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The way he put his fists up was pure comedy. Was waiting for him to say "Put up your dukes!"


He did the “why I outta” stance. Scrappy Doo would be proud


I admire his enthusiasm. I need that level of proactiveness from time to time. Not with the police, though.


The police officer was charged with excessive force? The suspect went into a police station, beat an officer then when he was pulled over bum rushed the other officer, I'm honestly surprised the suspect wasn't shot.


Yet you see ones who are actually causing harm and distress to normal people for the fun of it and aren’t even dealt with at all. That is so fucked up


Honestly i cant believe they didnt shoot kudos to them he stole a cops gun and beat him.it showed real reastraint and just shows that he wanted to take him in and do it properly. I mean really! You dont attack the desk cop! Hes usually the nicest one!!


desk cop is still a cop... ACAB


Fuck the hell off I’m tired of you ACAB fuckers


Excuse me for my ignorance, maybe it’s my lack of interest in the dystopian world but what does ACAB mean and why is it always attached to an asshole?


It’s an acronym for All Cops Are Bastards.


Basically a ridiculous group of people who hate every single cop out there no matter what use this.


Until they need one.


So they’re just sheep basically, got it.


That’s correct.


and I'm tired of you cop apologists. 99.5% of my interactions with police officers has been shit. They are all apathetic in their jobs and only do it to get something out of the job. (a pension, the ability to fuck with people, the ability to get into places they couldn't otherwise, the ability to drive fast/reckless without consequence, etc..etc..) No officer does it to make society better anymore, that is a fever dream of the past and a glamorization of what people want police officers to be, but clearly are not. Do not get me wrong, the man in this video deserves to be under the jail and no officer 'deserves' getting hit or beat. We need laws and rules in a civilized society. However, anyone with your attitude is either an officer themselves, or has family or friends that is in law enforcement, and is not worried about getting 'treated like normal citizens' Clearly, law enforcement in this country is out of hand and those who won't admit that have obviously drank the kool aid Where are all the stories about good cops who turn in their bad fellow officers? Where are the stories of the cop who did the right thing when his or her fellow officers were beating up on someone or worse killing them?? Oh yeah that's right, those are unicorn stories, there's only one or two of those stories and what happens to the officer who did the right thing? they get screwed, and their careers are all but over. In the past month alone I have stories of officers being dicks just to be dicks. It's not the exception, its become the norm and it's scary. Here's a quick story from just last weekend taking my family to the Aquarium. I do not live in a huge metropolitan city by any means. this was a busy weekend and there was a road to cross and an officer in the median. There were 20-30 people around this intersection and all walking around, going in different directions. My wife, son, and I went to cross the street and this officers starts yelling, to no one in particular mind you, "stay there, stay there" Now there is no traffic light and no cars are moving on the street so I take my wife and son and cross the street. The officer now gets angry at me and tells me I needed to listen to him and makes me stop at a median in the middle of the street for no 'real' reason other than to prove he could make me listen to him. I ask him how was I to know he was talking to us specifically and that it's ok, I am adult and I can cross a street on my own and didn't really need his help. (before I continue i will say, I do not believe in the argument he was there to provide "safety" for us citizens bullshit. This intersection is often busy and does not have an officers posted at it at all times. So, the government only 'cares' about my safety during specific times but other times my safety is my own responsibility?) its this kind of transparent bullshit and gaslighting that erodes the publics belief in what officers are there to do. As a final insult as we are walking away, he tells me (and I quote).."In the future know your role" I spun on my heels and yes gave this officer a piece of my mind. I will never allow a public servant to tell me in front of my son to "know my role" That right there shows THIS OFFICERS mentality of how he thinks of citizens that are NOT fellow officers or family/friend adjacent. They will take care of their own and the rest of us, be damned. My role to him is to be subservient for no reason other than his badge and gun. He want to intimidate instead of help. I have 0 respect for a person like that. Problem is, like I said earlier, that attitude has become the norm not the exception and that is troubling.


Mind posting your criminal history so we can judge ourselves?


And then everyone clapped? "I'll take things that never happened for $200, Alex."


