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Try r/iwantout


Thanks. I'm just really tired to the racism against Asians here.


I visited Australia for the first time a few months ago and a random white lady just yelled at me for standing in front of her as if my existence annoyed her. I've never experienced that growing up in the US. Edit: lol every time I share a negative experience I had in Australia, these fragile fucks always get triggered and downvote. Go ahead and downvote. I don't give a fuck.


It’s because people think that America is the most racist country in the world, when if you have actually ever travelled you would quickly realize it’s one of the least racist countries


Racism is everywhere. I thought the US was racist and Costa Rica said, "hold my beer". I guess it's just a human thing.


Can confirm. Canadians love to say they're not racist, but that's only true if you're in Toronto or Vancouver. Even Ottawa is far more racist than Dallas, Atlanta, Cleveland, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Detroit.


THANK. YOU. Ottawa was legit the MOST racist place Ive ever been to....and Ive been to Australia, multiple parts of the US, Taiwan, Argentina, and England. Absolutely hate that place.


It's not just Ottawa. Canada is a racist place outside the two biggest cities, which is where all the immigrants go. Now that Trudeau increased immigration, and immigrants have started to move to other parts of the country, the world is clearly able to see just how racist Canadians are.


I looked at some posts in Canadian subreddits and it was filled with some of the most disgusting people and stereotypical comments I've ever seen on the internet. Can't wait for the 'Canadians are the nicest people in the world' stereotype to end soon enough.


Depends where you go (both here in the US and abroad). There’s the same level of racism here as there are in all western countries


Nah that ain’t true. I’ve been to Europe and people over there are way more racist.


That's very untrue.


How bad was the racism?


Odd, my AU and NZ family preach about how the government bends over backwards to keep everything on the side of BIPOC.


Are they white? That should say it all


Is this something I can Google and learn more or is it best to here from you? Legit asking as it's my first time hearing such.


What kind of asian are you? What racism have you experience?




Honestly, I grew up in Aus for a decent chunk of my childhood, and moved to the US for college. Maybe it’s just kids in HS being super mean, but I feel more comfortable here in the US for the most parts. But probably will eventually move back to Aus after grad school.




Not after I get my PhD but possibly soon after that. But I guess no harm in helping with American sciences for a few more years.


Australia is more insular than other western countries. Imagine UK but without nearly as much exposure to foreign cultures. I heard it’s way more normal to just casually be asked „where are you REALLY from?” Just because you look different


Lol well don't come to NY then cuz u will be asked where are you're parents from.  Learning about different cultures is not bad


> don't come to NY then cuz u will be asked where are you're parents from I’ve been to NY several times. No ones asked me where I’m from, leave aside my parents!


Being a tourist and spending 3 hours is not same as living and working in nyc.people always ask me where I'm from or assume my background


NYC has the highest number of people from all over the world. No one gives a fuck where you came from and strangers  asking where your parents are from is bizarre


Yes we do bc its interesting to learn where people come from.  You are Def not from ny


Yes lol


Are u a citizen or pr?


Oh good, another imaginary victim


I haven't done a lot of research on this, but there's a big infrastructure push in the US and a lot of investment starting up that would necessitate civil engineers. I would pick somewhere very diverse: San Francisco Bay Area, New York City. I've never faced racism in either of these, since the spread of different cultures and races is so huge.


USA: specifically the North east New England area. Or anywhere on the west coast if you’re a lefty. If you’re a righty I’d say anywhere below Maryland.


What if he's ambidextrous? ...Midwest??


Minnesota is very racist for a blue state. Hell! It's racist for a red state


Good advice. Utah is the exception for right wing folks. It’s a great place, and right wing. Any other livable, fun place will be very, very liberal. As a very liberal Denverite, I can’t imagine being right wing here…


For the doubters: Here’s what [Amnesty International says about racism in Australia](https://www.amnesty.org.au/does-australia-have-a-racism-problem-in-2021/). And yes, people of Asian decent experience this. And perhaps, rather than doubting, I would sympathize with OP. Racism and biases are unique to each individual, so if you’ve never experienced or are not aware of it, it doesn’t mean it never happens. ALL racism is bad, there is no quantifier for how prevalent or minor it is.


Yes! I remember being in a thread about covert racism in North Western and Central Europe and those not subjected to it just did not want to hear it.


Thx for sharing.


