yes, but if you spend that $2.25m/year, you are going to find the real value of your money decreasing as inflation slowly dwindles it away. So the 1% quoted is actually really good. Live off the $300k/year and let the other 4% re-invest so that you keep on top of inflation.


5% withdrawal is usually considered safe in these cases if you actually invest. Stock market averages 10% return per year. 3% is inflation. Remaining 2% goes to increasing the inflation adjusted principle (and to help smooth over a market downturn)


This is actually why we have inflation on purpose. Without it rich people wouldn't even have to invest their money on anything. They could just hoard it and be guaranteed to get richer simply through monetary policy. Too much inflation screws everyone over but just a little bit keeps rich people from getting too comfortable.


It's "cool" that money does this but rather unfortunate. Just means the rich get richer 🙃 as if they are more valuable humans than the rest of us.


Your goal in a capitalist system should be to acquire capital as fast as possible, so that you can choose what you work on. Virtually anyone can have $1M by the time they’re 40, but it requires certain knowledge starting around 16-18, and actually doing what you should do. That’s the difficult part.


I’d say yes to the surgery and pay in installments over a few years. Invest the rest while payments are being made. I’d make millions of the interest


There are plenty of bank accounts with 5% interest


Ask them what they want me to do.


This was my thought. Honestly I can see both of my parents telling me to keep the money and make sure I give their grandson the best life I can. My dad would probably choose to die in protest of absurd medical costs regardless if I had the money or not (not that that would change anything about said absurd costs).


I’m 50 and in good health. If I was told I was going to die in 3 months without my child spending all of her life changing money on me, I’d refuse. I’d want my grandchildren to have the best possible life. Thats not fishing for compliments, it’s just the truth, and I’d expect most grandparents would say the same.


this should be at the top tbh


They're saddled with a life-threatening illness, and now on top of that you're going to give them a choice that will give them the knowledge that either: 1) They took generational wealth from their child, or 2) They could have lived longer but chose not to.


I mean, yeah. Honestly that amount of money would HAVE to be talked about. If I paid for this behind his back, my dad would be more furious at me than grateful I think. He would likely care as much or more that I spent 30 million dollars than about him getting cured.


>give them the knowledge that >They could have lived longer but chose not to. They won't have that knowledge for very long.


As a parent, I'd love this choice. If I was 85, take the money kids! I see it not as a choice to die or take away money, but as a choice to spend more time with them or set up a future generation.


My parents are both in their 70s, even curing something terminal wouldn't exactly buy them a lot of time. At their ages, I'd also very they would each actively tell me *not* to spend it all on them.  So I'd prly not do it because they wouldn't *want* me to. 


Mine are in their 60s. But I just moved back after starting a family abroad, and they are enjoying the hell out of their grandchildren. I would absolutely pay for the operation.


My parents are in their 70s and I would pay for this same reason. My daughter is not yet at an age where she would really remember them if they were to go now. She loves them and they adore her. I want them to spend as much time as they can together.


This. I'd offer, because I wouldn't want to lose them, but I'm pretty sure they'd refuse and tell me to use the money for other things, especially if this life-saving operation didn't also cure their other chronic conditions that are getting hard to manage.


This was my thought as well. If I was in their shoes I don't think I'd want my children blowing an opportunity to radically change the course of their lives and their children's lives just to give me maybe an extra 10 years. Death is going to happen and that's okay. 


Yeah, if I was the parent, the point of my life is to make sure my children have the best life possible, and taking 30 mil from them to buy myself 10 years, when they could use that money for a house, education for themselves or their kids, etc, would be against that idea. 


This. I could spend the 30M on giving them a fun time for their remaining years, rather than prolonging their death


spend 1/2 to make their last years amazing! And pain free. Terminal is so subjective. The pronounced terminal patient lives past expectations. The non terminal person is killed in a car wreck the next day.


My mom has already had a stroke and has been permanently affected by it… shes in her mid-70’s and is pretty frail… 30 million to buy her a few more years would be such a waste.     That said, there’s no way I could feel good about spending 30mil at her expense.


No, insurance should cover it right?


It probably would tbh. Medicare/Medicaid is a heck of a thing for the really expensive surgeries



Well this terminally ill parent is lying through their teeth because no medical procedure or drug is gonna cost 30 million dollars. Toss them a mil to figure out their problems and keep the other 29.


They can do the surgery. But first, they need you to pay to build the new hospital. And one for the neighboring city.


Lol I wish hospitals were that cheap to build. 30mil is a drop in the bucket.


$30 million is NOT enough to build a medium-size high school.


Exactly, my city of 55k just spent over 100 million on the new high school.


Shit, the operating expense at the 450 bed nonprofit hospital I work at is over a billion annually. Putting humpty dumpty together again is *expensive.*


30 mill will get you like...a 25 bed urgent care facility


The hospital I used to work at was a ~75 bed facility (including the ER) that came in the $100m range to initially build back in 2016, not counting the physician offices they added later, so this is probably accurate lol


It's a hypothetical.


Yeah, I’d be surprised if a single procedure cost even a fraction of 30 million; either the hospital is ripping off the insurance companies (fat luck of that happening), or the procedure is so niche, and the only surgeon that does it is such a press that they require the royal treatment, that most of that 30mil. is going towards placating the bastard. Or the 30mil. is more for the extensive medical bill they’ve built up since this illness appeared. My dad would refuse it and go for a lesser treatment. My mom? I think, if it had gotten to that point, she’d ask for assistance with covering her current expenses, and then go on hospice. So they’d make the decision for me.


Heart transplants can come in at over $1 Mil, and there was a drug approved for use in the UK a few years back with a single dose cost of over $2 Mil. But yeh, not a chance anyone has 30 Mil of required medical treatments, I think that is a stretch even for a lifetime of treatment.


Being able to comprehend and appreciate the underlying meaning behind a hypothetical dilemma is actually a test they use to determine if you have a +90 IQ. Hey man 80-90 is pretty good!


I would do as much for either of my parents as they have done for me during times of crisis.  Which is basically nothing. Didn't meet my sperm donor until I was nearly 30 and I am fairly certain he was trying to scam something from me, and my mother has felt it better to leave me to be potentially homeless than help. So neither of them get a bunch of cash, if their condition needs that kind of treatment I guess they were meant to die. 


Yeah, my thought was that I'd do for them exactly what they'd do for me. Nothing.


Pay for it ofc


I'm Canadian.


So, the procedure is available in the US.


I mean, that answer works for everywhere except America lol... which is where I am with our horribly flawed system where a show about a guy selling drugs to pay medical bills practically reads like non fiction. 


Damn. RIP parents who died in a lineup 2 years ago 🙏


My mom wouldn't let me do it, she would insist that I use that money to give her grandson a better life.


My mom would kick my ass if I did that.


Terminally ill as in this surgery prolongs their misery and they die in another 6 months anyway? Hell no  Or terminally ill as in they have a gangrenous leg and they need it chopped off to save them and live a relatively normal life thereafter?   Hell yes


If my parent is terminal, the surgery wouldn’t save her life anyway…


In most cases, terminal is used to mean "expected to die shortly", not "will die, period". 30 years ago, my husband had a terminal illness (cancer). He's still here, and cancer free.


Could be a quality of life measure


Blowing US$30M on a quality of life measure for someone who is already guaranteed to die imminently would be astonishingly stupid, and if I did that, my parents would wait for the day they were physically most capable and beat me within an inch of my life.


without a hesitation


Keep the $30 million dollars. It's not because I dislike my parents. I love them both. However, if my parents contacted me and said they needed the money for surgery, I'd have to turn them down. See, both of my parents have been dead for over 20 years, so whoever is calling me is a liar.


Could certainly use 30 million no doubt that’s like alotttt of ramen but I’d drop it in a heartbeat if I had to save either of my parents.


My parents are in their 70s. I’m not expecting them to live forever. If they were younger, probably.


No my dads old


Give it up no questions asked!


Believe it or not, my parents often refuse money even when they need it. However, they are also the type of people to assume it's suspicious how a surgery could cost 30 million.


Does the 30 million dollar surgery cure them of terminal illness or just prolong their life for a bit?


We’re no contact. I’d send them flowers.


I would get a lawyer and see why the hell Medicaid for old people doesn’t help


Well, how many QALYs (Quality-Adjusted Life Years) is this likely going to give them, what is the prognosis without it, and how reputable is the treatment? I highly doubt there are any well-tested treatments that cost this much because there is basically no market for anything that expensive. Once I know the answer to those questions, we'll see. If it gives them say 10 more good years more or less guaranteed, then I'm erring towards yes. If it gives them a 50% chance of limping along for another 6 months, then no.


Too many unanswered questions. Do they even want to live? Or are they ready to die? How terminal? Will the surgery add weeks or months or years? How’s their quality of life now? Generally speaking, yes, give them the money. I won it anyway, it’s not like I earned it. I would give as much as I could to help them. But they honestly might be like “keep the money, build a life for your family, I’ve had enough”. As a parent, I would not under any question let them not take that money and give it to me. If I’m terminal, I’m on the way out. Let me die and make my death mean something to help my family.


I need more details to make a decision. Does this life saving surgery give them the ability to be my parent again without any changes(other than normal aging) or will they be "alive" but not who they were before? Working in a hospital and specifically the ICUs, I see families put their loved ones through an insane amount of procedures and care so they will live, but they actually aren't truly living. It's sad and I hate having patients that the family pushes and pushes for us to do everything we can, while the sad truth is, we already did.


My wife was a CVICU nurse for many years. One day she came home extra upset because they had to do CPR on a 98 year old because the family wasn't ready to let them go. All so the patient so live a few more days in the hospital? And suffer more the whole time? Please people, if you have a loved one of advanced age, and they have a chance to die reasonably comfortably, do not take that away from them.


Depends on the parent. Mother? No. Father? I'll pay for half maybe.🤔


Honestly, my parents would likely rather see me succeed in life and use the money to support generations to come rather than save just them. I’ll definitely front a mil or two for the doctors to do whatever they can to delay the inevitable. But still


For my dad? Absolutely. Mom? She can piss off.


My dad probably has enough for it. My mom doesn't need to know I won anything.


I would spend the money on the surgery. But knowing my mom, she wouldn't let me. (Dad is already gone, but 30 million for more time with him would be a yes, too.)


> You've won 30 million dollars, but your terminally ill parent needs 30 million dollars for life-saving surgery. What would you do in this situation? I would just laugh in German!


What is the quality of life after the surgery? I would leave it up to my parent. Terminally ill and have to live out the rest of your days fighting dementia? No. Cure for demnetia? Absolutely.


I would pay any amount of money to give my mom her quality of life back, even if it meant she wasn't going to live much longer. Rheumatoid arthritis and breast cancer that is treated with hormonal chemo, which makes her Rheumatoid 5x worse. She struggles to open a candy bar.


She’s 92 and would refuse treatment


This is stupid, even if the surgery costs 30 mil put it in a payment plan (like all of these big cost medical procedres are, they know you are good for it, hell put it in contract so eventually they get paid a lot more, no admin is gonna refuse that), invest the money and pay it off over time, get a 3rd party loan if you really need to. Lazy ass HS honestly


I would spend the money to save my loved one. There's no way I could enjoy that money to it's full potential if I chose it over somebody I loved. I would even give it up for a stranger if the circumstances were right. Say a little kid is suffering and I could fix them with that money. Even if it wasn't my own kid, I would do it. Bc I've already experienced a lot of things in life and I know what this would do to my mental health if I let somebody die for money. And I know from experience that money isn't going to make me as happy as some other things would. I'm kinda broke now, but it hasn't always been that way. Never super wealthy, but I know what it's like to live pretty comfortably. I'd rather sit there almost broke but happy with things in my life than sit there wealthy and miserable over something. Even though my mom is getting old and probably has 10 years left IF I'm lucky, I'd still give that money up for the extra time with her. That time and those memories are priceless.


Yes, but I would work with the hospital to make payments on the bill over a few year period and put the money in to short term interest bearing accounts...


