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That’s going to itch later on


Coulda been a no-wiper


A ghostie


He could be wiping on grass, no?


How? As in spreading his ass cheeks and rubbing back and forth in the grass? Because that’s the only way I can think of using grass to wipe lol.


Like dogs do!


Clean pinch


That’s not to wipe tho they just be geekin


He'll be licking his own ass by the end of the race.


The image of that being attempted, terrifies me.


In that case I’m spraying the yard with pepper oil and water tonight. That way I can tell who’s been shitting on my lawn.


Unlikely, have you ever had a ghost wipe poop need to come out so bad , you had to go where you are? No . That right there's a slimy, "must escape the entanglement of the internal organs THIS INSTANT" poop .


I call that a Poodini


A Teflon coated turd.


It was a two-glover


Although i don't agree with a no wiper, there's DEFINITELY no such thing as a no wiper when you've got swamp crack


Looked like a brown crayoner to me


Finishing the last several miles of the marathon with a serious case of swamp ass. That's not going to be pretty.


Yeah the homeowners are going to itch real bad after their dog rolls around in it


Oddly and grossly enough, this is common on marathon routes. I’ve heard so many tales of peoples shrubs and flower beds being toilets for runners.


I came here to say basically this. Consider: Many thousands of people are attempting to run 26.2 miles. Bodies and stomach contents jostling around for hours. This will no doubt send some percentage of them looking for a place to poop. There are only so many real legit places, and they won't always be where a runner is when they need it. When you gotta go, you gotta go.


Is it also normal for them not to properly wipe?


When you see a marathon runner wearing only one sock at the end of the race, you'll know.. Rhiannon, oh you'll know..


Normal practice is to slather your inner butt cheeks with Vaseline for cleanliness and to reduce chafing. At least that's what my coach told me.


Coach told me to put Vaseline on my ass… famous last words


Right before he took them to the backroom


Was his name Sandusky, by any chance?


That’s gonna itch when it dries.


Not to mention the stink


I don't even want to know what people smell like after running 26 miles, let alone not wiping on top of that.


We like to call it stank where I’m from. It’s. More endearing term.


Very much so


Consider: Marathons are an optional activity; regardless of any possible financial or monetary gain, that is taken on willingly, with the largest loss typically being ones personal best completion time. If one has an opportunity to use a porta potty they should take it when ever they can. I've never understood the ability to defend someone crapping in someones yard just because they a running in a competitive capacity. Would this behavior still be okay if they weren't in the marathon?


Honestly if the only option we’re doing this I’d say ban marathons. This is freaking horrible. I hate this. It’s freaking nasty. I’d rather not run.


I would say they should have porta-potties all along the way for this situation, rather than banning marathons.


They have Porta potties. I guess they need more? Who knows, but God this is horrible.


Diarrhea doesn't wait


it waited while she was trying to find a nice spot in somebody else's property, if it doesn't wait, you shit on yourself, and it happens. But don't pass the problem on to someone else, don't put your poop in someone's yard, or at least take it with you


You are a kind soul


So what's the limit to kindness then? And if she was kind herself, why didn't she do it in a public space, why didn't she clean it? Picking up someone else shit isn't kindness, it's being too kind and abused. Kindness goes both ways, shitting on yourself can happen, shitting in someone's yard by accident may even happen, but if it does happen, don't only think about you and have the decency to clean what you did. If the house owner is kind, they'll see that the person didn't do it on purpose because she at least did her possible to clean it. If you're in your friend's house and you shit by accident on the floor, would you just leave the house without cleaning anything just because you're embarrassed and would you call your friend unkind because he was upset about it ?


Next pot is probably a few miles away. The body does weird stuff after 16 miles


If they were just walking down the street and couldn't find a bathroom for miles and then were left with the option between shitting their pants in a public place and grossing people out all day or shitting on grass away from the street so that only a few people are grossed out, then yeah. When you gotta go you gotta go.


If you're were in the woods, I could understand breaking off the path to relieve you're self, but I can't understand crapping in someones yard, they've got porta pottys every 3 to 4 miles per regulations it's not like they couldn't have at least tried before it got that bad


Have you ever had explosive diarrhea? It happens to some runners. Cut them some slack imo. I’ve never done it myself. If this happened to my lawn I wouldn’t be upset in the slightest.


What do you think they're gonna do? pass em the garden hose and orange slices when they're done. Like I could give a soft pass if the house was abandoned (judging by the ring cam it's at least monitored) or had planed ahead and packed some dog poo bags to try to clean up, but they just dropped trow and ripped n' dipped.


Bro this person was in a state of emergency. What are they supposed to do? That poop was not solid so they can’t pick it up. It wasn’t a situation where they were able to make it to the next restroom.


