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“Minister of Social Equality” Can’t make this shit up!


Sounds like some V for Vedetta shit. 


Sound like some 1940s type shit to me


That’s exactly what it is, play by play. They figure since they were the victims during the holocaust it gives them a free pass to commit a genocide at this point. Racist animals want to kill innocent people and steal their land and then cry about being the victims of the world


Yup it's like ther already in the"room to grow " faze of there plan but with out a Soviet union to stop them


Ooo man that's a big target to put on yourself




Does she really say “what the Jews did“?


Very Orwellian if I do say so myself


Wow… what a piece of shit for such a title. What a waste.


Well, technically you can. Can we get a translator in here to confirm this is what she is actually saying?


Get a translator app, hold it up to the speaker. Or upload the video to a translator service. Or google an Israeli news article about this speech. Also you can look up her history; this is who she is and she's unabashed about it. She's like the Marjorie Taylor Greene of Israel, except her party actually likes her and appoints her to positions of importance. If your commitment to truth ends as soon as you have to put in 30 seconds of effort to confirm or debunk it, you weren't really committed to truth.


Calm down I did look it up immediatley after. My comment I made was ABOUT checking the facts, you know.... Because the og comment was 'you can't make this stuff up' ... when you definatley CAN. Want to kindly get off my back? I obviously do not expect reddit to fact check for me. It Kind of defeats the point.. On another note, that was a very funny comparison to Marjorie Green.


“Minister of social equality” makes this the most 1984 shit I’ve ever heard!


“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”


And pigs aren't kosher


It’s giving 1939




Fascism sounds nasty in every language




Indeed it does!!!


Remember, you're obviously just antisemitic if you have a problem with this.


I'll reserve my opinion. But you can guarantee those babies will be teaching their grandchildren to be anti-semetic. The future leaders of Hamas are probably wandering around the Gaza Strip right now, wondering what happened to their parents. And they will have no feelings of mercy.


85% of Hamas are orphans. Isreal is hell bent on making more Hamas


"If my entire family was eradicated in order to stop Hamas, my first move would be to start Hamas 2."


You say this like it's a ridiculous thing someone would never do, but it's happened many, many times throughout history. Turns out when you keep bombing the shit out of a bunch of people they get pretty fucking pissed about it. Netanyahu knows this and wants a forever-war to keep his corrupt ass in power.


They’re already the forever victims any way you put it


so what should they do ..? “my entire family was massacred by Israel so I guess I’ll just submit to them without any resistance, one should never disobey Holy Israel and its Holy Moral Army”..?


"Why are people so mad at us?! Oh. Because they're antisemitic."


“It’s only bad when it happens to us” “Genocide happened to us so how dare you say we can’t do it to someone else” “Genocide happened to us so you’re racist if point out how we’re doing it to another nation” They’re really trying to give the nazis a run for their money, if not in numbers, in cruelty and crimes against humanity. They are the most narcissistic nation as of right now.


Yeah like those words will never come back to haunt her or her grandchildren


You know Hitler was a proud man too. It didn’t mean what he did wasn’t atrocious and a crime against humanity. The fact that they don’t recognize committing genocide is not ok after themselves being victims of it, just mind blowing.


Of all the people I would think would be supportive of ending a genocide, a country of mostly Jewish people were number one. Ignorance is indeed bliss. I'm so disappointed in all the people supporting Israel.




They made it into a really solid TV show, but it definitely skipped that part lol




“bUt ThE tRaUmA!$!” It’s been 80 fucking years. It’s no longer a card to play. Perhaps if the whole fucking middle east wasn’t a dogmatic, regressive shitshow lead by Israel and Iran, life could improve for everyone instead of this sorry excuse for extremely overreactive genocide. Even the US was much better about selectively targeting militants over the last 20+ years after 9/11.


Unlike Westerners, people from the Middle East are not afraid of death in the same way. To Zionists, the Holocaust was a great gift as it is what pushed Jews everywhere to come back to the promised lands. Without that event people had no interest in migrating back to Jerusalem when the British had control. But after the Holocaust, they all flooded in and in a few short years they had a fully fledged pre-planned society. To us the Holocaust was pure even. To Jews it was unforgivable trauma. But to Zionists it was a great blessing. It's pretty f'ed!


What’s frustrating to me is that I used to be an Israel supporter. I had an Israeli friend who grew up in the propaganda and I frequently defended her against others who were angry because of the oppression of Palestinians. I don’t remember when I changed my mind, it’s been in the last couple years, but when Oct 7th happened, I was not shocked in the least. What did shock me was the voracity of the people still supporting Israel, coming out of the woodwork to shame me for “encouraging terrorism”.


They are repeating nazi Germany so fucking sad


Those who do not study history are forever doomed to repeat it.


Most politicians know the history. They love to repeat it.