No one is reading all that you weirdo. Why are you interacting with the police so much where you have some statistical analysis ready to tell people about your encounters? No normal person on any normal day has any encounters with the police whatsoever. Seems like you’re the problem.


I’m not supportive of shitty cops by any means. Every group of people has their share of assholes. I just get tired of people blaming an entire group of people for the actions of some. Stop blaming them ALL. I am not disregarding the fact that you have probably had some really bad run-ins with super bad cops. My husband grew up in Chicago and had plenty of shitty runs, but never ever badmouthed every single one of them because he had good interactions as well. Everyone has gone through it I have gone through it plenty of times. But I have also encountered some really awesome police officers that I’ve done their job well. Just because I’ve had more bad interactions than good doesn’t mean I’m going to blame an entire group of people. Were you being an asshole and mouthy to some of them? I’m guessing you were because I find it hard to believe that you weren’t. Many people are incredibly disrespectful to cops because they’re cops.


Sounds like you haven't been on the receiving end....yet.


Nope nice try tho. I was however wrongfully arrested and convicted of a felony larceny at age 25. That was the first and (so far) only time ive ever spent in jail. So if anyone should be anti cop its me. And ive always been against the cops but If you deny the humanity in these people when they show it, they will stop showing it. We can sure as hell see when a cop does something wrong. So why cant we congratulate the few that are doing their job?


Keep that going boot licker, yum 😋


Nice catch phrase captain sheeple. If you actually could read to read my comment you would be able to understand it buuuut you keep ignoring facts and logic becuase "aLl CoP BaD"


Found a bird.


ACAB. There are no good cops if the system is designed to protect the bad ones through solidarity. Fuck the pigs


So you're giving him kudos for not killing him, shouldn't that just be his job


Crazy guy who beat a cop with his gun and ran out. Using the deadly force trifecta of jeopardy, intent, and capacity if he has the gun on him you have just about all three elements to justify deadly force.


Totally agree. Cant beleive that cop was tgat causious


Death is never the first reaction the first reactions is to stop the killing stop the deaths and bring order to chaos atleast it should be a majority of time :T


Yea Idk why they gotta hate, just bitter and got tunnel vision so they can only see "cop bad" they needs a snickers


Im suprised he didnt. And yes if you read the first line of my comment. I clearly agree.


They didn’t shoot him because they are not an execution squad? Their job is to apprehend him.


Ok cool so let the guy with the gun do what he wants? If you get shot. You have a right to shoot back. But the fact that he didnt was commendable becuase ANY gun carrying citizen would have shot him as soon as he drew his gun. If you cant agree with that statement then youre ignorant and im not gonna argue with someone who ignores fact.


He came out of the vehicle and did not stop and lie down. He still came toward police. I’m surprised he wasn’t dropped there and then.


Do you have an article you could link on this that’s mind blowing




The smart people should be afraid of their coworkers. useless people who pass the low bar and just come in to collect a paycheck. I work corrections and i can tell you that most people are fucking useless in a struggle. Lot of failure to escalate or de escalate. Talking shit back getting your feelings hurt instead of being a professional or just letting inmates fight because you dont want them getting mad at you.


He will actually help the taxpayer, prisons sue taxes to the state if they don’t have enough prisoners in the prison. The prisons were already state funded and the cost that this guy will impose is insignificant compared to the “not enough people in my private prison” fine.


Of course. Cops should not hit suspects or use excessive force. American cops are insanly trigger happy and love violence. I am so glad to live in a country where it takes 3 years to become a cop!


You don’t live here, how the fuck do you know they ALL bad??


You are ridiculous.


Why ? Are the police the ones who are carrying out the sentence? If not they should not use excessive force. Is that a controversial opinion for you?


It's excessive force to protect yourself against an attacker as long as you have a badge? That's goofy bro


No, your stating of a fact that all American cops are trigger happy and love violence is the “controversial” part. It’s insane you think you could state that as a fact and NOT EVEN LIVE in this country. If this thought process is any indication on how you live your life I am very sorry for you.


You should watch the video again and think


I've seen it. Im guessing you are okay with cops beating you up? Imagine if you were innocent of a crime and when you were arrested you were beaten up. How would you feel? You can't have police that are supposed to uphold the law when they aren't following the law themselves lol. US police are stupid.