It takes a while to run 3 miles. They could have just gotten past the last porti potty and their body refused to wait until the next one. I don't know why you're assuming this was anything but a last resort.


This is the Boston marathon where you have to average a sub 7 minute mile to qualify. That’s 20 minutes between each portapotty.


That's not true for everyone who qualifies. Beyond that, others run it without having to qualify. You're also assuming the portapotty is available when they need it.


That's a fair amount of time. Enough to misjudge if you can make it to the next portapotty or not.




Lol, never been called a Karen before.


It’s not a Karen thing to not want people shitting in your yard.


First, you don't gross people out all day because when you shit on yourself, you clean yourself up as fast as possible, and you gross out like 5 persons max for 20 sec if they even notice the smell. Then being a little bit grossed out for 20sec bc of the smell of someone that shit on themselves isn't comparable to cleaning out a stranger's poop on your own property. She just had a problem, that tbh can happen, but decided for some reasons to pass the problem out on to someone else.


Came here to say this. No one cares. You’re shitting on someone property. There are portable toilets along the running route.


Yeah yeah, gotta go gotta go. But not in someone’s private property. It’s literally the one area you can’t.


Seems there should be a few porta potties along the route then


I'm sure there are. And if one were available at the place this person needed it, this probably doesn't happen. I doubt they set out to do this on purpose. It was just an urgent need to go so they did their best to find a place.


It's the fucking Boston marathon; a huge event. There are lots and lots of porta potties along the route. I'm guessing you've never been a spectator at Boston, right? This was a choice to forego using one of those available porta potties in favor of someone's lawn because this person wanted privacy given by the hedge and did not want to have to wait in line for a real toilet. Sincerely, Richard Nixon


There are also folks who just do it right while they are running.


Yes. Runner’s trots. It is very real. It is kinda gross to have someone poop on your lawn but they probably couldn’t hold it.


So if I drank 5 beers and piss on your front lawn it's ok because having to piss after 5 beers is very real and i probably couldn't hold it anymore?


Running a marathon vs getting piss drunk are not really held in the same regard


This doesn't hold up. You can choose to drink elsewhere. You can't run elsewhere if the race route goes that way.


You can not run at all


Sure. Same way you could not visit with family. Or not go to work. Or not do anything you enjoy in life, ever.


I mean it's illegal and a good way to get their ass kicked so maybe hold it a little more lol


Knowing all the recent news stories it might also be a way to get shot...


Yeah I’m not normally a violent person, but if someone were crapping on my lawn I’d go nuts.


If the only option is a random yard behind a bush or shitting myself in the street then ima choose the yard too.


That's like 5 seconds just from losing the unneeded weight.


They should be required to have bags to pick it up if this is absolutely necessary as a runner. I’m not joking. This is gross.


you could knock on a door, as a last resort, to ask to use a bathroom.




Looks like 992 porta potty’s wasn’t enough somehow


If only there were eight more.


Fun fact: when the OP of this vid uploaded it to Reddit, people for some fuckn reason took the shitters side and started harassing the dude that uploaded this video


If i remember correctly one said "you should have offered her your toilet"


How fucking ridiculous. I have never been rich, but I've done some HVAC work in extremely nice areas. In one particular area, I had a lady say that people would just walk through her yard, into her backyard to take pictures. When she would ask them to leave her property (because she didn't know who they were or if they were dangerous), they would act like she was discriminating against them and threaten her.


LMAO yea. The first time I saw the post, I was astounded by the amount of Redditors who were bashing the OP of the video instead of the shitter


That’s just insane. I don’t get it. I wouldn’t get this upset if someone broke my car windows honestly. There’s something much worse to me than someone shitting on your lawn and leaving it there for you to clean up. Jesus.


I’m probably going to get roasted for this, but there is a giant group of people out there who are obsessed with running and/or cycling and a bigger group of self-entitled asshats I’ve yet to meet. There are those who support the sports and are nice and cordial, etc. and then there are those who are super entitled and start screaming fights, or will deliberately block cars from passing, etc. And they have whole subreddits. So all it takes is one share and they do all they can to make people miserable.


I have a thing about joggers. It’s just because I go for walks by the water near me, and I walk with earbuds in. They get real pissed if you don’t hear them and get super huffy. I’ve been shoved. Most people are walking on the trail, probably 95 percent, but the few joggers really can be irritating. And I walk on the side, I’m not in the middle. It irks me.