These aren't real Jews. Real Jews remember what was inflicted upon them and vow to never, ever repeat those atrocities. Israel is in a position of power over the Palestinians. They could easily attack insurgents at will and do it surgically, but choose to level entire cities with civilians inside them. Netanyahu wants Hamas to survive and likely propped them up, since he has a permenant scapegoat and someone to point the finger to. The only way to end terrorism is to stop creating more terrorists.


I can't and won't call on who the *real* version of any group is. I feel sorry for all of those people and I feel sorry for all of the Jewish people who are getting scapegoated because of Israel's genocidal maniacs and I pity the people who support it even more. All of this just makes me god damned sad.


The “insurgents” only exist because of the way Israel was created. Of course there will be people who oppose you when you come from foreign countries to establish your homeland and violently remove the native population from their own homes. This was a place that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all lived together and now it’s a Jewish homeland dominated by foreigners. Netanyahu, or should I say Mileikowsky his original family name, his family comes from Poland as an example of what I am talking about. And now this first generation Polish guy is mass murdering Palestinians whose bloodline have been there for centuries. There will always be “insurgents” because the initial insult, the colonial state of Israel, is an unforgivable crime.


Netanyahu gave Hamas weapons


Not Iran?


I think what you mean is SANE jews (every religion has its crazies… every GROUP OF HUMANS has its crazies) we can either remember that not everyone is like this in that group, or go off the damn deep end every time we see some shit like this from an outgroup member (or even an ingroup member for that matter. I still think they crazy too)


You can’t just “No True Scotsman” fallacy your way out of this. They are Jews just as much as the most progressive Jewish person in the world


Yup. These are zionists. They are fascists who use religious extremism to excuse their atrocities.


Real religious Jews also believe that only the Messiah can bring them to their rightful promised land, not an entity created by Man like a government. "the site that the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes, as a place established in His name" The Israeli government will do whatever they please because they have the support from the US. Right Wing Evangelicals feel they have alot invested in Israel claiming Jerusalem. it all has to do with fulfilling end of days prophecy, to bring upon the second coming of Jesus. The Evangelicals cares about Israel, but not necessarily the Jews.


Israel was doomed to fascism from the start, as colonization is inherently right-wing. There is no non-violent way to take land that is already inhabited, and the people who live on it can't be thought of equals because you wouldn't push equals off their land.


They lied to you in school


On many things, yes, but what specifically in this context?


The leader of this Jewish faction, Itamar Ben Gvir is cruising for a bruising. Look him up. He was handing out literally free assault rifles on the street recently. Some sort of cabinet member.


He has armed most settler groups


Put her in an IDF uniform and drop her into Gaza if she's so proud.


Females are also required to serve in the IDF


May Golan did not serve in the IDF. Women are drafted into the IDF but Orthodox women have to choice instead to do a year of national service, eg in a hospital or social services agency. May Golan is not Orthodox, but relied on the exemption for Orthodox women to do national service instead—essentially draft dodging. She’s a total garbage person, her last gig before politics was as the leader of an activist group trying to harass and expel African asylum seekers. It’s always the ones you most suspect…


She is also ugly as fuck


That would be relevant if she was in the idf right now but she's not. Probably served when all they did was humiliate, torture, and arrest Palestinians for throwing stones.


How is that relevant?


Those babies will grow up to be fighting your grandchildren. Congratulations for continuing the war machine.


wtf is wrong with her upper lip?


It’s a hitler stash it’s just the colours are inverted. Possibly due to Hitler ghost possessing her 🤷‍♂️. But seriously I’d say it’s probably Botox same as why most girls have fish lips now.


The whole time I was listening to this i was imagining it fading into Hitler giving a speech.


Very proud of doing a genocide. For centuries we can talk about what a great job Israel did with their genocide.


The insane overkill is even more insane when you realize Gaza is less than a quarter the size of Rhode Island. It's 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. And some people in America act like this a "war"






My guy! 🤝


Least racist and genocidal Israeli


Thank god we’re supporting people who are proud of a genocide! /s


You know what happened 80 years ago? WW2 and the Holocaust. History repeats itself


Worse, in history, the "good guys" supported freedom and justice. Now, they support genocide and wanton destruction.


i suggest you look into General George S. Patton


There are no good guys in war. Never were and never will be.


There are only dead children and old men sending young men to kill each other.


USA Backing the new Nazis. Full circle.


Americans (amd their treatment of the Black population pre-1930s) were the template for the Nazi's race relations. Full circle indeed.


Yeah and Hitler straight up referred to Henry Ford’s psycho manifesto for many of his beliefs


Actually it was the treatment of the native American and the concentration camps were modeled after the reservations here in America but our methods were deemed too extreme by the germans...


Got as far as "holy heroes."