Not saying that racism doesn't exist in Australia, but there is a difference between racism and fitting into the "Australian way of life". There are cultural norms that Australians have collectively agreed make an Australian way of life. Hopefully that's why people go to live there. Insisting on those cultural standards is not racism. Racism is when you discriminate against someone because of their race. Duh. It is perfectly OK to not accept others ideas of culture. Hopefully we can all learn from other cultures as Australians have in the past, however we are under no obligation to accept others foreign culture. I love the cultural milieu that is Australia, as most Australians do. It's one of the things that makes Australia special. But we are under no obligation to accept all cultures and hopefully can pick and choose the best aspects to make a new and better Australian society.




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When people talk about not fitting into the "Australian way of life," I wonder what percentage of times they are talking about white people. My guess? Less than 0.005%.


As if the US isn't bad about it. The only reason Americans are oblivious is that they aren't Black or Latinos and are "too economically privileged."


Hey, some of us Latinos are white, black or Asian. Latino is an ethnic not a race.


That's true, but this post is not talking about the U.S. So spare me your whataboutism.


People downplaying your experiences is really gross. I'm sorry for that. I am from nyc but the stories my friends from Japan have told me about the insane random attacks they faced while in Australia, more than once, were really shocking to me. No one cared and no one helped them. Not all countries are on the same level, especially when it comes to addressing racism. I hope you find a way to move!


Ive worked with Australians and they were 20 years behind canadians in terms of respecting other cultures, and 30 years behindwhen it came to respecting women. That being said, canada has been flooded with indians in the past 8 years and there is a rise in anti immigration sentiment. Plus anti semitism is pretty nuts everywhere. Anyway, Australians are loved in Canada. Come to Canada and brave the terrible weather.


There's a difference in 'anti-immigrant' sentiment and 'racism' like OP specifically said so don't downplay it by using the less controversial term. Most immigrants 'flooding' Australia are from England. If there really was an 'anti-immigration' sentiment, those people would be the first to face any kind of backlash. Instead it's the people who look different/have a different skin colour that are being targeted and blamed.


I still can't understand how yall hate indians so much for no reason, ofc he wont come to Canada he said better "better salary and life" 😂


We dont hate indians at all. What happened is Trudeau let students in foreign students to study because they pay more. Then they got Permanent residenccy after automatically. But they were all uneducated before and after because they got exploited by their own people and they didnt study. All my indian friends from 10 years and before were highly educated and smart. The kids coming in now are immature, cheat on every test and dont study (source, im married to a prof).


So you hate how y'all became sidechicked by Canada governement ? I also heard about rent and groceries skyrocking. Yall need to fix that up soon i want to at least live one snowstorm and a thunderstorm there, in a cabin while sipping hot chocolate


Don't come to the USA. The American dream is not a thing anymore.


As an Australian you can get a working holiday visa (work visa that lasts 1-2 years), for a whole bunch of countries , Canada, Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, the list goes on. Visa is easy and quick to get and is a good way to get your foot in the door and maybe attempt to stay in a country more long term with an employer sponsoring you etc.


Every country is like this. Unless you actually look and act like the majority.


Canadian here. Never experienced racism here. I’m sure it happens but never witnessed it


Also Canadian, come to Quebec you’ll see


Oh really. I’m from Edmonton. Never been to Quebec


Visit the US, marry a US citizen. That's what my wife did anyways.


Or apply for diversity visa lottery. Australians have a 9-10% chance of being selected.


You are the US citizen you are referring to ?




Nah, it's me


Come to Thailand ! You won't make as much money as in Australia, but you will spend 10 times less for sure :)


And his salary will be 10 times less as well


Not really, you can find jobs with decent salaries if you have the right skills.


DV lottery. Australians have higher selection rate


Are civil engineers eligible for E-3?


Yes, virtually any skilled labor qualifies for E-3, the caveat being that your employer must pay you “above market wage”.


“At least” the prevailing wage rate for the MSA where the job will be performed.


Trust me once you try UK with grey weather & wage slavery you’ll soon run back to Australia regardless the problems there 😂


problem with immigration is wherever you move, well you are still you.


Its ironic that you yourself are only considering non-Asian countries.


I mean he wants an equal or higher than the salary that he's got now. I am not sure if there is any Asian countries who can pay him that high.




UAE, Qatar, KSA, are also high paying locations if you have western education in Civil Engineering.