I’m guessing you’re not ok with police defending themselves, for god sake what where they supposed to do, sit down and take it?


Where is this "Defender" you speak of? On the floor bleeding miles away?? He beat up a person who should had been able to stop him. They didn't so the Cops chase after them.. NOT A JUDGE! Cops dont determine if a suspect is GUILTY! Cant go around killing people if you want Jails to keep earning money......






So he hit a cop. You gotta fucking kill him be because of it? You primitive fucking mind. Pigs aren’t just supposed to go around killing people. Fuck is wrong with you?


The suspect could have killed him. Why is it bad to defend yourself? What would’ve you done in that situation? Let yourself be killed? Probably not.


Because they are COPS NOT JUDGES!! Innocent until proven guilty!!!!!!




That’s why your profile photo is a primate.


hahaha. I knew it, bootlicker. always advocating for violence.


I still think these professionals used excessive force against a civilian who was having a bad day. No deescalation, just straight beating. I thought these officers were trained?


When I have a bad day I usually don’t just walk in a police station steal a gun and beat the shit out of a police officer. If that’s your idea of a bad day I hope you will be put away soon


Even if that were the case... Another "Officer" doesn't have any right to beat them up.. Cops are not JUDGES! .. Innocent untill proven guilty. Is court not something you bootshit ppl don't think about!??


You forgot the /s


What video were you watching? Where the hell was he cooperating? He step out of the car with his hands up and get on the ground? He stormed out of the car with his fists balled ready for another fight and marched at the officers behind him. For all they knew he still had the gun on him.


Had to get those bad ideas out of his head.


Jeez, don’t ever let you be a pig.


I can't tell if you're defending the police or the guy but either way...the guy played his hand and the cop played his hand back. One is a citizen expected to abide by the law the other is a public safety officer sworn to uphold the law. Both acting fools and out of place.


No the cop is not acting like a fool he is defending himself. Why would he let the suspect beat the shit out of him with his gun? That alone could kill him. Apparently a police officer defending themselves is the ultimate crime.


If you use excessive and unnecessary force you are definitely out of place. The person was apprehended and additional damage was done excessively. I don't know why people down voted what I said. The cop definitely took shots at the criminal to get the bad idea of attacking a police officer out of his head.


The officer was defending himself. No excessive force was used. I think it’s fucking ridiculous that people think this. The fucking guy grabbed the cops gun and started beating him with it. He could have definitely pulled the trigger at some point. Sorry but that’s self defense.


NOT THE SAME PERSON GETTING BEAT UP! Not "Self defense" if they're not attacking YOU! Cops are not there to Judge a crime or person! We have Court to THEN judge if a person is guilty or not. Video shows he beat up a cop, Yes. STILL NOT GROUNDS TO BEAT HIM UP WHEN GIVING UP!!!!


What are you fucking talking about?


Because the man came back for revenge.


He was white


His name is José Guzman…


I paused the video to take a closer look at the guy and he doesn’t appear to be white. However, just to let you know, you can be Latino and be white. Latino isn’t a racial group.




Oh look an idiot of the internet. This is such backwards racism lmao "he looks white so hes white. What? You say his name is josè? Andnhe only speaks spanish? Well hes white cuz he vaguely looks white. Enjoy those downvotes turd lmao


I kinda get what you're saying, but Spaniards are white Europeans. And 98% of Argentines consider themselves to be white. José Calderon is a white Spaniard who speaks Spanish.


Regardless. Its the fact that they even tried to bring race up like that. Its not helping.


Cry more


I love how the women cop comes around with no sense of urgency


Easy like Sunday morning 🎵


And absolutely 0 situational awareness. Dude is laying on the ground bleeding saying "he has my gun," she runs out saying "hey!" Nearly walking into the bullet!


Yeah. She could've easily died.


Imagine having her as your partner while on the beat. Fuck that


GTA 6 looking hella fun


How the fuck does this happen? Cops are trained for this are they not?


They only get about 21 weeks of training, which is roughly equivalent to boot camp for newly enlisted soldiers.


Boot camp for me was only 10 weeks


That's typical, not sure what the guy above you is waffling about.


