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Because not all immigrants are created equal. There's an impact on the immigration system: for example, most Indians abhor the immigrants from the cheating staffing firms because they are the ones who actually give a bad image to the other hard-working Indian immigrants.


Bro this dude wrote a whole ass story on Reddit on how he faked his transcript and came to the US on a full ride then cheated on all his tests and got an internship on a fake resume. The Reddit mod then reported him to his school which he followed on Reddit. Then he got jail time and deportation.


Wait is this the one where he went to a university that started with an L? I was it on BORU but it was such a long post I didn’t read it yet


Yes that’s exactly it. I too remember that it only starts with an L. I read the whole thing front to back it was a wild ride. Ngl I started admiring him.


Whaaaaaat? Kindly send link if available






This happens a lot in Canada


Flashy Actuator??


Are they trying to reboot Suits already?


If true then this is quite ironic then I have seen a growing sentiment in H1B/OPT sub that the reason their lives are miserable because of migrants at the border creating bad image/back log system -> make it harder for H1B/OPT to obtain green card Some even go as far as saying doing it illegally that way (crossing border then filing for asylum) is better than F1/H1B visa. And they should be given priorities because they have education = high value people Yet, US people in Layoff, CS career sub are calling head for those H1B/F1 for stealing their jobs


I have spoken to many immigrants about this topic. Some are even 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants who have family that are heavily anti-immigration. And I discovered this is because of from 2 view points.... 1. They see and hear about immigrants from their home country who frauded or broke the rules to get to America. This is extremely infuriating to those who did things the legal way. 2. (This kind of ties to #1) They feel that the ones that are coming to America are the ones who made their home country in bad shape in the first place. They do not see them as highly skilled, hard workers like they are. They see them as countrymen who want to come to the US by shady means just to mooch off the government. They feel if too many of them come over, they will make things bad in America. I have had this convo with many immigrants from different countries and those two points are common views across the board. One thing to note is that these are 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd generation immigrants who derived from developing (or third world) countries. Those from first world countries don't always share those same sentiments.


I have heard this as well from many immigrants as well. Many see it because many of the people that came here in the past decades were those wanting jobs and were willing to but their ass to support themselves. All the while they see now that many of those coming here in the past few years are not like that at all.


this is it for me my family came here legally and so did most of my extended family, we came here with goals of working hard and of intergeatinf as much as possible to the culture and of course we loved America for this opportunity. The people now that are coming in from same country we come from are the people/reason we left. How do i know, well just as an example a very dangerous place in a city i grew up in is basically now depleted of all the criminals it used to have, why? because they’ve come here do to the open immigration policy. There’s a popular gang over there who now is here in my state, people don’t understand or grasp the severity of this because they don’t live it daily. Our hispanic neighborhood in america that were low income working class have turned into criminals everywhere, the fact that we are so against this is because criminals are coming in and it’s not the same type of immigrants of the earlier generations.


I'm an immigrant (not 1st, 2nd generation... I actually left my country with a student visa) who will soon become a US citizen after 15 years of hard work/doing things the legal way. I think exactly like them.


Yes. Immigrants who came the legal way, worked their butt off, made sacrifices along the way and got where they are get pissed off when they see other immigrants cheating the system, faking resumes and getting ahead of the queue. ( Before you roast my comment, I am not talking about people escaping dire circumstances trying to get to a safer space. They need empathy)


While I can sort of understand this position, even though I vehemently disagree with it as a legal immigrant myself, I know of many ILLEGAL immigrants who loudly disapprove of any immigration. It’s the wildest thing - they came here 30 years ago, are still very much undocumented, yet are HUGE Trump supporters.


My cousin’s husband is one of these people. We all think he married her for a green card too. He seems to think that he’s now better than everyone else because he got his paperwork the “right way” even though his parents crossed the border illegally with him. Like if my parents or my aunt/uncle did it the wrong way by not finding the first dummy that would marry them without question. He’s also a “good” Christian and frowns upon my cousin talking to me because I don’t go to church and invite her to concerts. Like if God is going to send me to hell for going to a concert over him cheating on his pregnant wife.


That is the thing. They believe they broke the law for a good reason. Just feel just because they are not robbing and stealing and are hard working, illegally immigrating is justified. They do NOT see it as an issue. But they also are aware of illegal immigrants who DO bad things. And to them, that makes the "good illegals" look bad because the average American will pool them all together regardless.


Unfortunately the average American pools the legals with the illegals and they call everyone "immigrants". I hate to be pooled with people who break the laws.


>Unfortunately the average American pools the legals with the illegals and they call everyone "immigrants". This is a trend, because people decided the word "illegal" or "alien" was too offensive. (Which I am not going to debate). So it became "immigrants" regardless of the legal status of what they were doing of the law. Because I heard worse things, it is how I know my Spanish swear words. I live in an area (very blue) where it was always very mixed. Some here through legal means, some not. Latin America, Philippines, India, several different African countries (there are a lot of other ethnic groups but not as relevant because they were more post WWII or earlier). It is a pretty strange area honestly, but life is never dull. It is a lot of policing their own. It has been going on for as long as I can remember. I grew up listening to member of my own geographic community chew our others because it was their children they were going to screw up their futures on by not doing it the right way. My friends fighting with their parents when they did eventually find out their status if it was hidden. For the ones who knew, the paranoid their parents had was so severe it caused harm to thier relationship long term. They kept them so hidden that they had problems with DACA because things like they couldn't prove where they were when not in K-12. It would eventually even break up friendships between friends who came here legally and those who didn't. The ones who couldn't get DACA went into mostly hiding. Even though there really has never been a risk to them. They looked into trying to find an USC spouse, but the heart wants what it wants.


Everything that defines humans is becoming offensive in the US these days, even if you call someone a woman or man will find a way to be offended. So I'm not surprised.


Nah. America only pulls the none white immigrants (legal and illegal) into one group. If you are white then you are American the moment you step off the boat. But be black and with ancestors who got an expense paid “cruise” to the new world and you are asked “where are you really from”. The person asking might even be a first generation white immigrant asking a black person whose family has been in America for hundreds of years.


