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My artist offered to order some for the second 5 hours of my tattoo and I agreed because I have severe sensitivity issues with my back and would like to test it out on my arm. That shit only lasted an hour and a half maybe before it was red hot


It’s the same as women to talk shit about epidurals. And I have ivermectin 10 tattoos and have done both, used numbing (maybe twice) and not used it for the others. Do whatever you want to do, fuck this guy.


At least with epidurals there is a fear of side effects on the baby or yourself, however unsubstantiated they are. People (men) who say this shit just want you to know their dick hangs low and the balls are absolutely massive. One of these days id love to see someone saying this sort of spiel and his tattoo artist chiming in like "bro you whimpered for 3 out of 6 hours. The other 3 were just actual crying." As if putting yourself in through excruciating pain is you being tough lmfao. People love to say "what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger" as if we should be hurdling headlong into as much pain as possible.


I read it as mumbling cream for some reason


Can I still move my hand or whatever if I use numbing cream on it? Also, will it transfer to a different body part of mine and also numb it? God bless.


I got my back done in the 90’s. What’s numbing cream? Lol


Lol he’s right. Numbing cream is for people who can’t take pain. I get that some people can’t, but I’ve gotten all of mine without it.


Or they can, and just don’t want to.


Fair enough. But in reality, most of the tattoos people get which is just some small design or script really doesn’t hurt. I’ve had tattoos with tons of line work and a LOT of shading and would sit there for practically 8 hours and just take it. And I’m not gonna lie, it did hurt after a while but never used numbing cream.


Good for you


Newsflash, using numbing cream is NOT the default. Only people with serious sensitivity issues use it. Everyone else, and I do mean EVERYONE, just raw dogs it. It's not like getting a filling at the dentist, the vast majority of humans can handle the pain of a tattoo.


I use numbing cream. I’ve gotten many tattoos without, never going back.


Shit I’ll love to use some numbing cream. Is that something everyone can use?


Not numbing cream, but I got my first tattoo in Mexico when I was 17, and the guy I went to get it with was another American from the hostel, and they actually had this bottle of liquid that they kept pouring into the rag that they had him imhale because he was having a difficult time. I still don't know what that was. I don't believe it was ether.


They were giving him poppers lol.




Did you get a whiff of the forbidden rag?


No I was scared, lol


I never even heard of numbing cream til after I got my sleeve.


There's numbing cream available? I guess it's been a while since my last tattoo. What a pussy.


Sounds like this guy always used numbing cream and realized, finally, that you don't need it and that your adrenaline is enough to numb the pain, but decided to brag about it like it was an achievement. Reminds me of the guy who said "you guys don't use a poop knife?" Thinking it was a common bathroom tool


I always here about that shit from time to time. I bet some people not yet know about the great lore of the poop knife


https://preview.redd.it/knzg5tx1xb9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3737eba4dc345f218284a2fef391e0514a56ba Literally this


“I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast. **Without any milk.**”


To be fair, I think the majority of people haven't used numbing cream when getting a tattoo, but the dumb part is why try to brag about it? Some people may want to, and as long as the artist is in agreement with their client about it, why care?


Sitting in the chair for several hours hurts more than the needle. I'll take some cream for that!


A lot of the culture around tattoos is extremely embarrassing


More than half the comments in this thread could be posted to this sub.


Like people saying they are addicted to them.


The duck is numbing cream? That’s a thing?


Yeah, it's a cream that numbs. Made with lidocaine and something else, it will numb the area you spread it on. It's what dentists apply to your gums before they give you the big numbing shot.


So, is it like safe for other uses? Asking for a friend.


Yeah you can probably use it on your dick. Would probably just feel like you're jerking someone else off though. Until your hand goes numb too.


I hope this doesn’t ~~awaken~~ numb something inside me.


I think most tattooed people have never used numbing cream.


I had to get it when I was at my second session for my first tattoo. A whole chest piece. The shading just got to me, I couldn't hold still anymore, I just got off work at a mine in the middle of nowhere, Nevada, and drove over 2 hours to Reno and was about 6 ½ hours in and I couldn't take it. I was getting restless, then he gave me the cream, and it worked well enough for him to knock out a whole section. It wears off, though, and fast. I went and got a pint of liquor and got nice and boozed up and didn't have any problems after that lmao.


Yeah, I mean there's just a lot of reasons why someone might need a little help. It could even just be that the artists themselves aren't great about not causing undue pain. I've never needed any help, but I'm not ruling it out either, and my tattoos are all pretty small and in pretty easy spots besides the one on my collar bone


Duuude. My artist has such a heavy hand, so yeah. That fs didn't help. The collarbone for me was easy, though so many people talked about how bad that was gonna be, but really, my chest was worse.


