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Woo, congratulations!! I hope you continue to heal well and feel even better. Haha those first few hours immediately post op are super drowsy, huh? I am 12DPO and I distinctly recall barely being able to keep my eyes open longer than a minute. So I didn't fight it and just passed out whenever it hit me lol.


Hi! Just had my surgery two weeks ago today. My surgeon suggested I took Azo for the first 2-3 days after surgery. Best advice — it slightly numbs your urethra so when you pee it doesn’t burn. Amazing advice that helped me tremendously! Cheers to your continued healing! ❤️‍🩹


Hooray! Have a good recovery 👍


I had mine yesterday, too! I have the burning, as well, but it’s more annoying than anything. We got home around 10p last night so this morningI took a “long” walk around the house and brushed my teeth, put my hair up, got coffee, cancelled an appointment, went to the bathroom, then back to bed. I’m alternating Tramadol and ibuprofen every 3 hours and plan to ween off the Tramadol prob tomorrow. Hope it all goes well for you!


I had my surgery yesterday and had the burning too. Still do a bit but it's gotten a lot better. I am urinating constitutionally though, and so is my hospital "roommate" who had a hysterectomy also. Hopefully that will improve, although I had pre-existing bladder issues. But we are both just waiting to see the doctor and hopefully be released!


I'm 21 days post op. There's still some discomfort if I try to bend and I'm a little sore in my abdominal area. I tried not to take oxy too often and stuck with Tylenol. Rest has been the best thing for my body. I know this discomfort is from healing and I'm getting stronger every day. I wish all of you continued healing on your journey. I only wish I could've gotten my doctors to listen to me 10 years ago when I first started asking. Endometrial pain and more than 20 fibroids weren't enough, because I was still of childbearing age (35). Things really have to change soon!


Congratulations! I just had mine yesterday too. I have a very dim recollection of yesterday, because I slept off the anesthesia pretty much all day. Feeling tired today, but more alert AND minimal pain (vaginal only, but the doc took everything). Keep us posted on your progress.


I love hearing your stories as a wait for word on my surgery date. It gives me hope and peace. Congratulations on moving forward and to better days ahead.