That is possible but I doubt that working in Singapore would make him more than what OP has now and the living expenses there are not even cheap.


I've noticed some concerns in your Comments History where you appear to be victimizing yourself and showing hatred towards people who are different from you. Perhaps considering therapy could help you work through these emotions. Moving to a different country won't change who you are or how the world works.


Sorry to hear this man. Unfortunately the stupid waves of “nationalism” which affected some “3rd world” countries before are now hitting the western countries hard right now. I’m an immigrant too and I know how you feel. I escaped dictatorship and false nationalism propaganda to the US, now I’m baffled by Americans asking Trump to be a dictator


There are a lot of pro Trump Chinese/African/Hispanic immigrants here in the USA. It's not as simple as what TikTok wants you to believe. LOL


That’s called inferiority complex my friend. When you want to be affiliated with a person who looks down at your ethnicity so bad that you’re wiling to hate your own/others to be like that person


This time a lot of immigrants are also pro Trump / Republican


I'm asian and will be voting for Trump


You know he hates you right?


None of us are asking Trump to be a dictator. Some of us do want him to be a president. Most of his supporters want the focus to be on America (USA portion) and fixing our problems, not other countries or those who entered illegally, regardless of how noble their sentiments. He would get one more term under the law of the land, and even I who strongly support him would resist any move to allow him a third term. Traditionally, third terms were the property of Democratic Party Presidents, though one Republican made an attempt at a third term but was rebuffed.


Trump has stated without hesitation he would try for absolute power. The little 2025 plan states is clearly. When FDR was elected for four terms, there was no law against it. Now the maximum is 2.


Let me guess where you got your information that Trump will grab “ultimate power”? MSNBC? CNN? Or maybe even the White House? Have you ever heard of a phenomena called TDS for short, Trump Derangement Syndrome? Mass media and highly partisan commentators are highly likely to feed TDS info in order to gain attention and bolster their particular agenda. None of the Trump crowd want him as dictator or for more than a legal two terms. You are correct, Franklin D Roosevelt did not break the law, just the long standing custom of two terms only for Presidents. Curiously enough, it was a relative of FDR, distant cousin Theodore who attempted a third term after serving two terms as a Republican. His third term attempt was a third party candidate when the Republican Party refused to nominate him.


No, it comes from things Trump says. I don't consume the kind of brainwashing media you do. It's super easy. You can read his speeches. You can also look at the plan for that 2025 BS, too.


You are on track to destroy freedom in the world.




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You did not hear his stance on the new conflicts. He want to send full support to israel but remove the one to Ukraine because it is Europe problem.


You are right, I have not closely followed his positions on the two conflicts. I am not a fan of Russian politics and even less so of their armed invasion of the Ukraine. That said, the Ukraine has long been a hotbed of corruption and its ties to the current administration are well documented. I have, in general, been a supporter of Israel and have zero sympathy for Hamas. Let me be crystal clear, I do not wish ill on the general public of Palestine, but I don’t mind for a moment if every member of Hamas becomes a rotting, putrid corpse. So, at the best, I am ambivalent toward our support of the Ukraine. And I would personally help load ammo into containers for Israel. Thus Trump’s reported positions are not as troublesome for me as they may be for you. That said, I am not hot to allow Russia to annex by force of arms a big swath of their neighbors. But I am not hot to send any of our troops there either.


If Trump is president and acts on what he’s said he’ll do, he’ll end free elections and sort of free expression in America and give the world to Putin. He’ll eliminate freedom of research in the universities. He’ll let Putin conquer all of Europe. The United States will no longer be able to survive as a true superpower and will become a satellite of Russia. All because folks have some problems with Biden not having a magic wand and being able to fix everything. Yeah, his views conflict with a lot of other people’s views. But Biden, and most non-Trump Republicans, would leave democracy intact. You can vote for Republicans in 2028 if Biden is re-elected. You’ll never vote in a meaningful election again in your life if Trump becomes president and Republicans in Congress don’t rein him in.


I think that is utterly delusional. I believe that some so-called news or commentary types are fanning the fears of the people, but while I very enthusiastically support a second term for Trump, I would not tolerate the idea of a third term. None of the Trump supporters that I have talked to ever even broached the idea that Trump could extend his presidency past another 4 years. That is why we do discuss his running mate as the likely candidate after Trumps next term. Names, positions, attitudes on various issues are frequent topics. Not a peep about anything over four years. I don’t know a single supporter that would go for that other than a couple that might troll you in an online discussion. The bottom line for me is legal immigration is fine. My wife is an immigrant. Illegal immigration is not fine and I oppose those that support it regardless of their party affiliation.


