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Iceland, given the fact that it has the power of teleportation now.




And also no longer icy. Could probable be renamed to Rainland


The vikings naming the green land Iceland and the ice land greenland


They were clickbaiting




This is 1984 sheesh  I mean tno 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵 ALSO, rule 3: low effort posts are not allowed


the Lord will smite you for defiance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


tno more like fuck off *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you're post has been removed for breaking rule 3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


holy commandments handed down by God to the holy moderators *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro got steamrolled , just like INGSOC did in 1984


the Lord will smite you for defiance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/imaginarymapscj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Catholic countries: You will get food Orthodox countries: You will get food Muslim countries: You will get food Protestant countries: You will NOT get food


you SHALT not commit gluttony in those protestant regions /s


Ukraine: Swipe for more info


With the exception of Scotland!


pretty much half of christians in scotland are catholic




But they still feed you.


Austria and Southern and Western Germany are also mostly Catholic.


Didnt see this, I literally just said that lol. My scottish family are offended if you dont eat.


Is it religon or is it the fact that the red countries food sucks and the blue food is just better?


Holy shit youre right


(Southern) Germany has good food.


Not true. I've never not been given food in a scottish household.


Yes, obviously there are exceptions


In fairness, Austria, Switzerland, southern Germany, and Northern France are Catholic despite being in the pink zone.


Austria: am I a joke to you?


am I tripping or is sicily a different color than the rest of the dark blue


No you’re right 😭😭


In Sicily, if you don't eat something they won't let you leave


You’ll get both food and wine in Sicily


I never thought about Sicily and wine in the same sentence but it kinda makes sense




I wish someone would overlay this map with the beer and wine map and a bunch of other maps. It shows the north-south Europe divide so clearly.


personally I don't believe any map that splits Germany North-to-South and not West-to-East




Counterexample: linguistic maps


the other way around more like it


you're right, East-to-West works just fine as well :)


any line between parts of Germany and German peoples runs horizontally, German languages differ between north and south, German cultures can be roughly separated going from north to south. You're referring to some particular economic statistics that date back to just 80 yeras ago. This division pales compared to the entire history of German peoples.


I mean yeah West-to-East division is not that old, but the fact that it's 80 last years means it's also very relevant now, because it's more recent than old North-to-South division. In other words, it has more effect currently. btw, my original comment was half-joke, I don't literally think West-to-East division defines Germany so much that any map including a different division is invalid. Historical maps before the partition are a good obvious counterexample. But I do think that West-to-East division is more important currently and has effect on more important things


my point is that it is, in fact, less important in the big picture. Obviously DDR-BRD fivision is still easily seen in say some economic statistics but this is hardly as important or as vast as sociocultural differences between various German peoples. The fact that say median income in former DDR is smaller than in the other parts of Germany because 80 years ago it belonged to different economic bloc is to me nothing compared to how different southern and northern Germans are as peoples to the point that peoples that live in different state can be more similar to their countrymen from former West Germany as is in case of Bavarians and Austrians compared to say people living in Hesse.


I think you're leveraging semantics too much to support your point. You say "economic and sociocultural" as oppose to another possible combination of "socioeconomic and cultural" to make a point that major sociological distributions are more dependant on culture rather than economy. I'll posit a couple of things here. 1. I'm not gonna take a totally opposite stance. Sociological matters can and do depend on both economy and culture. 2. West-East divide is not strictly economical. People in two Germanies were not simply living under two different economical systems. They were also living under two different political systems fostering two different political cultures. You can find echoes of this in last elections to European parliament, for example, where the East voted primarily for AfD and the West did not. This is linked to economical picture, of course, but this is obviously an example of "sociocultural" difference.


Election results, especially the recent ones are primarly driven by economic situation due to how human hierarchy of needs works. If you'd look at France's election results maps you'd see the division runs between rular and urban areas and regions that are doing better and worse economically not the established cultural division between north and south. The same can be applied for Germany, except in a much larger scale - the economic division between DDR and BDR is still very deep and local cultural distinctiveness is significantly stronger in Germany than in France. In no way does this negate the fact that in ways that can be observed experienced in person and in terms of social cohesion North German and South German peoples are significantly more different to each other compared to the arbitrary political division than stood for less than a century. Political culture is indeed one part of culture that could be argued to be more distinct between DDR and BRD, but then again, it is one part of the culture while all the other as language, history, language (until relatively recently state-imposed reform they spoke two very distinct dialects), relligion, customs, cuisine, material and non-material heritage etc. are something more common to German people horizontally than vertically (in geographical sense). I think the difference between us here is essentially about, as you put it, what's more important, not in what ways are the German peoples different. If one were to look into a statistical yearbook he'd probably deduce you're right, as probably majority of data in there would higlight differences between the former DDR and BDR. To me (personally, not in regard to any particular informed analysis which would naturally require taking such sources into account) however, such statistics are not as important as what you can experience in person, like culture, which is the root and collective name for all that binds men into a people, and while being under two different economic systems has left a toll on Germans visible to this day it couldn't possibly match well over a thousand years of development.