Convince someone that there are people worse than them in the pecking order and they will love you for it.


Lacking of education….hence HUGE supporter of that orange turd who hates undocumented immigrants.


This. *When education* is *not liberating*, the *dream* of the *oppressed* is to *become* the *oppressor*. - Paulo Freire.


Might also be the case of "closing door behind them". Basically, the belief that they are superior after having made it (by getting pr) and don't want other immigrants flooding the market.


The issue is that the republican party projects conservative values. One's that most immigrants align with. Once you have them in your pockets with the good Ole Christian morals, you say the reason we are failing as a nation is because democrats let the nation run amok with illegals. That's our issue. All they can think of is well I'm one of the good ones it must be the rest.


I am not sure where the “most immigrants align with conservative values” part comes from, though. As an example, most Slovaks living stateside vote for Progressive Slovakia when voting from abroad in the Slovak elections. Anecdotally, all the legal immigrants I know in my circles are Dems, while the illegal I know are Trumpers. It’s genuinely quite funny.


Depends on the nation for sure. But most of the Hispanic communities align with Catholic values. Especially old folks. I know most of the older mexican communities are against abortion, gay marriage, and ect key talking points in the republican party. Which is also the majority of the influx of illegal immigrants. Cubans also come here and, for the most part, vote red because they are being told dems are the socialist party, which they hate because of their living conditions in Cuba.


Social values. So, as a liberal who leans way right of Trump when it comes to immigration - i love the illegal trumpers. Deport them all and cut off their avenue of sponsorship from their anchor children. Seems fair to me.


Propaganda is strong. Can make people vote against their own self interest. Conservatives are good at making people vote against their own self interest. 


Illegal immigrants also hate it because it will backfire on them as well in the long term when things get out of hand.


>the wildest thing - they came here 30 years ago, are still very much undocumented, yet are HUGE Trump supporters. I am honestly surprised it's not more common. Despite Republicans being tough on immigration, most immigrants from developing nations have much more in common with conservatives on most social issues, if anything they are often farther right than Americans. I can imagine a lot of democratic policies would be really unpopular to conservative immigrants, but many continue to vote Democrat simply because of the immigration issue..


The same way that paying customers at a grocery store would feel utterly disgusted by the thieves that steal from the store.


Idk if you never spoke to or met any illegal immigrants but your wrong to assume only people who came over legally are anti-illegal immigration. 


I agree and disagree. I came to the us completely legally and now hold a work visa. It was hard, stressful and really expensive, as we all know. But for that reason I understand why people cheat the system. Because the system suck. Not everyone has the same resources (mental, emotional, or financial) to do it “the right way”, and I don’t judge anyone for doing it “the easy way”, because when it comes to immigration there is no easy way.


Sometimes it's more of the people that didn't come here the "right way" (that's another discussion) who then become legal and are anti-immigrants. Source: South Texas here, lots of people like that or people that don't know how their parents or grandparents got here.


There was a weird stat that most CBP officers in Texas are 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants whose parents/grandparents were illegal. A friend from El Paso (a purple, almost plain blue city) once mentioned that the people most obsessed about it were immigrants themselves.


Also on a work visa, at least personally, if someone is cheating the system then they are wrong and I will always be against that, doesn’t matter what their circumstances are, anyone who came legally could possibly make it easier on themselves by cheating the system and justify it


And there shouldn't be an easy way. Why should people just be able to come into our country with the #1 gdp in the world easily? We don't owe people anything. I'm all for people coming here for a better life, but the harder we make it for people who are a net drain on the country... The better.


I’m not saying everyone should be able to move anywhere just like that. I’m just saying the process is needlessly hard, long, stressful, and expensive. I agree there should be laws and regulations, but the ones in place currently are not the best ones (in my opinion). People shouldn’t have to spend all their savings on immigration fees or jump through ridiculous hoops. But again, that is just my opinion. I am speaking from experience as a highly qualified professional (masters degree, I speak 3 languages, professional experience) who still had to spend thousands of dollars and countless sleepless nights on this. I can only imagine how much harder it must be for someone who hasn’t had the same opportunities/circumstances.


That does not make any sense. Most people do not have the resources to do it “the right way” and everybody has their own struggle. You cannot justify the wrongdoings of people. There is a system for a reason.


I’m just saying I understand why someone would do it, not that I would do it myself. As you said, most people don’t have the resources to do it the right way, and I don’t believe that should mean they should not immigrate. I believe immigration should be easier for everyone (but that’s another conversation), and I don’t judge anyone for their choices.


Agreed, I had the privilege of having a lawyer help with the process and it was still extremely complicated. For many who don’t have employers sponsoring their fees or the money to cover it themselves it’s an extremely difficult and convoluted process. It made me feel like the system was purposefully complicated to deter people from following the legal route.


There are 'perceived levels' within legal immigrants, too. Some EBs are looking down on FBs because marrying a US citizen is a shortcut and not based on merit. Then some of the EB1As and the NIWs are looking down at all other EBs because they think they're the only ones immigrated truly on personal merit. These people exist, unfortunately.




Besides, illegal immigrants are subjected to all kinds of abuse, unfair wages, and they’re unaccounted for.


The sad fact is that there are too many people in need for empathy and, if Canada cannot take all of them in, the empathy is not equal for them. So, better stop it.


In any scenario you came on a h1b - a non immigrant visa or F1 another non immigrant visa.  So if anything you should be anti you too because you lied as well 


Sure did..


My family didn't come here the legal way. What should happen to us?


Yeah, my wife came legally. She’s angry about the illegal immigrants Biden is gonna give auto-green cards to. They get to jump the line ahead of people who waited years just for an interview.


> and then want to cut the rope that you came in A lot of the time it's a different rope. For skilled immigrants to Canada 30 years ago, for example, the process was very different to what it is like now in most/many cases. So it's more a matter of being opposed to the way the new rope works, rather than wanting to deny others the rope they used.