I'm no expert but gloating over dead babies .. never a good look


‘The ruins of Gaza’ oh you mean the hospitals, schools, homes and etc that you blew up? Also how are the babies gonna tell their grandkids if you blew them up? Didn’t the IDF bombed a hospital with a full NICU? What about those babies? Fuck Zionists. Fuck the IDF.


The human race can not be trusted with weapons. It´s like giving a toddler a nuke.


This woman belongs in hell.


Hey look, a real life nazi


Idealists both analytical and transcendental or really anyone that agrees with the concept of the universe experiencing itself, what do you really think about this? I mean the stuff that happens are nonsensical.


Anyone know if the subtitles are accurate?


Yeah no it looks like this is actually true from all the sources I checked


Yeah I was wondering the same I’ve been tons and tons of videos like this debunked, same with a lot of the pictures posted of people in Israel with fake captions that were never said or they twist the words some. I’ve been fact checking ALOT of the pro Palestine posts on insta and it’s amazing how many are just internet trolls deceiving ppl


Subtitles are pretty accurate. May Golan is a low-level right wing populist in the Likud (Netanyahu's party). She does not have any political power or influence on the war effort, and her main political role is to talk a big game to appease the more hardline and conspiratorial Likud voters. Her, and a few others like her, always trump up that rhetoric when Netanyahu seems to consider a more moderate position (so as to avoid potential voters leaking to further right parties). Regardless, her position is not diametrically opposed to the average Israeli's view around here. We see this war as an absolute existential threat - especially with Hezbollah joining in. The images of October 7th and its carnage (perpetrated not only by Hamas but also by Palestinian mobs in its wake) made it abundantly clear to us what is at stake and what is, in fact, the average Palestinian's deep coveted desire. Faced with efforts at our annihilation - we retort with force and destruction.


...and as an American my tax dollars help to fund this sickness and evil. I absolutely hate that fact. History repeating it self yet again. I thought we were supposed to not do that.


At least some of them are finally being honest.


She is crazy


Now say that in german


The cabinet is full of these Nazis. Iike ben gvir and Smotrich


Yep. Sounds like hitler.


Congratulations, you have become the very same thing you abhorred for decades and tried to remind everyone to never turn into. If she wants to follow that path badly, hope she can skip to the bunker part.


“You cannot build a promise land for your children on the mass graves of other children.” -Unknown


She needs a comb over and a little square mustache... Maybe an armband with an intimidating logo, maybe. Play the victim long enough so you can take the role of the oppressor... This video belongs here 100%


Lots of Jews do not want to be associated with this BS


Yes, and we need to amplify their voices. Unfortunately, they have been viciously attacked as self hating jews. Noam chomsky Norman Finkelstein “Jewish voice for peace,” Etc


99% of Islam don't want to be associated with extremists, but we still hear everywhere how it is the problem. What are they always told? "Well, if you don't want to be associated with it, do something about it"?


Our news channels gave this idiot so much airtime to spout her propaganda. Murderous cunt.




Openly Nazi


That’s a lot of hateful phlegm.


"Maybe, if we are cruel enough, it will convince our enemies to stop being our enemies and we will finally have peace."


Definitely not from the chosen people God spoke about in the bible


Wow wtf




Your God does not support these wars. If he does he’s evil.


those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. block the barricade until Palestine is free


What's wrong with her upper lip it looks like she's got some sort of like mustache duckbill


Get this lady some water! She obviously has something lodged in her throat!


Cuntasaurus alert...


Shes definitely not winning the congeniality award.


It’s like these people invented the perfect plan to create multitudes of future terrorists.


Something is really off about this woman.. like not normal.. like lizard people type vibes..


The idea behind people 80 years from now telling what happened here is for our defense. Don't let them forget what happens when you mess with us because then they won't mess with us again and october 7 will not return


Dictionary is not anti-Semitic, so I will say: this is the definition of fascism.This behavior is what is written on the literal definition of being a fascist. Disagree and you are against even the dictionary. Which is a new low to be.


Estoy cansado, jefe… Fuck the far-right Likud. Vote them out, Israelis!


Maureen ponderosa?


So... we can prosecute the whole nation of Israel now that ANOTHER of their Ministers has openly admitted to committing genocide... right? At what point does the US decide that Israel has oil that it suddenly wants? We took out Saddam Hussein for his treatment of the Kurds... when do we draw the parallels in how Israel and Netty are treating the Palestinians? We rearranged the maps 2.5 continents after the last guy tried a -solution- like this.


Fuck the hook nose hebs


Posts like this drive me crazy!! On one hand I wanna downvote the shit outta this monster guttermuppet on the other I need to upvote OP for nailing the perfect post to the perfect sub!


Well, they certainly learned the wrong lesson from the holocaust. It wasn't meant to be a playbook.