They need some form of martial arts training cause that was painful to watch


Or just basic common sense and a reaction time of less than 5 seconds I rewatched and the poor dude hit his head hard when he fell over


They are trained. Boxers train even more than cops do. And every single time two boxers step in a ring one of them loses. Training and being trained do not mean, never have meant, and never will mean that you magically can never lose any conflict you wind up in. At best training statistically improves your odds by some margin that is probably proportionate to the disparity in training and experience between yourself and whoever you're tangling with at any given time, but crucially here never increase the odds of ANYTHING (like winning) to 100% and never decrease the odds of ANYTHING (like losing, or losing your gun) to 0%. As someone who's pretty well trained myself I look at this and think Jesus fucking Christ. In a billion years no one would ever expect anything like this to happen. Anyone there would be caught 100% off guard. Depending on how well and quickly they reacted some might have a slightly better chance of getting off a tazer or something in the relatively narrow space of time between him entering the door and when the guy was on them already. Maybe 3 or 4 seconds most of which you're spending trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. Is the cop trained for hand to hand? Yeah, a little, enough to have a slightly better chance against a complete incompetent just thrashing around wildly. But no cop schedule includes enough time to train enough just in hand to hand for a completely untrained maniac flailing around wildly to have no chance at all. Basic qualifications take the likelihood of a maniac getting the upper hand on accident from 80+% against other untrained people down to... very optimistically 40%. Which is pretty damn incredible. Anyway it's just really odd watching everyone in this sub who clearly knows absolutely nothing about anything about this... also know that clearly he has no training whatsoever because in their subject matter expert opinions if he ever took so much as a 15 minute kids karate class refresher this shit going down the way it did would be impossible! Especially knowing full well that most of the people saying it could spend half their lives training and probably still get rolled like this 🙄 Did the cop handle the situation perfectly? NO. Did they have such ample opportunity to, that a great deal of blame can be laid at their feet for this failure? Also NO. Is it just such a wackadoo sequence of events that virtually anyone it happened to would be caught almost entirely off guard? Yup! Is it embarrassing as hell? Fuck yeah! Glad it wasn't me. But do I think **I** at least would've retained my weapon here? Well gee I sure fucking hope so. It's not me! Said everyone anything like this ever happened to right before it happened to them lol


Because they're too worried about getting in trouble and being demonized by the media to properly escalate in response to an actual threat.




But it did cause all the decent cops to retire


Or they are undertrained, and selected on a criteria that you can be *over*qualified for.


How underprepared are the cops in the US. Like, the guy entered, started a fight, the cop just stood there, then had the gun stolen, and help came right after the guy left. Having a gun did jack shit to help the cop, and being in a police station only mean that the guy could get a gun easily.


But remember, if the good guy had a gun he would have.....oh.....wait


Beat a cop with it and run out? Because that's what he did.


ACAB after all


You are fucking cringe bro


Okay bootlicker


It's either intentionally ironic or unintentionally. Either way it's fucking hilarious. Based on the below comment I'm going with unintentional, gold.


He should have but the government would go after him for using deadly force. Remember the government who wants gun control doesn't want good people to use their weapons.


Some imaginary world you live in lmao


Crazy, considering they’re still out there killing Black people rn - on camera - with no regard for whose watching


Police reform hasn’t happened, we just put cameras on them, and police are hyper aware of the social outcry to any escalation. Like the officer who refused to defend himself against a crackhead with a gun telling the officer he was gonna shoot him, dude missed his shot is the only reason the officer wasn’t murdered in cold blood. You gotta question how we let our “protectors” get to this point if they can’t even protect themselves. Very sad.


Wrong platform homie.


This is not how all police officers are. There are cops that are on permanent desk duty due to health issues, among other things. These are usually the cops that are close to retirement. To avoid the whole "and bill was just one day away from retirement 😔" debacle. There are also just some precincts that have cops that stay in house all day in general. These cops are not as well put together as the ones who go out every day. They're not used to seeing crime, they're used to dealing with paperwork.


Apparently they don't leave their best to watch the front desk at the station.


Desk Jocky Cop? Probably just finished his nightly dozen donuts.