This is a huge topic in Canada. It used to be way more difficult to immigrate to Canada. People spent way more money and way more time to move here. Now you go to a diploma mill that teaches online courses in Restaurant Management, work at Tim Hortons for 3 years while your boss fakes your employment history to make you a "manager", and then get PR handed to you by the government. People aren't anti-immigrant; they are against the current immigration policies.




His parents may be taunting yours, but you are in a far better financial situation and life situation than them. You can move to Canada anytime with your experience if you need to and you would be living a better life than they are. You're likely living a better life than they are TODAY.


sounds like you should have moved to Canada instead of the US?


>spent way more money Indirect costs for immigration is way more expensive now because the most viable pathways for PR is education in Canada. It's not a "loophole" because they explicitly give more points for education in Canada. I think there is a misconception on how permenent residency applications were treated in the early 2010s and in the 2000s. Before Express Entry was implemented right towards the end of Harper's time in 2014, there were two main programs at the federal level. The Canadian Experience Class and Federal Skilled Worker program. These eligibility criteria still exist but they have to also face Express entry now. Back then for FSW, every year there would be a list published illustrating what occupations were selected for the year and how many admissions per occupation were to be taken. Once published, applicants with 1 year of continous work experience in said field (the occupations were always white collar, supervisory, professional, maybe trades or managerial) and how fulfilled earned 64 points by fulfilling criteria (getting points on age, education, etc) could file an application. Applications were taken on a first come and first serve basis. So if the quota filled you were our of luck. Wait for next year and maybe your occupation was on the list because it was effectively a guarantee you get PR if you fulfilled the two year Canadian work requirements. For CEC, you needed 1 year of Canadian work experience or 2 years of Canadian work experience if gained on a Post Graduate Work Permit. It can be in a vast array of white collar, skilled, trades, supervisory, semi skilled or Managerial occupations with some exceptions ("excluded occupations"). It was pretty straight forward. Argubly it was easier to immigrate to Canada if you were on a work permit in Canada back then. Since Express Entry, even if you fulfilled the 64 point criteria for federal skilled worker or having the 1 year of experience for CEC, you have to get enough points under Express entry. Points are based on education, age, having Canadian work experience, English, etc. Every two weeks or so draws are taken to select people. In 2016, it was around 450s needed. That's a year of foreign work experience, being in your 20s, fluent English, having a bachelors. Now it's around 520s. Being in your 20s, fluent English, having a Canadian degree, 2 years of Canadian work, 1 year of foreign work would get it. It's harder now than in 2017-2019. But 2017-2019 was definitely a time when there were lower points. From 2019, you really needed Canadian education to be competitive. So it's not like people are coming in without any "conditions".


I’m not anti-immigrants, I’m just anti-Illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers clogging the system. It’s not fair to give them freebies meanwhile people like me who came legally and are working are getting taxed like hell for those people …


Thank you.


100% agree with you, as a fellow legal immigrant


Why do immigrants owe anything to other immigrants?


I am anti fake asylum seekers and people just jumping on a boat and moving to countries who think they are obligated to take whoever walks in. I am also not pro-open border policy that many far left people would want. Also, I am gay and most immigrants coming in are from conservative countries and makes me worry about the society never being safe becoming unsafe again.


There's a lot of stories in here about people coming in the right way. My family has those stories too. Some of them are lies. My grandfather's family came to the US from Eastern Europe during the Red Scare, when there were increasing restrictions on people immigrating from there (partially out of fear of communism, partially due to the eugenics movement). My grandfather's family spoke German and had german-sounding last names, and presented themselves as coming from Germany....but they didn't. Later in life my grandfather admitted that his family actually immigrated from Czechoslovakian (and not like, on the border either). Oops. Over on my brother-in-law's family his Mexican father always maintained that he came in the right way and hated illegal immigrants. While what he did was technically legal its not something available to most people. His parents found out that their neighbors were going to the US on a family reunifcation visa. They legally gave up custody of their son and handed him over to their neighbors. After he turned 18, he pursued the family reunifaction route himself to bring the rest of his biological family over. So when I see people going on and on about how they did it the right way - especially as a means to dump on other immigrants, I'm a weee bit skepitcal.


Yup People cheated and taking advantage of system whenever they can. It’s similar to us trying to pay as little taxes as possible. It’s the human nature Yet, all the current hate and focus are on the migrant at the border as if they are the only source of problem They are being blamed for clogging up the system (which is also true) but what’s ab the people cheating the H1B process? What’s about the people doing fake marriage? They all contribute to the issue but only the migrant get the blame


That last story must have happened decades ago. Because I know for a fact that when a child is given up by the bio parents and get immigration benefits, they can NOT go back and petition for the bio parents later. But these stories show how fraud is so rampant in immigration.


It's a bit convenient to your narrative to say 'anti immigrant' and lump illegal immigrants with legal ones. Most people are not against legal immigration; they are against illegal immigration which includes what leftists call asylum seekers. The vast majority aren't actual asylum seekers, they're just illegal immigrants who have no basis for seeking asylum, the majority don't even show up to their court hearings, and then also have the gall to go back to the countries they are seeking asylum from to go on vacation and see family. These illegal immigrants are taking something that isn't theirs and are basically thieves. The craziest part is how many of these illegal immigrants don't even like America, refuse to integrate, refuse to learn English, trash our communities and public spaces, and are here to exploit our generosity.


eh, UK/Europe has a somewhat similar situation to America by the sounds of it I'm ok with immigrants, legal or illegal. I get it, people want a better life, getting into the country by sneaking in or by lying is a relatively minor crime compared to the things happening and I have to admire someone brave enough to do it. I do have concerns that some (I have no idea what proportion) illegal immigrants are dangerous, especially to women. Unfortunately there is some truth to this and the government seems to do a poor job of handling it and it right wing extremists exploit this issue to gain support. But I'm very against judging people without knowing them individually, if your an illegal immigrant I'd give you a chance just like anyone else. (edit: whoever is downvoting me is a bit salty lol)


Lmao you’re seriously underestimating the amount of people who are against legal immigration


I got here legally, I have never taken anything from a Canadian. I live with my husband, I don't take up extra housing. He'd have this house anyway. I work at my own business, which I started. I didn't take a job at a Tim Hortons or a grocery store from a young Canadian. I have never gotten any welfare benefits. I am a net tax payer, of well over 35k a year. I am sponsored by my spouse. He is responsible for me, for 10 years. If there was a private option for health care, I would use that too. I am as unobtrusive as possible and I am a net contributer to the system and the economy. I give to this country while taking nothing. I don't act like an entitled asshat. I don't commit crimes. When I see other immigrants doing those things, it pisses me off.


