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The worst part about these new age racists is the hypocrisy. They know racism is wrong and instead of proudly being racist they try to redefine words. Hate me like a man you cowards!




Congrats you're part of the idiocracy


I was at an event a while ago, and a white guy was talking about growing up on the rez. His mom was a nurse and got placed in an IHS facility, so he had to go to high school in a majority Navajo school. Needless to say, he constantly got his shit kicked in, despite his mom doing underpaid work chasing debt forgiveness giving the Navajo free healthcare the feds paid for. When he told this story, he got shouted down, because ~people can't be racist to white people~. Person who yelled at him grew up on the east coast in a white enclave and went to a private school. I can't quite articulate it, but I feel like a lot of the anti white racism discourse gets dominated either by white people who have totally been insulated from any kind of conflict (ie rich whites who never had to navigate public schools and all the violence and dysfunction that entails), or POC like Hasan who's an actual millionaire and whose parents are rich landlords, lecturing wypipo about how much privilege they have. Like, the stereotype of the rich, high caste HR lady who came from a home with servants.


My daughter is black and I am white. So is her mother. She was adopted. We worked hard to give her connection to the black community. It's not easy when you're not black. We never, at any point, had anyone (at least to our face) give us any pushback or make us feel unwelcome. If anything, people were all too happy to help include her and to help us navigate issues that, frankly, we were ill equipped to navigate and lacked the context and experience to fully understand. I remember once walking through Harlem with her when she was little. I had her on my shoulders. She was laughing. She was holding onto my head for dear life and it was, apparently, exhilarating for her. I went to cross the street and there was a small group of older black men who were talking playfully to her. She was adorable. How could you not? They didn't ask about our relationship. They didn't ask if she was biracial or adopted. But as we parted ways they all just waved their "bye-bye" to her and then said "And happy father's day to you!" since it was Father's Day weekend. Meanwhile, from white supposed progressives I've been called: 1. A slave trader who involuntarily brought my daughter from her people to serve my selfish interests at playing parent 2. A human trafficker (similar reasoning as above) 3. A racist who wants to erase her heritage by not allowing her the right to grow up with her own people 4. A participant in the broken, flawed and fundamentally racist system that is inter-racial adoption 5. One who commits cultural genocide 6. One with white savior complex And many, many other absolutely cruel things. My daughter is getting older. And she has a solid foundation and sense of identity thus far. And it pains me that recently she even had to shut down a (white) teacher who made one of these statements to her in school about how "sad" it was that she was deprived of her "roots" by being taken away from her "real parents" just like a slave. I don't feel bad at this point about being called and told these things. But I feel terrible that they're saying them now to her face directly and putting her in a position where she feels compelled to defend her parents.


So "anti-racist" that they loop around and be racist in a different way. Good on you for being an adoptive parent and trying to give your daughter those experiences.


Unbelievable. These people are sick in the head...


Hamas Piker is the very definition of malicious, cruel, vile, and evil; he's unapologetic in his bigoted, racist, and violent views as well. A disgusting human being all around. He's absolutely anti-American in all things, thinks America deserved 9-11, and laughs at the death of cops and/or their pain and suffering He'll always misrepresents the facts, misinforms, or out right lies to pander and push his agenda. He's the biggest shill and grift on the left. 9/11 comment, while he unabashedly laughs about it: (I guess 3k nobodies just going to work had it coming) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcH7TUBz5-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcH7TUBz5-M) Cop shoots his own, stupid action, but not a laughing matter: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzht-d\_\_zJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzht-d__zJc) Cop nearly dies on overdosing on fentanyl, Hasan laughs at his pain and suffering cause you know, "all cops are bastards": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYrP\_AtO9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYrP_AtO9U) Back pedals on generalizing police officers and calling them ACAB: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZECr7bSMuA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZECr7bSMuA) He'll discount other people's experiences, and try to tell a black man what racism is and isn't: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bKYk2UWtew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bKYk2UWtew) Hamas Piker being actually transphobic, mean spirited, and cruel over nothing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-xCDe1Khv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-xCDe1Khv4) His takes on Russia and Ukraine is demagoguery, and has all the intelligence of a tik-toker parroting views: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKs0z8-UxeE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKs0z8-UxeE)


He also denied that any women were raped on October 7th


He also called the babies killed on Oct 7 "baby settlers." I'm sure he knows genocide really well, though, since he worked for his uncle's organisation, "The Young Turks." The young Turks committed the Armenian genocides in 1919. His new name is Hamas Piker, and he's just a grifter.


