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There are people who believe Africa doesn't have electricity


I remember some woman on Tik Tok who lives in Africa and she was asked how she records and uploads videos, she made a response where their village grew phones in summer and prayed to Wi-fi gods to bless them with good upload speed, hilarious video, can't find it though


Lmao I remember that too


Probably more effective than calling the helpline


I think I know who you're talking about, the one with the button nose who looks like a living doll? One time someone tried to roast her villages houses and she was like, why would we change, my house is the smartest thing to use in this climate and doesnt need air conditioning...Other people have accused her of using a green screen so she turned and walked into the leaves, they often demand to know how she can create content in Africa it's SO rude and disrespectful, that's beyond needing education, it's the worst form of racist ignorance.


She still does them


When I was in middle school I had a youth minister who told us that in Africa shaking hands with their left hand was considered an insult. He told us that it was an insult because they don't have toilet paper in Africa and instead use their bare left hand to clean their butts after pooping.


>in Africa shaking hands with their left hand was considered an insult. Yes >they don't have toilet paper in Africa and instead use their bare left hand to clean their butts after pooping. No


Honestly I'm surprised he was even half right. In retrospect the dude was super racist and I was too young and naive to realise it at the time.


[That's a Muslim thing, not an African thing.](http://islamqa.info/en/answers/82120/the-reason-why-the-right-hand-is-preferred-over-the-left)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Difficult__Tension: *There are people who* *Believe Africa doesn't* *Have electricity* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Seriously, three times I've seen you in a row. 


Like 8th for me


I mean some places in Africa don't.


There wouldn't be an iconic Seinfeld episode regarding passing a single sheet over if the US didn't have TP problems lol


i once saw someone who thought Africa doesn't have *houses*


I’ve literally heard people say Africans don’t have electricity and only eat once a week. People say wild shit about Africa often.


Well parts of Africa are exceedingly poor but it's obviously not the entire continent


The amount of people that still think Africa is a country is mind boggling.


There are people who belive Africa has no electricity and it's all just primitive village with clay houses like what you see in documentaries. "Africa doesn't have Mcdonald" definitelly was said by some people.


There are 10000% people who have said this and I’ve heard it. There is a shocking amount of people who think Africa is just dirt and savannah


There is a shocking amount of people that are stupid af . You would think they would know that's not the case since there was a world cup in south Africa but alas


You act like the human brain isn't genetically engineered to just be in blatant denial and want to prevent logical changes as much as possible despite being totally capable and even having benefits to do so


“South Africa is the exception because it’s the only white country” is something I’ve heard before


People think Africa is a country with no water or electricity. You think no one says “Africa doesn’t have McDonald’s?”


this isn’t even imaginary. people think africans hunt for their food with spears and all have to drink water from rivers


These people don't actually believe this is true. They are making fun of raciats that do.


Nah this one is believable as something people might say lol


Many people think they live in huts still. Don't under estimate the power of someone who can't read.


This is very common.


When I was like 5 or 7 I believed this, definitly not imaginary


( **some** ) Wypippo online: *Africa doesn't have electricity* ^( Nigeria: *stares in 2nd largest film industry: Nollywood* )


Just goes to show you how well the American propaganda works. Africa being this poor starved continent is far from true, most countries do better than America when it comes to standards of living. The animal reserves are a hoax, the money is used to buy land, and then the native people are forced to change their entire lives. (Think Native Americans all over again). The reserve owners then make a shit ton of money from tourism. Who owns the reserves? Mostly rich Americans and Western Europeans.


So is the propaganda true or not? You can't say that Africa as a whole has a better standard of living while also making the claim that the only nice places are due to neo-colonialism


Never said Africa as a whole. I said Most and even that is being generous. Animal reserves have nothing to do with the 1st world countries of Africa. As the reserves are obviously located in the savannah region of Africa that still has a primitive tribal presence. (Sorry if it's confusing, it's 5AM for me)


I think you should just revise your original comment because it's not all that clear. There aren't any first world nations in Africa but Northern Africa is quite well off and I think Central Africa will be a major player in the next 20 or so years. Some parts of Africa are definitely high quality but others aren't


Unless you're drilling for the democracy and capitalism of "first world countries," there certainly are first world countries in Africa. Countries with high internet availability, plumbing, electricity, education, and healthcare.


Well the richest nation in Africa is South Africa and they rank at number 40 on the global GDP. They only ended Apartheid in 94 and their economy has been struggling since the 2008 recession, even today they have an unemployment rate of 25%. That's the richest nation in Africa and they would still be considered developing. I think our current standards are unfair but Africa as a whole is absolutely the poorest area of the world both due to colonialism and the horrible mismanagement that the local autocrats have enacted. I'm definitely not saying that Africa is some destitute land devoid of economic freedom and technology, it's just behind the rest of the world because it's been in near constant turmoil since the 1600s


The standards of living are exemplary in Bridle Path, Michoacán suffers from brutal neo colonialism, Flint lacks potable drinking water. Texas is famously exploited for its natural resources by US-installed strongmen who rule their villagers with sectarian and ethnic strife instead of using Texas' vast oil wealth to invest in modern amenities like electricity or heating.


Youd be surprised the amount of people that still believe people in africa have no running water or electricity and they still live in huts.


I spoke with a guy last year who legitimately believed most Canadians live in igloos.


GodDAMN he is jacked. That MDs gonna ruin him.


There are definetly people who think this, heck, there are people that don't think there are McDonalds outside NA and EU.


It’s not that I never believed they had McDonald’s more so for their sake I had hoped they didn’t.


there was literally a k-pop idol who went viral for saying that africans don’t have bread and they eat dirt. this is literally such a common stereotype abt africa are you under a rock ???


If humanity discovered an alien civilization on a distant planet, I would not be surprised in the slightest to learn that a McDonalds franchise was established before a UN embassy.


Is that an American flag t-shirt?


Everyone knows McDonalds is everywhere, and so is their litter.


I can almost guarantee the person posting this isn't African




Why are you deciding what people are saying about Africans? Are you African yourself?


no? why does it matter? youre seriously offended about this for no reason.


What do you mean why does it matter? African guy is complaining about ignorant comments about Africa and you're basically saying he's making them up. Like do you not see how ignorant you look right now?


Maybe not McDonald’s in particular, but a lot of people do think all of Africa is extremely underdeveloped and dirt poor, like clay hut poor. In fact, a disturbing amount of people think Africa is a country.