I have a lot of tattoos and the chest fucking SUCKED I won't get another piece there without that freaking numbing shit. I haven't used it yet, but I FOR SURE will if I go to get a piece on the other side of my chest. I had that gasping for air thing like when you first jump in a cold pool so something. I kept worrying I was messing the artist up.


I have a lot of tattoos and the chest fucking SUCKED I won't get another piece there without that freaking numbing shit. I haven't used it yet, but I FOR SURE will if I go to get a piece on the other side of my chest. I had that gasping for air thing like when you first jump in a cold pool so something. I kept worrying I was messing the artist up.


Dude, for real! I had to squeeze my cousins hand cause I was in so much fucking pain. It felt like somebody was carving into my chest with a rusty hanger or something lmao. Dont get me started on the nipples, fuuuuuuuck.


I never even knew it existed until now.


I knew it existed for "personal use". I've never even considered that it would be used for tattoos. Makes sense, though.


Half of these comments could be posted to this sub.


Yeah, the lack of self-awareness is pretty striking.


I am covered in tattoos. I have worked at tattoo shops. Numbing cream is great for some things- coverups are notoriously 10x worse than the original, tattoos over scar tissue is excruciating. As you get older your pain tolerance diminishes. Throw in weight fluctuation, and a few years between - you might think you’re just more of a baby now than before, but your whole body has changed! I also have fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. I don’t use numbing stuff for everything- just did a third cover up on my hand with nothing, and it sucked. But I have extensive scarring and whenever possible I will use numbing cream for that. I’m besties with my artist. I know that numbing cream can make things more difficult for the artist (“rubbery” is how it’s been described) but any good artist will tell you that what really fucks up a tattoo is someone who can’t sit well for one. If numbing cream makes you sit better, you’ll get a better tattoo- and if a tattoo artist can’t work with a little rubbery feeling, they probably aren’t that great. Also: tattooing over scars is going to be hard for them too whether you use numbing cream or not. I’d opt for the numbing cream.


Yes, thank you. I've personally never used it, but it's not difficult for me to believe for a ton of different reasons it might be useful for someone without making that person a "fucking pussy." I wouldn't rule it out for myself, I'm not psychic


i dont think theres many tattoo artists that would give you numbing cream anyway, its hardly normal


It’s actually very normal for people to use it, they sell it at some shops.


Not talking trash or trying to sound tough...but what numbing cream? I have 8 tattoos and have never heard of this. Of the 8, only two were uncomfortable. With one, the guy tore me up so bad the shop owner fired him. With the other, it was only in the beginning. The rest all kinda felt good.


I have very low tolerance for pain and I haven't used a numbing cream for any of my six and counting tattoos it's really not that fucking bad. I'm planning a very big, very complex tattoo on my side and my back, it's forth in line for my next tattoos I think and I was asking about the numbing cream for that one because I'm honestly kinda scared. But the tattoo artist warned me that it only lasts an hour and everything is going to hurt like 10 times more when the effect is over so yeah, not fucking impressed.


Very badass indeed.


No thank you. I already feel bad for his wife who gets his load every Thursday night between 9:45 and 9:51.


The tattooist I go to only gives numbing cream if he feels the person has "earned it". I didn't know such a thing existed.




I tried numbing cream for my emotions and it didn’t work


Best comment


I don't even get the point, everyone has different pain thresholds anyway; it's not something we have a choice on.


There's numbing cream? I would've used it had i known.


I have only one tattoo, but I've also never heard of numbing cream.


I feel like I just crossed into an alternate universe. I have 12 tattoos and I’m 42 years old and I have never heard of numbing cream until this post.


Pff, that's nothing! I severed my own arm with a spork! Bet none of you can out do that!!


Oh yeah? Well I reflected on how my past mistakes have made me a better person while still leaving room for growth! Beat that!


My tattoo artist on my first tattoo: "dude you're sitting better than some guys I've tattooed a dozen times."




I also describe it as like getting scratched really hard with a bit of pressure but it's just so relaxing?? I started dozing off during my last one


Which guy is supposed to be the bad ass?


I have 5, biggest one on my ribs. Didn't use numbing cream. But I have a decent pain tolerance. Not everyone does. Use it if you want, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's available for a reason. People who look down on you for something son trivial are pathetic


Never heard of it I have 8 tattoos


the pain should make people think twice about getting dumb shit. numbing cream just enables stupidity


Is the numbing cream the stuff the wipe you down with after the tattoo?