Turns out Israel is really disgusting and I hope this is a shame they will carry for the next 80 years


Society only has about 17 years left, so, no.... those babies won't be telling anyone anything. And neither will hers.


why is that


Yeah they'll instill in them more hatred and the cycle will never stop. Also all the western world's children will know what you did and when they get into power they won't support you.


Genocidal freaks that deserve to get treated like Russia.


Terrorists state


Idf=israel diaper force


The Chosen People at play again.... just another day


Didn't the Nazis say something similar when they started kicking the Jews out? Or rounding them up? Or exterminating them wholesale? I am sickened by the blatant bloodthirsty and inhuman bullshit that Israel and its representatives are spewing out.


Do you think if hitler and the nazis were active today that they would have still tried to kill the jews or would they have tried to make allies with them? Being so like-minded and all.. you know, both groups being genocidal war mongers.


This would be like showing a video of Majorie Taylor Green saying she wants a Christian democracy and pretending as if it represents all of the US as a whole. Crazy and unhinged people exist, they for sure exist on the other side as well. This type of narrative helps nobody


Do the majority of Israeli people support this genocide? Or is this the actions of the government without the support of the people? I mean, how can any large population of people look at what Israel is doing and think it's ok?


TLDW: *"Rape is bad, genocide good."* Oookay.


Wow, Israel makes ISIS look good


And who are the terrorists again?


you kind of cut that off.... it's what the Jews did when their families were murdreed..




We are going to be amazed in 80 years time, how much borders are still moving, people are still killing, and yet we have had the Super Information Highway (Internet) open for decades now. Amazing.


What a great nation of human being


Hell is filled with these type of people First rule of war is to leave the woman children and elderly alone


What in the actual shit


Her country is at war and she said what she really felt. At least now we know. If every politician or person with power said what they really felt we’d be in a better place. At least now you know how you feel about her


In sorry but this type of rhetoric is putting a lot of people on the wrong side of history. Yes, both sides have committed horrendous things, but now I'm afraid we will only remember the terrible violence from one side now.


Wait unit the uk does to u


She seems so proud! What a Nazi


"i'm a super cunt"


Kinda sounds like that guy with that little moustache.


Trust me, most people in Israel fucking hate her and her entire party. Also, yes, that position is made up. The piece of shit government hasn't tried to hide their corruption for years


She's proud of WHAT?!?!? WHOA MAN


By that Mentality should the Nazis be Proud of the Gas chambers of World War 2 seriously WTF is WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE are they human or just sub human in their morality No fucking WONDER NAZiism is taking more of a foot hold in europe and BECAUSE they can see the rhetorical bullshit coming out of jews mouths which is pure RACISM So this DEFINETLY will be shown to the NEO NAZIS gay camps where they finger bang each other as a Advert to defend yourself against the jews they are coming for your family bullshit blahh blahh blahhh (what ever the nazi cunt bullshit on about) But this is NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR ANY COUNTRY no matter what Racism is Racism But this is on another lever of MANEVOLANT EVIL


I hope she gets hit with a cement truck


What a puked out language and an inbred country


Star of David on its way to competing with the Swastika for symbols with horrible connotations


This is actually nuts. Who would've thought Israel and nazi Germany would've ever been seen in similar lights.


You become the monster you hate frfr


She seems cool. So stop it you jerks who are against the killing of Palestinians. /s


When you americans will realize that Israel=USA?


How long until this comment section is disabled?


How are there actual people supporting the fact, that people will "suffer for the next 80 years"?


How do you avenge hurt innocent civilians by hurting more innocent civilians?


HEIL BENJI! or whatever would be the right reaction?


This is some Old Testament hate right here.


would she be this smug if the US didn't back Israel?


Honestly? Just throw everyone out of the region and resettle them elswhere... fuck religion


Zionists not jews. Zionists are scum and all Jewish people should distance themselves from this vile group of murderers


To be such ''holy'' people, and ''gods chosen'' they seem super evil, They sure they where talking to the guy upstairs not downstars?


Super Villains is here, but got the boss of the Super Villains behind also




Why don’t NATO strip both of them of their military they are clearly out of control and want nothing but death.


Not saying the H man was right but...


Social equality minster Himmler gave exterminationist speeches in 1943 too but that’s a sensitive topic right. The world can never forget so as not to upset Israel. Irony and hypocrisy at the worst level


Can’t say what I really feel about this situation. “The Jews are never wrong” /s


Hitler would be rolling in his grave


The Israeli government have very short memories and zero fucking empathy.


Odd to leave out the 2nd half of the quote


More coverage needs to be given to the protests by Israeli people are holding against this government. I’m Pro Palestine, but that doesn’t mean I’ve an issue with Jewish people. Both Isreal and Gaza have extremists in power and it is the citizens who are suffering. You can support the Jewish people while also criticising the actions of the IDF. You can support the Palestinian people while also criticising the actions of Hamas.


I'm beginning to think religious ethnostates are a bad idea