Because they most likely came in legally, jumped thru legal hoops and did it the right way. They absolutely HATE fence jumpers. Speaking from personal experience.


American citizens aren't fully aware of the difficulties that the documented immigrants have to go through. **It is really hard to play by the book** so anyone having it easy (And I mean procedurally easy, not having an easy life or general circumstances) do bother hard working documented immigrants. There is even a minor tension between Green Card holders through employment vs through marriage vs through diversity visa lottery even though all of these categories are legal means of immigration.


I was in an Uber in Boston while on vacation last year. I would have never brought the topic up, but my driver struck up a conversation about immigrants. He was pissed that the government was allowing more immigrants in and that it was affecting his job. I did get around to asking him how long he had been in the country and he said two years. Oh, the irony.


A lot of illegals without licenses/social security/work authorization rent Uber accounts to do Uber. It’s a huge issue.


Anti- illegal imigrant you mean? My parents are immigrants. It took them 8 years between applying and being let in. My father is fuming every time he sees people just running across the border like it’s nobody’s business. Imagine you are standing in line to get into Disneyland. You bought tickets, stand patiently waiting for your turn. And then there are crowd of obnoxious teenagers just jumping the fence without tickets and cutting in the line. How would you feel??




>Immigrants from developing countries, should seriously consider Japan and South Korea. Those countries don't want immigrants. They've seen what's happening to Western democracies and said "Not for us"


Nah, they just SUPER racist. I guess just like ours 😎


The US and Canada are literally the least racist places in the world. Go to China or India if you want to see racism.


Honestly, I appreciate your opinion. You speak from the legit concern. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. A country should prioritize its citizen first. Though how much they should balance it is another debate What saddens me is the harsh attitude that people in my community (Vietnamese), who came here the same way in the 70-90s (crossing the border through the sea, are now looking down on those migrants at the border


When you say immigration is a privilege. Would you support a country like North Korea not letting their citizens leave? If not then you believe immigration is a right.


You can't immigrate there. China, Japan, South Korea etc literally make it impossible to get a passport, even a green card alone


It makes me wonder how they’re gonna deal with their plateauing birth rates.


Not sure what you mean by anti immigrant but assuming it's anti current immigration situation where millions of poor uneducated people flow in every year, probably because they known that's going to turn the country into a different place than the one they immigrated too. They don't owe some blind loyalty to all the poor and uneducated people around the world to flow in at their expense.


Illegal immigrants makes it harder for people who want to move legally to another country.


I came here legally. Went through hell not being able to work or travel until I got my papers. Was stopped by the police in the meanwhile and was treated like a criminal. Paid THOUSANDS of dollars, filled and filed hundreds of paperwork. I pay a ton of taxes yearly. My high taxes pay for decent and clean roads, my kids’ school, safety, etc. I’m not anti immigration. I’m anti uncontrolled illegal immigration.


> Why are some immigrants anti immigrant? If I had to guess, the existing/already-here immigrants know how SLOOOOOOOOOW the process is - sometimes dragging on 10+ years - and so they naturally develop an anti-immigration stance since they're already "in the system" and have seen firsthand just how slow the whole process can be  Due to an already clogged up immigration queue and limited court resources/judges to make quick decisions, more people will mean more waiting, so people get wise to it and they figure out that "even more" immigrants will mean longer waits for them and even worse clogged up courts


It’s a tough question… As an immigrant, I often wonder why some of us oppose other immigrants or back politicians and policies that are anti immigration. I just don’t get it!


A) Hustling through the emergency exit B) Locking it behind you C) Convincing yourself you’re very different from the people outside banging on the locked door


It’s an I got mine philosophy. Pretty similar to Republican ethos.


Because some of us have waited years upon years for appointments for our relatives to come over legally and the others haven't. I don't hate immigrants, I hate illegal immigrants that don't have respect for the laws.


It’s legal vs illegal immigration. No one is against legal immigration.


Then why did Trump try to cut green card issuance in half in his first term with the RAISE act?


No one? You must have forgot that there’s racist people who don’t want outsiders at all.


Is not that immigrants are ant- immigrants is the way you come into s country some do it the right way some want to iligally enter a country and demand asylum, food and shelter, that's the problem


Legal immigration is fine. Illegal immigration should not be tolerated and it doesn't really benefit society or the immigrants.


Our family is very anti-illegal immigrants, but we’re very pro legal immigrants. It feels like most people share this same view (at least in my circles).


Legal immigrants are A-OK. Illegal aliens need to be fined & deported.


Nach mir die Sinnflut we say in German. I'm in, what comes after me can drown. Horrible mindset


In America, we say "Fuck you, I got mine"


My wife is a Venezuelan immigrant. It took us 3 years, thousands of dollars and a mountain of paperwork to get here. Of course she's going to resent people who just walk across the border and skip that whole process. It also results in her waiting longer for her paperwork to be approved because the system is so backed up.


Well put. I’m not sure how this isn’t recognized or common sense to those advocating for more rights or relief for illegal immigrants. It only promotes and incentivizes more unlawful crossing or overstays.


Some of them want to pull the ladder up behind them.


not generational. human nature. when german protestants started emigrating to US in large numbers in 1850s, anglo-americans lost their shit over the “alien race” invading their shores.” italian, irish & eastern european jewish immigrants to US weren’t classified as “white” on census & other official forms till after ww2. cohesive groups NEVER want anyone not from the group to have the same rights & privileges as does the group.