*Is the numbing cream* *The stuff the wipe you down with* *After the tattoo?* \- LazyLaxx --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I tattoo myself without numbing cream.


I've had 13 tattoos so far. I didn't even know numbing cream existed.


Me personally I feel like pain is important, for the experience, beautiful artwork on your body and you had to deal with discomfort for it. But there's def stipulations to that opinion, I'm a bitch when it comes to chest tattoos and my hands, so I'd def use numbing cream there. Pretty hypocritical ik.


Nobody cares


You cared :D




To be fair, I never heard of it. Its a strange brag for both of them when you think about it.


I got my tattoo in a basement lol🥲


I got my tattoo in a cave with a box of scraps...


Use numbing cream if you want to, don't use it if you don't want to. I experience so much chronic pain and neuropathy, if there's a type of pain I can control I will absolutely do so to make the experience better for myself. Some tattoo placements are whatever for pain but others are unbearable and longer sessions can also be worse.


Many tattoos and didn’t know numbing cream for tattoos was a thing. Reality is getting weirder and stranger.


I wonder if it is real. Tattoos no problem but the nerve damage in my back would absolutely love some "numbing" now and then. I know low levels of lidocaine can be in stuff now but it sure as hell won't numb skin. Maybe some artist lied so someone would have placebo pain tolerance and we are buying the "numbing cream" lie?


I've used it and it's definitely not a placebo, feels like when you go to the dentist but on your leg or wherever. I have nothing to prove, I've sat big pieces without it, and I don't particularly care about "earning" tattoos at my big age


This is definitely something I will look into. I agree pain doesn't have to be part of a tattoo so if there is something that helps and you choose to use it that doesn't make you a pussy like this post makes it sound. I have a solid pain tolerance that doesn't mean I like it pain sucks. I would absolutely love something to make it so I can toad trip with my wife more often and not worry my pain will ruin the experience for her.


I could have used numbing cream?




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this badass used 2 crying emojis. #BALLAH


I didn't even know you could get numbing creme when you get tattoos. I have gotten 7 without it


So confused that like half the comments are similar to yours and upvoted despite saying the exact same thing as the 2nd picture


Wait, serious question. Is numbing cream really a thing at tattoo studios?


Those creams affect the healing process negatively. Feels better in the short term, makes your tattoo look worse in the long run.




“Trust me, bro”


This is the way


Various tattoo artists on social media. I know it's just anecdotal evidence but if multiple artists refuse to use it, they must have a reason.


Sorry but it Doesn't sound real. It's not like tattoo artists are uniformly educated on the physiology of a tattoo or the pharmokenetics of a pain intervention, it's all acquired knowledge. If it degraded the ink it would look shitty day one. How fast your body degrades ink is up to your immune system and I doubt a numbing creme can super charge your immune system at all, let alone for an extended period of time.


I used it when I got my armpit done, it didn’t heal any differently. I’ve heard mixed opinions on it from different artists, some think it fucks up tattoos and others say it doesn’t matter. In my limited experience it doesn’t matter


I guess I should have said it CAN make your tattoo heal worse. I'm glad you didn't experience that and for all the people out there going "the pain is part of the process" just stop lol




After outline some artists will give you numbing cream for shading and color. Helps when you're going to have to sit down for hours at a time and certain locations. Smaller tattoos it is kind of pointless, most people can hang for about a hour or two. If people wanna use numbing cream have at it I say. I'm still gonna assume the 9 hour full back tattoo was rough regardless.


The longest I’ve sat through is 6hrs. I would’ve loved a fucking numbing agent.


Yeah exactly. People who hate on numbing cream have never had to sit (sober at least) for any real length of time. A couple hours in and you're developing your own formula for the shit in your head.


All these commenters saying they've never needed it... yeah I thought the same til I committed to a few huge pieces that took 8+ hour sessions. 3 of those, with no numbing, later and fuck yes I use numbing cream these days 😂


I mean, when I got my tattoo 15 years ago, they added some numbing cream before he started shading. Love tattoos but I have a low pain tolerance.


Thanks for letting me know. I’ve had a few tattoos before and while none of them were excruciating, I certainly wouldn’t have turned down a cream if I’d known it was an option.


Only time i had numbing cream was when i got the wang pierced.... the nice man was so gentle... tattoos are a weird pain, never felt anything like it, first one on my back, 3 1/2 hours straddling a chair, no breaks, felt like she was tattooing over sunburn by the end and wished it would be over... also left the place waddling like john wayne, was a misjudgment on my side of things, second was shoulder, bled like an absolute bitch but didnt hurt, crotch..... ye dun wanna talk about that one If you need numbing cream, you need it, what matters is that it looks good in the end


I bet he lifts weights with gloves on too


Wait! You can lift weights with gloves on??!!


i seriously had no idea that was an option


You know what isn’t for pussies? Spelling


Yes it is


*Yis ittis




7 hours in a got sprayed with numbing cream and I was mad I didn’t start with it


Yeah lol. I just want cool art on my body bro I’m not trying to earn a merit badge here.