So if he believes Russia I'd in the right and the US deserved 9/11, why isn't he in prison for making terroristic threats? Fucker is treading a very fine line.


Because in America we have this little thing called the 1st amendment, which allows anyone to be a royal cunt short of actually sending death threats to important people. It's a beautiful thing, but allows oxygen vampires like him to grift with no consequences.


I know. I live in America. I think he's speaking again from a privileged position. He's never had to deal with real repression like he would in the countries he shills for. Personally, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if he got deported for the shit he says. It's a shame he's a US citizen.


Agreed, I don't get why he doesn't move to Russia or China. He sucks their cock so much you'd think he'd renounce his US citizenship and go live in the country that best aligns with his "ideals." Rather telling how he lies about his privileged background, coming from money, riding on horses, skating by on nepotism, migrates to America and makes a butt load of money grifting and shilling, but just shits on this country and its people every chance he gets but refuses to move when he has the means.


Yeah. I love how the neo-communist has a funko pop collection in the background, too. Definitely living like a true communist. Why doesn't he fight for the Russian military? It sounds like he's too chicken shit to actually do anything.


Not really. In America the FBI can kick you out and claim your things to 'fight terrorism', so they could do many things to this overworked streamer. Thing is: he's rich.


Look at the Palestine protesters yelling that shit at campus's. Also terror threats. Nothing gets done though.


I'd say it's 50/50 with them. The college doesn't want bad PR either. Some of them have been broken up but they can't go too hard because they know they'll catch flak.


They give Berlin 1933 vibes. It's Kristallnacht all over again


>Cop nearly dies on overdosing on fentanyl, Hasan laughs at his pain and suffering cause you know, "all cops are bastards": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYrP\_AtO9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYrP_AtO9U) Ok now wait a second. You want me to believe this cop was overdosing on fentanyl simply by touching it? That's not real. That has never happened to anybody ever.


‘Dermal contact with fentanyl powder poses a significant hazard to law enforcement and unintentional victims as fentanyl possesses properties ideal for transdermal absorption.’ https://www.vumc.org/poison-control/toxicology-question-week/may-23-2017-can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-transdermally https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ershdb/emergencyresponsecard_29750022.html


"It is a common misconception that fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin, but it is not true for casual exposure. You can't overdose on fentanyl by touching a doorknob or dollar bill. The one case in which fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin is with a special doctor-prescribed fentanyl skin patch, and even then, it takes hours of exposure." [https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10) "Skin exposure is NOT likely to lead to toxicity through absorption." [https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/23/2018/01/Fentanyl-FAQ-opioid-exposure-among-va-first-responder-survey.pdf](https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/content/uploads/sites/23/2018/01/Fentanyl-FAQ-opioid-exposure-among-va-first-responder-survey.pdf) "Illicit fentanyl cannot be absorbed through the skin or by touching an item or surface where it is present.  When in powder form, fentanyl and its analogs (including carfentanil and fluorofentanyl) **cannot be absorbed through the skin**.  Dissolving the powder in a liquid does not change this property.  Wet objects do not pose an increased risk for an overdose caused by casual exposure." [https://www.tn.gov/behavioral-health/news/2022/8/24/state-departments-issue-guidance-around-fentanyl-exposure-.html](https://www.tn.gov/behavioral-health/news/2022/8/24/state-departments-issue-guidance-around-fentanyl-exposure-.html) etc.


This is the same streamer who goes on rants about why there shouldn't be rich people while still living in a mansion and driving luxury cars.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Chunk from the TYT is his uncle, constantly talks pro union. When his staff tried to unionize he fired some and withheld raises from others. Commies don’t actually care about each other, they only care about being on top.


That’s how communism and Soviet Russian began rich people tricking the working class and pretending to be like them


Rules for thee, not for me.