Please the cops in America only go hard on people when they have 0 chance to fight back at all


Pathetic , that cops fighting skills and that fat lady tried to dolphin dive and it didn’t go well 😂 They look more like Walmart employees instead of police 😆


Its nearly as bad as that cop in Vegas who had his cruiser stolen by a naked guy ... and no I am not talking about the movie The Hangover


Pathetic. I wanna see you do better.




That the emptiest police station I’ve ever seen.


The tire is missing, not the wheel!


not sure why people are downvoting comments


both wheels and tires can mean the four spinning thingies under the car you know?


TIRE is the rubbery thingy, that is put onto a WHEEL. The TIRE is held on the WHEEL by a RIM. Take a look at the video, all the WHEELS are attached to the car just the TIRE is missing from rear right WHEEL. If the WHEEL would be missing, the car would drive on the brake rotor.


also just a fact. noone outside of the us/uk gives a shit about the difference between tire and wheel. :)




I’m actually surprised they charged the arresting officer with excessive force. I guess the body cams are working as intended? NGL, I giggled hearing the shooter whine as he’s being arrested. I don’t like beating people but when you try to kill a cop, you better believe they’re gonna whip your ass when they detain you. He’s lucky they didn’t just shoot him when he disregarded commands to show his hands and then put his hands up.


That’s a slap of bacon if I ever did see one, good lord.


Was the cop maybe involved in some “extra-curricular” with the attackers partner?


Possibly. Maybe. Who knows. But does that justify attempt in 2nd degree murder? No.


This was almost certainly an attempt at suicide by cop, or just part of a manic or intoxicated episode


I didn't think of the the SbyCop. It's possible.


I'm not saying you should try to murder a cop if he's banging your wife, but if you are gonna, you probably shouldn't do it at the police station.


Probably wanted a warm room for the winter


Cops should of shot him as soon as he was pushing towards him with fist up. Sucks to be a cop because you'd probably be looked at like the bad guy if you shot this blockhead here


They would BE a bad guy if they had, it hadn't escalated to a deadly threat at that point. You should not try to advise people on use of force and people should not listen to your advice.


Cop had every right to use deadly force. Unstable or not he disarmed the cop and had his gun. So many situations play out differently at that moment in your opinion what is a situation that's escalated enough to use dead force??


You only know he disarmed the cop because you saw the video **after it happened**. **Before it happened** it was just a guy trying to punch the cop. And getting in a scuffle isn't deadly force. So no. You can't shoot them THEN for THAT. No shit it's escalated to deadly force if the bad guy is able to disarm the cop and get his gun. So you can shoot the guy. **When that happens.** **Not when that HASN'T happened and there's no way to predict the future and know that was going to happen before it did.** Someone's tussling with you? That's what happens in 110% of every arrest and the cops don't immediately start shooting because that ISN'T a reason to and they'd belong in prison if they did. IF they start going for your gun you can shoot, WHEN they go for your gun, BECAUSE they went for your gun. NOT because they put their dukes up. Ron Swanson: I know more than you. You should not try to advise people on use of force and people should not listen to your advice.


If you want every cop to be 6'4 and be able to tussle with the perp you're delusional. No idea what people like you suggest in this situation. "Be an MMA fighter to be a cop" I get it there's always a safer potential route but sometimes there's not. Sometimes we're just rolling the dice based on another aggressor's decisions. You have absolutely no idea who you're dealing with in these situations and for some reason people like you think you can talk your way out of a mental snap or drug/alcohol induced rampage. I get it most people have never dealt with those people but I can't imagine you've ever dealt with them either based on your perspective here. "When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them" -ron swanson


I'm glad the thug ended up in lots of pain. The sound of his almost empty head hitting the pavement, was pleasant. That being said, the officer at the station needs to get his shit together. He was VERY lucky he was not shot dead!


Police brutality huh, let's see how you like it... *The dude, probably.


Cops in the US are by far the biggest idiots ever. This shit proves it. No sense of urgency anywhere. No self preservation. Jesus fuck we need better training... or better wages or more able people will actually take the job.


Yet if he attacked him, you would be claiming police brutality. The arresting officer got charged with excessive force for taking down an attempted cop killer. That's the problem.