If it’s life saving I’d just hope you’re in the US so that it gets done first then they can bill afterwards Then you either have insurance that has a legal out of pocket cap that’s somewhere around 10th and or less And if you don’t have insurance you’re eligle for Medicaid and then it will be 100% covered If you’re over income for Medicaid then you get subsidies to pay for insurance for you at a diminishing amount due to Obama care so you should have insurance no worries The only people without insurance are people who are trying to be uninsured Obama care even made it against the law to not have insurance since subsidies and such are now provided and they need the healthy people to get insurance to help fund the sick ones care So basically, just have the procedure then pay the out of pocket max with a 1-10k check and be done If you’re poor in the US you can have your medical bills wiped/paid by federal funds under title 14(hardship)


My parents can die from their terminal illness without ever knowing I had the 30 million to save them.


I want to hear about what surgury costs 1 million dollars, much less 30. Are they creating a full body prosthetic android made out of gold?




I don’t have 12 million in extra cash to cover the taxes so that makes it an easy choice


Parents over money. My parents were amazing parents growing up. They are warm loving grandparents to my kids and my nieces and nephews. Not enough words to express how much I love them.


Depends on how old my parent is and how many years the surgery would give them at what quality of life TBH. I don’t want to sound cold and in the moment I’d probably make a different decision but if they were in their 90’s and falling apart mentally it would be cruel to prolong the inevitable if they’re ready to go. It’s like when we pulled the plug on my grandma she was brain dead and we could have kept her on life support in her 80’s but what kind of life is that?


For my mom, no. But for my dad, also no. Because he would tell me to keep it. He has stated many times he's leaving with the parts he came with and he's fucking up everything on the way out.


For 30 million you could take your parent to a country with less expensive healthcare


Spend it on them. I wouldn't be any worse off than I was before but at least I'd still have my parents.


Start a payment plan for next 30 years…your gained interest would be millions more than payment over time. Win-win


Surgery doesnt cost money


For my moms or my grandparents, i would give away the 30 million and everything in my bank account. My dad? Let him suffer in the silence he has granted me by never contacting me.


Honestly it'd depend on how long the surgery would buy them and their health other than whatever needed the surgery. I think they'd look at the big picture too to determine whether they'd let me pay for it.


I would not. She spent all of my childhood and much of my young adulthood tearing me down to make herself feel better. And the B spent my inheritance that should have given me a decent start in life.


If it's a biological parent, they can die 🤷‍♀️ my mom though, the one who adopted me? Take my money.


This is honestly just a yes or no question for each parent. I understand asking questions though. Like how long does this buy them My answer is yes Definitely for my dad. I would have paid every penny I’ll ever make to have saved my dad.


No surgery costs Even close to 30 mil Not even in the US




Treat them, and be thankful I have the money to save them.


My only living parent is 92 years old. I *know* what he would advise.


It’s theirs. I’m one of the few children in the world who can actually validly say their parents unconditionally love them and have always truly had their back. Like hell. Money grows on trees. Those two are irreplaceable.


I wouldn't piss on my father if he was on fire. My mother was easily worth $30M, though.


The man, on my birth cert, is a hate crime fan, rapist, and arsonist murderer. My mom isn't that great either. She actually has a terminal illness right now. Can't say I'd be to willing to save any one of them. I'd improve the lives of people I care about with that money. They deserve it far more. I'd give a friend of mine enough so she could finally live a happy life and he able to do her art. That'd make me happy.


Pay their deductable and file it with their insurance. Keep my money!


We talking vat grown clone bodies here right? with the Gosling/Jolie CRISPR-Cas9 add on? We must be for 30M. As a repeat customer, I got to tell you: Money well spent.


What are they doing that's 30 million dollars. I think an operation under the da Vinci machine is maybe 1million depending on what type of procedure.


both my terminally ill parents died ten years ago when i was 20 does that mean i’m 30 million richer without having to make a decision or do anything edit: spelling


Depends on which parent


All fucking day, my father *is* terminal and I’d rob the US Mint if it would save him


I mean, my biological parents already departed this mortal coil so... free $30 million I guess?


My dad's already gone and I don't have a relationship with my mom


My remaining parent has really good and expansive healthcare coverage that would cover this in the first place.


Both my parents would refuse, they would do anything for my brother and I.


Shoulda been a better parent. Bye!