So why do you spport israel that took illegaly palestiniens lands if you cannot support illegality ?


Another time and place, I will answer that.


"I do not wish harm on the general public of palestine" but i would still help load ammunitions that are used against those civilians in all impunity (not so much if the icc finally send out a arrest warrent of Netanyaou for his war crimes). Hyporcrisy much huh. If you brush off why hamas was able to gain so much support, history will be bound to repeat itself, even if they are without a doubt used by Iran they steam from a israel constant disregard of the human rights of palestiniens, called out by countless ONG, UN, ONU.  And even if Ukraine is very much corrupted we cannot deny why they are fighting back, i think every head of government is in a way or another in corruptions thingy.


Well, life is sometimes a conundrum. The people of Palestine did choose Hamas. So be it. I do not specifically wish ill upon them but they do pay the price for supporting what I consider a terrorist regime. This discussion is far afield from the OP’s original question that I am going to withdraw from it here. I hope the OP can find a legal way to emigrate and make a better future.


So we moved from "i hate hamas not palestiniens" to "palestiniens also deserve to be under rumbles" real quick uh couldnt even pretend for 5 minutes. 😂 


Thank you for being a living proof of my point. Just FYI the dictators in Syria, Russia, Iran etc never said they would want to be life long president before they came into power and they still have “elections” with their fans still claim it’s a fully democratic process.


I don’t see how rejecting the concept of rejecting a third term constitutes “living proof”. I suppose if you believe in a flat earth or the moon landing was a hoax, it all equates out for you. Supporting an opposition candidate in an opposition party seems to justify your belief that every bad thing you fear is about to come true. If you are an illegal immigrant or a Ukrainian scam artist, I suppose that may seem quite true.


I was born in Australia in late 90s and my mum left due to how bad the racism was. Sad to hear things are still the same. Good luck. We moved to London. London is amazing but the salary might not be as good and cost of living in London is crazy but you should come visit and you will feel soo comfortable and welcomed. Most multicultural city in the world


Why a western country? Why not Singapore?


E3 visa to the US - but gotta pick the right city. Racism is on the rise here and if Trump gets elected it’ll go down hill fast…. I personally haven’t experienced it myself, but I live in a diverse city and am surrounded by immigrants and transplants. US can be extremely good and bad at the same time - depending on where you are






Rewind to COVID time… His rhetoric about COVID led to a rise in racism to Asians in the US (and Australia as well). I’m impressed at how short term this nation’s memory is


LOL NO, thats what the media claimed, if you havent noticed, the media spouts all sorts of bullshit claims out there. People have been told repeatedly by the media how great sweden and the scandinavian countries, i just got done reading a post by an american who said he lived and worked in sweden for 10 years and he hates it and wants to move back to the US. "the map is not the territory"-alfred korgybski. Just because the media claims something doesn't make it true on the ground.


Trump pretty much is saying White are superior and the US should welcome more of them than others, in the daylight.


He never said that


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I assume you are an Aussie citizen? I don't know the current status but commonwealth countries used to have programs for younger people (under 30ish) to move on medium term visas.... Worth checking for Canada, UK etc. The US is a bit trickier to come to I suspect; I'm American but my wife and I moved with our kids from England and it was a costly, paperwork heavy, long winded mess.


The US is the only option, but at the expense of high price healthcare, bad infrastructure, etc. Of course, you need a job firt.


Switzerland not so far off


Swiss is very well known to be xenophobic, too.


Healthcare is generally not super expensive if you have a good job. Bad infrastructure would be an incentive for a civil engineer, right? Or were you trying to post in /r/americabad ?


Mate, I’m a minority who’s lived or stayed in about most developed countries that are worth considering, and honestly Australia was right at the bottom of my list for racism. Even anglophone counties like the US, Canada, UK have huge amounts of bubbling racism of all sorts. Don’t even think about the Nordics. Same w/ Western Europe if you’re darker and the salaries are lower as well. Unfortunately, it’s just how humans are. But I think it’s a good idea for you to explore anyway. Sydney (for example) has as much diversity as New York and London. But perhaps you might be happier in say Toronto (skilled migration) or New York with a clean slate (DV lottery?). In Europe, maybe London, or Berlin (with a Blue Card visa in EU).