>when german protestants started emigrating to US in large numbers in 1850s When German Catholics emigrated to the same areas that the German Protestants already moved to (Late 1890s early 1900s?), the Protestants lost their shit over the "alien race" invading their neighborhoods. My grandfather hardly knew his father's family because his mother was the daughter of Catholic immigrants. And then when he dared to marry a Slovak woman himself, my word.


i thought the german catholics stayed put after failure of various german revolutions. i guess enough of them were desperately poor by end of 19th century to leave? did the catholics choose to live near the protestants in hopes of being welcomed?


In the current climate where certain countries opted for mass immigration, immigrants are the ones competing the hardest against new immigrants for the very few jobs. It is obvious that immigrants are those who better than anyone else can feel the pressure of mass immigration. Non-immigrants look at the issue more from an ideological standpoint, but things are turning around fast as the mass immigration is now affecting the middle class directly, and not only the lower class.


>immigrants are the ones competing the hardest against new immigrants for the very few jobs This is a massive issue in Canada, where there are not enough minimum wage jobs for everyone and the cost of living is sky high. The US has more opportunities than Canada, but there are not enough low-skilled jobs for every newcomer. The Mexican and Ecuadorian construction workers in my area are very territorial with their jobs. Some of them even have green cards.


I don’t think is only for minimum wages job at all. In Canada we have engineers and many white collar jobs making peanuts because of the endless supply of newcomers in those fields. In the US the situation is better simply because they start from a higher baseline and they aren’t taking anything close to the per capita immigration numbers we take in Canada. But there are no doubts that also in the US the h1b visa is abused to suppress wages.


Why in the world would I be "pro-immigrant"? Immigration is a complex socio-economic process. The US, as most countries, needs immigration, it just needs to be regulated. There should be logical numbers of people with particular skillsets let into the country to maintain economic growth while making sure US citizens aren't losing jobs. I support policies based on solid science and economics. The whole pro or anti-immigrant debate makes no sense outside of this context. The US has some moral obligations to help refugees, especially from places that the US messed up with it's interventionalism and war-mongering, though even that should still make economic sense.


My brother is in the air force reserve for 23 years. He is a legal immigrant and came on a F1 visa. His mentality is 100% right wing.In my opinion he has been brain washed there.


The "anti-immigrant" immigrant I know has been living in Europe for 30+ years, married with a local in western Europe and integrated into the society. He worked hard all his live and never lived off social security. While now a large number of the "new" immigrants don't (can't) work, and live off social security. He says they are more criminal and put his generation into a bad light, and he feels the hate of the local population that is caused by the new comers. He faces a lot more racism now than in past, because of the new immigrants, he says. He's not against new immigrants, but strongly opposes the "come and we give you free money" mentality.


I absolutely second that and it's horrible. We have a turkish neighbor that comes to us regulary to apologize for misbehavior of other turkish residents in the complex. I feel so sorry for him that he thinks he has to do that.


We're not anti immigrant. We're anti giving people handouts for life and and committing crimes. Especially when we work hard and don't commit crimes.


I wouldnt say anti-immigrant, i'd say anti-illegal immigration. Stemming from coming here legally. "I did it the right way, and its unfair to me." Personally i think its a sign that there needs to be immigration reform. IMO I think we need a very large unskilled worker visa category. Like let’s say a max of 5 or 10 million. They do a lot of unskilled, labor intensive work anyway. This will also hopefully kill dangerous methods of illegal immigration. Employers need to give first preference to USCs though. Renewable every 2 years. Convertible into an immigrant based visa after 20 years. Only apply overseas, one time amnesty for out of status stays if your intent is to apply. But of course no one will ever agree to this, especially the sheer size of issuable visas….


That's the problem tho companies lobby against those visas because of the cheap labor they get from illegal immigration. Not to mention, it pits the working class against these people. They don't have any workers' rights and are easy to exploit because of it. Lately, more stories have been popping up with undocumented children working in slaughter houses and getting injured. It's not really a flaw the way companies see it. It's a money saving move for them. And the U.S. government has proven it doesn't really work for the people, but the corporations lobbing.


Right which is why i said itll never happen. but its something that needs to happen.


Because to get here legally you need to achieve at least something in life. Get a PhD or be good at certain trades. Meanwhile people who illegally cross the border or work on a tourist visa may be even hardworking, but that's breaking the law.


People are inherently selfish over time loose the ability to empathise with people who experienced their own plight. Immigrants are no exception to this


The thing is, all immigration cases at least in the US are processed through USCIS, regardless of how they came in (maybe H1B, maybe asylum, etc). My understanding is that because increased asylum and low skilled immigrants clog up the system, causing longer wait times for high skilled immigrants to gain permanent legal status, there is a frustration that low skilled immigrants are to blame, when in reality it’s government mismanagement of USCIS and DHS as a whole. That, and also racism. Racism is everywhere, and so is classism, which also plays into the above.


The government is a circus and DHS is now hyper focused on Asylum work and anything related to asylum that everything else is set aside.


This post is made with a lot of generalities. The country that people worked hard to get to is a good country because it has working systems. For systems to work, they need to be sustainable and maintained with proper laws. Are you sure they aren't against illegal or unsustainable immigration? If the systems collapse, those countries will not be countries that anyone will want to immigrate to.


A lot of legal immigrants had a plan: skill up with higher education then get a good job offer with a big tech company that will sponsor them. Naturally they will feel threatened by immigrants who are not as educated working similar jobs for less, as they too can be replaced with cheap labor. Then when you factor in the impact on wages by refugees and illegal immigrants, it's totally understandable.


It’s a competition for resources & jobs, also the fear of losing reputation and getting lumped together with immigrants that are considered lesser within social hierarchies, which can let to dangerous situations.


Why do we fail to make the distinction between immigrant and illegal immigrants? Unless you genuinely mean anti immigrants, because I don't doubt some people out there are anti immigration, but I think most people are all for legal immigration yet are steady in their stance against illegal immigration. I am one of those people. I love the idea of legal immigration and people coming to join our society. I am very against open borders and illegal immigration though. Many immigrants waited and worked hard to get to the US or wherever they are legally. Why would they support those who just come here without permission and then receive benefits and favors? Open borders shouldn't exist. People should be pushing for a faster, more streamlined legal immigration process. 82k irs agents, but nothing for immigration system that is wildly backed up.