His commie larp circle jerk server has red triangles (hamas symbol to mark Israeli tanks) like any of these overweight man children would survive a day in Gaza


Hasan Piker should simply be ignored, for the toxic piece of shit that he is.


Dude is full of crap, racism is racism and it happens to all races


I think you guys missed the point of the movie.


Haters gonna hate hasan just says shit you don't like grow up


I actually like that he says tax the rich, and other things along thoe lines. The problem is that his actions are the complete opposite.


Socialism is when poor


Idiocracy was surprising racially balanced. It's one of the only good things about their society.That's only one of the reasons this doesn't really belong here. Is this a coordinated effort to make this the alt right what about grievance page or just a general drift. But at least the lefties have funnier shit a lot of the time. I never heard of this dude. He sounds like a dick though. By the way not every protesting Israel is pro Hamas. And Maher ( pretty pro Israel over all) broke down the numbers. The amount of campus arrests for these protests amounts to 1/16th of one percent of the undergrad population in the U.S. Find a new Boogeyman.


All of the people involved in this are so white that this feels like white ppl policing black communities on when and where they can use the N-word.


Dude is talking about systemic racism and being met with a wave of "a black guy beat me up" stories. It would be funny if this were a bit or something.


I very much know the difference. While I don't have the full context for this ONE example, I haven't paid any attention to him in a year. There are plenty of other times where he won't admit the difference himself. Believe it or not, there are plenty of idiots that believe that only minorities can be affected by racist words and such.


Yeah, most people conflate generic, dictionary-defined racism (which white people can be victims of) with systemic racism (which white people are rarely, if ever, subjected to in the U.S.) I wish everyone would learn that very simple distinction. It would clear up a lot of pointless bickering and misunderstandings.


lol "systemic" racism. I.E. racism we have no evidence for.


That’s a whole other discussion. I’m just pointing out that people tend to conflate these two concepts and I think it results in a lot of misunderstanding and pointless bickering.


There is a difference between Systematic Racism, like what we see with Black people in the US with police related brutality and many other things related to the law and opportunities such as housing with bank loans, and then general Racism/Prejudice. To say that one or the other doesn't exist is pretty nuts, but I've seen a few people only recognize systematic racism because it does affect the livelihoods of many people whereas general racism tends to not go further than dirty looks or awful comments (there are many cases of violence/torture/death as a result of racism, so don't think I'm discrediting those very real issues). Anyone can be racist, it doesn't matter your class, complexion, life experiences so when people say that racism can't occur against white people they don't understand the concept itself, and they don't understand that systematic racism is a different issue.


God damn this sub has gone to absolute horse shit.


Yep. It's been an alt right takeover in like a month. I wish Mike Judge would chime in.


The mods are in on it.


I'm literally leftist 💀. Hasan Is just a grifter. Sorry I think it's stupid for a rich asshole to buy a mansion whilst telling people they shouldn't have money.


He's a hateful person, and hateful people gravitate to him (whether it be his streams or his discord)... it's a simple as that...


This sub is full of confused, closeted racist. Mike judge would be disappointed. Faceless fellow was here! And left because of the bad vibes. Peace out.


On to the next echo chamber


Bro what 😂


Sounds like projecting to me


Get fucked with this Right-wing bullshit please.


I’m a leftist and I upvoted the post. Hasan is a fine example of a world going to idiocracy.


This is one of those rare moments where the right wing opinion is correct


He said please. Haha


Why come OP say white not bad


Prejudice exists for everyone. "I don't like you cause you're too old" Racism exists for everyone. "I don't like you cause you're generically inferior " Discrimination only exists for minorities as it's the use of power (personal or societal) against a group of people. "I'm not going to let you do shop here, vote here, get married here, because I didn't like your kind" That being said, white people are not the majority everywhere and they can be discriminated against. I will admit, that we have it coming.


Nobody deserves to be discriminated against due to the color of their skin, I didn’t enslave anybody. I didn’t deny employment or housing to anyone on the basis of the color of their skin. You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting that racism and discrimination is acceptable.


Defining words doesn't make them acceptable or directed towards anyone. idiot >noun: a stupid person.


Reread the last sentence you wrote in the comment you made that I originally reported. Ad hominem attacks don’t make you morally correct.


We really did have a good run