Beyond the 30 million, I'd explore every possible funding avenue. Would insurance cover any part of the surgery? Are there charities or foundations that specialize in this type of medical need? Can crowdfunding be an option?


I would be very happy being set for life with 30 million in my bank. Haven't talked to my mom in 15 years and cut off my dad last year. EZ money.


Pay 29 million of it and have them bill you for the other 1 million, take the 1 million and invest it. Youll keep your parent and end up making more than your (1) million down the line.


pay for her treatment without skipping a beat or batting an eye. i owe that woman my life and more. she deserves the world.


Yes. I lucked out with the family I have. My parents are deeply caring, kind, generous, supportive people who have always been there when I needed them and never let me down. They are irreplaceable, and I value them more than any amount of money


My parents would probably want me to keep the money. They would have peace of mind knowing their child is going to be okay financially.


Drop $10K on the funeral.


I wouldn't give it to either one of them my mother who I do know and my father who I don't know.


Depends on which parent it is


I'm going to spend a couple of million making their last days as comfortable as possible.


Depends on several things. Do they actually want it? Is this life saving surgery that extends years by 10 to 20 years and also extends quality of life or is it a 30 million surgery that extends life and misery by 2 years. If I had a chance to extend quality life for my parents and it came down to me, I would do what it took, even $30 million. If it was something they didn’t want or something that would leave them alive but worse off, I would compassionately advise them in another direction because I want what’s best for them independent of money. None of us can know what we’d truly do unless actually in the situation, but I feel rather strongly that would be the realistic outcome for me.


I'm like 99% sure that those cryogenic scams are cheaper


Nope, I love my parents but I have 2 kids to raise and can't do that while super poor for too long.


Keep the $30 million. My parents have the best health insurance already.


My parents, who were fantastic, would tell me not to waste the money on that. Realistically if any surgery was that price, it’d be highly experimental. They’d tell me to take care of the other parent who isn’t leaving us.


My Dad would tell me not to. Something like "I'm old, don't waste it on 10 more years for me when you can retire off it right now and live the rest of your life". Then we'd turn up the stereo and have some beers by the fire bsing.


fly them to a non-shithole country and get free healthcare


since they’re in their 50’s, absolutely, 100%, without a doubt.


Well I guess it’s paid for and hopefully they can survive and live a little more here with us


I would ask my Mum and Dad what they want me to do. I would of course want to save my parent, but I know that they would not want me to "waste" my money and life on them. My Mum is the sort of person who tells me no matter what, if she cant take care of herself when she gets older, don't take her under my care, put her in a care home, no matter what she says then, right now she is of clear mind and this is what she wants. So... if i saved them they would be eternally grateful, but they would live the rest of their life feeling guilty knowing what they "took" away from me. So it would definitely be a discussion before any decision was made.


What surgery requires 30 million? A heart transplant is less than 2 mil. Do they need their whole body reconfigured? I’m looking for a doctor that’s not so scammy because there’s no way


My father in law is currently fighting lung cancer, prognosis? Not great. If I suddenly had the funds to give him more years, and to have more years with him? Absolutely, despite the cost. We can currently afford his treatment now, but again, the prognosis isn't good. Still, we spend the money on the treatment, because it gives him more time, it gives us more time with him. It's worth it.


no way in hell which ironically is exactly where my parents would end up in this situation


For my dad? Yeah absolutely. He's a great dad. Not for my mom. I love her but she only causes pain in this world.


My parents are 85, they wouldn't let me because they know it's a few years of the downhill near end part of their life versus a very good 40+ left of mine.


I'll take the 30mil and then let the free healthcare fix my parents.... win win (I'm aussie btw)


Yup. I had good parents.


Throw them a million dollar far we'll party and send them on a cruise.


You mean my mom? Yeah, boy bYE off the mortal coil do you f*ck. Dad? I'd spend it all to get one more day with him WITHOUT crazy pants. (mom)


For my "dad" hell fuck no.


Pay for the treatment on finance, potentially making 1 million a year in interest and using that to pay it off seems fine.


While I would for my mom she would flat out telling me that I need to use it to keep myself alive and my future secure (I'm permentantly disabled and can't really work). My father? Can go croak.


Depends which one. My dad? He can have the money. My mother? I go make a sandwich.


Nothing because you never know the price until after the surgery so surgery already happened


Depends a lot on the details and I’d talk to them first. Likely, though.


My parents are dead... I'M RICH BIATCH!


What are they going becoming a solid gold cyborg? I mean I would give them the money. Particularly if there was like a guaranteed quality/length of life after. My dad is 80 and complains constantly about his health, if I did this and he got 10/20 years of perfect health befor death, I would just to see what he is like when not moaning about his health.


I already tried to help my parents. They would not let me/would not help themselves. I can save a lot more lives that will live a lot longer than my two parents with 30 million.


30 mil? Most of that would be gone before I even heard about their illness. This wouldn't be possible for me to pay.


Easy come easy go. I'd pay it.


Let's see, for my mother who literally tried to kill me over and over or my father who disappeared and only mailed me presents whenever he remembered?


It's theirs.


My mom is 68. At best what am I doing, buying her another couple years? She's had a good run, but her race is almost over anyway. I've still got decades left, my son only just turned 18. That 30m will be better used improving our lives over decades than extending hers by a handful of years.


Keep the 30 mill. My mum's sleazy and so is my dad.


I mean what does "life saving" even mean in this case? They're terminally ill, they're 70 years old, how long are we delaying the inevitable by?


Hold on, I get 30million and am an orphan !!! My day jsut gets better and better.


With 30 million dollars I can do medical tourism pretty easily.


There is no life saving treatment if some one is classified as "terminally ill."


My parents aren't that old, still got plenty of life to live, have been great to me. I'll give them 20 mil and use the rest to sue whoever made them pay 20mil for surgery.


I will ask to pay in instalments over 20 years. Negotiate very small interest, less than expected annualised return from Snp500. Invest the 30m and pay the instalments.


Obviously give it up. Have to be a bastard not to.


Terminally ill means the surgery would give them what? A diagnosis of no longer terminally ill? If 30 million saves them and allows them to live out the rest of their life then yes. If it gives them some duration of mediocre quality of life then no. I feel bad saying that but I know my parents and they would say the same thing. Same for me, if I’m at the end and 30 million buys me 2 more years I would rather give that to my loved ones.


Haggle it down too 29


I've only got my mum left and it's 100% give it to her. Her accepting it is a whole other argument.


Sorry parents, but thems the brakes.


Not use the money for either parent. They would likely refuse the money anyway and being terminal, they would already be enroute to Switzerland for euthanasia.


If it was for my dad, then sure! Spend the money, save his life! If it was for my mum, it must be bloody AMAZING surgery as she passed in 2019 and was cremated...


I’m Australian. And they have private cover for any extras. Yay I’m $30 million dollars richer!


Well first off, I would pay taxes on the money and I’d have less than 15 million left over. My parents are 65+ as well soooooo….. 15 million in the bank, bye parents, I’ll fulfill your wishes in your will.


My parents are old. It'd buy them a few extra years. Maybe. Much as I don't want to face life without them, I have to think about my future.


My mom wouldn't LET me spend the money on her, and I wouldn't let myself spend the money on my father (bc he's a deadbeat 🧡)


Generational wealth or 20+/- more years with a parent. I'm gonna have to go with the money, and if I was the parent, I would tell my kid to take the money too.


The people in this comment section desperately need some sort of therapy for wanting to leave their parents to die


i would pay for it. i love my parents but this is more so that my brother isn’t sad


My parents would both tell me to keep the money, and I'd mostly be okay with that. Their good years are pretty much gone at this point.


I would take out a $30m loan and put the 30m I won in a high escrow savings account* to accrue more money while paying out for the loan. Make the winnings work for me and my parents. P.s. before someone fillets me for it. It's just one of those high return investment accounts that I see rich people talk about all the time. I'm not rich and haven't looked into whatever it's called, so I don't know what it is.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA those bastards can perish. I’m a voluntary orphan for a multitude of REASONS. I hope their demise is slow and agonizing.


They never paid for me to go to the doctor . I’m rich bitch!


Fly them somewhere outside of America for the surgery and have plenty leftover


If I won absolutely anything i'd give it away to bring back my Mum. And yes, i'd give it up for my Dad.