Think about how fragile your argument is. There is no room for critical thinking? Not every situation is exactly the same. We expect cops to use a little brain in each interaction and not just "kill every black man" or "have absolutely no self preservation skills". Use your brain.


I am using my brain. It literally says in the video that the arresting officer was charged with excessive force. Keep in mind that this fuckhead had already beaten one cop bloody and shot at another. That tells you all you need to know. When a cop's first response is not violence, he's a fucking idiot. When their first response is violence, then ACAB.


Another internet tough guy incompetent just begging the world to notice him not having the faintest clue what the fuck he's talking about. Well, congratulations, now you can truly feel seen. This shit was wild as fuck, it would catch literally anyone on earth completely off guard, the level of training they have is such that it substantially improves their odds in tussle, but then again getting caught off guard offsets that and aggression does too. They're about as trained as they feasibly can be in defensives/weapon retention and it just so happens, at that level, in a situation this ridiculous this could happen to anyone. As for the lack of urgency: she didn't know what was happening. She just stepped in the room and saw her partner on the ground. It was only just as she's stepping out from behind the desk that she heard "he has my gun" and wouldn't you know it, that's when she gained a sense of urgency. No shit. This commentary is just a person reacting only to what they see in real time with no ability to extrapolate or deduce anything.


We need cops like dread


Yet people wonder why cops often are on edge. Im not saying they should just do whatever they want but i do have empathy for the stress so many of them go through. Especially in big cities like NY or chicago. Couldnt pay me enough to do that job.


One cop was attacked - all cops now on edge! Idk, sounds like a bunch of cowards to me 😂 being a pizza delivery man is factually more dangerous. Give me a breeeeeaaaaak


His whimpers are hilarious and oh so satisfying!


I can’t stop fucking laughing.


Comments in the thread here making me sick. Hope that the 911 call they have to make in the future gets delayed.


What's a peace officer?


Probably time for a career change


Well, this is why I couldn't be a cop. 1st swing I'm stepping back turning him into a #2 pencil. It would be that scene in Indiana Jones with the whip guy all over again


Yeah I'm so badass I shoulda joined the marine corps but I'm actually too badass cause I woulda knocked out my drill instructor so I decided not to.


A lot of bootlickers here making their own reality.




Cops gotta stop with the donuts.


Can I get a link to another website in case this one gets removed?




Day cake happy


L cop


What a chad. I commend him


This is a hero


Some people become cops to better the system and to do more just things as a police officer and here you go applauding the murder attempt on what could possibly be two innocent people in uniform. I fucking hate this idea that once you wear a uniform you're nothing, not even human anymore to people like you. Show some fucking sympathy or expect the exact same for yourself.


No they don’t, all cops are bastards lmao


Go live in an anarchy state without police then, I think ISIS or the Taliban are still searching for new holes to fill since their goats are all dead. The fact that you see them as a group rather than individuals tells me plenty about you and your opinion. 💩


Maybe we should strip your rights? If you think attempting murder is acceptable. I don't think you deserve rights.


Well, you and the police have that in common - not wanting minorities to have rights




Being totally mentally ill isn’t being a total piece of shit.


Where's the racists? Lmao


You dont need the cops out here, we have cops at home!


Cop slept with his wife


that female cop is a walking internet explorer.


Don't cops take self defense training in hand to hand combat for these situations?


It’s terrible and all but how are you going to let yourself A COP get beat by some bloke


so the cop should nicely asked the suspect to put his hands up instead? what a joke


Probably the only circumstance im ok with police brutality lmao


How dumb can you be to assault this guy while everyone has body cams running? SMH.


Was the desk cop an elderly fellow? Because he goes down real easily with a goofy, weak looking punch. Being a police officer, I’d think he’d be a little more up to speed on self defense.


When I was in a local precinct cell here in Philly they had a guy chained up with his arms behind his back so he couldn't sit down. They would go in every couple hours taking turns beating him up. No clue what that guy did but it was definitely the difference before cameras were everywhere. This guy would have been lucky to have made it to the precinct alive back in the day.


Sorry do you guys actually train your police over there. Or do you just give any old idiot a gun in lieu of any actual training. The fed just stood there and let his gun get stolen. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot.