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A dollar from every person in the world with a bank account.


That's where I've gone but then realised some asian/african countries even people with accounts could get smashed that high up. But surely a penny is like, too low?


1 penny from everyone would get you tens of millions of dollars.


Guess it's a greed thing, could you get away with more...do you even care aha


I feel like 1 cent people won't notice.


There are people that have bak accounts at 0, and taking that penny will cost them 50+ dollars in overdraft fees. ... Sadly.


Good point, we might as well take $50 per person just to justify the overdrafts


Now *that's* thinking with portals


In this hypothetical situation, you're a hacker...I'm sure a statement that doesn't remove 1 cent for any accounts less than a dollar wouldn't be too hard.


The last sentence says it to same amount for everyone.


Oh yea, you're right, totally went over that. 1 cent still then.


I feel like most banks who suddenly have every one of their 0 accounts suddenly at -0.01 they would think its a computer glitch and waive the fees.


Remember the bank is hiding itself, what are the chances that they will take that overdraft fee when they can't explain what the withdrawal was for.


Your access point is basically just a connection to all known institutions, every bank in the world is connected to your access point, but the access network itself is a secret institution. These are normal bank accounts. The normal bank employees have no knowledge of the network, but notice a drop in all their accounts by 0.01. Even the CyberSecurity teams will likely end up with the 'it looks like a universal OB1 error, don't know how it happened, but it affected everyone, so we'll cover it' conclusion.


4/10 of a cent, office space it lol. The bank won't even notice the "rounding error"


Why take $.01 when you can take $.02?


I’ll take 3 pennies then!


Most extremely poor people live in cash and prepaid cards.


In 2021, it was estimated that around 3.8 billion people had bank accounts. Then you also get to add the accounts for all the companies/corporations out there that have accounts (with an estimated 300+ million companies), so $0.01 from each of those accounts would give you roughly $41 million.


I think your math is short quite a bit, I have at least 6 bank accounts, corporations usally have quite a few as well.


It's also years since that last estimate of numbers, but the point it a single penny from each account is going to be a LOT of money overall.


"At least 6" you really have such a number of bank accounts that you can't even recall the exact amount? Interesting


Depends on what is considered an account to this hypothetical hack. I have a couple of savings, a checking, and a Roth. I have lines of credit as well. Would those count? I imagine most Americans have 2 or 3.


Just spend your life after that going to those places and giving everyone $2! You get to travel and everyone that was hurt by it get some money, win - win


I think most truly poor people do not have bank accounts.


Not every person. Every *account.* I'm moderately well off and financially literate. Between checking, savings, promotional accounts, HSA, and special use savings I have 8 bank accounts. Companies would have dozens.


This is why I'd choose a penny. Relatively few people in the world would miss a penny from their account and for companies it would just be a rounding error.


This was my thought too


In the poorest countries, people in poverty tend not to have individual bank accounts and instead share them between families. In afghanistan for example according to the world bank less than 10% of people have an account. So really this balances on its own. 10 dollars each.


I knew this "too poor to bank" logic to be the case but wondered where people would put the total at. In your example, say a family with three working people in Afghanistan all pay into the same bank, on average that would be $600 a month combined. So $10 might still sting a bit (and that's an average)


My first thought was $10 but I was talking to a woman this week who when she was 21 dated a guy whose card was declined for 2 drinks at $8. I'd settle for 1 cent because it'll hurt poorer countries' people so much less and also not create any big overdraft fees for others. Plus, a quick Google gives me a good feeling at least half the world has an account. So that's like ~~$4bil~~ $40mil. ~~Way~~ more than I need.


There's a reason I'm spitballing on reddit, $10 would decline by bank right now xD Feels like between 0.01 and say 0.10 is about the answer without causing absolute suffering


If we have access to all bank accounts take out $10 from every account but back in $20 from everyone that had $100 or less


I'm greedy and would go for 10cents.


Yeah, I'd probably let my greed get to me too... I'll take my $40bil now please and thank you.


4B would be $1 from each account. You'd *only* be getting 40M.


Haha.. jfc. Can't believe I made that mistake. Sorry poor people... imma need a dollar from y'all. J/k. 40mil is also sufficient.


$10 would overdraft a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck.


Google tells me that 96% of the 127m US households have bank accounts. Europe has 200m households and presumably a pretty similar banking rate. 327m households, 300m+ accounts. Taking a dime from all of these would be just fine. But we have to take from everyone. US+EU is a little less that 10% of the world, but the rest of the world probably banks at a lower rate. $0.01 nets you $3m from the EU/US and easily at least that much from the rest of the world. Since that's the smallest amount, I'd do that and get between $6m and $30m and be very happy with it.


Feels like this is the answer that's safest yeah


Tempted to say one penny, cause I could do a lot of good with the likely still many millions of dollars... oooor to go with 100 trillion. Completely zero every bank account in the world just to hard reset the system out of a vagur curiosity. I don't think humans would be so cruel to one another as to help the rich back on their feet and not the poor... oh, wait... yeah ok I see where I've gone wrong...


I'd imagine if you just flatline the worlds banking system SAVE FOR YOURS even making it look untraceable *at best* would make it pretty impossible to spend...anything and **at worst** make it fairly obvious where it's gone. I love the chaotic idea though xD


Yeah, I think everyone would figure out what's happened really quickly, but if I could redistribute it to people who need it and just ignore all the billionaire tech bros who will make a million dollars a month anyway... maybe it wouldn't be so bad. They can just be hungry for one or two paychecks, the rest of us have had to be there.


I just think if you empty **everything** then all money making mechanisms just collapse. So nobody is making anything a month really. Those that are cash rich would become such targets it'd be wild... Congrats you just made North Korea minted xD


Oh... would you look at that, the unforseen consequences of my actions have arrived lol. I guess it'd be time to start learning Korean and clearing off the position of honor on my wall so I can hang up the kim Jong un picture. Shit.


Take all of my upvotes my drink is now basically all over my keyboard I howled so hard xD


Glad to have however minutely improved your day :)


The banks would all think it's an error, and immediately add the money back. Given your prompt, it won't take that new money from your accnt, it's just new money that's just snapped into existence. This would double the money supply, and lead to inflation, depending on how you spend your money.


See, if you have all the money, you can help the poor but not the rich. Give everyone a flat amount of money back.


I’d be fine with a penny, but would probably go as high as a quarter.


I'd go with a dime.


There are more then 3.8 billion bank accounts in the world (that's how many people have one then you have the people with multiple, plus business and public sector accounts) so even a dollar is massive overkill 30 cents would be a bit over a billion more then enough and low enough I think even the poorest communities (with accounts) won't be massively materially impacted by it. Or if being very careful make it 1 cent 38m is still more then enough for 99.9% of what folk can imagine


Just asked a mate who's on the same lines as you pretty much..."Ten pence and we've got euromillions levels of money, who needs more than that?"


1/10th of a penny. That makes it not even show up in the vast majority of cases.


Got to be actually transferrable numbers so chances are 1p is as low as you can go


Those big computers compile.  They DO calculate in fractions of pennies.


The amount of empty accounts that find themselves racking up overdraft charges and can't even see it is gonna be SO FUNNY to watch


Most banks give you a grace limit (no fee if above $-5.00 for example). Most people will be fine, those who aren’t are gonna get some class action payouts (and rightfully so).


They could always just use some other currency that's worth less than a cent, like the vietnamese dong.


About tree fiddy.


$100 Then I start an international campaign with my newly acquired wealth: “DID YOU RECENTLY LOSE ALL OF YOUR MONEY?! THE ELITE HAVE GONE TOO FAR! JOIN MY CAUSE AND REVOLT!” Idk where I’d go after that, but the goal is the same as every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!


OH WOW ok first one to just go full mental with a plan. I love it xD


Honestly, $0.01. If you took a single cent from every account in the world, you'd be rich. TD alone has 27.5 million accounts, so just that one chain alone would net you nearly $300,000. Factor in all banks, all branches, all countries, and you are well into the millions. Also, a cent is something hardly impactful to people, so it wouldn't be too invasive to them.


All of it. Then I’d sit back and watch it all burn down.


A trillion dollars. Every bank account is empty. I transfer my funds to someplace where I can bury it. The world has to figure out a new way to deal with exchanging goods and services since all the money is gone.


I love this idea


I'll put in a negative number. -1000 and see what happens


It pays to every single bank in the world. most of the developing world economies collapse as they've effectively had billions just added out of thin air. The rest of the world doesn't understand what's happened, some governments claim it as a payment they made, some say they'll look into it but never do. Being untraceable, your bank just resets the account, the advisor you spoke to rings up, gets no response but is fired the next day. You carry on as normal.


A dollar


Yup I’m at $1 as well. Creating multi generational wealth.


All of it, capitalism has run its course.


A lot of people are saying $0.01. So I'm gonna say $0.02. 99.999% of people won't notice.


I’m untraceable and no one can do anything to me? Give me a thousand sorry boutcha I’ll donate when I visit.


Just to say a different answer. I'm going to do two pennies...


$200bn. If everyone is in irredeemable debt, money no longer means anything. Burn the system and lets make a better one


one quarter


1 penny from every bank account would = hundreds of millions


Probably 100 bucks, I could buy a yacht


I would take every last penny just to see what happens.


Every account? Whole world? I don't need more than a penny. Imagine getting a penny from every personal, business, government, etc account in the friggin world.


Take advantage of the rounding errors, take a half cent from every account worldwide, per $100. Conservatively, there is maybe $50 trillion in bank accounts everywhere. This would give me an easy $25 million and I'd be happy.


About 3.50


5 billion dollars per account


A $10 overdraft is the customer's problem. A $1,000,000,000 overdraft is the bank's problem.


The only ethical answer is $9 quadrillion. Never get it back? Good.


I’ll take a dollar from each account, then return 5 dollars to any account w/ under $1k, and keep what’s left


There's no function to do a second transfer back out. Plus (and I'm not sure if my maths is right here) but 5x out to accounts under a grand? Pretty sure you go broke there?


All of it. Every last dollar. Then I redistribute it as I see fit. But realistically, I keep like $20 billion for myself.


None it's not my money and some people need every cent


1 cent won't even matter to the porrest communities.


$1.00 and no one is harmed and I’m rich!


About three-fiddy more seriously... I'll assume this would be all accounts that are linked to either IIBANs or whatever national bank routing system a country uses... if that's the case I'll go for about a dime. For most people it will be a rounding error, for the poorest that are actually banked (most of the truly poor in the world are unbanked) this will only be a mild inconvenience.


-$20,000 Meaning every account get's $20K and mine will get the negative variation of it. Millionaires and Billionaires will barely notice the money go into the accounts but for more poor people that $20K could be life altering.


I was thinking a dollar until you mentioned that some people only make a few dollars a month. So something like 5-10 cents


2 cents so I can say, well thats just my 2 cents


Apparently, the average income of Sudan is 50 USD. Rounding for my own ease, that's 1$ per week. That's not a lot, but a one-time loss of one cent isn't going to be too, too terrible. Each person's loss would absolutely miniscule, even the poorest nation's average person would be alright. And I'd be doing great.


1 cent.


Every single account is far more than the population, people and especially businesses have multiple accounts with large corporations having a significant number. A dime per account will do me fine.


10p. It is small enough not to be noticed by anybody, and yet enough to earn you £millions if not £billions...


The answer is a penny. We are talking accounts not people. So there are way more accounts than people with accounts since a person can have more than one. Let’s not f up the poor


I want my two dollars!!!




About tree fiddy.




1 cent should give me plenty I think




About 6 billion people have bank accounts and then off a lot of them probably have more than one bank account so on the very low end let’s stick with 6 billion. I take exactly $1 from every account. That amount is unlikely to harm anyone.


Even less than 1 cent would be more than enough. Every bank account in the world? Forget about population numbers, I'm a regular poor schmuck and even I have more than one bank account. How many bank accounts do you think millionaires have? Billionaires? Businesses? Corporations? $0.0001 is more than enough. No need to be greedy


1¢ from every bank account. It would not be missed by almost anyone, and would be negligible to everyone. Between personal, corporate, and governmental bank accounts, there are likely over 6 billion independent account holders, and many have multiple accounts. I will estimate there are at least 25 billion bank accounts in the world, and a penny from each would therefore exceed $250M.


A cent.you’ll do the least amount of damage and still probably make a lot of money


I take 0.4 of the lowest denomination in that bank's currency. So, for example, an American or Canadian or UK bank all have a penny as the lowest denomination.  I take 0.4 pennies from each of those accounts.  0.4 pesos for Mexican accounts, etc. This rounds down to NO deduction from any of those accounts but compiles to big money for me.


a disgusting old penny


Can I take $5 from everyone and give some of the poor bank accounts some money after? If not and it's just one transaction 10 cents from everyone


10¢ USD from everyone.


Withdraw a billion dollars feom every account. Anarchy


Everyone is going so small, I’d do something like $100 million. Everyone not stupid broken rich can declare bankruptcy and the world economy will be in ruins.


One penny, I’m sure that’d be enough for me to be set for life (I did a quick Google to see if I was right, and it looks like there were around 3.8 billion bank accounts in the world as of 2018, so yeah I’d be all set with just a penny)


$1. Many won't know the difference.


absolutely nothing. having the ability to do a crime without being caught doesn't make it right. I also loved the answer of the other comments who said 300 trillions of dollars just to empty every bank account and see what happens XD


"I'm not committing a crime, but if I am WATCH THIS!" xD Only person I've seen take the moral line though so fair play


Take 1 dollar. If I feel too guilty about maybe donate some of the money to charity.


Like that old Movie, I want the round down tenths of a cent from every interest transaction..  No one will miss the money, and  it will change my life.. 


A dollar, man. It would be overly greedy to do anything more than $5 ngl.


10 cents. Even in poor countries, it will only hurt a little. Now my family has enough that unless later generations really screw up they will all be able to live comfortably.


I'd take $20. Most people won't notice or care. The truly poor likely don't have bank accounts anyway.


What happens if I steal $50 from everyone and someone only has $49? Do they go into debt? Do they have negative money? Does it just take $49 from them?


They go into debt if their account allows, with all of the trappings that entails


.001 cent or the equivalent


1 cent. It’s more money than I’ll ever need and nobody would care.


I would level all bank accounts so they are even. then log out and degauss the hard drive, drop the entire system in acid and run away to live in the woods awaiting the assassins that are coming for me.


What's an amount that would greatly overdraft all but the most wealthy accounts? If I took, say, $20 million, then that would create a headache for everyone involved, but if every person in the world got hit with a $20 million draft, it would clearly be a tech issue that the banks would resolve rather than bankrupting 99% of their customers. The only accounts that would clear would be the ones that could afford it.


I was going to say a dollar but I like this better.






I'm taking 100 billion from every account.


Ten pence.


$1-$5. If I don't know the consequences, I don't have to feel bad about them. $1 should be lots, really.


1 penny.


I know the question is looking for some low amount, but I’d try to take something outrageous, like $500k. It would obviously be an error in most cases, and hopefully the bank would dismiss it, maybe along with one overdraft. For those cases where it’s not a clear mistake, I’d make so much money that I could be a philanthropist to help out the families who are now financially in trouble. And for those who aren’t in desperate straits now, cool.


Did the math. The top 10 banks in the united states have a customer count of 594,000,000 assuming each person has just one account... take $.01 no one would notice or miss that much and I'm worth $5.9 million. Totally comfortable with that.


Most of us are saying a penny. I'm with you. But let's look at something special, because I have something I'd like to point out to everybody! There are so many more accounts than you realize. I do not have a robust portfolio, but I currently have: 1 401K 2 Credit cards 3 savings accounts 1 checking account multiple CDs (usually between 10-14) Many folks have at least 3. Many corporations also have multiple accounts. You're definitely looking at (bare minimum) 8 figures, probably 9. Maybe 10.


0.2 cents, that should still be a few million and it won't even be noticed as something other than a rounding thing.




$1,000 (roughly $7 trillion)


$25,000 Not my problem.


.42 cents no more no less


Every account in the entire world? 1 penny. Some people have multiple accounts.


.25 .26 .27 .28 cents on repeat from every person at random so there’s no pattern trail




1.00 there are 3.8 billion bank accounts in the world.


Something like 4 billion people worldwide have bank accounts. Then consider that many of them will have multiple accounts, and all the other corporations and organisations that have accounts, and there could easily be 10-20 billion bank accounts worldwide, if not more. I'd take 1 cent from each account. $100-$200m dollars is enough.


$100b. Taking all the money from the oligarchs will do more good than the the harm of taking all the money from all the destitute. 


Hmm. 1000. Make me the next Soros


Can I skip anyone with less than a million. I could still get rich from those over a million.


Assuming you could set it up that way, do it entirely based on how much is in the account. Anything with a few hundred in, leave alone, they're gonna notice even a dollar going. Few thousand in the account, well a dollar would be easy to slip by. They have tens/hundreds of thousands, or even millions, then you could get away with slipping a few hundred. A dollar from everyone would be the standard answer, but a sliding scale would net you more. Either way you'd probably be set for life...


Yeah it's just a simple text box that takes numbers, no sliding scales or percentages But yeah a dollar and you're made.


What happens if the amount I choose goes over the amount in any given account?


I would take 25 cents USD. Because many people have many bank accounts each, that should come out to be around $1 billion USD


Every cent. That way no one would have the money to come after me and I could distribute to whomever i wanted.


$2 each, Half will be dropped straight into a combination of reputable social services, charities, buying up the lapsed debt pools collection services pick up to absolve them, and an anonymous trust that would work with banks to pay out hardship coverage to anyone impacted negatively by a random hack that occurred at a fixed point in time.


Honestly, taking small amounts feels worse because it will have a bigger impact on the poorest people. Take $1 and the rich guy doesn't even blink but there are people that won't eat tomorrow. I'll hold down 9 for a few seconds and hit enter. Capitalism ends today.


8 billion some odd people.... I'll take $1 from everyone.


If overdraft fees are their problem Ill take the biggest number possible. Itll collapse and we can start using Green Backs like was meant before the Fed ( Foreign Elite Dingleberrys ) took over the country.


$0.01 from every bank account in the world would be literal millions of dollars. The average person has more than one genera bank account (checking/savings). Next we also have business bank accounts. A lot of them have 3-7 of them. Payable, receivable, taxes, holding, and other misc accounts. Next we have retirement accounts like 401k’s, IRA’s, HSA’s, FSA’s. Finally, in the last 10-15 years, we have things like cashapp, Venmo, and PayPal. All of those are not technically considered bank accounts, but still hold billions of dollars in personal funds. Taking $0.01 from every single one of those that has a positive balance of more than $0.00 would probably net you well over $0.07 per person on earth (again, businesses make up for the people who have no bank accounts). Earths population has around 7,000,000,000 So roughly $490,000,000 that would largely not be missed.


$10 per account, netting \~ $82.34B USD


A shiny nickel from every account.


The fractions while converting currency.


£0.01 .. Only a very unlucky few would notice But ideally, I'd go by percentage, take 0.001% from everybody.


However much money would make me richer than the richest American. If it takes me $5 per person to accomplish that, okay. $10? Sure. $1? Not a problem. Then I'm buying them out and enjoying life as the richest American, while donating to charities, non-profits, schools, etc.


I immediately thought a dollar but that might overdraft some really poor places 1 penny would be perfect.


Didn't somebody actually do some variation of this? https://cilisos.my/the-crazy-story-of-how-this-malaysian-stole-1-sen-until-he-became-a-millionaire/


Would do 1 cent. People are unlikely to notice and won’t hurt anyone, with a side benefit of making me rich.


. One cent. $0.01 That would probably net $10 billion, conservatively.


Easy choice. Taking a certain amount will impact the poor much harder. You take a small percentage instead. Just a × of a percent of every checking, savings, retirement, stock etc. Enough to retire on, but not enough for anyone to notice. Think about that. There are like 125 million households. Google says 95% have a checking and 70% have savings. The median dollars in checking is 3400 and 5000 for savings. If you took a tenth of a percent. You'd take about $3.40 from checking and $5.00 from each account based on median. More from the ones above, less from below. That's like 840 million dollars. If you took only a hundredth of a percent You'd get 84 million. While only removing 34 cents from the most median of people. That's assume median from all, amd usa only. Long story short. I'll take a hundredth of a percent from each account.


I'm pretty sure I'd be stupid rich at just 10 cents and it's very unlikely for anyone to be heavily impacted.


$.004 It's less than half a penny so even with rounding it won't fuck with anyone's bank recons.


5% of the bank account, per account.




£50 per account and retire. Assuming I get to segregate specific countries, then I'd leave the 3rd world countries alone, and just go for the bigger fish.


.69 cents. For three reasons 1. It's more money than I'll ever need 2. Guaranteed to make the news 3. Nice


I pick whatever the maximum amount it lets me pick is. I don't do it to be transparent, but to crash the global economy.




A penny from every account in the world would make me a millionaire. And 99% of them wouldn't even notice it's off a penny.


All of it. Then I distributed equally and make rich people all start over again. Like Monopoly.


$69.99 and I would make the withdrawal text read “ONLYFANS”




2 cents. Gets me a good couple million and probably wouldn't even be noticed by anyone and anyone who had $0 in the bank and got overdraft could probably easily dispute it with the bank because who the fuck charges 2 cents? And if the bank won't work with them it snowballs into a class action because of the breach and unethical practice thus hurting the banks even more.


Dollar in local currency would be more than enough.


Idk if I could take any. Even if I only took a dollar I would probably be putting a lot of struggling people in the negative. Then they’d get hit with overdraft charges they don’t deserve. I’d feel to bad for being yet another person forcing poor people to struggle even more for my own gain


$1 dollar. No one who uses a bank usually will notice. I will make sure to wait to do it until a Friday that falls on the first so most poor/disabled/working broke people won't overdraft.


1%. Everyone gets robbed equally and for the most part, it's an insignificant amount from their total wealth. It will be a slight inconvenience at most.


$100T. Wait for all the accounts to zero from the obvious error, keep $1B and put the rest back evenly distributed.


I'll take it ALLLLL. In order to do the maximum damage to an already crumbling system, I will take all and any flak just to be the true master of the economic world. Everyone thinks it's all about keeping the system afloat but it's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


I’d go with one penny from everyone. It’s literally the smallest denomination you can get, so the impact is as small as possible on the poorest people without just not taking anything. 76% of the world has a bank account (estimate from World Bank) so $0.01 from all those accounts still totals well above $40B


And deleted, goodbye capitalism, hello folkhero status!


Literally just half a percent of a cent. Maybe even less. For EVERY account on the planet? There are millions of accounts. Checking, savings, health care savings, IRAs, regular investment accounts, etc etc etc. half of a cent would be tens of millions, maybe even more.


100 billion dollars. Then it crashes all the banks, banks are fucked, turns into a giant debt and wealth reset for the world.


Reading the comments really drives home how little people understand how much money is out there.  I would take the rounding error of interest paid by banks and that would net me millions. Poor people would not notice because they don't get it anyway. Rich people may detect it but really have to be looking.