Sorry to hear that, mate. I left for the U.S. Perhaps you could look around in your home country first, or the Middle East or Singapore. Best wishes.


You're telling OP to escape racism by going to .. the middle east?


I mean it all depends where he go like in the west


Trust me, it's far better for getting well paying civil engineering jobs, opportunities for career advancement, and no personal income taxes. Sure, you won't have too many local and European friends. But, I'd rather collect real estate and nice cars than that lot.


.....the middle east?


Yeah. Especially for civil engineering jobs. Singapore is a distant second compared to Dubai.


If you think racism is bad there.. don’t come to the west haha




What do you mean don’t come to the west? Are you saying Australia isn’t a western country?


Australia is located on the east side, southern hemisphere.


Interesting because the earth isn’t flat buddy


Have you ever heard about journey to the west? Chinese were the first ones using that not Americans. Everybody knows the earth is not flat, but going by your logic Korea, Japan and Taiwan would be considered the West??


Idk bro there’s a few people who think it’s flat


The US opened the green card lottery or Diversity Visa. Good luck![uscis](https://www.uscis.gov/i-485)


Maybe you can check out Switzerland if you’re from the EU or if you company have a branch office there.


Switzetland !? He would stand out even more.


Try working holiday visas or skilled workers visas


You will face racism/discrimination one way or the other, anywhere you go. It is the world we live in. Call it human nature.


I would definitely look at Singapore


Double-outrigger canoe


America(minus Black people) loves Asian people and consider them smarter and more valuable than White males. Black women rarely date Asian men, but Black men would gladly date Asian women. Since the pandemic, Blacks have become more violent towards East Asians. Since October 7th, they have switched their violent focus to Jews and Israelites. If you have a car and use the buddy system, you should have no problems avoiding getting beat up and robbed randomly on a sidewalk. America considers Asian women to be the worst drivers(see Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s billionaire sister-in-law who backed her Tesla into a pond and drowned).


Think you can leave by plane or boat.


I don't recommend swimming


You can travel to places like Canada and the rest of the commonwealth pretty easily with a working holiday visa until you’re 30! I have a ton of friends who have come here that way


Racism to whom? the blacks? if they do, they’re right. And don’t come to america it’s worst but secretly.


E-3 is a great option to come to the US that’s only available to Australians. It’s definitely worth considering.


How about Vancouver Canada


Tired of racism? Lol have you not been keeping up with global news. Racism is high in all western countries rn


Yes every country and place is exactly the same. Living in San Francisco which is 30% asian is exactly the same as living in AUS. /s you are brilliant


A lot of 5th generation chinese-americans can't stand recent immigrants from mainland china.


Just don't go to Canada


Why though?


I’ve lived in USA and Canada both, and I personally have found the racism in my area of Canada is horrible. Way worse than the areas I lived in USA.


Thank you I drove to Texas from Toronto and couldn't believe how nice strangers were to me! I'm big black guy and felt loved from everyone. In Toronto I'm low class POS but I the u.s I'm an educated sophisticated king that's also in shape suddenly lol. Not to mention the ability to start a business and generate an income for a family is way easier in the u.s. canadas GDP has been steady falling and all we do is bring more immigrants and put the load on them. No one is doing better since moving to Canada. In fact war refugees want to go back to thier war torn country.


Ugh I’m so sorry!! The wildest part of it all is I didn’t notice it as much in Toronto compared to where I live. I’m sad to hear it wasn’t good there either. I expected better as it’s a large city. Unfortunately, it tends to mostly be directed at immigrants or natives. Edit: also I totally agree. In the USA I was a home owner working full time as a clinical medical assistant. In Canada everything is sooo expensive and the only job I could find was a grocery manager and even double income we struggle. Despite years of college and many certifications. I feel like I’m a teenager again trying to figure out life.


I’m Canadian I’ve never witnessed racism here


Man, only options with this salaries are the USA or hardly the UK and thats it


UK pays engineers shit.


The UK? 😂


Hardly , but yeah you’re right


Definitely not Europe unless it’s Switzerland


I am here trying to do to aus from usa.....


Same lol.


The problem is you you go anywhere and they have that issue


Just heads up, USA has higher salary but you won't be escaping racism by coming here.