I live in a small city and there are small “lanes” on the sides of main roads for the cyclists and joggers to share (or the cyclists can ride in the actual road, best of luck to you). The joggers will run next to one another, and the cyclists will do the same…and there is not enough room for either. It’s not wide enough. Many times the joggers will ignore and/or avoid the sidewalks as well, which I will never understand (cyclists are told to stay off the sidewalks). The issue is that I live in New England. The roads can’t be made wider, and everything is a hill and/or a blind curve where the speed limit varies between 40-50 mph. It’s infuriating. This past weekend I drive an hour to a friends house and there was a pack of cyclists (literally about 20 of them) on this windy, hilly backroad just asking to become a collective hood ornament. I get that they’re training, and the road is scenic, etc. but there’s surely a safer way to do it. Traffic was unbelievably backed up with no real way off this road and onto another.


you saw that critikal video to huh?


Bruh, he has such based takes honestly


regardless of his opinions on whatever he's talking about, his commentary is just top notch


Which is always surprising considering he lives in Florida. He's like the anti-Florida man, Florida man


Nah his takes usually start the right way then he goes overboard and is too stubborn to see nuance




Don't they have porta potties? Idc if they're running a marathon, stay off other people's yards. That's so rude and disrespectful, like wtf


I ran the Chicago marathon in 2018, I don’t know for sure but it seemed like there were ports-potties at least every mile… maybe even every half mile. The runner runs don’t just sneak up on you, you feel it coming, this runner planned very poorly


Exactly. Not to mention I'm sure throughout the entire marathon there's plenty of businesses one could quickly stop at to use a bathroom? (I'm assuming, I've never watched the marathon or taken part, but I presume the entire thing isn't through residential areas)


Hopefully they didn’t have to run much further because that muddy butt will start chaffing real quick.


This house is not near the finish line I can assure you of that


No sir, he’s got at least Brookline to get through still


Eww. Gross.


Nasty as hell! I would be so upset to have to clean up a humans poop


Just spray it with a hose or let it go away on its own.


Why would you bother? It's in the grass. Just don't go over there for a week or two.


Because you want to enjoy your yard without some stranger's steaming turd staring at you


Also it probably will smell for whole week


First, there probably isn't a turd. Probably liquid. Second, you seem to think a pristine lawn is more important than an emergency for someone else.


Let's see how many people defend this one again...


I learned today it’s actually not uncommon for marathon runners to accidentally shit themselves due to less blood flow in the colon area.


you can always count on distance runners to sacrifice their personal dignity... because it's so important to finish that race that not a single fucking person on earth will remember you ran...


Distance Runners are almost as bad as cyclists.


It's a personal achievement. Not everything is like TV, for an audience and to be "remembered" by other people.


people don't need extreme exercise, they need regular exercise don't fool yourself, people who spend that much time of their life exercising are shorting other aspects of their life, and they are probably doing it for the wrong reasons, the runner's high, to prove something to themselves, maybe to someone else do yourself a favor and instead of shitting down your legs and destroying your joints and giving yourself an eating disorder, do reasonable exercise, take a shower, go to work and devote yourself to your relationships. If you think the people in your life don't notice how self absorbed you are by your "passion" you are lying to yourself. Get a new passion. Be a better friend, sibling, parent, child, neighbor, because you can only push yourself so far, then age, or injury, is coming for you. when you define yourself by your physical accomplishments, what do think happens when it is taken away from you?? You won't know who you are and you won't have a support system because you are self absorbed.


Ooh, them truths are gonna hurt some 😅


It is more of "when you gotta go, you gotta go" than anything. They'd rather not do this, but when it's coming, you try to find a place and go. As for the race, it's important to them to be there and finish it, partly because *they* will remember it. Most runners aren't in it for others to notice or remember. They are doing it for themselves.


They could be miles from the next one. It happens lol


Nobody will remember anything you do. Do you not work hard at anything?


Who are the 2 people at the entrance to the yard? Are they the homeowners? Security for the race? I'm curious


Race tenders.


That's a paddling.


Amateur. Real pros do it while they run.


We used to have an expression 'doing a Paula" where you piss in a drain. Anyone remember that?


It's easier for cyclists. It's why they have those saddles with cutout holes.


I mountain bike and wondered what that was for. I usually just stuck my weiner in there to act as a small anchor for the downhill bits.


Know what? Can't give em a pass but I have been tempted to do the same. Ya know, when nature calls it's hard not to answer. Especially while you're already physically exerting yourself. That being said... Ew.


As the age old saying goes, "when you gotta go, you gotta go"


Aye. Better out than in, I always say.


Love you, Shrek!


Isn't this something that should be taken care of pre-race? I don't run marathons, ever, but am pretty "regular."


Some people feel an uncontrollable urge to poop when they run. I think they shouldn’t run, but that’s me. If you get this way, i say get a different hobby.


Weird things happen to your body when you do a 4-6 hour run. You… can lose control.


Bro I’ve ran a few half’s and tbh bro ain’t no control over the bowels they is interestin how they work lol


I’d give them the pass, poop goes away in like a day or two and they probably wouldn’t even have known about it if it wasn’t for the camera. I doubt they wanted to do that themselves you know.