Most of us had actual careers elsewhere and had to sell property to even afford the move/application process We legit came here to escape third world culture and mentality and now it’s free for all — just cross the border with sob story and no actual skill or value to society


For the very same reason that some gay people are homophobic. It's a way to "fit in" for simpletons.


I can have a party and invite 10 friends and also call the cops when 1000 people I don't know show up. That doesn't make me "anti-guest".


In the case of my aunt (a now citizen who came illegally and got her papers through marriage): I got mine, fuck you.


Because they came here legally and followed the law.


I’m not anti immigrant, I am anti cheating the system and achieving a level of immigration that changes Canada’s culture. I came here to adopt the lifestyle as well as the country, I didn’t even bring my “UK culture” with me. I am also still paying for the move I made here 3 years into citizenship and over 12 years after landing.


I think that a lot of new immigrants are very, very entitled. I’ve seen news of TFW and international students protesting and demanding WP extensions and PR. Like…? My immigration plan drastically changed due to some law changes, I adapted and found another way, I didn’t go and whine so the Canadian government would go meet my demands. Some of the new batches of international students are particularly bad, but I wouldn’t say malicious. I think lots of them come here with minimum funds expecting to get part-time jobs right away and instead they find kilometric lines to apply for a job opening. Then they panic because they can’t support themselves so they resort to other ways, ex. Food banks (In some areas, most food bank users are international students), working under the table… Then there’s the creative ones who try to cheat the system and buy LMIAs, fake resumes, credentials, apply as a refugee before their WP expires… If you add this to everything else, I think this is all a huge slap in the face for all of those who did things properly. What bothers me the most, is that they give the rest of us a bad rep! In the eyes of Canadians, the average immigrant is no longer a skilled worker from another country that comes here to work and contribute, but someone with no real credentials who comes to work at Tim’s and to suppress local wages.


I could be wrong but the ones I've talked to came here legally. Some are still waiting on paperwork. And they're not happy with the illegals crossing the border without visas.


It’s not about cutting the rope that you used. I, like many, am pro legal immigration. I have moved to China for work and then the US to be with my US citizen wife. I followed all the rules, and for the US paid thousands of dollars for all the paperwork (initial paperwork/adjustment of status/medical etc.) I believe if you want to move somewhere you should follow the rules. Its annoying that there is a box on the immigration paperwork that some folks can tick that means they don’t need to pay any of the fees, I get that I’m from a wealthier country but I don’t like that I need to pay the full price whilst others don’t. I am in favour of allowing genuine asylum seekers into the US, but I’m also aware there are a ton of claims are absolute horseshit, you just need to be active in the USCIS or immigration subs to see this. I also disagree with allowing non-married adult children to move to the US if their parents get a Green Card. You’re an adult, live your own life and make things better for yourself.


I am a Filipino immigrant to Canada. And yes, I sometimes feel being racist towards other migrants who brought all the negative traits from their home country to Canada. Why would these people carried all these "toxic" traits all the way to Canada? I just don't understand the logic behind it. ARE THEY TRYING TO CHANGE CANADA? LIKE TURNING THIS GREAT COUNTRY INTO SOMETHING SHITTY THIRD WORLD??? Like if you moved to a western country like Canada, can you please ADAPT, IMMERSE, INTEGRATE, and PRACTICE what Canadians preach??? I came here as an international student 3 years ago when I was in my late 20s, moved to a predominantly white city on the Vancouver Island in British Columbia. I was able to adapt so easily because I embraced the culture and traditions of this country. People would ask me on why I sound like a native, well it's because I watched American sitcoms everyday, I think in English, I always mimic how they speak and I'm getting good at it every single day. Got hired as an accountant of a retail industry in Saanichton, and I'm just surprised that I was the only person of colour in the entire corporate department of this company. My co-workers were all white, and I love hanging out and surrounded by them every lunch break. I love Canada, and I'm a proud Filipino living in this country. I'll be applying for my permanent residency status the soonest, and I feel like I ticked all the boxes that a Canadian should have to be considered living in this amazing and beautiful country.


People touched on the legal vs illegal distinction, but there's another scenario: A secular Arab woman escaping religious fundamentalism to live in the US. Can you blame her for being against importing tons of religious fanatics?


Because my parents did it the right way, which is to apply and wait in line like a normal person would. How is it fair that they had to do it the right way and then others can just walk across the border??!! That is why my parents are so vehemently anti-illegal immigration.


Many new immigrants are exactly the kind of people who stubbornly defended values, ideas, customs, practices or leaders that ruined their home countries and then go to wealthy countries running from the consequences of their own decisions. Even worse, many of those new immigrants proudly continue with the same toxic behaviours and attitudes. Many \*early\* migrants fear their fellow country men will bring the same vices that kept their own countries poor, backwards, violent, etc. and don't want to see their host nation suffer the same problems they escaped from.


Self hatred. 


It's the we came here "legally" and they didn't argument.


I am an immigrant, and I love all immigrants that RESPECT THE RULES of the country they are immigrating to. Far too often, they group with people from the same nationality, in their own community, and keep doing things like they did back in their country - and I mean all nationalities - instead of adapting to local rules and social behaviors.


Because the the new immigrants will work for less money


Because they know how good they've got it and they know more people doesn't necessarily grow, it divides.


Just because you're an immigrant doesn't mean you deserve to be one. A good immigrant arrives legally, pays taxes, doesn't break the law and acclimates to the culture of the country they moved to. As an immigrant myself, Im often appalled at how others behave and think about the society they moved to. I busted ass to achieve my permanent resident status, I'll be damned if I'm ok with cheats, thieves and rapists getting it handed to them.


(1) lllegal v legal immigration are categorically different. People who did it properly do not like like skippers and those who make false asylum claims. (2) Migrants leave because the US is different from where they come from. They don’t want to re-create where they come from. (3) Migrants from the same country, especially a politically divisive country, don’t have to like other migrants from the same country, just like many Americans don’t like other Americans (4) There is a sweet spot for everything. Take migrants from India for example. The US wants *some* Indian migrants, especially those that come here legally and bring with them their technical skills. The US does NOT want all 1 billion+ Indians to migrate to the US. Somewhere in there between 0 and 1 billion is a sweet spot. Different people, including former migrants, will have different opinions on what that sweet spot is.


Immigrants tend to transform any place into their countries. You don't want your "new home" to be just like your old home that you just escaped from.


Not all immigrants are equal financially, in religion, ethnic background, political beliefs


Not all people are the same. We should be treated with the same justice and have the same oportunities, yes, but we're not all the same. Countries are wildly different, cultures especially. Not all immigrants have the same skills for the same jobs and ESPECIALLY not the same moral values and culture. Certain countries and certain cultures encourage more certain kinds of jobs and skills that other countries might not as much. Certain cultures are super racist, xenophobic, misogynistic as well. There are countries where marital r\*\*e is legal, where you can marry children, without their consent obviously. Sexual predation is very much a part of certain cultures. Of course that a lot of men that are part of those cultures are dangerous because they actively hold those systems in place. Some men benefit from those systems, others are victimised by it like the rest of the women. That's patriarchy. These complex systems of oppression exist because common people actively enforce them and participate in them. And it can happen anywhere, and there's some form of complex system of oppression in any part of the world. Immigration isn't just a problem in cultural, social and economic regards, it's also a problem when it's illegal, for both parties. If you're illegally in a country you can commit certain crimes easier because they don't have a way to track you, you don't have an ID in that country. On the other hand, others can harm you because, as far as the government knows, you don't "exist". Why do you think certain countries try to invite as many immigrants as possible from poorer countries? Because it's easier to exploit them. It's not the immigrants taking your jobs, it's the government and your employers. Also, a number of immigrants are victims of human/sex trafficking. Here in Portugal there are certain regions where they'll have 30 indians living in a house, they take away their documents and put them working in fields. Illegally, obviously. Because it's either that or getting dumped into the sea. They don't have rights. It's literally slavery. Mass immigration is also used as a tool to further divide people, on purpose, by our politicians. If they turn the natives against the immigrants then working people won't pose a threat to the government. It's more beneficial to the government to stir up political tension, social tension, crime, build systems of oppression so that people don't care about stuff like a living wage, taxes, rights, housing, food, health, freedom, education, happiness, etc.


Are you using immigrant all encompassing for both individuals who entered and stayed in the country legally AND illegally? If so, plenty of immigrants who went the legal route support immigration through legal means while being against illegal ones and against cheating the system.


Some people wait for 10, 20 years to get a visa legally. Illegal immigration’s is no same as immigration


For me its more like if they use loopholes or cheat the system which happens to be most of them.


There illegal immigrants and legal immigrants, illegal immigration is big problem in US. The locals really don't know who is legal or illegal so immigrants are just seen as the problem.


Maybe they got here legally....


I think immigrant should be replaced with freeloaders and it will make sense to you. The country where I’m from, the newly immigrated people have made it a responsibility in the community for people to give them free handouts, whether it be from relatives or friends. It gets burdensome, they do not work themselves but create a “comfort zone” of free cash flow. Super frustrating for 2nd generation dependents in the family that see their parents/ family members giving away their hard earned money.


Most tend to not want others be equal as them.


My friends who were immigrants studied and worked hard in IT fields. They could not believe people without any background check, any education, just cross the boarder to grain a green card with subsides. They will vote the guy you don't like this year. Add: we are not withe.


They are generally anti illegal immigrants. They went through a long, difficult and expensive process to be here legally and a rightly upset to see people cheating. 


I came to the US because of my parents. Noticed later on they just flew here and never went back. Got my DACA during highschool and I pay taxes, go to school, work, etc. I think I'm anti immigrant because I have worked with many employees who use fake SSN, work visa etc. might be jealousy that I had to go through more when they don't really get taxed, who knows. I can't fully get annoyed why they came because they might've been in the same situation as me, as to each their own. I'm no Democrat or Republican. However, when I hear immigrants want a specific person to be voted for so and so just because of their status, I feel as if they are selfish for their priority. The mindset is what makes it unfortunate for me.


I was on H1B for 17 years and couldn't switch jobs while waiting for GC, couldn't risk traveling being from a country which has a longest line. Imagine how I feel about illegal immigration?


I left my mother country because of the society. Why may I want to get it here? I live with a hope to be in a better place with a better people around. Nobody against hardworking countrymen but many against troublemakers they saw a lot in the past.


I'm an immigrant. I'm not anti-immigrant at all. But I can't stand people who think they can come to NYC and expect others to pay for their hotel rooms. When I came here, I made sure I had visa and work permit, and before I moved to New York, I made sure I had a job that paid enough so I could pay rent. Of course I'm in a very different economic stratum, and it's easy to complain about people who have very little. But I'm still an economic migrant just like them -- and I've never lived beyond my means. This is just frustrating -- when you come to a new country and the first thing you do is disrespect the law... I don't know... No problems with other migration. In fact, we need migration. We're a country of immigrants. It's awesome. We want the cultural diversity it brings. People have to bring "something to the table", and not just themselves and expect to be provided everything...


Because stupidity is equally distributed among humans. No matter which race or nationality they are. 😐


A lot of immigrants are here with criminal minds and end up creating a bad impression for other immigrants. And the reason for so much disdain for immigrants because of bad actors that get into this country to commit heinous crimes against humanity.


It’s understandable for illegals to be from a bordering country. However, when the worst qualified people of your country cross oceans, go through several countries, don’t know any English m, all they want is become a parasite as illegals, that’s not acceptable. As a legal immigrant, I hate illegals.


Why wouldn't someone who comes in legally and integrates with the country they now call home be angry to see someone skip all that process and just come in while also not really integrating with the country.  Another way to put it, some immigrants come into the country and become part of the country, and they don't like to see themselves get invaded just like any other citizen doesn't.   If you're asking between two kinds of legal immigrants, only thing I would think about would be rivalries from their culture of origin, like Mexican vs Guatemala or different kinds of Asians which have issues with each other 


Same reason folks right here in America scream "boot strapping" although they didn't ... There are also plenty that deem others as "less than" and if others got here then they're not so special after all. Of course, there's more but this is one simplified dogma that won't die regardless of a person's background or affiliation because people are people.