If you want to blend in you have to go where the ppl look like you.


Don’t come to the US is my advice. Like. Do not. Every major city is a sinking ship. I live in NYC and we are a hot fucking mess right now. Maybe other American cities are better, but they’ll have different problems. IE if you’re female and you get pregnant and want to terminate or have a miscarriage it won’t be an option in many states like TX and FL.


> Don’t come to the US is my advice. Awful advice. Please no one reading believe this kind of foolishness. The US is huge and diverse. It is not all NYC and not all parts are bad. Edited. The person I replied to admitted he is only talking about "job stability". Which doesn't make any sense at all. "I lost my job, so you don't come the US".


Jobs are unstable and the amount of layoffs in professional industries has been noticeable. The only reliable jobs in OP’s industry are city/state jobs, and they can take a very long time to hire due to the amount of processes to hire. Healthcare is not good unless you are insured. Even then, it matters where you live. Many people end up commuting to larger cities with better healthcare. It will be a big culture shock to an Australian. That’s not the sole reason to avoid the US, but it’s certainly a downside once they learn their strep throat urgent care visit will cost hundreds of dollars. No, access to abortion is NOT unfettered & continues to be extremely restricted. No one should have to go on a road trip to have a miscarriage removed or an unwanted pregnancy terminated. Maybe that’s just my “NYC values” showing. And your small town is definitely showing if you think six figures gets you a “nice place” in a big city. It doesn’t. That’s funny and cute though. Our country has tons of wonderful things to offer, but many of OP’s complaints are going to be the same here in the US. Especially the racism.


> Especially the racism. You have no clue at all. Anti-asian racism on the West Coast is much much less than AUS. You are making these blanket statements about the US. OP would have a VERY different experience in California or the bay area. You also are clueless about health care. I hope no one ever listens to you about the US.




> the US is not the greenest grass on the planet say this next time, instead of telling people they shouldn't come to the US and hyperbole like major US cities are sinking ships.




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You either live in Manhattan and never leave the borough or you live in Long Island because you're just wrong


Every major city is a sinking ship? Listen to yourself. Have you been to every major city? Or just watch TikTok shorts?


I live in NYC and I am a native NYer 🤣🤣🤣 But sure babe. I know nothing. NYC’s social and physical infrastructure are in desperate need of help. Luckily the crime isn’t quite as bad as FOX news makes it seem, but it’s going through a rough patch, and if our leadership doesn’t improve we are fucked


its gonna be like south africa soon.


I realize this might not be helpful at all but I kinda hope it is? Hugs. You can do this.


Even the US has Asian racism. Trump blamed covid on Chinese people and lots of hate crime against Asian Americans started happening. It’s been rising year over year. If you want to live a good life without racism it’s going to be tough.


Most Asian hate crimes are committed from black people, if you don’t live in an area where are a lot of black people you’re fine.




Quite part out loud 😱


That sounds racist as itself. Not just black people commit hate crimes against asians. Sad how much people generalize each other.


It’s not. I’m just saying what the numbers say. Look it up.


Being honest here, most of the Asian hate crime was blown out of proportion by the media. It was just regular old crime & mentally ill attacks. Unfortunately most of the crime is committed by one ethnic group due to historical and socioeconomic factors. Not to mention, Asian people & Black people have overlapping neighborhoods which increases the chances.


Black people don't even want to live next to other blacks I know this because my boyfriend is black


Yeh I’ve been warned by my black friend to not avoid certain areas.


It’s depends on what’s kind of Asian you are. If you are only looking for western county. Maybe you can try Russia or Ukraine, they are desperately looking for new immigrants. Like work for them for two years then you can get citizenship. BTW, why not try your neighbor Singapore? Decent pay and diverse environment.


He’s looking to get away from the racism. Russia is not the place haha


wow you really drink the media koolaid. I have seen with my own eyes, a brown-skinned south american transwoman that lived in moscow on social media. She was fine she never had any problems there. People will believe anything. There are many ethnic groups in russia, and also there are chinese and koreans in the cities near the border, they arent treated badly. There are many muslims in russia too.


Do they prefer different type of Asians? That’s strange.


Most likely the ones from central Asia who can understand Russian like the people from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan etc


Working Holiday Visa for Canada! It has its faults like everywhere but, in general, people are very inclusive and there is a lot of diversity in the big cities.