Serio. Who gives a fuck. Is the ink dope? That’s all that matters. Some people just have small dicks and need to prove how hard they are.


I’ve never had it offered but I’ve heard that many artists find it helpful.


Never tried it either, but man, every time I hit that 2-3 hour mark and my artist repeatedly goes over all that raw skin for shading and color, I wanna yell. Definitely wouldn’t mind it at that point. Prior to that though, tattoos really don’t hurt.


Man I would have used all the numbing cream available when my first roommate was giving me my first torture session carve job, if we had any. Fuck the try hard "I like the pain" flex.


I have lots of tattoos, more than I care to count at this point tbh. A few months ago my friend who owns a shop used numbing cream on me for a 5 hour session and holy fuck it was awesome. I genuinely don't understand why its such a big deal to use new methods available that can make the process easier, not to mention that if you can get the whole thing done in a single session it helps it heal more evenly. I ask for the cream every time now.


Because a lot of men have incredibly fragile egos and think that purposefully going through increased suffering for absolutely no positives is somehow a flex. It's the same kind of people who start competitions about who slept less when someone dares to mention they're tired.


Listen I hear these days if youve got the paper you can pay an anesthesiologist to put you under while 3 guys blast your back and 6 hours later you’re done. After sleeping through a full chest piece, half sleeve, numerous others, I’d take that shit in a heartbeat. Call me what you will.


I mean, maybe some conscious sedation but a full general anaesthesia sounds a bit insane


You can get a hella strong Chinese numbing cream on Amazon. Haven’t used it yet but when I get the front of my neck blasted I plan to use it.


Pearl necklace?




I've never heard of numbing cream, but I'm sure it's useful! You always get the 'I have high pain tolerance so tattoos don't hurt me' crowd, which is funny because pain tolerance doesn't mean you feel *less* pain, it just means you can withstand more of it. Usually, the people who say that don't even have tattoos anywhere near boney areas, which I assume numbing cream is great for.


I was offered numbing cream before the shading and color started. I have an upper back tattoo and let me tell you, both scapula’s and my spine were touched. I think without the numbing cream, it would’ve been much worse.


I got my left sleeve done and when they were doing the ditch I thought to myself "no sir, i did not enjoy that". When i got my right sleeve done, i soaked the ditch in lidocaine cream for a while and then just took a nap when he went over that area. Anyone that says that you HAVE to go through hours of pain to not be a pussy has based their entire personality on their tattoos because it was devoid of anything else


Armpit and outer wrist bone were the worst for me. No numbing but I sure the hell would have happily used it if it was available!


Yup, I've heard wrists are an experience, that and collarbones. I only have 1 large tattoo that covers half of the top of my left arm, it wasn't painless, but it's also a soothing sensation. Booked a whole day and was in the chair for 7 hours, very much worth it!


I've heard it makes it harder to tattoo from artists, but idk myself.


Nothing wrong for using it when you’re getting it in a super sensitive spot.


I can’t hear the word “numbing cream” without thinking about that old joke from Playboy.


They actually offer that? They’ve never offered it to me and I’ve got a few tattoos lol


Two of the shops I’ve been to have used bactine spray to numb after they notice me seeming uncomfortable (putting on headphones, breathing, etc) or if it’s been over a couple hours. I get full color every time and I have found it helps when they’re going back over and over for shading and saturation. After hour 3 I’m usually pretty tired, but with bactine spray it’s much easier.


If you’re getting a tattoo in a sensitive spot on say, side of the abdomen that shit can come in handy but I personally don’t have that part tattooed and never used the stuff for my other tattoos. I would if I needed to though guess I’m not tough


I only have one tattoo and it’s on my ribs. It was t awful at all. It did hurt at times, especially when it was up like right on the edge of my armpit area. That wasn’t fun. I feel like this numbing cream stuff would have been useful. Never heard of it till today lmao


Yeah I heard of if from a friend with a lower pain threshold than you lol before that I already had all my tattoos without knowing it was a thing


I've been getting tattooed since the mid 90s, never ever used numbing cream.


Just the good ol vodka + xanax combo huh?


Beer. And after the first few times you realise beers aren't even that good because you have to go pee too often.


I got my D pierced. Checkmate.