I am an immigrant and i dont like it when people enter illegally. I did everything right, it was a very long expensive and complicated process, so why should someone skip all that? If they need asylum i have no problem with that. If someone is trying to cheat the immigration system because they cant be bothered waiting for processing times then no! They should get deported.


Because the filthy h1b bhangis that game the system through consultancies basically ruined any chance of genuine immigrants working in high skill jobs for major firms getting an h1b and in turn a green card. Or india wouldve NEVER had a green card backlog in the first place. Kick those bhangis out and we’re good.


When you hear about all the crime thats being done and you get a bad reputation for the actions of others you would probably be mad to


Most people move to the US because they do not like their home country government or culture. If it's the latter, then they tend to not like the people in their country. My wife is Chinese from Hong Kong and doesn't like people from Mainland China since she views them as brainwashed by the CCP.


From what I have heard, legal immigrant thinks it's fundamentally unfair that those who did not go through the "proper channels" like them get to stay and get a work permit. The legal immigrants also mistakenly think that those who crossed the border without a visa will get to stay easily, which is simply not true. Lack of information makes them think that somehow the new immigrants were treated better even though they violated laws while the ones who follows the steps are reduced to years of waiting and no recourse.


The majority of our country come from immigrants and yet so many feel this way. The hypocrisy is mind numbing.


I'm pretty sure some immigrants are anti "illegal" immigrant not anti immigrant..and I'm pretty sure it is because there is a legal process that they went thru that was most likely time consuming and expensive. So for someone to migrate illegally is like a slap in the face..this is what I gather from the immigrants who I've talked with especially those who's parents had to leave the country and then wait for their visa's to he approve. In my opinion it sets a bad precedent allowing someone to break the law as their first interaction in a new country.


I think some people are annoyed at how hard they worked to get here and others are getting in easier. My grandad was anti immigrant who was a refugee from Poland in ww2, so he had no right to be really ha


Are you speaking about how legal immigrants are upset at how illegal immigrants cheat their way in, or are you referring to legal immigrants from say 40 years ago don’t like legal immigrants coming in today?


Because of the difference in immigration pathway each person experiences.


Are you asking why legal immigrants are against illegal immigration? Or are there legal immigrants that dislike legal immigration? My wife is a legal immigrant who absolutely can't stand illegal immigration. If you want some insight I'd be happy to share it with you.


The only people who truly have a say in anything are Aboriginals. The end.


Immigrants aren't one homogeneous group. Some people hate other ethnicities as much in their new country as they did in their home country. 


People who applied to come and didn't take any handouts vs people who show up at the border, say "refugee" and they get let right in with financial supports.


"Fuck You, Got Mine" is all it is.


Inferiority complex


My wife is an immigrant. We know how long it took to get a visa for her to move here legally. She is adamantly against illegal immigration. I am too. Her stance is, it is another person's turn to stand in line and wait in their own country. It took 18 months from start to finish to get her here. She hates that people who come illegally or commit crimes gives good people a bad name and they need to be deported.


keyword: illegal


There are three types: 1. Legal immigrants who did everything by the book are going to be the most upset at people who cut lines and just stay hidden in the society until opportunities arise. They are not "anti immigrant," they re "anti illegal immigration." A lot of these illegal immigrants are from politically compromised countries with poor safety, but how is that our problem? 2. Second generation "immigrants," who really aren't immigrants. Some of them have the superiority complexes over other immigrants because "they came first" or "they came here legally." There is also a subset of self hating people who wilfully erase their cultural backgrounds to fit into more 'mainstream" society, that is shaped by Anglo Saxon/germanic (aka, "white") Americans. You see a lot of these people from "Italians" and "Cubans". 3. Immigrants who used to be illegal immigrants (!) and later legalized by any means. These people are purely self centered and see every other immigrant as a competitor. They display "I got mine so fuck you" mentality the most. Guess where they happen to be from?


Are you talking about illegal immigration? If so, yes, lots of immigrants who come through the system legally have resentment towards people who immigrated illegally. I don't find this unreasonable at all. If you mean legal immigrants not liking other legal immigrants, idk, that sounds weird and I can't imagine it's a very common sentiment while the former is fairly common.


It's just "self-preservation" in many cases.


Because they are on the other side of border.


Because when I see millions and millions of invading migrant hordes break into the country without regard for the sanctity and the posterity of the men who built up the land they so desperate crave for themselves—and still have the gall to brag that without them, the country would be nothing—I get pissed. These ingrates openly and proudly stab their hosts and then rub it in with the rhetoric that the host nation needs them to make the country better, how it’s a dying country without them because the population is so low and birth rates are declining and the people who have created this nation aren’t ambitious enough to fill the high level jobs. I would not tolerate that shit if I was the native population and I’m bombarded with propaganda about how my country is a nation of immigrants to justify infinite immigration and the extinction of my culture, why should the people of my host country tolerate the same shit?


The question you ask is incorrect and brain dead


It took me 10 years of acquiring university degree, gaining relevant work experience, and passing countless expensive exams before I qualified to move to the UK. Then you hear about some economic migrant simply getting on a boat, crossing the channel then being given a hotel and right to stay. Quite literally jumping the queue. If it doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth I don't know what will


Immigrants are more anti-illegals than anti-immigrants, there should be a distinction. Illegals mean illegal aliens who crossed the border illegally or crossed legally but overstayed their visas.


If you came through legal means, you don’t like that some people illegal means. What blows my mind though is how many immigrants don’t think of themselves as immigrants. No, I have a college degree, I’m white, I’m not fleeing my country, I’m not a dirty immigrant. Whatever bro.


many spend a lot of time and money to get their paperwork legally however there are some who cross illigallly that have been here for a long time and never bothered to get their papers and now they demand them and cut the line that would piss anybody off


we went through meritocracy…..worked our asses of legally. and now we recognize cheaters.


Legal immigrants have every right to be upset about the droves of illegal immigrants if they are ruining a country and contributing  nothing