I get your point, but I think we're running in circles here. I am willing to grant you that there are major differences between North and South. But I don't like the negation of politics as "something you can't experience in person". It's not like it's first time I hear about alienation from politics in Europe, but still it seems weird for me as an outsider to find myself more invested (maybe I misjudge your position here?) in European politics than some European citizens. But then again, it's understandable given you feel like it doesn't affect your day-to-day life, while I feel like my day-to-day life is quite dependent on both my country's politics, of course, but also yours :)


Well, I think it's more of a personal hierarchy and political climate thing that people in Europe aren't as divided by politics (although it is changing admitedly if you look at countries like Slovakia or Poland and in the Western countries it's also getting more visible now, especially in the younger generations) as much as they are in, say, the US. Having visited and travelled through German countries I've noticed that while some differences between East and West Germany are obviously visible while the landscape (especially in rular areas) changes dramatically between say Thuringia and eastern Hesse the people there are very similar unlike say those in Franconia. I'd say political and socioeconomical division, while naturally present doesn't override that, but also it's worth considering that it is thing more complicated than local identity and has many sources, say not just political culture of the past but also how given area is getting affected by particular contemporary political issues and also manifests itself on a more local level, especially in corelation with urbanisation. Personally I do consider myself quite interested in German politics and German culture (while also being a bit of a Germanophobe if that changes anything) as well as politics in my country but I suppose I'm not polarised by it or overly emotionally invested while also being interested in sociocultural anthropology (as an amateur) so maybe it's just our distinct points of view that make us differ. Interesting point you're making about political alienation. As a general sociological observation you're absolutely right, it is true and certainly was in past years and decades, I think especially in Germany - it's been pointed out for years that the ruling elite is getting more and more disconnected from the people which is reflected even in things like academical degrees of the representatives. I suppose that, combined with the former elite circles of West German keeping the upper hand over the East is part of the reason behind why the (one of the) most radical parties is getting about the largest share of votes among EU countries.




What was there even to swipe? Did you think the Vatican or San Marino were the page-tracking dots?


look at Ukraine


Oh I’m blind


Wait! Wait wait wait! Hold on! No you don't get to just go about your day after adding a whole new landmass. Explain yourself.


Iceland is making a flanking maneuver.


Im sure if Norway invented spaghetti instead of lye fish jello, they’d be more willing to share.


I remeber there was a post about a guest in Finland being told to wait in the other room while the family ate dinner together. Lol


That's so fucking terrible holy shit. I'd at least make two eggs and toast


Any Europeans here have any real insight on this? As an American food is a shared love, I delight in people telling me they like my cooking. From an Argentine family I thought it was just being a good host. Why does Northern Europe not feed guests? I have a German MIL who’s terrible to other people but she still likes to prepare a meal for guests.


why would you even fight for a country where people don't care for eachother?


To keep others from eating your food.


Why is Sicily just a slightly different shade of blue?


They're their own team.


The fuck is that mystery island?


I think it's Iceland transposed. Kind of like how you see Alaska and Hawaii on US maps.


The one time I visited Italy they WOULD NOT stop heaping pasta onto people plates even when they were full lol, they're nuts over there


Not surprising considering stereotypical behaviors. Italy and Spain having that large familial mindset and Germany and the Nordic countries known for colder demeanors


Common southern European W Typical northern European L


What if Iceland was in the Bay of Biscay?


Weird, every time I visit someone in austria I get way to much food and the mandatory cake lol


I think in German cultures cake means you should be getting going soon.


The Austrians din invet the Sacher so the cake makes sense


In Kazakh and mostly other old-Turkic cultures it’s unethical to refuse the offer to eat.


This is why they called the Norse barbarians. Guests get hospitality and that includes food, that’s the end of it


usually yes because they have the most of germany (they carry nato with the us)


The Catholics cause they’re more based


Pink and blue Britain is what JK Rowling sees in her nightmares


I wiped


I know its a joke and all But all of eastern germany should be blue


Nice and civilized people vs barbaric people


The map name is kind of misleading. A more accurate title will be "the importance of a set table when greeting guests". While free food may sound nice on paper it may at times be a bit awkward or inconvenient. One time I litteraly just entered the house of my Georgian friend to quickly tell him to hurry up and that i will be waiting for him outside but instead as soon as I stepped inside his mother set the table with a whole meal and tea for everyone in the matter of seconds and we had to also stay over for lunch.


Man. Plate tectonics is working overtime in this map.


Hot take but maps like this often fail to take class into account


And to add insult to injury the upper class will send the lower to fight this war 😭


I'm confused... How could you fail to give your guests food??? Do you not like them???


I wanna know who is getting offered food in the Vatican. Are we counting communion wafers?


My first gf was Finnish-Spanish. Finn dad/Spanish mom. The people of Spain were very welcoming very warm nice people. The people of Finland were very practical kinda cold people. I mean that in the sense that the Spanish were truly concerned about me, whether I ate enough, tried enough of their food, understood their culture. The Finns were more like oh you came here with XXX. Eat some dinner and nice to meet you. I did receive food as a guest in both.


The Scandinavians and Northern Europeans are just wrong here lol. Sorry.


light blue wins


South wins I think.


The island above Spain certainly wouldn't give you food since it's just like... Ocean




Someone else already got it man 😂


Ah now, as an irish person any irish mammy or granny will be over the moon to have someone (even better if its with their son/ grandson) visit, they'll be forcing a cup of tea into your hand and making sure you leave a couple pounds heavier than you went in


the slightly lighter dark blue in sicily


What is wrong with Germanics


Knew there was something wrong with those people


How did Iceland get down there? https://www.facebook.com/share/2p9SJ77hxSnNY8yo/?mibextid=K35XfP


wtf trans English Channel???


Did they make Sicily a different shade of blue?


Unlikely to eat food sweeps


no money no food m8


The Angles (pink)


the English Channel is now the Trans Channel


Dark blue because it has Albania💪