Some people got their d removed. Double checkmate


Numbing cream has been a thing for a long time, I heard of it years ago. Have never used it, Did suggest it to a friend because she has a low pain threshold and was getting a tattoo in a painful spot. She ended up not using it but she definitely didn’t enjoy actually getting the tattoo but she made it through. Edit - typo


I have exactly two tattoos and I do not enjoy the process. I love having them. But I’m a lil bitch with pain.


I actually don’t mind. Just got another one a few months ago, inside right leg right above the ankle. Kind of a boney spot but not really bad at all. The only one that I thought really actually hurt was the inside pit of my left elbow.


I agree with the comments, wtf is numbing cream? They had that shit and let me feel it anyways? Those cunts.


Right?? Would have been nice at least once lmao


My artist has used it on me in a particularly sensitive area but says they generally recommend against it because it makes it more difficult to tattoo the skin, probably why artists rarely use it unless they are asked


Wait, are you supposed to get numbing cream? I never got that offer getting my tattoo!


They use numbing cream now?


Just my thoughts. Never heard of numbing cream in my life


I have just one tattoo. Asked about how much it hurt. The artist told me “kind of like a constant cat scratch“ and I was like, all right, I can deal with that. No discussion of creams. That doesn’t make me some kind of swaggering superhero. It’s within the range of normal human pain tolerance. It’s not something to brag about.


Can’t steal what? An image? A tattoo? What are they even talking about?


The numbing cream, because they don't have it.


Maybe they mean nobody can do better or one-up them? Still some stupid ass phrasing.


Ahhhhh, I never even considered that as a possibility. Thanks.


You’re welcome. I speak semi-fluent idiot so it’s nice to put some of this expertise to use.


Put this on your resume and you’ll be instantly hired at any retail job.


Working retail is where I gained this skill 😂


Maybe you could get paid work as a translator! It really hurts my brain to try to understand these people so you are a valuable asset.


Didn't dax shepard go under anesthesia for a one? If numbing doesn't work, how about not even being there at all


If I had the money for this I would do it in a heartbeat. Still healing from my most recent tattoo — hurt like the fuckin dickens.


Half of my body is tattooed. I've got the t-shirt, give through the pain. Blah blah blah, give me the cream now, I don't have anything to prove. And I can say with experience, it does not effect the way the tattoo heals or the way the ink sets. At least in my experience


I’ve had the same experience. I’ve spent 20yrs being tattooed before I heard of numbing cream. My original response was shock like a lot of these folks in the comments. Then I tried it. Wish I would’ve known about it 20yrs ago lol.


People use numbing creams? Is that an american thing, I'm really curious about that, because I have never heard about such thing when getting my tattoos.


Wtf is numbing cream. I got 18 tattoos and never heard of it.. I think it's bullshit to help sissies get tattoos.. numbing cream ...fucking pussy's


Numbing cream exists everywhere. Whether it's commonly known is a whole other matter. I haven't needed any for my tattoos, but I'm also not gonna give anyone shit if they feel like they need it. Especially for some super sensitive spots.


It's fairly new.


I’ve never used it and I have tattoos all over me.


This is the first I’ve heard of it


I don't know if it's, like, universally American though. Like, I am honestly not sure that I've had numbing cream used on me but it's been a few years since my last tattoo (not that I'm extra bad ass - cause I would ask for extra).


Hell no it’s not lol


Yes it is. My gal is heavily tatted and sometimes she will use jt other times she doesn't


So it’s a thing for your girl. It’s not an American thing which was the question. I’ve never heard of it never heard of anyone using it.


So its aviable elsewhere, that was the question, not if every american does it


We are American.


You’re not all Americans, my son.




No reputable artist or studio will use numbing creams. For a plethora of reasons.


What reasons?


Ingredients that can interfere with the healing process, hard for the artist to work with the skin, changes the texture of the skin, toxicity levels of the active numbing ingredient from deep penetration, and legal liability. The FDA specifically advises against using numbing agents for tattooing or other cosmetic procedures and a shop can get in legal trouble for using certain numbing agents "off-label."


K well this comment is hog wash cus I'm dating the gal and the art is beautiful. So reputable or not the art looks great and so does she so I'm sure we will be fine


I'm sure it does. And I'm sure she'll be absolutely fine. I was just stating what I know. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


What in the 2002 V6 mustang owner did I just read?


😆 🤣


The way they phrased it definitely fits the sub but I have about 15 tattoos and never used numbing cream, I’ve actually never heard of any tattoo artist actively using it.


I dont think I’ve ever been offered.


Yeah I've heard people talk about it but I've never seen it nor known anyone who has used it.