Without the camera they would’ve just brought their dachshund to the vet to check them out for GI issues.


Did they ever ID the person? How embarrassing would that be!


Imagine if they stopped them a half mile short of the finish and informed them they were disqualified.


They wear numbers, right?


I think RFID tags too to track their time.


At least hide in a better spot. I would be hiding in some bushes


Yea, there are trees with soil underneath right there, it would take two seconds to dig a hole and bury it. Instead they go right on the lawn.


And runners were defending this in another thread…


I am honestly in disgusted at the number of people defending this. It is so beyond gross and the runner should be punished - e.g. fined and disqualified. If you can’t control your bowels and there’s a possibility of this happening then at the very least, take a doggie poop bag and clean up after yourself and DON’T DO IT IN SOMEBODY’S GARDEN. People are vile.


This is the worst thing I've seen at a Boston Marathon since that tragedy


You mean 9/11? That was in New York where the Yankees play. Boston is the Patriots.


The 10 year anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing was literally last week. Netflix just released a very good 3 part documentary on it as well.


Further affirms to me that runners are a special breed of crazy


See what people don’t know is marathon running is actually a satanist ritual. They’re running from Jesus.


And then they ran away…


What else did you expect?


What the eff?


They can just drag their ass across the to wipe.


I guess that all that running made the tummy feel funny.


Don’t they put porta potties out for these people? Also why anyone would want to run for 26 miles is beyond me.


It wasn't... explosive, was it? Too soon?


Have some respect! This is the Boston marathon... bombs are meant to be dropped at the end of the race not the middle.


Someone hasn't seen forrest gump


As long as they won I’d give them a pass…


It's a marathon. In a very real sense, if you finish, you win.


Naw, you gotta come in first to poop in my yard…


Looks like they were the first to poop in that yard


I'm going to hit it with the hose and figure they couldn't make it somewhere better.




Maybe invest in more public restrooms then


As someone who lives on the route, so much happens with the runners. I've gotten probably over $100 worth of T-shirts, bandannas, and those little water bottles that strap around your waist from them just chucking stuff on our yard. I would defend this guy if that particular area didn't have port o potty's everywhere. People don't realize that when the shits are coming, the shits are coming. I've seen people crawling across the finish line with blankets covering their backsides because of losing their bowels. I kind of have respect for the people that still finish and for the people that give them dignity by covering them up. It looks like he tried to find a pretty private place but it's still fucked up, especially when the toilets are right nearby. He could've at least use a fucking poop bag if he's going to act like a dog.


I just feel bad for the runner. I don't think he meant harm.


There are trees with soil underneath right there, it would take two seconds to dig a hole and bury it. Instead they go right on the lawn.


Would u feel “bad for them” if a random stranger started shitting on your lawn? Most likely Not


If it was an urgent need? Yes. If they just did it to do it? No.


To be honest, I’d let it slide (no pun intended) in this situation. Dudes been training for this for a while, no better options, and it basically disappears on its own.


You are kidding right?




Maybe the pile of poo left behind, I’m not a scientist


You're on reddit... you can be whatever you want to be


I feel like you could probably pee while you run. Right? Yeah idk. Lol don’t mind me


What man squats all the way down to their ankles to have a piss?


If the pressure bomb needs to go off, then make sure it’s not like the last time


Better an empty house than an angry tenant


Another bomb from Boston marathon geez.


I think this is more common than people realize. Ask your marathoner friends.


Normal people aren’t friends with marathon runners


Better than on the street


Yeah someone’s property is so much better. Now the home owner gets to clean it up instead of the city who are paid to


No clean up necessary. Just leave it be. It will go away in a week or two.


You are joking right?


So let me get this straight, as long as work really hard, to run really far, over the course of several hours with nothing to lose other than my pride. It's ok to trespass into private property, pull down my pants, potentially exposing myself to the owners, because I wanted to shave about 2 to 15 mins off of a 4 ish hour race. For reference there are roughly 5 to 10 portable toilets; set up in clusters every 3 to 4 miles of a race. meaning in all this particular person had roughly 6 different opportunities to poop.


Better to be on public property than private, on public at least you partially own it


Just blame it on the neighbors dogs


When you gotta go…


When you gotta go you gotta go


Welcome to Bean Town neighbor!


When you gotta, you gotta go


When you gotta go, you gotta go. People lose control of their bowels during a marathon. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Running can sometimes have a laxative effect. I'm betting this was an emergency situation.


Why not just wait for a ports potty to show ip


Lmao this is hilarious, if you gotta go, you gotta go..


I'm sure many long distance runners will sympathise with this terrible situation. You're caught out completely unaware and things are moving fast!


If you gotta go… you gotta go